首页 九阳美的豆浆机常见故障及维修(无需财富值)



九阳美的豆浆机常见故障及维修(无需财富值)九阳美的豆浆机常见故障及维修(无需财富值) 九阳美的豆浆机常见故障及维修(无需财富值) 装配时应 细心,3(豆浆机有不少防水密封件。切勿损坏。重新装置时,要理顺装好,防 止发生皱纹或折叠,确保密封效果。如果没有 热熔胶枪,原用热熔胶密封的位置,可用704胶代用;原用704胶密封的位置,应仔细涂敷,以确保密封效果。 罕见故障维修 故障现象1通电后无声无光。 拔掉电源线, 分析检修:确认包括电源线的外部供 电无问题后。测电源耦合器L与N铜片之间的电阻i正常为1(7kQ左右。若不正常,则为电源耦合器或变压器初级...

九阳美的豆浆机常见故障及维修(无需财富值) 九阳美的豆浆机常见故障及维修(无需财富值) 装配时应 细心,3(豆浆机有不少防水密封件。切勿损坏。重新装置时,要理顺装好,防 止发生皱纹或折叠,确保密封效果。如果没有 热熔胶枪,原用热熔胶密封的位置,可用704胶代用;原用704胶密封的位置,应仔细涂敷,以确保密封效果。 罕见故障维修 故障现象1通电后无声无光。 拔掉电源线, 分析检修:确认包括电源线的外部供 电无问题后。测电源耦合器L与N铜片之间的电阻i正常为1(7kQ左右。若不正常,则为电源耦合器或变压器初级故 障;若正常,则断开电动机M和发热管H与电路的连接,通电测整流滤波稳压电路是否正常。待机状况下、变压器初级输入电 压为220V时,变压器次级正常为10V+IVC1正常为13V?1V78L05输出端正常为 5V+0(1V如发现哪一级有问题,则细查该级 相关元器件。如正常,则检查后级相关电路:UI供宅电路及上咆复位初始化电路是否 正常;主板 与控制板 接插件 及连接线 否正常。 故障 现象2通 电后无声 有光。 则测上电时U1?脚, 分析检修:检查POJ33R2蜂鸣器BUZ主板与控制板的插头座CN2及连接线是否 正常;如正常。应有 约一秒多时间的约2(5V电压。 故障现象3通电后有声无光。 L3不亮, (分析检修:一般是某只发光二极管不亮。则查该发光二极管的相关元器件;例如。检查R19L3104及主板与控制板 插头座CN2及连接线是否正常。如正常,则测上电时U1?脚是否有约0(5s? 0V0(5s约5V循环间歇电压。 但按动轻触 开关不启动相应的工作顺序。 故障现象4发光二极管亮。 should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 轻触开关触点是否锈蚀失效。 ( 分析检修:检查该轻触开关按键是否不 能按下或按下后不能释放。 故障现象5不加热。 注意倾 听在顺序进入加热工序时是否有继电器吸 合声, 分析检修:通电后启动工作程序。如有,则停电后检查发热管;若发热 管正常,则断开发热管H与电路的连接,检查继电器K2触点是否正常。若无继电 器吸合声,则检查U1?脚是否有约为+5V电压,检查R13Q2K2D6和 R15C15否正常。 故障现象6不打浆。 则注意倾听在启动顺序时是否有继电器吸 合声, 分析检修:加热顺序不打浆是正常的若 干豆”或“湿豆”工作顺序一开始就不打浆。如有,则停电后检查电动机;若电动机 正常,则断开电动机M与电路的连接,检查 继电器K1触点是否正常。若程序一开始打 浆,后来不打浆,则检查防溢传感器、R7R8C13C14和U1@脚及它之间 连接是否正常。 故障现象7通电即发出连续的嘀嘀嘀嘀 报警声。 然后检查由 R10C10发热管外壳、防缺水传感器、R5R6C11C12U1?脚及它之间的连 接是否正常。 分析检修:先确认豆浆桶内水位正常且 不是使用纯真水或蒸馏水。 故障现象8打浆不停。 则应换继电 器。若静态时继电器K1触 点开路, 分析检修:静态时检查继电器K1触点是否开路。若接通。则检查Q1ce极 否短路或者u1?脚是否一直是约+5V 则静态时检查继电器 K2触点是否开路,分析检修:检查防溢传感 器、R7R8C13C14和U1?脚及它之间的连接是否正常(即防溢功能是否正 常。若防溢功能正常。若接通,则应换继电器。若静态时继电器K2触点开路,should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 则检查Q2ce极是否短路或者U1?脚是否一直 约+5Vo ( Ul各引脚静态在线电阻参考值及通电 后待机在线电压参考值见表1^ 五、维修实例 例1通电后无声无光。 通电检 查, 分析检修:静态测电源耦合器L与N铜 片之间的电阻为1(69kQ拆开机头。C1两端无电压;测主板上交流低压输人 线的两焊点间也元电压;停电检查,发现插 头座CNl严重锈蚀。换成合格的插头座后,工作正常。此故障系多发性故障,新近上市 产品已改进成把变压器B1直接焊接在主 板上。 例2通电后无声无光。 通电检 查, 分析检修:静态测电源耦合器L与N铜 片之间的电阻为1(68k11拆开机头。C1两端电压为13(2VC2两端电压 5(07V均正常;检查单片机各引脚电压,发 现?脚电压只有约o(5V?脚为复位端,R12和C6组成上电复位电路,上电时因电 容C6两端电压不能突变,?脚电压只有约 0V使单片机复位,+5V电源通过R12对 C6充电,使?脚电位上升为高电平时,单片 机初始化完成,并开始执行程序。稳定后,? 脚电压应为约+5V检查发现C6严重漏 电,换成合格的104电容后工作正常。 出现工 作程序紊乱现象, 例3一台使用近二年的豆浆机。机主怀疑机头进水受潮,洗净晾干后可用,但过一段时间又得洗净晾 干一次,才干再用。最近一次洗净晾干后,开机似乎正常,但未煮熟豆浆就报警停机。 有受潮现象, 分析检修:拆开机头检查。但不严重,这是因为刚洗净晾干并用吹风机 吹过。检查发现,C1开路。C1开路后使9y电压为脉动直流,继电器不能可靠吸合。将 C1换成合格的330斗F25V1050C电解电容 后,机器恢复正常。注意,C1工作温度上 限不要选85o2应选1050C估计继 电器受此影响会不经用,建议机主换新,机主不愿。过二个多月,又送修,检查为 继申(器损坏,修好后?至今尚未发现问题。 但按动“湿豆”轻触开关不启动“湿豆”工作顺序。 例4通电后有声有should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 光。 发现“湿豆”轻触开关触点锈蚀失效。换成合格的轻触开 关后, 分析检修:拆开机头检查。恢复正常工作。控制板位于机头前上 方,塑件上对应于轻触开关或发光二极管的位置都有孔,上面覆盖粘贴一PVC不干胶 面膜,时间一长,PVC不干胶面膜老化,就 易于进水,使轻触开关触点、发光二极管 管脚锈蚀失效的现象时有发生。维修中 应引起注意。 蜂呜器BUZ呜响一声, 例5接通电源。三个发光二极管不停闪烁,随同着连续的嘀 嘀…报警声。此时,按任何轻触开关都不起 作用。 分析检修:观察水位正常,实测水电阻 约188k1"1也正常。拆开机头,测单片机各管 脚电压,发现?脚为0V正常应为约+3(5V停电,检查此信号通路,发现CN3XOC三根线中,X线的小铜片间接触不良,换成 合格的插头后,恢复正常工作。例6故障现象同例5 测单片机各管脚 电压, 分析检修:拆开机头。发现?脚为+o(9V检查发现C12漏 电。换成合格的104电容后,恢复正常工作。 例7豆浆溢出。 不通电情况下, 分析检修:拆开机头。测防溢传感器与单片机?脚间的电阻值为 无穷大(正常约5(6kl'1查串联在信号通路 上的R7一引脚断开,换成合格的5(62电 阻后,恢复正常工作。 例8豆浆溢出。 不通电情况下, 分析检修:拆开机头。测防溢传感器与单片机?脚间的电阻值为 5(6kf正常。短接C点与。点后通电,测单 片机?脚电压为+1(2V正常应为约+5V实 际工作时,通过豆浆泡沫电阻连接C点 与。点,正常应在+3(5V以上)停电,经查,并联在信号通路上C14漏电。换成合格的104电容后,机器恢复正常。 例9豆浆溢出。 不通电情况下,分析检修:拆开机头。测防溢传感器与单片机@脚间的should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 电阻值为 5(6kQ正常。短接C点与。点后通电,测单 片机?脚电压为+5V正常;?脚电压为 0V也正常。停电,断开继电器K2常开触 点输出脚与发热管的连接,测K2常开触点 已短路。换成合格的JQC一3FF9VDC10A 277VA C继电器后,机器恢复正常。 按S1s2指示灯显示 正常, 例10接通电源。但均不打浆。 启动“干豆”二[作程序 时无继电器吸合声。拆开机头, 分析检修:经查。断开电动机 M和发热管H与电路的连接,通电启动“干„豆”工作顺序,15s内测单片机?脚电压 为+5V正常。测Q1基极电压为0V正常应 为约+0(7v停电丈量,发现R14一引脚断开。换成合格的5(6kll电阻后,机器恢复正常。 例11故障现象同例10 断开电动机M和 发热管H与电路的连接, 分析检修:查启动“干豆”工作顺序时有 继电器吸合声。拆开机头。通电启动“干豆”工作顺序,15内测继电器K1常开触 点输出引脚间的电阻接近无穷大(正常约 01"说明继电器K1已失效。换成合格的lQC-3FF9VDC10A 277VA C继电器后,恢复正常工作。 启动“湿 豆”或“干豆”工作顺序均能完成制浆全过 程, 例12打浆无力。机主反映。但豆浆清淡。 所以仔细洗净豆浆网后试制 豆浆机哪个牌子好一次, 分析检修:观察发现豆渣中有大量豆粒 未打碎。因豆浆膜堵住网孔也会引起此现 象。未发 现有负荷重的现象,但明显打浆无力。拆开 机头,通电启动“干豆”工作顺序,15内 测电动机M输入端的电压为218VA C正 常。停电(卸下电动机M发现碳刷与转子 换向器的接触面因磨损严重而接触不良。卸 下碳刷仔细修整接触面使之配合良好,并用 无水酒精清洁碳刷;装配时注意使碳刷与转 子换向器接触良好,且在碳刷槽中往复运动 顺畅。对电动机通电试运转,确认修好后,仔 细装配好豆浆机,机器恢复正常。 一通电就有继电器吸 合声, 例13-一通电就打浆并且不停o豆浆机哪should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 款好-分析检修:经查。而此时尚未启动任何工作顺序,不应 有继电器吸合动作,因此判断电动机控制电 路有故障。停电,拆开机头,查R14Q1K1D5等元件,发现Q19013豆浆机 击穿短路。换成 合格的9013后,机器恢复正常。注:新近上 市的该款豆浆机已把9013改成8050 例14故障现象同例13o 拆开机头,分析检修:停电。查1t(14Q1K1D5 什么牌子的豆浆机好等元件,正常。通电,测单片机?脚 电压为+5V且一直保持。测单片机其他脚,未发现有足以引起?脚电压为+5v异常,说明外围电路无问题。换成厂家提供的写好 顺序的合格单片机后,机器恢复正常。 启动“湿豆"或 干豆”工作顺序,例15豆浆机什么牌子好通电后有声有光。显示均正常,预打浆后,L2变为闪烁,但不加热。 启动“干豆”工作顺序,分析检修:通电。发现预打浆结束时仅有一次继电器动作声,正常应是K1释放、K2吸合声,因此判断发 热管控制电路有故障,而且在低压侧。拆开 机头,断开电动机M和发热管H与电路的连接,通电启动“干豆"工作顺序,15后 继电器K1释放后或L2变为闪烁后)测 得单片机?脚电压为+5V正常。测Q2基 极电压为+5V正常应为约+O(7V停电测 量,发现Q3一引脚断开。换成合格的M8050三极管后,机器恢复正常。 显示均正常;预打浆后,例16启动“湿豆”或“干豆”工作顺序。相应的灯”变为闪 烁,但不加热。 启动“干豆”工作顺序, 分析检修:通电。发现在预打浆结束时有两次继电器动作声,正常。因此判断发热管高压侧电路有开路故 障。拆开机头,断开电动机M和发热管H与电路的连接,通电启动“干豆”工作顺序,15后检查L接线端子叶F1_继电器K2常开触点K21一发热管_N接线端子 通路,发现F1开路,换成合格的5A 250V熔 丝管后,机器恢复正常。 例17故障现象同例16 启动“干豆”工作顺序, 分析检修:通电。发现在预打浆结束时仅有一次继电器动作 声,正常应为两次,因此判断发热管控制电 路有故障,should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 而且在低压侧。拆开机头,发现 Q3胀裂,经测已开路;丈量相关元器件,发 现D6击穿。把Q3换成合格的M8050管,D6换成合格的1N4007后,机器恢复正常。 六、注意事项 顺序细 节可能会有所不同。只要豆浆机能顺利地自 动进行通电待机叶启动叶预打浆_煮沸泡 沫上升碰触防溢传感器_打浆_文火熬煮 煮熟豆浆一完成后声光提示等工序,1(不同时期出厂的该型豆浆机。并制好 豆浆,就是正常的对于顺序的细节则不必 拘泥。 对元器 件和结构件的要求是比较严格的更换时,2(豆浆机工作在高温高湿环境中。不只代换器件的电气参数、装置尺寸应符合 要求,而且工作温度等参数也应符合要求。 should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and
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