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听说大学英语~~口语听说大学英语~~口语 UNIT 1 Parents 1. Do you think parents' love for their children is the greatest love in the world? Why? Yes,I do.Because parents' love for their child is selfless/ forever strong / never changing. There is no love like a mother's love for her chil...

听说大学英语~~口语 UNIT 1 Parents 1. Do you think parents' love for their children is the greatest love in the world? Why? Yes,I do.Because parents' love for their child is selfless/ forever strong / never changing. There is no love like a mother's love for her child. No bond is stronger than that between parent and child. My parents always tell me that I'm special/always find time for me when I need comforting and encouragement. 2. Do you often call or write to your parents? What do you usually tell your parents on the phone / in your letters? Tell them my friends,school,activities,dreams and hopes. 3. Do you always remember your parents' birthdays? What do you usually do for your parents on their birthdays? Yes,I do. On my parents' birthdays, I usually buy them some gifts or cards with my pocket money / I usually cook something special for them / I visit them or call them no matter how busy I am / tell them how special they are to me / do something creative to try to express my love for them in a special way. 4. Do you celebrate Mother's Day? How? I usually cook something special for my mother on Mother's Day. My father will take me and my mother out for dinner to celebrate. 5. What is your father / mother like? My father / mother is a well-respected.../ an ordinary.../ a successful... My father / mother is quite strict with me / never spoils me. My father / mother makes clear rules about what I can do and what I mustn't do. My mother is thrifty and industrious / generous and compassionate / a career woman. 6. Do you turn to your father/ mother for help when you have problems? Why or why not? I know I can always turn to my parents for help when I have problems, but I don't want to make them worry about me / but I don't want to upset them unnecessarily. I miss my parents when I'm short of money/when I've got problems /when I don't get on with.../when I'm sick. UNIT 2 Coincidence 1. What is coincidence? Give an example to illustrate it. Coincidence refers to the phenomenon inwhich two or more events which are similaror related happen to take place at the sametime or place.Coincidence is the result of pure chance / of our memory. 2. Have you ever experienced or read about an amusing case of coincidence? What is it? 3. How do people react to coincidences? How important are they in human life? Some people try to find a cause and effect relationship between events that happen to share some similarities.Coincidence make great stories / make very good topics for small talk / make life more interesting / amusing colorful. 4. Can coincidences be explained? Why or why not? It's meaningless to try to explain coincidences. 5. What can coincidences do?Are they mostly beneficial or harmful? Coincidences make great stories / make very good topics for small talk / make life more interesting / amusing colorful. Some people believe that coincidence is the work of mysterious forces/ supernatural powers . Some people believe coincidences can reveal relationships between events, human beings and natural phenomena that are not obvious to them. Coincidences have nothing to do with good luck or bad luck/ have no power to predict future events. UNIT 3 Marriage 1. What do you think of marriage? Do you think a happy marriage is the most important thing in your life? Marriage is the legal union of a man and a woman as husband and wife. 2. What kind of person do you want to marry? What are your standards in choosing a life companion? I would marry someone who loves me and cares for me most/ who is generous/ intelligent/ ambitious/ broad-minded/ considerate/ good-looking/ kind-hearted/ humorous„ I wouldn't like to marry someone who is too money-conscious/stingy/selfish/hot tempered/narrow-minded/rude/impolite/possessive... Such as his character /temperament /education /profession /income /appearance /family background. 3. What do you think is crucial for a happy marriage? A happy marriage is depend on / base on / contribute much to (mutual love, respect and understanding, a sense of responsibility, common interest). Marriage based on mutual love create a happy and harmonious atmosphere in the family. Education is an important condition for a good marriage because a couple whose educational levels do not have much in common/may have constant arguments over family issues,big or small. 4. What usually causes troubles in a marriage? Trouble starts in a marriage when one partner keeps complaining about small things,makeing the other feel resentful. Constantly criticizing the partner and his or her family gives rise to troubles in a marriage /may destroy a marriage. Lack of true understanding / of tolerance over differences may also cause a marriage to fail. over differences 5. Do you think difference between husband and wife are unavoidable? If you do, could you suggest some ways for them to deal with the problem? Each individual is unique and differences between husband and wife are therefore unavoidable/ a rule rather than an exception.It is very important for husband and wife to show appreciation of each other. It's very important for husband and wife to show appreciation of each other/to talk and get to know what his or her partner expects. 6. Have you heard marriage agreements? Do you think a couple should sign a marriage agreement before getting married? A marriage agreement sounds too practical, lacks romantic flavor and even worse reduces marriage to mere business. I think a written marriage agreement shows how much you and your partner are going to respect each other's needs and expectations/promises a harmonious relationship in married life. UNIT 4 Stress 1. What dose stress mean? Stress is a state of worry due to pressure caused by the problems of living, such as too much work or study, heavy responsibilities, quickened pace of life. 2. What causes stress to people? too much work or study such as having to work against a deadline / heavy responsibilities e.g. My / parents' expectations on me / major change in life, such as losing a job / poor health / this competitive society with quickened pace of life 3. When are you under pressure? What makes you feel stressed? My parents and relatives lay / place greater expectations on me than I can reach. My teachers expect me to do more than I can handle. Being unable to speak English fluently / to get on well with my roommates is one of my big worries. Having to take tests of various kinds / complete numerous assignments / do a lot of reading before class puts a great pressure on me. The pressure of having to work against a deadline is too much for me. A major change in life, such as losing a job or a death in the family causes stress. Financial problems, poor health, parents' being laid off, failing a test, disagreements with roommates are causes of stress. 4. What should we do to deal with stress? Listening to music can relieve stress or ease our minds. Exercise is one of the most effective ways to relieve stress. Learning to say “No’ to extra work requests is a good way to beat stress. It helps to relieve stress if we view the changes in our life as challenges. It’s no use crying over spilt milk. Be realistic and accept what has happened. 5. Do you know anything about the life of a police officer? How stressful can it be? The work of a police officer involves risks / dealing with problems that are unpredictable / dealing with different people in different situations. UNIT 5 Youth 1. When did you realize that you’d grown up? I realized I’d grown up when I entered high school / when I became a teenager / when I knew I should be responsible for my own actions / when I knew I should make decisions for myself / when I knew I should work to earn my own living expenses. 2. How do you celebrate Youth Day? On Youth Day, we usually have a meeting to remember the heroic deeds of young people back in 1919 / the Student Union organizes a great many activities, such as singing, dancing, games, film shows / we often volunteer to do something for the good of our community. 3. What should be the concerns of the 21st century youth? As the youth of the 21st century, we should work together to make the world a place where people can live in peace, having decent shelter and clean water, healthy and educated and protected from violence ,abuse ,exploitation . 4. What qualities do you value most in a young person? Compassion, sensitivity, commitment and being a team player are qualities I value most in a young person. I think we must have a clear purpose in what we want to do with our lives. The future belongs to us young people. While young, we must prepare ourselves for the future by studying hard and by involving ourselves in meaningful causes. 5. Have you ever thought about volunteering your time for those who are in need of help and for the welfare of society? I often thought about volunteering my time to a local charity or a community organization in order to help those who are in need. I like to do volunteering work. In this way I can get an insight the meaning of life. I think I can get a lot out of helping people in need. I can learn about myself, learn about others and meet a lot of interesting people by volunteering. There is no better way to overcome boredom or depression than to help others in need. 6. Have you ever participated in any projects when you were at high school? If yes, what were they? Our school offers a wide range of volunteer programs / opportunities, such as planting trees for the community, helping others learn to read, tutoring school children, assisting library staff in reshelving books, visiting senior citizens at nursing homes. 7. What do you think is more important for you, to learn about what others have done or to discover and create things yourself? UNIT 6 The Nature World 1. Are you a lover of nature?Why or Why not ? I’m a lover of nature, for the natural world is so colorful/ diverse/ splendid/ wonderful. I love nature for its diversity/ beauty/ power. I love nature because it gives me peace of mind/ mirrors the beauty of life. The love of nature is an essential part of a person’s life. 2. Which season do you like best? Why? I like spring best because spring is nature’s way of saying “let’s party!”Spring is the season when everything starts to wake up/ when nature awakens from her long winter sleep. Spring is so colorful, full of blooming flowers. 3. What is the typical color of each season? Spring is so colorful, full of blooming flowers. Summer is so green. You can see a whole green sea of grass and leaves. Autumn / Fall is golden or fiery-red, while winter is usually associated with the whiteness of snow. 4. Are there different kinds of trees on your campus? Describe them in simple English. Yes, there. Some are fruit trees, such as apples, peaches, cherries, and so on, others are cone-bearing trees such as pines and oaks. 5. What happens to the leaves of some trees and shrubs from September to November? Can you explain why? The most noticeable color change happens in mid or late autumn/ fall when leaves change from green to shades of yellow, brown, orange, purple, and red. Some trees, such as planes and willows, shed their leaves in late fall, others, such as pines and cedars(雪松),remain green all the year round. In late fall, most leaves turn yellow and begin to fall off the trees. UNIT 9 The Business World 1. What should be the major concerns of a business company? The primary concern of a business is to make profit. As the saying goes, the business of a business is business. Companies should do what is right, not just what is profitable. A company should combine its concern for profit with a concern for the well-being of its customers. The success of a business depends on a strong leadership, good management, effective marketing, wise investment, and an efficient workforce. 2. What makes a good employer? And what makes a good employee? A good employer treats employees more as equals than as subordinates/ respects employees/ knows the strengths and weaknesses of each employee/ knows when to praise and when to criticize/ is strict on discipline. A good employee has specialized knowledge and skill to do his job well/ is a team player/ loyal to the company/ honest and hard-working/ creative and innovative. 3. How important are customers / clients to a business? A company should be customer conscious/ always place the interest of a client or customer first. 4. How important are communication skills in establishing good business relationships with visitors / business partners? Good communication skills are essential in establishing a sound relationship with your co-workers/ partners in business. Good communication skills are very useful in negotiations / in welcoming clients or visitors/ in making visitors feel relaxed. 5.Suppose your job is to welcome visitors to your company. What will you do to make them feel comfortable and give them a good impression? A receptionist should greet visitors politely/ direct visitors to the persons they want to see/ do his or her best to make visitors feel at ease/ be attentive to the needs of visitors/ be ready to answer questions from visitors. 6.Meetings at management level are held regularly in a company. What may be discussed at such a meeting? What is the role of the chairman? Meetings are held regularly in a company to discuss important matters such as finance, marketing, and pricing. Meetings are held for the purpose of problem-solving and decision-making. The purpose of a business meeting is to find ways to increase sales/ deal with a decline in profits/ achieve a larger market share/ cope with growing competition in the market/ decide on whom to promote. The chairman of a meeting should have a clear of what is to be achieved at the meeting/ make the purpose and agenda of the meeting known to participants/ invite comments from participants/ encourage opposing views/ conclude the meeting with a brief summary of what decisions have been made at the meeting. A good chairman knows how to keep a meeting running on time and to the point. UNIT 10 Humor 1. How do you define humor ? Humor is easy to recognize, but difficult to define. Humors refers to something that is funny/amusing/comical Humor is a sign of intelligence. It refers to the ability to see, appreciate, or express what is amusing or comical. Humor is the shortest distance between two people. Humor is culture-specific/ is culture-based/ is deeply rooted in culture/ varies from culture to culture. Although it’s true that outsiders may not always share the humor of a certain culture, much humor goes beyond country lines and can be appreciated by people from other cultures. 2. What dose having a sense of humor mean? 3. What kind of person would you describe as having no sense of humor? People with no sense of humor are easily irritated / are difficult to get along with / are unsmiling and boring / lose their temper easily / cannot appreciate things that are meant to be amusing. 4. What is the value of humor in interpersonal relationships? A sense of humor shows that a person has a good upbringing/ is well educated. A sense of humor reduces stress and makes the body function better. Humor can serve to stop an argument/break the ice/release tension/strengthen relationships/create unity/help one handle an embarrassing situation. Laughter is the best medicine. 5. Does humor mean lack of seriousness? Humor doesn't mean lack of seriousness. It ca express truth in a more acceptable / an amusing way. 6. How can a person acquire a sense of humor? Humor is a gift that one is born with/ a skill that anyone can develop. Humor is found in jokes, anecdotes, epigrams, and in amusing situations. We can build our sense of humor by increasing our exposure to literature, such as comedies and novels/ reading joke books/ collecting amusing stories and anecdotes about famous people/ keeping a journal of funny events we have experienced or heard about. In order to acquire a sense of humor ,a good starting point would be learning from humorous people.You may try to adapt their attitudes of looking at things.You may imitate the way they talk and behave.Of course,that would be the first step.Then there would be a long list of things to do before you can acquire a real sense of humor for yourself. UNIT 11 The Cinema 1. Are you a movie fan? How often do you go to the movies? I don’t think I’m a film fan but I do like some films that starred my favorite actors and actresses./ I’ve never been a big fan of any type of movie./ I’m a great fan of films./ I can’t resist an Oscar winning film. How often I go to the cinema depends on what film is showing. 2. What types of film do you like, documentary or feature films? Romance, action, science fiction, suspense, or horror? Why? Films that are set in beautiful countryside /are accompanied with fine theme music appeal to me. Sometimes I go to the movies, not so much for their stories, but for their fine scenery and music. 3. Who is/ are your favorite film star(s)? Which of their films have you seen? I have a passion for action movies starring Jackie Chan, the Hong Kong movie star. I think the stunts he performs are mostly done by himself rather than by stunt people or the computer. 4. Do you like to watch films at the school cinema or downtown? Why or why not? Sometimes I go with my friends to a downtown cinema for a newly released film. Cinemas in the city usually offer a better and bigger choice of movies but the tickets there are much too expensive for us students. 5. Can you get drinks in a cinema? What else is sold there? Yes, I can. Nowadays you can buy chocolates, cookies, beverages, ice cream, and popcorn at a big cinema. Some cinemas also sell books and magazines about films or portraits of film stars. 6. Do you admire actors that seems to perform very dangerous acts in films? Who are the real heroes of such acts? I have a passion for action movies starring Jackie Chan, the Hong Kong movie star. I think the stunts he performs are mostly done by himself rather than by stunt people or the computer.
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