首页 LC-QB-RD-xxx 力赛科技锂电部电芯测试标准

LC-QB-RD-xxx 力赛科技锂电部电芯测试标准


LC-QB-RD-xxx 力赛科技锂电部电芯测试标准LC-QB-RD-xxx 力赛科技锂电部电芯测试标准 文件编号 LC-QB-RD-xxx 深圳市力赛科技有限公司 版本号 A/0 生效日期 2011-11-17 锂电部电芯测试标准 页 次 1 of 3 修订履历表 版本 制(修)日期 变更原因 变更内容 变更人 A/0 2011/11/17 首版发行 / / 文件分发: 分发部门 总经办 工程部 研发部 生产部 品质部 销售部 资材部 人事行政部 财务部 份数 批 准 审 核 编 制 陈旭魁2011-11-16 *****本文件及其内容为...

LC-QB-RD-xxx 力赛科技锂电部电芯测试标准
LC-QB-RD-xxx 力赛科技锂电部电芯测试 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 文件编号 LC-QB-RD-xxx 深圳市力赛科技有限公司 版本号 A/0 生效日期 2011-11-17 锂电部电芯测试标准 页 次 1 of 3 修订履历表 版本 制(修)日期 变更原因 变更内容 变更人 A/0 2011/11/17 首版发行 / / 文件分发: 分发部门 总经办 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 部 研发部 生产部 品质部 销售部 资材部 人事行政部 财务部 份数 批 准 审 核 编 制 陈旭魁2011-11-16 *****本文件及其内容为本公司之财产,未经授权不得复制**** 文件编号 LC-QB-RD-xxx 深圳市力赛科技有限公司 版本号 A/0 生效日期 2011-11-17 锂电部电芯测试标准 页 次 2 of 3 1、 范围 scope 本 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 规定了力赛公司圆柱锂离子电池定义、 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 、测验方法、测试频次和数量。 本规范适用于力赛公司圆柱锂离子电池。 This criterion describes the definition, requirement, test method, test frequency and amount. This criterion only applies to cylindrical li-ion battery produced by LC. 2、 引用标准 Reference standard 下列是本文引用的标准。执行本规范时,所示版本均应为有效版本。使用本规范的各部门应注意下列引用标准是否是最新版本。 There are the references in this document. The edition of references is valid edition. All of the department using this criterion should notice the edition of the references. GB/T2828-1987逐批检查计数抽样程序及抽样表(适用于连续批的检查) GB/T2829-1987周期检查计数抽样程序及抽样表(适用于生产过程稳定性的检查) GB/T2900.11-1988蓄电池名词术语 GB/T18287-2000蜂窝电话用锂离子电池总规范 UL1642-2007 锂电池 IEC61960-2003 电芯测试标准 IEC62133-2002 电芯测试标准 UN38.3 货物安全运输鉴定 3、 术语 Glossary 3.1、电池 – 一个电池或多个电池串/并联组装在一起的电池组. Battery - General term for (1) A single cell or (2) a group of cells connected together either in a seri es and/or parallel configuration. May be ready for use or may be an installed component. 3.2、充电限制电压–电池由恒流充电转入恒压充电时的电压值. Limited charge voltage— the voltage of constant current switches to constant voltage whe n battery is charged. 3.3、终止电压– 电池放电终止时的电压值 End voltage - the voltage value is that battery is discharged to cut-off voltage. 3.4、标称电压–用以标识电池电压的适宜的近似值. Nominal voltage- is used for mark the battery voltage for the suitable approxima te value. 3.5、标称容量—指电池在环境温度为25?2?的条件下,以5h率放电至终止电压时所应提供的电量,用C *****本文件及其内容为本公司之财产,未经授权不得复制**** 文件编号 LC-QB-RD-xxx 深圳市力赛科技有限公司 版本号 A/0 生效日期 2011-11-17 锂电部电芯测试标准 页 次 3 of 3 表示,单位为Ah(安时)或mAh(毫安时). 5 Rated capacity—under 25?5?,it means the capacity value of being charge by 5h ratio to cut- off voltage. The capacity value can be expressed with code CThe unit is Ah or 5. mAh. 3.6、恢复容量–在规定的温度、时间下进行贮存一段时间,电池放电后进行充电,并再次放电的容 量。 Recovery capacity-the capacity when stores for a period of time under the stipulation tempe rature and time, after the battery discharge to carry on the charge, and discharges once mor e. 3.7、泄漏–可见的液体电解质的漏出。 Leakage - obvious liquid electrolyte leaking off 3.8、泄气–电池内部压力增加时,气体通过预先设计好的防爆装置释放出来。 Venting- the gas releases through the explosion-proof equipment which designed in advance, when the battery internal pressure increase. 3.9、破裂–由于内部或外部因素引起电池外壳的机械损伤,导致内部物质暴露或溢出,但没有喷出。 Rupture- battery case’s mechanical damage which causes as a result of internal factor or ext erior factor, causes internal material exposition or flows out, but has not spouted. 3.10、起火–电池有可见火焰。 Catches fire- there is obvious flame produced by the battery. 3.11、爆炸–电池的外壳猛烈破裂导致主要成分抛射出来。 Explosion- the principal constituent projected because the case of battery was breakage vio lently. 4、 测试条件和要求 Test conditions and requirements 4.1、测试条件 Testing conditions 除非测试项目另有规定,本规范中各项测试应在以下条件下进行: 温度:23?-27?; 相对湿度:45%-85%;大气压力:86kPa—106kPa All of the testing is done on the conditions hereinafter, unless there is individually require ment: Ambient temperature: 25??2?;Related humidity: 65%?20%;Atmospheric pressure: 86kPa—106kPa 4.2、测量仪表与设备要求 Requirements of the testing equipments and meters *****本文件及其内容为本公司之财产,未经授权不得复制**** 文件编号 LC-QB-RD-xxx 深圳市力赛科技有限公司 版本号 A/0 生效日期 2011-11-17 锂电部电芯测试标准 页 次 4 of 3 测量长度的仪表精确度为0.01mm,测量重量的仪表精确度为0.01g。 The precision of meter to measure length is degree 0.01mm, and balance to measure weigh t is 0.01g 测量电压的仪表精确度应不低于0.5级,测量内阻的仪表精确度为0.1mΩ. The precision of meter to measure voltage is no less than degree 0.5, and equipment to me asure internal resistance is 0.1mΩ. 测量电流的仪表精确度应不低于0.5级. 测量时间用的仪表精确度不低于?0.1%. The precision of meter to measure current is no less than degree 0.5, and the precision of meter to measure time is no less than degree ?0.1%. 测量温度的仪表精确度应不低于?0.1?. 恒压源电压可调,其电压变化范围为?0.5%. The precision of meter to measure temperature is no less than degree ?0.5. The constant v oltage source can be adjusted with ?0.5% voltage change. 恒流源的电流恒定可调,在充电或放电过程中,其电流变化应在?1%范围内. The constant current source can be adjusted with ?1% current change during charge or disc harge. 5、 要求及方法 Test method and requirement 5.1、外观 Appearance 电池表面应清洁,无划伤、破裂、污迹、锈蚀、变形等缺陷。 The surface of battery should be clean, and without scratch, break, contamination, rust, distorti on and so on. 5.2、尺寸 Dimension 电池尺寸符合规定值 The cell dimension accord with stated value. 5.3、 电性能 Electrical performance 5.3.1、充电方式 Charge mode 1)在环境温度(25??2?)下,以1.0 C电流恒流充电至限制电压4.2V时(磷酸铁锂电池充 电至3.65V),改为恒压充电,直到截止电流为0.02 C A,最长充电时间不大于4h,停止充电。 5 At ambient temperature (25??2?), the battery is charged to 4.2V with constant current o f 1.0C, and then, charged continuously with constant voltage of 4.2V(LFP battery charge to 3.65V) until the charge current is less than 0.02 C A. 5 5.3.2、1.0C A放电 1.0C discharge 5 *****本文件及其内容为本公司之财产,未经授权不得复制**** 文件编号 LC-QB-RD-xxx 深圳市力赛科技有限公司 版本号 A/0 生效日期 2011-11-17 锂电部电芯测试标准 页 次 5 of 3 电池按5.3.1的规定充满电后,搁置5min,在环境温度下以1.0C放电到终止电压3.0V(磷酸 铁锂电池放电至2.0V),电池放电时间应符合表1所示. After completely charged according to the requirement of 5.3.1, the battery should be rest f or 5 minutes, then discharge with current of 1.0C to the cut-off voltage of 3.0V (LFP battery discharge to 2.0V)at ambient temperature. The discharge time should reach to the requirement of the table 1. 5.3.3、循环寿命测试 cycle life test 电池按5.3.1的规定充满电后,搁置10min,然后以0.5C ,1C ,5C ,10 C…..电流放电至终止电 压3.0V(磷酸铁锂电池放电至2.0V)为1个循环,连续进行50次 (或100次、300次…..)循环停 止,此时容量保持率应符合表1的要求。 After 10 minutes the battery is completely charged according to the requirement of 5.3.1, the battery discharge with current of 0.5C,1C, 5C or 10 C ……until the voltage reaches 3.0V(LF P battery discharge to 2.0V). So, one cycle has been finished. To cycle 50 (or 100, 300) times continuously, the cycle life test will be stopped. The capacity fading should reach to the requirement of the table 1. 5.3.4、荷电保持性能测试 Charge retention test 用1C充放电测试初始容量后,电池按5.3.1的规定充满电后,将电池开路贮存1个月(按28天 计算),再以0.2C A电流放电到终止电压3.0V(磷酸铁锂电池放电至2.0V),其放电时间应符合5 表1的要求;电池充电后再次放电的时间也应符合表1的要求。 The battery should be charged with 1.0 C and should be discharged with 1.0 C to test the first capacity . The battery will be charged according to the requirement of 5.3.1. And keep the battery open-circuit for 1 month(28days), and then the battery will be discharged to 3.0V(LFP battery discharge to 2.0V)with 0.2C. Then the battery should be charged and discharged, the di scharge time should reach the requirement of table1. 5.3.5、高温放电性能 High temperature test 电池按5.3.1的规定充满电后,置于55??2?的高温箱中恒温2h,然后以1.0C放电至2.75V (磷酸铁锂电池放电至2.0V),其容量保持率应符合表1的要求。实验结束后将电池取出,在环 境温度下搁置2h,电池应符合表1的要求。 After the battery is charged according to the requirement of 5.3.1, keep the battery at 55??2? for 2 hours. And then discharge it to 2.75V(LFP battery discharge to 2.0V) with 1 C. The capacity fading should reach to the requirement of the table 1. After the *****本文件及其内容为本公司之财产,未经授权不得复制**** 文件编号 LC-QB-RD-xxx 深圳市力赛科技有限公司 版本号 A/0 生效日期 2011-11-17 锂电部电芯测试标准 页 次 6 of 3 test finish, keep the battery in the normal ambient for 2hrs. The appearance should be reach to the requirement of the table 1. 5.3.6、低温放电性能 Low temperature test 电池按5.3.1的规定充满电后,置于-20??2?的低温箱中恒温20h,然后以0.2C A放电至2.5 75V(磷酸铁锂电池放电至2.0V),其容量保持率应符合表1的要求,实验结束后将电池在环境温 度下搁置2h,电池应符合表1的要求。 After the battery is charged according to the requirement of 5.3.1, keep the battery at -20? ?2? for 20 hours ,then discharge it to 2.75V(LFP battery discharge to 2.0V) with 0.2C. The capacity fading should reach the requirement of the table 1. When the test is finished, keep the battery in the normal ambient for 2hrs.the appearance should reach the requirement of the table 1. 5.4、环境适应性能Environmental characteristic 5.4.1、高温贮存(60?/7天) High temperature storage test 1C充放电测试初始容量后,将电池按5.3.1的规定充满电后,检测电池的内阻、电压。将满电 电池放入60?2?的烘箱中储存7天。取出电池检测其内阻、电压;待冷却至室温后,再检测其内 阻、电压。以1C放电3.0V(磷酸铁锂电池放电至2.0V),再以1C充放电1次,测量其可恢复容量 平台,其各项指标应符合表1的要求。 The battery should be charged with 1.0 C and should be discharged with 1.0 C to test the first capacity of battery. Then it should be charged according to the requirement of 5.3.1, its internal resistance and voltage should be measured. After keeping the battery in 60??2? heat box for 7 days, take it out to test internal resistance and voltage. When temperature down to room temperature, test internal resistance and voltage again. Then discharge the battery with 1.0C to the cut-off voltage of 3.0 V(LFP battery discharge to 2.0V), charge and discharge for one cyc le to test its capacity. Its performance should reach the requirement of table 1. 5.4.2、倍率放电 Ratio capacity test for battery 以0.5C恒流充电,当电池电压达到4.2V(磷酸铁锂电池充电至3.65V)时改为恒压充电,直 到电流<0.02 C A停止充电。分别采用以下方式放电: 5 The battery should be charged with the current of 0.5C, and charged continuously with constant voltage of 4.2V(LFP battery charge to 3.65V) until the charged current is less than 0.02C A. Then discharge the battery to 3.0V with the following current rate. 5 1)容量型电池放电倍率:0.2C、0.5C、1C、2C、3C *****本文件及其内容为本公司之财产,未经授权不得复制**** 文件编号 LC-QB-RD-xxx 深圳市力赛科技有限公司 版本号 A/0 生效日期 2011-11-17 锂电部电芯测试标准 页 次 7 of 3 Energy battery discharge rate: 0.2C、0.5C、1C、2C、3C 2) 动力型电池放电倍率: 0.2C, 1.0C, 5C, 8C, 10C, 15C, 20C, 25C… Power battery discharge rate: 0.2C, 1.0C, 5C, 8C, 10C, 15C, 20C, 25C… 放电至截至电压, 电池应符合表1的要求。 The battery should reach to the requirement of table 1. 5.4.3、自由跌落 Free fall test 电池按5.3.1的规定充满电后,将电池由1.5m高度位置自由跌落到水泥地面上的18mm~20m m厚的硬木板上,要求从正极,负极,侧面三个面自由跌落,每个面自由跌落2次,共6次。跌落后静 置2小时,再以1.0C放电至3.0V(磷酸铁锂电池放电至2.0V),然后再按以上充放电方式连续做 1个充放电循环。实验结束后,电池外观及放电时间应符合表1的要求。 The battery falls freely from the height of 1.5m down to the 18mm-20mm solid board over the cement floor. It should be fallen for 2 times on each direction of positive, negative and side. When the test is finished, the cell should be kept for 2 hours at ambient temperature, the n discharge the battery to 3.0V(LFP battery discharge to 2.0V) with 1.0C. After the test fini shing, the result of visual inspection can accord with table 1. 5.4.4、振动 Vibration test 电池按5.3.1的规定充满电后,将电池安装或通过夹具安装在振动台面上,调整好振动频率及 对应的振幅,分别以圆柱电池的两个对称轴为方向振动,扫频速率为1Hz/min,振动频率10Hz-5 5Hz,振动时间100min,振幅0.8mm,共1.6mm。振动完毕后将电池于常温下静置两小时.实验结束, 电池应符合表1的要求. After complete charge according to the requirement of 5.3.1, fix the battery on the vibration table-board by clamp. Adjust the frequency and amplitude of vibration. The battery is to be subjected to simple harmonic motion with amplitude of 0.8mm total maximum excursion. The freq uency is to be varied at the rate of 1 hertz per minute between 10 and 55 hertz, and return in not less than 90 nor more than 100 minutes. For the battery that has only two axes of symmetry, the battery is to be tested perpendicular to each axis. After the vibration finishing, the battery should keep for 2 hours in the normal ambient. After the test is over the battery should reac h to the requirement of the table 1. 5.4.5、恒温湿热 Constant temperature and constant humidity test 电池按5.3.1的规定充满电后,将电池放入40??2?,相对湿度为90%-95%的恒温恒湿箱中 搁置48h后,将电池取出,在环境温度下搁置2h,目测电池的外观,并以1.0C A电流放电至终止电5 *****本文件及其内容为本公司之财产,未经授权不得复制**** 文件编号 LC-QB-RD-xxx 深圳市力赛科技有限公司 版本号 A/0 生效日期 2011-11-17 锂电部电芯测试标准 页 次 8 of 3 压3.0V(磷酸铁锂电池放电至2.0V),其外观及放电时间应符合表1的要求。 After complete charge according to the requirement of 5.3.1, put the battery in the box of t he temperature of 40??2? and the relative humidity of 90%-95% for 48 hours. Since that, ke ep the battery at ambient temperature for 2hrs. After that discharge the battery to 3.0V(LFP bat tery discharge to 2.0V), The result of visual inspection can meet table 1. 5.5、安全性能 Safety Performance 5.5.1、过充 Overcharge test 电池以1.0C A放电至3.0V(磷酸铁锂电池放电至2.0V),然后以3.0C A恒流充电至5V(也55 可以是其它电流和电压),当充电电流接近0并稳定30分钟后结束实验,电池应符合表1的要求。 The battery will be discharged to 3.0V with 1C(LFP battery charge to 3.65V). Then charge th e battery to 5V(or the other voltages)with 3C (or the other currents) until the charge current d ecrease to 0. After still keeping charging for 30min, After the test finishing. The battery should be reach to the requirement of Table 1. 5.5.2、短路 Short-circuit test 电池按5.3.1的规定充满电后,接上数显温度计,置于防爆箱中,用电阻丝(,50mΩ)直接短 路其正负极,试验过程中监视电池温度变化,当电池温度下降到比峰值约低10?时,结束实验, 电池应符合表1的要求。 After completely charged according to the requirement of 5.3.1, in return, is to be short-circui ted by connecting the positive and negative terminals of the battery with a circuit load having a maximum resistance load of 50mΩ. And monitor the temperature. The testing finish when the te mperature descend for 10? than peak value. The battery should reach to the requirement of the table 1. 5.5.3、炉热 Heating test 电池按5.3.1的规定充满电后,打开烘箱开始升温至130?2?,升温速度为5?2?/min,保温30 min后停止测试,目测电池的外观应符合表1的要求。 After completely charged according to the requirement of 5.3.1, is to be heated in a circulatin g air oven with an initial temperature of 20?5?.the temperature of the oven is to be raised at a rate of 5?2?/min to a temperature of 130?2?and remain for 30 minutes. the sample shall retu rn to room temperature and then be examined. the battery should reach to the requirement in tab le 1. 5.5.4、重物冲击 Impact test *****本文件及其内容为本公司之财产,未经授权不得复制**** 文件编号 LC-QB-RD-xxx 深圳市力赛科技有限公司 版本号 A/0 生效日期 2011-11-17 锂电部电芯测试标准 页 次 9 of 3 电池按5.3.1的规定充满电后,置于撞击仪的台面上,直径为15.8mm实心钢棒放置于电池长轴 面垂直的方向上,搁在电池中央,将重量为9.1kg的重物从0.6m的高度自由落到电池中心上方的 钢棒上实验结束后目测电池的外观,应符合表1的要求。 After completely charged according to the requirement of 5.3.1, the sample battery is to be placed on a flat surface .A 15.8mm diameter bar is to be placed across the center of the sample A 9.1kg weight is to be dropped from a height of 0.6mm onto the sample. The battery should be reach to the requirement of table 1. 5.5.5、针刺 Nail penetration test 电池按5.3.1的规定充满电后,调整TL160型试验压力机针的下降速度约为3mm/s,不锈钢针 的直径为2.5mm (或者3.0mm),然后将压力机的压力调到合适的范围,把充满电的电池放到台面 上,放好防护板,脚踩脚踏板,使压力机针下降,刺穿电池,试验结束后目测电池的外观,应符 合表1的要求。 After complete charge according to the requirement of 5.3.1, the sample battery is to be placed on a flat surface, and put the defend board. The fall speed of nail is 3mm/s, the pressure of the machine is adjusted proper range. The nail without rust of the 2.5mm diameter (or 3.0mm) is thrust into the sample battery horizontally. The sample should reach to the requirement of table 1. 5.5.6、碾压 Crush test 电池按5.3.1的规定充满电后,将电池固定在碾压机两个给定的平面内,给平面连续使用13KN 的压力施压,直到压强为17.2Mpa为止,然后立即释放。电池应符合表1的要求。 After complete charge according to the requirement of 5.3.1, the sample battery is to be crush between two flat surfaces of crushing roll. The crushing is to be continued until a pressure rea ding of 17.2 Mpa is reached. Applied force of 13 KN .Once the maximum pressure has been obtained it is to be released. The battery should reach to the requirement of table 1. 5.5.7、过放 Over discharge test 在环境温度下以0.2C A放电至终止电压3.0V(磷酸铁锂电池放电至2.0V),外接30Ω负载放5 电24h,电池应符合表1的要求。 After discharge the battery to 3.0V(LFP battery discharge to 2.0V) with 0.2C at ambient temp erature, connect with external load of 30Ω for 24hrs.The battery should reach to the requirement of table 1. *****本文件及其内容为本公司之财产,未经授权不得复制**** 文件编号 LC-QB-RD-xxx 深圳市力赛科技有限公司 版本号 A/0 生效日期 2011-11-17 锂电部电芯测试标准 页 次 10 of 3 5.5.8、温度冲击 Temperature impact test 电池按5.3.1的规定充满电后,搁置5min,以1.0C A放电至终止电压3.0V(磷酸铁锂电池放电5 至2.0V),记录放电容量及平台,然后再按5.3.1的规定充满电,将电池放入相对湿度为90%以上,温度 为-20??2?的恒温恒湿箱中保1h, 然后将电池转移到60??2?的条件下保持1h(转移时间?10s), 在两温度之间重复保持做32个循环, 结束后将电池置于常温下静置2小时,再以1.0C A放电至5 终止电压3.0V(磷酸铁锂电池放电至2.0V),然后再按以上充放电方式连续做3个充放电循环。实 验结束后,电池外观及放电时间应符合表1的要求。 After complete charge according to the requirement of 5.3.1for 5 min, discharge the battery with 1.0C to the cut-off voltage of 3.0V(LFP battery discharge to 2.0V). when it be charged again, put the battery into the box of temperature of -20??2? and the relative humidity of 90% and keep it for 1 hour. And then transfer it to the box of temperature of 60??2? and the relative humidity of 90% and keep it for 1 hour. Repeating the sequence for a further 32 cycles. When the test finishing keep the battery in the normal ambient for 2 hours. Then discharge the batter y with 1.0C to the cut-off voltage of 3.0V(LFP battery discharge to 2.0V) for 3 cycles. The sample should reach to the requirement of the table 1. 5.5.9、低压 Low pressure test 电池按6.2规定充电结束后,将其搁置在真空箱中。真空箱密闭后,逐渐减少其内部压力到不 高于11.6kPa(模拟海拔15240m)并保持6h。试验结束电池符合表1的要求。 Put the battery into the vacuum box after it be charged according to the 5.3.1, Then stored a t the pressure of 11.6kPa or less for at least six hours, The battery should reach to the requirem ent of the table 1 5.6、贮存 Storage test 电池贮存前以1.0 C充电,0.2 C A放电检测其初始容量,然后再按5.3.1的规定给电池充入45 0%~50%的容量,在环境温度20??5?,相对湿度45%~85%的环境中贮存12个月.按5.3.1的规定充 电结束后,在25??2?的温度环境下以0.2CA放电至2.75V(磷酸铁锂电池放电至2.0V).上述充5 放电试验可以循环5次,放电时间应符合表1 的要求. After complete charge with 1.0C and discharge with 0.2 C A. After 40%~50% capacity char5 ge according to the requirement of 5.3.1, At temperature: 25??2?,related humidity: 45%~85% ,Keep the battery open-circuit 12 mouths. After complete charge according to the requirement of 5.3.1, Then discharge the battery with 0.2C A to the cut-off voltage of 2.75V(LFP battery disch5 arge to 2.0V) for 5 cycles at temperature: 25??2?. The battery should be reach to the require *****本文件及其内容为本公司之财产,未经授权不得复制**** 文件编号 LC-QB-RD-xxx 深圳市力赛科技有限公司 版本号 A/0 生效日期 2011-11-17 锂电部电芯测试标准 页 次 11 of 3 ment of the table 1 (time of discharge?4 hours). 6、 判定标准 Criteria of test 注:以下各测试项目中有一只电池不符合标准要求则判定该项测试不合格。 Remark: It should be judged to disqualification when one battery does not reach the requiremen t. 表1 (Table 1) 判定标准 Criteria 序测试项目 号 圆柱容量型电池 圆柱动力型电池 Test item No. Cylindrical energy battery Cylindrical power battery 外观 清洁、无划伤、破裂、污迹、锈蚀、变形、漏液等缺陷. 1 Appearance Clean, without scratch, break, contamination, rust, distortion, leakage and so on. 50次循环:容量保持率?94%; 50次循环:容量保持率?97%; 50cycles: residual ratio of capacity?9450cycles: residual ratio of capacity?97 %; %; 100次循环:容量保持率?88%; 100次循环:容量保持率?92%; 100cycles: residual ratio of capacity?88100cycles: residual ratio of capacity?92 %; %; 高低温循环寿命性内阻比率<120%(参考); 内阻比率<120%(参考); 2 能测试 Resistance ratio<120%(reference); Resistance ratio<120%(reference); Cycle life test 300次循环:容量保持率?80%; 300cycles: residual ratio of capacity?80300次循环:容量保持率?70%; %; 300cycles: residual ratio of capacity?70500次循环:容量保持率?70%; %; 500cycles: residual ratio of capacity?70 %; 荷电保持性能测试 放电时间?4.25h time of discharge?4.25h 3 Capacity retention te充电后再次放电的时间?4.5h charged and discharged ,time of discharge?4.5h st 高温放电性能 容量保持率?95%;电池外观无异常 4 High temperature tRetention capacity?95%;The appearance of battery is normal. est 容量保持率?70%(磷酸铁锂电池容量保持率?60%);电池外观无异常 低温放电性能 5 Low temperature tesRetention capacity?70%( Retention capacity of LFP battery?60%); The appear t ance of battery is normal. 过充 电池不起火不爆炸 6 Overcharge The battery should not fire and not explode. 电池不起火不爆炸,外部温度?150? 短路 7 The battery should not fire and not explode, and the temperature of battery exteShort circuit test rnal surface?150?. 炉热 电池不起火不爆炸 8 Heating test The battery should not fire and not explode. 重物撞击 电池不起火不爆炸 9 Impact test The battery should not fire and not explode. 恒温湿热 电池外观无明显变形、锈蚀、冒烟或爆炸,放电时间?36min Constant temperature10 The battery should not be distortion ,rust ,smoking and explosion, the time of d and Constant humiischarge?36min dity *****本文件及其内容为本公司之财产,未经授权不得复制**** 文件编号 LC-QB-RD-xxx 深圳市力赛科技有限公司 版本号 A/0 生效日期 2011-11-17 锂电部电芯测试标准 页 次 12 of 3 电池不漏液、不冒烟、不爆炸,放电时间?51min 自由跌落 11 The battery should not be leakage, smoking, explosion, the time of discharge?51Free fall test min 电池外观无明显损伤、漏液、冒烟或爆炸,电池电压?3.6V(磷酸铁锂电池电压?3. 2V) 振动 12 the battery no scathe, leakage, smoking, explosion, and the voltage?3.6V(the voVibration test ltage of LFP battery ?3.2V) 针刺 电池不起火不爆炸 13 Stung by nail test The battery should not fire and not explode. 高温贮存 电压?95%;内阻?150%;剩余容量?60%;可恢复容量?70%; 14 High temperature stothe voltage retention ?95%,the internal resistance?150%,the residual capacity?60 rage %,the recovery capacity?70%,the residual plateau?60% 1.0C放电 放电时间?57min 15 1.0C Discharge the time of discharge ?57min 温度冲击 电池外观无漏液;内阻?160%;剩余容量?80%;可恢复容量?90%; 16 Temperature impact the internal resistance?160%,the residual capacity?80%,the recovery capacity?90 test %,the residual plateau?75%,and no leakage 碾压 电池不起火不爆炸 17 Crush test The battery should not fire and not explode. 过放 电池不起火不爆炸 18 Over discharge The battery should not fire and not explode. 不同型号的电池标准不同,详见规格书. 0.2C: 100% 0.5C: 100% 1倍率放电 The criterion of dissimilar model cell is19 C: 100% 2C: 95% 3C: Ratio test different, expatiatory presentation refer t85% o the specification. 贮存性能 放电时间?4h 20 Storage test The time of discharge ?4h 低压测试 电池不泄漏、不泄气、不破裂 21 Low pressure test The battery should be no leakage, vent or rupture. 7、 电池取样测试的有关规定 The requirement of sampling and test 7.1、 在电池入库前即可取样,一般取A2品电池,除非无该等级则取A1品做测试; At the time of stay for transferred to warehouse, choose battery of grade A2 as the sample for test. Except being short of battery of grade A2, can use battery of A1 product to take pl ace of A2 grade for test. 7.2、电池循环性能测试 Cycle life test 正常生产批次电池循环测试100次,每月随机选取3个批次循环检测300次;每半年随机选取2个批次检测500次,若客户有特殊需求可依客户需求进行检测;小批量试验电池循环测试100次,循环检测容量的判定标准以各材料的判定标准为准;型式试验循环测试300次。 Normal battery does 100times cycle life .Choose three batch of batteries at random do 300ti mes cycle life every month. Choose two batches of batteries at random do 500times cycle life e *****本文件及其内容为本公司之财产,未经授权不得复制**** 文件编号 LC-QB-RD-xxx 深圳市力赛科技有限公司 版本号 A/0 生效日期 2011-11-17 锂电部电芯测试标准 页 次 13 of 3 very six month or according to the client’s request does cycle lift test. Experiment battery does 100times cycle life according to raw material determinant criterion .Form testing does 300times cycle life. 7.3、型式试验 Form testing 型式试验按照GB/T18287-2000《蜂窝电话用锂离子电池总规范》相关规定取样测试。 7.3.1、每季度要对部分型号的电池进行一次全性能测试 ,包括:循环寿命(300次)、荷电保持性能、高温放电性能、低温放电性能、过充、短路、炉热、撞击、恒定湿热、自由跌落、振动共11项。 Does a series of test for the battery of some type during one season, including cycle life (30 0times) test, charge retention test, low temperature discharge test, over charge test, short-circuit test, Heating test, impact test, constant temperature and humidity test, free fall test and vibration test. 7.3.2、对高温贮存、温度冲击、碾压、针刺、过放等测试,若客户需要则进行测试,不作为正常批 次判定的项目。 Test of the high temperature storage, temperature shock, crush, penetration, abnormity cha rge, over discharge, and so on, not used for judgment the quality of a normal batch. 8、 正常生产批次抽样频率和抽样数/Frequency and sample size of normal batch 表2 (Table 2) 类 别 测试项目 抽样数 同型号累计正常批次 sort Item Sample size 循环寿命Cycle life 4 ?每1批 8 荷电保持Capacity retention ?1批/2批 电性能测试 2 倍率放电 Ratio test ?1批/4批 Electrical chara cteristic 4 高温放电High Temp. discharge ?1批/4批 4 低温放电Low Temp. discharge ?1批/4批 高温储存High Temp. storage 8 ?每1批 恒温湿热Constant Temp and humi环境适应性能 2 ?1批/4批 dity Environmental characteristic 振动Vibration test 4 ?1批/4批 2 自由跌落Fall free test ?1批/2批 4 重物撞击Impact test ?1批/2批 4 短路Short circuit ?1批/1批 4 炉热 Heating test ?1批/1批 安全性能 4 过充Overcharge ?1批/1批 Safety characte ristic 针刺Nail penetration test 4 温度冲击Temp. impact test 4 4 碾压Crush test ?1批/1批 *****本文件及其内容为本公司之财产,未经授权不得复制**** 文件编号 LC-QB-RD-xxx 深圳市力赛科技有限公司 版本号 A/0 生效日期 2011-11-17 锂电部电芯测试标准 页 次 14 of 3 2 过放Over discharge 低压测试 低压测试 4 Low pressure tLow pressure test est 30 贮 存Storage 贮 存Storage 2批/年 备注remark: 1、 1、对于新产品、工程小试产品根据8.3型式试验要求的项目进行检验。 New type of battery and trial battery should perform the tests according to 8.3. 2、 2、以上抽样频率是正常生产(不更换原材料、工艺)的情况下的抽样 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 (参见9.0);如主要原材料(如电解液、隔膜纸、正负极材料)有变更时,中试批次合格后的第一次批量生产需按8.3型式试验要求的项目进行检测。 Normal batch adopts the method according to 9.0 when no replacing raw materials and tech niques .If the main materials are changed after the trial- production, the first scale production batch of battery should perform the tests according to 8.3. 3、―同型号累计正常批次‖是指同一型号电池累计正常生产的批次(比如:IFR 18650P从10月5日至12月1日在没有发生物料、工艺变更的情况下共生产10批,即此型号电池累计生产10批),若某型号电池累计正常生产少于3批次时,则第一批就抽检,当继续生产批次累计超过抽检批数时再次取样检验。 The normal batch added up the same type battery means adding up the same type of normal battery when no Changes in raw material or techniques (For example when the battery IFR 18650P produced 10 batches from date 5 of Oct. to date 1 of Dec., it means the total batches of this typear e 10 batches.).When the batches of some type battery are less than 3, the first batch should be tested. When the batches added up is beyond the sample batch the battery should be taken out to test a gain. 4、中试产品批次、正常批次或者变更批次由QE或现场品质主管抽样送测试中心检测。 The trial-production batch, normal batch and changed batch should be sampled to test by Quality Department. 9、 要求: Requirement 每一项实验测试和报告的书写均由同一人完成。 Every test and report was done by the same person. 10、 做过上述电性能测试的电池的处理方法 The disposal method of the battery that has been done electrical performance test 先检查电池外观,然后按照下表分类入库: *****本文件及其内容为本公司之财产,未经授权不得复制**** 文件编号 LC-QB-RD-xxx 深圳市力赛科技有限公司 版本号 A/0 生效日期 2011-11-17 锂电部电芯测试标准 页 次 15 of 3 First examine appearance of the battery, then follow table 3 to sort and put into storehouse 表3 (Table 3) 类 别 测试项目 处理方法 sort Item 降一个等级处理 Degrade one class 循环寿命Cycle life 降一个等级处理 Degrade one class 荷电保持Capacity retention 电性能测试 降一个等级处理 Degrade one class Electrical characteristi倍率放电 Ratio test c 降一个等级处理 Degrade one class 高温放电High Temp. discharge 降一个等级处理 Degrade one class 低温放电Low Temp. discharge 降一个等级处理 Degrade one class 高温储存High Temp. storage 环境适应性能 降一个等级处理 Degrade one class 恒温湿热Constant Temp and humidity Environmental charac降一个等级处理 Degrade one class 振动Vibration teristic 降一个等级处理 Degrade one class 自由跌落Fall free test 报废 As waster 重物撞击Impact 报废 As waster 短路Short circuit 报废 As waster 炉热 Heating 报废 As waster 过充Overcharge 安全性能 Safety characteristic 报废 As waster 针刺Nail penetration test 报废 As waster 温度冲击Temp. impact 报废 As waster 碾压Crush 过放Over discharge 报废 As waster 低压测试 低压测试 Low pressure test 降一个等级处理 Degrade one class Low pressure test 降一个等级处理 Degrade one class 贮 存Storage 贮 存 Storage *****本文件及其内容为本公司之财产,未经授权不得复制****
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