首页 2008年普雄学校优秀教案设计评选_6



2008年普雄学校优秀教案设计评选_62008年普雄学校优秀教案设计评选  学科 英语 课题 Water talk 课时数 the first period 执教者 徐军云 上课时间 May, 8th , 2008 课前分析 教材分析:“Water”是牛津英语上海版初二年级第二学期Chapter6的内容。通过描写一滴水和一个小女孩的对话,谈到了水的循环过程,强调了水资源的珍贵,呼吁人们要珍惜保护水资源。该课内容紧跟时代步伐,与同学们的生活息息相关,容易引起共鸣,唤...

2008年普雄学校优秀 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 设计评选  学科 英语 课题 Water talk 课时数 the first period 执教者 徐军云 上课时间 May, 8th , 2008 课前分析 教材分析:“Water”是牛津英语上海版初二年级第二学期Chapter6的内容。通过描写一滴水和一个小女孩的对话,谈到了水的循环过程,强调了水资源的珍贵,呼吁人们要珍惜保护水资源。该课内容紧跟时代步伐,与同学们的生活息息相关,容易引起共鸣,唤起同学们的环保意识。本节课属于精读教学,教材中所涉及的生词较多,因此教学采用从部分到整体的教学策略,重点是培养学生在阅读中推测词义的能力。 学生分析:本节课的教学对象是初中二年级的学生,这是一个平行班,学生基础一般,将近3年的教学经历,我基本可以得出如下结论:学生对英语学习表现出积极性和初步的自信心;听懂有关熟悉话题的语段和简短的故事;能与教师或同学就熟悉的话题(如学校、家庭生活)交换信息;能读懂小故事及其他文体的简单书面材料;能参与简单的角色扮演等活动;能意识到语言交际中存在文化差异。学生已在7年级学习了水的用途及雨的形成,这能帮助学生较正确地通过上下文猜测词义。但学生结合上下文推测词义的阅读习惯还没有养成,还有待进一步培养。平时学生能积极主动地参与到课堂教学中,有小组合作意识。 教学目标 知识与技能: 知识目标: 1.Students build the ability of guessing the meaning of words and phases according to the text,and master some words. eg:名词sink, drain, water treatment works; 动词vanish,float,speed; freeze形容词relax,impatient,faint,puzzled,thorough。 2. Students can grasp the verb phrase (turn off ,on the tap; pour into; speed down; remember to do sth; mean by)in text and understand the journey of the water meaningfully。 过程与方法: 1.本节课通过学生独立学习和合作学习相结合,培养学生在阅读中自主发现词义的能力。 2.通过学习,使学生能听懂与Reading部分难易程度相当的听力材料,且能回答教师所提出的问题。 3.通过学习,使学生掌握一滴水循环的全过程,并在一定线索的帮助下能进行口头描述。 情感与态度:通过学习Water talk 一课内容,培养学生节约用水的环保意识,唤起学生们关注生活,关注社会,培养社会责任感。 研究目标 对于篇幅比较长的文章是否能用一节课的时间在一个平行班进行整体理解。 教学手段` 本节课借助多媒体平台,运用情景、听说、直观、活动等方法创设教学情景,通过老师的“导”、“引”方式去调动学生的积极性和主动性,让学生合作、自主、探究学习,使学生在民主、宽松、愉悦的氛围中达到学习目标。 多媒体设计 ppt 关于艾滋病ppt课件精益管理ppt下载地图下载ppt可编辑假如ppt教学课件下载triz基础知识ppt 和有关水的flash 教学过程 主要流程 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用 目标指向 I. Leading-in 导入 T: Do you like watching a flash? Now please watch the flash and tell me what you see it. 学生猜测flash的主题内容,从而导入本课的主题。 给学生们播放有关水的flash。 利用旋律轻快的flash唤起学生的兴趣,让学生轻松进入新的知识天地, 努力营造宽松、和谐、快乐的学习氛围。 II. Warming-up (Pre-task) 热身活动 1.T: How much do you know about water? Let’s have a competition about it, shall we? Let’s look at the slides. 2. Look at the picture and put the sentences in correct order. 学生抢答: A. 1. How long could you live without water?( ) a. A few days b. A few weeks c. A few hours 2 How many liters of water does your body need daily ? ( ) a. Two b. Four c. Eight 3.How much of the earth is covered by water? ( ) a. One-third b. A half c. Two-thirds B. ( 3 ) It flows to the sea. ( 2 ) It runs into stream and rivers. ( 4 ) It rises from the sea to the sky. (1 ) Water falls from the clouds as rain. ( 5 ) It falls as rain again. 在幻灯片上逐个展示每一个问题,请每两组合作派代表回答问题。 出示有关水循环的图片,利用放映效果进行教学。 课堂竞赛是在学生中较受欢迎的一种课堂活动形式。充分调动了学生主动参与,积极思维,大胆开口说英语的能力。同时通过这个环节让学生自动了解有关水的一些常识。 通过这个环节,学生可初步了解水从哪儿来,为接下来的课文教学做好铺垫,并且减少难度。 III. Presentation (While-task) 呈现语言知识和阅读教学 A.Learn new words 猜一猜 学一学 B.Listen, read and choose, answer 听一听,读一读 C. Read and think (pair work ) 读一读 填一填 1.Look at the title of the reading passage and the picture below. Who do you think are talking in the story? 2.借助一些图片,并设想一定的情景,让同学猜出新单词,对于一些不熟的单词,教师适当领读。 3.When you want to play computer games, but you have to wait for your father. How do you feel? 4.Guess the meaning of the underlined words. 1) I can’t hear you if you speak in such a faint voice. 2)When water freezes it becomes ice. 3)What are these? What do you think of them?” 5.Now listen and choose. 6.Where does water come from? Look at the picture, this is a special factory about water. What is it? 7.Then where does water come from? Listen carefully while looking at the screen. Introduce the water journey while explaining some new words with the help of some pictures and the given conversations. 8. Look at the map of the water’s journey. Read the passage after the recording again and mark the names of the different places on the map. You can discuss and decide them with your partners. 1.To get the main idea on the background of the text by anwering the question. Daisy and a drop of water 2.猜出新单词 tap, drain, sink 3.impatient patient e.g. We mustn’t be impatient with the patients. 4.faint衰弱的, 软弱的, 无力的, freeze froze frozen freezing weather frozen food precious=very valuable 5.Listen and choose: 1.Where was Daisy?A.In the bathroom. B.In the kitchen. C.In the bedroom 2.What was Daisy doing? A.Cooking dinner. B.Brushing her teeth. C. Watch Tv. 3.Who did Daisy see when she look around ? A.Her mother . B.Her brother . C. No one 4.Turn that tap off, you are wasting water. Here you refers to (指的是)? A. Daisy . B. Benny. C. We don’t know. 6.a water treatment works a sewage plant /sju:id/ sewage: dirty water and waste matter plant: factory 7.listen and say out the water jouney: 24 hours ago the water was floating comfortably in cloud in Jiangxi, enjoying the view. Then the cloud dropped the water into a stream and the water sped down the mountain into the Yangtze River. Next the Yangtze River carried the water to a reservior and the water relaxed there for a few days. Then the water travelled a long way and ran into the Huangpu River. The water was very dirty after a long jouney, so people took the water to a water treatment works. The water got a thorough cleaning and people added a few chemicals to the water. Then the water travelled in the pipes under the streets. At last the water came to Daisy’s home. 8. a cloud in JiangXi the Yangtze River a reservoir the Huangpu River water treatment works Daisy’s home a sewage plant river/sea Have the students open the textbook. 板书:Daisy and a drop of water 2.出示图片 板书:tap, drain, sink 3.impatient patient 4.板书: faint衰弱的, 软弱的, 无力的, freeze froze frozen freezing weather frozen food 在幻灯片上显示名贵的钻石,提示学生 板书:precious 通过听录音 6.Show some pictures and introduce the new phrases. 7.Play the recording and the ppt and show the pictures for the new words. 在学生小组合作之后, 出示幻灯片,使学生对水循环更加明了。 通过分析让学生猜出故事对话的角色,激发他们的兴趣和欲望:Daisy和水会说些什么呢? 借助一些图片并设定一定的情景,给予简单英语的解释来学习新单词,能激发学生学习新单词的好奇心,也容易记住单词,同时有利于帮助学生用英语思维的习惯。有利于刺激他们对下一学习过程的期待。 首先,通过学生听录音并快速阅读文章,有利于学生了解文章的大意。然后,让学生带着问题细读文章,加深对课文细节的理解,提高学生获取信息和处理信息的能力。 7.阅读的学习由浅入深,循序渐进地安排,有利于学生对课文内容的理解,同时全面提高学生的英语阅读理解能力。 8. 学生通过小组合作学习,对课文有关内容进行自学式、讨论式学习,从而让学生对课文有了更进一步的了解。 IV. (Post-task) 巩固所学语言知识教学 Retell the story with proper words from the passage. Suppose you are water, please say something about yourself. 结合课文中所学过的单词或表达,通过让学生合作讨论来完成下面的一篇短文: Describe the water journey with the help of some verbs and the map. The answer is the same above. 通过进一步的仔细阅读,两人一组合作完成一幅关于水资源循环过程的地图 Water cycle First I was f___________ in the cloud , enjoying the view. Then I was d_________ into a stream by the cloud and s______ down the mountain into Dongjiang River. Well I was carried to a r____________. I got relaxed there for a few days. Then it was time for me to get cleaned up, for I was d________ after a long j____________. They took me to a t__________works. There I was given a t_____________ cleaning and a few chemicals were a_____ to me. After that I traveled in the p________ under the streets . I waited there u____ I was called by you, and here I am. Last I’ll go to a s________ plant and will be p______ into the river and got back into the sea again. Now as you know I have to get a long walk here. I’m really p________. Never waste or p_____ me! 在学生小组合作之后, 出示有关水循环的幻灯片,使学生对水循环更加明了。并且出示有关动词。 小组合作完成水资源循环的地图,为学生提供自主学习和相互交流的机会,有利于培养同学之间的合作意识。 为学生提供运用课文中所学词汇和句型表达语言的平台,帮助学生巩固所学内容。 听写结合,训练和检测学生对关键词的捕捉能力 V. Assignments   1.Writing: Water,the liquid gold (60words at least.) 2.Practise reading the text.   通过回家作业帮助学生巩固所学内容                        
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