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生产运作管理实习报告生产运作管理实习报告 12月13日上午,我们班组织在南阳二机厂进行了生产运作管理实习。在实习中,我在公司负责人的热心指导下,积极观看公司日常管理相关工作,注意把书本上学到的管理理论知识对照实际工作,用理论知识加深对实际工作的认识,用实践验证所学的理论。简短的实习生活,给人的不仅是新奇,更是收获。通过实习,使我对制造性企业的运作管理工作有了一定层次的感性和理性的认识。 我们参观的是南阳二机石油装备(集团)有限公司(原石油工业部第二石油机械厂)简称RG,是一个从国有企业改制出来的股份制企业。位于历史文化名城河南省南...

生产运作管理实习报告 12月13日上午,我们班组织在南阳二机厂进行了生产运作管理实习。在实习中,我在公司负责人的热心指导下,积极观看公司日常管理相关工作,注意把书本上学到的管理理论知识对照实际工作,用理论知识加深对实际工作的认识,用实践验证所学的理论。简短的实习生活,给人的不仅是新奇,更是收获。通过实习,使我对制造性企业的运作管理工作有了一定层次的感性和理性的认识。 我们参观的是南阳二机石油装备(集团)有限公司(原石油工业部第二石油机械厂)简称RG,是一个从国有企业改制出来的股份制企业。位于历史文化名城河南省南阳市,它是中国最大的石油钻采装备制造厂家之一,也是国家经贸委确定的重大技术装备国产化基地之一,国家大型一档企业。公司拥有设计研究所、机械研究所、计量测试中心、计算机中心等科研机构和铸、锻、金属加工、钢结构件、热处理、总装、新产品试制等30个分厂和两个中美合资公司。有先进生产、测试设备1000多台,拥有2000kN、3000kN两个钻采装备综合试验场。工艺设备配套齐全,能够满足各种大型石油装备的制造和测试需要。公司现有员工1800余人,其中拥有中高级职称的专业技术人员400多人。公司坚持“质量立厂”方针,1995年通过了GB/T1900-ISO9001国际质量体系认证, 1997年取得了API 8C会标使用权。河南省出入境检验检疫局在该厂设立金属和矿产品商检实验室。公司主导产品有轻型钻机、修井机、油井测试设备、石油专用车辆、抽油机、提升系统及旋转钻井设备、专用工具等达到100多个品种。多项产品填补国内空白,替代进口,产品畅销全国陆上、海上各个油田,并出口北美、亚、非国家。 自2004年6月26日改制以来,在组织结构进行了大的调整.股东代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 大会是最高权力机构,负责公司的战略规划与决策.下设有董事会和监事会,监事会主要对董事会进行监督.在董事会下有九部(生产制造部、企业管理部、人力资源部、财务资产部、审计监察部、市场研究发展部、党委工作部、保卫部、质量安全环保部)、两室(公司办公室、工会办公室),通过组织架构重组,优化..使公司时时处于有序、高效的运转.具体见下图: theory taught 0 0% b. case analysis 25 52.08% c. said class assessment class 6 12.5% d. Research Exchange 7 14.58% e. practice guide 10 20.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from beside the of statistics data view, select theory taught of for 0, select case teaching of accounted for than Super half, this reflect has we of young teachers compared attention case teaching, Not willing to simply accept the theory taught. For this reason, we believe that the theory taught is necessary. If aversion theory of higher education teachers teach. No real modern educational theory, we believe that educational practice lack of theoretical support, there is no corresponding height and depth. 48th questions you think you take the learning or training effect () [form] option is subtotal a. good ... Design point is to know that we are young teachers the reading of newspapers. Teachers ' reading reflects the height and depth of education. From statistics data view, ranking first of is readers, this description readers in young teachers in the has of reading who up, this and readers publications do have good is closely related to; ranking second of is "local evening, and daily", this reflect has young teachersoption small meter proportion a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar 14 29.17% b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 24 50% c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 3 6.25% d. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture 6 12.5% e. other 1 2.08% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the aimed at understand Our young teachers in the past two years, what are the main activities of the training and professional development. From statistics data view, select "school lectures, and assessment class, research activities" of Super half; second is participate in "school both inside and outside or subject seminar" of accounted for 29.17%, this reflect I school young teachers of participate in training and professional development of main activities range also compared small, way also compared single, need from practice exploration in the to made breakthrough: widened activities range, upgrade learning level. 47th problem you compared like of training way is () [single topics] option small meter proportion 股东代表大会 ( 43人) 总务办公室 监事会(5董事会(9 工会办公室 人) 人) 企人财市生质党审保 业力务计卫场产量委 管资资研制安工监部 理源产发造全作察 部 部 部 部 部 部 部 部 在生产管理方面:1.公司强调外圆内方,即适应市场变化的圆,重视企业内部的计划.其生产计划分三类,主要为公司级生产作业计划、车间级作业计划、班组级作业计划。其中公司级作业计划为战略计划,制订时主要考虑生产订单、市场预测、生产能力、重要外部件到厂时间四大因素。各车间及班组必须服从上一层计划,而车间、班组计划作为公司计划的补充和继续对公司目标的实现起着不可或缺的作用。通过ERP系统让公司目标层层分解,落实到部门、落实每个人,真正实行到位。对生产能力评估分析主要看四个方面设备能力,人员能力,厂地条件,外部条件。以便优化公司的计划,保持计划的灵活性.便是监测市场变化。 2.加强过程管理:生产结果是效益,而生产过程是更高效达到期望目标的管理,能产生更大的效益。二机厂主要采用跟踪单管理,通过红联、黑联追踪到每个部件的责任人,这种工艺路线的策划和设计,极大提高了质量标准,提高效率。 www.3722.cn中国最庞大的数据库下载 3.现场管理:主要采用定制管理,使用,,,法。让人员,物流,工艺路线,都能在标准位,用标准动作生产出标准品,减少工序时间。 在质量管理方面:试行,试用最先进的质量管理经验,包括6西格玛,零缺陷,BRP(流程再造),SQC,TQC,TQM,采用全员,全面质量管理等;采用严格的质量考核体系,从质量部――质检中心――质量检验站三大机构,实行“三检”制度,组织上要首件必检,中间抽检,完工全检,个人要自检,互检,专检,坚持八项质量管理原则,以顾客为关注焦点,重视领导带头作用,全员参与,重视质量生产过程与方法,优化管理系统与方法,持续改进,以事实为基础,与供方互利。并且根据公司实际提出三条易记顺口溜废品买断,让步打折,二次检验收费。另外还在设备管理、物料管理管理上做文章,不放松点滴,在设备上,三好,管好,用好,修好;四会,会使用,会保养,会检theory taught 0 0% b. case analysis 25 52.08% c. said class assessment class 6 12.5% d. Research Exchange 7 14.58% e. practice guide 10 20.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from beside the of statistics data view, select theory taught of for 0, select case teaching of accounted for than Super half, this reflect has we of young teachers compared attention case teaching, Not willing to simply accept the theory taught. For this reason, we believe that the theory taught is necessary. If aversion theory of higher education teachers teach. No real modern educational theory, we believe that educational practice lack of theoretical support, there is no corresponding height and depth. 48th questions you think you take the learning or training effect () [form] option is subtotal a. good ... Design point is to know that we are young teachers the reading of newspapers. Teachers ' reading reflects the height and depth of education. From statistics data view, ranking first of is readers, this description readers in young teachers in the has of reading who up, this and readers publications do have good is closely related to; ranking second of is "local evening, and daily", this reflect has young teachersoption small meter proportion a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar 14 29.17% b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 24 50% c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 3 6.25% d. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture 6 12.5% e. other 1 2.08% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the aimed at understand Our young teachers in the past two years, what are the main activities of the training and professional development. From statistics data view, select "school lectures, and assessment class, research activities" of Super half; second is participate in "school both inside and outside or subject seminar" of accounted for 29.17%, this reflect I school young teachers of participate in training and professional development of main activities range also compared small, way also compared single, need from practice exploration in the to made breakthrough: widened activities range, upgrade learning level. 47th problem you compared like of training way is () [single topics] option small meter proportion 查,会排障。为了提高设备的完好率,公司准备采取风险承包保养,把机器保养出租。使每台设备都能达到最优的状态,生产出最好的新产品。在物料方面,运用,,,法,金额上7:2:1;品种上1:2:7,尤其值得一提的是在质量文化建设上,公司着实花费了心血,通过改制,让工人们认识到质量就是企业的生命,质量就在你我手中,使工人们从最初的组织评估,监控到从自我做起,不断自我 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 ,持续改进,让产品质量不断上阶段。 在财务管理方面:公司认识到财务管理已成为大型企业的瓶颈。为改善财务状况,二机集团从我国实际出发, 坚持两点原则,一是严格按照执行国家相关财务方面的法律,法规,行业要求,二是合理避税,为企业创造最大的收益.并且提出要拥有一流的 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 履行率,因设备涉及金额较大,周转期长,这就要求一定要做好财务筹资,投资,回收账款工作, 保证资金链的流畅.保证经营工作的顺利开展. 在市场营销战略方面:公司在产品开发,市场开拓上下功夫,新产品开发多次获国家奖励,公司通过各种手段大力鼓励技术工人创新,为公司研发出更多的适销对路的产品.集团公司建立了较完整的市场开发体系,在国内,国际两个市场同时开花.在国内的16个主要石油省市建立了销售渠道和售后服务网络,在海外,也是收获不小.除保持与俄罗斯,哈萨克斯坦,印度等国家石油业务往来之外,今年成功打进了美国市场,为走向国际大市场,迈出了最重要的一步.市场前景十分广阔. 在人力资源管理方面:1.形成了三个特色,就是24点制,责任追究制,全员竞聘,通过以上三条机制,有效的改变了人员冗余,缺少生机,打破了旧体制下的留不下人才,赶不走平庸。形成了上进的竞争风气。极大促进了人才的发展。 2.在考核体系上,公司分为两大层次考核即对各分厂各部的考核和各分厂各部对员工的考核并辅之于得力的考核标准。奖励为主,处罚为辅.保证公平,公正,有效促进各层的积极性. 3.在工资制度上,公司针对不同工种的特点,形成了四种工资制度:计件工资、岗位工资、提成工资、谈判工资。使管理者,知识技术人员,普通职工殾能感到付出都能得到合理的回报.身上的干劲更足,激励了员工的工作热情又节省了不必要的营业外支出。 未来发展战略:为了更好的找准方向,在未来竞争中赢得一席,高层领导为长远发展考虑,从公司实际出发,对公司发展作了定位,长期就是成为国际一流石油装备制造企业,近期就是成为国内一流石油装备制造企业。并确定了未来五年发展框架,那就是二个建成,建成现代企业制度,建成石油国产化基地;三个跨越,出口总额,资产总量,销售利润都过亿;一个突破,技术上要自主;一个提高,经济效益和员工收入都能大步提高;六个一流,一流规模,一流产品履行率等六个一流;五个战略,科技兴企战略,人力为本战略等五大战略,四大机制,经营,运行,激励,监督机制要健全。为生产经营指明了方向,激励了各层管理者和职工的积极性。 实习中,我采用了听、看、问等方式,对公司的日常管理工作的开展初步的了解,分析了公司业务开展的特点、方式、运作规律。同时,对公司的“为世界和中国制造一流的石油装备”的企业使命, "务实诚信,开放竞争,学习创新,追求卓越。"的企业精神有了初步了解。 对公司情况初步总结为: theory taught 0 0% b. case analysis 25 52.08% c. said class assessment class 6 12.5% d. Research Exchange 7 14.58% e. practice guide 10 20.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from beside the of statistics data view, select theory taught of for 0, select case teaching of accounted for than Super half, this reflect has we of young teachers compared attention case teaching, Not willing to simply accept the theory taught. For this reason, we believe that the theory taught is necessary. If aversion theory of higher education teachers teach. No real modern educational theory, we believe that educational practice lack of theoretical support, there is no corresponding height and depth. 48th questions you think you take the learning or training effect () [form] option is subtotal a. good ... Design point is to know that we are young teachers the reading of newspapers. Teachers ' reading reflects the height and depth of education. From statistics data view, ranking first of is readers, this description readers in young teachers in the has of reading who up, this and readers publications do have good is closely related to; ranking second of is "local evening, and daily", this reflect has young teachersoption small meter proportion a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar 14 29.17% b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 24 50% c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 3 6.25% d. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture 6 12.5% e. other 1 2.08% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the aimed at understand Our young teachers in the past two years, what are the main activities of the training and professional development. From statistics data view, select "school lectures, and assessment class, research activities" of Super half; second is participate in "school both inside and outside or subject seminar" of accounted for 29.17%, this reflect I school young teachers of participate in training and professional development of main activities range also compared small, way also compared single, need from practice exploration in the to made breakthrough: widened activities range, upgrade learning level. 47th problem you compared like of training way is () [single topics] option small meter proportion 一、公司具有危机意识,从战略高度提出积极实施“二个建成,三个跨越,一个突破,一个提高,六个一流,五个战略,四大机制”的目标,极大鼓舞了公司的持续发展。 发挥经营工作的积极性,不断开拓地区市场。增强开拓市场的能力;以项目为依托,在开拓新的市场上有所作为,保持陆上石油钻井经营产值持续增长。坚定不移地开拓海洋钻井市场,切实加大设备投入,锻炼人才队伍,进一步增强生产能力。 二、通过深入改制,引入市场竞争,建立现代企业制度,形成了自己的企业文化.为企业的发展注入了思想活力.”态度决定作为,合作产生快乐””细节决定成败,质量就是市场”的标志牌到处可见.让人感受到精神的动力. 三、重视创新,要做一流,就少不了创新,照搬永远只能跟在别人后面.公司坚持制度上创新,即坚持吸收的国际一流经验与企业实际相结合,在实际管理中形成了自己的特色,比如跟踪单,三检制等,都是典型的例子,都是值得研究和学习的. 这些好的东西在市场中完善、强化自有的特色管理体系,有效的促进了企业管理水平的提高 。同时技术创新也做得不错,3000米钻井开发不仅赢得国家奖励,而且获得了良好的市场效应. 当然作为一个改制的企业,不可避免存在一些问题,主要表现在: 1、 市场观念和经营体制不适应公司快速发展的要求,市场开拓的步伐与企业快速发展的要求有差距;经营体制还不完善,经营队伍、经营人员的责权利还有待于进一步提高。 2、 组织管理观念有待进一步转变,组织机构思路有些不清晰,易造成责任的不明,人员的推卸责任。管理现状与提出的管理科学化、规范化目标存在较大差距,对公司争实现一流国内企业,与国际巨头并肩的目标有很大的挑战。 3、质量、 成本意识不强,成本控制水平不高,向管理要效益、向科技创新要效益的意识还没有牢固树立起来,以至于我们的成本控制与先进的石油装备企业还存在较大的差距,大大削弱了市场竞争力。 对此,我提出了我的以下建议和对策: 一、进一步强化生产是经营继续的观念。 企业的发展取决于经营的质量和效果,只有广开源头,多揽工程,企业发展才有保障。随着市场竞争的日益激烈,干好已揽的项目是承揽后续项目、开辟新市场的必然要求和前提条件。因此,我们要进一步强化生产是经营继续的观念,干精品、打品牌,树立一流的企业形象。 二、 树立“零缺陷、低成本”向精细化管理要效益的观念。 效益是企业生存和发展的根本,只有实施“零缺陷低成本”战略,才能适应市场的激烈竞争,获得更大的赢利空间,加快企业的发展。因此,企业上下必须以效益为中心,在广大职工中不断深化“零缺陷低成本”向精细化管理要效益的观念,努力降低成本,提高效益 . 三、进一步推进和规范订单和流程管理 通过对资金管理、劳务层管理、物资管理、,加强和完善订单和流程管理,加大监控检查整改力度,达到闭合管理。建立公司综合考评体制,加大对订单和流程的检查力度,抓好整改落实,促进订单和流程管理水平的提高。 回顾整个实习生活,感触是很深的,收获也是丰硕的。 短暂的实习转眼theory taught 0 0% b. case analysis 25 52.08% c. said class assessment class 6 12.5% d. Research Exchange 7 14.58% e. practice guide 10 20.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from beside the of statistics data view, select theory taught of for 0, select case teaching of accounted for than Super half, this reflect has we of young teachers compared attention case teaching, Not willing to simply accept the theory taught. For this reason, we believe that the theory taught is necessary. If aversion theory of higher education teachers teach. No real modern educational theory, we believe that educational practice lack of theoretical support, there is no corresponding height and depth. 48th questions you think you take the learning or training effect () [form] option is subtotal a. good ... Design point is to know that we are young teachers the reading of newspapers. Teachers ' reading reflects the height and depth of education. From statistics data view, ranking first of is readers, this description readers in young teachers in the has of reading who up, this and readers publications do have good is closely related to; ranking second of is "local evening, and daily", this reflect has young teachersoption small meter proportion a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar 14 29.17% b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 24 50% c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 3 6.25% d. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture 6 12.5% e. other 1 2.08% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the aimed at understand Our young teachers in the past two years, what are the main activities of the training and professional development. From statistics data view, select "school lectures, and assessment class, research activities" of Super half; second is participate in "school both inside and outside or subject seminar" of accounted for 29.17%, this reflect I school young teachers of participate in training and professional development of main activities range also compared small, way also compared single, need from practice exploration in the to made breakthrough: widened activities range, upgrade learning level. 47th problem you compared like of training way is () [single topics] option small meter proportion 而过,回顾半天的实习生活,我在实习的过程中,既有收获的喜悦,也有一些遗憾。那就是对企业管理有些工作的认识仅仅停留在表面,只是在看人做,听人讲如何做,未能够亲身感受、具体处理一些工作,所以未能领会其精髓。但是通过实习,加深了我对制造性企业的管理基本知识的理解,使我对生产运作管理工作有了深层次的感性和理性认识。其中感觉最深的一点是:在理论上,在管理上我们能讲出很多道理,能讲出科学,国际一流的经验,但在实际管理经验上,很多企业做的远远不够,无论是在执行力,生产运作管理等硬性方面,还是在文化建设上,企业战略等软性方面.同时我自己在这方面的知识和能力也是非常缺乏.通过这种实习使我清晰认识到要做好日常企业管理工作,既要注重管理理论知识的学习,更重要的是要把实践与理论两者紧密相结合。加强自身的实践能力.真正把思想落到实际管理中去. theory taught 0 0% b. case analysis 25 52.08% c. said class assessment class 6 12.5% d. Research Exchange 7 14.58% e. practice guide 10 20.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from beside the of statistics data view, select theory taught of for 0, select case teaching of accounted for than Super half, this reflect has we of young teachers compared attention case teaching, Not willing to simply accept the theory taught. For this reason, we believe that the theory taught is necessary. If aversion theory of higher education teachers teach. No real modern educational theory, we believe that educational practice lack of theoretical support, there is no corresponding height and depth. 48th questions you think you take the learning or training effect () [form] option is subtotal a. good ... Design point is to know that we are young teachers the reading of newspapers. Teachers ' reading reflects the height and depth of education. From statistics data view, ranking first of is readers, this description readers in young teachers in the has of reading who up, this and readers publications do have good is closely related to; ranking second of is "local evening, and daily", this reflect has young teachersoption small meter proportion a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar 14 29.17% b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 24 50% c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 3 6.25% d. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture 6 12.5% e. other 1 2.08% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the aimed at understand Our young teachers in the past two years, what are the main activities of the training and professional development. From statistics data view, select "school lectures, and assessment class, research activities" of Super half; second is participate in "school both inside and outside or subject seminar" of accounted for 29.17%, this reflect I school young teachers of participate in training and professional development of main activities range also compared small, way also compared single, need from practice exploration in the to made breakthrough: widened activities range, upgrade learning level. 47th problem you compared like of training way is () [single topics] option small meter proportion theory taught 0 0% b. case analysis 25 52.08% c. said class assessment class 6 12.5% d. Research Exchange 7 14.58% e. practice guide 10 20.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from beside the of statistics data view, select theory taught of for 0, select case teaching of accounted for than Super half, this reflect has we of young teachers compared attention case teaching, Not willing to simply accept the theory taught. For this reason, we believe that the theory taught is necessary. If aversion theory of higher education teachers teach. No real modern educational theory, we believe that educational practice lack of theoretical support, there is no corresponding height and depth. 48th questions you think you take the learning or training effect () [form] option is subtotal a. good ... Design point is to know that we are young teachers the reading of newspapers. Teachers ' reading reflects the height and depth of education. From statistics data view, ranking first of is readers, this description readers in young teachers in the has of reading who up, this and readers publications do have good is closely related to; ranking second of is "local evening, and daily", this reflect has young teachersoption small meter proportion a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar 14 29.17% b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 24 50% c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities 3 6.25% d. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture 6 12.5% e. other 1 2.08% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the aimed at understand Our young teachers in the past two years, what are the main activities of the training and professional development. From statistics data view, select "school lectures, and assessment class, research activities" of Super half; second is participate in "school both inside and outside or subject seminar" of accounted for 29.17%, this reflect I school young teachers of participate in training and professional development of main activities range also compared small, way also compared single, need from practice exploration in the to made breakthrough: widened activities range, upgrade learning level. 47th problem you compared like of training way is () [single topics] option small meter proportion
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