首页 扶贫济困日活动方案



扶贫济困日活动方案扶贫济困日活动方案 清新县教育系统2011年扶贫济困日活动 工作方案 为广泛发动全县教育系统广大干部、教职工参与广东扶贫济困日活动~加快实现全县人民共同富裕~促进社会和谐~建设幸福清新~按照2011年4月1日省委常委会议精神和县委、县政府有关要求~在总结2010年我县教育系统“扶贫济困日”活动的基础上~结合我县教育系统及扶贫“双到”工作实际~特制定本方案。 一、活动主题 扶贫济困、奉献爱心 二、工作目标 通过扶贫济困载体~发动教育系统广大干部、教师以各种不同形式~开展募捐活动。 1、县教育局干部职工...

扶贫济困日活动 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 清新县教育系统2011年扶贫济困日活动 工作方案 为广泛发动全县教育系统广大干部、教职工参与广东扶贫济困日活动~加快实现全县人民共同富裕~促进社会和谐~建设幸福清新~按照2011年4月1日省委常委会议精神和县委、县政府有关要求~在总结2010年我县教育系统“扶贫济困日”活动的基础上~结合我县教育系统及扶贫“双到”工作实际~特制定本方案。 一、活动主题 扶贫济困、奉献爱心 二、工作目标 通过扶贫济困载体~发动教育系统广大干部、教师以各种不同形式~开展募捐活动。 1、县教育局干部职工捐赠 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 如下:正科实职干部不少于1000元~副科实职干部不少于800元~主任科员、副主任科员、股级干部不少于500元~一般干部不少于200元。 2、学校向教职工宣传“规划到户、责任到人”的重要意义~并发出募捐倡议~全县中 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 、县职业技术学校由学校发动教师踊跃捐款~每人不少于100元。 三、参与人员 a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. ? ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. ? pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. ? every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. ? after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease-free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-free, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs group 县教育局机关全体干部以及全县中小学校、县职业技术学校教职工。 四、工作安排 6月21—23日为集中捐款时间。 1、6月21日~县教育局在教育办公网发布捐款 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 ~布置有关捐款工作。 2、6月22日~县教育局机关干部职工以股室为单位~开展募捐活动~并在6月22日下午下班前把本股室捐款统一交到办公室王洪亮同志处。 3、6月21—23日~各中小学校、县职业技术学校发动教师捐款~并于24日前以镇为单位,直属学校以校为单位,把捐款交局计财股曾映仪同志处~再统一把捐款汇缴县民政局。在6月24日上午下班前务必把本镇,校,捐款具体情况,包括捐款数和捐款人详细名单,报教育局办公室~以便统一汇总上报。 五、工作要求 ,一,统一思想~提高认识。开展扶贫济困日活动~不仅是一项扶贫 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 ~也是一项社会工程~更是一项政治工程。各镇中心学校、县直属学校要站在战略的高度~进一步统一广大干部、教职工的思想~充分认识开展扶贫济困日活动对于弘扬中华民族扶贫济困~乐善好施的优良传统~实现共同富裕~推动清新科学发展、协调发展以及促进社会和谐发展具有重要意义。 with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive,rm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent free trees, pests control in 5% below, no ha-stance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and diseaseng, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm dipruni e and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicin?ion, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. operatower on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 p?or pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. atch fdirection jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black W pay attention to wind ? ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. ?rug equipment. to the management of drug safety and da large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention and flowering shrubs group trees ment personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation ofns flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and managefree, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower desig-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-ng is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weedpruni 2 ,二,成立机构~加强领导。县教育局成立扶贫济困活动工作领导小组~负责全县教育系统扶贫济困活动的组织领导和统筹协调。由县教育局局长任组长~县教育局副局长任副组长~各股室负责人为成员。各镇中心学校、县直属学校也要相应成立专门的领导机构~本单位主要领导为第一责任人。 ,三,总结活动经验~树立先进典型。各镇中心学校、县直属学校要认真总结扶贫济困的好经验、好做法~发掘、树立扶贫济困先进典型~并在有关媒体做好宣传工作。 ,四,加强宣传~广泛动员。教育局机关、各镇中心学校、县直属学校要动员广大干部、教职工~尤其是党员干部广泛开展慈善募捐活动~真正使活动达到造声势~献爱心~有效果的目的。 清新县教育局 二?一一年六月二十日 附:石潭镇教育系统扶贫济困日捐款情况表 ct. conta, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics?liquid into the people. reventspray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to p pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, ?, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. ready high pressure spray gun, petrol?to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention nservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs groupFour, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the coeffect. free, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weedtationsurvival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documendrying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when -sic symptoms of pest and disease. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the baprightmanagement norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk u after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, ?3 石潭镇第二初级中学扶贫济困日捐款情况表 序号 学校 姓名 捐款金额 备注 1 眭善瑾 200元 6月23日交石潭二中 2 黄康洪 100元 6月23日交石潭二中 3 黄晓明 100元 6月23日交石潭二中 4 邓志明 100元 6月23日交 石潭二中 5 陈运红 100元 6月23日交石潭二中 6 欧永福 100元 6月23日交 石潭二中 7 陈运就 100元 6月23日交石潭二中 8 陈尾镜 100元 6月23日交石潭二中 9 陈桂容 100元 6月23日交 石潭二中 10 魏德雄 100元 6月23日交石潭二中 11 李雄敏 100元 6月23日交 石潭二中 12 刘春梅 100元 6月23日交石潭二中 13 王福琴 100元 6月23日交 石潭二中 14 郑爱芳 100元 6月23日交石潭二中 15 黄婉容 100元 6月23日交 石潭二中 16 吴平 100元 6月23日交 石潭二中 17 黎碧云 100元 6月23日交石潭二中 18 黄杏群 100元 6月23日交 石潭二中 e and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicin?ion, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. operatower on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 p?or pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. atch fdirection jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black W pay attention to wind ? ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. ?rug equipment. to the management of drug safety and da large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention and flowering shrubs group trees ment personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation ofns flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and managefree, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower desig-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-ng is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weedpruni with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive,rm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent free trees, pests control in 5% below, no ha-stance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and diseaseng, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm dipruni4 序号 学校 姓名 捐款金额 备注 19 谭卫雄 100元 6月23日交 石潭二中 20 温小绿 100元 6月23日交石潭二中 21 杜佳 100元 6月23日交石潭二中 22 秦卡 100元 6月23日交石潭二中 23 邓勇飞 100元 6月23日交 石潭二中 24 黄国兰 100元 6月23日交石潭二中 25 马振华 100元 6月23日交 石潭二中 26 刘丹 100元 6月23日交石潭二中 27 陈科宇 100元 6月23日交石潭二中 28 黄海艳 100元 6月23日交 石潭二中 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 -. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weedtationsurvival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documendrying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when -sic symptoms of pest and disease. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the baprightmanagement norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk u after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, ?ct. conta, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics?liquid into the people. reventspray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to p pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, ?, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. ready high pressure spray gun, petrol?to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention nservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs groupFour, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the coeffect. free, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed5 石潭镇第二初级中学扶贫济困日捐款情况表 序号 学校 姓名 捐款金额 备注 1 张华 100元 6月24日 石潭二中 2 何妃妹 100元6月24日 石潭二中 3 韦俊任 100元6月24日 石潭二中 4 林先送 100元 6月24日 石潭二中 5 黄焕婵 100元6月24日 石潭二中 6 朱小芳 100元 6月24日 石潭二中 7 欧阳梅秀 100元6月24日 石潭二中 8 周妍菲 100元6月24日 石潭二中 9 甚华 100元 6月24日 石潭二中 10 李雪锋 50元6月24日 石潭二中 11 邓志刚 50元 6月24日 石潭二中 12 黄秀丽,英, 100元6月24日 石潭二中 13 彭新华 100元 6月24日 石潭二中 14 黄秀丽,化, 100元6月24日 石潭二中 15 石潭二中 16 石潭二中 17 石潭二中 18 石潭二中 after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicin?ion, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. operatower on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 p?or pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. atch fdirection jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black W pay attention to wind ? ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. ?rug equipment. to the management of drug safety and da large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention and flowering shrubs group trees ment personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation ofns flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and managefree, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower desig-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-ng is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weedpruni with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive,rm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent free trees, pests control in 5% below, no ha-stance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and diseaseng, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm dipruni e and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational6 序号 学校 姓名 捐款金额 备注 19 石潭二中 20 石潭二中 21 石潭二中 22 石潭二中 23 石潭二中 24 石潭二中 25 石潭二中 26 石潭二中 27 石潭二中 28 石潭二中 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 prightmanagement norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk u after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, ?ct. conta, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics?liquid into the people. reventspray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to p pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, ?, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. ready high pressure spray gun, petrol?to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention nservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs groupFour, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the coeffect. free, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weedtationsurvival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documendrying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when -sic symptoms of pest and disease. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the ba7
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