首页 原材料汇总表目录



原材料汇总表目录原材料汇总表目录 汇总表目录 1、 钢材合格证、试验报告汇总表(表1); 2、 焊接试(检)验报告、焊条(剂)合格证汇总表(表2); 3、 水泥出厂合格证、试验报告汇总表(表3); 4、 砖、砌块出厂合格证(试验报告)汇总表(表4); 5、 砂、石试验报告汇总表(表5); 6、 混凝土试块试验报告汇总表(表6); 7、 砂浆试块试验报告汇总表(表7); 8、 钢筋隐蔽验收记录汇总表(表8); 9、 地基验槽记录汇总表(表9); 10、 预制构件验收记录汇总表(10); 11、 设计文件变更记录汇总表...

原材料汇总表目录 汇总表目录 1、 钢材合格证、试验报告汇总表(表1); 2、 焊接试(检)验报告、焊条(剂)合格证汇总表(表2); 3、 水泥出厂合格证、试验报告汇总表(表3); 4、 砖、砌块出厂合格证(试验报告)汇总表(表4); 5、 砂、石试验报告汇总表(表5); 6、 混凝土试块试验报告汇总表(表6); 7、 砂浆试块试验报告汇总表(表7); 8、 钢筋隐蔽验收记录汇总表(表8); 9、 地基验槽记录汇总表(表9); 10、 预制构件验收记录汇总表(10); 11、 设计文件变更记录汇总表(表11)。 section of the Department of project management; Project documents and information: Project Engineering Department; Materials and equipment: material supply projects; Security controls: the project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financial: Project Management Department of finance; Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management representative and project manager in this item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation of quality management system and supervision, regardless of how his other responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensure that the quality management system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project manager, including needed improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management review should be an annual review of its quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. 3.4.2 Administration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality control Department is responsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: internal and external quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, service information (complaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combined with the quality policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management system to determine corrective, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review: by the project manager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specialized 钢材合格证、试验报告汇总表(表1) 工程名称:六盘水名都商业广场A栋 编号: 1、钢材出厂合格证共 页, 2、试验报告共 页,共 组 3、见证 页,共 组, 见证率 序钢材各称生产合格证批号 进场日期 进场数量 复试报告日期 报告编号 试验结论 使用部位 是否见证 备注 号 规格品种 厂家 编号 施工单位审核人: 监理单位审核人: 审核结果: (盖章) 审核结果: (盖章) 日 期: 年 月 日 日 期: 年 月 日 section of the Department of project management; Project documents and information: Project Engineering Department; Materials and equipment: material supply projects; Security controls: the project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financial: Project Management Department of finance; Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management representative and project manager in this item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation of quality management system and supervision, regardless of how his other responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensure that the quality management system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project manager, including needed improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management review should be an annual review of its quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. 3.4.2 Administration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality control Department is responsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: internal and external quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, service information (complaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combined with the quality policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management system to determine corrective, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review: by the project manager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specialized 焊接试(检)验报告、焊条(剂)合格证汇总表(表2) 工程名称:六盘水名都商业广场A栋 编号: 1、试验报告共 页,共 组 2、见证 页,共 组 见证率 3、焊条(剂)合格证 页 焊接试验报告 序焊接焊接母材品种母材出厂合格母材进场日期 使用部位 是否见证 备注 号 类型 数量 及规格 证编号 日期 编号 结论 施工单位审核人: 监理单位审核人: 审核结果: (盖章) 审核结果: (盖章) 日 期: 年 月 日 日 期: 年 月 日 section of the Department of project management; Project documents and information: Project Engineering Department; Materials and equipment: material supply projects; Security controls: the project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financial: Project Management Department of finance; Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management representative and project manager in this item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation of quality management system and supervision, regardless of how his other responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensure that the quality management system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project manager, including needed improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management review should be an annual review of its quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. 3.4.2 Administration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality control Department is responsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: internal and external quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, service information (complaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combined with the quality policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management system to determine corrective, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review: by the project manager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specialized 水泥出厂合格证、试验报告汇总表(表3) 工程名称:六盘水名都商业广场A栋 编号: 1、水泥出厂合格证 页 , 2、试验报告 页, 共 组 3、见证 页, 共 组 见证率 序品种及标合格证编试验报告主要使用生产厂家 进场数量 出厂日期 进场日期 试验日期 试验结论 是否见证 备注 号 号 号 编号 部位 施工单位审核人: 监理单位审核人: 审核结果: (盖章) 审核结果: (盖章) 日 期: 年 月 日 日 期: 年 月 日 section of the Department of project management; Project documents and information: Project Engineering Department; Materials and equipment: material supply projects; Security controls: the project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financial: Project Management Department of finance; Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management representative and project manager in this item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation of quality management system and supervision, regardless of how his other responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensure that the quality management system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project manager, including needed improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management review should be an annual review of its quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. 3.4.2 Administration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality control Department is responsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: internal and external quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, service information (complaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combined with the quality policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management system to determine corrective, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review: by the project manager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specialized 砖、砌块出厂合格证(试验报告)汇总表(表4) 工程名称:六盘水名都商业广场A栋 编号: 1、砖、砌体出厂合格证共 页, 2、试验报告共 页, 共 组 3、见证 页, 共 组,见证率 序生产厂家 品种及规格 强度等级 进场数量 出厂合格进场日期 试验日期 试验报告试验结论 使用部位 是否见证 备注 号 证编号 编号 施工单位审核人: 监理单位审核人: 审核结果: (盖章) 审核结果: (盖章) 日 期: 年 月 日 日 期: 年 月 日 section of the Department of project management; Project documents and information: Project Engineering Department; Materials and equipment: material supply projects; Security controls: the project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financial: Project Management Department of finance; Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management representative and project manager in this item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation of quality management system and supervision, regardless of how his other responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensure that the quality management system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project manager, including needed improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management review should be an annual review of its quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. 3.4.2 Administration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality control Department is responsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: internal and external quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, service information (complaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combined with the quality policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management system to determine corrective, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review: by the project manager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specialized 碎石试验报告汇总表(表5) 工程名称:六盘水名都商业广场A栋 编号: 1、砂试验报告 页,其中见证 页,见证率 %。 序使用部位 碎石规格 进场数量 进场日期 试验日期 试验报告 试验结论 生产厂家 是否见证 备注 号 施工单位审核人: 监理单位审核人: 审核结果: (盖章) 审核结果: (盖章) 日 期: 年 月 日 日 期: 年 月 日 section of the Department of project management; Project documents and information: Project Engineering Department; Materials and equipment: material supply projects; Security controls: the project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financial: Project Management Department of finance; Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management representative and project manager in this item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation of quality management system and supervision, regardless of how his other responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensure that the quality management system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project manager, including needed improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management review should be an annual review of its quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. 3.4.2 Administration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality control Department is responsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: internal and external quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, service information (complaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combined with the quality policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management system to determine corrective, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review: by the project manager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specialized 混凝土试块试验报告汇总表(表6) 工程名称:六盘水名都商业广场B栋 编号: 1、混凝土试块试验报告 页, 共 组 2、见证 页,共 组, 见证率 序设计强度试块成型 强度代 达到设计构件名称 试验日期 龄期 试验报告编号 砼实测强度 是否见证 备注 号 等级 日期 表值 百分数% 施工单位审核人: 监理单位审核人: 审核结果: (盖章) 审核结果: (盖章) 日 期: 年 月 日 日 期: 年 月 日 section of the Department of project management; Project documents and information: Project Engineering Department; Materials and equipment: material supply projects; Security controls: the project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financial: Project Management Department of finance; Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management representative and project manager in this item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation of quality management system and supervision, regardless of how his other responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensure that the quality management system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project manager, including needed improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management review should be an annual review of its quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. 3.4.2 Administration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality control Department is responsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: internal and external quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, service information (complaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combined with the quality policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management system to determine corrective, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review: by the project manager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specialized 砂浆试块试验报告汇总表(表7) 工程名称:六盘水名都商业广场A栋 编号: 1、砂浆试验报告 页, 共 组 2、见证 页,共 组, 见证率 序设计强度试块成型砂浆试块达到设计试验部位 试验日期 龄期 试验编号 是否见证 备注 号 等级 日期 强度等级 百分数% 施工单位审核人: 监理单位审核人: 审核结果: (盖章) 审核结果: (盖章) 日 期: 年 月 日 日 期: 年 月 日 section of the Department of project management; Project documents and information: Project Engineering Department; Materials and equipment: material supply projects; Security controls: the project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financial: Project Management Department of finance; Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management representative and project manager in this item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation of quality management system and supervision, regardless of how his other responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensure that the quality management system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project manager, including needed improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management review should be an annual review of its quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. 3.4.2 Administration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality control Department is responsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: internal and external quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, service information (complaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combined with the quality policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management system to determine corrective, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review: by the project manager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specialized 钢筋隐蔽验收记录汇总表(表8) 工程名称: 编号: 1、钢筋隐蔽验收记录共 页, 序隐蔽前检查隐蔽记录编隐蔽报验资隐蔽资料签隐蔽部位 构件类型 隐蔽内容 隐蔽时间 备注 号 的结果 号 料编号 认是否齐全 施工单位审核人: 监理单位审核人: 日期: 年 月 日 审核结果: (盖章) 审核结果: (盖章) 日期: 年 月 日 section of the Department of project management; Project documents and information: Project Engineering Department; Materials and equipment: material supply projects; Security controls: the project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financial: Project Management Department of finance; Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management representative and project manager in this item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation of quality management system and supervision, regardless of how his other responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensure that the quality management system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project manager, including needed improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management review should be an annual review of its quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. 3.4.2 Administration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality control Department is responsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: internal and external quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, service information (complaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combined with the quality policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management system to determine corrective, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review: by the project manager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specialized 地基验槽记录汇总表(表9) 工程名称: 编号: 1、地基验槽记录共 页, 2、钎探记录 页 基底持力断面尺寸序基底持力层是否符设计人员勘察人员基础类型 验槽部位 是否符合是否钎探 验槽日期 备注 号 层 合设计要是否签证 是否签证 设计要求 求 施工单位审核人: 监理单位审核人: 日期: 年 月 日 审核结果: (盖章) 审核结果: (盖章) 日期: 年 月 日 section of the Department of project management; Project documents and information: Project Engineering Department; Materials and equipment: material supply projects; Security controls: the project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financial: Project Management Department of finance; Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management representative and project manager in this item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation of quality management system and supervision, regardless of how his other responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensure that the quality management system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project manager, including needed improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management review should be an annual review of its quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. 3.4.2 Administration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality control Department is responsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: internal and external quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, service information (complaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combined with the quality policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management system to determine corrective, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review: by the project manager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specialized 预制构件验收记录汇总表(表10) 工程名称: 编号: 1、预制构件出厂合格证共 页,2、现场抽样检验 页 序出厂合格预制构件规强度等抽样检验进场验收生产厂家 数量 生产日期 出厂时间 检验时间 使用部位 备注 号 证编号 格及型号 级 报告编号 时间 施工单位审核人: 监理单位审核人: 日期: 年 月 日 审核结果: (盖章) 审核结果: (盖章) 日期: 年 月 日 section of the Department of project management; Project documents and information: Project Engineering Department; Materials and equipment: material supply projects; Security controls: the project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financial: Project Management Department of finance; Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management representative and project manager in this item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation of quality management system and supervision, regardless of how his other responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensure that the quality management system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project manager, including needed improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management review should be an annual review of its quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. 3.4.2 Administration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality control Department is responsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: internal and external quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, service information (complaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combined with the quality policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management system to determine corrective, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review: by the project manager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specialized 设计文件变更记录汇总表(表10) 工程名称: 设计单位: 编号: 序号 变更部位 份数 变更日期 变更编号 主要变更内容 施工单位审核人: 监理单位审核人: 审核结果: (盖章) 审核结果: (盖章) 日 期: 年 月 日 日 期: 年 月 日 section of the Department of project management; Project documents and information: Project Engineering Department; Materials and equipment: material supply projects; Security controls: the project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financial: Project Management Department of finance; Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management representative and project manager in this item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation of quality management system and supervision, regardless of how his other responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensure that the quality management system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project manager, including needed improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management review should be an annual review of its quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. 3.4.2 Administration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality control Department is responsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: internal and external quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, service information (complaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combined with the quality policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management system to determine corrective, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review: by the project manager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specialized 砂试验报告汇总表(表5) 工程名称:六盘水名都商业广场A栋 编号: 1、砂试验报告 页,其中见证 页,见证率 %。 序使用部位 砂规格 进场数量 进场日期 试验日期 试验报告 试验结论 生产厂家 是否见证 备注 号 施工单位审核人: 监理单位审核人: 审核结果: (盖章) 审核结果: (盖章) 日 期: 年 月 日 日 期: 年 月 日 section of the Department of project management; Project documents and information: Project Engineering Department; Materials and equipment: material supply projects; Security controls: the project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financial: Project Management Department of finance; Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management representative and project manager in this item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation of quality management system and supervision, regardless of how his other responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensure that the quality management system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project manager, including needed improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management review should be an annual review of its quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. 3.4.2 Administration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality control Department is responsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: internal and external quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, service information (complaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combined with the quality policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management system to determine corrective, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review: by the project manager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specialized
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