首页 中国内地和香港的市场营销能力调查和制造业能力提升外文翻译(可编辑)



中国内地和香港的市场营销能力调查和制造业能力提升外文翻译(可编辑)中国内地和香港的市场营销能力调查和制造业能力提升外文翻译(可编辑) 中国内地和香港的市场营销能力调查和制造业能力提 升外文翻译 外文翻译 原文 An investigation of marketing capabilities and upgrading performance of manufacturers in mainland China and Hong Kong Material Source: Journal of World Business 2009 463?475 Author: ...

中国内地和香港的市场营销能力调查和制造业能力提升外文翻译(可编辑) 中国内地和香港的市场营销能力调查和制造业能力提 升外文翻译 外文翻译 原文 An investigation of marketing capabilities and upgrading performance of manufacturers in mainland China and Hong Kong Material Source: Journal of World Business 2009 463?475 Author: Teck-Yong Eng a,*, J. Graham Spickett-Jones b,1 ABSTRACT Although Chinese manufacturers are considered as latecomers or followers in global commodity chains, they have also been experiencing rapid progress in upgrading performance from own equipment manufacturing OEM, original design manufacturing ODM to own brand manufacturing OBM. Current literature on the global commodity chain has focused primarily on economic conditions that help explain manufacture upgrade while giving limited attention to what marketing capabilities support and sustain firm competitiveness through upgrading. This article examines eight different marketing capabilities to assess influence on manufacture upgrade performance. A survey of electronics manufacturers in mainland China and Hong Kong shows the significance of individual marketing capabilities and implications of their interdependency for manufacture upgrade performance. In particular, product development, marketing communication and channel management capabilities are crucial for manufacture upgrade. The results also highlight the importance of selective marketing capability development and the potential of secondary support for the relationship between substantive and dynamic capabilities. Keywords: Manufacture upgrade, Marketing capabilities, OEM?ODM?OBM 1. Introduction The inexorable growth of China’s economy after a series of economic reforms post 1978 has primarily been supported by its manufacturing industry. The gradual process of economic liberation in attracting foreign investment was initiated through the Pearl River Delta region in the Guangdong province north border of Hong Kong Berger & Lester, 1997. This area has been the fastest growing economic region in mainland China and an economic gateway for Chinese manufacturers dealing with foreign multinationals. With intense regional and global competition, Chinese manufacturers are under growing pressure to upgrade from being low-cost to value-added producers of proprietary technology underpinned by brand reputation in the global commodity chain. A focus on the China experience in manufacture upgrade is timely and noteworthy. China has sustained its economic growth for more than two decades with a gradual and uninterrupted economic transition Boisot & Child, 1996; Tan, 2007, and Chinese enterprises account for 96% of the country’s industrial markets Li, 1998. This study has four main objectives. The first is to identify the types of marketing capabilities that influence successful upgrading performance. This addresses a gap in the literature about the source of performance differences in relation to specific marketing capabilities. The second examines the extent of the influence of salient marketing capabilities for manufacture upgrade. This contributes to knowledge by showing the critical marketing capability development required for manufacture upgrade. The third examines the presence of interaction and interdependence among different marketing capabilities. This can reveal why the development of certain resources and key relationships may enhance successful upgrading performance. Finally, the fourth objective attempts to understand how the development of resources may influence the direction and success of manufacture upgrade. This helps advance knowledge of the path of resource development needed to support the specific marketing capabilities that underpin manufacture upgrade performance. This study contributes to both practitioners and policy makers. Manufacturers are in a stronger position to improve their global competitiveness with a deeper understanding of the resources related to specific marketing capabilities for successful manufacture upgrade. In addition, policy makers are better able to guide potential new entrants and provide relevant government aids by directing support to develop suitable marketing capabilities with significant influence on upgrading performance. By identifying marketing capabilities that are especially important for manufacture upgrade, the industry best practice on Chinese manufacturers can be disseminated for the benefit of existing manufacturers and those operating in similar environmental contexts. With critical insight into relevant marketing capabilities, both government and industries are in a better position to plan and allocate resources to help support successful manufacture upgrade. Finally, the development of relevant marketing capabilities should help manufacturers increase their earnings in competitive markets by allowing companies to capture more of the value in the supply chain. 3. Methodology 3.1. Sample and data collection For each organizational unit, two key informants were used in the data collection. These were selected from senior executives and managers with job titles such as a managing director, business director and/or senior manager. By comparing the data obtained from two informants in an organization the common method bias could be reduced Podsak, MacKenzie&Lee, 2003. It is also possible to reduce the threat of common method variance if there are significant differences between the two informants by separating the results of independent marketing capabilities from dependent upgrading performance variables. A comparison of the perceived relative influence of marketing capabilities on manufacture upgrade performance reported by directors and managers shows a strong correlation r .45, p .01, reducing the threat of common variance. 3.2.Measures The ROI measure attempts to capture the return on capital investment. Manufacturers would invest in various resources, such as technology and advertising, in an attempt to upgrade their operations. A two-year average of ROI was considered appropriate because investment in marketing capabilities e.g., marketing research, branding can be implemented fairly rapidly. A longer average period of ROI may be masked by fixed asset investments typical in manufacturing sectors e.g., new machines and manufacturing plants. Since all the manufacturers are operating in the electronics sectors, the average ROI can provide a meaningful comparison. Also, this information is available from secondary data via published annual reports and return on equity data for listed manufacturers. ROI. The IPO success measure was applied, when applicable. This measure would support whether there had been positive impact of the manufacturer’s capabilities on stakeholders confidence in seeking capital to expand its business. This measure served to reduce potential bias from other performance measures through the perceived risky element of IPOs. The measure is also relevant in terms of manufacturers going through a transitory growth period in the process of upgrading. Although the above multiple performance indicators can be influenced by subjectivity, it would be difficult to extract adequate and reliable financial information for mostly small and medium sized manufacturers without having to accommodate some element of relative subjectivity. The sample size, however, can help to counter the risk of subjective bias because this might be expected to balance across the respondent population. Furthermore, the use of subjective performance measures is not uncommon in strategy related research e.g., Dess & Robinson, 1984; Venkatraman & Ramanujam, 1986, 1987. 5. Discussion The results indicate that three individual marketing capabilities of product development, marketing communication and channel management are crucial for manufacture upgrade. They exhibit characteristics of dynamic capabilities through change over time in terms of upgrading manufacturing operations that alter competences or upgrade performance in the marketplace. This finding shares the idea that dynamic capabilities evolve internally in developing new marketing capabilities as well as externally in responding to external market demands Rindova & Taylor, 2002. The results provide some clarification that the evolution of dynamic capabilities may emanate from changes of internal resource upgrade rather than the firm’s ability to address rapidly changing environments Teece et al., 1997 or the presence of dynamic capabilities with environmental conditions Sapienza et al., 2006. The effects of the significant individual marketing capabilities on changes related to manufacture upgrade provide support that not all capabilities have positive impact on performance Sapienza et al., 2006. This also reduces the tautological criticism of dynamic capability and competitive advantage tied to post hoc and typical performance measures such as profitability and growth Zahra et al., 2006 particularly in the absence of the effects of dynamic capabilities on change of a specific marketing capability. While not all the marketing capabilities and their interactions have uniformly positive consequences on manufacture upgrade performance, the results support the interdependency of marketing capabilities Vorhies & Morgan, 2005 and reveal potential of some substantive capabilities serving for a secondary role in enabling dynamic capabilities to generate value Zahra et al., 2006. Theoretically, the results suggest that an understanding of marketing capabilities and their significance for manufacture upgrade can help link the appropriate capabilities needed to support upgrade potential. This study sheds some light on the internal emphasis of inside-out processes of capabilities in market-driven organisations Day, 1994. In particular, knowledge of the interaction of certain marketing capabilities canbe critical for organisational survival. For example, the results show positive as well as negative performance implications for the interaction of marketing capabilities. In a review of entrepreneurship and dynamic capabilities, Zahra et al. 2006, p. 924 stress that dynamic capabilities must be well targeted and deployed in order to achieve strategic goals. The results contribute to the dynamic capability literature in terms of the relationship between the types of marketing capabilities and manufacture upgrade performance. 6. Conclusion Manufacture upgrade in the global commodity chain has been a vital aspect of value creation, providing economic growth for many successful firms. An obvious explanation for the rapid and successful manufacture upgrade of some firms is investment in marketing capabilities. For example, some of today’s most successful Japanese brands e.g., Sony, Toshiba are the result of systematic investment in marketing capabilities such as brand development Wee, 1994. But to date, no empirical study has focused on the significance of marketing capabilities for manufacture upgrade. In the context of China’s electronics manufacturers, this article has examined eight marketing capabilities and identified specific salient marketing capabilities that have strong positive effects on performance. This includes product development, marketing communication and channel management capabilities. Interdependency among marketing capabilities further highlights the importance of selective capability development and the potential of secondary support for the relationship between dynamic and substantive capabilities. The literature on dynamic capabilities has largely neglected an internal perspective e.g., Day’s 1994 inside-out approach for the use and development of marketing capabilities in growth activities. This article contributes to the assessment of dynamic marketing capabilities by explicitly linking capability transformations manufacture upgrade to new performance measures. Finally, this research contributes to the growing research interest in the emergence of Chinese firms in the world business developments 译文 中国内地和香港的市场营销能力调查和制造业能力提升 资料来源: 世界商业杂志(2009年)第463-475页 作者:格雷厄姆-琼斯 摘要 尽管中国制造企业进入国际商品市场比较晚,他们已经经历了一系列的 产业升级,从初始设备制造(代工生产),原创 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 生产(原始设计制造商)到自主 品牌生产(自有品牌生产商)。当前对全球商品链的研究主要集中在经济环境对生 产升级的影响,而这篇文章主要讨论的是市场营销能力对企业如何通过升级来提 升自己竞争力的影响。这篇文章从8个方面来讨论市场营销能力对企业升级的影 响。 通过对一家在大陆和香港的电子企业的研究,我们发现个人的市场营销能力 对企业生产升级是非常重要的, 并且它们之间互相依存,互相影响。 特别值得一 提的是, 产品开发,市场交流,渠道(分销)管理的能力对生产升级是非常重要的。 关键词:制造业升级,市场营销能力,原始设备生产商-原始设计制造商-代工厂经营自有品牌 导言 中国经济从1978年改革以来的稳固增长主要来源于制造业的发展。经济自由化始于香港北面的广东省珠江三角洲,并吸引了很多外资。这片地方成为中国大陆经济增长最快的的区域,中国的制造商们在这里和国外的跨国企业做生意(贝格和赖斯特,1997)。然而在日渐激烈的全球和区域竞争下,越来越大的压力 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 中国制造业进行升级,完成在全球供应链中从制造低价格低附加值产品升级到有自主品牌的转变。聚焦中国在制造业升级中的经验是耗时但值得的。中国在缓慢而自主的经济转化中已经保持了二十年的经济增长(薄瑟特和查得,1996年;谭,2007年),在这期间中国企业占据了96%的产业份额(李,1998年)。 本研究有四个主要目标。第一,指出影响企业生产升级成功与否的四个市场营销能力, 这填补了以往研究上的漏洞。 第二,调查显著的市场营销能力对生产升级的影响,发现生产升级是离不开重要的市场营销策略的。 第三,研究了各个市场营销能力之间互相影响,互相依存的关系。由此发现某种资源和关系对生产升级的重要性。第四,研究资源的积累和发展对生产升级的方向和成功与否的影响, 这帮助我们理解企业应加强哪方面的资源来支持市场营销。 本研究能为企业家和政策制定者提供帮助。制造商通过了解市场营销能力的作用,有利于他们提高国际市场竞争力。另外,执政者可以更好的引导有潜力的新的制造商,并提供相关的政府支持,帮助他们发展可持续发展的市场营销能力。并且本研究有助于制造商和执政者理解一些成功案例背后的奥秘, 有助于把 成功的运营模式推广。通过对市场营销的作用的研究,政府和企业可以更好的安排和分配资源以达到生产升级的作用。最后,市场营销能力的发展将有助于制造商增加盈利,因为他们能更好的管理供应链,从而获取更多的价值。 方法论 3.1.样本和数据收集 在每个组织单元里,我们从两个管理者处收集信息。信息源包括高层管理人员,董事总经理、业务主管或高级经理(博萨科,麦肯齐,李,2003年)。通过比较两种信息,研究误差可以减小。如果两种信息的差异比较大, 我们也可以通过把自变量(市场营销能力)的结果和应变量(生产升级表现)的结果分开,来减少误差。通过比较表明,市场营销能力和生产升级表现是紧密相关的,相关系数r.45, p.01.。 3.2.措施 指标可以测出投资回报率。 制造商会在很多种资源中做投资,比如科技和广告,来提升他们的运营效率。作者认为投资回报率的两年平均值是合适的指标,因为市场营销能力(比如营销,市场调查,树立品牌)能够较快的实施。一个较长时间的投资回报率平均值受其他生产要素的影响也比较大(比如对新工厂和新机器的投资)。由于我们研究的生产商都在电子行业,一个投资回报率的平均值可以提供十分有意义的比较。另外,投资回报率的信息可以从公司发布的年报中获得。 在某些合适的情况下,首次公开募股的市场情况也会被用作指标。首次公开募股的市场情况可以体现出投资者对制造商能力的信心。 这个衡量指标可以减少其他衡量指标中的潜在偏见,使本研究更加客观。这个指标也跟在经历升级, 转型的制造企业密切相关。尽管以上几个衡量指标都带有主观性,我们很难从其他地方了解中小企业的财务信息。并且我们可以通过增加样本来减少主观偏见的影响。而且这种带有主观性的衡量指标在其它策略相关的研究中也是很常见的(例如,戴斯和罗宾逊,1984年;万科特曼和冉曼由詹,1986年,1987年)。 讨论 研究结果表明,三个市场营销能力包括产品开发能力、市场交流能力和渠道(分销)管理能力对制造升级是非常重要的。这种动态的能力会随着时间和市场的变化而变化,从而升级生产运作模式,提高市场竞争力。动态的能力不仅需要公司内部不断发展新的市场营销能力,也要不断的对外在的变化作出及时的反应(瑞达华和泰勒,2002年)。本研究也发现这种动态的能力来源于公司内部资源的升级(施莎等人,2006年),而不是公司发现环境变化的能力或者同环境条件下变化的动态能力(缇斯等人,1997年)。然而,不是所有的个人市场营销能力都有利于生产升级(施莎等人,2006年)。这也降低了动态能力与竞争优势联系在一起后,特别是在对一个特定的市场营销能力变化的动态能力的影响,如典型的缺乏盈利能力和增长特别措施(赫拉等人,2006年)。 虽然不是所有的营销能力和它们之间的相互作用对产品性能升级产生积极影响,其结果支持了市场营销能力的相互依存(?贺瑞斯和摩根,2005年),还揭示了一个次要角色的动态能力和创造价值的一些实质性的能力(赫拉等人,2006年)。理论结果表明,对市场营销能力和制造升级意义的认识可以帮助发展升级的潜力。这项研究揭示了一些以市场为导向的内部淘汰进程(戴,1994年)。特别是,某些营销知识的互补对组织的生存起到重要的作用。例如,营销能力结果显示积极的和负面的影响。在充满活力的企业家的审视下,萨拉等人(2006年,924页) 强调,动态能力必须有很强的针对性和部署,以实现战略目标。研究结果表明动态能力中的营销能力有助于制造升级性能。 6.结论 制造业在全球产业链中已经成为一个非常有经济创造力的产业,使许多成功的公司有了好的经济效益。显而易见的,一些公司在营销能力上的提高使其快速并且成功的得到了产量提升。例如,当今最成功的(例如,索尼,东芝)等日本公司,都是系统的投资,市场营销能力提升,自我品牌创立所形成的。但是到目前为止,没有重点在于市场营销能力意义与制造能力升级实证研究。在中国现制造业背景下,本文例举了八个市场营销的方式并有针对性的说明其具体作用以及产生的积极影响。这包括产品开发,销售信息交流,团队管理能力等。营销能力之间的相互依存进一步突出了选择性能力发展的重要性和动态与实质性能力之间的关系(例如,当代(1994年)内到外的方法)。本文有助于动态营销能力的评估能力,并通过制造升级措施提升业绩。最后,本研究有助于中国企业在全球业务发展出现越来越多的研究。
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