首页 YY语音卡拉OK设置及声卡设置



YY语音卡拉OK设置及声卡设置YY语音卡拉OK设置及声卡设置 YY语音软件现在使用率在不断的增加,因为他弥补了QQ语音聊天的不足。YY语音可以进行语音单聊、语音群聊、卡拉OK唱歌等。语音单聊及一般的群聊对要求不是太高,而卡拉OK唱歌就需要伴音等,设置项就稍多一点.下面以卡拉OK的设置为主,说明其设置的方法。如果能理解,那语音一般聊天那也变得简单了. 下面分三个步骤来说,先说的是YY语音软件的设置。如果按操作还不能正常使用的话,再按第二步骤的设置进行设置。如果第二步骤还不能正常的话再看第三步骤。倒过来说是因为一般系统默认的设置可以正常使用YY语...

YY语音卡拉OK设置及声卡设置 YY语音软件现在使用率在不断的增加,因为他弥补了QQ语音聊天的不足。YY语音可以进行语音单聊、语音群聊、卡拉OK唱歌等。语音单聊及一般的群聊对要求不是太高,而卡拉OK唱歌就需要伴音等,设置项就稍多一点.下面以卡拉OK的设置为主, 说明 关于失联党员情况说明岗位说明总经理岗位说明书会计岗位说明书行政主管岗位说明书 其设置的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 。如果能理解,那语音一般聊天那也变得简单了. 下面分三个步骤来说,先说的是YY语音软件的设置。如果按操作还不能正常使用的话,再按第二步骤的设置进行设置。如果第二步骤还不能正常的话再看第三步骤。倒过来说是因为一般系统默认的设置可以正常使用YY语音来进行卡拉OK。但如果有设置或接线错的话,再接着看后面部分。 一( YY语音软件设置 首先打开YY语音软件,进入频道. YY语音的声卡设置: YY的声卡设置可以从两个进方进入 (图1) (图2) 以上两种方式进入的都是下图的界面: (图3) 在图中,YY默认的是主驱动程序.即电脑系统中默认的设备,这里不必做修改.如果你有两个声卡,则可以选择你电脑中那个较好的声卡。 其他项的设置就按默认了。具体看你使用环境,可以做适当的调整。 接下来是卡拉OK前的设置——混音设置,如下图: drop or half drops and shake well until the indicator change color without change, can be considered the finish reached. Alkali distal burette by rubber tubes, containing a glass ball, even a small glass tube needle-nosed, instead of glass piston. Using the method in addition to several different other acid burette.AAs the rubber will be corroded by antioxidants, so when using the lotion, buret head placed in a beaker filled with lotions, needle-nosed on the pump. Open pumping pump, light pinch glass ball, stay wash liquid slowly rose to close rubber tube at release glass ball, stay wash liquid soaking a time Hou, from pumping pump, pulled to rubber tube, let wash liquid shed, then with tap water flush, again with distilled water wash number times, loaded Shang rubber tube and wash net of glass ball and the needle-nosed glass tube, again with titration liquid wash 3 times. (2) liquid and bubbles (see Figure 8) to mount the titrant to above zero on the scale, the rubber tube bent, gently pinch the glass ball, so that the liquid slowly drove up connectors and off bubbles, full of rubber tube and needle-nosed a glass tube. (3) pinch glassware left thumb when she's in front, after the index finger, pinch the hose some place in the Middle glass balls which slightly, squeeze squeeze the hose to the right, forming a seam between the rubber tube with glass balls, solution to flow out. But note you cannot squeeze squeeze glass balls down the glass tube or air, easy to form bubbles. Fifth section analytical balances and weighingAA When m = sensitivity of 1mg-this is a simple formula. Formula showspipe threader, moving lights, and so on). 7, mixer, mortar machines: (1) it must be against objects made-and rain-proof sheds. (2) drainage must be smooth, with gutters and sedimentation ponds. (3) the mixer lever must have a safety device. (4) must have a good ground (zero) device. (5) the gravel yard walls must be sturdy and reliable. (6) complete horizontal mortar mixing Drum booth. 8, hoist: (1) open pit operation should be set up-and rain-proof body combat operations, and positive security rope fence. (2) must be equipped with the rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reverse switch operation sight must be good, if push button switch, the operator has a power switch, move the button switch must be in the 36-Volt ... (2) power cord into the drop of bend, entry must be entered after the fuse before going into the switch inside the oven to complete the grounding and zero connection terminal Board, metal casing should be zero protection. (3) tap inside the box where the air switch, GFCI above to set a separate switch. (4) the box to separate single-phase three-hole outlets, top loading protector, using single-phase equipment must be equipped with a monophase plug of the power supply. (5) where a mobile switch box, housing a reliable protection of zero (ground), equipped with a brake leak. (6) to be clearly separated from the "power", "illumination", "welding". 3, electricity lines: (1) electric line, required for overhead installation of resilient (图4) 点击卡拉OK旁边的小下拉箭头,会显示出两个项,一个是使用硬件混音,另一个是使用软件混音。 (本人觉得如果电脑所用的是板载的声卡的话最好是使用软件混音,不然会有一些杂音。当然如果电脑的板载声卡高档可以使用硬件混音。还有,如果外加独立的声卡也可以选用硬件混音。) 选择了使用硬件混音,就简单了。要卡拉OK唱歌时,直接卡拉OK键,弹出选择伴奏选择窗口,选择歌曲伴奏后打开,自动打开默认的播软件播放伴奏,然后就可以用麦唱歌了。(这里说明一点,使用硬件混音,可以事先把播放软件打开,然后再点击卡拉OK键,在选择歌曲时,按“取消”,然后在播放软件中播放歌曲就可以。) 选择了使用软件混音的话,要唱歌时,点击卡拉OK键,则弹出选择歌曲窗口,选择歌曲伴奏后打开,自动打开默认的播放软件播放伴奏,然后用麦唱歌。(这里也补充一点:使用软件混音,打开软件第一次卡拉OK最好不要事先把播放软件打开,不然可能会不能很好地混音。停止卡拉OK后,播放软件可以不关,下次点卡拉OK时,可以取消打开伴奏,这时提示混音软件已启动,提示是不是重打开混音软件,否。在先开的播放软件中,播放歌曲伴奏。) 补充:关于默认播放软件的设置 在文件夹里,歌曲伴奏中,选择歌曲,点击鼠标右键——属性,这里弹出文件属性窗口,如图 (图5) 在图中,系统默认播放MP3格式的音乐是使用“千千静听”的播放软件,如果你不想把这个软件当默认的播放软 件,则点击“更改”按钮,在弹出的窗口里选择要当作默认播放的软件,例如使用QQ音乐当播放软件。如图 drop or half drops and shake well until the indicator change color without change, can be considered the finish reached. Alkali distal burette by rubber tubes, containing a glass ball, even a small glass tube needle-nosed, instead of glass piston. Using the method in addition to several different other acid burette.AAs the rubber will be corroded by antioxidants, so when using the lotion, buret head placed in a beaker filled with lotions, needle-nosed on the pump. Open pumping pump, light pinch glass ball, stay wash liquid slowly rose to close rubber tube at release glass ball, stay wash liquid soaking a time Hou, from pumping pump, pulled to rubber tube, let wash liquid shed, then with tap water flush, again with distilled water wash number times, loaded Shang rubber tube and wash net of glass ball and the needle-nosed glass tube, again with titration liquid wash 3 times. (2) liquid and bubbles (see Figure 8) to mount the titrant to above zero on the scale, the rubber tube bent, gently pinch the glass ball, so that the liquid slowly drove up connectors and off bubbles, full of rubber tube and needle-nosed a glass tube. (3) pinch glassware left thumb when she's in front, after the index finger, pinch the hose some place in the Middle glass balls which slightly, squeeze squeeze the hose to the right, forming a seam between the rubber tube with glass balls, solution to flow out. But note you cannot squeeze squeeze glass balls down the glass tube or air, easy to form bubbles. Fifth section analytical balances and weighingAA When m = sensitivity of 1mg-this is a simple formula. Formula showspipe threader, moving lights, and so on). 7, mixer, mortar machines: (1) it must be against objects made-and rain-proof sheds. (2) drainage must be smooth, with gutters and sedimentation ponds. (3) the mixer lever must have a safety device. (4) must have a good ground (zero) device. (5) the gravel yard walls must be sturdy and reliable. (6) complete horizontal mortar mixing Drum booth. 8, hoist: (1) open pit operation should be set up-and rain-proof body combat operations, and positive security rope fence. (2) must be equipped with the rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reverse switch operation sight must be good, if push button switch, the operator has a power switch, move the button switch must be in the 36-Volt ... (2) power cord into the drop of bend, entry must be entered after the fuse before going into the switch inside the oven to complete the grounding and zero connection terminal Board, metal casing should be zero protection. (3) tap inside the box where the air switch, GFCI above to set a separate switch. (4) the box to separate single-phase three-hole outlets, top loading protector, using single-phase equipment must be equipped with a monophase plug of the power supply. (5) where a mobile switch box, housing a reliable protection of zero (ground), equipped with a brake leak. (6) to be clearly separated from the "power", "illumination", "welding". 3, electricity lines: (1) electric line, required for overhead installation of resilient (图6) 说明一点:有些软件象QQ音乐播放软件里有单独的设置默认播放软件的设置项,如果设置了,在文件属性里设置的往往没有效,所以得在它的设置项里,把选项取消掉,如下图 (图7) 二(声卡的设置 进入 “开始”——“控制面板”,双击 ,(图8)弹出声音和音频设置属性界面点击音频标签,如下图 (图9) 如电脑有装两个声卡(板载集成声卡和独立声卡),那点击选择设备时将显示出两个声卡设备.如下图 drop or half drops and shake well until the indicator change color without change, can be considered the finish reached. Alkali distal burette by rubber tubes, containing a glass ball, even a small glass tube needle-nosed, instead of glass piston. Using the method in addition to several different other acid burette.AAs the rubber will be corroded by antioxidants, so when using the lotion, buret head placed in a beaker filled with lotions, needle-nosed on the pump. Open pumping pump, light pinch glass ball, stay wash liquid slowly rose to close rubber tube at release glass ball, stay wash liquid soaking a time Hou, from pumping pump, pulled to rubber tube, let wash liquid shed, then with tap water flush, again with distilled water wash number times, loaded Shang rubber tube and wash net of glass ball and the needle-nosed glass tube, again with titration liquid wash 3 times. (2) liquid and bubbles (see Figure 8) to mount the titrant to above zero on the scale, the rubber tube bent, gently pinch the glass ball, so that the liquid slowly drove up connectors and off bubbles, full of rubber tube and needle-nosed a glass tube. (3) pinch glassware left thumb when she's in front, after the index finger, pinch the hose some place in the Middle glass balls which slightly, squeeze squeeze the hose to the right, forming a seam between the rubber tube with glass balls, solution to flow out. But note you cannot squeeze squeeze glass balls down the glass tube or air, easy to form bubbles. Fifth section analytical balances and weighingAA When m = sensitivity of 1mg-this is a simple formula. Formula showspipe threader, moving lights, and so on). 7, mixer, mortar machines: (1) it must be against objects made-and rain-proof sheds. (2) drainage must be smooth, with gutters and sedimentation ponds. (3) the mixer lever must have a safety device. (4) must have a good ground (zero) device. (5) the gravel yard walls must be sturdy and reliable. (6) complete horizontal mortar mixing Drum booth. 8, hoist: (1) open pit operation should be set up-and rain-proof body combat operations, and positive security rope fence. (2) must be equipped with the rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reverse switch operation sight must be good, if push button switch, the operator has a power switch, move the button switch must be in the 36-Volt ... (2) power cord into the drop of bend, entry must be entered after the fuse before going into the switch inside the oven to complete the grounding and zero connection terminal Board, metal casing should be zero protection. (3) tap inside the box where the air switch, GFCI above to set a separate switch. (4) the box to separate single-phase three-hole outlets, top loading protector, using single-phase equipment must be equipped with a monophase plug of the power supply. (5) where a mobile switch box, housing a reliable protection of zero (ground), equipped with a brake leak. (6) to be clearly separated from the "power", "illumination", "welding". 3, electricity lines: (1) electric line, required for overhead installation of resilient (图10) 如图中所示,该电脑还有装有另外一个USB的简易声卡.选择好声音播放的默认设备,录音默认设备后,再把”仅使用默认设备”的选项勾选上,并点击应用. 音频设置选择完了,还可以进行音量的设置: 点击录音区里的”音量”,(声音播放区的音量一般没问题,如要设置,和录音音量设置差不多)将弹出如下图的界面: (图11) 在这里,把麦克风下面选择项勾上.因为录音是录制麦所说的语音,所以选择麦克风.如果选择前面的,一些软件录的是电脑播放的音,而没有麦的发现的音.(YY语音的录音功能只选择麦克录可以录制电脑和麦一起的音) 如果没有显示出麦克风,那可以点击“选项”,选择“属性”,在弹出的界面里,把”麦克风”勾选上.确认后就会有显示出麦克风了.如下图: (图12) (图13) (补充:如果要添加播放的,则要把图15中的”录音”选项换成”播放”.播放音量设置中最好把麦克风点为静音。) 三(声卡耳麦的接线 这个是基础,如果接线插口接错的话,再怎么设置也不行了。要想接正确,要辨别接口的志耳麦接,口有,机箱主板接口处也有。下面以板载声卡的设置为例,独立声卡的设置具体看声卡的驱动手册。 如图: (图14) 音频输出 可接音箱或是耳机(标志为(图15)的一根) (图16) 音频输入 接麦或其他音频输入 一般的板载声卡在机箱后面有三个接口,另外一个接口可以通过声卡驱动程序内进行设置.平常我们用到三个,一个接输出音箱,一个接耳机的麦,一个接耳机的喇叭. drop or half drops and shake well until the indicator change color without change, can be considered the finish reached. Alkali distal burette by rubber tubes, containing a glass ball, even a small glass tube needle-nosed, instead of glass piston. Using the method in addition to several different other acid burette.AAs the rubber will be corroded by antioxidants, so when using the lotion, buret head placed in a beaker filled with lotions, needle-nosed on the pump. Open pumping pump, light pinch glass ball, stay wash liquid slowly rose to close rubber tube at release glass ball, stay wash liquid soaking a time Hou, from pumping pump, pulled to rubber tube, let wash liquid shed, then with tap water flush, again with distilled water wash number times, loaded Shang rubber tube and wash net of glass ball and the needle-nosed glass tube, again with titration liquid wash 3 times. (2) liquid and bubbles (see Figure 8) to mount the titrant to above zero on the scale, the rubber tube bent, gently pinch the glass ball, so that the liquid slowly drove up connectors and off bubbles, full of rubber tube and needle-nosed a glass tube. (3) pinch glassware left thumb when she's in front, after the index finger, pinch the hose some place in the Middle glass balls which slightly, squeeze squeeze the hose to the right, forming a seam between the rubber tube with glass balls, solution to flow out. But note you cannot squeeze squeeze glass balls down the glass tube or air, easy to form bubbles. Fifth section analytical balances and weighingAA When m = sensitivity of 1mg-this is a simple formula. Formula showspipe threader, moving lights, and so on). 7, mixer, mortar machines: (1) it must be against objects made-and rain-proof sheds. (2) drainage must be smooth, with gutters and sedimentation ponds. (3) the mixer lever must have a safety device. (4) must have a good ground (zero) device. (5) the gravel yard walls must be sturdy and reliable. (6) complete horizontal mortar mixing Drum booth. 8, hoist: (1) open pit operation should be set up-and rain-proof body combat operations, and positive security rope fence. (2) must be equipped with the rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reverse switch operation sight must be good, if push button switch, the operator has a power switch, move the button switch must be in the 36-Volt ... (2) power cord into the drop of bend, entry must be entered after the fuse before going into the switch inside the oven to complete the grounding and zero connection terminal Board, metal casing should be zero protection. (3) tap inside the box where the air switch, GFCI above to set a separate switch. (4) the box to separate single-phase three-hole outlets, top loading protector, using single-phase equipment must be equipped with a monophase plug of the power supply. (5) where a mobile switch box, housing a reliable protection of zero (ground), equipped with a brake leak. (6) to be clearly separated from the "power", "illumination", "welding". 3, electricity lines: (1) electric line, required for overhead installation of resilient 下面说明一下如何在AC97 adio声卡驱动程序内调整接口 进入“开始”——“控制面板”双击 (图17)然后会弹出驱动设置界面,然后点击界面中的"喇叭组态"标签页 (图18) 图中的小红圈所画的两个位置是可以通过点击进行切换的(要不要切换看具体机箱后面的插接 ).如上图所设,前喇叭接音箱,后喇叭接耳机,麦克风接麦.设置这个并不是已经完成,还要在"接口感应"里进行设置."接口感应"是和"喇叭组态"相对应的,如果不对应就不正确.点击"接口感应"标签,如图: (图19) 这个是对应前面的"喇叭组态"的"接口感应"设置.可以点击"开始"测试.注意图中的,有源扬声器与无源扬声器的区别. 耳机只能接在无源的接口位置,不能接在有源的接口位置. 如点击开始 检测 工程第三方检测合同工程防雷检测合同植筋拉拔检测方案传感器技术课后答案检测机构通用要求培训 后,不有正确的可以进行修改.如在喇叭组态里切换了另外的组态,将出现下面的提示界面 (图20) (图21) 有红感叹号表示接口与设置不对应,可以点击修正,然后进行设置.如图 drop or half drops and shake well until the indicator change color without change, can be considered the finish reached. Alkali distal burette by rubber tubes, containing a glass ball, even a small glass tube needle-nosed, instead of glass piston. Using the method in addition to several different other acid burette.AAs the rubber will be corroded by antioxidants, so when using the lotion, buret head placed in a beaker filled with lotions, needle-nosed on the pump. Open pumping pump, light pinch glass ball, stay wash liquid slowly rose to close rubber tube at release glass ball, stay wash liquid soaking a time Hou, from pumping pump, pulled to rubber tube, let wash liquid shed, then with tap water flush, again with distilled water wash number times, loaded Shang rubber tube and wash net of glass ball and the needle-nosed glass tube, again with titration liquid wash 3 times. (2) liquid and bubbles (see Figure 8) to mount the titrant to above zero on the scale, the rubber tube bent, gently pinch the glass ball, so that the liquid slowly drove up connectors and off bubbles, full of rubber tube and needle-nosed a glass tube. (3) pinch glassware left thumb when she's in front, after the index finger, pinch the hose some place in the Middle glass balls which slightly, squeeze squeeze the hose to the right, forming a seam between the rubber tube with glass balls, solution to flow out. But note you cannot squeeze squeeze glass balls down the glass tube or air, easy to form bubbles. Fifth section analytical balances and weighingAA When m = sensitivity of 1mg-this is a simple formula. Formula showspipe threader, moving lights, and so on). 7, mixer, mortar machines: (1) it must be against objects made-and rain-proof sheds. (2) drainage must be smooth, with gutters and sedimentation ponds. (3) the mixer lever must have a safety device. (4) must have a good ground (zero) device. (5) the gravel yard walls must be sturdy and reliable. (6) complete horizontal mortar mixing Drum booth. 8, hoist: (1) open pit operation should be set up-and rain-proof body combat operations, and positive security rope fence. (2) must be equipped with the rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reverse switch operation sight must be good, if push button switch, the operator has a power switch, move the button switch must be in the 36-Volt ... (2) power cord into the drop of bend, entry must be entered after the fuse before going into the switch inside the oven to complete the grounding and zero connection terminal Board, metal casing should be zero protection. (3) tap inside the box where the air switch, GFCI above to set a separate switch. (4) the box to separate single-phase three-hole outlets, top loading protector, using single-phase equipment must be equipped with a monophase plug of the power supply. (5) where a mobile switch box, housing a reliable protection of zero (ground), equipped with a brake leak. (6) to be clearly separated from the "power", "illumination", "welding". 3, electricity lines: (1) electric line, required for overhead installation of resilient (图22) 到这里有关设置的全部结束了。这里只能以大部分的情况来说,各人的电脑有些不一样,可能有些设置不合适,这 只能当做参考。如有不对的地方提出指正。
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