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艾森克人格测试艾森克人格测试 EPQ 属于客观测验英国心理学家maxbook118comnck 编制包括两式儿童715 岁成人16 岁以上三个分量表和一个效度量表由龚耀先在中国修订19821983 成人儿童两式均为88 个条目艾森克的人格理论结合了类型与特质的概念提出了人格的维度理论从人格的特质和维度的研究出发将人格特征分为三个基本的维度E 维度内外向introversion-extroversion N 维度情绪稳定性neuroticism P 维度精神质psychoticism EN维度与古希腊盖伦的气质学说相吻合以E维作...

艾森克人格测试 EPQ 属于客观测验英国心理学家maxbook118comnck 编制包括两式儿童715 岁成人16 岁以上三个分量 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 和一个效度量表由龚耀先在中国修订19821983 成人儿童两式均为88 个条目艾森克的人格理论结合了类型与特质的概念提出了人格的维度理论从人格的特质和维度的研究出发将人格特征分为三个基本的维度E 维度内外向introversion-extroversion N 维度情绪稳定性neuroticism P 维度精神质psychoticism EN维度与古希腊盖伦的气质学说相吻合以E维作X轴N维作Y轴作一平面图构成四个相限与气质类型的关系 外向情绪不稳定胆汁质外向情绪稳定多血质内向情绪稳定粘液质内向情绪不稳定抑郁质气质学说理论认为胆汁质choleric type 具有过多的黄胆汁容易激怒多血质sanguine type 具有过多的血液充满活力和动力粘液质phlegmatic type 具有过多的粘液使人迟缓或懒惰抑郁质melancholic type 具有过多的黑胆汁通常表现为忧郁和悲哀各分量表的意义E量表测量性格的内外倾向N 量表测量情绪的稳定性上两个量表均为双极量表也就是说分数高与分数低都有意义但两极之间没有一个截然的分界只有程度的区别如E量表分由低向高的变化代表由内向转外向的一种程度上的变化非常内向内向比较内向内外向平衡比较外向外向非常外向P量表单极量表即只有P分高时才有意义P分低被认为是正常L 量表原本为一个效度量表测量回答问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 的真实性同时它本身也代表一种稳定的人格功能如可测量社会纯朴性L 分的高低与许多因素有system troubleshooting. Integrated wiring system should have enough redundancy, can meet the development requirements. Rehabilitation Center backbone transmission using single-mode 12-core optical fibers, full reserve reserve to meet current and future period trunk signal transmission needs, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Intranet and the Internet using a set of structured cabling systems. Medical treatment building, aerial parts of each layer on the rehabilitation floor weak current equipment set up between two 2 m network equipment cabinet, assigned to internal and external network devices. basement underground two-level shared network equipment rack. Medical treatment building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from the medical information room of the building leads, along the medical floor weak current tube into each layer individually weak current equipment. Recovery building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from medical and rehabilitation of ground floor one floor basement corridor into the rehabilitation floor weak current lines1th, floor and 2nd, floor of intranet and outside network of communications cable since medical integrated floor of information room leads, along rehabilitation center of weak tube respectively into 1th, floor of East, in the, West three seat floor a layer of weak equipment 关如年龄成人随年龄增加而升高儿童随年龄增加而下降性别女性偏高与民族有关等各维度的典型人格特征1典型外向E分特高表现为爱社交朋友多喜欢冒险追求剌激不甘寂寞好谈笑冲动行事不爱做研究工作喜欢实际的工作反应迅速随和但情绪容易失去控制做事粗心从外表看似乎是一个不太可靠的人生活中可能喜欢吃剌激性和昧重的食物抽烟喝洒的多审美喜欢深颜色2典型内向E分特低表现保守交际不广但有挚友好静做事瞻前顾后行为不易受冲动的影响不喜欢剌激喜欢有秩序的生活和工作极少发脾气做事有计划情绪倾向于悲观审美喜欢浅色3典型的情绪不稳N分特高表现为焦虑紧张易怒往往又有抑郁对各种剌激的反应都过于强烈情绪被激发后以很难平复下来好抱偏见常患有多种心身障碍4情绪极稳N分特低表现为情绪反应缓慢不强烈而且容易平复很难生气在一般人难以忍耐的剌激下也有所反应但不强烈5P分高表现为独身不关心人常到哪里都觉得不合适有的可能表现为残忍不人道缺乏同情心对人常抱有敌意攻击性强喜恶作剧儿童好恶作剧很麻烦缺乏是非感令人讨厌的调皮操作手工操作用于科研临床机械操作用于临床软件电脑手工操作材料问卷答卷记分键步骤1读懂指导语2每一项只有一个回答是或不是3每一项必须回答不能遗漏艾森克问卷条目填表指导在这张卷上印有88 个问题每题后面印有是和否请你按自己的实际情况依次回答不要写字只需要在是或否上圈一个圈不要去猜测怎样才是正确的回答因为这里不存在正确或错误的回答也没有捉system troubleshooting. Integrated wiring system should have enough redundancy, can meet the development requirements. Rehabilitation Center backbone transmission using single-mode 12-core optical fibers, full reserve reserve to meet current and future period trunk signal transmission needs, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Intranet and the Internet using a set of structured cabling systems. Medical treatment building, aerial parts of each layer on the rehabilitation floor weak current equipment set up between two 2 m network equipment cabinet, assigned to internal and external network devices. basement underground two-level shared network equipment rack. Medical treatment building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from the medical information room of the building leads, along the medical floor weak current tube into each layer individually weak current equipment. Recovery building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from medical and rehabilitation of ground floor one floor basement corridor into the rehabilitation floor weak current lines1th, floor and 2nd, floor of intranet and outside network of communications cable since medical integrated floor of information room leads, along rehabilitation center of weak tube respectively into 1th, floor of East, in the, West three seat floor a layer of weak equipment 弄人的问题将问题的意思看懂了就快点回答不要拖延太长也不 要未看懂问题便回答每一条都要回答记分套板记分查手册记分P量表分–2 –6 –9 –11 –18 22 26 30 34 –38 –42 46 50 –56 –62 66 68 –72 75 76 81 85 –88 E 量表 分1 5 10 13 14 17 –21 25 –29 33 37 41 –45 49 53 55 61 65 71 80 N量表分3 7 12 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 43 47 51 57 59 63 67 69 73 74 77 78 82 86 L 量表分–4 –8 – 16 20 –24 –28 32 36 –40 –44 –48 –52 –54 58 – 60 –64 –70 –79 –83 87 换算成量表分T分公式T5010 X- x sd 查表成人P38 儿童P42 结果解释当T50 时为同龄人的平 均值根据计学 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 计算T 分在433567 占50 385615 占75 下面为两个量表剖析图EPQ 人格分类1 典型外向情绪稳定性居中2 典型内向情绪稳定性居中3 情绪极稳内外向居中4 典型情绪不 稳内外向居中5 典型外向情绪极稳6 典型内向情绪极稳7 典型内向典型情绪不稳8 典型外向情绪稳定性居中9 内外向情绪稳 定性居中10 倾向外向倾向情绪稳定11 倾向内向倾向情绪稳 定12 倾向内向倾向情绪不稳定13 倾向外向倾向情绪不稳定 应用科研临床诊断与疾病的关系下图为神经症和病态人格在两 维度上的位置粗略的90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 P E N L T分T分量表剖面图N量表90 80 70 60 10 20 30 40 90 80 70 60 40 30 20 10 E量表内向不 稳外向不稳外向稳定内向稳定N和E维的关系图 下图两维划分 system troubleshooting. Integrated wiring system should have enough redundancy, can meet the development requirements. Rehabilitation Center backbone transmission using single-mode 12-core optical fibers, full reserve reserve to meet current and future period trunk signal transmission needs, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Intranet and the Internet using a set of structured cabling systems. Medical treatment building, aerial parts of each layer on the rehabilitation floor weak current equipment set up between two 2 m network equipment cabinet, assigned to internal and external network devices. basement underground two-level shared network equipment rack. Medical treatment building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from the medical information room of the building leads, along the medical floor weak current tube into each layer individually weak current equipment. Recovery building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from medical and rehabilitation of ground floor one floor basement corridor into the rehabilitation floor weak current lines1th, floor and 2nd, floor of intranet and outside network of communications cable since medical integrated floor of information room leads, along rehabilitation center of weak tube respectively into 1th, floor of East, in the, West three seat floor a layer of weak equipment 与古代气质类型的关系情绪稳定外倾内倾情绪不稳定情绪不稳定抑郁质胆汁质多血质粘液质1(你是否有许多不同的业余爱好是否2你是否在做任何事情以前都要停下来仔细思考是否3(你的心境是否常有起伏是否4(你曾有过明知是别人的功劳而你去接受奖励的事吗是否5(你是否健谈是否6(欠债会使你不安吗是否7(你曾无缘无故觉得真是难受吗是否8(你曾经贪图过份外之物吗是否9(你是否在晚上小心翼翼地关好门窗是否10 (你是否比较活跃是否11 (你在见到一小孩或一动物受折磨时是否会感到非常难过是否12 你是否常常为自己不该作而作了的事不该说而说了的话而紧张吗是否13 (你喜欢跳降落伞吗是否14 (通常你能在热闹联欢会中尽情地玩吗是否15 (你容易激动吗是否16 (你曾经将自己的过错推给别人吗是否17 (你喜欢会见陌生人吗是否18 (你是否相信保险 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 是一种好办法是否19 (你是一个容易伤感情的人吗是否20 (你所有的习惯都是好的吗是否21 (在社交场合你是否总不愿露头角是否22 (你会服用有奇异或危险作用的药物吗是否23 (你常有厌倦之感吗是否24 (你曾拿过别人的东西哪怕一针一线吗是否25 (你是否常爱外出是否26 (你是否从伤害你所宠爱的人而感到乐趣是否27 (你常为有罪恶之感所苦恼吗是否28 (你在谈论中是否有时不懂装懂是否29 (你是否宁愿去看些 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 而不愿去多见人是否30 (你有要伤害你的仇system troubleshooting. Integrated wiring system should have enough redundancy, can meet the development requirements. Rehabilitation Center backbone transmission using single-mode 12-core optical fibers, full reserve reserve to meet current and future period trunk signal transmission needs, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Intranet and the Internet using a set of structured cabling systems. Medical treatment building, aerial parts of each layer on the rehabilitation floor weak current equipment set up between two 2 m network equipment cabinet, assigned to internal and external network devices. basement underground two-level shared network equipment rack. Medical treatment building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from the medical information room of the building leads, along the medical floor weak current tube into each layer individually weak current equipment. Recovery building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from medical and rehabilitation of ground floor one floor basement corridor into the rehabilitation floor weak current lines1th, floor and 2nd, floor of intranet and outside network of communications cable since medical integrated floor of information room leads, along rehabilitation center of weak tube respectively into 1th, floor of East, in the, West three seat floor a layer of weak equipment 人吗是否31 (你觉得自己是一个神经过敏的人吗是否32 (对人有所失礼时你是否经常要表示歉意是否33 (你有许多朋友吗是否34 (你是否喜爱讲些有时确能伤害人的笑话是否35 (你是一个多忧多虑的人吗是否36 (你在童年是否按照吩咐要做什么便做什么毫无怨言是否37 (你认为你是一个乐天派吗是否38 (你很讲究礼貌和整洁吗是否39 (你是否总在担心会发生可怕的事情是否40 (你曾损坏或遗失别人的东西吗是否41 (交新朋友时一般是你采取主动吗是否42 (当别人向你诉苦时你是否容易理解他们的苦衷是否43 (你认为自己很紧张如同拉紧的弦一样吗是否44 (在没有废纸篓时你是否将废纸扔在地板上是否45 (在你与别人在一起时你是否言语很少是否46 (你是否认为结婚制度是过时了应该废止是否47 (你是否有时感到自己可怜是否48 (你是否有时有点自夸是否49 (你是否很容易将一个沉寂的集会搞得活跃起来是否50 (你是否讨厌那种小心翼翼地开车的人是否51 (你为你的健康担忧吗是否52 (你曾讲过什么人的坏话吗是否53 (你是否喜欢对朋友讲笑话和有趣的故事是否54 (你小时曾对父母粗暴无礼吗是否55 (你是否喜欢与人混在一起是否56 (你如知道自己工作有错误这会使你感到难过吗是否57 (你患失眠吗是否58 (你吃饭前必定洗手吗是否59 (你常无缘无故感到无精打采和倦怠吗是否60 (和别人玩游戏时你有过欺骗行为吗是否61 (你是否喜欢从事一些动作迅速的工作是否62 (你的母亲是一位善良的妇人吗是否system troubleshooting. Integrated wiring system should have enough redundancy, can meet the development requirements. Rehabilitation Center backbone transmission using single-mode 12-core optical fibers, full reserve reserve to meet current and future period trunk signal transmission needs, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Intranet and the Internet using a set of structured cabling systems. Medical treatment building, aerial parts of each layer on the rehabilitation floor weak current equipment set up between two 2 m network equipment cabinet, assigned to internal and external network devices. basement underground two-level shared network equipment rack. Medical treatment building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from the medical information room of the building leads, along the medical floor weak current tube into each layer individually weak current equipment. Recovery building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from medical and rehabilitation of ground floor one floor basement corridor into the rehabilitation floor weak current lines1th, floor and 2nd, floor of intranet and outside network of communications cable since medical integrated floor of information room leads, along rehabilitation center of weak tube respectively into 1th, floor of East, in the, West three seat floor a layer of weak equipment 63 (你是否常常觉得人生非常无味是否64 (你曾利用过某人为自己取得好处吗是否65 (你是否常常参加许多活动超过你的时间所允许是否66 (是否有几个人总在躲避你是否67 (你是否为你的容貌而非常烦恼是否68 你是否觉得人们为了未来有保障而办理储蓄和保险所花的时间太多是否69 (你曾有过不如死了为好的愿望吗是否70 (如果有把握永远不会被人发现你会逃税吗是否71 (你能使一个集会顺利进行吗是否72 (你能克制自己不对人无礼吗是否73 (遇到一次难堪的经历后你是否在一段长时间内还感到难受是否74 (你患有神经过敏吗是否75 (你曾经故意说些什么来伤害人的感情吗是否76 (你与别人的友谊是否容易破裂虽然不是你的过错是否77 (你常感到孤单吗是否78 当人家寻你的差错找你工作中的缺点时你是否容易在精神上受挫伤是否79 (你赴约会或上班曾迟到过吗是否80 (你喜欢忙忙碌碌和热热闹闹地过日子吗是否81 (你愿意别人怕你吗是否82 (你是否觉得有时浑身是劲而有时又是懒洋洋的吗是否83 (你有时把今天应做的事拖到明天去做吗是否84 (别人认为你是生气勃勃的吗是否85 (别人是否对你说了许多谎话是否86 (你是否对某些事物容易冒火是否87 (当你犯了错误时你是否常常愿意承认它是否88 (你会为一动物落入圈套被捉拿而感到很难过吗是否
文档加载中...广告还剩秒 system troubleshooting. Integrated wiring system should have enough redundancy, can meet the development requirements. Rehabilitation Center backbone transmission using single-mode 12-core optical fibers, full reserve reserve to meet current and future period trunk signal transmission needs, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Intranet and the Internet using a set of structured cabling systems. Medical treatment building, aerial parts of each layer on the rehabilitation floor weak current equipment set up between two 2 m network equipment cabinet, assigned to internal and external network devices. basement underground two-level shared network equipment rack. Medical treatment building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from the medical information room of the building leads, along the medical floor weak current tube into each layer individually weak current equipment. Recovery building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from medical and rehabilitation of ground floor one floor basement corridor into the rehabilitation floor weak current lines1th, floor and 2nd, floor of intranet and outside network of communications cable since medical integrated floor of information room leads, along rehabilitation center of weak tube respectively into 1th, floor of East, in the, West three seat floor a layer of weak equipment
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