首页 拜耳异氰酸酯和聚醚项目MDI联合装置罐区储罐防腐施工技术措施



拜耳异氰酸酯和聚醚项目MDI联合装置罐区储罐防腐施工技术措施拜耳异氰酸酯和聚醚项目MDI联合装置罐区储罐防腐施工技术措施 CONTENTS ………………………………………………………………… 1.0 SCOPE........................................................................................................ 1 2.0 …………………………………………………………………. 1 2.0 GENERAL………………………………………………………………. 1 3.0…...

拜耳异氰酸酯和聚醚项目MDI联合装置罐区储罐防腐施工技术措施 CONTENTS ………………………………………………………………… 1.0 SCOPE........................................................................................................ 1 2.0 …………………………………………………………………. 1 2.0 GENERAL………………………………………………………………. 1 3.0………………………………………………………………… 2 3.0 REFERENCES…………………………………………………………..2 4.0………………………………………………………… 3 4.0 APPLICATION OF CONSTRUCTION AND TEST………………….3 5.0………………………………………………………………. 3 5.0 PREPARATION FOR CONSTRUCTION……………………………..3 6.0 ………………………………………………. 8 6.0 SHOTBLASTING(SAND BLASTING) AND SPRAYING……………8 7.0 …………………………………………………………………………..25 7.0 INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE ………………………..………….25 8.0 …………………………………………………………….26 8.0 WORKING CONDITIONS………………………………………………26 9.0……………………………………………………….. 27 9.0 SIGNS AND PROTECTION OF THE PRUDUCT…………………… 27 10.0 HSE………………………………………………………………… 27 10.0 HSE MANAGEMENT………………………………………………….. 27 11.0………………………………………………………………………..28 11.0 ACCESSORIES……………………………………………………………28 SCOPE 本专业方案适用于拜耳异氰酸酯和聚醚项目MDI联合装置罐区设备(V911、 V912、V913)防腐油漆 工程施工 建筑工程施工承包1园林工程施工准备消防工程安全技术交底水电安装文明施工建筑工程施工成本控制 。This scheme is for the anti-corrosive painting engineering of the pipeline of Bayer Isocyanate & PET Project MDI Train-Tank Farm(V911,V912,V913). 序号直径位号 高度Height Number Diameter 以下为碳钢储罐The following is carbon steel tank. 1.0 V911-TA91-BA015 9000 8500 2.0 V911-TA91-BA018 4000 6000 3.0 V911-TA91-BA019 11500 11500 4.0 V912-TA92-BA001 13500 11500 5.0 V912-TA92-BA002 15000 12500 6.0 V912-TA92-BA003 11500 11500 7.0 V912-TA92-BA005 15000 12500 8.0 V912-TA92-BA007 11500 11500 9.0 V912-TA92-BA008 13500 11500 10.0 V912-TA92-BA009 15000 12500 11.0 V912-TA92-BA010 11500 11500 12.0 V912-TA92-BA011 9000 8500 13.0 V912-TA92-BA012 15000 12500 14.0 V913-TA93-BA006 17500 14000 15.0 V913-TA93-BA008 11500 11500 16.0 V913-TA93-BA009 22500 14000 17.0 V913-TA93-BA011 11500 11500 18.0 V913-TA93-BA014 11500 11500 19.0 V913-TA93-BA015 13500 11500 以下为不锈钢储罐The following is stainless steel tank. 20 V911-TA91-BA014 9000 8500 21 V911-TA91-BA021 11500 11500 22 V913-TA93-BA005 28000 14000 23 V913-TA93-BA007 11500 11500 24 V913-TA93-BA012 9500 11500 25 V913-TA93-BA013 9500 11500 GENERAL 该项目拜耳异氰酸酯和聚醚项目MDI联合装置罐区19台碳钢罐及6台不锈钢罐 防腐,碳钢底板运到防腐场地进行抛丸除锈(对于抛丸设备不能施工的构件采 用喷铜矿砂除锈)、油漆涂刷,油漆完好后运到施工现场。碳钢贮罐除锈级别 1 达到Sa2.5级,贮罐防腐为3号系统(system 3),分底漆,中间漆和面漆三层 涂装,喷涂Barrier 77环氧富锌底漆厚度80微米,喷涂Penguard Express MIO快干型环氧云铁中间漆100微米,喷涂Futura AS可复涂聚氨酯面漆60微米,干漆膜厚度为240微米;不锈钢(保温)贮罐为4号系统(system 4),分环氧清漆、快干型环氧云铁中间漆和可复涂聚氨酯面漆面漆三层涂装,涂层总干膜厚 度不低于200微米。This project, Bayer Isocyanate & PET Project MDI Train-Tank Farm has nineteen carbon steel tanks and six stainless steel tanks to be antisepsis. The soleplates of carbon steel should be carried to the anti-corrosive place to do blast cleaning and painting (the components that can’t be derusted by the abrator should be derusted by blasting copper ore). Carry it to the construction scene after primary coat finished. Then, barrior paint and finish coat shall be covered when pressure has been tested and qualified(carbon steel tanks below 120?). Below 120?, the carbon steel tanks with derusting rating Sa2.5 is System 3. It should be covered with three coats including primary coat, barrior paint and finish coat. The epoxy zinc-rich primer should be thick 80μm, Penguard Express MIO quick drying Epoxy mio barrior paint should be 100μm thick, Futura AS polyurethane finish coat should be 60μm thick. The dry coating should be 240μm thick. Stainless steel tanks below 120? is System 4. They should be covered with three coats. They are epoxy varnish, quick drying Epoxy mio barrior paint, polyurethane finish coat. The total thickness of the dry coating can’t be less than 200μm. PREFERENCES 3.1拜耳规定CSA0056-Corrosion Protection Bayer Regulation CSA0056-Corrosion Protection 3.2拜耳规定BISS-ES-50-001 Bayer Regulation BISS-ES-50-001 3.3 工程 设计图 农村自建房设计图免费下载设计图纸下载可摘局部义齿设计图谱pdf英文书写纸设计图下载养猪场设计图 纸Figures of the Project Design 3.4 DIN EN ISO12944 3.5“油漆工程规定”(中国石化集团南京 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 院)Regulations of the Painting 2 Projects(Sinopec Nanjing Design Institute) 4.0 Application of the Construction and Test 4.2Application of Testing Tanks Construction 4.2.1预制厂施工程序Application of the Prefabricate Plant 施工前的准备 贮罐底板和基础涂装前 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 面处理与检查 底漆喷涂 底漆检查与验收 中间漆喷涂与验收 面漆喷涂 检查验收Preparation before application, removing the identifications ?disposing and testing the surface before coating ?checking and acceptance of primary coat?checking and acceptance of barrior paint? painting finish coat ?checking and affirmance 4.2.2现场施工程序Application of local construction 施工前的准备 贮罐试验合格 贮罐表面处理与检查 底漆喷涂 底漆检查与验收 中间漆喷涂与验收 面漆喷涂 检查验收Preparation before application ?qualifying of testing the tanks?the brushing and examination of tanks surfaces ?painting finish coat ?checking and the painting of finish coat ?checking and acceptance Preparation for Construction 5.1Preparing the construction 5.1.1施工现场道路平整、畅通。The road in the construction area should be leveled up and unimpeded. 5.1.2施工现场水电具备使用条件。The water and electricity at the scene of construction should have the qualification to be used. 5.1.3适当的施工机具及检测设备齐全,材料堆放到现场。Appropriate machines and equipments should be sufficient.The materials should be placed at the scene of the construction. 5.1.4施工操作人员技术培训合格,持有上岗证。The staff for construction should be trained to qualify the skill required and get the qualification certificate. 5.1.5熟悉甲方关于施工的技术要求资料并向所有施工人员进行技术交底。 Knowing the technical requirements of the construction well, and tell them to the staff concerned. 3 5.1.6在现场进行铜矿砂除锈时应做好隔离措施,在贮罐周围搭设脚手架然后在 脚手架外侧用帆布围挡,把整个要喷砂的贮罐围起来,控制空气、环境的 污染。Isolation measures are needed in derusting with copper ores on the construction scene. Scaffoldings should be erected around the tanks, then they are to be defended by canvas outside. Surrounding the tanks to be blast copper ores is aimed to avoid personal injuries or pollution. 5.2Material Preparation 5.2.1开工前应做好详细的用量 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,逐步落实、运抵库房、保证施工供应和施 工进度。The materials to be used should be planned detailed. Then buy all of the materials needed and carry them to the storeroom to ensure the needs and process of the construction. 5.2. 2油漆使用时应严格按照材料说明书的数据进行检测、控制。The paint to be used should be examined and controlled strictly according to the data in the specification about the material. 5.2. 3材料验收Checking materials a、油漆、固化剂和稀释剂三种配套材料应由同一生产厂家供应。Paint, reinforced agents and diluent agents should be provided by the same manufacturer. b、涂料应商品有厂名、生产日期、存储期限等内容完整的标志,产品使用说 明书及质量合格证,否则应拒收。Paint should have the instruction, the quality certification, a sign with a complete content of the manufacturer, production date, preservation term and so on, otherwise it won’t be accepted. c、涂料说明书内容应包括涂料技术指标、各组分的配合比例、漆料配制后的 使用期、涂刷使用方法、参考用量、运输及储存过程中的注意事项等。The instruction of the paints should include technical indicators of the paints, the proportion of each ingredient, the usage term of the painting material confected, methods of coating, referenced dosage, notice in the transportation and preservation and etc. d、涂料应按(涂料产品取样)规定的取样数目进行抽查,质量符合规定要求。 如不符合应重新抽查、取样数目加倍,如仍不合格,则该批涂料为不合格, 应拒收。The paint should be sampled in term of the prescribed number( of paint samplings) and accord with the requirements. Otherwise, it should be doubly 4 sampled again. If this time it isn’t qualified yet, it can’t be accepted becaused it isn’t qualified. e、涂料储存期应不大于6个月,用户应按产品说明书所要求的条件储存,并 在储存期内使用,超过储存期的涂料,应按抽查要求重新检查,符合要求 方可使用。The preservation term of the paint can’t exceed six months. It should be preserved according to the conditions required in the instruction. It shouldn’t be used out of the preservation term. If its preservation term passed, it should be checked again according to the demands of sampling. It can’t be used until it satisfies the demands. 5.3Personnel preparation 施工前,管理人员、技术人员及施工管理人员安排就绪。管理人员和技术人员 首先应对工程质量、投资额、图纸进行熟悉,然后对施工人员进行技术交底、 质量要求、安全、清洁文明施工教育,管理人员配置如下:Before the construction, managers and technicians should be arranged properly. Managers and technicians should get familiar with the quality, investment and figures of the project.Then they should tell the workers the techniques, quality demands, keeping safe, clean and civil.The following table lists the managers. 序号 姓名Name 职务Post 职责Responsibility Number 1 唐植汉 项目经理 负责工程的全面工作 Tang Zhihan Project Manager overall tasks of the project 2 李进军 工程师 负责工程的技术工作 Li Jinjun Engineer technical task of the project 3 徐胜伟 施工经理 负责现场管理Management Xu Shengwei Construction Manager of the construction scene 4 李驰 技术员 负责施工技术The Li Chi Technician techniquesofthe construction 5 卢登奎 质检员 负责施工质量The quality Lu Dengkui Surveyor of quality of the constru 5 6 李忠现 安全员 负责现场施工安全工作 Li Zhongxian Safety officer Safetyofthesceneonstruction 5.4Machine Preparation 根据本工程防腐施工工艺,需准备如下施工机具In term of the technics of anti-corrosive construction in this project, the following machines and tools should be provided. The Table of Major Machines Equipment 序号 名称Name 型号规格Model 数量Quantity Number 抛丸设备shotcasting 1 1 equipment 空气压缩机Air W-6/7-D 1 2 compressor 油水分离器Oil and QSL-40 1 3 water separator 4 空气滤清器Air filter GKF-9602 1 喷砂罐Sand blasting 90R 1 5 jar 6 喷枪Spray-gun φ8mm 6 喷砂胶管Rubber pipe φ32×20×5P 200m 7 for sand blasting 高压无气喷涂机 2 8 High-pressure airless sprayer 9 气绳Gas band 200m 10 搅拌器Mixer J B100-1 2 6 60-80过滤网筛60-80 60-80 meshes 2 11 Filter mesh screen 手提式化学泡沫灭火器MF-8 2 12 Hand-held chemistry foam extinguisher 手提式CO2灭火器MT2-5 2 13 Hand-held C02 extingui 为了对工艺控制点进行质量检测,需配备下列检测仪器To check the quality of the technics spots, the following examination apparatus should be provided. 精度等级 序号型号数量序号 名称Name Accuracy Number Model Quantity Number class 温湿度表WHMI 1 一级 1 1 Hygrothermograph A- Class 钢板表面温度测式仪WLC-G1131 一级 2 Steel plate surface -2 A- Class 2 temperature testing instrument 表面清洁度对照标准ISO-8501 1 目视Visual 3 inspection 照片Surface 3 cleanness standard photograph 磁力型测厚仪PENTIST 1 误差<10?4 4 Magnetic gage error<10% 针孔检测仪Probe JG-802 1 一级 5 5 tester A-Class 漆膜划格器Paint QFH 1 6 6 film scriber 7 湿膜测厚仪Paint 154型 4 7 7 film scriber 6.0 ()Shotblasting(Sand blasting) and Spraying 6.1Classification of the rust on the steel surface before coating 钢材表面的锈蚀等级分A、B、C、D四级,其文字述如下:The rust on the steel surface be classed four ratings as A,B,C,D. They are detailed as following: A. 全面地覆盖着氧化皮儿几乎没有铁锈的钢材表面;The steel surface being coated with oxide entirely, nearly rustless. B. 已发生锈蚀,并且部分氧化皮已经剥落的钢材表面;The steel surface has began to rust , some oxide film on it has flake off. C. 氧化皮已因锈蚀而剥落,或者可以刮除,并且又少量点蚀的钢材表面;The oxide film on it has flake off owing to rusting or can be shaved off. And the steel surface has a few rusted spot. D. 氧化皮已因锈蚀而全部剥离,并且已普遍发生点蚀的钢材表面。All of the oxide film on it has flake off owing to rusting and the steel surface has many rusted spot. 6.2 Rating of derusting 6.2.1根据设计文件及相关规范要求,贮罐喷砂或抛丸等级要求达到Sa2.5级。 Sa2.5级属于非常彻底的喷砂或抛射除锈,描述如下:In accordance with the files and related requirements, the sand blasting and shotblasting should reach the ratingSa2.5. The ratingSa2.5 means thorough derusting by sand blasting and shotblasting. It can be described as following: 钢材表面无可见的油脂、污垢、氧化皮、铁锈和油漆涂层等附着物,任何残留 的痕迹应仅是点状或条状的轻微色斑。There isn’t any grease, dirt, oxide film on the surface of the steel product. Only slight fleck will be allowed. 6.3 () Sand blast (shot blast) 6.3.1采用的喷砂和抛丸的设备:在漕泾预制场地配有抛丸机一台(磨料为φ1.6 的钢丸)用于碳钢底板。现场喷砂机两台,(磨料为铜矿砂)主要对贮罐进行 8 喷砂除锈。Equipments for sand blast or shot blast: one shot blasting machine( with abrasive material ofφ1.6 steel shot) for carbon steel poleplate on the groove and ditch prefabrication field; two sandblasting machines(with abrasive material of copper ore) mainly to derust the tanks by sand blasting. 6.3.2除锈后的贮罐表面清洁程度是否符合要求的试验应在厂家的指导下进行试 验。The surface cleaness of tank or fittings after derusting shall be tested under directions of the manufacturer, to check whether it meets related requirements or not. 6.3.3 除锈后的贮罐应在4小时内进行底漆施工。Primer coating shall be carried out for the tank or fittings within 4 hours after rust removal. 6.3.4在现场进行铜矿砂除锈时应做好隔离措施,在贮罐周围搭设脚手架然后在脚 手架外侧用帆布围挡,把整个要喷砂的贮罐围起来,控制空气、环境的污染。 Isolation measures are needed in derusting with copper ores on the construction scene. Scaffoldings should be erected around the tanks, then they are to be defended by canvas outside. Surrounding the tanks to be blast copper ores is aimed to avoid personal injuries or pollution. 6.4 Spray coating of paint 6.4.1按规范要求,本次油漆采用无气喷涂,喷涂设备为QPT6258K型(长江牌),共2 台;According to the specifications, airless spraying shall be applied to the paint coating, by two QPT6258K spraying equipments with Changjiang Brand. 6.4.2以下情况将不采用喷涂:Spray coating shall not be applied in the following situations: a、局部损坏而进行的修补;对于焊接点或油漆损伤处基层处理采用角磨机机械除 锈,级别达到St3级。a. A right angle grinder is used for rust removal of subseal of weld junction or partial paint damage, up to St3 grad. b、现场检查或油漆表面局部存在不能容忍的缺陷而将漆膜刮掉的;b. If the paint film is scraped off for field inspection or an unacceptable defect on the painting surface; c、不易喷涂到的边、角、孔、和焊道等不规则的地方;c. Irregular positions such as edges, corners, bores and weld bead difficult for spray coating; 9 d、油漆供应商建议采用手工刷漆的地方。d. The places for which brush painting is recommended by the paint supplier; and e、施工现场管道油漆的施工。e. Painting of pipelines on the field. 6.4.3 喷漆(刷漆)Spray painting or brush painting喷漆前的准备工作 Preparation for spray painting a、需要喷漆的碳钢材料表面处理达Sa2.5级,并用塑料扫把清除浮灰,最后经 质检人员确认,不锈钢材料采用刚玉等材料清除焊渣,保证表面光洁,不锈 钢外表面清洗用水的氯离子含量不得高于6PPM;a. Sa2.5 surface treatment shall be done for the carbon steel materials to be spray painted, with plastering float removal by plastic broom. The welding slag on the stainless pipeline shall be cleared by corundum and others to ensure the surface finish, subject to the quality inspector’s confirmation. In addition, the water for cleaning of stainless materials’ external surface shall contain chloride ions within 6PPM. b、喷漆设备完好,包括空压机,应有良好的接地, 空压机至喷漆设备之间的胶管应连接牢固,不应有漏风的现象;b. To ensure the spray painting equipment entire in good earthing conditions, together with air compressor. The hose between air compressor and spray painting machine shall be connected firmly, no air leakages. c、现场防护工作要做好,由于喷漆作业需在露天场地下进行,在有太阳暴晒和刮大风的时候,必须架设挡风遮阳蓬;c. To erect an wind-break awning for field protection against sunburn and high wind. d、贮罐进行喷涂前,要在贮罐周围搭设脚手架,在贮罐周围地坪上铺设彩条布, 在喷涂油漆周围用帆布遮挡,防止油漆到处飞溅,做好文明施工工作。For keeping civil construction, it’s necessary to erect scaffoldings around it, pave cloth with colorful strips on the ground by the tank, and obstruct the paint from splashing around with cavas before painting the tank. e、按油漆厂家的指导说明书调配好油漆,首次喷涂应在厂家的技术人员的指导下进 行。e、To prepare the paint following the instructions of paint manufacturer, for first spray painting under the direction of manufacturer’s technician. 关于贮罐刷漆的型式及技术参数Style and technical parameters of tank’s brush painting 10 保温否 防腐系统表面处理底漆中间漆面漆备注 having 材 质名称 Anti-corrosisurface premier barrior finish remar material insulation or name ve system treatment coat paint coat k not Barrier 系统3 保温 抛丸除锈Penguard System 3 yes Sa2.5 77环氧Express Shot 富锌底MIO快干 blasting漆80微型环氧云 Sa2.5 米 铁中间漆 Barrier 100微米V91177 Penguard -TA9epoxy Express C.S 1-BA 015 zinc-rich MIO primer flash dry 80 epoxy micron mio barrior paint 100 micron 11 Barrier 系统3 保温 抛丸除锈Penguard System 3 yes Sa2.5 77环氧Express 富锌底MIO快干 Shot 漆80微型环氧云 blasting米 铁中间漆 Barrier Sa2.5 100微米V91177 Penguard -TA9epoxy Express 1-BA 018 zinc-rich MIO primer flash dry 80 epoxy micron mio barrior paint 100 micron Barrier 系统3 保温 抛丸除锈Penguard System 3 yes Sa2.5 77环氧Express 富锌底MIO快干 Shot 漆80微型环氧云 blasting米 铁中间漆 Barrier Sa2.5 100微米V911 77 Penguard -TA9C.S 1-BAepoxy Express 019 zinc-rich MIO primer flash dry 80 epoxy micron mio barrior paint 100 12 micron Barrier 系统3 不保温 抛丸除锈Penguard Hardt System 3 no Sa2.5 77环氧Express op 富锌底MIO快干Flexi Shot 漆80微型环氧云可复 blasting米 铁中间漆涂聚 Barrier Sa2.5 100微米氨酯 77 Penguard 弹性 epoxy Express 漆60 V912 zinc-rich MIO 微米-TA9C.S 2-BAprimer flash dry Hardto 001 80 epoxy p Flexi micron mio repeat barrior able paint 100 PUR micron elastic paint 60 micron Barrier 系统3 保温 抛丸除锈Penguard System 3 yes Sa2.5 77环氧Express 富锌底MIO快干 Shot 漆80微型环氧云 V912 blasting米 铁中间漆-TA9C.S 2-BABarrier Sa2.5 100微米 002 77 Penguard epoxy Express zinc-rich MIO primer flash dry 13 80 epoxy micron mio barrior paint 100 micron Barrier 系统3 保温 抛丸除锈Penguard System 3 yes Sa2.5 77环氧Express 富锌底MIO快干 Shot 漆80微型环氧云 blasting米 铁中间漆 Barrier Sa2.5 100微米V91277 Penguard -TA9epoxy Express C.S 2-BA 003 zinc-rich MIO primer flash dry 80 epoxy micron mio barrior paint 100 micron Barrier 系统3 保温 抛丸除锈Penguard System 3 yes Sa2.5 77环氧Express 富锌底MIO快干V912Shot 漆80微型环氧云-TA9C.S blasting米 铁中间漆2-BA 005 Barrier Sa2.5 100微米 77 Penguard epoxy Express zinc-rich MIO 14 primer flash dry 80 epoxy micron mio barrior paint 100 micron Barrier 系统3 保温 抛丸除锈Penguard System 3 yes Sa2.5 77环氧Express 富锌底MIO快干 Shot 漆80微型环氧云 blasting米 铁中间漆 Barrier Sa2.5 100微米V91277 Penguard -TA9epoxy Express C.S 2-BA 007 zinc-rich MIO primer flash dry 80 epoxy micron mio barrior paint 100 micron Barrier 系统3 保温 抛丸除锈Penguard System 3 yes Sa2.5 77环氧Express 富锌底MIO快干V912 Shot 漆80微型环氧云-TA9C.S 2-BAblasting米 铁中间漆008 Barrier Sa2.5 100微米 77 Penguard epoxy Express 15 zinc-rich MIO primer flash dry 80 epoxy micron mio barrior paint 100 micron Barrier 系统3 保温 抛丸除锈Penguard System 3 yes Sa2.5 77环氧Express 富锌底MIO快干 Shot 漆80微型环氧云 blasting米 铁中间漆 Barrier Sa2.5 100微米V91277 Penguard -TA9epoxy Express C.S 2-BA 009 zinc-rich MIO primer flash dry 80 epoxy micron mio barrior paint 100 micron Barrier 系统3 不保温 抛丸除锈Penguard Hardt System 3 not Sa2.5 77环氧Express op V912 富锌底MIO快干Flexi-TA9C.S Shot 漆80微型环氧云可复2-BA 010 blasting米 铁中间漆涂聚 Barrier Sa2.5 100微米氨酯 77 Penguard 弹性 16 epoxy Express 漆60 zinc-rich MIO 微米 primer flash dry Hardto 80 epoxy p Flexi micron mio repeat barrior able paint 100 PUR micron elastic paint 60 micron Barrier 系统3 不保温 抛丸除锈Penguard Hardt System 3 not Sa2.5 77环氧Express op 富锌底MIO快干FlexiShot 漆80微型环氧云可复blasting米 铁中间漆涂聚 Barrier Sa2.5 100微米氨酯 77 Penguard 弹性 epoxy Express 漆60 V912 zinc-rich MIO 微米 -TA9C.S 2-BAprimer flash dry Hardto 011 80 epoxy p Flexi micron mio repeat barrior able paint 100 PUR micron elastic paint 60 micron 17 Barrier 系统3 保温 抛丸除锈Penguard System 3 yes Sa2.5 77环氧Express 富锌底MIO快干 Shot 漆80微型环氧云 blasting米 铁中间漆 Barrier Sa2.5 100微米V91277 Penguard -TA9epoxy Express C.S 2-BA 012 zinc-rich MIO primer flash dry 80 epoxy micron mio barrior paint 100 micron Barrier 系统3 保温 抛丸除锈Penguard System 3 yes Sa2.5 77环氧Express Shot 富锌底MIO快干 blasting漆80微型环氧云 Sa2.5 米 铁中间漆 Barrier 100微米V913 77 Penguard -TA9C.S 3-BAepoxy Express 006 zinc-rich MIO primer flash dry 80 epoxy micron mio barrior paint 100 18 micron Barrier 系统3 保温 抛丸除锈Penguard System 3 yes Sa2.5 77环氧Express 富锌底MIO快干 Shot 漆80微型环氧云 blasting米 铁中间漆 Barrier Sa2.5 100微米V91377 Penguard -TA9epoxy Express C.S 3-BA 008 zinc-rich MIO primer flash dry 80 epoxy micron mio barrior paint 100 micron Barrier 系统3 保温 抛丸除锈Penguard System 3 yes Sa2.5 77环氧Express 富锌底MIO快干 Shot 漆80微型环氧云 blasting米 铁中间漆V913Barrier Sa2.5 100微米-TA977 Penguard C.S 3-BA 009 epoxy Express zinc-rich MIO primer flash dry 80 epoxy micron mio barrior 19 paint 100 micron Barrier 系统3 不保温 抛丸除锈Penguard Hardt System 3 no Sa2.5 77环氧Express op 富锌底MIO快干Flexi Shot 漆80微型环氧云可复 blasting米 铁中间漆涂聚 Barrier Sa2.5 100微米氨酯 77 Penguard 弹性 epoxy Express 漆60V913 zinc-rich MIO 微米 -TA9C.S 3-BAprimer flash dry Hardto011 80 epoxy p Flexi micron mio repeat barrior able paint 100 PUR micron elastic paint 60 micron Barrier 系统3 保温 抛丸除锈Penguard System 3 yes Sa2.5 77环氧Express 富锌底MIO快干V913Shot 漆80微型环氧云 -TA9C.S blasting米 铁中间漆3-BA 014 Barrier Sa2.5 100微米 77 Penguard epoxy Express zinc-rich MIO 20 primer flash dry 80 epoxy micron mio barrior paint 100 micron Barrier 系统3 不保温 抛丸除锈Penguard Hardt System 3 no Sa2.5 77环氧Express op Shot 富锌底MIO快干Flexi blasting漆80微型环氧云可复 Sa2.5 米 铁中间漆涂聚 Barrier 100微米氨酯 77 Penguard 弹性 epoxy Express 漆60V913 zinc-rich MIO 微米-TA9C.S 3-BAprimer flash dry Hardto015 80 epoxy p Flexi micron mio repeat barrior able paint 100 PUR micron elastic paint 60 micron 系统4 保温 用水清理PenguarPenguard Hardt V911System 4 yes (氯离子d Clear Express op -TA9S.S 含量低于VarnishMIO快干Flexi1-BA 014 6PPM)环氧清型环氧云可复 Cleaning 漆40微铁中间漆涂聚 21 by water 米100微米氨酯 with PenguarPenguard 弹性 chloride d Clear Express 漆60 ion less Varnish MIO 微米 than epoxy flash dry 6PPM resin epoxy Hardto varnish mio p Flexi 40 barrior repeat micron paint 100 able micron PUR elastic paint 60 micron 系统4 保温 用水清理PenguarPenguard Hardt System 4 yes (氯离子d Clear Express op 含量低于VarnishMIO快干Flexi 6PPM)环氧清型环氧云可复 Clearing 漆40微铁中间漆涂聚 by water 米100微米氨酯 V911with PenguarPenguard 弹性 -TA9chloride d Clear Express S.S 漆601-BA 021 ion less Varnish MIO 微米 than epoxy flash dry 6PPM resin epoxy Hardto varnish mio p Flexi 40 barrior repeat micron paint 100 able micron PUR 22 elastic paint 60 micron 不保温 不刷V913no 漆 -TA9not S.S 3-BA 005 paint ed 系统4 保温 用水清理PenguarPenguard Hardt System 4 yes (氯离子d Clear Express op 含量低于VarnishMIO快干Flexi 6PPM)环氧清型环氧云可复 Clearing 漆40微铁中间漆涂聚 by water 米100微米氨酯 with PenguarPenguard 弹性 chloride d Clear Express 漆60V913ion less Varnish MIO 微米 -TA9than epoxy flash dry S.S 3-BA 007 6PPM resin epoxy Hardto varnish mio p Flexi 40 barrior repeat micron paint 100 able micron PUR elastic paint 60 micron V913系统4 保温 用水清理PenguarPenguard Hardt S.S -TA9 23 3-BASystem 4 yes (氯离子d Clear Express op 012 含量低于VarnishMIO快干Flexi 6PPM)环氧清型环氧云可复 Clearing 漆40微铁中间漆涂聚 by water 米100微米氨酯 with PenguarPenguard 弹性 chloride d Clear Express 漆60 ion less Varnish MIO 微米 than epoxy flash dry 6PPM resin epoxy Hardto varnish mio p Flexi 40 barrior repeat micron paint 100 able micron PUR elastic paint 60 micron 系统4 保温 用水清理PenguarPenguard Hardt System 4 yes (氯离子d Clear Express op 含量低于VarnishMIO快干Flexi 6PPM)环氧清型环氧云可复V913Clearing 漆40微铁中间漆涂聚-TA9by water S.S 米100微米氨酯3-BA 013 with PenguarPenguard 弹性 chloride d Clear Express 漆60 ion less Varnish MIO 微米 than epoxy flash dry 6PPM resin epoxy Hardto 24 varnish mio p Flexi 40 barrior repeat micron paint 100 able micron PUR elastic paint 60 micron贮罐刷漆颜色依据拜耳规定BISS-ES-50-001。 Colors of painting for tanks should be based on Bayer Regulation BISS-ES-50-001. Tsnkage and Vessels Gravel Grey(7032)油漆的选型,采用佐敦涂料有限公司生产的Jotun牌油漆。The Jotun paint manufactured by Zuodun Coatings Co., Ltd. shall be used. 喷漆时原则上喷嘴与被喷面的距离,平面为250-350,圆弧面为400mm,并 与被喷面成70?-80?。压缩空气的压力为0.3-0.6Mpa。In principle, the nozzle and painted surface shall form an angle of 70? to 80?, and the distance between them shall be 250-350mm for plane or 400mm for hollows. The pressure of compressed air shall be 0.3 to 0.6Mpa. 底板喷底漆时,底板板四侧50mm范围内应用纸张包覆,不得喷漆;The first 50mm part of soleplate shall be wrapped by paper to avoid primer coating; 为满足最低湿膜和干膜厚度,喷漆的进行速度或遍数应在厂家的指导下进行 试验,并最终确定。To meet the requirements of lowest moisture film and dry film thickness, the speed and times of spray painting shall be determined through the test under the direction of manufacturer.调配好的油漆尽量在4小时内用完,或遵循厂家所规定的使用时间。The prepared paint shall be used out within 4 hours or the period specified by the manufacturer. 7.0 Inspection and acceptance 7.1 检查与验收一般规定:防腐层厚度可用测厚仪每台罐逐一检查并应符合规范规 25 定。General regulations for inspection and acceptance: the anti-corrosive coating of every tank shall be inspected by thickness tester one by one, subject to the specifications: 7.2 表面涂装质量应符合以下要求The external coating shall meet the following requirements: 项次检查项目 质量要求检查方法 No. Checks Requirements Methods 1 脱皮、漏刷、反锈 不允许 目测 Peel, omission, rust Unallowed Visual inspection 2 透底、流坠、皱皮 大面积不允许 目测 Strike though, drop, cockle Unallowed for large Visual inspection 3 area 光亮与光滑 目测 Brightness and smoothness Visual inspection 光亮、均匀一致 4 Bright and uniform 分色界限 钢尺 Color separation limit Steel ruler 允许偏差?3mm 5 Tolerance within 颜色、刷纹 目测 Color and brush mark ?3mm Visual inspection 颜色一致,纹通顺 6 Identical color and 干燥涂膜层 磁性测厚仪 Dry paint film smooth mark Magnetic thickness tester 不小于设计厚度 Not less than design thickness 7.3 油漆附着力试验,试验应在厂家的指导下进行试验。An adhesion test for the paint shall be done under the direction of manufacturer. 8.0 Working conditions 8.1 材料表面温度低于3?或高于40?,空气温度低于5?,不能喷涂或刷漆。The 26 spray painting or brush painting shall not be done if the surface temperature is below 3? or above 40?, and the air temperature below 5?. 8.2 环境湿度大于85%,不能喷涂或刷漆。The spray painting or brush painting shall not be done if the ambient humidity exceeds 85%. 9.0 9.1喷漆完成后应做好材料标识移植。The materials shall be properly marked after spray painting. 9.2喷漆完成后的材料应注意产品保护,吊装时的索具应衬布条或使用布带吊装。 The spray painted materials shall be protected through lining cloth strips or using cloth bands for hoisting. 9.3完成的成品应做好保护,防止踩踏、污染。The finished products shall be protected against tramp or pollution. 10.0 HSE HSE management 10.1 涂料应在专门的仓库内储存,库房应通风良好,并应配置消防器材、设置“严 禁烟火”警示牌。库房内严禁住人;The coatings shall be stored at a well-ventilated special warehouse equipped with fire apparatus, with a “No smoking” warning board at a conspicuous place. In addition, nobody shall live in the warehouse. 10.2 涂料仓库的位置应与其他建、构筑物留有一定的安全距离;The warehouse of coatings shall be at a certain distance from other buildings or structures, to ensure safety. 10.3 涂料作业场所应保持整洁,作业结束后,应将残存的易燃、易爆、物品及其他 杂物清除干净;The coating field shall be kept tidy. After coating, the residual combustibles, explosives, articles and other sundries shall be cleared. 10.4 接触有毒、有害物质的作业人员出现恶心、呕吐、头昏等情况时,应立即送到 通风良好的场所休息或送到医院诊治;If any operator suffers from nausea, vomit or dizziness and other symptoms, due to contact with poisonous or hazardous substances, the operator must be immediately sent to a well-ventilated place for rest or to a hospital for treatment. 27 10.5 进行静电喷涂的场所、设备、管道及附属钢结构应进行静电接地。Static earthing shall be done for the equipments, pipelines and auxiliary steel structures at the electrostatic painting place. 10.5所有施工区域做好成品和半成品防护,防止污染,并应做好文明施工,及时进 行现场清理,谁做谁清、随时做随时清,一日一小清,一周一大清。At all the construction areas, both the semi-finished products and finished products shall be protected and prevented from pollution, and the field shall be cleared by the relevant operator in time at any moment, daily and weekly. 11 Attachment Layout of Field for Pipeline Anti-corrosion Construction The field for storeing the Paint materials 油漆storehouse 仓库原材料堆放场地 Shotblasting field 抛丸场地 Sand blasting workshop 喷砂车间防腐场地 The field for material 防腐后材料堆放场地Field for anti-corrosion storage after anti-corrosion 28 防 腐抛丸车Shotblasting workshop 车间Anti-corrosion workshop 间 29
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