首页 中考英语考听力口语自动化考试问答试



中考英语考听力口语自动化考试问答试中考英语考听力口语自动化考试问答试 中考英语听力口语自动化考试问答 一、听力口语自动化考试与以往考试相比有哪些主要变化 1.考试内容实行两考合一。将以往的英语口语等级测试和中考听力测试合并进行~通过计算机一次性完成考试。 2.考试方式实行人机对话。以往的英语口语等级测试方式为“师生对话”~由测试员现场提问~现场测试打分~以往的中考听力考试则在中考笔试时进行~依靠考场内广播或录音机播放听力磁带。实行人机对话后~考生坐在计算机前~戴上考试专用耳麦~由计算机播放听力录音和试题~考生用计算机作答并对着麦克风回答口语...

中考 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 考听力口语自动化考试问答试 中考英语听力口语自动化考试问答 一、听力口语自动化考试与以往考试相比有哪些主要变化 1.考试内容实行两考合一。将以往的英语口语等级测试和中考听力测试合并进行~通过计算机一次性完成考试。 2.考试方式实行人机对话。以往的英语口语等级测试方式为“师生对话”~由测试员现场提问~现场测试打分~以往的中考听力考试则在中考笔试时进行~依靠考场内广播或录音机播放听力磁带。实行人机对话后~考生坐在计算机前~戴上考试专用耳麦~由计算机播放听力录音和试题~考生用计算机作答并对着麦克风回答口语题。出题、考试、判卷、结果反馈全部由计算机完成。 3.成绩评定实行电脑评分。考试结束后~由计算机 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 下考生的答案~由自动阅卷专用服务器综合各种特征给出评分~经考试组织部门确认后发布。 综上三点~听力口语自动化考试~简化了考试程序~减轻了考生负担~规范了考试要求~避免了人为因素可能造成的不利影响。 二、听力口语自动化考试如何组织 根据省教育厅统一部署~2009年起~全省中考英语听such as wages, subsidies to give some support, the new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, research centers and otherSome research funding support from the platform. Second, business methods of science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment channels, to investment to achieve tangible results. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can make good use of resources, rich with enterprise information, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only low cost and high efficiency. Relatives and friends also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengthen contacts with them, making full use of their resources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial development focal points to pick a strong backbone of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan, Yangtze River Delta and other economically developed areas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merchants, so ... ... Investment, investment, investment policy on the Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yearn for. ... ... Make full use of the Internet for valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as a clue. Investment firm into line and encourage qualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asset restructuring, equity investment, transfer, technological innovation and other forms of enterprise 力口语自动化考试由省教育厅统一组织~统一命制试题、统一考点设置、统一考试时间、统一考试流程、统一评分标准、统一发布成绩。 三、听力口语自动化考试考点和考场如何设置 人机对话考试对考点的要求比较高。省教育厅要求原则上以各初中学校为考点~以各学校的计算机网络机房为考场~考场计算机及相关软硬件配置均须符合考试所要求的基本条件~不符合要求的必须在升级、补充到位的基础上才能申报考点。从目前申报情况看~我市大多数初中学校已符合考场设置条件~全市大多数初中毕业生都可在本校参加听力口语自动化考试。少数不符合考场设置条件学校的学生由各地教育行政部门统一安排到就近的考点参加考试。 四、一个考场内同时有30人进行听力口语考试,会不会互相干扰 按照考场设置要求~一个考场内设置不少于33台考试机和1台监考机~每个考场同时安排30人进行考试。考试所用耳麦和话筒都是特制的~考生只能听到考试机播放的声音~话筒也只对定向的声音录音~完全不影响考试效果。2007年5月开始~省教育厅在苏州、南通、连云港部分学校进行过试点~实践证明效果良好~不会出现考生互相干 echnological innovation and other forms of enterprisefer, tualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asset restructuring, equity investment, transr valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as a clue. Investment firm into line and encourage qnet foe Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yearn for. ... ... Make full use of the Intereas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merchants, so ... ... Investment, investment, investment policy on thTangshan, Yangtze River Delta and other economically developed ar-Tianjin-of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijingresources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial development focal points to pick a strong backbone their ds also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengthen contacts with them, making full use of rmation, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only low cost and high efficiency. Relatives and friene infots. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can make good use of resources, rich with enterprisof science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment channels, to investment to achieve tangible resulresearch centers and otherSome research funding support from the platform. Second, business methods such as wages, subsidies to give some support, the new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, 2 扰现象。 五、听力口语自动化考试如何保证中考的客观公正 首先~听力口语自动化考试的主要设备是计算机~其播放质量要远远好于广播系统和录音机~评价信度较高。其次~人机对话的评分标准全省统一~对学生在语言表达的完整性、准确性、流利性、韵律性等方面的评判更加全面规范~其客观性要远远大于评委教师评分。第三~人机对话试题以省教育厅题库为基础~在同一考场~同一时段~试题题型、难度一致~相邻的考生面对的是试题排列顺序不同的试卷~可以有效防止作弊行为的发生。 六、中考听力口语自动化考试分值及考试时间如何确定 按照2009年全市中考 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 规定~中考英语总分为150分~其中英语听力口语考试分值为30分。 每位考生听力口语考试的实际考试时间为20分钟~考试前必须的登录、设备调试等准备工作均有计算机按既定程序执行和提示~考生有足够的时间进入考试状态。 七、听力口语自动化考试对于提高学生英语学习水平有什么帮助 听力口语自动化考试由计算机进行自动化评卷的同时~还对考生口语信息进行自动化评估~对学生英语口语 ng, equity investment, transfer, technological innovation and other forms of enterpriseucturient firm into line and encourage qualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asset restr. Make full use of the Internet for valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as a clue. Investm... ..nvestment, investment policy on the Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yearn for. nd other economically developed areas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merchants, so ... ... Investment, iTangshan, Yangtze River Delta a-Tianjin-points to pick a strong backbone of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijing th them, making full use of their resources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial development focalcts wigh efficiency. Relatives and friends also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengthen contasources, rich with enterprise information, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only low cost and hiof re vestment to achieve tangible results. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can make good uselatform. Second, business methods of science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment channels, to inresearch centers and otherSome research funding support from the psuch as wages, subsidies to give some support, the new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, 3 水平进行客观评价~并以学校为单位生成自动化评估报告~指出存在的主要问题与缺陷~有助于教师、学校了解本校英语教学质量~改进教师的教学~有针对性地对学生加以指导~从而提高学生英语水平。 八、听力口语自动化考试是不是提高了中考英语的考试要求 人机对话考试与以往的听力和口语考试相比~主要是考试形式发生了变化~但考试内容和要求不变~仍然是按照《课程标准》要求设置试题~且考试题型是学生所熟知的~没有提高要求。实行自动化考试后~学生只要熟悉和掌握考试流程~每个步骤均按计算机提示进行~就可顺利完成考试~没有提高学习要求。 九、中考英语听力口语自动化考试何时进行,是否需要进行适当训练 中考英语听力口语自动化考试将于2009年4月份进行。目前~我市各地初中学校计算机网络教室设备配置已基本完成~全市初中英语教师、信息技术人员、考试组织人员等都已分期分批参加了省、市级培训。 1月10日~我市将组织全市初中英语听力口语自动化考试适应性训练,模拟考试,~所有应届初中毕业生均参加统一测试和训练。之后~各学校还将组织相关的模拟训练。 echnological innovation and other forms of enterprisefer, tualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asset restructuring, equity investment, transr valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as a clue. Investment firm into line and encourage qnet foe Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yearn for. ... ... Make full use of the Intereas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merchants, so ... ... Investment, investment, investment policy on thTangshan, Yangtze River Delta and other economically developed ar-Tianjin-of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijingresources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial development focal points to pick a strong backbone their ds also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengthen contacts with them, making full use of rmation, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only low cost and high efficiency. Relatives and friene infots. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can make good use of resources, rich with enterprisof science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment channels, to investment to achieve tangible resulresearch centers and otherSome research funding support from the platform. Second, business methods such as wages, subsidies to give some support, the new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, 4 十、听力口语自动化考试是一种新的考试模式,学生应如何应对, 首先~学生大可不必有太大的心理负担~听力口语自动化考试只不过是考试形式的变化而已~只要了解人机对话考试到底是怎么回事~熟悉和掌握考试流程~严肃认真参加考试~按计算机提示进行操作~一定可以正常发挥水平。其次~听力口语自动化考试对学生语言表达各方面的评判都比较规范~因此~适当的练习与训练是必须的。初中学生在平时学习中~要多听原版的英语磁带和录音~在课堂上大胆用英语回答问题~通过多看英语影片、多听英语歌曲等方法让自己的发音更加标准和地道。第三~要重视模拟训练~认真参加全市统一组织的适应性训练~充分利用每一次上机操作机会加强练习~熟悉考试程序~感受考场氛围~做到正式考试时临阵不乱~发挥正常水平~取得好的成绩。一、职业生涯规划的意义 1、以既有的成就为基础,确立人生的方向,提供奋斗的策略。 2、突破生活的格线,塑造清新充实的自我。 3、准确评价个人特点和强项。 4、评估个人目标和现状的差距。 5、准确定位职业方向。 6、重新认识自身的价值并使其增值。 7、发现新的职业机遇。 8、增强职业竞争力。 9、将个人、事业与家庭联系起来。 二、正确的心理认知 1、认清人生的价值 社会的价值并不被所有的人等同接受“人云亦云”并不等于自我的人生价值人生价值包括:经济价值、权力价值、回馈价值、审美价值、理论价 值。 2、超越既有的得失每个人都很努力,但成就并不等同。后悔与抱怨对未来无济于事,自我陶醉则像“龟兔赛跑”中的兔子。 人生如运动场上的竞技,当下难以 . Make full use of the Internet for valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as a clue. Investm... ..nvestment, investment policy on the Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yearn for. nd other economically developed areas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merchants, so ... ... Investment, iTangshan, Yangtze River Delta a-Tianjin-points to pick a strong backbone of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijing th them, making full use of their resources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial development focalcts wigh efficiency. Relatives and friends also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengthen contasources, rich with enterprise information, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only low cost and hiof re vestment to achieve tangible results. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can make good uselatform. Second, business methods of science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment channels, to inresearch centers and otherSome research funding support from the psuch as wages, subsidies to give some support, the new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, ng, equity investment, transfer, technological innovation and other forms of enterpriseucturient firm into line and encourage qualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asset restr5 断输赢。 3、以万变应万变 任何的执着都是一种“阻滞”前途的行为想想“流水”的启示“学非所用”是真理 三、剖析自我的现状 1、个人部份健康情形:身体是否有病痛,是否有不良的生活习惯,是否有影响健康的活动,生活是否正常,有没有养生之道,自我充实:是否有专长,经常阅读和收集资料吗,是否正在培养其他技能,休闲管理:是否有固定的休闲活动,有助于身心和工作吗,是否有休闲 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 , 2、事业部份 财富所得:薪资多少,有储蓄吗,有动产、有价证券吗,有不动产吗,价值多少,有外快吗,社会阶层:现在的职位是什么,还有升迁的机会吗,是否有升迁的准备呢,内外在的人际关系如何,自我实现:喜欢现在的工作吗,理由是什么,有完成人生理想的准备吗, 3、家庭部份 生活品质:居家环境如何,有没有计划换房子,家庭的布置和设备如何,有心灵或精神文化的生活吗,小孩、夫妻、父母有学习计划吗,家庭关系:夫妻和谐吗,是否拥有共同的发展目标,是否有共同或个别的创业计划,父母子女与父母、与公婆、与姑叔、与岳家的关系如何,是否常与家人相处、沟通、活动、旅游,家人健康:家里有小孩吗,小孩多大,健康吗,需要托人照顾吗,配偶的健康如何,家里有老人吗,有需要你照顾的家人吗, 四、人生发展的环境条件 1、友伴条件:朋友要多量化、多样化、且有能力。 2、生存条件:要有储蓄、发展基金、不动产。 3、配偶条件:个性要相投、社会态度要相同、要有共同的家庭目标。 4、行业条件:注意社会当前及未来需要的行业,注意市场占有率。 5、企业条件:要稳定,则在大中型企业;要创业,则在小企业。公司有改革计划吗,公司需要什么人才, 6、地区条件:视行业和企业而定。 7、国家(社会)条件:注意政治、法律、经济(资源、品质)、社会与文化、教育等条件,该社会的特性及潜在的市场条件。 8、世界条件:注意全球正在发展的行业,用“世界观”发展事业。 五、人生成就的三大资源 1、人脉:家族关系、姻亲关系、同事(同学)关系、社会关系。 [解决方案]沟通与自我推销 2、金脉:薪资所得、有价证券、基金、外币、定期存款、财产(动产、不动产)、信用(与为人和职位有关)。 [解决方案]储蓄、理财有方、夫妻合作、努力工作提高自己的能力条件及职位。 3、知脉:知识力、技术力、咨讯力、企划力、预测(洞察)力、敏锐力。[解决方案]做好时间管理、安排学习计划、上课、听讲座、进修、组织内轮调、多做事、反复练习、经常做 笔记 哲学笔记pdf明清笔记pdf政法笔记下载课堂笔记下载生物化学笔记PDF 、做模拟计划。 echnological innovation and other forms of enterprisefer, tualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asset restructuring, equity investment, transr valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as a clue. Investment firm into line and encourage qnet foe Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yearn for. ... ... Make full use of the Intereas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merchants, so ... ... Investment, investment, investment policy on thTangshan, Yangtze River Delta and other economically developed ar-Tianjin-of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijingresources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial development focal points to pick a strong backbone their ds also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengthen contacts with them, making full use of rmation, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only low cost and high efficiency. Relatives and friene infots. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can make good use of resources, rich with enterprisof science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment channels, to investment to achieve tangible resulresearch centers and otherSome research funding support from the platform. Second, business methods such as wages, subsidies to give some support, the new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, 6 ng, equity investment, transfer, technological innovation and other forms of enterpriseucturient firm into line and encourage qualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asset restr. Make full use of the Internet for valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as a clue. Investm... ..nvestment, investment policy on the Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yearn for. nd other economically developed areas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merchants, so ... ... Investment, iTangshan, Yangtze River Delta a-Tianjin-points to pick a strong backbone of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijing th them, making full use of their resources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial development focalcts wigh efficiency. Relatives and friends also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengthen contasources, rich with enterprise information, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only low cost and hiof re vestment to achieve tangible results. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can make good uselatform. Second, business methods of science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment channels, to inresearch centers and otherSome research funding support from the psuch as wages, subsidies to give some support, the new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, 7
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