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新概念英语课堂笔记6Lesson 6, Beggar 乞丐 坐在阶梯上,脸埋在胳膊里 I sat on the stair, with my face buried in my arms 显然,好心的市民将我视为一个乞丐 Obviously one kind-hearted citizen took me for a beggar *** 女人抱着一个小孩The lady has a baby in her arms 左手一只鸡,右手一只鸭,背上一个胖娃娃 Have one chicken in the left ...

Lesson 6, Beggar 乞丐 坐在阶梯上,脸埋在胳膊里 I sat on the stair, with my face buried in my arms 显然,好心的市民将我视为一个乞丐 Obviously one kind-hearted citizen took me for a beggar *** 女人抱着一个小孩The lady has a baby in her arms 左手一只鸡,右手一只鸭,背上一个胖娃娃 Have one chicken in the left hand, a duck in the right hand, and a baby on the back Take A for B 把A误认为B= mistake A for B Regard A as B 将---视为I have always regarded you as my good friend and wise teacher. *** beggars can’t be choosers.乞丐没有什么好挑三拣四的 我饿了两天了。除了一个冷馒头,什么也没有了。但是好歹总比没有好。不管怎么说,饥不择食么。 I have been hungry for two days. There is nothing but a piece of cold steamed bread. However, it is better than nothing. Anyway, beggars can’t be choosers. Beg 要饭 要钱beg for money 要求帮助Beg for help 我喜欢坐在阳光下,享受闲暇,同时有两条小狗在边上跳来跳去,乞讨吃的 I love to sit in the sun, enjoying my leisure time, with two little puppies bouncing around, begging for food. I sat down on the stair and buried my face in my arms Panhandle vi 沿街乞讨 沿街乞讨会破坏一个城市的形象 Panhandling will greatly ruin the image of a city. 不允许乞丐在市中心和西湖边出现 Beggars are not allowed /Panhandling is not allowed in some areas like the city center or the lakeside streets. Pocket 口袋 1)Pocket money零花钱 我的工资很糟糕,挣的都是小钱I have a poor salary. I only make pocket money 大学生通过家教可挣得些许零花钱,经济上更加独立。College students can get some pocket money from // by private tutoring and become more independent financially. 杭州女性通过自己的事业挣大钱,在经济上更为独立。Those modern ladies in Hangzhou often make big bucks from their own business and are more independent financially. 2)be easy /hard on the pocket手头宽余或拮据 刚刚买了房子,手头非常拮据。上班全靠骑车,吃饭全靠快餐,平时从不逛街 I have just bought a house and thus become very hard on the pocket. I need to save every penny I can. I ride a bike to work, eat cheap snacks and never go out shopping. 3)口袋借代经济实力 杭州有诸多餐馆可以满足不同的消费档次和消费口味。这些饭店既提供本地菜肴辣菜还有国际菜肴 We have all kinds of restaurants to suit/meet/satisfy /for different pockets and tastes. These restaurants serve the local cuisine, the spicy cuisine and international cuisines. In the tough competition, the survivors are those with deep pockets 在激烈竞争中活下来的是实力雄厚的公司=In the fierce competition, the survivors are those with good financial strength 4)他们将每个50美分中饱私囊,当作意外之财. They pocket each 50 cents as windfall. 酒商不肯回收旧瓶,将每个瓶子5分钱的收入中饱私囊,当作额外利润 The wine dealers refuse to recycle those empty bottles and pocket each 5 cents as extra profit Call Call on sb /call at a place=visist sb/ a place 1, call for =require要求 这个岗位需要很好的英语以及团队协作This position(job)calls for good English and good teamwork/team spirit/good cooperation spirit. Work well in a team 能够进行团队协作I am a team player 有些人对团队协作了解很少,不喜欢合作。Some people know very little about team-spirit. They don’t like cooperation。2, Call off =cancel取消(安排) Call off /cancel a meeting/ the flight/ a deal/ a wedding取消会议,航班,交易,婚礼 The text Move to a house搬家 我出身于中国,但是20年前,我父母移民来到美国 I was born in china. But my parents moved to the states twenty years ago. Rent a new house重新租一个房子Renew the contract续签合同 我经济出了大问题,因此我租了一个又小又吵闹的房子 I was in a big financial trouble. Thus I rented a very small and noisy house 马路上/周围噪音不断,房租比均价高出30% There are never-ending noises from the busy roads /from the background and the rent is 30% higher than the average. Get moving 赶快开始 女士们先生们,我们时间不多,赶紧动手Ladies and gentlemen, we don’t have much time left, let’s get moving. Get things moving 把工作开展起来。 这个公司的状况不好,到处是办公室政治,效率低下,没有团结合作,希望新的领导人过来之后能够让工作开展起来,让公司走上正轨 Things are getting really bad in this company. There is office politics everywhere; there is no efficiency or cooperation. Hopefully, the new president will get things moving and get the company back onto the right track。 A beggar knocked at /on my door. 1,很轻柔的敲门声There is a soft/weak knock on the door 我想谁会在这样的晚上来敲门 I wondered who would knock at my door on such a night 2,Knock敲击,用手—〉打某人的头/鼻子knock sb on the head./nose The rain knocked at my window 雨滴敲打着窗户 Since everybody is rocking, I am coming knocking 每个人都很high,我也来要求加入Beat连续打击somebody is beating at the door有人不停的敲门 Beat the drum敲鼓Beat sb up痛打某人3,Knock sb down 1), 撞倒2),打倒(疾 病, 消息) 汽车撞倒了一个女士, 且立刻绝尘而去。The car knocked down a lady and then it dashed off immediately 伤风病倒/发烧病倒the fierce cold/fever knocked her down 可怕的消息将她击倒,带走了所有的希望The sad news knocked her down and took away her hopes Knock sth down 1),拆2),砍价 拆掉老房子,修建新的时尚社区know down the old houses to build a new and modern community 你不能牵走我的羊,然后硬塞给我一只鸡,说这是一只神奇的鸡 You can’t take away my goat and thrust upon me a rooster and then tell me this is a very amazing rooster. 把价格从100砍到了30 knock the price down from 100 to 30 = knock 70% off ( the price)= reduce/cut the price by 70% 打三折get a 70% discount. 打七折get a 30% discount. *** A : Do you have discount你们有折扣吗? B: We have good discounts and even coupons 我们有折扣,还有代金券 Stood on his head and sang songs. 倒立,唱歌 俯卧,仰卧,侧卧lie on one’s stomach, on one’s back, on one’s side 自食其力Stand on one’s feet =be independent 大三时期开始独立I began to stand on my feet when I was a junior *** Freshman=first-year student大一sophomore =second-year student大二junior= third-year student 大三 senior =fourth-year student大四 *** 年轻人应该学会独立young people should learn to stand on their own feet. 我们昨天去唱歌了,玩得很高兴。Yesterday we went to the KTV room and had a good time/had fun there. Meal :Breakfast, lunch, supper, eat regular meals 饮食规律 Three meals a day一日三餐 我要的不多。只是粗茶淡饭以及安静的生活I want nothing but three meals a day and a quiet life. I have nothing but nice words for this young man 对这个年轻人我除了赞美,没有其他可说的了 *** a much –disturbed life 不断受到干扰的生活 an eventful season 多事的一个季节an eventful trip 一波三折的旅行 an eventful life 一生极不平凡,经历过很多大事情 *** dinner正餐(中午、晚上) 我请你吃大餐I will treat you to a big dinner. 我请客My treat, be my guest 我们一起吃饭吧,我来请客How about dinner together, it’s on me. Drink the beer 喝掉啤酒 cheers干杯! 一口闷bottoms up! Drink to the last drop! 让我们为了你的健康,你的生意而干杯Let’s drink (a toast)to your health and your business. *** 一缕金色阳光照在我身上 A drop of golden sun shines down on me 我希望你一直开开心心,神采飞扬 I hope the golden sun shines down on you always. He put a piece of cheese in his pocket. 往乞丐碗里丢钱drop a few coins in the beggar’s bowl (drop表示随意) A:Where can I put the hand bag? B:Just put it on the table.放在桌上 Just place it on the table. 放在桌上 Just shove it somewhere 随便塞在哪里 Tell sb about something 讲了有关什么/介绍 这是我第一次来杭州,请向我介绍一下这个城市 This is my first trip to Hangzhou, please tell me something about the city. A :Hello. This is Zhejiang international grand hotel, can I help you. 你好浙江国际大酒店,有什么需要服务? B:Hmm, I am thinking about staying in your hotel when I am in Hangzhou. Can you tell me something about the facilities in your hotel? 我在想下次我来杭州住在你们酒店,能不能介绍一下你们酒店的设施。 Know 长期概念 I know him well. 我很了解他 I want to get to know him vs I want to know you. 前者表示动作,以前不认识;后者表示已经不是陌生人,希望关系得到更进一步的发展 I got to know you at last year’s fair 我们去年在交易会上认识的 He is a mere acquaintance我们只是认识而已,程度较浅 我们共事一年多了。我直觉告诉我你是不错的一个女孩,我想更多的了解你 We have been colleagues for more than one year; my heart tells me you are a very good girl. I want to know you In return for sth作为对---的回报 为了回应贵方积极合作,我方可以给与10%的折扣。但是我方希望在发货前三天收到50%的货款。 In return for your cooperation, we decide to give you a 10% discount/ to knock 10% off the price. But we would love to have 50% of the money in our bank account /receive 50% of the money 3 days before delivery/shipping. 发货后三天内收到剩余款项 But we would love to receive the balance/the rest of the money in three days after delivery. 为了回应你们的热情好客,我会安排你们入住最好的酒店,让你们品尝到当地最好的食物和诱人的小吃.带领你们看到最好美的景色。不过希望你们来得时候提前三天通知你的行程,这样我可以陪你们 In return for your hospitality, I will accommodate you in the best hotel, introduce to you the best food and snacks, and show you around the most beautiful places/tour you around the most beautiful places . Please tell me about your trip three days before your arrival, so that I can accompany you/ so that I can have time for you我能抽出时间来陪你 *** 他太忙,没有时间陪家人,孩子和朋友 He is so busy; he has no time for his family, kids and friends. 我没有时间从事体育锻炼或者休闲活动。 I have no time for sports /I have no time for leisure activities 过去进行时:过去某一具体时间的一个具体动作过程。 不是简单be动词变化,要有具体时间状语铺垫(明确时间概念或者短暂动作) 昨天晚上九点钟你在干吗?What were you doing at nine o’clock last night? 昨天晚上八点到九点在干嘛what were you doing from 8 to 9 我在陪女朋友购物I was doing shopping with my girlfriend. 妈妈进门时我正在看电视,I was watching TV when Mum came in. 昨天你怎么了,我经过你房间时我听到你在里面哭 What happened to you yesterday? I heard you were crying when I passed your room. 异常现象1 A:What did you do this morning?早上干嘛了? B:I was doing some cleaning (all morning) 我一直在打扫卫生。 异常现象2 A: Where was I? 我刚才讲到哪里了 B: You were saying that you did not like your father’s job.你说你不喜欢你爸爸的工作 A: You did not listen to me? 你刚才没有听我说 B: I was thinking about my appointment 我刚才在思考我的约会呢
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