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手机按键设计资料手机按键设计资料 手机键盘设计资料 手机键盘设计资料手机键盘设计资料 Products(产品种类 ) General Silicone Rubber 普通硅 Key-Film (IMD) 薄膜注塑 键 Key-Film (IMD) + Rubber(KEY-Film+硅胶 Plastic + Rubber (P + R)(塑料+硅胶 TPE or General Rubber特别塑料或橡 *Various Options(其它选项) : Metalic Spray(材料喷涂 ) 2nd S...

手机按键设计资料 手机键盘设计资料 手机键盘设计资料手机键盘设计资料 Products(产品种类 ) General Silicone Rubber 普通硅 Key-Film (IMD) 薄膜注塑 键 Key-Film (IMD) + Rubber(KEY-Film+硅胶 Plastic + Rubber (P + R)(塑料+硅胶 TPE or General Rubber特别塑料或橡 *Various Options(其它选项) : Metalic Spray(材料喷涂 ) 2nd Surface Printing(底面印刷 Coating(保护层 ) Chrome Plated (电镀 ) Laser Etching (激光雕刻)…. 工艺说明: 工艺说明:工艺说明: .目前市场流行IMD及P+R两大类按键 , .其中IMD类技术按键一般都会在1.20到1.50美元 , P+R类技术按键一般都会在1.50到3.00美元 。 .按键设计与制作中常见的名词 : 1、镭 雕 (Laser Etching) 2、丝印与移 印 3、双色注 塑 4、电镀(Plating) 5、IMD (In Mould Decortion) 6、P+R (Plastic+Rubber) 电镀( 电镀(电镀( Plating PlatingPlating) )) 在结构设计时有几点也要关注外形要适合于电镀处理 : 1(表面凸起最好控制在0.1~0.15mm/cm,尽量没有尖锐的边缘 。 2(如果有盲孔的设计,盲孔的深度最好不超过孔径的一半,负责不要对孔的底部的色泽作要求 。 3(要采用适合的壁厚防止变形,最好在1.5mm以上4mm以下,如果需要作的很薄的话,要在相应的位置作加强的结构来保证电 镀的变形在可控的范围内 。 4(在设计中要考虑到电镀工艺的需要,由于电镀的工作条件一般在60度到70度的温度范围下,在吊挂的条件下,结构不合理, 变形的产生难以避免,所以在塑件的设计中对水口的位置要作关注,同时要有合适的吊挂的位置,防止在吊挂时对有要求 的表面带来伤害。另外最好不要在塑件中有金属嵌件存在,由于两者的膨胀系数不同,在温度升高时,电镀液体会渗到缝隙中, 对塑件结构造成一定的影响 。 5(要避免采用大面的平面。 塑料件在电镀之后反光率提高,平面上的凹坑、局部的轻微凹凸不平都变得很敏感,最终影响产品效果。 这种零件可采用略带弧形的造型 。 6(要避免直角和尖角。 初做造型和结构的设计人员往往设计出棱角的造型。但是,这样的棱角部位很容易产生应力集中而影响镀层的结合力。而 且,这样的部位会造成结瘤现象。因此,方形的轮廓尽量改为曲线形轮廓,或用圆角过渡。 造型上一定要要求方的地方,也要在一切角和棱的地方倒圆角R=0.2~0.3 mm 。 7(不要有过深的凹部,不要有小孔和盲孔,这些部位不仅电镀困难,而且容易残存溶液污染下道工序的溶液。像旋钮和按钮不 可避免的盲孔,应从中间留缝 。 8(要考虑留有时装挂的结点部位,结点部位要放在不显眼的位置。可以用挂钩、槽、缝和凸台等位置作接点。 对于容易变形的零件,可以专门设计一个小圆环状的装挂部位,等电镀后再除去 。 9(厚度不应太薄,也不要有突变。 太薄的零件在电镀过程中受热或首镀层应力的影响容易变形,大的片形零件的厚度一般不应小于3毫米;厚度的突变容易 造成应力集中,一般来说厚度差不应超过两倍 。 10(标记和符号要采用流畅的字体,如:圆体、琥珀、彩云等。因多棱多角不适于电镀。流畅的字体容易成形、 电镀后外观好。文字凸起的高度以0。3-0。5为宜,斜度65度 。 11(如果能够采用皮纹、滚花等装饰效果要尽量采用,因为降低电镀件的反光率有助于掩盖可能产生的外观缺陷 12(尽量不要采用螺纹和金属嵌件,以免电镀时为保护螺纹、嵌件而增加工序 。 13(小件或中空零件,在模具上要尽量设计成一模多件,以节省加工时间和电镀时间,同时也便于电镀时装挂。 IMD (In Mould IMD (In MouldIMD (In Mould Decortion DecortionDecortion) )) IMD IMDIMD- -- FI (PC Film + PC Resin) FI (PC Film + PC Resin)FI (PC Film + PC Resin) . 就是将一个已经有丝印图案的FILM放在塑胶模具里进行注塑,此FILM一般可分为三层:基材(一般是PET)、INK(油墨)、耐磨 材料(多为一种特殊的胶)。当注塑完成后,FILM和塑胶融为一体,耐磨材料在最外层,其中注塑材料多为PC、PMMA、PBT等 等,有耐磨和耐刮伤的作用,还有一种叫IML(In-Mould-Lable)技术,和IMD大致相同,只是在注塑后,FILM就象冲压的料带一 样拉出,只是将印刷图案转印到塑胶件上,又称模内转印 。 1(优点 : .Light weight / Thinner 轻薄/短 小 .Compact in Design结构精 细 .Smaller packaging size装配简 易 .Surpassing Abrasion Resistance永不磨 损 .Allows decoration on 3D geometry and quick change over in Color / Graphic 允许三维 设计及变化多样的颜色和图 .With Polydome or Metaldome Array, Key Film, EL assembly reduces production assembly time and cost 该按键可以和聚脂薄膜(或金属)开关、冷光片组装以减少装配时间和成 本 .Eliminate abrasion test as images is printed and protected inside the PC film 消除字体印刷过程中的表面磨损并能保护内部的PC Film .Can apply possibly many different colors on keypad可以应用于很多不同颜色的按键 上 .Can adapt to many different decortion requirements,by simply changing IMD film 可以轻易地改变IMD Film,这样就能够满足许多不同的装饰需要 .Continuous image transfers with high positioning tolerance(up to 0.20mm)字体成型后的公差为0.2mm .Reduce production cost as it eliminates the separate decorating steps of single-or multi-colors images. IMD-FI消除了制作过程中为了印刷一种或多种颜色而必须分开进行的步骤,降低了制作成 本 .可以在小片零件上集成很多种效果,例如电镀,透明,丝网印等,如果用真实的工艺会很困难 。 2(缺点 : .Maximun key height 4.0mm按键的最大高度为4.0mm .Hard PC plunger might shorten life span of polydome,Can be overcome by replacing injected PC resin with silicone rubber material. 较硬的PC触点力可能缩短Polydome的使用寿命。可以用PC树脂和硅胶材料来取代(只有YouEal做得到 ) .Delamination(detachment of PC mold base with top film) might surface.在特殊情况下(如高温等)PC Film 和硅胶底可能会脱落 P+R (Plastic+Rubber) P+R (Plastic+Rubber)P+R (Plastic+Rubber) P+R(Clear Silicone base + Spray painted, P+R(Clear Silicone base + Spray painted,P+R(Clear Silicone base + Spray painted, Laser etched Acrylic/PC keycap) Laser etched Acrylic/PC keycap)Laser etched Acrylic/PC keycap) . 包括一个压缩模‎‎,一个硅胶底和一个注塑的键帽。这些特殊的组件能够用粘合剂或胶水粘合在一起。键帽则根据图纸 要求进行喷印和镭射雕刻。此后按键表面再涂上一层U.V.保护层 。 . Components shall involve compression molded silicone rubber base, injection molded keycaps. The individual components are then assembled together by the use of adhesive tape / glue. Keycaps are sprayed painted and laser etched with the desired graphic. Thereafter key surface are protected with a layer of UV coat. 1(优点 : .High keypad flexibility with silicone rubber base.使用硅胶作为基底使得按键具有较高的柔韧 性 .Able to obtain hard keytop with comlex,appealing designs.能够在较复杂和具有吸引力的设计上获得较坚固的Keytop .Able to produce keypad with wide combination of keycaps (spray painted/chromed/medalized/and laser etched, clear with second surfase printing)能够适用于不同类型的键帽(如喷印,镭雕,底部丝印等 ) .No limitation on key heigh. t 键的高度没有范围 .Able to meet abrasion requirement of at least 80RCA cycles for painted top surface 印刷表面至少可以达到80 RCA Cycles的表面磨损需求 2(缺点 : .More operation processes when compared with IMD processes keypads 相比于IMD按键的制作过程, P + R的步骤比较繁 琐 .More control required in printing, laser marking, and assembling positioning. 对印刷,镭射雕刻和装配过程会有比较多的监控要 求 .Flange dimensions / allowance to be considered during overall assembly of keypads,frong housing and PCB. 在装配键盘,外壳和PCB板时,必须考虑到边缘的尺寸 General Silicone Rubber General Silicone RubberGeneral Silicone Rubber 通用硅胶 通用硅胶通用硅胶 .Platform for most applications 一般用 途 Examples : Laser-etched, P + R, Key-Film + R, Polydome Assembly, Metaldome Assembly, Spraypainted keymat(例如:镭雕,塑料+硅胶,IMD+硅胶,组装弹性导电薄膜和金属导电薄膜,键面喷涂 .Various colors, material durometer, printing options to meet aesthetic requirements根据 美工要求可选择 多种颜色 , .材料硬度,印刷工艺 。 Durometer Keycap, Positive Printing, Negative Printing Examples : Color Keycap, 例如:彩色键帽,硬键帽,正面印刷,反面印刷等 。 .Provides Sealing Capabilities特殊组装需要 .Built-in features: sealing ring/rib, boss, undercut, “holeless” keymat 防水,倒钩角,固定角 等 .Economy经济实 惠 Creative designed key mat can be cost effective and meeting aesthetic requirements(按键有创意的设计能有效的节约成本和符合美工要求 ) Laser LaserLaser- -- Etched / Night Vision Etched / Night VisionEtched / Night Vision 镭射雕刻 镭射雕刻镭射雕刻 / // 透光效果 透光效果透光效果 .Enhance Product Value提高产品价 值 .Control Light Emitting Passage字体透光 透光/镭射雕刻硅胶制品 IMD 成型 透光/镭射雕刻硅胶制品 IMD 成型 精密橡胶制 品 Key KeyKey- -- Film (IMD) Film (IMD)Film (IMD) .Light weight / Thinner轻薄/短 小 .Compact in Design结构精 细 .Smaller packaging size装配简 易 .Surpassing Abrasion Resistance永不磨 损 .Allows decoration on 3D geometry and quick change over in Color / Graphic 允许三维设计及变化多样的颜色和图 案 .With Polydome or Metaldome Array, Key Film, EL assembly reduces production assembly time and cost 该按键可以和聚脂薄膜(或金属)开关、冷光片组装以减少 装配时间和成本 CURENTECHNOLOGY / Silicone Keypads CURRENT TECHNOLOGY / Silicone KeypadsCURRENT TECHNOLOGY / Silicone Keypads Laser Etched Keypads ..Sharp and clear illumination of keytop legends ..Contrast enhancement ..Excellent backlighting ..Broad range of metallic colours CURRENT TECHNOLOGY / Silicone Keypads CURRENT TECHNOLOGY / Silicone KeypadsCURRENT TECHNOLOGY / Silicone Keypads Epoxy Keytops ..Hard key feeling ..High abrasion resistance ..Natural drop shape ..Glossy and semi-glossy finishes CURRENT TECHNOLOGY / Plastic + Rubber CURRENT TECHNOLOGY / Plastic + RubberCURRENT TECHNOLOGY / Plastic + Rubber Back Printing ..Lifetime abrasion resistance ..Hard key feeling ..Magnification effect ..Low noise solution ..Waterproof and dustproof solution CURRENT TECHNOLOGY / Plastic + Rubber CURRENT TECHNOLOGY / Plastic + RubberCURRENT TECHNOLOGY / Plastic + Rubber Spray and Laser Etched Metallic Colour ..Sharp corner radius ..Bridgeless solution ..Case colour matching ..Backlighting solution CURRENT TECHNOLOGY / I.M.D. Keypads CURRENT TECHNOLOGY / I.M.D. KeypadsCURRENT TECHNOLOGY / I.M.D. Keypads ..Thinnest and lightest keypad solution ..3D profile expertise ..Tall key expertise ..Life time abrasion resistance (Second surface printing) Key Film + Rubber (IMD & P+R) Key Film + Rubber (IMD & P+R) . ..The benefits of Key Film, d The benefits of Key Film, dThe benefits of Key Film, decoration capabilities and abrasion ecoration capabilities and abrasionecoration capabilities and abrasion resistance, have been the main consideration for Key Film + R pr resistance, have been the main consideration for Key Film + R prresistance, have been the main consideration for Key Film + R product oductoduct . ..塑料与硅胶结合可达到柔和的手感及耐磨效果 塑料与硅胶结合可达到柔和的手感及耐磨效果塑料与硅胶结合可达到柔和的手感及耐磨效果 . ..Rubber provides the base platform to received plastic caps or se Rubber provides the base platform to received plastic caps or seRubber provides the base platform to received plastic caps or sealing alingaling features required features requiredfeatures required CURRENT TECHNOLOGY / I.M.D + Rubber CURRENT TECHNOLOGY / I.M.D + RubberCURRENT TECHNOLOGY / I.M.D + Rubber I.M.D. + Rubber / I.M.D. with Shoulder & Group Keys Group ..Life time abrasion resistance ..Hard key feeling ..Excellent backlighting (No light leakage) ..Waterproof and dustproof solution CURRENT TECHNOLOGY / I.M.D + Rubber CURRENT TECHNOLOGY / I.M.D + RubberCURRENT TECHNOLOGY / I.M.D + Rubber Tall Keys ..Tall key expertise (>5.0mm) ..Individual keys linked with flexible bridge ..Black foil to avoid light leakage CURRENT TECHNOLOGY / I.M.D + Rubber CURRENT TECHNOLOGY / I.M.D + RubberCURRENT TECHNOLOGY / I.M.D + Rubber Tall Key Solution with I.M.D 4.0mm 4.0mm ..Rubber key height increased to achieve overall dimension greater than 4.00mm ..I.M.D. shoulder-less solution CURRENT TECHNOLOGY / I.M.D. + Rubber CURRENT TECHNOLOGY / I.M.D. + RubberCURRENT TECHNOLOGY / I.M.D. + Rubber Alternative to Plastic + Rubber I.M.D + RUBBER PLASTIC + RUBBER ..I.M.D. provides a better abrasion and chemical resistance performance ..I.M.D. provides a cost effective solution Plastic + Rubber (P + R) Plastic + Rubber (P + R) . ..Metallised MetallisedMetallised plastic caps, Spray plastic caps, Sprayplastic caps, Spray- -- painted plastic caps, Injected plastic caps painted plastic caps, Injected plastic capspainted plastic caps, Injected plastic caps or Electroplated plastic caps assembled with Silicone rubber off or Electroplated plastic caps assembled with Silicone rubber offor Electroplated plastic caps assembled with Silicone rubber offers ers aers a unique application in switch technology unique application in switch technologyunique application in switch technology . ..特殊表面喷涂或电镀工艺具优质金属感的注塑键帽和硅胶组装产品。 特殊表面喷涂或电镀工艺具优质金属感的注塑键帽和硅胶组装产品。特殊表面喷涂或电镀工艺具优质金属感的注塑键帽和硅胶组装产品。 . ..Creatively used P + R to enhance the value and aesthetic appeara Creatively used P + R to enhance the value and aesthetic appearaCreatively used P + R to enhance the value and aesthetic appearance nce ofnce of products productsproducts CURRENT TECHNOLOGY / CURRENT TECHNOLOGY /CURRENT TECHNOLOGY / Metalization MetalizationMetalization Double Injection ..Excellent abrasion resistance ..Double cosmetic effect ..Large backlighting area APPLICATION / Low Profile Solution APPLICATION / Low Profile SolutionAPPLICATION / Low Profile Solution Low Profile Solution ..Ultra low profile: (1.4mm) ..Prevent light leakage ..Hard key feeling APPLICATION / Navigator Solution APPLICATION / Navigator SolutionAPPLICATION / Navigator Solution I.M.D + Rubber navi-keys (5 ways) ..4 directional actuations + center actuation ..Low profile solution: 2.00mm ..Excellent abrasion resistance ..Finger nail mark resistance APPLICATION / Navigator Solution APPLICATION / Navigator SolutionAPPLICATION / Navigator Solution Plastic + Rubber + Chrome Plated (4 ways) ..Low profile 4 ways navigator: 1.60mm ..Metalization options ..Back printing options APPLICATION / Navigator Solution APPLICATION / Navigator SolutionAPPLICATION / Navigator Solution I.M.D + Rubber Ring (4 ways) ..Low profile 4 ways navigator: 1.50mm ..Individual key actuation ..Cosmetic rubber ring APPLICATION / Navigator Solution APPLICATION / Navigator SolutionAPPLICATION / Navigator Solution Plastic + Rubber (5 ways) Polydome Silicone Carbon contact ..4 directional actuations with soft touch ..Center actuation with click feeling ..Independent center key APPLICATION / Navigator Solution APPLICATION / Navigator SolutionAPPLICATION / Navigator Solution Plastic + Rubber (5 ways Toggle) ..Joystick design ..5 directional actuations ..Center actuation with click feeling ..4 directional actuations with soft touch APPLICATION / Navigator Solution APPLICATION / Navigator SolutionAPPLICATION / Navigator Solution I.M.D. + Rubber (5 ways Tall) ..5 ways actuation navigator ..Independent center key ..Excellent abrasion resistance APPLICATION / Low Profile Solution APPLICATION / Low Profile SolutionAPPLICATION / Low Profile Solution ..Low profile: 2.00mm ..Enhances life of poly domes ..Finger nail mark resistance APPLICATION / Navigator Solution APPLICATION / Navigator SolutionAPPLICATION / Navigator Solution I.M.D: 3 way Navi-keys with tact switches ..Integrated I.M.D. navigator key ..3 ways actuation: up / down / center actuation ..Excellent abrasion resistance APPLICATION / Navigator Solution APPLICATION / Navigator SolutionAPPLICATION / Navigator Solution Plastic + Rubber: 3 ways Navi-key with tact switches ..Floating plastic cap on rubber 参考范例( 参考范例(参考范例( GSM2560 Keypad GSM2560 KeypadGSM2560 Keypad) )) .设计参考 : .1(Pad点与Dome点的距离应在0.05mm到0.08mm之间 。 .2(Pad点的高度应在0.20mm以上,直径应在2.00mm以上 。 .3(Gsm2560类按键的单键之间的间隙可在0.15mm以上 。 .4(按键与Housing之间的间隙可在0.12mm以上 。 0mm以上 .5(Key-top的高度可在0.6 。 .6(TPU可实现0.25mm的结构 。 .7(Key-top与Key-pad之间的间隙应在0.20mm(行程)以上 。 .8(Key-top与Housing的段差视状况而定,一般高出0.05mm到0.10mm之间 。 .9(定位于Housing的位置不应离Pad点太近,或者与Pad点不在一条垂直或水平 线上。 问题点的发现及其可能产生原因: 问题点的发现及其可能产生原因:问题点的发现及其可能产生原因: .1(手感不 良 .A/PAD点的高度,有无压伤或缺料 , .B/TPU的品质,过硬 , .C/Dome是否良品 , .D/单键产品的分模线及其帽沿的剪切效果 , .E/料头太大 , .F/与Housing配合的间隙,键之间的间隙 , .2(外观不 良 .A/电镀线不平整 , .B/各键之间的间隙不一以及上下不平齐 , .C/盲点效果 , .D/色差 , .E/镭雕效果 , .F/印刷的品质 , .G/注塑件缩水 , .H/印刷与喷涂的附着力,表面杂质 , .3(透光不 良 .A/背面印刷品质 , .B/Led灯的位置设计 , .C/热压粘胶不均,不成形状~ PK PKPK- -- Plastic Key Top Type 1 ( Plastic Key Top Type 1 (Plastic Key Top Type 1 ( 塑料套按键 塑料套按键塑料套按键 1)1) ....结合Acrylic(原料)按键和硅胶基 底 ....底部丝印(表面完全不会擦伤 ) ..适用于棒型的移动电话 常用的技术 普通底部丝印(‎‎底部和顶部) 特殊 半镜面 热冲压 真空电镀 N 尺 O1 0.5~1.0mm 2 Polydome: 0.7mm Metaldome: 0.4mm 3 D1 4 D1 +0.6~1.0mm 5 0.25~0.3mm 6 0.7~1.2mm PK PKPK- -- 2 22 – –– Plastic Key Top Type 2 ( Plastic Key Top Type 2 (Plastic Key Top Type 2 ( 塑料套按键 塑料套按键塑料套按键 2)2) ....结合Acrylic(原料)按键和硅胶基 底 ....喷漆和镭射雕 刻 ....适用于外观吸引人的移动电话 常用的技术 普 通 Metallic spray 镭射雕刻和上保‎‎护层 特 殊 Metallic Plating 真空电镀 嵌入Film和切割 半透明喷 漆 N O 尺 寸 1 0.5~1.0mm 2 Polydome: 0.7mm Metaldome: 0.4mm 3 D1 4 D1 +0.6~1.0mm 5 0.25~0.3mm 6 0.7~1.2mm Film Insert Laser Type Film Insert Laser Type ....适用于小的,轻的,品质较高的移动电 话 ....新技术的开发是为了使按键更亮,表面不易擦伤,保证高品 质和耐用 性 ....相似于LM (Laser Marking Type) 的加工过程,除了原料的 选用(塑料或者是嵌入Film的硅胶 ) ....外观比FI (Film Insert) 更为美观和吸引 人 N O 种类尺 寸 1常有高 度 0.6~8.0mm 2总高 度 0.9~8.3mm 3接触到Boss的高 度 0.4~2.0mm 4内部直径最 小 1.8mm N O 种类尺 5保护层的厚 度 App. 0.05mm 6 U.V.保护 层 10~15 7黑 漆 0.02mm 8 Film的塑料树脂厚 0.125mm SA SASA – –– Special Assembly Type Special Assembly Type ....完全自动化的专业装 配 ....有吸引力的豪华外 表 ....为理想的高品质的移动电话而设计 N O Description Dimension 1按键的空 隙 0.15~0.5mm 2中风的间 隙 0.4~0.5mm 3 Film的厚 度 0.15~0.20mm 4 Silicone Dual Coated Tape 0.1~0.15mm 5 1.0~2.0mm
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