首页 商家后台操作手册



商家后台操作手册商家后台操作手册 星企组合 商家后台操作手册V1.0 目录 星企组合 商家后台操作手册V1.0..................................................................................... 1 1、打开浏览器进去商家后台页面 ..................................................................................... 3 1.1首页: .............

商家后台操作手册 星企组合 商家后台操作手册V1.0 目录 星企组合 商家后台操作手册V1.0..................................................................................... 1 1、打开浏览器进去商家后台页面 ..................................................................................... 3 1.1首页: ................................................................................................................. 3 2、店铺管理: .......................................................................................................... 3 2.1品牌管理: ................................................................................................... 3 2.2店铺管理: .......................................................................................................... 5 2.2.1门店管理: ................................................................................................ 5 2.3分类管理: .......................................................................................................... 7 2.3.1添加新分类:............................................................................................. 7 2.4店铺基本信息管理: ............................................................................................ 7 3、商品管理: ................................................................................................................. 8 3.1添加商品: .......................................................................................................... 8 3.2在售商品管理: ................................................................................................. 10 3.3待售商品管理: ................................................................................................. 10 3.4库存管理: ........................................................................................................ 10 3.5缺货商品: ........................................................................................................ 11 3.6关联版式: ........................................................................................................ 11 3.6.1属性管理: .............................................................................................. 11 4.专场活动: ................................................................................................................. 12 4.1专场排期: ........................................................................................................ 12 4.1.1申请排期: .............................................................................................. 12 4.1.2申请专场: .............................................................................................. 13 4.2专场活动: ........................................................................................................ 14 5交易管理: ................................................................................................................. 15 5.1交易管理: ........................................................................................................ 15 5.2退款管理: ........................................................................................................ 15 5.2.1退款待处理:........................................................................................... 16 5.3发货单: ........................................................................................................... 16 5.4收货单: ........................................................................................................... 17 5.5评价管理: ........................................................................................................ 17 6、促销管理: ............................................................................................................... 18 6.1.1促销创建: .............................................................................................. 18 7、财务管理: ............................................................................................................... 18 7.1提现查询: ........................................................................................................ 19 7.2现金提现: ........................................................................................................ 19 7.3保证金: ........................................................................................................... 19 8、客服管理: ............................................................................................................... 20 8.1投诉管理: ........................................................................................................ 20 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 9、我的设置: ............................................................................................................... 20 9.1账户安全: ........................................................................................................ 20 9.2配送管理: ........................................................................................................ 20 9.2.1添加物流公司: ....................................................................................... 21 9.3运费模版: ........................................................................................................ 21 9.3.1新增运费模版: ....................................................................................... 21 9.4发货地址管理: ................................................................................................. 22 9.4.1新增地址: .............................................................................................. 22 9.5续约: ............................................................................................................... 22 10、营销中心: ............................................................................................................. 23 10.1日数据:.......................................................................................................... 23 10.2商品销量: ...................................................................................................... 24 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 1、打开浏览器进去商家后台页面,输入正确的用户名和密码后点击登陆按钮即可进入商家后台操作系统; 1.1首页:进入商家后台后显示如下后台首页页面,在此页面中可进行首页中显示的订单操作,活动报名,查看销售情况等操作;点击首页其它属性按钮即可进行其它操作; 2、店铺管理:在店铺管理页面中可进行品牌管理操作,店铺管理操作,分类管理操作及店铺基本信息管理操作; 2.1品牌管理:在店铺管理页面下点击品牌管理,即可进行已申请品牌的状态搜索操作,添加新品牌操作,及查看已申请品牌是否通过审核等操作; saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura 3 / 24 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 2.1.1添加新品牌:点击添加新品牌按钮即可进行新品牌的添加操作,输入好需要添 加的新品牌的中、英文名称后点击在商品库中查询按钮即可查询商品库中是否存在此品牌, 若存在直接点击提交资质按钮即可进行新品牌的信息填写,填写完成后点击提交并保存按 钮,对本次添加进行提交,后等待平台审核; saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 2.2店铺管理:在店铺管理页面中可进行店铺的查看、管理、更换店铺模版等操作; 点击管理店铺按钮可进行店铺首页的banner编辑与站内导航设置操作; 2.2.1门店管理:在管理门店页面下可进行banner的添加、站内导航的设置等操作; ?点击添加按钮即可进行新banner的添加操作,点击已有banner对应的编辑操作即可进行 已有banner的修改操作,点击删除按钮即可将对应的banner删除; ?在站内导航页面下点击编辑按钮即可进行已有导航的修改操作,点击删除按钮即可将对应 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura 5 / 24 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 的导航删除;点击添加按钮即可进行站内导航的新增操作;添加banner:在管理门店页面下可进行banner的添加操作,点击添加按钮即可进行新banner的添加操作,输入标题、选择图片、选择新添加的banner状态后确认无误点击保存按钮即可保存本次banner的添加,若想放弃本次操作,点击取消按钮即可;注:标有*的均为必填项;站内导航添加:在站内导航页面中点击添加按钮即可进行新导航的添加操作,点击添加按钮即可进行新导航的添加操作,选择好新增导航的信息后点击保存按钮即可完成添加操作,若想放弃则选择取消按钮即可; saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 2.3分类管理:在分类管理页面中可进行新分类的添加操作,已有分类的编辑修改操作及已有分类的删除操作;再此页面中想查看已有分类的子分类可点击全部展开按钮即可查看已添加的所有分类,点击全部收起即可即可收起全部已展开的分类; 2.3.1添加新分类:在分类管理月面中点击添加新分类后在分类名称中输入新增分类的名称,选择是否在首页显示,若有子分类点击添加子分类并进行子分类的编辑操作即可,添加完成后点击保存按钮即可完成本次添加新分类的操作; 2.4店铺基本信息管理:在店铺基本信息管理页面中可进行店铺主图的上传操作;修改联系人信息、修改企业信息、修改公司银行信息等操作; saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura 7 / 24 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 3、商品管理:在商品管理页面中可进行添加商品操作、在售商品管理操作、 待售商品管理操作、库存管理操作、缺货商品操作、关联版式操作及属性管理操作等; 3.1添加商品:在添加商品页面中可进行新商品的添加操作,选择新增商品的所属 类目后选择其二级、三级分类后天纪下一步进行新增商品的详细资料填写; saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura 9 / 24 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 3.2在售商品管理:在“在售商品管理”页面中可进行查询操作,输入一项或多项信息后可点击查看按钮进行搜索操作;可进行批量操作,勾选需要批量操作的商品后点击相应的操作按钮即可实现批量操作搜索;可对在售商品进行编辑修改操作,或下架操作; 3.3待售商品管理:在待售商品管理页面中可进行特定待售商品的查看操作,可支持单项或多项的信息搜索操作;可对待售商品进行编辑修改操作,删除待售产品操作及批量上架、设店内分类、设广告词、设置运费、添加版式、添加新产品等操作; 3.4库存管理:在库存管理页面中可进行特定商品的搜索查看操作,点击修改库存可进行相对应产品的库存修改操作; saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 3.5缺货商品:在缺货商品页面中可进行缺货商品的查询操作,输入单项或多项商品信息后点击查询按钮即可进行特定的缺货商品查询;也可进行批量下架、补货等操作,勾选需要批量操作的缺货商品后点击批量下架、补货按钮即可完成批量操作; 3.6关联版式:在关联版式页面中可进行新版是的添加操作,查看和删除已添加的关联版式操作; 3.6.1属性管理:在属性管理管理页面中可进行颜色属性、尺寸属性的编辑操作,点需要编辑的属性后的编辑按钮即可进行相对应属性的编辑操作; saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura 11 / 24 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 4.专场活动:在专场活动页面中可进行专场排期申请及专场活动申请等操作; 4.1专场排期:在专场排期页面中可进行申请排期操作,点击申请排期按钮即可进行专场排期的申请编辑操作,输入正确的排期ID,选择排期状态、输入品牌名称,选择申请时间后可进行特定产品排期的查询操作;当专场排期通过审核后可进行拒绝,查看,申请专场等操作; 4.1.1申请排期:在申请排期页面中可进行专场排期操作,输入申请排期的信息后点击保存按钮即可保存本次专场排期申请操作,点击取消按钮即可取消本次专场排期申请;注:若是首次参加,上一期销售额与上一期退货率均可不填写; saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 4.1.2申请专场:在专场排期页面中,点击操作属性下的申请专场按钮 即可进行专场的申请操作;输入完善的专场信息后点击保存并提及按钮即可完成本次申请专 场操作,等待平台审核;注:标有*为必填项,没有标有*为选填项; saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura 13 / 24 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 4.2专场活动:在专场活动页面中可进行特定专场的查询操作,及对应专场详情的 查看操作;输入需要查询的专场信息,选择专场状态及开始时间后点击查询按钮即可进行特 定专场的详情查询操作;点击查看按钮即可查看对应专场的详情; saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 5交易管理:在交易管理页面中可进行交易管理操作,退款管理操作,发货单管理操作,取货单管理操作及评价管理操作; 5.1交易管理:在交易管理页面中可进行特定交易的搜索操作,支持单项或多项信息搜索;再次页面中可选择交易状态,并在对应状态下进行相应交易操作; 5.2退款管理:在退款管理页面中可进行特定退款的搜索操作,输入订单信息即可进行搜索操作;点击订单状态下的退款待处理按钮即可进行同意退款或拒绝退款操作;点击订单状态下的退款中按钮即可产看退款进度; saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura 15 / 24 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 5.2.1退款待处理:点击退款待处理可进行买家退款的审核操作,同意买家退款申 请点击同意按钮,否则点击拒绝按钮;注:逾期未处理,退款将自动完成并退款给买家; 5.3发货单:在发货单页面中可进行特定订单的搜索操作,点击给我留言按钮可编辑 给买家的留言,点击查看按钮可查看此订单的发货状态; saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 5.4收货单:在收货单页面中可进行独立订单的搜索操作,输入正确的订单信息后点 击搜索按钮即可进行搜索操作; 5.5评价管理:在评价管理页面中可对已评价的买家进行进行回复评价操作,输入 评价内容后点击提交按钮即可完成评价回复的操作,取消点击取消按钮即可; saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura 17 / 24 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 6、促销管理:在促销管理页面中可进行查询促销操作; 6.1查询促销:在查询促销页面中可进行促销类型的选择,在各促销属性下可以进行已有的活动独立查询操作,输入正确的活动名称即可进行查询操作;点击创建促销按钮即可进行新活动的创建操作;点击查看按钮即可对已有活动进行查看,点击修改按钮即可对已有活动的详情进行修改,点击暂停按钮即可将已有的活动暂停,点击删除按钮即可将已有的活动删除; 6.1.1促销创建:在查询促销页面中点击创建促销按钮即可进行新促销活动的创建操作;输入新活动名称,选择促销方式,选择活动时间范围,输入广告语(此项可不填),点击高级选项按钮可进行促销限购操作;在商品查询属性下输入商品的编码或名称后可点击查询按钮,搜索出需要创建促销活动的商品后,勾选此商品,点击设置完成按钮即可完成本次促销创建操作;点击取消即可放弃本次创建促销操作; 7、财务管理:在财务管理页面中可进行提现查询操作,现金提现操作和保证金管理操作; saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 7.1提现查询:在提现查询页面中可进行独立提现时间范围内的提现搜索操作,时间输入正确后点击搜索按钮即可进行搜索操作;点击对应提现单号操作属性下的查看明细按钮即可查看此提现详情; 7.2现金提现:在现金提现页面中核对好个人信息后输入正确的提现金额点击确认按钮即可进行提现操作;注:提现金额不能超过资金余额; 7.3保证金:在保证金页面中可进行限定时间段内的缴费信息查询操作,选择需要查询的时间范围或选择正确的缴费类型或状态后点击查询按钮即可进行查询操作;点击操作属性下的查看按钮即可查看缴费明细;若有需要批量付费的账单可将其序号勾选后点击批量付费按钮即可实现批量付费操作; saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura 19 / 24 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 8、客服管理:在客服管理页面中可进行投诉管理操作; 8.1投诉管理:在投诉管理页面中可进行特定投诉搜索操作,输入投诉编号后点击搜索按钮即可进行投诉查询操作;点击投诉订单操作属性下的“等待卖家上传”按钮后可查看商家处理投诉明细;点击投诉订单操作属性下的“客服乐购处理中”按钮后可查看客服处理投诉进度; 9、我的设置:在我的设置页面中可进行账户安全管理操作,费送管理操作,运费模版管理,发货地址管理及续约管理操作; 9.1账户安全:在账户安全页面中可进行手机号码的更换操作,登入密码的修改操作,密保问题的设置操作及手机绑定设置操作; 9.2配送管理:在配送管理页面中可进行添加物流公司操作,已有物流的默认设置操作,修改和删除已有无聊信息操作; saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 9.2.1添加物流公司:点击添加物流公司按钮即可进行新物流公司的添加操作,选择新增物流公司,输入备注 说明 关于失联党员情况说明岗位说明总经理岗位说明书会计岗位说明书行政主管岗位说明书 ,输入正确排序后点击保存按钮即可保存本次添加物流公司操作; 9.3运费模版:在运费模版页面中可进行新运费模版的添加操作,修改已有运费模版操作,及删除已有运费模版操作; 9.3.1新增运费模版:在运费模版页面中点击新增运费模版按钮即可进行新运费模版的添加操作;输入新增运费模版名称,选择是否包邮,选择邮费规则,输入运费内容后点击保存且返回按钮即可完成本次运费模版添加操作,点击取消按钮即可取消本次模版添加操作; saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura 21 / 24 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 9.4发货地址管理:在发货地址管理页面中可进行新增地址的操作,设为默认发货地址操作,修改和删除已有地址操作; 9.4.1新增地址:在发货地址管理页面中点击新增地址按钮即可进行新地址的添加操作,在新增页面中选择所在地区,输入详细地址,输入正确的发货人姓名,输入正确的联系电话,选择地址类型,选择是否设为默认操作后点击确认按钮即可保存本次添加操作,点击取消按钮即可放弃本次新增地址操作; 9.5续约:在续约页面中先点击“详情请查看《2014年商户续约说明》”仔细阅读后,下载《2014年商户签约合同 》阅读后填写好甲方信息后点击上传文件,将续约合同电子版上传给平台,上传成功后点击提交按钮即可,提交后等待平台审核,续约审核通过后缴纳续约费用即可继续使用本平台; saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 10、营销中心:在营销中心页面中可进行数据 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 操作,选择日数据和商 品数据后输入相应的信息后即可进行相应的查询操作; 10.1日数据:选择日数据页面后输入需要查询的起止时间后,点击查询按钮即可进 行此时间范围内的日数据查询操作; saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura 23 / 24 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 10.2商品销量:点击商品销量按钮后在商品销量页面中输入需要查询的起止时间 范围,并选择商品状态是否发货,信息输入成功后点击查询按钮即可进行此时间段内的商品 销售量查询操作; saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized
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