首页 论文2 格宾,雷诺护垫护坡在桥头护坡中的应用

论文2 格宾,雷诺护垫护坡在桥头护坡中的应用


论文2 格宾,雷诺护垫护坡在桥头护坡中的应用论文2 格宾,雷诺护垫护坡在桥头护坡中的应用 格宾,雷诺护垫护坡在RIO桥 桥头护坡中的应用 姓名: 李春羽 2014年04月16日 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big commun- 1 - ity planning, and large district transformation, break a...

论文2 格宾,雷诺护垫护坡在桥头护坡中的应用
论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 2 格宾,雷诺护垫护坡在桥头护坡中的应用 格宾,雷诺护垫护坡在RIO桥 桥头护坡中的应用 姓名: 李春羽 2014年04月16日 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big commun- 1 - ity planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 格宾,雷诺护垫护坡在RIO桥桥头护坡中的应用 李春羽 (中交一航局第二工程有限公司,山东 青岛 266071) 摘要:格宾,雷诺护垫护坡应用技术通常称为石笼护坡~本文结合工程实际~从格宾,雷诺护垫的优点、耐久性及稳定性 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 、施工方法三方面讨论了格宾,雷诺护垫护坡应用技术,通过实际效果说明了格宾,雷诺护垫护坡应用的可推广性。 Abstract: Gabion & Reno Mattress also named gabion protection, combination with the engineering practice, specific to Gabion & Reno Mattress advantage , durability analysis ,construction method,through the practice test prove Gabion & Reno Mattress method is a feasible promising technique. 关键词:格宾,雷诺护垫,实际应用,推广 Keywords: Gabion & Reno Mattress; Practical Application; Popularize. 引言 浆砌块石等硬质材料在河道护坡工程中扮演着十分重要的角色,虽然满足了河道岸坡抗冲刷、岸坡稳定等方面的要求,但切断了河流与岸上生态系统的联系,植物很难生长。与传统的防护结构相比,格宾,雷诺护垫护坡既能满足稳定性要求,又有利于水与土体间的循环,同时达到绿化环境的效果,工程完工以后,可以保持原有的生态平衡条件。本文通过牙买加RIO GRAND桥项目的桥头护坡工程施工过程及实施效果分析验证了其在护坡方法中的特点及优势,对格宾,雷诺护垫护坡应用和施工具有一定推广和指导意义。 1 工程概况 1.1工程简介 Rio Grand 河旧桥在飓风季节被洪水损毁,成为危桥,拟建Rio Grand 桥位于铁路桥梁下游,距Rio Grand河入海口约200m。本次改建路段全长570m,桥梁长度约210m,公路两端与现有公路对接。格宾,雷诺护垫工程应用于Rio Grande 桥西侧桥头护坡处,格宾网护坡基础块石1226.6m?,雷诺护垫护坡块石403.3m?,沿线长度约为162m,格宾网规格为2m×1m×1m雷诺护垫规格为6m×2m×0.4m。 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big commun- 1 - ity planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 1.2 自然特点分析 牙买加属于热带雨林气候。全年大致可分为两个旱季(6-7月和11月至次年4月)和两个雨季(5月和8-10月),年均降雨量为2000 毫米左右, 6-10月为飓风多发期。 1.3 水文 洪水季节,洪水来势迅猛,快速填满河床并夹杂着大量泥沙,溢出河堤,导致河堤冲刷严重,破坏路基和桥梁。洪水水位4.32m,常水位0.862m,最低河床-4.7m。 1.4 地质 以新近沉积的淤泥质土、砂砾土为主,松散-中密状,含水量较大,地表以下20m深度内,标贯击数(N)一般小于30;西桥头位置淤泥深度达1.5米。 2 工艺 钢结构制作工艺流程车尿素生产工艺流程自动玻璃钢生产工艺2工艺纪律检查制度q345焊接工艺规程 原理及稳定性分析简介 护坡工程中的基本原理适用于雷诺护垫防护体系,雷诺护垫防护体系的抗冲能力大于实际的冲刷时,该防护体系就可以认为是合格的。 本工程综合采用了重力格宾和雷诺护岸结构,格宾网的基本稳定原理同浆砌石重力挡墙和混凝土重力挡墙相同,均是通过墙体自身重量来维持挡墙在土压力下的稳定。雷诺护垫的设计计算主要包括护垫的整体稳定计算和雷诺护垫厚度的确定。雷诺护垫护岸的整体稳定包括护岸体连同岸坡基础土的滑动和沿护坡底面的滑动两种。前者可以用瑞典圆弧滑动法来计算,后者可以简化成沿坡底面通过堤基的折线整体滑动。雷诺护垫的厚度可根据流速与雷诺护垫厚度之间的关系确定,一般可参考美国科罗拉多州柯林斯堡的科罗多拉州立大学实验室做的原型试验得出的《流速与雷诺护垫防护厚度关系表》。 3 施工方法 3.1 工程简介 本工程格宾网规格为2m×1m×1m ,内用隔板隔成1m的单元格,网格尺寸为8cm×10cm,如图3.1-2所示;雷诺护垫规格为6 m×2m×0.4m,内用隔板隔成2?一格,网格尺寸为6cm×8cm×8cm如图3.1-3所示。格宾网护坡基础块石1226.6m?,雷诺护垫护坡块石403.3m?,沿线长度约为162m。基槽底标高-1m,常水位0.862m。本工程护坡典型断面如图3.1-1所示。 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 图3.1-1 石笼护坡典型断面图 图3.1-2 格宾网示意图 图3.1-3 雷诺护垫示意图 3.2 施工 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 : 石笼护坡施工流程如图3.2-1所示 施工组织准备工作 测量放线 基础开挖及降水 硬质基底填充料准备软基处理 人工清平地基 铺设土工布 格宾网安装 石料填充 封盖 与相邻格宾网绑扎 雷诺护垫施工 图3.2-1 石笼护坡施工流程 - 3 - 3.3 施工方法: 3.3.1基槽开完 按照设计要求对基槽开挖平面控制进行控制桩放线,根据地面标高与设计标高控制开挖深度,在基槽外延预留宽1m,深0.3m的排水沟和相应的集水坑,用于基槽排水,当基槽开挖至设计底标高时,用全站仪对基槽前口精确放线,采用人工整平基底,随后人工铺设底层土工布。由于地下水丰富,在整个基槽开挖及石料填充过程中需要一直进行降水保持基槽干燥。 3.3.2格宾网及雷诺护垫组装: 首先选择一个平摊坚硬的场地,展开折叠的格宾,雷诺护垫拉起隔板,然后对各边进行编织,编织钢丝必须采用与网面钢丝一样材质的钢丝,为保证联接强度需严格按照间隔10,15cm单圈,双圈交替绞合。 用绞合钢丝或钢环把格宾的边连接。钢环扣件间距不能超过150mm。使用绞合钢丝的程序包括:继续在每个金属网格上,每间隔大约150mm把交互的单的和双的圈结拉紧,如图3.3-1所示,最终把绞合钢丝的尾段用圈结或绞合的形式固定在金属网格上。将隔板放置于垂直位置,并以同样方法用钢丝将隔板与边板连接。 图3.3-1绞边示意图 3.3.3反滤层的选择和铺设: 由于本工程区域为冲刷较大区域,因此要在格宾,雷诺护垫底部铺设土工布,在基槽开挖整平结束后便开始土工布铺设工作,土工布后边沿要按照设计预留出1.2米的长度,土工布摆放平整后放上空的格宾网进行固定即可。 3.3.4宾网网和雷诺护垫的安装和填充: 宾网网和雷诺护垫的安装和填充是工程质量的关键,在完成组装后,格宾被一个接一个的摆放在铺好的土工布上。注意为了构成完整的结构,在填充宾格前先用钢丝或钢planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 环把所有相邻空格宾沿其接触面的边连接。填充石大小应在100mm至200mm之间,在进行填充工作时主要以人工填充的方式,以保证密度。填充应该逐个宾格进行,以避免局部损坏。每个格宾的填充高度决不能超过邻近格宾300mm。在填充石头的时候应尽量注意不要损坏格宾上的镀锌保护层。填充格宾时,应按照要求插入加强拉筋,将加拉筋固定在1m高的格宾的1/3高度和2/3高度处。在填充前要保证同一层格宾的所有的边部与其相邻的格宾完全连接。 考虑到石头的沉降问题,填充石头需高出金属网格25mm-40mm。要确保间隔板的上部外露。将格宾盖铺上,用适当的工具把格宾盖和即将被连接的边拉紧。用组装时同样的方法把格宾盖和所有的边,尾端和间隔板紧紧绞合在一起。邻近的格宾盖可以同时安全的连好。再将底部所有的钢丝向内折好。 3.3.5雷诺护垫施工: 雷诺护垫位于地下水位以上施工相对简单,主要注意施工过程中石料逐格填充,严格按照要求进行绞边。 3.3.6表层覆土的处理: 结合本工程的实际需要,需在表层覆种植土,然后进行绿化。竣工后7个月的格宾, 垫护坡如图3.3.2 所示。 雷诺护 图3.3.2 竣工后7个月的格宾,雷诺护垫护坡 3.3.7施工机械及人员配置 2.1机械设备如表1所示;人员配备如表2所示 - 5 - 表 1 施工机械配置表 序号 船机设备 单位 数量 备注 1 挖掘机 台 1 基槽开挖 2 潜水泵及活动支架 套 2 基槽降水 3 装载机 台 1 石料补给 表格 2 人员配置表 序号 工种 数量 备注 1 编织工 8 石笼组装绞边 2 降水工 1 降水水位控制 3 土工布铺设工 2 整平及铺土工布 4 装石工 6 装石 4 格宾,雷诺护垫质量控制要点: (1)格宾,雷诺护垫规格严格符合设计要求。 (2)填充石料要求。填充料必须是坚固密实、耐风化的石料,粒径必须符合设计要求,网垫应控制在粒径100,250mm的占80,以上,其余以良好级配的碎石填满空隙;网垫应控制在粒径80,120mm的占90,以上,对露出外表面要求良好级配碎石,要求人工摆放整齐密实。填充石料顶面宜适当高出护垫。填充石料的容重必须?1.70t/m3。 (3)组装格宾,雷诺护垫。间隔网与网身应呈90度相交。绑扎钢丝与网丝同材质。格宾,雷诺护垫个边及间隔网绑扎节点?10cm, (4)网格护垫石料填充。填充石料今后可选用粒径为网眼2倍左右为宜,本工程石料大于80%石块的粒径为150mm至250mm之间。石料应质地坚硬。 (5)相邻笼体(包括笼盖)进行绑扎连接。用双胶钢丝扎牢,扎点间距为30~50cm;笼盖纵向部分和笼体绑扎间距一般为50cm。 (6)护坡底边线、顶边线(即与挡墙交界线)要顺直、整齐。 (7)挡墙格宾,雷诺护垫内设加强筋,拉筋间距一般为50 cm,以控制挡墙变形。 (8)为防格宾,雷诺护垫挡墙位移,且墙体允许透水,墙后回填土不要行夯,但要压实。 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card (9)为加快植物生长,格宾,雷诺护垫完成后,立即对常水位以上部分覆土填充石缝,泥土一般高出坡面、墙顶5~10 cm。 5 结果评定 牙买加RIO GRAND桥桥头格宾,雷诺护垫护坡工程全长160延米,2011年11月8日开工,2012年3月23日竣工,投入使用后,抵御了几次较大洪水,格宾,雷诺护垫桥头护坡安然无恙。经过完工后的一年时间的沉降位移观察格宾网在经过10天左右时间沉降后完全处于稳定状态,整个护坡完整性较好没有明显的相对位移,护坡上植被已经开始生长,种植的草皮长势良好,已经遮挡住网垫,厚厚的草皮与生态格宾,雷诺护垫、堤岸紧密结合,使防汛工程与岸边土地浑然一体,不但起到了护坡作用,也在一定程度上修护了生态环境,达到了预期的目的。 6 优势总结: 格宾、雷诺护垫护坡总结主要有以下优点: (1)柔性结构 格宾、雷诺护垫相互绑扎成整体,属于典型的柔性防护结构,具有很强的柔韧性及变形能力,尤其能够适应基础的不均匀沉降。 (2)环保 首先材料本身无任何污染,而由于结构内存在较多的填石孔隙,这样一来可以实现河水和结构后土体的自由水交换,增强水体的自我净化能力维持生态系统的平衡,同时不需要水泥等污染水质和环境的人工材料,对环境不会造成太大的破坏。 (3)抗冲刷 格宾、雷诺护垫为多孔隙结构,风浪打在结构上时,真空压力被化解,风浪退时产生的真空吸力也被破坏,能有效的达到防护效果,消能效果好。 (4)施工效率高 格宾、雷诺护垫施工操作简便、工序少、无需特殊的技术工人,容易行程流水作业,整体施工效率颇高且效果易于保证。同比此类结构的施工效率很高(是传统结构的施工效率2到3倍),可以大大减少施工周期。 (5)经济 - 7 - 格宾、雷诺护垫填充所需石头可以采用陈本较低的鹅卵石,而鹅卵石不能应用于浆砌石、干砌石等传统结构上,尤其在鹅卵石丰富的河流附近,更可以大幅度降低造价,相对于混凝土等传统结构具有一定的经济优势。 7 结论 格宾、雷诺护垫护坡作为一种新型的生态水利技术,即能达到防洪的目的,又减少了对生态环境的破坏,在未来的必将得到广泛应用。 参考文献: [1] 长江勘测规划设计院,长江荆河段河势控制应急工程2006年度实施项目初步设计报告[R]2006.7 [2] 廖小永、卢金友、黎李刚.三峡水库徐水运行后荆河河道特性变化研究[J]人民长江,2007.38(11):88-89. [3] 水利部.堤防工程 设计规范 民用建筑抗震设计规范配电网设计规范10kv变电所设计规范220kv变电站通用竖流式沉淀池设计 [].1998 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card
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