首页 铁碳微电解填料工程设计



铁碳微电解填料工程设计铁碳微电解填料工程设计 forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibilit...

铁碳微电解填料工程设计 forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all 铁碳微电解填料工程设计 张琪铁碳微电解填料潍坊普茵沃润环保科技与中山大学联合研制的微电解反应器应用于工业废水的处理过程,在使用中通过严格控制流速及曝气量,并通过独特的设计使处理效果达到最佳。具有成本低廉,效果显著的特点。普茵沃润环保科技有限公司是一家致力于环保技术创新,环保设备制造,环保产品集成供应和相关技术服务为一体的环保专业技术企业。以环保高科技为先导,以吸收国外先进技术为基础,以改进创新为发展动力,以加工制造为根本,开发并推出多项具有竞争力的产品,形成了技术不断创新,产品质量不断提高的发展局面。 主要涉及城镇污水和工业废水处理领域;对各种废水治理工程的设计,施工,安装调试及总承包拥有丰富的经验及解决MATCH_ word word文档格式规范word作业纸小票打印word模板word简历模板免费word简历 _1714109134217_1。 公司产品涉及:活性铁碳微电解填料,负载型氧化铜反应填料及各种新型环保设备。其中活化铁碳微电解填料是由具有高低电位差的金属合金融合催化剂采用微孔活化技术生产而成,经过上百次对企业废水进行试验,让配方更加合理,杜绝了同类产品开始使用时效果明显日后效能逐渐下降的弊端,在使用过称中效能更加长久;产品中添加的多种微量元素,促进了铁离子释放,使废水处理效果更加显著。同时采用科学的高温烧结养护过程使产品强度高,使用时不会因为水浸过久而松软变散导致损耗过多;不但降低了产品使用成本,同时也使处理效果大幅提升。 1,解决了微电解污水处理工艺填料板结,钝化,活化,更换的难题,并具有持续高活性铁床优点。 2,内电解阴阳极及催化剂通过高温形成架构式合金结构,不会像铁碳混合组配那样容易出现阴阳极分离,影响原电池反应。 3,采用微孔活化技术,比 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 面积大,同时配加催化剂,对废水处理提供了更大的电流密度和更好的微电解反应效果,反应速率快。 4,由于微电解和催化剂的双重作用,同比传统铁碳填料对针对有机物浓度大,高毒性,高色度,难生化废水的处理。 5,电解处理方法可以达到化学沉淀除磷的效果,还可以通过还原除重金属。废水经微电解处理后会在水中形成原生态的亚铁或铁离子,具有比普通混凝剂更好的混凝作用。 6,Fe2,催化作用,在微电解后投加H2O2,即芬顿氧化工艺,对一些难降解化工废水CODcr的去解率可达75-95,。 forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all 7,该技术通过高温烧结等手段将铁及金属催化剂与炭包容在一起形成架构式铁炭结。 潍坊普茵沃润环保科技有限公司是致力于生产污水处理产品的专业化高科技公司。本公司人才济济,凝聚一批具有责任心以及创业精神的高素质员工团队,公司与中山大学共同研发的新型包容式微电解技术可高效去除废水中高浓度有机物,提高可生化性,同时还可避免运行过程中的填料钝化,板结等现象。并聘用美国美世学院大中华区总监Mel Sun先生为我们公司的管理顾问,从企业管理到产品生产销售的全环节为我们定身打造全员责任 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 ,以确保我们的产品,服务达到一流水准。我们还与国内多所知名院校专家联合研制开发高科技水处理添加剂和设备,聘请在英国从事环保水处理工作20余年的姜亚伟博士作为我们的科研总监,负责指导我们产品的研制开发工作。 铁碳微电解工艺详细资料 微电解法是利用金属腐蚀原理,形成原电池对废水进行处理的良好工艺,又称内电解法,铁屑过滤法等。该法具有适用范围广,处理效果好,使用寿命长,成本低廉及操作维护方便等优点,并使用废铁屑为原料,也不需消耗电力资源,具有“以废治废”的意义,使得该工艺技术自诞生开始,即在美,苏,日等国家引起广泛重视,已有很多的专利,并取得了一些实用性的成果。该工艺是在20世纪7O年代应用到废水治理中的,而我国从2O世纪8O年代开始这一领域的研究,也已有不少文献报导。特别是近几年来,进展较快,在印染废水,电镀废水,石油化工废水及含砷含氰废水的治理方面相继有研究报导,有的已投入实际运行。 产品概述: 微电解技术是目前处理高浓度,难降解有机废水的一种理想工艺,又称内电解。它是在无需外接电源的情况下自身产生1.2伏电位差对废水进行电解处理能达到降解有机污染的目的。当系统通水后设备内会形成无数的微电池系统构成磁场产生电位差。铁在酸性条件下释放铁离子生成新生态Fe2 。Fe2 具有氧化--还原的作用,能与废水中的许多组分发生氧化还原反;?将六价铬还原为三价铬;?将汞离子还原为单质贡;?将硝基还原为氨基;?将偶氮废水的有色基团或助色基团氧化--还原;达到降解脱色作用;提高了废水的可生化性。生成的Fe2 加减调PH值进一步产生Fe3 ;Fe3 是一种很好的絮凝剂。它们的水合物具有较强的吸附-絮凝作用,Fe3 在减的作用下进一步产生氢氧化亚铁和氢氧化铁胶体絮凝剂。它们的吸附能力远远高于那些外加化学药剂水解得到的絮凝剂;分散在水污中的悬浮物,,有毒物,金属离子及有极大分子能被吸附-絮凝沉淀。其工作原理:电化学,氧化—还原,物理吸附及絮凝--沉淀的共同作用对废水进行处理。 1 基本原理 微电解反应器内的填料主要有两种:一种为单纯的铁刨花;另一种为铸铁屑与惰性碳颗粒(如the parties involved see, performance is also very uneven. "Three" Office of the examination results have been communicated to you, we can take a look at, and advanced control differences, the lack of control the position, be sure to complete the task and achieve a breakthrough this year. In advancing the work, to grasp the following points: (a) a deep understanding of "three" the significance of the work. Implementing "three" is the realization of synchronized with the provinces build well-to-do society's core starting point. Our County's economic and social development goals are ... ... Year synchronized with the city, and build a well-off society. This means that by 2018, the County's per-capita GDP to reach ... ... Million, annual growth ... ...%, the growth rate of last year was ... ...%; public finance budget revenues per capita to reach ... ... Yuan, an average annual increase ... ...%, the growth rate of last year was ... ...%. In accordance with the current growth rate, it is difficult to achieve development goals. If you want speed, at the current pace of development and efficiency, it is necessary to ensure greater capital investment. Therefore, the implementation of "three" is to achieve the development goals of the most basic and lasting, the most fundamental and effective power. Second, implementation of "three" is the key measure to set up a modern industrial system. My County is an agricultural County, and County resources, stones, cans, gloves, and other industries Just starting out, a modern industrial system has not formed. Industry big project less, and enterprise scale partial small, and industry structure not reasonable, and industry cluster advantage not obviously, and Park level not high, and independent innovation capacity not strong, problem also compared highlight, no formed full of industry chain, industry of led, and radiation role also no is good of reflected and play, this is I County Economic total small, and per capita occupies less, and financial strength weak of fundamental reasons. Traditional and forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all 石墨,活性碳,焦炭等)的混台填允体。两种填料均具有微电解反应所需的基本元素:Fe和C。低电位的Fe与高电位的C在废水中产生电位差,具有一定导电性的废水充当电解质,形成无数的原电池,产生电极反应和由此所引起的一系列作用,改变废水中污染物的性质,从而达到废水处理的目的。 1.1 电极反应 阳极(Fe): 阴极(C): 当有O2时: 由上述反应的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 电极电位E0可知,酸性充氧条件下电极反应的E0最大,有O2存在得情况下电极反应进行得最快,该反应不断消耗废水中的H ,,使其pH值上升。因此,pH低,酸度大时,氧的电极电位提高,微电池的电位差加大,促进了电极反应的进行。这从理论上解释了酸性废水微电解反应效果较好的原因。 1.2 氧化还原反应 1.2.1 铁的还原作用 铁是活泼金属,在酸性条件下可使一些重金属离子和有机物还原为还原态,例如: (1)将汞离子还原为单质汞: (2)将六价铬还原为三价铬: (3)将偶氮型染料的发色基还原: (4)将硝基还原为胺基: 铁的还原作用使废水中重金属离子转变为单质或沉淀物而被除去,使一些大分子染料降解为小分子无色物质,具有脱色作用,同时提高了废水的可生化性。 1.2.2 氢的氧化还原作用 电极反应中得到的新生态氢具有较大的活性。能与废水中许多组分发生氧化还原作用,破坏发色,助色基团的结构,使偶氮键破裂,大分子分解为小分子,硝基化台物还原为胺基化合物,达到脱色的目的。一般地,[H]是在Fe2,的共同作用下将偶氮键打断,将硝基还原为胺基。 1.3 电化学附集 当铁与碳化铁或其他杂质之间形成一个小的原电池,将在其周围产生一个电场,许多废水中存在着稳定的胶体如印染废水,当这些胶体处于电场下时将产生电泳作用而被附集。 在电场的作用下,胶体粒子的电泳速度可由下式求出: 式中: V——胶体粒子的电泳速度(cm,s) ——电位(V) forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all D——分散介质的介电常数 E——电场强度(V,cm) ——分散介质的粘度(Pa?S) K——系数 例如采用电位差为1.2V的废铁屑和焦炭粒,浸泡在电位为0.30mV的废水溶液中,粒料间的分离距离为0.10cm,可以得到5?0-3cm/s的分离速度,从理论上计算20s就可完成电泳沉积过程。 1.4 物理吸附 在弱酸性溶液中,铁屑丰富的比表面积显出较高的表面活性,能吸附多种金属离子,能促进金属的去除,同时铁屑中的微碳粒对金属的吸附作用也是不可忽视的。而且铸铁是一种多孔性的物质,其表面具有较强的活性,能吸附废水中的有机污染物,净化废水,特别是加入烟道灰等物质时,其很大的比表面积和微晶表面上含有大量不饱和键和含氧活性基团,在相当宽的pH值范围内对染料分子都有吸附作用。 1.5 铁的混凝沉淀 在酸性条件下,用铁屑处理废水时,会产生Fe2 和Fe3 。Fe2 和Fe3 是很好的絮凝剂,把溶液pH调至碱性且有O2存在时,会形成Fe(OH)2和Fe(OH)3很好的絮凝剂,发生絮凝沉淀。反应式如下: 生成的Fe(OH)3 是胶体絮凝剂,它的吸附能力高于一般药剂水解得到的Fe(OH)3吸附能力。这样,废水中原有的悬浮物,通过微电池反应产生的不溶物和构成色度的不溶性染料均可被其吸附凝聚。 1.6 铁离子的沉淀作用 在电池反应的产物中,Fe2 和Fe3 也将和一些无机物发生反应生成沉淀物而去除这些无机物,以减少其对后续生化工段的毒害性。如S2一,CN,等将生成 FeS,Fe3[Fe(CN)6]2,Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3等沉淀而被去除。 2 工艺影响因素及设计参数 影响微电解工艺处理废水效果的因素有许多,如pH值,停留时间,处理负荷,铁屑粒径,铁碳比,通气量等。这些因素的变化都会影响工艺的效果,有些可能还会影响到反应的机理。 2.1 pH值 通常pH值是一个比较关键的因素,它直接影响了铁屑对废水的处理效果,而且在pH值范围不同时,其反应的机理及产物的形式都大不相同。一般低pH值时,因有大量的H,,而会使反应快速地进行,但也不是pH值越低越好,因为pH值的降低会改变产物的存在形式,如破坏反the parties involved see, performance is also very uneven. "Three" Office of the examination results have been communicated to you, we can take a look at, and advanced control differences, the lack of control the position, be sure to complete the task and achieve a breakthrough this year. In advancing the work, to grasp the following points: (a) a deep understanding of "three" the significance of the work. Implementing "three" is the realization of synchronized with the provinces build well-to-do society's core starting point. Our County's economic and social development goals are ... ... Year synchronized with the city, and build a well-off society. This means that by 2018, the County's per-capita GDP to reach ... ... Million, annual growth ... ...%, the growth rate of last year was ... ...%; public finance budget revenues per capita to reach ... ... Yuan, an average annual increase ... ...%, the growth rate of last year was ... ...%. In accordance with the current growth rate, it is difficult to achieve development goals. If you want speed, at the current pace of development and efficiency, it is necessary to ensure greater capital investment. Therefore, the implementation of "three" is to achieve the development goals of the most basic and lasting, the most fundamental and effective power. Second, implementation of "three" is the key measure to set up a modern industrial system. My County is an agricultural County, and County resources, stones, cans, gloves, and other industries Just starting out, a modern industrial system has not formed. Industry big project less, and enterprise scale partial small, and industry structure not reasonable, and industry cluster advantage not obviously, and Park level not high, and independent innovation capacity not strong, problem also compared highlight, no formed full of industry chain, industry of led, and radiation role also no is good of reflected and play, this is I County Economic total small, and per capita occupies less, and financial strength weak of fundamental reasons. Traditional and forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all 应后生成的絮体,而产生有色的Fe2,使处理效果变差。而pH值在中性或碱性条件下,许多实际运行表明进行得不理想或根本不反应。因此,一般控制在pH值为偏酸性条件下,当然这也因根据实际废水性质而改变。 2.2 停留时间 停留时间也是工艺设计的一个主要影响因素,停留时间的长短决定了氧化还原等作用时间的长短,,羰奔湓匠ぃ 趸 乖 茸饔靡步 械迷匠沟祝 捎谕,羰奔涔 ぃ 崾固 南 牧吭黾樱 佣 谷艹龅腇e2, 大量增加,并氧化成为Fe3,,造成色度的增加及后续处理的种种问题。所以停留时间并非越长越好,而且对各种不同的废水,因其成分不同,其停留时间也不一样。建议设计参数:染料废水停留时间为30min;硝基苯废水停留时间为40,60min;制罐废水停留时间为7,1Oh;制药生产废水停留时间为4h;含油废水停留时间为30,40min。停留时间还取决于进水的初始pH值,进水的初始pH值低时,则停留时间可以相对取得短一点;相反,进水的初始pH值高时,停留时间也应相对的长一点。停留时间还反映了铁屑用量,停留时间长也就是说单位废水的铁屑用量大。两个参数可以相互校核,共同控制。 2.3 Fe/C比 加入碳是为了组成宏观电池,当铁中碳屑量低时,增加碳屑,可使体系中的原电池数量增多,提高对有机物等的去除效果。但当碳屑过量时,反而抑制了原电池的电极反应,更多表现为吸附,所以Fe/C比也应有一个适当值,且加入的碳的种类可以为活性炭或焦炭,碳种类对有机物等去除率影响不大,因此按经济因素考虑应选焦炭为最佳,具体设计参数为Fe/C (体积比)=1,1.5。 2.4 铁屑粒度的影响 铁屑粒度越小,单位重量铁屑中所含的铁屑颗粒越多,使电极反应中絮凝过程增加,利于提高去除率。另一方面铁屑粒度越小,颗粒的比表面积越大。微电池数也增加,颗粒间的接触更加紧密,延长了过柱时间,也提高了去除率。但粒度越小,使单位时间处理的水量太小,且易产生堵塞,结块等不利影响,故一般的粒度以60,80目为佳。 2.5 通气量 对铁屑进行曝气利于氧化某些物质,如三价砷等,也增加了对铁屑的搅动,减少了结块的可能性,且进行摩擦后,利于去除铁屑表面沉积的钝化膜,且可以增加出水的絮凝效果,但曝气量过大也影响水与铁屑的接触时间,使去除率降低。在中性条件下,通过曝气,一方面提供更充足的氧气,促进阳极反应的进行。另一方面也起到搅拌,振荡的作用,减弱浓差极化,加速电极反应的进行,并且通过向体系加入催化剂改进阴极的电极性能,提高其电化学活性来促进电极反forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all 应的进行,已取得了显著效果。 2.6 铁屑活化时间 由于铁屑表面存在有氧化膜钝层,因此在使用之前应对铁屑表面进行活化。研究表明,用稀盐酸进行活化时,当进行20min后,反应的K值基本已经稳定,故活化时间可以以20min为宜。 2.7 温度 温度的升高可使还原反应加快,但是加快最大的是反应初期,且由于维持一定的温度需要保温等措拖,一般的工业应用不予以考虑,均在常温下进行反应。 2.8 铁粉品种 一般使用的铁屑有铸铁屑和钢铁屑两种。铸铁屑含碳量高,处理效果好,但材料来源不易,絮体易破碎,强度低,易压碎结块;钢铁屑含碳量稍低而效果差,但材料易得。在流动水体中,能与废水接触均匀,不易短流或结块,表面钝化物也易被带走,自然更新力强,且增大停留时间,效果也能接近铸铁屑。磁性铸铁粉处理含铬电镀废水,取得了极佳的净化效果。磁性铸铁粉主要强化了铸铁粉表面的微电池作用,同时也加速了铁粉表面和溶液中的氧化还原速度,也能加速絮体的沉降过程。 1,微电解填料的应用及发展 1.1 印染废水的处理 印染废水是印染企业生产过程中排放的各种废水混合后的总称。我国日排放印染废水量为(300,400)×104 t,是各行业中的排污大户之一。印染废水主要由退浆废水,煮炼废水,漂白废水,丝光废水,染色废水和印花废水组成,其中含有大量的染料,助剂,浆料,酸碱,纤维杂质及无机盐等,其特点是有机物含量高,碱度高,色度深,组成复杂,可生化性差,而且其中的硝基,胺基化合物及铜,铬,锌,砷等重金属元素具有较大的生物毒性。长期以来,印染废水一直是工业废水处理的重点和难点。近年来随着染料工业的飞速发展和印染后整理技术的进步,PVA浆料,各种新型助剂和整理剂等抗光解,耐氧化和抗生物降解的有机物被越来越多的应用,排出废水的BOD5/ COD值一般在20%左右,色度有时可高达4000倍以上,印染废水的处理难度不断加大。因此有针对性的开发高效率,低成本的处理技术,是印染行业面临的重大课题。针对这一点,近几年国内外都开展了一系列的研究工作,取得了显著的进展和突破。 新技术的应用: 近年来,铁碳微电解研究成果和技术专利已经成功应用于各种规模的印染企业的废水治理工程。利用铁碳微电解技术处理印染废水,可以有效提高废水的可生化性,脱色率几乎可以达到100%,并且铁碳微电解技术是利用铁元素和碳元素自身发电,不用外加电流,因此操作方便,运行成本低廉。 the parties involved see, performance is also very uneven. "Three" Office of the examination results have been communicated to you, we can take a look at, and advanced control differences, the lack of control the position, be sure to complete the task and achieve a breakthrough this year. In advancing the work, to grasp the following points: (a) a deep understanding of "three" the significance of the work. Implementing "three" is the realization of synchronized with the provinces build well-to-do society's core starting point. Our County's economic and social development goals are ... ... Year synchronized with the city, and build a well-off society. This means that by 2018, the County's per-capita GDP to reach ... ... Million, annual growth ... ...%, the growth rate of last year was ... ...%; public finance budget revenues per capita to reach ... ... Yuan, an average annual increase ... ...%, the growth rate of last year was ... ...%. In accordance with the current growth rate, it is difficult to achieve development goals. If you want speed, at the current pace of development and efficiency, it is necessary to ensure greater capital investment. Therefore, the implementation of "three" is to achieve the development goals of the most basic and lasting, the most fundamental and effective power. Second, implementation of "three" is the key measure to set up a modern industrial system. My County is an agricultural County, and County resources, stones, cans, gloves, and other industries Just starting out, a modern industrial system has not formed. Industry big project less, and enterprise scale partial small, and industry structure not reasonable, and industry cluster advantage not obviously, and Park level not high, and independent innovation capacity not strong, problem also compared highlight, no formed full of industry chain, industry of led, and radiation role also no is good of reflected and play, this is I County Economic total small, and per capita occupies less, and financial strength weak of fundamental reasons. Traditional and forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all 印染废水水量大,色度深,碱性强,水质变化大,难降解有机污染物含量高。目前,印染废水普遍采用生化法,混凝沉淀法,混凝气浮法和活性炭吸附法进行处理。这些方法投资费用高,管理难度大,脱色效果和去除率都不理想。近几年来报道了许多用电化学法处理印染废水的研究成果和技术专利,并应用于各种规模的印染企业的废水治理工程,收到了良好的效果。利用微电解法处理染料废水,CODcr去除率达67%左右,脱色率几近100,。结果表明酸性废水有利于去除CODcr,和脱色,选择pH值为4的酸性废水为宜;延长微电解反应时间有利于提高处理效果,但会增加投资和运行费用,反应时间控制在5O min为宜;石灰乳的用量过多或过少均会影响CODcr的去除,调pH值为9时较合适;微电解反应器选择铁屑与焦炭的质量比为1:1效果最佳。 铁炭微电解法处理实际生产染料废水,实验结果表明,微电解法对染料废水有明显的去除效果,进水pH为l左右,接触时间为0.5h时,COD的去除率在60,左右,色度去除率大于94,;微电解法主要通过氧化还原作用和铁的絮凝作用去除COD和色度。 【【【【微电解填料【用户体验】开始啦~提供免费的“微电解填料样品”进行实验;开通了“微电解填料咨询热线”;同时提供全面详细的微电解填料资料等等。】】】】 3.2 含砷废水的处理 随着冶金和化工等行业发展以及贫矿的开发,砷伴随主要元素被开发出来,进入废水中的砷数量相当大。据1995年中国环境状况公报报道,95年砷排放量达到1084吨,比94年增长4.4%,1996年中国环境状况公报报道,96年砷排放量达到1132吨,比95年增长4.2%。含砷废水有酸性和碱性,当中一般也含有其它重金属离子。砷与铅等共同作用会使废水的毒性更大,国内外都曾发现废水中砷的中毒事件。 含砷废水中砷的存在形态受pH的影响很大,在中性条件下,可溶砷的数量达到最大,随着pH的升高或降低其溶解的数量都将降低。pH为5.0时,溶液中砷主要以无机砷的形态存在,当pH为6.5时,有机砷为其主要存在形态。但由于含砷废水的来源并不单一,其成分也是复杂多变的。 含砷废水的处理在六十年代就已得到世人的关注。如能回收利用则不仅可解决了砷对环境的污染问题,而且经济效益显著,节约资源。目前,比较系统的处理方法有化学沉淀法,物理法以及新兴的,最具发展前途的—新型铁碳微电解技术。 砷化物是一种高毒性物质,对环境污染严重。含砷废水目前常采用离子交换法,沉淀法和浮选法治理。陆萸英等对含砷废水处理进行了系统的概述。在上述方法中,沉淀法加入沉淀剂的量较难控制,过少除不尽砷,过多会造成二次污染。浮选法则因泥渣中含水量大,也易造成二次污染。Nazarora G N等报道了消耗Fe电极的电凝结方法处理含砷废水,但此法耗电量很大。彭根槐等人对铁屑微电池反应处理含砷废水进行了研究,结果表明通过腐蚀电池电极反应产forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all 生的Fe2 ,在碱性条件下絮凝共沉淀去除砷,去除率可达93,以上。 3.3 印刷电路板生产工业废水的处理 我国信息电子产业的快速发展为印刷电路板行业的快速发展提供了良好的市场环境。电子通讯设备,电子计算机,家用电器等电子产品产量的持续增长为印刷电路板行业的快速增长提供了强劲动力。2008年,中国印刷电路板总产值约为272.5亿美元,是全球最大的印刷电路板生产地。而在印刷电路板生产过程中有多种含重金属污染物的废水和含高浓度的有机废水排出,而如何处理这些废水就引起了市场的关注。印刷电路板废水主要含有铜离子,废水基本呈酸性。采用新型铁碳微电解工艺可以有效破除重金属络合物,有效降低COD。 随着电子工业的发展,印刷电路板的需求量增大,生产厂家及生产产量的增加,使废水量也不断增加。这种废水主要污染物为氨水,EDTA等多种络合剂及Cu2,,Ni2 等多种金属离子。国内一般采用分质处理法处理,将废水分为含络合剂废水和无络合剂废水,前者用加碱或硫酸调pH值再加沉淀剂,经沉淀过滤处理后排放(后者可直接加碱或硫化物作沉淀剂,沉淀过滤,达到净化的目的。在国外,最近有采用TMA(三硫三秦三钠盐)作沉淀剂,可避免硫化物二次污染。美国一些公司采用离子交换与隔膜电解相结台处理含络合剂重金属离子废水,这些方法去除率不高,一般较难使排放水达标。穆传奇研究报道了铁屑法处理印刷电路板废水,在酸性条件下,利用铁屑和电极反应产生的Fe2,还原重金属离子,并通过Fe(OH)3絮凝共沉的原理去除重金属离子,使废水达标排放,效果良好。处理后,出水中铜和镍离子含量均小于O.2mg/L。这项技术已推广应用。 结语 微电解工艺自2O世纪7O年代发展以来,已成功地应用于印染废水,电镀废水等多行业废水的处理工程。实际运行结果表明,该工艺具有良好的处理效果,对染料的脱色,除Cr6,,除砷氟,除油等均有良好的效果。且该工艺以废治废,运行费用低,具有良好的工业应用前景。微电解技术是目前处理高浓度废水的理想工艺,工作原理基于电化学,氧化-还原,物理吸附以及絮凝沉淀的共同作用对废水进行处理。普茵沃润公司生产的微电解填料是利用高温烧结以及现代化冶炼技术生产,每批次产品高温养护周期达到7-10天。当微电解水处理系统通水后,填充在废水中的微电解填料自身产生1.2伏电位差并形成无数的微电池系统。产生的新生态[H],fe2 等能与废水发生氧化还原作用,能够明显破坏有色废水中的发色基团或助色基团,甚至断链,达到降解脱色作用。生成的fe2 进一步氧化成fe3 ,它们的水合物具有较强的吸附-絮凝作用,特别是加碱调ph值后生成氢氧化铁和氢氧化铁胶体絮凝剂,其吸附能力更加突出显著。该法处理水质广泛,具有适用范围广,效果好,成本低廉,操作维护方便,不需电力消耗的the parties involved see, performance is also very uneven. "Three" Office of the examination results have been communicated to you, we can take a look at, and advanced control differences, the lack of control the position, be sure to complete the task and achieve a breakthrough this year. In advancing the work, to grasp the following points: (a) a deep understanding of "three" the significance of the work. Implementing "three" is the realization of synchronized with the provinces build well-to-do society's core starting point. Our County's economic and social development goals are ... ... Year synchronized with the city, and build a well-off society. This means that by 2018, the County's per-capita GDP to reach ... ... Million, annual growth ... ...%, the growth rate of last year was ... ...%; public finance budget revenues per capita to reach ... ... Yuan, an average annual increase ... ...%, the growth rate of last year was ... ...%. In accordance with the current growth rate, it is difficult to achieve development goals. If you want speed, at the current pace of development and efficiency, it is necessary to ensure greater capital investment. Therefore, the implementation of "three" is to achieve the development goals of the most basic and lasting, the most fundamental and effective power. Second, implementation of "three" is the key measure to set up a modern industrial system. My County is an agricultural County, and County resources, stones, cans, gloves, and other industries Just starting out, a modern industrial system has not formed. Industry big project less, and enterprise scale partial small, and industry structure not reasonable, and industry cluster advantage not obviously, and Park level not high, and independent innovation capacity not strong, problem also compared highlight, no formed full of industry chain, industry of led, and radiation role also no is good of reflected and play, this is I County Economic total small, and per capita occupies less, and financial strength weak of fundamental reasons. Traditional and forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all 优点。普遍用于难降解的高浓度废水的处理,不但大幅降低色度和cod,而且可以明显提高废水的可生化性,并不会对水质造成二次污染。 公司承诺: (1)我公司的每一份样品均来自工厂的产品,广大客户均可留样封存备验,假一罚十。 (2)公司拥有多名工程技术人员,将会热情无偿地为您提供21小时服务咨询,并免费提供微电解工艺以及罐体,池体图纸。 (3)在ph值3-4条件下运行,我公司填料年损耗量低于15%,此数据已得到广大客户认证。 注意事项: (1) 未投入使用的微电解填料,要保持干燥,避免浸水或者受潮。 (2) 已经投入使用的微电解填料,工程停止运转之后仍然要用废水浸泡,不要暴露在空气中,以免氧化。 (3) 视情况定期对填料进行反冲洗,以提高填料的处理效果。 (4) 填料使用ph值理论上在3-4间效果最佳,ph值越低填料损耗同时相应增加,但对某些废水ph值的设定要依据试验结果确定。 forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all
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