首页 2010年高考数学知识点复习重点90条(In 2010, the university entrance examination mathematics knowledge spot review key 90)

2010年高考数学知识点复习重点90条(In 2010, the university entrance examination mathematics knowledge spot review key 90)


2010年高考数学知识点复习重点90条(In 2010, the university entrance examination mathematics knowledge spot review key 90)2010年高考数学知识点复习重点90条(In 2010, the university entrance examination mathematics knowledge spot review key 90) 2010年高考数学知识点复习重点90条(In 2010, the university entrance examination mathematics knowledge spot review key 90) 2010 college entrance examination mathemati...

2010年高考数学知识点复习重点90条(In 2010, the university entrance examination mathematics knowledge spot review key 90)
2010年高考数学 知识点 高中化学知识点免费下载体育概论知识点下载名人传知识点免费下载线性代数知识点汇总下载高中化学知识点免费下载 复习重点90条(In 2010, the university entrance examination mathematics knowledge spot review key 90) 2010年高考数学知识点复习重点90条(In 2010, the university entrance examination mathematics knowledge spot review key 90) 2010 college entrance examination mathematics knowledge points review focus on 90.Txt38 when the clouds covered the sky, the pessimist sees the "dark pressure to destroy" the optimist see is "energy-saving Linkai". In any adversity, as long as you keep optimistic, you can always find such a strange strawberry. In 2010, the university entrance examination mathematics review key knowledge 90 1. known sets A and B, did you notice the extreme situation at that time: or did you forget the subset of the set? 2. for M finite set of n elements, the number of subsets, subsets, nonempty set, non empty subsets as follows 3. inversion law:,. 4., the negation of "P" and "Q" is "non P" or "non Q"; the negation of "P" or "Q" is "non P" and "non Q"". . 5., the negation of proposition only denies the conclusion; the negative proposition is the negation of both the condition and the conclusion. Some important properties of 6. functions: If the function has everything, then the image of the function is symmetric about the line, even the function; If there are, then the function of the image about the straight line symmetry; function and function of the image about the straight line symmetry; Functions and functions of the image about the line symmetry; functions and functions of the image about the straight line symmetry; function and function of the image about the coordinate origin symmetrical; The Joachim function in the interval is increasing function in the interval is also increasing function; if I function in the interval is increasing function in the interval is a decreasing function; The image of the function is obtained by moving the image along X axis in a units; the image of the function is obtained by translating the image along the right axis of the X axis; The image function of +a is to help the image along the Y axis on the a translation units get; image function of +a is to help the image down along the Y axis units obtained. 7. when you find the analytic expression of a function and the inverse function of a function, do you mark the domain of the function? 8. a useful conclusion between functions and their inverse functions: the intersection of the original function and the inverse function image is not all on y=x (e.g.:); the function value at x+a is only understood. 9. of the original function in the interval increasing, then there is a inverse function, and the function is anti monotone increasing; but a function of inverse function, this function is not necessarily monotonic. Determine the parity of a function, you pay attention to the domain of the function is symmetric about the origin of the necessary sufficient conditions? 10. be sure to note that >0 (or <0) is a necessary condition for this function to increase monotonically (monotonically) over a given interval. 11. do you know the monotonic interval of the function? (the function is monotonically increasing on or above; monotonically decreasing on or off); this is a widely used function! 12. remember that the singular function y=f (x) defined on R must go past the origin. 13., the monotonicity and parity of abstract functions must be closely related to the properties of functions, and they are solved by the definitions of monotonicity and parity. At the same time, to understand some important methods of monotone functions using the unequal relationship between the proof of identity: F (a) B and f (a) = b f (a) =b?. 14. logarithmic function when you pay attention to the natural conditions and the base? (count is greater than zero, the base is greater than zero and is not equal to 1) base letters are discussed. The deformation of the formula and the number 15, Have you mastered it? () 16. do you remember the logarithmic identities? () 17. "Real Coefficient Quadratic Equation with one unknown has a real solution" into "," do you notice if the original title must be; no point is the "two" equation, function or inequality, if you take into account the two coefficients may be zero? For example: do you discuss the a = 2 for all values that are always set and a? 18. important properties: in arithmetic progression; if, in an arithmetic. 19. important properties in geometric progression: if, then, equal. 20. have you noticed that when you apply the geometric progression to the first N and the sum, you need to discuss in a different way A property of 21. sequence: letbe series and the first item n, necessary and sufficient conditions for arithmetic sequence is (a, B is constant), and its tolerance is 2a. 22. do you know how to sum up a series by using the "offset subtraction" method? (if that is the arithmetic progression, geometric series is, for the former n and) 23. when using the general formula of a series, an is usually piecewise, right? Did you notice that? 24. do you remember the summation of the cleft? (eg) Superposition method: Superposition: 25. to solve the triangle problem when you pay attention to the domain of the tangent, cotangent function? Have you noticed the boundedness of sine and cosine functions? SinA>sinB in ABC, A>B? To? 26. generally speaking, periodic functions add absolute values or squares, whose cycles are halved (as cycles are, but cycles are) 27. is a function a periodic function? (none of them) 28., sine, cosine, tangent, symmetry axis, symmetry center, you know? 29. in the triangle, do you know what 1 is? ( These are collectively referred to as the substitution of 1), and the substitution of constant 1 has a wide range of applications 30. in the triangulation of identical deformations, particular attention must be paid to the transformations of angles 31. do you remember what the requirements for the triangulation problem are? At least, the number of species, not least the denominator function with trigonometric functions, and can calculate the value of the expression, be sure to calculate value) Do you remember the 32. triangular simplification of continuity through the law? (from the function name, operation angle, analyses the differences between the three aspects, the commonly used techniques are: cutting of strings, descending formula, triangle formula transformation special angle. Different with the angle of diversification, synonym name, high and low times) 33. do you remember the trigonometric values of some special angles? () 34. do you remember the arc length formula and fan area formula in radians? () 35. auxiliary angle formula: (the quadrant in which the corner is determined by the symbol of a, B, the value of the angle is determined) plays an important role in seeking the most value and simplifying it 36. when you use the inverse trigonometric function to express the angle of inclination of the straight line, the angle of the two vectors and the angles formed by the lines of the two opposite faces, do you notice their respective ranges of values and meanings? The lines in different planes into the corner, line and plane of the angle, dihedral angle range is in turn; The angle of inclination of the straight line, the angle and the angle of the straight line are in turn; The range of the included angle of the vector is [0, PI] 37. if, then, What are the necessary and sufficient conditions? 38. how to find the modulus of a vector? What's the projection in the direction? 39. and if the angle theta and theta theta <0 COS is an obtuse angle, right? (the reverse must be removed) 40. do you remember what the translation formula is? (this is the most basic method of translation problems). It is also possible to draw the conclusion that the y=f (x) image moves to the left |h| units and moves up to |k| units, and the translation vector is = (-|h|, |k|). What is the standard writing format of the solution set of the 41. inequality? (usually expressed as a set of expressions) What is the general solution to the 42. fraction inequality? (revenuer -) 43. how about absolute values of inequalities with two absolute values? (square sides or classifications discussed) 44. when you use the important inequality and the variational formula to find the maximum value of the function, do you notice the condition that the A, B (or a, B, nonnegative) and the equal sign are established? 45., how can we discuss the solution of an inequality with parameters? (especially after the end of the index or the logarithm), it is necessary to write: after all, the solution of the original inequality is... 46., the general method of solving parametric inequalities is based on the definition of domain, the basis of increasing or decreasing functions, and the discussion of classification is the key" The solution of the problem of 47. constant inequalities is to solve the problem by means of the monotonicity of the corresponding functions. In the 48. chapter, the two chapters of "straight line and circle" and "Conic Curve" reflect the nature of analytic geometry and study the geometric properties of graphs by algebraic methods. (04 Shanghai college entrance examination questions) Several forms of 49. linear equations: point type, oblique inclined cutting, two type, intercept type, general type. And the limitations of various forms, such as point (not applicable to oblique line, the slope does not exist so set the equation of inclined or inclined cutting point, you should first consider the slope there is no case). 50. when a line equation is established, the slope of a straight line can generally be set to K. Do you notice that when the line is perpendicular to the X axis, the slope k does not exist? (for example: a straight line through the point, and is round cut chord length is 8, and the chord of the linear equation. We should pay attention to this problem, and don't miss the x+3=0 51., the simple linear programming problem of the feasible domain, we should pay attention to inequality is expressed in the region of the corresponding line above and below, whether to include the boundary point. Use special points to judge. 52. pairs of two lines that do not coincide ; 53., the straight line on the axis of the cutting moment can be positive, negative, or 0. 54., the line is equal to the intercept on the two axis. The equation of the line can be understood, but don't forget that the intercept of the line y=kx on the two axes is 0 and the intercept is equal when the a=0 is equal. 55., there are two ways to deal with the relationship between the straight line and the circle: (1) the distance from point to line; (2) simultaneous equation and linear equation; discriminant method. Generally speaking, the former is simpler. 56., the relation between the circle and the circle can be determined by the relation between the distance between the center of the circle and the radius of the two circle. In the 57. round, note the right triangle composed of distance by radius, chord, and a string of heart. Fifty-eight What is the coordinate formula for definite points? (starting points, points, points, and values can be made clear), do you notice when using a definite fraction to solve a problem? 59. curve equations, you know? Equation of linear system? The system of equations of a circle? Confocal elliptic systems, hyperbolic asymptote department? The common chord equation obtained by intersection of 60. and two circles is the two circle equation, subtracting and subtracting the two term. X0x+y0y=r2 represents the tangent of a point (x0, Y0) on the circle x2+y2=r2. If the point (x0, Y0) is outside the known circle, what does the x0x+y0y=r2 mean? (tangent chord) 61. elliptic equations, the three parameters a, B, and C satisfy a2+b2=c2, right? What relation should the three parameter satisfy in hyperbolic equation? 62. a rectangular triangle consisting of the center of focus and the ends of the short axis in the ellipse. 63. the formula for the radius of the ellipse and hyperbola, do you remember? 64. in analytic geometry, it is possible that these two lines coincide when studying the positional relations of two straight lines. In solid geometry, the two lines mentioned in general can be considered as they do not coincide. 65. when you define problems by using conic curves, do you notice the order of the numerator denominator in the definition? 66. when we solve the conic curve and the straight line, we must pay attention to the equation obtained after the elimination of the element: is the coefficient of the two term zero? Discriminant limit. (intersection point, chord midpoint, slope, symmetry and the existence problem in under). The 67. path is the minimum chord in all the focal strings of a parabola. 68. the parabolic crossing of the parabolic y2=2px (p>0) focus is A (x1, Y1), B (X2, Y2), then the focal radius formula |AB|=x1+x2+p. 69. if A (x1, Y1), B (X2, Y2) is the two curve C:F (x, y) =0 string of two endpoints, then F (x1, Y1) =0, and F (X2, Y2) =0. When the midpoint and slope of the chord are concerned, the commonly used point difference method is used as F (x1, Y1) -F (X2, Y2) =0 to obtain the relation between the midpoint coordinates of chord AB and the slope of string AB. 70. make a dihedral angle plane angle of the main method is what? (definition method, three perpendicular theorem, vertical plane method) 71. what is the conventional method of finding the distance from point to surface? (direct method, volume transformation method, vector method) 72. for the spherical distance between two points is the key to calculate the center angle. 73. solid geometry commonly used in some conclusions: the length of the tetrahedron is high, the volume of V=. 74. projective theorem of area, in which the projective area is expressed, and the original area is expressed. 75. lines in different planes angle formed using "translation method" to solve, we must pay attention to the translation angle is for angle or angle. 76., the folding of plane figures and the expansion of solid figure, etc., should pay attention to the invariants and invariance of geometric elements before and after unfolding and unfolding". The 77. vertices of the prism in the bottom surface of the bottom of the heart, when it is projective, orthocenter, Circumcenter of center of gravity? 78. solutions of permutation and combination rule is: element analysis and position analysis problem -- adjacent binding method; no neighbor problem plug-in method; multi row single row; location priority method; multi classification problem; sequential allocation problem; the selection of the first row after row; at least indirect method. 79. binomial theorem, Is the same concept as the maximum coefficient term, the maximum of the coefficient of the term, and the maximum of the binomial coefficient of the item? 80., the two items of the expansion of the various factors, algebra and the relevant questions in the "valuation method", "transformation method", for the specific items of "general formula formula", "structural analysis", you will use it? 81. note some properties of the binomial (e.g.). What is the applicable condition of the 82. formula P (A+B), =P (A), +P (B), P (AB), =P (A), P (B)? 83. the common feature of simple random sampling and stratified sampling is that each individual is equal to the probability of being pumped. 84.=0 is the necessary and inadequate condition that the function y=f (x) has extreme values at x=x0. 85. note that the value at the point on the curve is the slope of the tangent. (geometric meaning of derivative) 86. what are the special ways to answer straight questions (choice questions and fill in the blanks)? (direct method, numerical combination method, specialization method, reasoning analysis method, elimination method, verification method, estimation method, etc.) 87. what are the most basic requirements when answering an applied problem? (you find in the title, keywords, with unknown function relation, we list the initial conditions, specify the unit, answer) 88. common methods for seeking trajectory equation are direct method, undetermined coefficient method, definition method, transfer method (correlation point method), parameter method, etc.. 89., due to the university entrance examination to take computer marking, so must make efforts to make neat handwriting, roll surface clean, remember to answer in the prescribed areas. 90., maintain a good state of mind is the normal play, the key to success in college entrance examination!
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