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1考研英语熟词生辟意1考研英语熟词生辟意 1. allow v. 承认 admit e.g. We must allow that he is right on this matter. 2. address v. 处理 to deal with e.g. address the issue of absenteeism 处理缺勤事宜 3. appreciate v. 意识到 =realize; 太高…价格,涨价 e.g. I appreciate that I may be wrong. This land has...

1 考研英语 考研英语大纲5500词汇考研英语常用词根词缀考研英语二真题及答案考研英语词汇大全英语考研高频词汇 熟词生辟意 1. allow v. 承认 admit e.g. We must allow that he is right on this matter. 2. address v. 处理 to deal with e.g. address the issue of absenteeism 处理缺勤事宜 3. appreciate v. 意识到 =realize; 太高…价格,涨价 e.g. I appreciate that I may be wrong. This land has appreciated in value. 4. apprehension n. 忧虑、担心;逮捕、理解 e.g. The student looked around the examination room with apprehension. 那名学生恐惧地观看检查室的四周。 5. apprehensive adj. 理解的,不安的,忧虑的 [意思和用法等同于 afraid] e.g. apprehensive for sb.’s safety. 担心某人的安全 6. approach v. 着手 to begin to deal with or work on e.g. approached the task with dread. 惶恐地开始着手这项任务 7. arch adj. 调皮的,顽皮的 n. 弓形 e.g. an arch smile He tapped the side of his nose in an uncharacteristically arch gesture. 8. argument n. 论点、论据 e.g. Support your argument by quote, please. 9. not so much…as not so much … as:“与其说……倒不如说”,否定前者肯定后者 e.g. 1. He is not so much a writer as a reporter. 2. Science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tool. 他们说,科学的发展与其说源于天才伟人的真知灼见,不如说源于改进了的技术和工 具等更为普通的东西。【摘自 真题 北京中考数学真题pdf四级真题及答案下载历年四级真题下载证券交易真题下载资料分析真题下载 】 3. It’s not so much a hobby as a career (=more like a career than a hobby). 10. assume v. 承担;假装,假定,设想 e.g. assume an obligation I assume my daughter told you of our conditions. 11. cater v. ?cater(for,to) 迎合;?(for) 提供饮食及服务 e.g. TV should cater for many diverse tastes. The restaurant caters for veggies and those with a sweet tooth. 12. check n. 控制 阻碍 the condition of being stopped or held back; restraint e.g. kept my temper in check 克制我的脾气 holding agricultural pests in check with sprays 用喷雾剂消灭农业害虫 13. claim n. 索赔;the sum of money demanded 赔款,要求得到的金额 e.g. You can make a claim on your insurance policy. Person injury claims continue to increase. 14. compound n. 混合物,化合物 e.g. Vitamins are organic compounds which are necessary for the normal growth and maintenance of life of animals, including man. 维生素是有机化合物, 对包括人在内的一切动物的正常生长和维持生命都是必须的。 15. compromise v./n. a concession to something detrimental or pejorative 危害,妥协 e.g. Such conduct will compromise your reputation. 16. contain v. 制服——to halt the spread or development of e.g. The man was later contained by the police. 17. context n.背景,环境;上下文,语境 e.g. social context 社会大环境 18. couch vt. 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达,隐含 n. 躺椅 e.g. The reply was couched in insolent terms. 回答措辞蛮横 19. count n.& v. ?包括 ?控诉的罪 ?以为、视为 ?有价值 ?count for 有价值——to have a specified importance or value e.g. ?There are 10 people in classroom counting 2 teachers. ?The prison was found not guilty on all counts. ?She was counted among the greatest dancers. ?It is not how much you read but what you read that counts. ?There opinions count for little. Each basket counts for two points. 20. crack crack down vi. 制裁——to act more forcefully to regulate, repress, or restrain e.g. The police cracked down on speeding. 警察取缔超速行车。 The government cracked down on violators. 政府对于违法者采取严厉手段。 21. crook n. 弯曲的东西,钩;【口】骗子,小偷,坏蛋 e.g. That salesman is a real crook. 22. cultivate cultivate sb. 结识某人 e.g. He always tried to cultivate famous people. 23. deposit n. 押金,定金 e.g. leave a $100 deposit toward the purchase of a stereo system 为了买一套立体声系统,留下了100美元的订金 24. desert vt. 抛弃 n. 沙漠 deserter n. 叛离者,逃兵 e.g. She was deserted by her husband. 25. dictate n. 指示(指理智,变心) 指导原则 —— a guiding principle e.g. follow the dictates of my conscience 接受我的良心的支配 26. digest v. 忍受 to endure or bear patiently e.g. I can’t digest her endless complaint noise a moment longer. 我一刻也忍受不了她拿没完没了的抱怨。 27. discipline n. 学科,纪律 e.g. The new recruits were drawn from a range of academic disciplines. 28. element the elements 天气(一定是复数形式) e.g. The football match went on as scheduled even though the elements were against it. 尽管天气很坏,足球比赛还是按 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 进行。 29. embarrass v. 阻碍 —— to hinder with obstacles or difficulties;impede e.g. What embarrass your making an early start, 什么事妨碍你早些动身, 30. exclusive n. 独家新闻(A news item initially released to only one publication or broadcaster),专卖店里的商品 e.g. The reporter had an exclusive interview with the Nobel prize winner. 那位记者独家采访了那位诺贝尔奖得主 31. express adj. 急速的,快捷的 e.g. send by express mail or courier such as Federal Express 通过特快专递或者送快信的邮寄,例如联邦快递公司。 fare 32. v. 生活= live n. 费用 e.g. Panda cub fares well~熊猫崽子活得很好。 33. fumble v. ?v. 摸索 ?失球 to mishandle [a ground ball] e.g. ?fumble for a key 摸索着找钥匙 ?He fumbled the ball and then dropped it. 他笨手笨脚的漏接了球 34. gravity n. 重大的后果;严重或重大 e.g. They are still quite unaware of the gravity of their problems. 他们仍未意识到问题的严重性。 35. ground n. 根据、论据 [常用复数] —— the foundation for an argument, a belief, or an action; a basis e.g. grounds for suspicion;a ground for divorce 怀疑的原因;离婚的理由 36. harbor v. 窝藏 to give shelter to e.g. harbor refugees;harbor a fugitive 收留难民;窝藏逃犯 37. husband v. 节省 [economize],节俭,保存,管理 e.g. husband one’s energy ; to husband one’s resources 保存体力;节约使用资金 38. impart v. 告知,揭发 [reveal],传授 ?to grant a share of; bestow: 分给;授予;给予某物的一部分;赠与 disclose 告知;透露 ? to make known; e.g. ?impart a subtle flavor; impart some advice 加少许调料;给予一些建议 ?persuaded to impart the secret 劝说透露秘密 39. inspire v. 吸入,鼓舞 e.g. to draw in (air) by inspiring. 吸入空气 40. issue n. 结果 [a final result] vi. 造成……结果 issue from 由于……的原因 [用法和result 一样] issue in 结果是,以……结束 e.g. His difficulties in his work issue from his lack of experience. The accident issued in his death. 41. lead adj. 主要的 e.g. lead role; lead guitar 主要作用;首席吉他手 42. measure measure up to = live up to 符合,达到,够得上 e.g. If she doesn't measure up to the job, she'll just have to leave. 她如果不能胜任这一工作,就只得走人。 43. might might as well 倒不如 e.g. There is nothing to do, so I may as well go to bed. 没什么事可做,我还是上床睡觉好了。 44. might n. 力量,权威 e.g. To be frank, this mission is beyond my might. 说实话,这一使命非我能力所及。 45. minor n. 未成年人, adj. 未成年的 e.g. You can't serve drinks to minors. 你不能把酒卖给未成年人。 46. novel adj. 新颖的 e.g. Job-sharing is still a novel concept and it will take a while for employers to get used to it. 47. obscure adj. 不出名的 e.g. an obscure poet; an obscure family. 不出名的诗人;卑微的家庭 48. odd adj. 不出名的,偏僻的,偏远的,位置偏僻的 e.g. Found the antique shop in an odd corner of town. 在一个小镇的偏僻角落里发 现了这个古玩店。 49. odd adj. 临时的,不固定的;非经常的 e.g. He does odd jobs for people. 他替人做临时工。 She knits at odd moments. 她利用零碎时间编织。 50. off better off (尤指钱)达到某数量的,经济状况好的,富裕的 e.g. They are not well off. 他们不富裕。 51. outstanding adj. 已公开发行且出售的 [publicly issued and sold] e.g. outstanding stocks and bonds 已发行的股票和债券 52. particular adj. 过于讲究的;苛求的,挑剔的 [(+about/over)][(+wh-)] e.g. She is particular about what she eats. 她过分讲究吃。 53. phenomenal adj. 异常的;非凡的 e.g. a phenomenal feat of memory 非凡的记忆力 54. policy n. 保险单,保险凭证 e.g. He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他参加房屋火灾保险。 55. prejudice v. n. 侵害 [detriment, injury] e.g. to the prejudice of sb’s rights 有损于某人的权利 56. proceeds n. 收入[复数名词] The amount of money derived from a commercial or fundraising venture; the yield 收入,获利;从商业或基金机构获得的钱;收益 e.g. The proceeds of the concert will go to charity. 57. prospect n. 前景;景象;有希望的候选人 vt. 勘探 prospect for 勘探 e.g. prospect for oil 58. ready adj. 1. 敏捷的 2. 甘愿的 e.g. 1. She has a ready tongue. 她口齿伶俐。 2. She is always ready to help. 她总是乐于助人。 59. regimen n. 养生法,生活规则,训练课程,统治, 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 e.g. His strict regimen of layoffs and other cost cuts, together with overhauled production processes, has produced per-share earnings increases of 20 percent or more for five consecutive years. 他坚持实施的临时解雇制度和其他成本削减制度与严格把关的生产工序使得公司每股收益连续5年增长20%或以上。 60. royalty n. 税收,专利权税,版税 e.g. The writer gets a 10% royalty on each copy of his book. 本书的每一次再版,作者将从中获得百分之十的版税。 61. scale v. 攀登;到达……的顶点 He learned to scale a rock face from his father. 他从他父亲那儿学得攀登崖面的技巧。 62. seek sought-after adj. 很吃香的,广受欢迎的 [sought是seek的过去分词] a sought-after resort 受欢迎的旅游胜地 63. sport v. 炫耀;夸示 sport one's wealth 64. spot a. 立即的,当场做出的 The union leaders made a spot decision to stage a strike. 工会领导人当场做出罢工的决定。 65. stomach n. 兴致(appetite),胃 vt. 忍受;容忍(endure; tolerate) had no stomach for quarrels 没有争吵的兴致 How can you stomach their affronts,你怎么能够忍受他们的侮辱, 66. cap v. 胜过;超过[(+with)] He capped one story with another. 他说了一个比前一个更好听的故事 67. thrust n. 要旨[the essence; the point] The whole thrust of the project was to make money. 计划的核心在于盈利。 68. only too only too……极,非常 only too pleased 再高兴不过了 69. try v. 磨难,考验 The last steep ascent tried my every muscle. 最后一次攀登使我每块肌肉都受折磨。 a trying experience 一段痛苦的经历 70. wild adj. 没有根据的 a wild guess 乱猜,瞎猜 71. peach v. 告密,告发 No good was to be got by peaching on him. 告发他没有什么好处可得。 72. tap v. 开发,开辟 The scientists are thinking of a new way of tapping the solar energy. 科学家正在设想一种新的利用太阳能的方法。
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