首页 历年高考圣教学法圣教学法在大学英语教学巾的应用



历年高考圣教学法圣教学法在大学英语教学巾的应用历年高考圣教学法圣教学法在大学英语教学巾的应用 。。 . . 。。 . . 高中英语教学中的翻译教学实践初探 上海市青浦高级中学 陆跃勤 2010-9 [摘要] 培养高中生的语言应用能力是高中英语教学的首要任务,也是时代发展的必然要求。伴随着各种新教学法的应用,传统的翻译法受到强烈的冲击,几经沉浮。21世纪应用语言学和翻译学理论不断发展,人们开始重新审视翻译教学法。高考英语中句子翻译的在总卷分数中占到20分,这说明了翻译作为写作能力的基础体现,越来越受到关注。证明在高中英语教学中有效的使用翻译教学法,...

历年高考圣教学法圣教学法在大学英语教学巾的应用 。。 . . 。。 . . 高中英语 高中英语pdf课本高中英语知识点整理高中英语选修六单词表高中英语组教学计划高中英语必修4课件 教学中的翻译教学实践初探 上海市青浦高级中学 陆跃勤 2010-9 [摘要] 培养高中生的语言应用能力是高中英语教学的首要任务,也是时代发展的必然 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 。伴随着各种新教学法的应用,传统的翻译法受到强烈的冲击,几经沉浮。21世纪应用语言学和翻译学理论不断发展,人们开始重新审视翻译教学法。高考英语中句子翻译的在总卷分数中占到20分,这说明了翻译作为写作能力的基础体现,越来越受到关注。证明在高中英语教学中有效的使用翻译教学法,能促进高中学生写作技能的提高。 【关键词]翻译教学法 高中英语教学 翻译技能 一、翻译教学法与高中英语教学中的现状 自我国加入WTO以来,随着我国经济的发展,国际间的交流合作日益增多,人们对英语的实用性越发重视,英语的实用性功能 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现的越发突出。为了适应新形势的需要,高中英语教学不断进行改革,传统的以翻译为主的教学方法受到极大的冲击,培养学生的听说能力成为英语教学的首要任务。近几十年来,为了提高学生的听说能力,国外的一些教学法,如交际法,听说法,情景法等不断的被引入国内的课堂教学中。这些新颖的教学法在提高学生的听说能力。活跃沉闷的课堂气氛方面的确起到了积极的作用。但是,目前,高中英语教学中似乎存在着一个误区:在英语教学中,只有完全的脱离了母语的环境,才能给学生提供有效的语言学习环境,一部分教师认为翻译活动要使用汉语,担心汉语知识的负迁移作用会构成学习英语的障碍。因此,在课堂教学中从来不开展翻译活动,甚至一句汉语都不说。当前这种英语教学中重听说,轻翻译的倾向源于前一时期对英语教学法的纷争,其结果必然会造成学生实际语言应用能力的缺失,直接影响高中英语教学的效果,阻碍了学生的翻译能力的发展。 不可否认,随着英语高考对翻译要求的日益提高,根据调查,在实际教学中,credit management: clear conditions and requirements for loan extension. (10) recovery and disposal: 1 term in a year (including) within the loan, in addition to the monthly interest payment, due in principal repayment options, you can also select a matching service, equal principal repayment method; 2, Client Manager after receiving and reviewing early repayment of the application shall be submitted to the head of the Marketing Department for review, processing through the examination and approval procedures of repayment. (11) defined the offence. Third, in case of problems during the implementation process, please contact Head division. Annex: qilu Bank personal loans guaranteed management qilu Bank b o February 1, 11 key words: retail banking guarantee loan management of qilu Bank's Office issued on February 1, 2011 Proofreading: Liu Debao Annex: qilu Bank personal loans guaranteed Management chapter I General provisions article to promote personal loans guaranteed business development, standardized lending practices, according to the People's Republic of China on commercial banks and the China Banking Regulatory Commission and other laws and regulations of the interim measures for the administration of personal loans, these measures are formulated. Individual guarantee article II is a natural or legal person units to provide security for the loan, granted 新的教学方法在高中阶段,尤其是高三的英语课堂中很难坚持开展,传统的翻译教学法仍然居于主导地位,这表明师生对于翻译能力的培养都很重视。但是作为高中英语技能之一的句子翻译,不能通过大量机械地翻译联系进行,而应进行科学练习,从而使高中英语句子翻译技能的形成,具有事半功倍的效果。 二、翻译教学法在高中英语教学中的应用 翻译教学法是一项传统而行之有效的教学方法,在目前的高中英语教学中,翻译教学法的作用不可小觑,英语教师在课堂教学中充分发挥这一传统教学法的作用。一些行之有效的教学方法和手段在短时间内获得了较好的教学效果。 1、结合教材使用翻译教学法 任何一种教学法都要服务于整体课堂教学目标。由于高中英语教学时数有限,专项的翻译课程无法开展,而翻译又是语言学习的重要环节,因此,教师要结合教材 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 ,充分利用翻译教学法。在涉及到句子的理解时,不能只是简单的理解句子的含义,还要有针对性的讲解一些翻译的基本理论和技巧。这样,既可以加深学生对句子和课文的理解,又可以让学生掌握翻译技能,从而引发学生对英语学习的兴趣。同时,英语教师应该认识到翻译基本理论和技巧的构建是循序渐进的过程。这就要求教师要具备高度的敬业精神,根据大纲的要求制定详细的教学 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 。例如:哪些句子应该作为例句讲解,哪些典型的句子应该供学生进行翻译实践练习。 高中英语句子翻译技能的形成需要多层次形式多样的练习,使学生在尝试练习中,逐步提高自己的翻译技能。从高中英语阶段常用词汇翻译着手,让学生在词汇翻译中为句子翻译作准备。起架桥作用的准备题则可以通过完成句子的形式出现,让学生在用新的内容完成已给出旧有内容的句子的过程中,在新旧知识之间架起桥梁,新授阶段的练习内容尽量与课文中的句子结构、句子内容相似,引导学生探索句子翻译技能的形成所需的新知识。起巩固作用的第二次尝试题应与课文句子稍有变化,可适当结合学生实际生活展开,从而巩固学生所学新知识,为学生高中英语句子翻译技能的形成奠定良好的基础。利用教材内容编写的翻译句子练习有机地把句型和核心词、词组的用法揉合起来,使学生在练习的时候能 formulated. Individual guarantee article II is a natural or legal person units to provide security for the loan, grantedmmission and other laws and regulations of the interim measures for the administration of personal loans, these measures are ry Cotandardized lending practices, according to the People's Republic of China on commercial banks and the China Banking Regulatoloans guaranteed Management chapter I General provisions article to promote personal loans guaranteed business development, s rsonalanking guarantee loan management of qilu Bank's Office issued on February 1, 2011 Proofreading: Liu Debao Annex: qilu Bank pecontact Head division. Annex: qilu Bank personal loans guaranteed management qilu Bank b o February 1, 11 key words: retail bease approval procedures of repayment. (11) defined the offence. Third, in case of problems during the implementation process, pl the application shall be submitted to the head of the Marketing Department for review, processing through the examination andnt of so select a matching service, equal principal repayment method; 2, Client Manager after receiving and reviewing early repaymeyear (including) within the loan, in addition to the monthly interest payment, due in principal repayment options, you can alcredit management: clear conditions and requirements for loan extension. (10) recovery and disposal: 1 term in a 2 温故而知新。综合阶段的翻译要求,则应充分发挥学生的主体作用,让学生在适当结合旧知识的过程中掌握新知识,把单纯的操练词句和本章节的主题内容结合起来。通过一定量的单据练习,能让学生根据练习的素材选择其中的一些句子加以裁剪变成一个语段或一篇短文。这样起到了用足教材,用活教材,用透教材的目的。让学生在不同层面上操练语言知识,促进其思维的发展,提高其翻译技能。 在由浅入深、循序渐进的过程中,教师可以不拘泥于公式化的进程,而视学生实际情况进行。 2、指导学生有效的使用各种词典促进翻译能力提高 词典是沟通母语和外语的桥梁。“查阅词典在语言学习中是一种有意识的学习活动,有助于语言的记忆和保存,是外语学习者在语言学习和运用中所使用的学习策略的一部分”。目前,一大部分的学生还没有养成自觉使用词典的习惯。很多学生使用词典就是为了查询单词或词组的拼写,还有的学生轻易的查到—个相近的词就使用,造成很多用词不当的误会。因此,教师教会学生如何正确使用词典是提高翻译能力的重要环节。教师应该教会学生如何查阅翻译中遇到的生词,如何选择所查生词的词义,如何利用词典中的例句。另外,教师还应该引导学生把不同的词典结合起来使用,在进行翻译时,不仅要查汉英词典,还要查英汉词典,这样选出来的词才够准确。 牛津教材高中第一册就有“Using English” ---如何查字典这个教学内容,通过指导学生自学这个部分的内容,课内交流,开展查字典小竞赛等方法让学生在实践中学习和体验查字典的优势,能为高中阶段的三年英语学习、日后的自主学习乃至终生学习打下良好的基础。 让学生明白两条:第一:不要盲目的查;第二:不要查的太快;第三:查字典不要只看词义。换句话说,在查字典以前要先想一想,甚至猜一猜。很多学习英语的人,在文章中一看到生词抓起字典就查,结果往往是每个生词都查过了,却看不懂整句或整段的意思。假如在查字典以前,先根据上下文的意思猜猜看,再翻开字典,就不会感到无所适从了。例如:(A)句:“Will this small car negotiate that steep hill?”(这辆小汽车能翻过那个陡峭的山丘吗,)(B) d other laws and regulations of the interim measures for the administration of personal loans, these measures are formulated.ing practices, according to the People's Republic of China on commercial banks and the China Banking Regulatory Commission and lendanteed Management chapter I General provisions article to promote personal loans guaranteed business development, standardizeloan management of qilu Bank's Office issued on February 1, 2011 Proofreading: Liu Debao Annex: qilu Bank personal loans guarantee d division. Annex: qilu Bank personal loans guaranteed management qilu Bank b o February 1, 11 key words: retail banking guarres of repayment. (11) defined the offence. Third, in case of problems during the implementation process, please contact Hearocedution shall be submitted to the head of the Marketing Department for review, processing through the examination and approval ping service, equal principal repayment method; 2, Client Manager after receiving and reviewing early repayment of the applicamatching) within the loan, in addition to the monthly interest payment, due in principal repayment options, you can also select a credit management: clear conditions and requirements for loan extension. (10) recovery and disposal: 1 term in a year (includidual guarantee article II is a natural or legal person units to provide security for the loan, grantedIndiv3 句:“I'm sorry. Our bank doesn't negotiate foreign checks.”(对不起, 我们银行不兑现外国支票。) 出现的negotiate,我们不能选取多数字典对它下的第一个定义“交涉”。如果不假思索翻开字典就抄下“交涉”这个定义,这句话就无法看懂了。所以,遇到生词先不要忙着查字典,应该先结合上下文,前后句,整个段落来推敲它的意思,再查字典证实一下,有时甚至用不着查字典意思就清楚了。这种查字典的方法还有一个好处,由于先经过猜,想的过程,对于这个生词有了观察和分析,印象已很深刻,查字典之后就很容易就记住这个词了。 很多学生查字典只为了了解词义,这充其量只能弄懂生词在那句话里的意思,根本无法积极掌握那个词汇,更谈不上活用了。查字典除了要找出适当的定义,还要查: 1)读音:读的出音的词才能记得牢,也才能用的出来。2)相关的定义:一个单词可能会有几个或几十个定义。浏览一下相关的定义可更广泛的了解这个单词。3)用法和例句:可以从字典中的例句中学到该词的正确用法。4)反义词,近义词和词类变化。查字典时兼顾这许多方面才能增进您对该生词的理解,增强对该生词的记忆和活用该生词的能力。 3、精讲多练、举一反三地开展日常翻译教学 “精讲”就是“教师上课要突出重点、难点,讲关键、讲主干、讲方法”,“多练”就是“通过变式、操作等学习活动,增加学生灵活应用知识的机会”。如果课堂能改变教师只管教,学生只能听的束缚,无疑能更好地有利于高中英语句子翻译训练技能的形成方面的精讲多练。教师不是面面俱到的系统讲授,二是针对学生感到的困惑之处或教材中的关键之处进行讲解,确保学生掌握的知识具有系统性。显然,教师的“精讲”精在有针对性的讲解,而不是无的放失,从而确保学生系统性地掌握知识。 如:翻译中动词的语态如何把握这个问题是学生的薄弱之处。老师通过总结3个要点来帮助学生克服难点,即:1)所给的汉语中没有明确的“被”,但翻译时宜用被动语态:“他得到了(be praised by)老师的表扬,心情很好;2)有些动词翻译成英语时主动或被动都可以:在大城市里迷路(lose one’s way/get formulated. Individual guarantee article II is a natural or legal person units to provide security for the loan, grantedmmission and other laws and regulations of the interim measures for the administration of personal loans, these measures are ry Cotandardized lending practices, according to the People's Republic of China on commercial banks and the China Banking Regulatoloans guaranteed Management chapter I General provisions article to promote personal loans guaranteed business development, s rsonalanking guarantee loan management of qilu Bank's Office issued on February 1, 2011 Proofreading: Liu Debao Annex: qilu Bank pecontact Head division. Annex: qilu Bank personal loans guaranteed management qilu Bank b o February 1, 11 key words: retail bease approval procedures of repayment. (11) defined the offence. Third, in case of problems during the implementation process, pl the application shall be submitted to the head of the Marketing Department for review, processing through the examination andnt of so select a matching service, equal principal repayment method; 2, Client Manager after receiving and reviewing early repaymeyear (including) within the loan, in addition to the monthly interest payment, due in principal repayment options, you can alcredit management: clear conditions and requirements for loan extension. (10) recovery and disposal: 1 term in a 4 lost)没有关系,警察会给你指路。3)注意easy 和difficult 的用法:这本 书很容易/不容易被读懂 (the book is easy/difficult to understand) 练习形式多样,避免误入“题海战术”,从而使学生在“题海”中疲于奔命, 无法使知识很好地向技能转化。因此,教师“要通过大量变化的练习,引导学生 概括出一类课题的共同特征和共有的一般方法,使学生掌握其原理和规则,把所 学的称述性知识转化为智力技能,达到自动化”。 比如“让”这个汉字在翻译是有很多对应的英语表达,只有充分考虑到汉语 表达的习惯,才能把句子翻得妥贴。 1) 想让你帮我一个忙 I’d like you to do me a favour 2) 你让我想一想在答复你好吗,Would you allow me to think again before I reply? ) 父母终于让我在新学期住宿在学校了My parents have at last 3 agreed to my living on campus in the new term 4) 他让人给他买了辆二手车He had a used car bought for him 5) 未经许可他不让人进他的房间He didn’t have anyone enter his room without permission 6) 他让出一间房给儿子学习绘画He spared a room for his son to learn painting 7) 他们俩互不相让,最终大打出手Neither of them would give in to the other and finally they got into a severe fight 8) 让孩子一个人呆在家里不安全It is not safe to leave a child at home alone 9) 旧沙发得给新沙发让路了The old sofa should make room for the new one 10) 他让我在雨中等了两个小时He kept me waiting in the rain for two hours idual guarantee article II is a natural or legal person units to provide security for the loan, grantedIndiv d other laws and regulations of the interim measures for the administration of personal loans, these measures are formulated.ing practices, according to the People's Republic of China on commercial banks and the China Banking Regulatory Commission and lendanteed Management chapter I General provisions article to promote personal loans guaranteed business development, standardizeloan management of qilu Bank's Office issued on February 1, 2011 Proofreading: Liu Debao Annex: qilu Bank personal loans guarantee d division. Annex: qilu Bank personal loans guaranteed management qilu Bank b o February 1, 11 key words: retail banking guarres of repayment. (11) defined the offence. Third, in case of problems during the implementation process, please contact Hearocedution shall be submitted to the head of the Marketing Department for review, processing through the examination and approval ping service, equal principal repayment method; 2, Client Manager after receiving and reviewing early repayment of the applicamatching) within the loan, in addition to the monthly interest payment, due in principal repayment options, you can also select a credit management: clear conditions and requirements for loan extension. (10) recovery and disposal: 1 term in a year (includ5 11) 他整天不思进取,让父母头疼不已。He never strive to make progress, which worries his parents a lot 三、结束语 在高中英语教学中,翻译教学法被认为是一种重要和有效的教学手段。翻译教学法运用母语对应翻译保证学生能够确切的理解单词和句子的含义。尤其是在英语的初学阶段,可以帮助学生摆脱对生词的推测而造成的一知半解。同时,翻译教学法使用方便,对教学设备的要求不高,大大节省了课堂教学时间,缩短了教学周期,降低教学成本,能够达到显著的教学效果。但是,翻译教学法也有其弊端。如果在教学中过度的依赖翻译教学法就会忽略对听说能力的培养,这就是翻译教学法的诟病。在实际教学中,教师应该吸取翻译教学法的长处,综合听说读写训练。才能取得良好的教学效果。 参考文献 [1]郭著章(英汉互译实用教程(武汉:武汉大学出版社,1988( [2]喻云根(新编翻译教程(洛阳:中国人民解放军外国语学院(1987( [3]薄冰(英语语法(北京:开明出版社,1998( [4]张大均 教与学的策略 人民教育出版社,2003 [5]高三英语学习指导 上海教育音像出版社 2006 formulated. Individual guarantee article II is a natural or legal person units to provide security for the loan, grantedmmission and other laws and regulations of the interim measures for the administration of personal loans, these measures are ry Cotandardized lending practices, according to the People's Republic of China on commercial banks and the China Banking Regulatoloans guaranteed Management chapter I General provisions article to promote personal loans guaranteed business development, s rsonalanking guarantee loan management of qilu Bank's Office issued on February 1, 2011 Proofreading: Liu Debao Annex: qilu Bank pecontact Head division. Annex: qilu Bank personal loans guaranteed management qilu Bank b o February 1, 11 key words: retail bease approval procedures of repayment. (11) defined the offence. Third, in case of problems during the implementation process, pl the application shall be submitted to the head of the Marketing Department for review, processing through the examination andnt of so select a matching service, equal principal repayment method; 2, Client Manager after receiving and reviewing early repaymeyear (including) within the loan, in addition to the monthly interest payment, due in principal repayment options, you can alcredit management: clear conditions and requirements for loan extension. (10) recovery and disposal: 1 term in a 6
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