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卡梅伦北大演讲稿(完整版)卡梅伦北大演讲稿(完整版) 卡梅伦北大演讲稿 卡梅伦北大演讲稿 上次来这里时,我是英国反对党领导人。后来我们有了大选,它产 生了保守党和自民党联合政府„„工党现在成了反对党,其宪法职责 是公开问责新政=府。事实上,在今天这个周三下午,要不是我在北 京的话,就得准备每周的下院首相质询,议员们可以就所有**政策向 我任意发问。英国政-府永远从属于法治,这些是对政=府的制约。有 时它会让人沮丧,但我们认为,这最终会使我们的政=府更好,国家 更强。通过媒体,公众可直接听到与政=府相左的意见,这有时可能 很麻烦,但公众...

卡梅伦北大演讲稿(完整版) 卡梅伦北大演讲稿 卡梅伦北大演讲稿 上次来这里时,我是英国反对党领导人。后来我们有了大选,它产 生了保守党和自民党联合政府„„工党现在成了反对党,其宪法职责 是公开问责新政=府。事实上,在今天这个周三下午,要不是我在北 京的话,就得准备每周的下院首相质询,议员们可以就所有**政策向 我任意发问。英国政-府永远从属于法治,这些是对政=府的制约。有 时它会让人沮丧,但我们认为,这最终会使我们的政=府更好,国家 更强。通过媒体,公众可直接听到与政=府相左的意见,这有时可能 很麻烦,但公众对影响我们社=会的问题越了解,最终政=府就越容易 作出理智决定,制定出赢得民心的有力政策。我在英国当首相都没有 专门的厨师为我做饭,只能去内阁蹭饭。不仅如此,每年收入全部公 开。每周两周还要去下院接受质询,基本回来满脸都口水。我要是进 了老百姓家,抱着老百姓哭。第二天泰晤士报的标题会是英国首相以 无耻的眼泪换取选票。而太阳报的标题则会是英国首相和私生子相认。 tuesda 9 november XXpm’s speeh at beida universit, hinXX transript of speeh given b the prime minister at the beida universit in hina on 9 november XX.read the transipt:introdutiontent five ears ago i ame to hong kong as a student.the ear as8 5.deng xiaoping and margaret thather had reentl signed the histori joint delaration.the remarkable stor of the suessful handover of hong kongand the great progress hong kong has ontinued to makeis an example to the orld of hat an be ahieved hen to ountries ooperate in onfidene and ith mutual respet.sine then, hina has hanged almost beond reognition.hina’s national anthem famousl alls on the people of hina to stand upqi lai qi lai toda the hinese people are not just standing up in their on ountrthe are standing up in the orld.no longer an people talk about the global eonomithout inluding the ountr that has gron on average ten per ent a ear for three deades.no longer an e talk about trade„ithout the ountr that is no the orld’s largest exporter and third largest importer and no longer an e debate energ seurit or limate hangeithout the ountr that is one of the orld’s biggest onsumer of energ.hina is on ourse to relaim, later this entur, its position as the orld’s biggest eonomthe position it has held for of the last 20 enturies.and an ahievement of hih the hinese people are justl proud.put simpl: hina has re-emerged as a great global poer.threat or opportunitno people an reat to this in one of to as.the an see hina’s rise as a threator the an see it as an opportunit.the an protet their markets from hinaor open their markets to hina.the an tr and shut hina outor ele hina in, to a ne plae at the top table of global affairs.there has been a hange of government in britain and a hange of prime minister.but on this vital point there is absolute ontinuit beteen m government and the governments of ton blair and gordon bron.e ant a strong relationship ith hina. strong on trade. strong on investment. strong on dialogue.i made that lear as leader of the opposition hen i visited beijing and hongqing three ears ago.and i repeat it as prime minister here in hina’ s apital toda.in the argument about ho to reat to the rise of hina.i sa it’s an opportunit.i hoose engagement not disengagement.dialogue not stand-off.mutual benefit, not zero-sum game.partnership not protetionism.britain is the ountr that argues most passionatel for globalisation and free trade.free trade is in our dna. and e ant trade ith hina. as muh of it as e an get.that’s h i have ith me on this visit one of the biggest and most high-poered delegations a british prime minister has ever led to hina.just think about some of the prizes that the rise of hina ould help to bring ithin our grasp.strong, and sustainable groth for the global eonom.vital progress on the doha trade round hih ould add $170 billion to the global eonom.a real hane to get bak on trak toards a legall binding deal on emissionsunpreedented progress in takling povert.hina has lifted 500 million people out of povert in just thirt ears.although there is still a long a to go – that’s more people lifted out of povert than at an time in human histor.ou an see the results right aross this enormous ountr.hen i orked in hong kong briefl in85, shenzhen as barel more than a small ton, surrounded b padd fields and ateras.toda it is a it larger than london. it makes most of the orld’s ipods and one in ten of its mobile phones.and there are other benefits too in takling the orld’s most intratable problems.i ele the fat, for example, that more than 900 hinese dotors no ork in afrian ountries and that in uganda it is a hinese pharmaeutial firm that is introduing a ne anti-malarial drug.so i ant to make the positive asefor the orld to see hina’s rise as an opportunit not a threat.but hina needs to help us to make that argumentto demonstrate that as our eonom gros, so do our shared interests, and our shared responsibilities. e share an interest in hina’s integration into the orld eonom, hih is essential for hina’s development.if e are to maintain europe’s openness to hina, e must be able to sho that hina is open to europe.so e share an interest in an international sstem governed b rules and norms.e share an interest in effetive ooperative governane, inluding for the orld eonom.e share an interest in fighting protetionismand in a o-ordinated rebalaning beteen surplus and defiit ountries.these interests, those responsibilities are both eonomi and politial.let me take eah in turn.eonomi responsibilitiesfirst, eonomi responsibilities.let’s get straight to the point.the orld eonom has begun to gro again after the risis.but that groth is ver uneven.led b hina, asia and other emerging markets are groing quikl.but in muh of the advaned orld groth is slo and fragile and unemploment stubbornl high.e should not be surprised at this.the risis has damaged man advaned eonomies and eakened their finanial setors.the fae major strutural and fisal adjustments to rebalane their eonomies.this is true of m on ountr.e kno hat steps e need to take to restore the publi finanes and rebalane our eonom toards greater saving and investment and greater exports.and e have begun to take them.but for the orld eonom to be able to gro strongl again – and to gro ithout reating the dangerous eonomi and finanial instabilities that led to the risis, e need more than just adjustment in the advaned orld. the truth is that some ountries ith urrent aount surpluses have been saving too muhhile others like mine ith defiits have been saving too little.and the result has been a dangerous tidal ave of mone going from one side of the globe to the other.e need a more balaned pattern of global demand and suppl, a more balaned pattern of global saving and investment.no sometimes hen ou hear people talk about eonomi imbalanes, it an seem as though ountries that are suessful at exporting are being blamed for their suess.that’s absolutel not the ase.e all share an interest and a responsibilit to o-operate to seure strong and balaned global groth.there is no greater illustration of this than hat happened to hina as the estern banking sstem ollapsed.hinese exports fell 12 per entgroth dropped to its loest point in more than a deadeand some 20 million jobs ere lost in the hinese export setor.hanges in the struture of our eonomies ill take time.hat is important is that the major eonomies of the orld have a shared vision of the path of this hange: hat ations ountries should avoid; hat ations ountries need to take and, ruiall, over hat period it should happen.this is h the g20 – and the meeting in seoul – is so important.together e an agree a mon approah.e an mit to the neessar ations.e an agree that e ill hold eah other to aount.and just as hina plaed a leading role at the g20 in helping to avert a global depression so it an lead no.i kno from m disussions ith premier en ho mitted hina is to ations to rebalane its eonom.hina is alread talking about moving toards inreased domesti onsumptionbetter healthare and elfaremore onsumer goods as its middle lass grosand in time introduing greater market flexibilit into its exhange rate.this an not be pleted overnightbut it must happen.let’s be lear about the risks if it does notabout hat is at stake for hina and for the uk – ountries that depend on an open global eonom.at the orst point of the risis, e averted protetionism.but at a time of slo groth and high unemploment in man ountries those pressures ill rise againalread ou an see them.ountries ill inreasingl be tempted to tr to maximise their on groth and their on emploment, at the expense of others.globalisation – the fore that has been so poerful in driving development and bringing huge numbers into the orld eonom ould go into reverse.if e follo that path e ill all lose out.the est ould lose for sure. but so too ould hina.for the last to deades, trade has been a ver positive fator in hina’ s re-emergene on the orld stage.it has driven amazing grothand raised the living standards of millions.trade has helped stith bak hina’s netork of relations ith ountries aross the orld.e need to make sure that it does not turn into a negative fator.just as the est ants greater aess to hinese marketsso hina ants greater aess to estern markets and it ants market eonom status in the eu too.i had ver onstrutive talks ith premier en on exatl this issue esterda.i ill make the ase for hina to get market eonom status in the eubut hina needs to help, b shoing that it is mitted to being more open, as it bees more prosperous.and e need to ork together to do more to protet intelletual propert rightsbeause this ill give more businesses onfidene to e and invest in hina.uk panies are uniquel plaed to support hina’s demand for more high value goods for its onsumers.our pavilion at the orld expo in shanghai – hih on the gold XXrd for the best pavilion design – as a shoase for so man of britain’s strengthsfrom advaned engineering to eduation„from great brands to great pharmaeutial businessesfrom lo arbon to finanial servies to the reative industries.in all these areas and man more, british panies and british exports an help hina deliver the prosperit and progress it seeks.e an be part of hina’s development strateg, just as hina is part of ours.a true partnership of groth.in reent das, britain has on ne business orth billions of poundsinvolving panies aross the uk and ities all over hina.inluding a deal beteen rolls roe and hina eastern airlines for 16 airbus 330 aeroengines orth 750 millionand inard investments orth in exess of 300 millionthis is all in addition to at least 3bn of business hih british panies have seured as part of the airbus ontrat onluded ith hina last eek and a further 2 billion of investments b teso to develop ne shopping malls over the next five ears.and ith nearl 50 of britain’s most influential ulture, eduation and business leaders joining me on this visit.i hope these deals an be just the beginning of a hole ne era of bilateral trade beteen our ountries.ahieving this ould be a real in-in for our to ountries.so if hina is prepared to pursue further opening of its marketsand to ork ith britain and the other g20 ountries to rebalane the orld eonom and take steps over time toards internationalising its urrenthat ill go a long a toards helping the global eonom lok in the stabilit it needs for strong and sustainable groth.and just as importantl, it ill go a long a in seuring onfidene in the global munit that hina as an eonomi poer is a fore for good.politial responsibilitiesbut hina does not just have ne eonomi poer.it has ne politial poer.and that brings ne politial responsibilities too.hat hina sas – and hat hina does – reall matters.there is barel a global issue that needs resolution, hih does not beg the questions: hat does hina think, and ho an hina ontribute to a solution?hina has attempted to avoid entanglement in global affairs in the past. but hina’s size and global reah means that this is no longer a realisti hoie.hether it’s limate hange or development, health and eduation or global seurit, hina is too big and too important no not to pla its part. on limate hange, an international deal has to be fair.and that means that ountries ith different histories an’t all be expeted to ontribute in exatl the same a.but a fair deal also means that all ountries ontributeand all are part of an agreement.and there’s atuall a huge opportunit here for hina.beause hina an reall profit from having some of the most effiient green energ in the orld.on international seurit, great poers have a bigger interest than anone in preserving stabilit.take development for example, hina is one of the fastest groing investors in afriaith a vital influene over hether afria an bee a ne soure of groth for the orld eonom.e ant to ork together to ensure that the mone e spend in afria is not supporting orrupt and intolerant regimes.and the meeting of the un seurit ounil hih the british foreign seretar ill hair later this month provides a good opportunit to step up our o-operation on sudan.as hina’ s star rises again in the orld, so does its stake in a stable and ordered orld, in hih trade flos freel.toda, hina is the orld’ s seond biggest importer of oil, and sudan is one of our most important suppliers.so hina has a diret national interest in orking for stabilit in sudan.and four fifths of our oil imports pass through the malXX straits.so like britain and the other big trading nations, ou depend on open sea lanes.and like us, our stabilit and prosperit depends in part on the stabilit and prosperit of others. hether it’s nulear proliferation, a global eonomi risis or the rise of international terrorism, toda’s threats to our seurit do not respet geographial boundaries.the proliferation of nulear material endangers lives in nanjing as ell as ne ork.hina is plaing an ative role in helping to prevent onflagration over north korea.e have been orking ith hina in the un seurit ounil to keep up the pressure on iranand hina’s ontinuing role here is vital if e are to prevent iran from aquiring a nulear eapon.in our on region, i believe hina an ork ith us to improve the situation for the burmese people.and hina is one of the fe ountries that burma ill listen to on this point.but politial responsibilities are not just about ho one ountr interats ith anotherthose responsibilities also appl to the a a ountr empoers its on people.politial perspetivesit is undeniable that greater eonomi freedom has ontributed to hina’s groing eonomi strength.as hina’s eonom generates higher living standards and more hoie for hinese people, there is inevitabl debate ithin hina about the relationship beteen greater eonomi freedom and greater politial freedom.i reognise that e approah these issues ith different perspetives. i understand too that being in government is a huge hallenge.i’m finding that running a ountr of 60 million people.so i an onl begin to imagine hat it is like leading a ountr of 1.3 billion.i realise this presents hallenges of a different order of magnitude. hen i ame here last i as britain’s leader of the opposition.no e’ve had a general eletion.it produed a oalition government, hih bines to different politial parties – the onservatives and the liberal demorats – ith different histories and politial philosophies, orking together for the good of our ountr.the labour part is no the offiial opposition, ith a onstitutional dut to hold the ne government publil to aount.indeed if i ere not in beijing this ednesda afternoon, i ould be preparing for m eekl session of prime minister’s questions in the house of mons, here mps question me freel about the hole range of government poli.all the time the government is subjet to the rule of la.these are onstraints on the government, and at times the an be frustrating hen the ourts take a vie ith hih the government differsbut ultimatel e believe that the make our government better and our ountr stronger.through the media, the publi get to hear diretl from people ho hold different vies from the government.that an be diffiult at times, too.but e believe that the better informed the british publi is about the issues affeting our soietthe easier it is, ultimatel, for the british government to e to sensible deisions and to develop robust poliies that mand the onfidene of our people.i make these observations not beause i believe that e have some moral superiorit.our on soiet is not perfet.there is still injustie hih e must ork hard to takle. e are far from immune from povert and the ills that afflit ever nation on earth.but in arguing for a strong relationship beteen our ountries, i ant a relationship in hih e an be open ith eah other, in hih e an have onstrutive dialogue of give and take in a spirit of tolerane and mutual respet.the rise in eonomi freedom in hina in reent ears has been hugel benefiial to hina and to the orld.i hope that in time this ill lead to a greater politial openingbeause i am onvined that the best guarantor of prosperit and stabilit is for eonomi and politial progress to go in step together.in some respets it alread has.ordinar hinese people toda have more freedom over here the livehat job the doand here the travelthan ever before.people blog and text more.it’s right to reognise this progress.but it’s right also that britain should be open ith hina on issues here, no doubt partl beause of our different histor and ulture, e ontinue to take a different vie.there is no seret that e disagree on some issues, espeiall around human rights.e don’t raise these issues to make to us look good, or to flaunt publil that e have done so.e raise them beause the british people expet us to, and beause e have sinere and deepl held onerns.and i am pleased that e have agreed the next human rights dialogue beteen our to governments for januar.beause in the end, being able to talk through these issues – hoever diffiult – makes our relationship stronger. onlusionso let me finish here i began.hina’s suess – and ontinued suess – is good for britain and good for the orld.it’ s not in our national interests for hina to stumbleor for the hinese eonom to suffer a reverse.e have to make the ase.and i hope hina ill help us make the ase.that as hina gets riher, it does not follo that the rest of the orld ill get poorer.it is simpl not true that as hina rises again in the orld, others must neessaril deline.globalisation is not a zero sum game.if e manage things properl, if e in the arguments for free trade, if e find a a to better regulation, e an both gro together.but if e don’t, e ill both suffer.i referred earlier to britain’ s pavilion at the shanghai expo, “the dandelion”e are extremel proud that it on a oveted prize, and that it proved so popular ith hinese visitors.it is, in its a, a smbol of the strength and the potential in our relationship.to different ountries, past and future olmpi hosts, on far sides of the orld, soing the seeds of a flourishing relationship in the future, a relationship hih has the potential to gro and to bloom.proof, perhaps, that onfuius as right hen he said.“ithin the four seas all men are brothers”es, there e ill be storms to eather.es, there ill be perils to overe.es, e ill have to persevere.but it ill be orth it – for britain, for hina and for the orld.
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