首页 期货软件之文华交易软件说明书



期货软件之文华交易软件说明书期货软件之文华交易软件说明书 文华交易软件说明书 一、交易的登录和退出 1、交易的登录:登录文华行情后按F12或点击右下角的”trade”,在弹出的登录界面上填入资金账号和密码(建议使用软键盘输入密码,防止木马程序,保护账号安全),并选择相应站点登录,电信上网选择电信站点,网通上网选择网通站点,公司总部场内客户也可以选择内网站点。 注:交易软件打开后显示在屏幕的左下方,这样不影响对图表主图窗口的分析。 To insisted from actual starting, classification Gui...

期货软件之文华交易软件说明书 文华交易软件说明书 一、交易的登录和退出 1、交易的登录:登录文华行情后按F12或点击右下角的”trade”,在弹出的登录界面上填入资金账号和密码(建议使用软键盘输入密码,防止木马程序,保护账号安全),并选择相应站点登录,电信上网选择电信站点,网通上网选择网通站点,公司总部场内客户也可以选择内网站点。 注:交易软件打开后显示在屏幕的左下方,这样不影响对图表主图窗口的 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 。 To insisted from actual starting, classification Guide, put focus put in grass-roots, put in branch, timely summary promotion grass-roots branch in learning education aspects of good experience, and good practices, timely found and corrected signs sex, and tendency problem; to strengthened publicity Guide, full using water website, timely publicity interpretation Central, and provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of deployment and requirements, followed up reported progress and effectiveness, efforts for learning education create good of opinion atmosphere. Second lead. Education of leading cadres is not only learning organisers, facilitators and regulators, but also participants, always at the forefront, as a good example, set strict demands on themselves, and set an example by asking others to do it, first do; others not doing, he determined not to do. Example of superior to subordinate, team leader for team members for example, level to level, level with the level, layer model, layers of lead, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. While, regardless of what ranks, what post of members leaders, are to to General members identity put himself pendulum in, implementation provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of the requirements, strictly implementation double organised, basic system, lead learning discussion, lead on experience, and told party lecture, and for report, lead participate in organised will, and democratic comments, lead shoe vocational due diligence, and based post for contribution, efforts do one "four told four has" of qualified Communist, strive to makes learning research more in-depth, check pendulum problem more deep, Rectification to implement more thorough, more venerable pioneer image 2、交易的退出:先将交易窗口关闭,然后在文华行情界面上点击程序化交 易\断开交易服务器。 二、普通下单 1、合约代码输入后,图表窗口自动切换显示该合约 To insisted from actual starting, classification Guide, put focus put in grass-roots, put in branch, timely summary promotion grass-roots branch in learning education aspects of good experience, and good practices, timely found and corrected signs sex, and tendency problem; to strengthened publicity Guide, full using water website, timely publicity interpretation Central, and provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of deployment and requirements, followed up reported progress and effectiveness, efforts for learning education create good of opinion atmosphere. Second lead. Education of leading cadres is not only learning organisers, facilitators and regulators, but also participants, always at the forefront, as a good example, set strict demands on themselves, and set an example by asking others to do it, first do; others not doing, he determined not to do. Example of superior to subordinate, team leader for team members for example, level to level, level with the level, layer model, layers of lead, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. While, regardless of what ranks, what post of members leaders, are to to General members identity put himself pendulum in, implementation provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of the requirements, strictly implementation double organised, basic system, lead learning discussion, lead on experience, and told party lecture, and for report, lead participate in organised will, and democratic comments, lead shoe vocational due diligence, and based post for contribution, efforts do one "four told four has" of qualified Communist, strive to makes learning research more in-depth, check pendulum problem more deep, Rectification to implement more thorough, more venerable pioneer image 2、两步实现下单。 第一步:屏幕抓价(自动输入交易代码和委托价格与手数) 双击买/卖/最新价可以自动在交易软件里填入委托信息和买/卖/最新价。双 击买/卖量可以自动在交易软件里填入委托信息(不同品种合约下单手数可以在 “帮助与设置”中分别设置)。也可以通过点交易窗口的买卖价显示框来抓价。 第二步:选择买开、平多单、卖开、平空单按钮确认下单。 To insisted from actual starting, classification Guide, put focus put in grass-roots, put in branch, timely summary promotion grass-roots branch in learning education aspects of good experience, and good practices, timely found and corrected signs sex, and tendency problem; to strengthened publicity Guide, full using water website, timely publicity interpretation Central, and provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of deployment and requirements, followed up reported progress and effectiveness, efforts for learning education create good of opinion atmosphere. Second lead. Education of leading cadres is not only learning organisers, facilitators and regulators, but also participants, always at the forefront, as a good example, set strict demands on themselves, and set an example by asking others to do it, first do; others not doing, he determined not to do. Example of superior to subordinate, team leader for team members for example, level to level, level with the level, layer model, layers of lead, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. While, regardless of what ranks, what post of members leaders, are to to General members identity put himself pendulum in, implementation provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of the requirements, strictly implementation double organised, basic system, lead learning discussion, lead on experience, and told party lecture, and for report, lead participate in organised will, and democratic comments, lead shoe vocational due diligence, and based post for contribution, efforts do one "four told four has" of qualified Communist, strive to makes learning research more in-depth, check pendulum problem more deep, Rectification to implement more thorough, more venerable pioneer image 3、价格联动功能 将“买价联动”、“卖价联动”或“最新价联动”的勾选上后。通过屏幕抓价后,交易软件中填入的价格会自动跟实时行情保持联动。系统默认是选上该项的。如果您想手动输入价格,可以先将该选项的勾去掉,再在报价栏中填入价格即可。还可以直接点击涨/跌停价格进行委托。 4、双击持仓可以自动弹出平仓界面,并可反手开仓。平仓时仍可选择价格联动;可以选择追价平仓。 To insisted from actual starting, classification Guide, put focus put in grass-roots, put in branch, timely summary promotion grass-roots branch in learning education aspects of good experience, and good practices, timely found and corrected signs sex, and tendency problem; to strengthened publicity Guide, full using water website, timely publicity interpretation Central, and provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of deployment and requirements, followed up reported progress and effectiveness, efforts for learning education create good of opinion atmosphere. Second lead. Education of leading cadres is not only learning organisers, facilitators and regulators, but also participants, always at the forefront, as a good example, set strict demands on themselves, and set an example by asking others to do it, first do; others not doing, he determined not to do. Example of superior to subordinate, team leader for team members for example, level to level, level with the level, layer model, layers of lead, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. While, regardless of what ranks, what post of members leaders, are to to General members identity put himself pendulum in, implementation provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of the requirements, strictly implementation double organised, basic system, lead learning discussion, lead on experience, and told party lecture, and for report, lead participate in organised will, and democratic comments, lead shoe vocational due diligence, and based post for contribution, efforts do one "four told four has" of qualified Communist, strive to makes learning research more in-depth, check pendulum problem more deep, Rectification to implement more thorough, more venerable pioneer image 注:上海品种如果是今天开的仓会自动对应平今指令,老仓自动对应平仓指令。 4、界面介绍 ?合约名称下显示最多可开仓手数,最新权益,可用资金。支持当前权益和可用资金动态刷新,支持当前合约的涨跌停价格显示;。 ?持仓列表:即时显示持仓信息、可用数量、浮动盈亏等; ?止损:把下单窗口的持仓列表与价格触发窗口打通,在报价窗口可以直接设置价格触发; To insisted from actual starting, classification Guide, put focus put in grass-roots, put in branch, timely summary promotion grass-roots branch in learning education aspects of good experience, and good practices, timely found and corrected signs sex, and tendency problem; to strengthened publicity Guide, full using water website, timely publicity interpretation Central, and provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of deployment and requirements, followed up reported progress and effectiveness, efforts for learning education create good of opinion atmosphere. Second lead. Education of leading cadres is not only learning organisers, facilitators and regulators, but also participants, always at the forefront, as a good example, set strict demands on themselves, and set an example by asking others to do it, first do; others not doing, he determined not to do. Example of superior to subordinate, team leader for team members for example, level to level, level with the level, layer model, layers of lead, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. While, regardless of what ranks, what post of members leaders, are to to General members identity put himself pendulum in, implementation provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of the requirements, strictly implementation double organised, basic system, lead learning discussion, lead on experience, and told party lecture, and for report, lead participate in organised will, and democratic comments, lead shoe vocational due diligence, and based post for contribution, efforts do one "four told four has" of qualified Communist, strive to makes learning research more in-depth, check pendulum problem more deep, Rectification to implement more thorough, more venerable pioneer image ?挂单列表:显示所有状态未终止的委托单 快捷:撤单快捷键:Ctrl + N,N为挂单列表中行的序号;双击未成交挂单可以直接撤单。 ?撤单列表:显示所有已撤状态的委托单 ?委托列表:显示所有状态的委托单(备注:交易软件退出后重新登录,委托列表里状态已经终止的委托单将不再显示) 快捷:在委托列表双击已发出的委托,可以实现再次发送。 ?成交查询:显示成交状态的委托的委托单 ?设置:可以进行更改密码、帐单查询和交易参数的设置 (1)启用1、2、3、4下单快捷键 启用该项可以直接利用小键盘上的数字键进行下单。他们分别对应1:买开仓、2:平多单、3:卖开仓、4:平空单。 (2)省略发送委托之前(双击委托列表重复下单/双击挂单列表撤单)的确认 选中这些项后,进行对应得操作系统不会再弹出2次确认的提示,会帮您直接完成对应操作。 (3)切换交易窗口品种影响图表窗口品种/切换图表窗口品种影响交易窗口品种 可以实现交易窗口和行情窗口品种的联动。 注意:郑州品种与其他三家品种切换时不支持联动,郑州品种交易软件是单独的。分限价单,市价单,止损单,和组合订单 (4)自动追价下单 程序化交易能够自动根据最新的价格调整委托价格来保证成交,模型触发、To insisted from actual starting, classification Guide, put focus put in grass-roots, put in branch, timely summary promotion grass-roots branch in learning education aspects of good experience, and good practices, timely found and corrected signs sex, and tendency problem; to strengthened publicity Guide, full using water website, timely publicity interpretation Central, and provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of deployment and requirements, followed up reported progress and effectiveness, efforts for learning education create good of opinion atmosphere. Second lead. Education of leading cadres is not only learning organisers, facilitators and regulators, but also participants, always at the forefront, as a good example, set strict demands on themselves, and set an example by asking others to do it, first do; others not doing, he determined not to do. Example of superior to subordinate, team leader for team members for example, level to level, level with the level, layer model, layers of lead, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. While, regardless of what ranks, what post of members leaders, are to to General members identity put himself pendulum in, implementation provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of the requirements, strictly implementation double organised, basic system, lead learning discussion, lead on experience, and told party lecture, and for report, lead participate in organised will, and democratic comments, lead shoe vocational due diligence, and based post for contribution, efforts do one "four told four has" of qualified Communist, strive to makes learning research more in-depth, check pendulum problem more deep, Rectification to implement more thorough, more venerable pioneer image 价格触发、画线触发都可以支持追价下单,自动追价的过程会弹出窗口展示整个追价过程。 附图:价格触发追价开仓设置界面 追价 追价启动时间、价差 :委托单发出后[] 秒或变动[]个变动价位后,开始追价直至成交。启动追价功能后,无论市价单是否能够立即成交,均出现“追价回报”界面。启动追价时间和启动追价价差二者是或者关系,满足任何一个条件都会触发。 条件中突破型条件的参数的调整在“设置”中进行。 双击“追价回报”关闭窗口。 察看历史追价明细: To insisted from actual starting, classification Guide, put focus put in grass-roots, put in branch, timely summary promotion grass-roots branch in learning education aspects of good experience, and good practices, timely found and corrected signs sex, and tendency problem; to strengthened publicity Guide, full using water website, timely publicity interpretation Central, and provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of deployment and requirements, followed up reported progress and effectiveness, efforts for learning education create good of opinion atmosphere. Second lead. Education of leading cadres is not only learning organisers, facilitators and regulators, but also participants, always at the forefront, as a good example, set strict demands on themselves, and set an example by asking others to do it, first do; others not doing, he determined not to do. Example of superior to subordinate, team leader for team members for example, level to level, level with the level, layer model, layers of lead, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. While, regardless of what ranks, what post of members leaders, are to to General members identity put himself pendulum in, implementation provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of the requirements, strictly implementation double organised, basic system, lead learning discussion, lead on experience, and told party lecture, and for report, lead participate in organised will, and democratic comments, lead shoe vocational due diligence, and based post for contribution, efforts do one "four told four has" of qualified Communist, strive to makes learning research more in-depth, check pendulum problem more deep, Rectification to implement more thorough, more venerable pioneer image (5)价格触发自动下单/画线触发自动下单/模型触发自动下单/套利直通车自动 下单前,需要我确认 可以设置程序化交易为半自动/全自动的。打勾为半自动,不打勾为全自动。 (6)在报价窗口抓价时自动调整[ ]个最小变动价位。 抓价时调整[ ]最小变动价位, To insisted from actual starting, classification Guide, put focus put in grass-roots, put in branch, timely summary promotion grass-roots branch in learning education aspects of good experience, and good practices, timely found and corrected signs sex, and tendency problem; to strengthened publicity Guide, full using water website, timely publicity interpretation Central, and provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of deployment and requirements, followed up reported progress and effectiveness, efforts for learning education create good of opinion atmosphere. Second lead. Education of leading cadres is not only learning organisers, facilitators and regulators, but also participants, always at the forefront, as a good example, set strict demands on themselves, and set an example by asking others to do it, first do; others not doing, he determined not to do. Example of superior to subordinate, team leader for team members for example, level to level, level with the level, layer model, layers of lead, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. While, regardless of what ranks, what post of members leaders, are to to General members identity put himself pendulum in, implementation provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of the requirements, strictly implementation double organised, basic system, lead learning discussion, lead on experience, and told party lecture, and for report, lead participate in organised will, and democratic comments, lead shoe vocational due diligence, and based post for contribution, efforts do one "four told four has" of qualified Communist, strive to makes learning research more in-depth, check pendulum problem more deep, Rectification to implement more thorough, more venerable pioneer image 在卖价上抓取自动加5个最小变动价位, 在买价上抓取自动减5个最小变动价位。 To insisted from actual starting, classification Guide, put focus put in grass-roots, put in branch, timely summary promotion grass-roots branch in learning education aspects of good experience, and good practices, timely found and corrected signs sex, and tendency problem; to strengthened publicity Guide, full using water website, timely publicity interpretation Central, and provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of deployment and requirements, followed up reported progress and effectiveness, efforts for learning education create good of opinion atmosphere. Second lead. Education of leading cadres is not only learning organisers, facilitators and regulators, but also participants, always at the forefront, as a good example, set strict demands on themselves, and set an example by asking others to do it, first do; others not doing, he determined not to do. Example of superior to subordinate, team leader for team members for example, level to level, level with the level, layer model, layers of lead, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. While, regardless of what ranks, what post of members leaders, are to to General members identity put himself pendulum in, implementation provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of the requirements, strictly implementation double organised, basic system, lead learning discussion, lead on experience, and told party lecture, and for report, lead participate in organised will, and democratic comments, lead shoe vocational due diligence, and based post for contribution, efforts do one "four told four has" of qualified Communist, strive to makes learning research more in-depth, check pendulum problem more deep, Rectification to implement more thorough, more venerable pioneer image (7)合约手数的修改 修改完毕后,屏幕抓价后会在交易软件中填入事先设定好的手数。 To insisted from actual starting, classification Guide, put focus put in grass-roots, put in branch, timely summary promotion grass-roots branch in learning education aspects of good experience, and good practices, timely found and corrected signs sex, and tendency problem; to strengthened publicity Guide, full using water website, timely publicity interpretation Central, and provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of deployment and requirements, followed up reported progress and effectiveness, efforts for learning education create good of opinion atmosphere. Second lead. Education of leading cadres is not only learning organisers, facilitators and regulators, but also participants, always at the forefront, as a good example, set strict demands on themselves, and set an example by asking others to do it, first do; others not doing, he determined not to do. Example of superior to subordinate, team leader for team members for example, level to level, level with the level, layer model, layers of lead, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. While, regardless of what ranks, what post of members leaders, are to to General members identity put himself pendulum in, implementation provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of the requirements, strictly implementation double organised, basic system, lead learning discussion, lead on experience, and told party lecture, and for report, lead participate in organised will, and democratic comments, lead shoe vocational due diligence, and based post for contribution, efforts do one "four told four has" of qualified Communist, strive to makes learning research more in-depth, check pendulum problem more deep, Rectification to implement more thorough, more venerable pioneer image 5、快捷键 ?下单快捷键:1-买开仓,2-平多单(卖平),3-卖开仓,4-平空单(买平) ?撤单快捷键: Ctrl+N,N是撤单列表的排的序号 ?平仓快捷键: Alt+N,N是持仓列表的排的序号 To insisted from actual starting, classification Guide, put focus put in grass-roots, put in branch, timely summary promotion grass-roots branch in learning education aspects of good experience, and good practices, timely found and corrected signs sex, and tendency problem; to strengthened publicity Guide, full using water website, timely publicity interpretation Central, and provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of deployment and requirements, followed up reported progress and effectiveness, efforts for learning education create good of opinion atmosphere. Second lead. Education of leading cadres is not only learning organisers, facilitators and regulators, but also participants, always at the forefront, as a good example, set strict demands on themselves, and set an example by asking others to do it, first do; others not doing, he determined not to do. Example of superior to subordinate, team leader for team members for example, level to level, level with the level, layer model, layers of lead, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. While, regardless of what ranks, what post of members leaders, are to to General members identity put himself pendulum in, implementation provincial, and municipal draw party on learning education of the requirements, strictly implementation double organised, basic system, lead learning discussion, lead on experience, and told party lecture, and for report, lead participate in organised will, and democratic comments, lead shoe vocational due diligence, and based post for contribution, efforts do one "four told four has" of qualified Communist, strive to makes learning research more in-depth, check pendulum problem more deep, Rectification to implement more thorough, more venerable pioneer image
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