首页 非法音像制品、电子出版物的鉴定



非法音像制品、电子出版物的鉴定非法音像制品、电子出版物的鉴定 1、音像制品及其鉴别 音像制品,是录音录像制品的通称。它是指主要应用录音和录像技术手段,把经过创作、表演的声音、形象录制在磁带、光盘等载体上,并借助专用设备重放的视听出版物。 音像制品包括录音制品和录像制品两大类,即录音带、录像带、唱片及主要利用录像设备播放的光盘等。其载体主要有录有内容的AT录音带、VT录像带,唱片、密纹唱片(LP),光盘有CD激光唱盘,LD激光视盘、VCD数码激光视盘(激光小视盘),DVD高密度光盘(数字视盘)等激光数码储存片。国务院1994年165号令发布...

非法音像制品、电子出版物的鉴定 1、音像制品及其鉴别 音像制品,是录音录像制品的通称。它是指主要应用录音和录像技术手段,把经过创作、表演的声音、形象录制在磁带、光盘等载体上,并借助专用设备重放的视听出版物。 音像制品包括录音制品和录像制品两大类,即录音带、录像带、唱片及主要利用录像设备播放的光盘等。其载体主要有录有 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 的AT录音带、VT录像带,唱片、密纹唱片(LP),光盘有CD激光唱盘,LD激光视盘、VCD数码激光视盘(激光小视盘),DVD高密度光盘(数字视盘)等激光数码储存片。国务院1994年165号令发布的《音像制品管理 条例 事业单位人事管理条例.pdf信访条例下载信访条例下载问刑条例下载新准则、条例下载 》所指的音像制品包括录有内容的录音带、录像带、唱片、激光唱片和激光视盘等。 2004年市场上出现的盗版SDVD,又称HDVD、DVD压缩碟、万能DVD、PC—DVD等。其实是披着DVD外衣的VCD,它是运用DVD的菜单 格式 pdf格式笔记格式下载页码格式下载公文格式下载简报格式下载 ,VCD的压缩方式。因此它不是新的光盘技术,而是盗版者利用数字压缩技术进行大肆盗版的一种应用手段。对于广大消费者来说具有极大的欺骗性。根据《出版管理条例》、《音像制品管理条例》和《音像制品出版管理规定》等的规定,非法音像制品的鉴别要点是: (一)内容上,凡是出版、复制、经营禁载内容的音像制品,都可认定为非法音像制品。 (二)合法出版、复制单位非法制作出版的音像制品,包括: (1)音像出版单位以向其他单位或者个人转让、出租、出售本单位的名称或者版号的方式出版的音像制品; 2)图书出版单位出版非配合本版图书的音像制品,和未经批准出版配合本版图书的音像( 制品,即超范围出版的音像制品; (3)音像出版单位出版的未取得音像制品发行许可证的音像制品; (4)音像复制单位私自加录、销售委托单位加工的音像制品; (5)音像复制单位以来料加工方式承接境外提供母带、模版复制的音像制品未全部返销,遗留在境内进行销售、播放、转录的音像制品; (6)音像复制单位未凭音像出版单位的《录音录像制品复制委托书》而擅自盗制、批销的音像制品用合法音像出版单位的名称、版号等制作的音像制品; (三)用合法音像出版单位的名称、版号等制作的音像制品; (四)伪造根本不存在的音像出版单位的音像制品; (五)盗版方式制作的合法音像出版物的彩色封面、装帧纸、音像带芯和其他复制品; (六)社会上公开发行的未署出版单位名称的音像制品。 measuring range of 1.5~2 times the maximum test pressure, essential ... Table 3-1 equipment based and location of allows deviation serial number project allows deviation mm 1 coordinates location (aspect axis) ? 20 2 different plane of elevation-20 3 shape size ? 20 4 convex stage plane shape size-20 5 concave points size +20 6 plane level (including to ping Shang need installation equipment of part each meters 5 full length 10 7 vertical degrees each meters 5 full length 10 8 reserved anchor bolt hole Center location ? 10 Depth of wall thickness of +20 10 9 vertical elevation of pre-embedded anchoring bolts (top) +20 Centre distance ? 2 3.5 Horn group Horn install location and quantity, the following requirements: 3.5.1 General on either side of the anchor bolt should be placed under a set of horns, and as close as possible to the bolt. The local bolt spacing is less than 300mm, and can be placed on the anchor bolts with side a set of horns, the spacing between two adjacent set of horns is generally 500mm around, should be based on loads distribution and structure of the base. Each group pad iron of location should according to equipment load by Xia type determine: a, ? Cx (Q1+Q2) x104/R A--pad iron area (mm2) Q1--due to equipment, of weight added in pad iron group Shang of load (n) Q2--due to anchor bolt twist tight by distribution in the pad iron group Shang of pressure (n), desirable bolt of Xu anti-stress R--based or to ping of units area compressive strength (MPa), desirable concrete design strength C--safety, should be take 1.5~3 a, value calculation out Hou, Can be selected according to the data in the table 3-2. Table tilting pad Teppei 3-2 Horn area cm2 code l a l b material material code a b c helical-1100 1100 50 ? 5 4 ordinary carbon steel 50 ordinary carbon steel 50 oblique 2,120 60 ? 5 6 draw oblique All filled up. second Grouting should be located outside the template, templates are removed, the surface should be flat, and surface treatment. 3.8 the installation quality of the installed pump pump equipment, is very important to the stable (七)使用被撤销或停办的音像出版单位的名称、版号出版制作发行的音像制品; (八)音像出版单位未经国家主管部门批准引进而出版发行的海外音像制品; (九)走私入境的海外音像制品; (十)盗版制作发行的海外音像制品等。 (十一) 国内(境内)音像制品的鉴别: (a)观察包装和彩封。凡是简装(塑料袋加纸片包装)光盘,外包装的制作、印刷粗糙,塑料薄膜粘贴不紧,容易脱落;彩封颜色不正,字迹模糊或有双影等,即有盗版嫌疑。由于新的设备和技术的进步,有的盗版音像制品包装和彩封已可乱真;因此还要结合其他因素去鉴别。 (b)价格。非法音像制品成本低,售价大大低于正版品。 (c)防伪标识。凡未加贴防伪标识的音像制品,都是非法音像制品。 (d) 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 音像制品编码。外包装和光盘上都应有中国标准音像制品编码,否则即为非法音像制品。 (e)SID 码。境内复制加工的激光数码储存片的内圈表面上都压制有一组四位数的SID码,第一位是小写英文字母(IFPI),顶上有一道弧线,后三位是阿拉伯数字。SID码世界通用,凡无此码的即为非法光盘。 (f)引进版的识别。文化部规定,从1999年起,引进版音像制品都有固定的版权登记号和固定的引进文号(如“文音进字 [1999]…号“文像进字 [1999]…号”)。没有同时标明版权登记号和引进文号或与管理部门登记的文号不符的引进版音像制品,即为非法产品。 (十二)进口音像制品的鉴别: 目前只有中国图书进出口总公司具有进口音像制品权,非中国图书进出口总公司进口的音像制品均为非法。凡具有以下特征中任意一种情况的即为非法进口音像制品: (1)盘面“打孔”“锯口”的; (2)没有同时加贴“音像制品防伪标识”和中国图书进出口总公司防伪标识的; (3)彩封上有“中国图书进出口总公司总经销”和“中国图书进出口总公司**分公司进口”或 “中国图书进出口总公司**分公司总经销”字样的。 (十三)新版防伪标识的识别办法: measuring range of 1.5~2 times the maximum test pressure, essential ... Table 3-1 equipment based and location of allows deviation serial number project allows deviation mm 1 coordinates location (aspect axis) ? 20 2 different plane of elevation-20 3 shape size ? 20 4 convex stage plane shape size-20 5 concave points size +20 6 plane level (including to ping Shang need installation equipment of part each meters 5 full length 10 7 vertical degrees each meters 5 full length 10 8 reserved anchor bolt hole Center location ? 10 Depth of wall thickness of +20 10 9 vertical elevation of pre-embedded anchoring bolts (top) +20 Centre distance ? 2 3.5 Horn group Horn install location and quantity, the following requirements: 3.5.1 General on either side of the anchor bolt should be placed under a set of horns, and as close as possible to the bolt. The local bolt spacing is less than 300mm, and can be placed on the anchor bolts with side a set of horns, the spacing between two adjacent set of horns is generally 500mm around, should be based on loads distribution and structure of the base. Each group pad iron of location should according to equipment load by Xia type determine: a, ? Cx (Q1+Q2) x104/R A--pad iron area (mm2) Q1--due to equipment, of weight added in pad iron group Shang of load (n) Q2--due to anchor bolt twist tight by distribution in the pad iron group Shang of pressure (n), desirable bolt of Xu anti-stress R--based or to ping of units area compressive strength (MPa), desirable concrete design strength C--safety, should be take 1.5~3 a, value calculation out Hou, Can be selected according to the data in the table 3-2. Table tilting pad Teppei 3-2 Horn area cm2 code l a l b material material code a b c helical-1100 1100 50 ? 5 4 ordinary carbon steel 50 ordinary carbon steel 50 oblique 2,120 60 ? 5 6 draw oblique All filled up. second Grouting should be located outside the template, templates are removed, the surface should be flat, and surface treatment. 3.8 the installation quality of the installed pump pump equipment, is very important to the stable (1)材质改为聚酶镀铝PET膜;外形依然保持圆形,直径为15.2mm。 (2)标识中心为模拟光盘图形,由10道白色同心圆水波纹组成,移动时向外波动扩张。移动时模拟光盘的彩虹光栅将模拟光盘均等分为八瓣,并顺时针移动。 (3)标识上部为三个五线谱音符,从左至右分别为高音谱号、三连音、八分音符,正面主视觉观察呈“绿、红、绿”,改变视觉变为“红、绿、红”。 4)标识左侧正面主视觉显现英文字母:“(Y”,右侧显现英文字母“X”,并可看到多色彩虹效果。改变主视觉,可见与“Y”,同位处呈现汉字“音”;与“X”,同位处呈现汉字“像”。“Y”、“X”旁各有一个水平装饰耳延伸到较粗的圆圈外,装饰耳与圆圈交叉处可见极小的“Y”“X”。 (5)光盘下方有三个圆点,在一定视觉当点变成橙红色时肉眼可见左、中两点分别含有魏碑体的“文”和“化”。 (6)标识底部圆点之间有用英文字母、罗马数字和阿拉伯数字组成的序列号段,号段颜色为本色。使用降温手段空气清新剂、医用“好得快”、冰块、冰淇淋或置于冰箱内,可使号段文字由本色变为红色。 (7)标识较粗的圆圈外肉眼可见一道微细光环,用八倍以上放大镜观察,可见英文“CHINAAUDEOVIDEO”中国音像。 (8)将标识揭开,可见音像制品包装盒上留有“正版标识”字样与防伪标识底面呈现的“正版标识”阴阳相对的汉字完全吻合。 2 、电子出版物及其鉴别 电子出版物是指以数字代码方式将图文声像等信息编辑加工后存储在磁、光、电介质上,通过计算机或具有类似功能的设备读取使用,用以表达思想、普及知识和积累文化,并可复制发行的大众传播媒体。 电子出版物的载体,目前主要有:(1)软磁盘(FD),(2)只读光盘(CD—ROM),(3)交互式光盘(CD—I),(4)图文光盘(CD—G),(5)照片光盘(PHOTO—CD),(6)集成电路卡(IC卡)等。 非法电子出版物的鉴别,按照《电子出版物管理规定》,其要点有: [1]电子出版物不得含有禁载内容; [2]非电子出版物出版单位不得擅自出版、复制电子出版物。 [3]电子出版物必须按规定使用专用中国标准书号和刊号。专用中国标准书号和刊号,只能用于出版与其出版物类型相对应的电子出版物,不得用于出版纸质图书和其他类型的出版measuring range of 1.5~2 times the maximum test pressure, essential ... Table 3-1 equipment based and location of allows deviation serial number project allows deviation mm 1 coordinates location (aspect axis) ? 20 2 different plane of elevation-20 3 shape size ? 20 4 convex stage plane shape size-20 5 concave points size +20 6 plane level (including to ping Shang need installation equipment of part each meters 5 full length 10 7 vertical degrees each meters 5 full length 10 8 reserved anchor bolt hole Center location ? 10 Depth of wall thickness of +20 10 9 vertical elevation of pre-embedded anchoring bolts (top) +20 Centre distance ? 2 3.5 Horn group Horn install location and quantity, the following requirements: 3.5.1 General on either side of the anchor bolt should be placed under a set of horns, and as close as possible to the bolt. The local bolt spacing is less than 300mm, and can be placed on the anchor bolts with side a set of horns, the spacing between two adjacent set of horns is generally 500mm around, should be based on loads distribution and structure of the base. Each group pad iron of location should according to equipment load by Xia type determine: a, ? Cx (Q1+Q2) x104/R A--pad iron area (mm2) Q1--due to equipment, of weight added in pad iron group Shang of load (n) Q2--due to anchor bolt twist tight by distribution in the pad iron group Shang of pressure (n), desirable bolt of Xu anti-stress R--based or to ping of units area compressive strength (MPa), desirable concrete design strength C--safety, should be take 1.5~3 a, value calculation out Hou, Can be selected according to the data in the table 3-2. Table tilting pad Teppei 3-2 Horn area cm2 code l a l b material material code a b c helical-1100 1100 50 ? 5 4 ordinary carbon steel 50 ordinary carbon steel 50 oblique 2,120 60 ? 5 6 draw oblique All filled up. second Grouting should be located outside the template, templates are removed, the surface should be flat, and surface treatment. 3.8 the installation quality of the installed pump pump equipment, is very important to the stable 物。电子出版物附属的使用手册,不得单独定价和另行销售。 [4]电子出版物出版单位不得以任何形式向任何单位或个人转让、出租、出售本单位名称、书号、刊号。任何单位和个人不得伪造、假冒出版单位或连续出版物名称出版电子出版物。 [5]电子出版物必须在电子出版物及其装帧纸的显著位置载明出版单位名称、地址,书号、刊号及条形码,出版日期、刊期、著作权人姓名以及其他有关事项。 [6]电子出版物复制单位复制光盘类电子出版物,必须压制来源识别码(SID码)。 根据上述规定,含有禁载内容的;未经批准出版、进口的;假冒出版单位或出版物名称的;侵犯他人著作权的;无专用标准书号、刊号及条形码的;光盘无来源识别码的;中小学教材未经审定的等,都属非法电子出版物。 3 、软件和电子出版物的关系和区别: 软件是指计算机运行的各种程序以及开发、使用和维护这些程序所需要的技术资料。由于程序存放在存储介质中,如内存、磁盘、磁带等,相对于硬件而称为软件。信息产业部颁布的《软件产品管理办法》中所称软件产品,是指向用户提供的计算机软件、信息系统或设备中嵌入的软件或在提供计算机信息系统集成、应用服务等技术服务时提供的计算机软件。它分为两大类,一是系统软件(管理机器的程序),二是应用软件(为解决实际问题而编制的各种专业程序)。 根据上述定义,可见软件的品种较多,不是所有的软件都是电子出版物。其中,应用服务等技术服务的工具性软件,如计算机系统软件,包括操作系统软件(如 WINDOWS、DOS、UNIX),语言处理系统(如C语言、FOXPRO数据库语言),数据库管理系统、工具软件等;计算机应用软件,包括支撑软件(办公自动化中常用的文字处理软件、通用财务管理软件等)和用户程序(如人事管理程序、生产过程控制程序等),其特征是有程序无数据。这类软件应属信息产业部门管理的范围,不属电子出版物。 电子出版物本身需要由计算机程序支持,通过计算机程序将数据“读”出来,与人们进行交互式的学习。因此电子出版物本身也是一种计算机软件,它是程序和数据的结合体。也就是说它具有程序+数据的特征,其主体是数据,但它也包含了组织这些数据的程序,通过程序来实现“人机对话”。包括电子图书,如电子百科全书,电子报刊,计算机游戏,CAI(计算机辅助教学)课件等软件,则为电子出版物。计算机软件和电子出版物的载体(光盘)相同,都应有SID码,否则都是盗制品的特征。 4、音像制品版号和光盘来源识别码知识 (1)版号是中国标准音像制品编码的通称。它由国际标准音像制品编码(lSRC)和类别代码两部分组成。其结构关系为: ISRC国家码一出版者码一录制年码一记录码一记录项码/类别码。 measuring range of 1.5~2 times the maximum test pressure, essential ... Table 3-1 equipment based and location of allows deviation serial number project allows deviation mm 1 coordinates location (aspect axis) ? 20 2 different plane of elevation-20 3 shape size ? 20 4 convex stage plane shape size-20 5 concave points size +20 6 plane level (including to ping Shang need installation equipment of part each meters 5 full length 10 7 vertical degrees each meters 5 full length 10 8 reserved anchor bolt hole Center location ? 10 Depth of wall thickness of +20 10 9 vertical elevation of pre-embedded anchoring bolts (top) +20 Centre distance ? 2 3.5 Horn group Horn install location and quantity, the following requirements: 3.5.1 General on either side of the anchor bolt should be placed under a set of horns, and as close as possible to the bolt. The local bolt spacing is less than 300mm, and can be placed on the anchor bolts with side a set of horns, the spacing between two adjacent set of horns is generally 500mm around, should be based on loads distribution and structure of the base. Each group pad iron of location should according to equipment load by Xia type determine: a, ? Cx (Q1+Q2) x104/R A--pad iron area (mm2) Q1--due to equipment, of weight added in pad iron group Shang of load (n) Q2--due to anchor bolt twist tight by distribution in the pad iron group Shang of pressure (n), desirable bolt of Xu anti-stress R--based or to ping of units area compressive strength (MPa), desirable concrete design strength C--safety, should be take 1.5~3 a, value calculation out Hou, Can be selected according to the data in the table 3-2. Table tilting pad Teppei 3-2 Horn area cm2 code l a l b material material code a b c helical-1100 1100 50 ? 5 4 ordinary carbon steel 50 ordinary carbon steel 50 oblique 2,120 60 ? 5 6 draw oblique All filled up. second Grouting should be located outside the template, templates are removed, the surface should be flat, and surface treatment. 3.8 the installation quality of the installed pump pump equipment, is very important to the stable [l]国家码一一由2个字符组成。中国国家码以大写字母“CN”表示。 [2]出版者码一一由3个字符的字母、数字组成。 [3]录制年码一一由音像制品录制出版年份的最后2位数字组成。 [4]记录码一一当音像制品中的独立节目数少于10项时,记录码取4位数字(A 型记录码),其取值范围为0000—2999;多于9项时记录码取3位数字(B型记录码),取值范围为000-999 [5]记录项码——A 型记录码属下的记录项码取1位数字(0—9);B 型记录码属下的记录项码取2位数字(00—99)。其中“0”或“00”,是一个音像制品的整体记录项码,其他记录项码的数值“1—9”、“01—99”依该音像制品中的独立节目项数分别循序确定。记录码和相应的记录项码的长度之和恒定为5位数。 [6]类别代码一一由载体代码(录音制品代码为“A”;录像制品代码为“V”)和分类代码(按《中国图书馆图书分类法》的基本分类号)给出。 《音像制品管理条例》第十二条规定: “音像出版单位应当在其出版的音像制品及其包装的明显位置,标明……音像制品的版号…。”2004 年8月1日起施行的《音像制品出版管理规定》第十七条规定,音像出版单位应当按照国家标准及其他有关规定标识、使用《中国标准音像制品编码》(版号)。版号由新闻出版总署负责管理和调控。 ID 码),是国际唱片业联盟(IFPI)和Philips在1992年12(2)激光信息来源识别码(S 月防盗版达成协议时设置的,我国于1995年10月开始实施SID码规定。它是给予在应用中CD生产设备的一组独特的4位数字/字母码。是光盘的复制代码,也是生产商特有的身份识别码。它可识别CD是在那条复制线和母盘线制作的。它位于CD盘片堆圈外侧和读写数据导入区内侧,大约为半径17一18mm处。SID码是被模压上去的,因而在母盘和压模上就有此码。按照规定标准,码高不得小于0.5mm,因此实际盘片上码高通常为 0.5—1.0mm。SID码在位置安排上较为灵活,但要保证不能进入堆圈和导入区,否则会影注塑时的塑料流和盘片数据的读取。 Philips公司负责SID码的分配和注册。为防止盗版,注册过程是被严格保密的,并且只有在伦敦的IFPI的秘书处才能获得。因此在SID码前面或上面冠有“IFPI”。 为什么SID码是一种防止盗版的有效手段呢?一般说来,在足够的时间、资金和努力下,任何东西都是可以被复制的,盗版光盘上同样可能有SID码。然而,不法厂商为了盗制一个有效SID盗版盘,必须确保拷贝的每个SID码与销售中的源CD相关。对盗版者最有吸引力的头10个专集常常只被少于6个不同的公司所拥有。这样盗版者必须投入大量资金、时间和努力去成功复制一个“真正”的盗版盘。同时由于SID码是模压上去的,需要母盘和模具上都有此码,因此每个节目盗版者都需要不同的模具,而二个模具的平均成本将近要10万美元。这对盗版商来说,仿制有效SID码的光盘是不合算的,因而SID码在一定程度上可以实现防盗版的功能。 measuring range of 1.5~2 times the maximum test pressure, essential ... Table 3-1 equipment based and location of allows deviation serial number project allows deviation mm 1 coordinates location (aspect axis) ? 20 2 different plane of elevation-20 3 shape size ? 20 4 convex stage plane shape size-20 5 concave points size +20 6 plane level (including to ping Shang need installation equipment of part each meters 5 full length 10 7 vertical degrees each meters 5 full length 10 8 reserved anchor bolt hole Center location ? 10 Depth of wall thickness of +20 10 9 vertical elevation of pre-embedded anchoring bolts (top) +20 Centre distance ? 2 3.5 Horn group Horn install location and quantity, the following requirements: 3.5.1 General on either side of the anchor bolt should be placed under a set of horns, and as close as possible to the bolt. The local bolt spacing is less than 300mm, and can be placed on the anchor bolts with side a set of horns, the spacing between two adjacent set of horns is generally 500mm around, should be based on loads distribution and structure of the base. Each group pad iron of location should according to equipment load by Xia type determine: a, ? Cx (Q1+Q2) x104/R A--pad iron area (mm2) Q1--due to equipment, of weight added in pad iron group Shang of load (n) Q2--due to anchor bolt twist tight by distribution in the pad iron group Shang of pressure (n), desirable bolt of Xu anti-stress R--based or to ping of units area compressive strength (MPa), desirable concrete design strength C--safety, should be take 1.5~3 a, value calculation out Hou, Can be selected according to the data in the table 3-2. Table tilting pad Teppei 3-2 Horn area cm2 code l a l b material material code a b c helical-1100 1100 50 ? 5 4 ordinary carbon steel 50 ordinary carbon steel 50 oblique 2,120 60 ? 5 6 draw oblique All filled up. second Grouting should be located outside the template, templates are removed, the surface should be flat, and surface treatment. 3.8 the installation quality of the installed pump pump equipment, is very important to the stable 因此我们可以利用版号和SID码来识别非法音像制品和电子出版物。凡未压制SID码、烫损SID码或SID码中字母数码书写错误的光盘均为盗版;SID代码为大写英文字母字样(IFPI)的光盘为境外走私的盗版光盘。有的地方发现有伪造SID码的,其特征是字迹不清晰,或出现轻重不同的重影。这是因为非法制作者伪造SID码钢印加热打上去的。应注意识别。凡在外包装护封和光盘上无版号,内外包装版号不一致或印刷错误的均为盗版光盘的特征。 (湖南省“扫黄打非”工作领导小组办公室) measuring range of 1.5~2 times the maximum test pressure, essential ... Table 3-1 equipment based and location of allows deviation serial number project allows deviation mm 1 coordinates location (aspect axis) ? 20 2 different plane of elevation-20 3 shape size ? 20 4 convex stage plane shape size-20 5 concave points size +20 6 plane level (including to ping Shang need installation equipment of part each meters 5 full length 10 7 vertical degrees each meters 5 full length 10 8 reserved anchor bolt hole Center location ? 10 Depth of wall thickness of +20 10 9 vertical elevation of pre-embedded anchoring bolts (top) +20 Centre distance ? 2 3.5 Horn group Horn install location and quantity, the following requirements: 3.5.1 General on either side of the anchor bolt should be placed under a set of horns, and as close as possible to the bolt. The local bolt spacing is less than 300mm, and can be placed on the anchor bolts with side a set of horns, the spacing between two adjacent set of horns is generally 500mm around, should be based on loads distribution and structure of the base. Each group pad iron of location should according to equipment load by Xia type determine: a, ? Cx (Q1+Q2) x104/R A--pad iron area (mm2) Q1--due to equipment, of weight added in pad iron group Shang of load (n) Q2--due to anchor bolt twist tight by distribution in the pad iron group Shang of pressure (n), desirable bolt of Xu anti-stress R--based or to ping of units area compressive strength (MPa), desirable concrete design strength C--safety, should be take 1.5~3 a, value calculation out Hou, Can be selected according to the data in the table 3-2. Table tilting pad Teppei 3-2 Horn area cm2 code l a l b material material code a b c helical-1100 1100 50 ? 5 4 ordinary carbon steel 50 ordinary carbon steel 50 oblique 2,120 60 ? 5 6 draw oblique All filled up. second Grouting should be located outside the template, templates are removed, the surface should be flat, and surface treatment. 3.8 the installation quality of the installed pump pump equipment, is very important to the stable
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