首页 [课程]恩波词汇班精品讲义



[课程]恩波词汇班精品讲义[课程]恩波词汇班精品讲义 恩波词汇班精品讲义 Unit 1 access n. 接近,靠近,到达;机会,权利 1. The only means of access to that house is along a muddy track. 2. Students on this campus have access to the computer center. 3. The village was completely deserted and obviously inaccessible to traf...

[课程]恩波 词汇 英语3500词汇语境记忆pets3考试词汇二年级反义词和近义词初中词汇词汇大全考研英语二高频词汇表 班精品讲义 恩波词汇班精品讲义 Unit 1 access n. 接近,靠近,到达;机会,权利 1. The only means of access to that house is along a muddy track. 2. Students on this campus have access to the computer center. 3. The village was completely deserted and obviously inaccessible to traffic. accord n 协议,条约;一致 v 与符合/一致;给予 1. an accord between two countries / He joined the army of his own accord主动自愿地. 2. The tribute accorded him was fully deserved. accordingly ad. 相应地;因此,从此 1. Please inform us if you are not satisfied with the car, and we will act accordingly. advisable a. 合情理的,适当的,明智的 1. It is advisable always to wear a safety belt when you’re driving. 2. ,inadvisable / desirable-indesirable agony-anguish n 苦恼,痛苦 1. She looked on in agony at her child’s suffering. 2. He suffered the anguish of watching his son go to prison. aggravate v. 加重,使恶化;激怒 1. The lack of rain aggravates the serious lack of food. appreciable a. 可以察觉的;可估计的 1. There are appreciable changes in the temperature. arrest v. 阻止,妨碍 v/n. 逮捕;扣留 1. Poor food will arrest the natural growth of children. auxiliary a. 辅助的,补助的 n. (复数)助动词 1. The auxiliary troops will be sent here by helicopter tomorrow evening. avail n. 效用,利益;帮助 v. 使用,利用 1. The doctors tried everything to keep him alive but to no avail. 2. Prof. White, my respected tutor, frequently reminds me to avail myself of every chance to improve my English. -available Unit 2 bankrupt a. 破产的 1. If you still spend money like water, we will go bankrupt one day or another. –bankruptcy bearing 关系;举止,姿态;轴承 1. The rise in interest rates had a direct bearing on the company’s profits. 2. I was deeply impressed by her dignified bearing throughout the trial. benign a. 仁慈的;良性的 1. Linda was relieved to hear that the benign tumor would not cause her any fatal harm. bias n/v. (使有)偏见,偏袒,左右 1. The king used newspapers to bias the opinions of its people. 2. But he never seems to notice the cultural and class biases that so many buyers are complaining about. -unbiased bleak a 荒凉的;没有希望的 1. Peter became pessimistic because his father always talked about bleak future. bloom-blossom n. 花;开花期;青春 v. 开花 1. The roses in my garden had been blooming all summer. 2. He loves it when the apple trees are in full blossom. boycott n/v 抵制 1. Opposition groups declared a boycott of the election. breach n. 违反,违犯;(关系)中断,破裂 1. a breach of loyalty/security/a law 2. a breach of diplomatic relations between two countries brisk a. 生气勃勃的,轻快的 1. There must be something cheering for Alice is coming with a brisk walk. bulk n. 大批,大量,大块 1. Surprisingly, he plans to leave the bulk of his property to Levinsky. Unit 3 captive a 被俘虏的,被监禁的 –capture/captivity 1. a captive bird/They were held captive by masked gunmen. 2. Many captive shippers worry they will be hit with a new round of huge rate increases. (被动的) 3. Wild animals don’t breed well in captivity. cardinal a 主要的,最重要的 n 红衣主教 1. I was reminded that the matter was of cardinal significance. -the Pope >cardinal>priest casualty n (战争或事故)伤亡人员 1. Heavy casualties were reported in the fighting. -fatality(战争或事故)死亡(人员) ten swimming fatalities cement n 水泥,胶泥 v 胶合;巩固 1. The same experience during the war cemented our friendship. 2. Egypt’s leadership in the Arab world was cemented by the Aswan High Dam. champion n 冠军;拥护者,斗士 v 拥护,支持 1. She is a well-known champion of women’s rights. commission n 委员会;委托;佣金 1. She has received many commissions to design public buildings. 2. You get a 10% commission on everything you sell. commonplace a 平凡的 commonsense a 有常识的,通情达理的 commonwealth n 共同体,联邦 compassion n 同情,怜悯 1. Her heart was filled with compassion for the poor children. -compassionate(ly) complement v/n 补充,补充物 1. Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry dish. -complementary 互为补充的 ~ personalities -compliments (复) - auxiliary concede v 承认,让步 1.The Liberal Democratic Party conceded defeat. -concession 2. As a concession to the workers, the boss agreed to raise their wages. Unit 4 confidence n 信任,信心;机密,秘密 1. I am telling you this event in strict confidence. -confidential a 机密的;信任他人的 1. confidential letters; 2. He told me confidentially that he is thinking of resigning next year. (私下里) conscience n 良知,良心 1. I am sure that he has a guilty/clear conscience.(问心,愧) 2. It is still on my conscience that I didn’t warn her in time. -conscientious 认真的,勤勤恳恳的 consensus n 一致 1. The two parties reached a consensus. contend v 争斗;坚决主张 1. I would contend that employment is our most serious social evil. -contention -content -commend convention n 会议;惯例;协定,公约 1. Hangzhou is a famous convention center. 2. Convention dictates that a minister should resign in such a situation. 3. the Geneva Convention counsel v/n (专业性)建议;劝告 n 诉讼律师 1. She is a psychiatrist who counsels alcoholics. -consult 请教,咨询,查阅; 磋商 consult my lawyer/dictionary/consult with my partners -consultant(商业或法律方面的)顾问 counterpart n 对应的人或物 1. The sales director phoned her counterpart in another firm. -equivalent 对等的事物或数量,对应词 Is there a French word that is the exact ~ of the English word “home”? criterion n (criteria) 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,尺度 1. High mark is not always a proper criterion of a student’s ability. crush v 压碎,压坏 crash v/n 坠落 curb v/n 约束,控制 1. High interests can always put a curb on spending. -check/constraint/restriction Unit 5 dazzling deafening demanding distressing depressing a dazzling display of sporting skill; the deafening noise; a demanding job/a demanding boss; a distressing sight; a depressing prospect. decompose:分解;腐烂 His badly decomposed body was found many weeks later. -deform使变形/degenerate堕落蜕化/deteriorate变坏变质 deficiency:缺乏,不足 a deficiency of food -inefficiency descend:下降,下来;下倾,下斜;为某人后裔 The balloon descended gradually. We turned the corner and saw that the road descended steeply. She claims to be descended from the royalty. -descent/descendant/ascend diligent:勤奋的,用功的 -conscientious/industrious dimension:尺寸,大小;维;方面,侧面 What are the dimensions of the room? I didn’t realize the dimensions of this problem. There is a dimension to the problem that we haven’t discussed. -a three-dimensional display of the model discrepancy:差异,不一致 There was a discrepancy in the two reports of the accident. -distinction/discord/incompatible/inconsistent disperse:分散,驱散 The crowd began to disperse. -dissipate(使)消散,消失;浪费(时间金钱) Her son’s letter dissipated all her fears and anxiety. dissipate one’s efforts/energies/fortune dissolve:溶解,融化;解散,解除 Salt dissolves in water. Dissolve a business partnership/marriage/society -dilute distract:分神,打搅 The sudden disappearance of him distracted me from my work from time to time. -divert/diversion转移注意力、方向;(使)消遣娱乐 the diversion of flights because of fog; It is difficult to concentrate when there are so many diversions. Unit 6 domain:领域,领地,范围 the domain of higher education =territory:Mating blackbirds will defend their territory against intruders. / Legal problems are very much within Tom’s territory. drift:v/n 漂,漂流;大意,要旨 My German isn’t very good, but I got the general drift of what she said. -drifter/import (重要性;意义,含义) ebb:退潮;衰落 He is over seventy, so his strength is slowly ebbing. -the ebb and flow(声音,时尚)消长,兴衰,起伏 -on the ebb:His luck is on the ebb. edge:v 缓慢小心地移动;n优势 The policemen edged his way forward. The young tennis player definitely had the edge on his older opponent. elaborate:n 详尽的;精心制作的 v 详细说明,精心制作 an elaborate five-course meal Please elaborate the whole event to my lawyer. eligible:有资格的,合格的 eligible for a pension/for promotion/for membership -eligibility Her qualifications and experience confirm her eligibility for the job. exquisite:精致的;优雅的,高雅的 exquisite workmanship/exquisite taste -elegant(相貌体态)优雅的,高雅的 an elegant woman/elegant manners enterprise:企事业单位;事业心,进取心 one of the most successful enterprises of its kind We need a man of enterprise to take the position of the manager. -entrepreneur企业家 evade:规避,躲避 evade military service/evade all the difficult questions -evasion of responsibility -evasive躲避的;推诿的,躲躲闪闪的 Her manner was always evasive; she never looked straightly at me. exempt:v/a 免除,豁免 He is exempted from military service because of his poor sight. goods exempt from taxes -exemplify:是…的典型;举例说明… This painting exemplifies the artist’s early style. exemplify the problems Unit 7 fabric:织物;结构 Competition is woven into the very fabric of American life. -fabricate 编造,捏造 He was sentenced to 12 years in jail for a fabricated accusation. fare:n.车船费 v.进展,过日子 How did you fare while you were abroad? fence:n.篱笆,栅栏;击剑 v.搪塞,不正面回答 The manager fenced with the questions raised by the reporters. forge:v.锻造;建立(长久关系);伪造;稳步前进 forge a sword a friendship forged by adversity forge a will/signature One horse forged ahead处于领先/高速前进, leaving the others behind. -forger/forgery formidable:令人敬畏的,可怕的 a formidable old professor -forbidding样子冷淡的;令人生畏的 a forbidding look冷酷的样子 a forbidding coastline险恶的海滩 formula:配方药方;(各方认可的) 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 a formula for a new drug Managers and workers are still working out a peace formula. -formulate构想, 制定;系统地阐述 formulate a rule The contract was formulated in difficult legal language. -recipe烹饪法,食谱;诀窍,方法 In the recipe, it says I must use two eggs. -remedy治疗措施;补救方法 foul:a.污秽的,恶劣的 v/n 犯规 It’s a foul night, it’s pouring rain with thundering and lightening. a foul stroke fraction:小部分,一点儿;分数 a small fraction of her income fragment:碎片,片断 several fragments of the vase I heard only a fragment of their conversation. futile:无用的,无效的 All her attempts to unlock the car were futile. -futility:the futility of war ga(u)ge:计量器;尺度 a pressure/rain gauge Is a person’s behavior under stress a reliable gauge of his character? Unit 8 gear:n.排挡,(喻)速度;装备,衣物 v.调整,使适合(to) The party organization is moving into top gear as the election approaches. All his camping gear was packed in the rucksack. Industry must be geared to wartime needs. gut:(pl) (腹腔)内脏;胆量,魄力 a pain in the guts have the guts to do sth hierarchy:等级制度 Some people have a strong sense of hierarchy. highlight:n.最精彩重要的部分 v.突出,强调 The real highlight of the trip for me was the visit to the London Tower. -spotlight聚光灯 a sportsman who likes to be in the spotlight大家的注意 hypocrisy:虚伪,伪善 It’s sheer hypocrisy for politicians to preach about family values. -hypocrite -hypothesis:假说,假设 ideology:意识形态,思想体系 Our ideologies differ. -infrastructure:基础结构,基础设施 The more foreign capital you have helping you build your infrastructure, which today is an electronic infrastructure, the better off you're going to be. Impetus:推动力,促进 an ~ to the economy Incentive:激励,奖励Money is still an ~ in most companies. Initiative:主动精神;行动 We took the ~ in reaching a cease-fire agreement. / take the legislative initiative imperative=indispensable必不可少的 inertia:惰性,不活动;惯性;呆滞 I’m unable to throw off this feeling of inertia. instrument:器械,仪器;乐器 a surgical ~ -instrumental有帮助的 Technical innovation is instrumental in improving productivity. -implement工具,器具(tool) Man’s earliest implements were carved from stone and bone. Unit 9 integral:构成整体所必须的;完整的 Arms and legs are integral parts of the human body. an integral design -integrate构成整体,融入,融合 The buildings are well integrated with the landscape. Integrate the black people into a large white community. -integrity invalid:无效的,作废的 n. 病人,伤残者 He declared his lost ID card invalid in the newspaper. He has been an invalid all his life. jargon:术语,行话 She uses so much jargon I can never understand her explanations. jungle:丛林地带, (喻用) The new road was hacked out of the jungle. the blackboard jungle缺乏纪律和规矩的学校 the concrete jungle高楼林立野蛮凶险的城市 the law of the jungle juvenile:青少年的 the problem of juvenile delinquency kit:衣物装备(gear);成套工具,工具箱 They marched twenty miles in full kit. A first-aid kit / tennis kit / sports kit lapse:疏忽,过失 v. 陷入某种状态, 堕入 Wives were expected to forgive their husbands’ lapses. He lapsed back into old habits. latent:潜在的,潜伏的 latent abilities / a latent infection latent period潜伏期 log:原木;航海日志 sleep like a log log in(on) 注册,登记 lounge:起居室,候机室,休息厅 v. 懒洋洋地坐/立着 lounging at street corners Unit 10 magnify:放大,扩大;夸大 magnify the dangers, risks, etc. -magnitude大小,量(大);重要 The magnitude of the epidemic was frightening. a discovery of the first magnitude -magnificent宏伟壮观的 manoeuvre:v/n 谨慎而熟练地移动;调遣,演习 The yachts were manoeuvring for position. He ~ his car into the garage. She ~d his friends into positions of power. margin:页边空白;边缘;利润 take notes in the margins Higher productivity has enabled them to increase their profit margins. -marginal页边空白的;少的,微不足道的 marginal notes / a marginal difference mean:卑鄙的;小气的;中间的,平均的 a mean guy the mean annual temperature/GMT -means手段,方法 by means of merge:v. 合并 The bank merged with its major rival. -merger n.合并 the merger between two breweries -acquisition兼并 The world is going through the biggest wave of mergers and acquisitions ever witnessed. minute:n.会议记录 a.细微的 We read through the minutes of the last meeting. The soldiers were holding a minute inspection of the grounds. momentary 瞬间的,片刻的 momentum势头,动力 The movement to change the national constitution is gathering momentum. motion:v/n 运动;动议,提议 We motioned to take another round of voting, but rejected by a majority of two. naught/nought n. 无,零 His rivals attempted to bring his company to naught. negligible a. 可以忽略的,微不足道的 Losses in trade this year were negligible. Unit 11 obsession:惦念,着迷;萦绕于心的人和事 His obsession with computers began 3 months ago. =preoccupation His main preoccupation was getting enough to eat. odds:可能性,机会;不平等,差异;赔率 The odds are that she will win. Against all the odds she achieved her dream of becoming a singer. 尽管极为不利。。。 He is always at odds with her father over politics. offset---outlet---overlap(相关前缀构词活跃) He put up his prices to offset the increased cost of materials. The current rules set limits on the number of media outlets any single entity can own. The studies fail to support Chairman Powell’s claims about widespread overlap between media products. pacific:和平的, 平静的;the P-太平洋 He has become a pacifist since his college years. panorama:全景;一连串的景象或事情 From the summit there is a superb panorama of the Alps. The book presents a panorama of British history since the Middle Ages. parameter:参量,参数 We have to work within the parameters of time and budget. peer:仔细看(看不清),凝视 n. 同龄人 The postman had to peer through the mist, finding the house. The young man learnt to smoke under peer pressure. -peep偷看 perpetual:永恒的,永久的 The two countries signed a treaty of perpetual friendship. -eternal / permanent / immortal petition:请愿(书), The villagers all signed a petition asking for a hospital to be built. pirate:海盗;盗版 The copy is a pirated version. -intellectual property / patent Unit 12 pit:大坑,深坑;动物的自然凹陷处 the pit of the stomach胸口 armpit 腋窝 He decided to pit his wits against the bureaucracy of the tax officers. 使。。。与。。。较量一番 plateau:高原 -plain / prairie(超纲) plausible:似乎合理的,似乎可信的 The teacher seemed to accept the plausible reason for his absence. -reasonable / sensible / justified / warranted plight:困境,苦境 The crew were in a sorry plight when they reached the shore. -dilemma进退两难的处境,窘境 pose:造成(困难问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 挑战);摆姿势 China promises never to pose any threat to other countries. All the models are posed for taking photos. -posture身体姿态;立场,态度 The model was asked to take a reclining posture. The government adopted a uncompromising posture on the issue of independence. precede:领先于,先于 His latest novel precedes mine in the best-sellers this year. -precedent先例 This case could serve as a precedent for others. -unprecedented 史无前例的 profile:侧面,轮廓;人物简介 She is very like her mother in profile. The newspaper publishes a profile of a sportsman each week. adopt/keep/maintain a low profile采取/保持低姿态 high-profile politicians引人注目的政治家们 prose:散文 thLun-xun was one of the most famous prose writers of the 20 century in China. -verse / fiction / poetry prototype:原型,模型 The team is developing a prototype for a digital camera. -stereotype模式化的思想、形象、人物;老一套 He doesn’t conform to the stereotype of a high school teacher. -stereotyped模式化的 stereotyped images of women in advertisements questionnaire:问卷,调查表 We issued a questionnaire to find out which people were most likely to buy a dictionary. -poll Unit 13 reciprocal:相互的,互利的 Although I gave him many presents, I had no reciprocal gifts from him. -mutual remnant:剩余物,残余 The pillars are the last remnants of this ancient palace. -remainder 剩余物,其余人 I will go with three of you, and the remainder may wait here. repertoire:(某人或某团体的)全部剧目,全部节目 She is a diligent actress and she is always extending her repertoire. He has a wide repertoire of dirty jokes. sanction:批准,同意;(国际)制裁 The book was translated without the sanction of the author. apply economic sanctions against that country seminar:(大学的)研讨会 The college sponsored a seminar on The Stone. -symposium研讨会;专题论文集 contribute to a symposium on environmental issues sham:假装(的)(人),虚假(的) She claims to know all about computers but really she is a sham. Their marriage has become a complete sham. -fake赝品;冒充者 假的 That’s not a diamond necklace, it’s just a fake. simultaneous:同时的,同时发生的 simultaneous demonstrations in New York and London snobbish:势利的 a snobbish contempt for the poor -snobbery / hypocrisy / vanity sovereign:主权的;至高无上的 It is widely believed that the sovereign power lies with the people. -sovereignty respect an island’s sovereignty spectrum:光谱,频谱;范围,系列 Other species can perceive colors of the spectrum that are invisible to us. The two speakers represented the opposite ends of the spectrum. The newspaper covers a broad spectrum of opinion. Unit 14 stake:桩;(pl)赌注;利害关系 They always play for high stakes. The minister will face the enquiry with his reputation at stake(冒风险,胜败关头)。 stuff:材料,东西 塞满,填满 Do you call this stuff beer? He hastily stuffed a few clothes into a bag and left his house. -stuffy 不透气的,闷热的 I never go to those bars or pubs for they are always smoky and stuffy. subsidy:补助金;津贴,补贴(尤指政府扶持行业的) The government cut spending through reductions in state subsidies to industry. CEOs protested against the removal of subsidies on basic commodities. -benefit补助金,救济金,抚恤金 medical/unemployment/sickness benefit(s) superfluous:过剩的,多余的 Superfluous word should be omitted in writing telegrams. -surplus过剩(的),剩余(的) Brazil has a big surplus of coffee. taboo:禁忌(n/v/a) There should be a taboo against sex before marriage. Questions and problems that were once taboos are now openly discussed. tariff:关税,税率 Countries used to raise walls against foreign goods to protect local product. testify:(to)证实,说明 He testified that the car was being driven slowly at the time of the accident. -testimony证据,证词 A witness gave testimony that he was innocent. token:标志,象征;代币;赠券,礼券 象征性的 A white flag is used as a token of surrender. a $10 book token a token strike/resistance/effort toll:n. 过路过桥费;伤亡人数,伤害、毁坏 vi. 敲钟 They are discussing the possibility of imposing tolls on some motorways. The death toll from yesterday’s crash is still rising. The recession is taking its toll. The war took a heavy toll of human life. -casualty伤亡者 Heavy casualties were reported in the fighting. trifle:n.琐事,无价值不重要的东西 vi.随便对待 He spends all his time on crosswords and other trifles. I bought a few trifles as souvenirs. He is not a man to be trifled with. Unit 15 twinkle:闪烁;发亮 From here we can see the lights of the town twinkling in the distance. She has an amused twinkle in her eyes. -glitter:All that glitters is not gold. unanimous:全体一致的 The whole school was unanimous in its approval of the headmaster’s plan. undo:松开,解开;使无效,取消 She undid the string round the parcel. He undid most of the good work of his predecessor. What is done cannot be undone. upgrade:提升,使升级 We need to upgrade the pay and status of doctors. -degrade: Why should we have to care about the degradation of language and music? ultraviolet:紫外线(的) Overdue ultraviolet rays may burn people’s skin. -infrared红外线(的) utility:效用,有用 I have always doubted the utility of these conferences on disarmament. -utilization利用 The utilization of funds must be efficient in order to make it profitable. vein:静脉;气质,性情;情绪 Royal blood ran in his reins. The writer has a vein of melancholy in his character. in a sad , comic, creative vein -artery动脉 -temperament性情,气质;禀性 vertical:垂直的 The combined operation of the State and occupational benefits over the entire life cycle involves a negative form of vertical redistribution of income. -horizontal The walls of a room are vertical, the floor horizontal. void:n. 空间 adj. 空的;没有的,缺乏的(of) The old man is suffering from an aching void left by the death of his wife. His suggestion is totally void of common sense. vulgar:粗俗的,低俗的 People were amazed by his vulgar joke at the meeting last night. -vulgarity We are all rather annoyed by the vulgarity of his tastes, clothes and manners. Unit 16 ward:n. 病房 v. 避开,挡开(off) a children’s, maternity, surgical ward儿童,产,外科病房 She spent five days in the maternity ward. Countries should cooperate in their efforts to ward off the danger of bird flu. warrant:n. 授权命令,凭证 v. 证明…正当、有理 issue a warrant for sb’s arrest Nothing can warrant such severe punishment. The crisis warrants special measures. wedge:n. 楔子 v. 将…塞入或插入某空间 drive a wedge between A and B 挑拨某人与某人不和 I was so tightly wedged between two passengers that I could not get off the bus. welfare:(个人或集体)健康、幸福、繁荣;福利=social security Parents are responsible for the welfare of their children. The government’s policies will promote the welfare of all citizens. -well-being健康、幸福 A better water supply would contribute drastically to the villagers’ well-being. wholesome:a. 有益于健康的 plain but wholesome meals / wholesome advice witch:n. 女巫;迷人的女子 -witchery n. 巫术,魔法;(美貌、谈吐的)迷惑力 wreck:n. 严重损坏的车、飞机或船;身体或精神严重受损的人 The collision reduced the car to a useless wreck. Worry about the business has turned her into a nervous wreck. wretched:n. 悲惨的,可怜的 the wretched survivors of the earthquake / 糟糕的,极坏的 wretched weather yard:n. 院子,(某用途的)场地 a railway yard / a builder’s yard -yardstick 标准,尺度 Durability is one yardstick of quality. zigzag:a. 蜿蜒曲折的 a zigzag road;v. 曲折地前进 The narrow path zigzags up the cliff.
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