首页 凤凰沟风景区旅游图



凤凰沟风景区旅游图凤凰沟风景区旅游图 江西省南昌市黄马 凤凰沟风景旅游区 介绍、导图、旅游线路和旅游经验 accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the...

凤凰沟风景区旅游图 江西省南昌市黄马 凤凰沟风景旅游区 介绍、导图、旅游线路和旅游经验 accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of 园区地图 交通地图 1、交通区位。凤凰沟风景区(江西省现代生态农业示范园)位于江西省南昌县向塘镇梁家 accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of 渡,东经116?00′,北纬28?22′,东临江西的五大河流之一的抚河,南有温厚高速公路穿过本园并建有出入口(黄马),西靠京九铁路、105国道,北靠浙赣铁路和316、320国道。距京九、浙赣铁路交汇点的向塘火车站10公里,离省会南昌市中心——八一广场35公里。 2、由南昌出发至本园乘车指南。 ? 徐家坊汽车客运站,乘“南昌——黄马”班车,在蚕茶所下车即到。 ? 老福山236路市内汽车站,乘236路至向塘沙潭,转村村通1路“向塘——蚕场”区间 00至晚6:00),在蚕茶所下车即到。 车(早6: ? 老福山203路市内汽车站,乘203路至莲塘,转“莲塘——黄马”区间车(早6:00至晚6:00),在蚕茶所下车即到。 ? 广场南路短途汽车站,乘“南昌——进贤”班车,在梁家渡下车,转三轮至蚕茶所即到。 3、乘车经316、320国道至本园的游客,在梁家渡下车。乘车经105国道至本园的游客,在银三角或莲塘下车,转“莲塘——黄马”区间车。 4、自驾车游客请查看交通图,可以从温厚高速公路黄马出口直达。 南昌黄马凤凰沟风景区又名江西省现代生态农业示范园,江西省凤凰沟风景区是以生态农业为主题,以农业带动凤凰沟旅游业的凤凰沟生态旅游,黄马凤凰沟风景区是集采摘、野战、观光、休闲与会议为一体的农业生态示范园。 南昌黄马凤凰沟风景区隶属于江西昌南生态园有限公司,位于南昌县黄马乡省蚕桑茶叶研究所,离南昌市区大约40分钟车程。 南昌黄马凤凰沟风景区拥有茶叶、蚕桑、绿化苗木、果业等成熟生态产业体系,其中生态茶园2150亩, 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 化高产示范桑园100亩,生态旅游果园650亩,生态景观花卉苗木基地5000亩,水面1000亩。园区内山清水秀,绿树成荫,环境幽静,空气清新,四季有花,四季有果,候鸟成群,为人们享受绿色、亲近自然、感受欢乐的世外桃源。 凤凰沟风景区,又名江西省现代生态农业示范园,是国家3A级旅游景区,占地面积8平方公里,位于南昌市的东南面,距市中心八一广场仅35公里,交通十分便捷。园内绿树成荫,山清水秀,鸟语花香,环境幽静,空气清新,且四季有景有花,春季有让人陶醉的玉兰、碧桃、梨花、樱花及海棠等;夏季有烂漫的紫薇、木槿及荷花;秋季有芬芳四溢的桂花,火红的枫林,金黄的银杏林等;冬季有茶梅、茶花、梅花等。常年有果,冬春有草莓,夏日有桑椹、桃、杨梅、早熟梨,秋天有柑桔、柚子和柿子。整个园区具备了生态优美、科技优秀、文化深厚的特色,具备了开展农业观光、休闲、体验、科普的良好条件,被省部有关领导誉为“生态宝园”、“人间仙境”,并被评为“全国科普教育基地”。它是我省目前最大的观光农业类人文风景旅游区,主要包括有“观赏植物展示园、生态养猪示范园、生态茶业展示园、果业展示园(百果园)、白浪湖度假村、水稻高产创建示范园、蔬菜瓜果展示园、农机展览馆、水产展示园(渔乐苑)和高效蚕业展示园”十大科技园区。 观赏植物展示园:面积400亩,设有9个专类园区,其中观花如:樱花园、海棠园、紫嶶苑、玉兰园、桂花园、茶花园;赏色如:色叶树种园、珍稀树木园;还有集各类“花”、“色”与“DIY”体验之大成的园艺超市。每年的春季,漫山遍野的花迎风怒放,游客置身在花海中拍照、游玩流连忘返。色叶树种园的春季红叶宣扬新生的绚丽灿烂,将给您一种全新的感官冲击。 生态养猪示范园:融生态养殖、观光养殖、循环农业于一体,集中展示和推广江西省生态养accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of 猪的新技术、新成果,将对江西省生态养猪的发展起到良好的示范作用,成为国内外了解江西省生态农业发展的窗口。生态养猪示范园对青少年具有很好的科普教育功能。 生态茶业展示园:包括生态观光茶园、茶海迷宫、茶海、茶树品种园、绿韵茶坊五大主体,兼顾科研、科普教育、休闲观光、采茶体验等诸多功能。其中茶海面积2100余亩,是凤凰沟风景区最独特、最壮观的美景,整片茶园依山势而波涛起伏,一望无垠,娇翠欲滴,可谓“虽有人作,宛自天开”,被誉为“大地艺术”。茶海迷宫面积10亩,是利用一畦一畦的茶树作为隔板按照八卦图的格式建立起来的,一年成型,两年成景,建成后游客可以到里面进行迷宫游戏。绿韵茶坊向人们展示从采青?萎凋?发酵?杀青?揉捻?干燥?(初制茶)?精制?加工?包装?成品的手工制茶全过程,客人们还可以亲身体验采茶制茶的全过程,一边观看茶艺表演一边品味自己制作的新茶,更是别有一番风趣。 现代果业展示园:果园中种植有马家柚、红心柚、新余红柚、水蜜桃、清香梨、翠冠梨、红桔、猕猴桃、柿子、枇杷、杨梅、石榴等诸多水果种类,真正做到“四季有果”。同时结合旅游开展科普教育、休闲观光、采摘体验活动。 白浪湖度假村:面积5000平方米,为高档度假别墅群。包括1栋综合楼、8栋专家楼、120个床位、休闲广场、停车场、游泳池、健身房、网球场等设施。是进行 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 、会议、用餐的良好场所。 水稻高产创建示范园:按照“田成方、渠相连、旱能灌、涝能排”的 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 ,高标准建设核心区100亩,集科研育种、高产创建、生产示范、技术推广于一体,成为优质高效农业的核心基地。 蔬菜瓜果展示园:包括蔬菜瓜果温室、蔬菜瓜果景观展示长廊和草莓采摘园。蔬菜瓜果温室内通过无土栽培、立体栽培、水培等形式进行观赏型蔬菜栽培,建立蔬果新品种研发和推广体系,形成具有较高科技含量的蔬菜栽培园。这里的草莓采摘园主要栽种红颊、丰香两种品种,每年9月开始种植,12月就能出果,而且果期很长一直延续到次年的5月,游客可以到这里亲自体验采草莓的乐趣。草莓的营养价值很丰富,富含氨基酸、蛋白质、维生素c、苹果酸、柠檬酸以及胡萝卜素、钙、磷、铁的含量都比苹果、梨、葡萄好几。台湾人把草莓称为“活的维生素丸”,德国人把草莓誉为“神奇之果”。 农机展示馆:占地面积2000平方米,展馆面积460平方米,以悠久的农耕文化为底蕴建设而成,是我省有史以来地一个农业机械专业展馆,通过对比展示现代农机与传统农具,既达到科普教育的目的,又可推广高科技、高效率的现代农机。 水产展示园:即鱼乐苑,占地面积300亩,设有4个功能区,在体验区,您可以当一天渔民,体验喂鱼、捞鱼乐趣;观赏区可以赏桑园、摘果,还可水下观赏鱼类生活,享受人在园中游,忘记喧嚣都市,回归自然之美感。垂钓区和休闲区体验“绿色、清净、自然”之美景,享用绿色水产食品。 高效蚕业展示园:包括果桑采摘园以及桑树品种园,其中果桑园引进栽培高产优质果桑品种6个,以供果品深加工、游客观光、采摘体验、科研、科普教育、品种繁育及推广为主要功能,实现蚕桑产业与服务业的结合,促进产业提升。 此外,景区配套设施也在不断的完善,“农家乐”、特产超市、生态厕所、仿树桩垃圾桶、景观石等配套设施的建设,极大地丰富和充实了凤凰沟生态风景区旅游资源,提高了凤凰沟旅游的品位。 四季有景有花,春季有让人陶醉的玉兰、碧桃、梨花、樱花及海棠等;夏季有烂漫的紫薇、木槿及荷花;秋季有芬芳四溢的桂花,火红的枫林,金黄的银杏林等;冬季有茶梅、茶花、梅花等。常年有果,冬春有草莓,夏日有桑椹、桃、杨梅、早熟梨,秋天有柑桔、柚子和柿子。整个园区具备了生态优美、科技优秀、文化深厚的特色,具备了开展农业观光、休闲、体验、科普的良好条件,被省部有关领导誉为“生态宝园”、“人间仙境”,并被评为“全国科accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of 普教育基地”,它是我省目前最大的观光农业类人文风景旅游区。 这就是即将举办“我爱秋香”之2011江西第四届桂花节的凤凰沟风景区啦~ accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of 经过两年多的建设,投资近6000万元,占地约6平方公里,凤凰沟风景区已经基本形成了“八区二馆一基地”的整体格局。 八区二馆一基地 观赏植物展示区——占地面积1000多亩,以樱花谷为主体、配套有海棠园、紫薇苑、玉兰园、桂花园、茶花园、梅花园、色叶树种园、珍稀树木园等九个专类园区。集各类“花”、“香”、“色”与“DIY”体验之大成,重点突出“春花秋色”主题,展现人与自然和谐相处之佳境。观赏植物展示园将“科研、产业、展示、科普、体验、休闲”融为一体,达到“栽树栽出景观,种树种出旅游”的效果。 accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of 金桂 accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of 紫薇 accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of 高效茶业展示区——占地面积3000多亩,包括生态观光茶园、江西省茶树品种园、茶海迷 宫、绿韵茶坊四大主体,兼顾科研、科普教育、生产示范、品种繁育及推广、休闲观光、采 茶体验等诸多功能。 accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of 高效蚕业展示区——占地面积180亩,包括果桑园、江西省桑树品种园、高效示范桑园、蚕 桑文化博览馆,具有果品深加工、游客观光、采摘体验、科学研究、科普教育、品种繁 育及推广等主要功能,实现蚕桑产业与服务业的结合,促进产业提升。 高效果业展示区——占地面积700余亩,拥有水果品种64个,实现四季有果。主要有梨园、 桔园、杨梅园、石榴园、橘子园、柿子林等。主要进行水果新优品种的引进、栽培、改良和 展示。 accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of 蔬菜瓜果展示区——占地面积约400亩,主要由草莓园、蔬菜良种示范基地组成,主要进行 良种示范、推广和游客采摘体验。 accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of 高效养殖展示区—占地400余亩,主要由“渔乐苑”、“生态养猪示范”两部分组成: “渔乐苑”,设有4个功能区,分别是体验区、观赏区、垂钓区、休闲区,主要展示当前我省水产主导养殖品种及其高效养殖新技术,展示现代设施渔业改造、生态修复、水质综合调控新技术,实现池塘养殖水域“内循环,零排放”,还将推出水下观鱼、养殖体验、休闲垂钓和宣传展示等内容。 生态养猪示范:主要展示江西省家庭适度规模养猪增收模式,融生态养殖、观光养殖、循环农业于一体,集中展示和推广江西省生态养猪的新技术、新成果。 高科技示范区——主体是3000多平米的智能温室。主要由园艺超市展销区、组培区、农科奇观区、组培苗炼苗区和花卉培育区等5个区及1套雨水收集及供水系统组成。 accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of 智能温室设备先进,智能化程度高主要包括:室外活动遮阳系统、室内活动遮阳系统、外翻 天窗、外翻侧窗、水帘风机降温系统、天面喷淋降温系统、燃油加温机、移动苗床、移动喷 灌车、补光系统、计算机自动控制系统等系统。 accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of 娱乐服务区——主要有白浪湖水上休闲、白浪湖度假村、凤凰度假村、CS枪战基地。基本 形成了吃、住、娱、购及休闲养生的完整体系。 accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of 农机展示馆——既有历史悠久的传统农具,又有近代和现代的农业机械。充分展示了农业机 械的演变发展过程,具有重要的“存史、借鉴、科普、进取”意义。 江南第一才子唐伯虎别馆——占地约3000平米,北临白浪湖,西依茶园,南处果园,东靠 度假村。整体布局以南北纵轴线为东西二园,二园以两个水池为中心点,前厅面阔二间,进 深三进,分为门厅、茶厅和大厅,后院分为聚芳苑,东园有桃花仙馆、远香轩和小飞虹、六 角亭等建筑,西园有西厢楼和凤凰台、四角亭等等。 accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of 整个别馆简洁朴素,青瓦白墙,一砖一木,掩映于片片桃花林深处,宁静安然。 水稻高产创建基地——核心区面积100亩。按照“田成方、渠相连、旱能灌、涝能排”的要求, 建成集科研育种、高产创建和生产示范于一体的科技园,并建有院士田。 旅游产品 园区建有特色旅游产品超市,主要特产有蚕桑类、茶叶类、瓜果类、高科技类、花卉类。 accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of 1、乘车:到南昌建设路东口的徐坊客运站乘到黄马的中巴(上车买票),于凤凰沟风景区(江 西省蚕桑茶叶研究所)景区大门下车。 2、自驾车:南昌——莲塘——梁家渡——往黄马方向走,凤凰沟风景区(江西省蚕桑茶叶 研究所)大门进入。 3、自驾车走高速的话,在沪昆高速黄马收费站下,在往南昌方向回走2公里,从凤凰沟风 accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of 景区(江西省蚕桑茶叶研究所)大门进入。 accurate to 0.0001g. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: based on estimates of ash components, rapid sampling 2~10G, accurate to 0.0001g, the sample is distributed evenly within the Crucible, avoid compacting. [This standard applies to ash not more than 2% of starch and modified starch, hydrolysis does not apply to products, starch, oxidized and chlorine content greater than 0.2% (sodium chloride) for samples. ] Pre-ash: Watch the Crucible (as placed on ashing furnace or heating plates, Bunsen burner) until the samples completely carbonized. Combustion will produce volatile substances to avoid spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion can spilled from the crucible of the sample and cause losses. Incineration: once the flame goes out, instantly putting Crucible into the furnace, temperature rises to 900 c and maintain this temperature until all the remaining carbon is gone, General 1h is sufficient. And the Crucible and the residue into the dryer to cool to room temperature, and weighing, accurate to 0.000lg. [Into the crucible of dryer should not exceed four at a time]. Determination of number: the same sample to do the second rinse. 4, representation of results of calculation method for ash samples to original weight of residue weight of sample weight expressed as a percentage, as the ASH sample weight of residue weight of sample dry weight percentages were recorded in the formula: X1-sample ash,%; X2-sample ash content (dry basis), respectively; M 0-the original weight of the sample, g; M1-weight after ashing residue g; The moisture content of the sample. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of
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