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二建市政历年真题二建市政历年真题 2011年市政实务 一、单项选择题(共20题,每题1分。每题的备选项中,只有1个最符合题意) 1(沥青混凝土面层的磨耗层应使用( )沥青混凝土。 A(粗粒式 B(中粒式 C(细粒式 D(砂粒式 2(某城市道路设有6条机动车道和有分隔带的非机动车道,计划采用扩大交叉口的办法提高通行能力,则该道路属于( )。 A(快速路 B(主干路 C(次干路 D(支路 3(各类土经水泥稳定后,强度由高到低依次是( )。 A((砾)石和砂砾一一砂性土——粉性土和黏性土 B((砾)石和砂砾粉性土和黏性土...

二建市政历年真题 2011年市政实务 一、单项选择题(共20题,每题1分。每题的备选项中,只有1个最符合题意) 1(沥青混凝土面层的磨耗层应使用( )沥青混凝土。 A(粗粒式 B(中粒式 C(细粒式 D(砂粒式 2(某城市道路设有6条机动车道和有分隔带的非机动车道, 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 采用扩大交叉口的办法提高通行能力,则该道路属于( )。 A(快速路 B(主干路 C(次干路 D(支路 3(各类土经水泥稳定后,强度由高到低依次是( )。 A((砾)石和砂砾一一砂性土——粉性土和黏性土 B((砾)石和砂砾粉性土和黏性土——砂性土 C(粉性土和黏性土一一砂性土——(砾)石和砂砾 D(砂性土——(砾)石和砂砾——粉性土和黏性土 4(关于打入桩施工技术要求的说法,错误的是( )。 A(水泥混凝土桩要达到100,设计强度并具有28d龄期 B(在打入桩的过程中,应始终保持锤、桩帽和桩身在同一轴线上 C(打密集群桩,一般是由前排向后排打 D(打桩时以控制桩尖设计标高为主 5(设置现浇预应力混凝土连续梁支架预拱度时,不考虑的变形是( )。 A(卸架后上部构造本身及活载一半所产生的竖向挠度 B(支架在荷载作用下的弹性压缩和非弹性压缩 C(支架基底在荷载作用下的弹性沉陷 D(由混凝土收缩及温度变化而引起的挠度 6(钢桁架安装时,大面积节点板高强螺栓施拧应采用的顺序为( )。 A(由中央向外 B(由外向中央 C(由上向下 D(由下向上 (相邻的无支护基坑深浅不等时,一般采用( )的开挖施工顺序。 7 A(先浅后深 B(先深后浅 C(同时进行 D(交替进行 8(与基坑明挖法相比,盖挖法施工最显著的优点是( )。 A(施工成本低 B(出土速度快 C(围护变形小 D(可尽快恢复交通 9(右图为隧道正台阶环形开挖法的示意图,施工中应最先开挖( )。 A(a B(b C(c和d D(e 10(地铁区间隧道的建筑限界应考虑( )。 A(设备和管线安装尺寸、厚度 B(施工误差 C(测量误差 D(结构沉降 11(沉井井壁最下端做成刀刃状,其主要功用是( )。 A(便于挖土 B(节约建筑材料 C(减轻自重 D(减少下沉阻力 12(城市污水一级处理工艺中采用的构筑物是( )。 A(污池消化池 B(沉砂池 C(二次沉淀池 D(污泥浓缩池 13(城市排水泵站中溢流井的功能是( )。 A(调节水量 B(紧急排放 C.作为水泵出水口 D(稳定出水井水位 14(下列关于承插式混凝土管道接口安装质量的说法,错误的是( )。 A(接口应平直 B(环向间隙应均匀 C(填料密实、饱满 D(抹带宽度、厚度合格 15(中压A燃气管道应采用( )。 A(钢管 B(混凝土管 C聚乙烯管 D(机械接口铸铁管 16(关于在零度以下焊接热力管道的说法,错误的是( )。 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel A(应清除管道上的冰、霜、雪 B(焊接时应保证焊缝自由收缩 C(应在焊缝完全冷却之前敲打掉焊缝表面焊渣 D(应防止焊口的加速冷却 17(下列检测垃圾填埋场防渗效果的方法中,错误的是( )。 A(在填埋垃圾之前的填埋场影响区域内打水质观测井 B(设两层排水系统时,从提升泵井中抽取水样 C(在垃圾填埋区内打水质观测井 D(填埋垃圾前后从水质观测井中抽取水样进行比较 18(干燥地区园林假山常用的基础材料是( )。 A(桩基 B(石基 C(灰土基 D(钢筋混凝土基 19(某市政工程的网络计划图如下,其合理的 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 工期应是( )个月。 A(6 B(8 C(9 D(10 20(根据《市政公用工程注册建造师执业工程规模 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 》,市政公用工程注册建造师不能承接( )。 A(城市快速路 B(城市环路、 C(绕城高速 D(城际高速 二、多项选择题(共10题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,有2个或2个以上符合题意,至少有1个错项。错选,本题不得分;少选,所选的每个选项得0(5分) 21(土路基雨期施工质量控制措施包括( )。 A(有计划地集中力量组织快速施工 B(分段开挖,切忌全面开花或战线过长 C(坚持当天挖完、填完、压完 D(对低洼处等不利地段应安排最后施工 E(遇雨要及时检查,发现翻浆要彻底处理 22(关于浇筑水泥混凝土路面木模板要求的说法,正确的有( )。 A(木模板应具有一定的刚度,质地坚实 B(直线部分板厚不宜小于50mm C(弯道上的模板宜薄些,以便弯制成型 D(模板底与基层局部出现间隙用黏土填塞 E(模板与混凝土接触面刨光可不涂隔离剂 23(关于网喷混凝土加固坑壁施工的说法,正确的有( )。 A(气温低于5?时,不应进行喷射作业 B.喷射作业应分段、分片进行 C(喷射作业应自下而上依次进行 D(分层喷射时,后一层喷射应在前一层混凝土初凝前进行 E.喷射与开挖循环作业时,两者间隔时间不少于2h 24(关于埋设塑料管的沟槽回填技术要求的说法,正确的有( )。 A(管内径大于800mm,应在管内设竖向支撑 B(管道半径以下回填时,应采取防止管道上浮、位移的措施 C(回填宜在一昼夜中气温最高时进行 D(管基支承角2a范围内应用中粗砂回填,不得用沟槽土 E(管顶以上0(5m范围内,必须用人工回填,严禁用机械推土回填 25(关于冬期桥梁用混凝土配制和拌合的说法,正确的有( )。 A(宜选用较大的水胶比和较大的坍落度 B拌制混凝土应优先采用加热水的方法,水加热稳定不宜高于80? C(骨料加热温度不得高于60? people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel D(混凝土掺用片石时,片石不可预热 E(当掺用防冻剂时,其试配强度应与设计强度一致 26(顶管工具管应具有的功能有( )。 A(掘进 B(防坍 C(防水 D(出泥 E(导向 27(可采用气体吹扫的燃气管道有( )。 A(球墨铸铁管道 B(聚乙烯管道 C(钢骨架聚乙烯复合管道 D(长度为80m的钢质管道 E(公称直径大于1OOmm的钢质管道 28(结构材料可部分或全部回收利用的基坑围护结构有( )。 A(地下连续墙 B(钢板桩 C(钻孔灌注桩 D(深层搅拌桩 E(SMW挡土墙 29(关于管棚施工要求的说法,正确的有( )。 A(管棚不得采用焊接钢管 B(钢管直径不超过150mm C.钢管间距一般为钢管直径的2(0,2(5倍 D(在铁路下方施工时,要采用大中直径的钢管连续布设 E(管棚施工工艺流程:设置管棚基地一钻孔一压人钢管一管棚支护下开挖 30(施工项目现场管理的内容有( )。 A(申领施工许可证 B(合理规划施工用地 C(做好施工总平面设计 D(适时调整施工现场总平面布置 E(建立文明的施工现场 来源:考 三、案例分析题(共4题,每题20分) (一) 背景资料 某项目经理部中标某城市道路工程A标段,中标价为3000万元。项目经理部依据合同、招标文件和施工组织设计,为该项目编制了目标成本计划。参加编制的主要人员有项目经理、项目总工、预决算员。参与人员踏勘了施工现场,召开了编制前的准备会议,经过工程量复核、工程单价分析、工程量计算对比、综合管理(间接)费用分析等步骤,得出了本工程的目标成本计划指标:直接成本2620万元,间接成本80万元。问题: 1(编制项目目标成本计划,还有哪些必要依据? 2(编制项目目标成本计划时,还应有哪些主要人员参加? 3(计算本项目上交公司的利润(请用汉字写出计算式)。 4(应以哪些表式具体描述项目目标成本计划编制的结果? (二) 背景资料(略) 问题: 1(在施工过程中疏忽管理,会造成什么后果? 2(施工现场项目管理的各方对安全生产承担何种责任? 3(造成一人重伤属于哪类事故?责任由谁承担? 4(A单位变更沉井属于什么措施?造成的损失由谁负责? (三) 背景资料 某排水管道工程采用承插式混凝土管道,管座为180。;地基为湿陷性黄土,工程沿线范围内有一排高压输电线路。项目部的施工组织设计确定采用机械从上游向下游开挖沟槽,用起重机下管、安管,安管时管道承口背向施工方向。 开挖正值雨季,为加快施工进度,机械开挖至槽底高程,由于控制不当,局部开挖达200mm,施工单位自行进行了槽底处理。 管座施工采用分层浇筑。施工时,对第一次施工的平基表面压光、抹面,达到强度后进行二次浇筑。 项目部考虑工期紧,对已完成的主干管道边回填、边做闭水试验,闭水试验在灌满水后12h进行;对暂时不接支线的管道预留孔未进行处理。 问题: 1(改正下管、安管方案中不符合规范要求的做法。 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel 2(在本 工程施工 建筑工程施工承包1园林工程施工准备消防工程安全技术交底水电安装文明施工建筑工程施工成本控制 环境条件下,挖土机和起重机安全施工应注意什么? 3(改正项目部沟槽开挖和槽底处理做法的不妥之处。 4(指出管座分层浇筑施工作法中的不妥之处。 5(改正项目部闭水试验做法中的错误之处。 (四) 背景资料 某项目部承接一项直径为4(8m的隧道工程:起始里程为DK10+100,终点里程为DK10+868,环宽为1(2m,采用土压平衡盾构施工。盾构隧道穿越地层主要为淤泥质黏土和粉砂土,项目施工过程中发生了以下事件: 事件一:盾构始发时,发现洞门处地质情况与勘察报告不符,需改变加固形式,加固施工造成工期延误10天,增加费用30万。 事件二:盾构侧面下穿一座房屋后,由于项目部设定的盾构土仓压力过低,造成房屋最大沉降达到50mm。穿越后房屋沉降继续发展,项目部采用二次注浆进行控制。最终房屋出现裂缝。维修费用为40万。 事件三:随着盾构逐渐进入全断面粉砂地层,出现掘进速度明显下降现象,并且刀盘扭矩和总推力逐渐增大,最终停止盾构推进。经分析为粉砂流塑性过差引起,项目部对粉砂采取改良措施后继续推进,造成工期延误5天,费用增加25万元。区间隧道贯通后计算出平均推进速度为8环/天。 问题: 1(事件一、二、三中,项目部可索赔的工期和费用各是多少,说明理由。 2(事件二中二次注浆应采用什么浆液? 3(事件三中采用何种材料可以改良粉砂的流塑性? 4(整个隧道掘进的完成时间是多少天(写出计算过程)? 来 一、单项选择题 (C【解析】细粒式沥青混凝土适宜用于二层或三层式面层的上面层、沥青混凝土面层的1 磨耗层和沥青碎石等面层的封层和磨耗层。 2(B【解析】主干道一般设4或6条机动车道和有分隔带的非机动车道,一般不设立体交叉,而采尾扩大交叉口的办法提高通行能力,个别流量特别大的主干路交叉口,也可设置立体交叉。 3(A【解析】用水泥稳定级配良好的碎(砾)石和砂砾效果最好,不但强度高,而且水泥用量少;其次是砂性土;再次之是粉性土和黏性土。 4(C【解析】水泥混凝土桩要达到100%设计强度并具有28d龄期,故A选项正确;在桩的打人过程中,应始终保持锤、桩帽和桩身在同一轴线上,故B选项正确;沉桩时,以控制桩尖设计标高为主,故选项D正确;密集群桩由中心向四边打,故选择C选项。 5(C【解析】支架的弹性、非弹性变形及基础的允许下沉量应满足施工后梁体设计标高的要求。因此,需在施工时设置一定数量的预拱度,其值为以下各项变形值之和:?卸架后上部构造本身及活载一半所产生的竖向挠度;?支架在荷载作用下的弹性压缩;?支架在荷载作用下的非弹性压缩;?支架基底在荷载作用下的非弹性沉陷;?由混凝土收缩及温度变化而引起的挠度。 6(A【解析】施拧高强度螺栓应按一定顺序,从板束刚度大、缝隙大之处开始,对大面积节点板应由中央向外拧紧。 7(B【解析】相邻基坑深浅不等时,一般按先深后浅的顺序施工。 8(D 【解析】盖挖逆作法施工基坑暴露时间短,用于城市街区施工时,可尽快恢复交通。 9(B【解析】开挖顺序:b—c、d—a—e。 10(A【解析】建筑限界是在设备限界基础上,考虑了设备和管线安装尺寸、厚度的最小有效断面。建筑限界中不包括测量误差、施工误差、结构沉降、位移变形等因素。 11(D【解析】井壁最下端一般都做成刀刃状的“刃脚”,其主要功用是减少下沉阻力。 12(B【解析】一级处理:在污水处理设施口处,必须设置格栅,沉砂池一般设在格栅后面,也可以设在初沉池前,目的是去除比重较大的无机颗粒。 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel 13(B【解析】设置溢流井,是为了在停电或抽升水泵发生故障时,要求关闭进水闸;或出现雨水、合流泵超频率、污水超出设计流量等情况时,来水管中的流量不能及时抽升,就要通过溢流井中的溢流管临时流入天然水体,以免淹没集水池和影响排水。 14(D【解析】承插式甲型接口、套环口、企口应平直,环向间隙应均匀,填料密实、饱满,表面平整,不得有裂缝现象。 15(A【解析】高压和中压A燃气管道,应采用钢管。 16(C【解析】在零度以下的环境中焊接,应符合以下规定:?清除管道上的冰、霜、雪;?在工作场地做好防风、防雪措施;?预热温度可根据焊接工艺制定;焊接时,应保证焊缝自由收缩和防止焊口加速冷却;?应在焊口两侧50mm范围内对焊件进行预热;?在焊缝未完全冷却之前,不得在焊缝部位进行敲打。 17(C【解析】为有效检测防渗效果,目前采用的检验方法是:在填埋场区影响区域内打水质观测井,提取地下水样,利用未被污染的水样与有可能被污染的水样进行比较的方法,对防渗效果的有效性进行检验;若设双层排水系统,可随时从提升泵井中抽取地下水的水样,进行比较。 18(C【解析】假山常用的基础材料有桩基、石基、灰土基和钢筋混凝土基。桩基用于湖泥沙地,石基多用于较好的土基,灰土基用于干燥地区,钢筋混凝土基多用于流动水域或不均匀土基。 19(C【解析】关键线路:?一?一?一?,3+2+4=9,所以其合理的合同工期为9个月。 20(D【解析】市政公用专业注册建造师的职业工程范围包括:城镇道路工程、城市桥梁工程、城市供水工程、城市排水工程、城市供热工程、城市地下交通工程、城市供气工程、城市公共广场、生活垃圾处理工程、交通安全设施工程、机电设备安装工程、轻轨交通工程、园林绿化工程等。其中城乡道路工程包括城市快速路、城市环路、城市主干道、次干道的建设、养护与维修工程。 二、多项选择题 21(ABCE【解析】土路基雨期施工质量控制措施包括:有计划地集中力量组织快速施工,分段开挖,切忌全面开花或战线过长。挖方地段要留好横坡,做好截水沟。坚持当天挖完、填完、压完,不留后患。因雨翻浆地段,坚决换料重做。对低洼处等不利地段,应优先安排施工。 22(ABC【解析】混凝土的浇筑采用木模板,应具有一定的刚度,质地坚实,挠度小,无腐朽、扭曲、裂纹,装、拆方便,使用前浸泡。木模板直线部分板厚不宜小于50mm,高度与混凝土板厚一致,每0(8,1m设1处支撑装置;弯道上的模板宜薄些,可采用15,30mm厚,以便弯制成型,每0(5,0(8m设1处支撑装置。木模板与混凝土接触面及顶面应刨光。模板底与基层间局部出现的间隙可采用水泥砂浆填塞。模板应稳固,搭接准确,紧密平顺,接头处不得漏浆。模板内侧面应涂隔离剂。 23(ABC【解析】网喷混凝土喷射作业应满足如下要求:?气温低于5?时,不应进行喷射作业;?喷射作业应分段、分片,自下而上依次进行;?分层喷射时,后一层喷射应在前一层混凝土终凝后进行;?喷射与开挖循环进行时,混凝土终凝到下一循环喷射的时间间隔不应小于3小时;?喷射机司机和喷射手的操作应遵守规定。 24(ABDE【解析】?管内径大于800mm的柔性管道,回填施工时应在管内设有竖向支撑;?管道半径以下回填时应采取防止管道上浮、位移的措施;?管道回填时间宜在一昼夜中气温最低时段;?设计管基支承角2a范围内应用中粗砂回填,不得用沟槽土回填;?沟槽回填从管底基础部位开始到管顶以上0(5米范围内,必须采用人工回填,严禁用机械推土回填。 25(BC【解析】冬期混凝土的配置和搅拌应符合下列规定:?宜选用较小的水胶比和较小的坍落度;?拌制混凝土应优先采用加热水的方法,水加热温度不宜高于80?;骨料加热温度不得高于60?。混凝土掺用片石时,片石可预热;?混凝土搅拌时间宜较常温施工延长50%;?骨料不得混有冰雪、冻块及易被冻裂的矿物质;?拌制设备宜设在气温不低于10摄氏度的厂房或暖棚内;?当混凝土掺用防冻剂时,其试配强度应按设计提高一个等级。 26(ABDE【解析】顶管所用的附属工具是工具管,工具管是顶管的关键工具,一般应具有people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel 以下功能:掘进、防坍、出泥和导向等。 27(ABCD【解析】球磨铸铁管道、聚乙烯管道、钢骨架聚乙烯复合管道和公称直径小于100mm或长度小于100m的钢制管道,可采用气体吹扫。 28(BE【解析】钢板桩强度高,桩与桩之问的连接紧密,隔水效果好,可多次利用;SMW挡土墙的特点主要表现在止水性好,构造简单,型钢插入深度一般小于搅拌桩深度,施工速度快,型钢可以部分回收。 29(CDE【解析】采用管棚超前支护施工时,管棚一般选用直径50,150mm的焊接钢管或无缝钢管,对于特殊地段,可采用较大直径的管棚;管棚钢管环向布设间距对防止上方土体坍落及松弛有很大影响,施工中须根据结构埋深、地层情况、周围结构物状况等选择合理间距。一般采用的钢管间距为钢管直径的2(0,2(5倍。在铁路、公路正下方施工时,要采用刚度大的大中直径钢管连续布设;管棚超前支护的施工工艺流程:设置管棚基地一水平钻孔一压入钢管(必须严格向钢管内或管周围土体注浆)一管棚支护条件下开挖。 30(BCDE【解析】施工项目现场管理的主要内容:?规划及报批施工用地;?设计施工现场平面图;?建立施工现场管理组织;?建立文明施工现场;?及时清场转移。 三、案例分析题 (一)【答案要点】 1(项目目标成本计划编制的依据还有:?合同、招投标文件;?组织设计;?总体布置即实施方案;?设备的市场价格。 2(材料员、设备员也应参加编制项目目标成本计划。 3(计算公式:中标价=直接成本+间接成本+利润+税金;税金=(直接成本+间接成本+利润)×税金率。即:利润=中标价,(1+税金率)-直接成本-间接成本。取税金率3(44%,则3000,(1+3(44%)-2620-80=200(23万元。 4(工程量复核表、工程单价分析表、两算对比表、其他直接成本和间接成本。 (二)【答案要点】 (在施工过程中疏忽管理,会造成井壁坍塌。 1 2(施工现场项目管理的各方对安全生产承担如下责任:A施工单位为总包单位,应对工程的安全责任负总责,并对B单位的安全生产负管理责任和连带责任;B单位为分包单位,只对分包范围内泵站的水泵、起重机的安装负责。 3(一人重伤属一般事故。A单位作为总承包方,未能及时制止B单位的不合理行为,负次要责任;B单位为分包单位,未能按要求配备安全人员和服从A单位管理,故负主要责任。 4(A单位变更沉井属于质量控制中的施工组织措施。造成的损失应由A单位自己负责。 (三)【答案要点】 1(管道承口方向不对,承口应朝向施工前进方向。 2(挖土机应注意:?挖槽时,应在设计槽底高程以上保留一定余量(不小于200mm),避免超挖,余量由工人清挖;?不得掩埋消防栓、管道闸阀、雨水口、测量标志以及各种地下管道的井盖,且不得妨碍其正常使用;?挖土机械应距高压线有一定的安全距离,距电缆1(Om处,严禁机械开挖。起重机应注意:起重机下管时,起重机架设的位置不得影响沟槽边坡的稳定;起重机在高压输电线路附近作业,与线路间的安全距离应符合当地电业管理部门的规定。 3(挖槽时,应在设计槽底高程以上保留一定余量(不小于200mm),避免超挖,余量由工人清挖;超挖后,施工单位不应自行进行槽底处理,槽底处理时应通知监理人员。完毕后,经验收合格才能进入下一道工序。 4(第一次施工的平基表面不应压光,应该拉毛以增加摩擦力。 5(?闭水试验应在填土之前进行;?闭水试验应在管道灌满水后24小时后再进行;?管道暂时不接支线的预留孔洞应封堵。 (四)【答案要点】 1(事件一,项目部可以索赔工期10天,费用30万,因为勘察报告由发包方提供,发包方应对其准确性负责;事件二,不可索赔,因为上述费用为该项目部施工不当造成,所以不能索赔;事件三,若地质条件符合勘查报告,则不能索赔;若地质条件不符合勘查报告,则能people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel 够索赔。 2(可以采用化学浆液。 3(一般使用的改良材料有矿物质(如膨润土泥浆)、界面活性剂系(如泡沫)、高吸水性树脂和 水溶性高分子材料四类,可单独或组合使用。 4(868—100=768m,768?(1(2×8)=80天( people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel 10、当地层条件差、断面特别大时,浅埋暗挖隧道施工不宜采用()。 A、中洞法 B(柱洞法 C、洞桩法 D.全断面法 20、假山的施工工艺流程为()。 A、放线挖槽?拉底?基础施工?扫缝?中层施工?收顶?检查?完形 B、放线挖槽?基础施工?拉底?中层施工?扫缝?检查?收顶?完形 C、放线挖槽?拉底?基础施工?中层施工?扫缝?收顶?检查?完形 D、放线挖槽?基础施工?拉底?扫缝?中层施工?收顶?检查?完形 29、污水处理厂污泥脱水的主要方法有()。 A、电解 B、自然脱水 C、污泥烘干 D、离子交换 E、机械脱水 30、符合土质路基压实原则的选项有()。 A、先轻后重 B、先高后低 C、先稳后振 D、先快后慢 E、轮迹重叠 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel 2005年 单选: 1、路基不需要检查的项目:宽度、横坡、平整度、强度,选择强度 2、水泥土中水泥含量不得超过:6% 3、几种土压力中最大的是:被动土压力 4、桩尖未达到设计标高时,继续锤击:100mm 5、沉井下沉中,出现倾斜和偏差,不能采用的方法是:高压射水 6、 注浆施工中采用高压喷射注浆法的土类:淤泥土 7、地表水常规处理工艺:混凝—沉淀—过滤—消毒 8、满水试验向池内注水分几次进行:三次 9、一级、二级管网是按照什么来分类的:所处地位 10、标底还应该由什么组成:税金 11、施工组织应该做到组织科学、技术先进和 :费用经济 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel 12、现场门口应该设置:企业标志 13、施工进度计划调整内容包括工程量、起止时间、持续时间和:工作关系。 14、开工报告的申请应由提交总监理工程师批准 15、不能用作滤料的是:土工布 16、柔性接口中的胶圈常用物理指标:邵氏硬度 17、施工单位建立质量责任制,确定工程的技术负责人、施工管理负责人还有:项目经理 18、各种管线应该与城市道路:同步建设 19、深基坑监测的项目还应包括:地上建筑物和周边管线 20、参加燃气管道焊接的焊工必须考试合格以后才能拿到证件 多选: 1、沥青混合料中石料要求:选清洁、干燥、无风化、无杂质 2、水泥混凝土下面设置基层:选提供稳定支撑、防止唧泥、抗冰冻、抗渗水 3、预应力筋的切断应该采用:切断机、砂轮锯 4箱涵顶进过程中、应该进行监控的是:原线路加固系统、桥体各部位、后背、顶力系统 5、现浇预应力混凝土梁常用施工方法:支架法、移动摸架法、悬臂浇注法 6、管道交叉的处理原则:有压管让无压管、支管让干管、小口径管让大口径管 7、施工组织中的工程概况应该明确:工期要求、参建单位 8、编制施工进度计划应该根据组织关系、工艺关系和:搭接关系、起止日期 、热力管道施焊单位应该具备:技术人员、检查人员、检验人员 9 10、垃圾填埋场地应该具备:人工忖里焊接牢固、设横向坡度利于排水、不产生下沉拉断现象。 评分(个人观点) 案例一(20分): 1、项目部签订合同后开展的工作是否有不妥之处:有(2分) 理由: (3分)?应该由技术负责人主持图纸会审;?应该由项目经理选择并评价分包商;?应该由企业(不是项目部)负责质量培训,对象应该是项目部全体人员,而不只是技术人员; 2、成本管理内容是否完善:不完善(2分)还应该补充(3分):成本控制、成本分析、成本考核 3、编制进度计划一般常用的方法:横道图及网络计划图法(4分) 4、关于质量知识的培训是否有不妥之处:有(2分) 理由(4分): 应该由企业(不是项目部)负责质量培训,对象应该是项目部全体人员,而不只是技术人员,而且应该保存培训记录 案例二(20分): 1、经过监理工程师的审批就占用道路是否妥当(2分):不妥当。 要经过市政行政管理部门和公安交通管理部门的审批同意后方可进行。(2分) 2、技术交底是否有不妥之处(2分:有 施工中应该如何进行技术交底(4分):技术交底应该由项目技术负责人进行,交底对象应该包括分包方全体人员而不仅仅是隧道开挖施工人员,交底记录还应该签字后存档。技术交底应该如此进行:在分部分项工程、单位工程开工之前,技术负责人应该对施工负责人和分包方全体人员进行详细的书面技术交底,交底记录应该签字并存档;在施工过程中,项目技术负责人应对发包人或监理工程师提出的有关施工方案、技术措施及设计变更要求,应在执people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel 行前向执行人员进行书面交底; 3、喷锚安全措施是否全面(2分):不全面 3分):防坍塌、抢险、支护监督 应该补充内容( 4、质量计划中对材料的质量控制措施是否全面(2分):不全面 补充(3分):材料的存储和搬运应该符合相关规定,并建立台帐;材料未经检验或经检验不合格,应该进行检验或拒绝接收;监理工程师应该对施工方自行采购的材料进行检验验证。 案例三(20分): 、泥浆水的排放是否妥当(2分):不妥当 1 原因(3分):泥浆水未经处理不得排入水体;文明施工要求;环保要求 2、占用城市绿地是否妥当(2分):不当 理由(2分):占用城市绿地应该经城市绿地行政管理单位同意,办理审批手续后方可进行。 3、安全检查中钻机操作员说他的证件正在办理中,这种解释是否合理(2分):不合理 理由(3分):钻机操作员是特种操作人员,要经考核合格,取得合格证后,持证上岗。 4、只有机械操作人员能出示安全教育培训记录是否全面(2分):不全面 现场安全培训记录有(4分):项目管理人员、作业队长、班长、员工安全教育培训考核记录。全员安全教育记录。 转贴于 265考试网 案例四(30分): 1、质量计划有无不当之处(2分):有 理由(2分):应该由项目经理来编制,而不是项目技术负责人。 2、基层不合格分包方就进行面层施工是否合适(2分):不合适 因为(4分): 混凝土路面对基层的要求是:强度、刚度、干燥收缩和温度收缩变形、高程符合要求;具有稳定性;表面应该平整密实;拱度与面层的拱度一致。在基层厚度不合格的情况下,必然导致厚薄不均。分包方未服从管理,提出暂停不暂停。 3、分包方不采纳承包方的 意见 文理分科指导河道管理范围浙江建筑工程概算定额教材专家评审意见党员教师互相批评意见 是否正确(2分):不正确 理由(8分)由于其不服从总包方的质量管理,强行施工,承担主要责任;总包方未能阻止分包方的野蛮施工,控制不力,承担连带责任。 4、质量缺陷责任方(4分):甲公司 指出发包方、总包方、分包方质量责任关系(6分):关系是:总包方就项目的施工质量和质量保修工作向发包方负责,分包方就分包项目向总包方负责,总包方和分包方就分包工程的质量承担连带责任。分包方应该接受总包方的质量管理。 案例五(30分): 1、工程概况牌的内容是否全面(2分):不全面 补充(4分):发包人(建设单位)、监理单位、设计单位、承包人(施工单位) 2、关于施工总平面图不做是否可以(2分):不可以 理由(4分):施工平面图是施工组织设计的内容,开工之前就应该编制,而且还是现场管理的重要内容;施工平面图是动态的,可以根据现场调整。 施工平面图布置的内容(4分):应该布置:大型机械、料场、加工场、水电管网、周转场地、出入道路、临时设施、构件堆场、消防设施、仓库。 3、关于如何保护公用管线不受损坏(4分):施工之前进行管线摸查,对管线深度、位置people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel 进行标示;联系管线单位索取相关资料。 4、施工中支架下沉的存在问题 (4分):支架仅评经验来搭设不对,应该根据工程特点。。。。 支架施工设计应进行验算的指标(3分):应该三个指标:刚度、强度、稳定性 5、关于安全检查是否有不当之处有(3分):应该由项目经理来组织,对当事人不能仅局限于口头批评,还应该写出安全检查报告,说明已达标项目,未达标项目,存在问题,原因 一、单项选择题(每题1分,共40分) 1、填方路基应事先找平,当地面坡度陡于( )时,需修成台阶形式。 A.1:10 B.1:5 C.1:7 D.1:8 2、城市主干路、快速路的上、中面层沥青混合料需要通过( )试验来检验抗车辙能力,指标是动稳定度。 A.马歇尔 B.高温车辙 C.抗压强度 D.弯拉 3、用网喷混凝土加固基坑壁施工时,应优先选用硅酸盐或普通硅酸盐水泥,也可选用矿渣或火山灰硅酸盐水泥,水泥强度等级不应低于( )MPa. A.42.5 B.27.5 C.32.5 D.35.5 4、沉入混凝土桩时,要求混凝土达到100%设计强度并具有( )龄期。 A.14d B.21d C.28d D.36d 5、吊装或移运装配式钢筋混凝土或预应力混凝土构件时,当吊绳与构件的交角小于( )时,可不设吊架或扁担。 A.30度 B.40度 C.50度 D.60度 6、喷锚暗挖法施工中监控量测的初始读数,应在开挖循环施工的24小时内,并在下一循环开始前取得,测点距开挖面不得大于( )。 A.1.5m B.3m C.2m D.5mm 7、采用顶管法施工中的手工掘进时,工具管进人土层过程中,要求每顶进( )测量不少于一次,纠编时增加测量次数。 A.0.5m B.0.3m C.1.0m D.1.5m 8、热力管道穿过楼板处应安装套管。套管应高出地面( )mm。 A.20 B.30 C.40 D.50 9、对接热力管道管口时,应检查管道平直度,在距接口中心200mm处测量,允许偏差( )mm. A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 10、用新奥法原理施工隧道的常用方法大致分为( )三大类及若干变化方案。 A.矿山法、盾构法、暗挖法 B.明开法、钻爆法、定向钻进法 C.全断面法、台阶法、分部开挖法 D.盖挖法、导洞法、蘑菇法 来源:考试大 二、11、低压地下燃气管道与直埋热力管的水平净距不得小于( )。 A.0.5m B.1.0m C.1.2m D.1.5m 12、小导管注浆,浆液宜采用( )。 A.石灰砂浆 B.混合砂浆 C.环氧砂浆 D.水泥浆或水泥砂浆 13、厂站工程施工中,面状基坑,降水井的布置方式宜( ),当面状基坑很小时可考虑单people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel 个降水井。 A.采用单排或双排 B.在基坑外缘一侧或两侧 C.在基坑外缘呈封闭状 D.设在基坑端部 14、有顶板的预制安装水池,浇筑板缝混凝土,应在当日( )进行。 A.平均气温下 B.最低气温时 C.气温最高时 D.任何时候 15、埋地排水用硬聚氯乙烯双壁波纹管,管道安装完毕检查合格后,做闭水检验时,向管道内充水并应保持( )。 A.下游管内顶以上2m水头压力 B.上游管内顶以上2m水头压力 C.本管段管内2m以上水头压力 D.上游管外顶以上1m水头压力 16、按热力管网系统的形式来说,一次补充水量大,直接消耗一次热媒,但中间设备少的是( )。 A.闭式系统 B.开式系统 C.蒸气系统 D.凝水系统 17、燃气管道的阀门安装前应做( )试验,不渗漏为合格,不合格者不得安装。 A.强度 B.气密性 C.材质 D.耐腐蚀 18、( )施工技术是垃圾填埋场泥质防水技术的核心。 A.选择原材料配合比 B.严格控制压实度 三、 C.掺加膨润土的拌合土层 D.分层压实 19、常用的软土地基处理方法有换填法、( )、排水固结法等,选用时考虑安全可靠,造价、工期、技术等问题。 A.挤密法 B.强夯法 C.堆载预压法 D.隔离层法 20、质构正面稳定的效果将直接影响( )。 A.掘进速度 B.地层变形 C.土包内平衡压力值 D.推力 来源 四、21、地下水对混凝土会发生溶出型侵蚀,通过反应带走( )而损害混凝土。 A.CaO B.Ca(HCO3)2 C.CaCO3 D.Ca(OH)2 22、地表水作为饮用水源时,给水处理中主要的去除对象是( )。 A.金属离子 B.病原菌和细菌 C.悬浮物和胶体物质 D.有机物和铁、锰 23、城市污水处理厂典型的工艺流程是( )。 A.污水?格栅?沉砂池?二沉池?生物处理池?出水 B.污水?格栅?沉砂池?初沉池?生物处理池?二沉池?出水 C.污水?格栅?混凝?沉淀?过滤?消毒 D.污水?格栅?曝气氧化?混凝沉淀?消毒?出水 24、以下( )属于分包人安全生产责任之一。 A.对本施工现场的安全工作负责 B.对承包项目的安全负责 C.审查分包工程范围内的安全生产保证体系 D.制定并执行分包项目的安全生产制度 25、成本责任制就是将施工项目的成本层层分解,进行( )。 A.分工负责 B.共同负责 C.彼此协作 D.互相帮助 25、项目质量计划除体现工序、分项工程、分部工程及单位工程的过程控制外,还应体现( )。 A.质量第一的原则 B.预防为主的原则 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel C.从资源投入到工程通过最终检验的全过程控制 D.质量目标 26、处理合同纠纷时适用( ) A.《中华人民共和国公证暂行条例》 B.《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》 C.《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》 D.《合同法》 27、处理安全事故时,不仅要抢救伤员、排除险情、防止事故蔓延,还要( )。 A.做好标识并保护好现场 B.检查潜在隐患 C.组织现场指挥 D.暂停施工 28、成本责任制的核心目标是( ) A.合理地降低各个环节的成本 B.有效地使用各种材料 C.减少材料的浪费 D.减少行政开支 29、市政公用工程项目的施工组织设计必须经( )批准。 A.项目经理 B.上一级 C.项目总工 D.监理工程师 30、项目进度控制以实现( )竣工日期为最终目标。 A.施工进度计划规定的 B.监理工程师批准的 C.施工合同约定的 D.业主要求的 来源: 31、关于路基雨季施工,以下那种说法是不正确的。( ) A.当日进度,当日完成 B.完成一段再开工一段。 C.填土路基应按2%~4%以上的横坡整平压实 D.因雨翻浆,用重型压路机重新压实 32、后张法预应力孔道灌浆时,水泥浆的强度应符合设计规定,当设计无规定时,水泥浆的强度应不低于( )MPa. A.25 B.30 C.35 D.20 33、大型排水混凝土构筑物施工中,为避免混凝土结构内外温差过大,应降低混凝土的入模温度,控制为( )?,使混凝土凝固的其内部在较低的温度起升点升温。 A.不应大于15 B.不应小于25 C.不应大于25 D.20 34、城市给水承插式铸铁管施工中,采用石棉水泥和膨胀水泥封口的接口,要用稀泥糊口作保水养生,气温( )下不得施工。 A.低于0?时 B.低于—5?时 C.高于20?时 D.低于10?时 35、在对热力管道单项工程的验收中,( )是工程质量进行检查和评定的重点之一。 A.水压试验 B.承重或受力结构 C.工程决算 D.竣工资料 36、分包人因过失给发包人造成损失的,承包人( )。 A.承担连带责任 B.不承担相关损失 C.承担分包费用 D.不承担连带责任 37、投标文件一般包括投标函部分、商务部分、( )。 A.造价部分 B.技术部分 C.施工方案部分 D.文明施工部分 38、实质性要求和条件是指招标文件中关于( )的主要条款。 A.安全、环保及文明施工 B.工期、安全和合同 五、 C.工期、质量及合同 D.质量、安全及环保 39、投标人不得以低于( )竞标。 A.设备价 B.成本价 C.工程造价 D.工程总价 40、城市桥梁车道设计荷载由( )所组成。 A.一系列轴载 B.均布荷载 六、 C.均布荷载与两个集中荷载 D.均布荷载与一个集中荷载 来 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel 源二、多项选择题(每题2分,共20分) 1、有关土质路基碾压的正确描述有( )等内容。 A.最大碾压速度不宜越过6km/h B.在小半径曲线段由外侧向内侧碾压 C.横向接缝处,三轮压路机一般重叠后轮宽的1/2 D.前后相领两区段宜纵向重叠1.0~1.5m E.应确保碾压均匀 2、沉入桩的打桩顺序有( ),遇有多方向桩应设法减少变更桩基斜度或方向的作业次数,并避免桩顶干扰。 A.一般是由一端向另一端打 B.密集群桩由中心向四边打 C.先打浅桩,后打深桩 D.先打坡顶,后打坡脚 E.先打靠近建筑的桩,再向外打 3、预应力张拉锚固体系,按锚固原理分类有:( )。 A.钢丝束镦头锚固 B.钢绞线夹片锚固 C.精轧螺纹锚固 D.支承锚固 E.楔紧锚固 4、顶管采用手工掘进顶进时,应符合下列( )规定。 A.工具管接触或切入土层后,自下而上分层开挖 B.在允许超挖的稳定土层中正常顶进时,管下135?范围内不得超挖 C.在允许超挖的稳定土层中正常顶进时,管下部超挖量无要求,视土层情况而定 D.管顶以上超挖量不得大于1m E.管顶以上超挖量不得大于15mm 5、对热力管道焊缝质量的检验有( )等几种方法。 A.表面质量检验 B.无损检验 C.超声波单检 D.射线单检 E.强度和严密性试验 6、冬期配制混凝土的技术要求是:( )。 A.宜优先选用强度等级在42.5以上的硅酸盐水泥、普通硅酸盐水泥,水灰比不应大于0.45 B.宜掺用引气剂、引气型减水剂等 C.采用蒸养时,宜用矿渣硅酸盐水泥 D.用其他品种水泥时应注意掺和料对混凝土强度、抗冻、抗渗性能的影响 E.用加热法养护掺外加剂的混凝土时可用高铝水泥 7、项目经理部在处理安全事故时,应坚持( )等原则。 A.搞清楚事故原因 B.使事故责任者和员工受到教育 C.企业领导有处理 D.事故责任者有处理 E.没有制定防范措施不放过 8、施工项目成本管理的基础工作有:( )。 A.加强定额和预算管理 B.建立健全责任制度 C.加强文明施工管理 D.加强成本观念 E.完善原始记录和统计工作 9、施工阶段质量控制要点包括:技术交底、工程测量以及( )等方面。 A.材料质量控制 B.人员资格控制 C.机械设备质量控制 D.工序控制 E.特殊过程控制 10、工程验收前,应具备的条件中也包括( )等几项。 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel A.施工单位出具的工程质量保修书 B.设计变更洽商 C.建设单位已按合同支付工程款 D.规划行政主管部门出具的认可文件 E.公安消防与环保部门出具的准用文件 三、案例题(每题20分,共60分) 「案例1」 背景材料:某项目部在北方地区承担某城市主干路道路工程施工任务,设计快车道宽11.25m,辅路宽9m.项目部应业主要求,将原计算安排在次年4月初施工的沥青混凝土面层,提前到当年11月上、中旬,抢铺出一条快车道以缓解市交通。 问题:1、为保证本次沥青面层的施工质量应准备几台摊铺机,如何安排施工操作? 2、在临近冬季施工季施工的低温情况下,沥青面层采用的“三块一及时”方针是什么?碾压温度和碾压终了温度各控制在多少温度(?)? 3、沥青混凝土按矿料最大粒径可分哪四种? 4、沥青混凝土配合比设计中采用的马歇尔试验技术指标有哪五项内容? 「案例2」 背景材料:某地区新建一座大型自来水厂,主要单位工程有沉淀池、过滤池、消毒池等,整个工程由W建筑公司中标施工。其中沉淀池为无盖圆形池,直径40m,基础为现浇混凝土结构,厚500mm,该基础由四周向中心呈漏斗型,其高点顶面标高22.50m,低点顶面标高22.10m;池壁采用预制板拼装外缠绕预应力钢丝结构,强度等级为C40.沉淀池现况原地下水位标高26.50m.问题:1.为保证壁板缝施工质量,从安装模板、混凝土浇筑、混凝土振动、混凝土养护几个工序简述如何操作。 2.在浇筑壁板缝混凝土前,工长在现场查看壁板缝混凝土供应单时见有如下内容:使用部位:沉淀池壁板缝;混凝土名称:普通混凝土;强度等级:C40,该批混凝土能否用于浇筑壁板缝?为什么? 3.本工程中,沉淀池何时进行满水试验?满水试验是否要测蒸发量? 4.在沉淀池四周回填土时前,除约请监理单位参加外,是否还要通知其他单位参加? 「案例3」 背景材料:某城市道路改造工程,随路施工的综合管线有0.4MPa的DN500中压燃气、DN1000给水管并排铺设在道路下,燃气管道与给水管材均为钢管,实施双管合槽施工。热力隧道工程采用暗挖工艺施工。承包方A公司将工程的其中一段热力隧道工程分包给B公司,并签了分包合同。 1.B公司发现土层松散,有不稳定迹象,但认为根据已有经验和这个土层的段落较短,出于省事省钱的动机,不仅没有进行超前注浆加固等加固措施,反而加大了开挖的循环进尺,试图“速战速决,冲过去”,丝毫未理睬承包方A公司派驻B方现场监督检查人员的劝阻。结果发生隧道塌方事故,造成了3人死亡。 2.事故调查组在核查B公司施工资格和安全生产保证体系时发现,B公司根本不具备安全施工条件。 问题:1.燃气管与给水管的水平净距以及燃气管顶与路面的距离有何要求? 2.试述燃气管道强度试验和严密性试验的压力、稳定时间及合格标准。 3.对发生的安全事故,A公司在哪些方面有责任? 4.B公司对事故应该怎么负责? 参考答案: 一、单选题 1-10 BBCCD CBDAC people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel 11-20 BDCCB BBCAB 21-30 BCBAC BAABC 31-40 DBBBB ABCBD 二、多选题 1.CDE 2.ABDE 3.DEF 4BE 5.ABE 6.ABCD 7.ABDE 8.ABDE 9.ACDE 10.ACDE 三、案例题 案例1 答案:1、对城市主干路应采用两台以上摊铺机作业(本工程可备两台)成梯队作业,联合摊铺全幅一气呵成,相领两幅之间重叠5~10cm,前后两机相距10~30m.摊铺机应具有自动调平、调厚,初步振实、熨平及调整摊铺宽度的装置。 2、“三快一及时”是:“快卸、快铺、快平”和“及时碾压成型”。碾压温度为120~150?,碾压终了温度控制在65~80?。 3、主要有:粗粒式、中粒式、细粒式、砂粒式四种。 4、马歇尔试验技术指标有:稳定度、流值、空隙率,沥青和度和残留稳定度五项 案例2 答案: 1.模板安装:板缝内模板一次安装到顶,并填塞缝隙防止漏浆。外模板随浇筑板缝混凝土随安装,保证不跑模不漏浆,一次安装高度不宜超过1.5m.混凝土浇筑:分层浇筑高度不宜超过250mm,注意混凝土和易性。二次混凝土入模不得超过混凝土初凝时间。 混凝土振动:机械振动和人工振动相结合,确保不漏振、不过振。 混凝土养护:连续湿润养护不少于7d. 2.该批混凝土不能用于浇筑壁板缝。首先,该批混凝土为普通混凝土,不是微膨胀混凝土。其次,该批混凝土强度为C40,和壁板强度等级一样,而不是大于壁板一个等级。 3.沉淀池必须在池壁缠丝完毕、喷射水泥砂浆保护层前进行满水试验。 由于沉淀池为无盖结构。进行满水试验时需测蒸发量。 4.由于沉淀池属于隐蔽验收,所以在池周围回填土前,按《建设工程质量管理条例》规定,隐蔽工程在验收前应通知建设单位和建设工程质量监督机构。 案例3 答案: 1.燃气管与给水管的水平净距不应小于0.5m,燃气管顶的最小覆土深度不得小于0.9m. 2.燃气管道强度试验压力为0.6MPa,稳压1小时,无漏气为合格。管道严密性试验压力为0.46MPa,持续时间不小于24小时,实际压力降不超过允许值为合格。 3.A 公司没有认真审核B公司施工资质,便与之签了分包合同,这是A公司对这起事故首先应负的安全控制失责的责任:其次,A公司虽然采取了派人进驻B公司施工现场,并对B公司的违规操作提出了劝阻意见和正确做法,但未采取坚决制止的手段,导致事故未能避免。这是A公司安全控制不力的又一方面应负的责任。并应统计分包方伤亡事故。按规定上报和按分包合同处理分包方的伤亡事故。 4.B公司不具备安全资质,又不听A公司人员的劝阻,坚持违规操作,造成事故,完全应该负起“分包方对本施工现场的安全工作负责”以及“分包方未服从承包人的管理”的责任. 来源 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire scheduleselect key, critical layer to clean, prevent debris impact on Ravel, identify key points and key layer fixed reinforced this point, and use on this level to take level so that horizontal lines as needed. (5) according to the curtain wall construction, simple key levels are not sufficient to determine the vertical position, in order to ensure the error limits of vertical installation, put the line ... Personnel
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