首页 夏季行车安全注意事项和车辆维护与保养



夏季行车安全注意事项和车辆维护与保养夏季行车安全注意事项和车辆维护与保养 夏季高温,车辆易发生自然、爆胎等事故。各项目部一是要强化安全现场监管,加强对车辆油电路、发动机、轮胎等重点部位的专项检查的频次,特别交待超长驾驶做好车辆出车前、行驶中的检查,按规定配备灭火机,杜绝车辆带“病”行驶。二是要及时了解掌握气象信息,针对高温和汛期特点,做好驾驶员的安全教育工作。 一、高温下安全行车的要点 夏季高温天气,柏油路面曝晒易产生“虚光”,人容易烦躁,极易导致开车时注意力不集中 ,同时车辆爆胎也随之增多,并且夏季气候反复多变,大风、暴雨等恶劣天气活动频繁,...

夏季行车安全注意事项和车辆维护与保养 夏季高温,车辆易发生自然、爆胎等事故。各项目部一是要强化安全现场监管,加强对车辆油电路、发动机、轮胎等重点部位的专项检查的频次,特别交待超长驾驶做好车辆出车前、行驶中的检查,按规定配备灭火机,杜绝车辆带“病”行驶。二是要及时了解掌握气象信息,针对高温和汛期特点,做好驾驶员的安全教育工作。 一、高温下安全行车的要点 夏季高温天气,柏油路面曝晒易产生“虚光”,人容易烦躁,极易导致开车时注意力不集中 ,同时车辆爆胎也随之增多,并且夏季气候反复多变,大风、暴雨等恶劣天气活动频繁,给安全行车造成较大影响。因此,驾驶员应注意以下几方面对行车安全造成的影响: (一)防疲劳磕睡 夏季气温高,驾驶员睡眠不足,行车中容易疲劳磕睡。因此,出车前不参与对大脑刺激性强的活动,应注意休息,保证充足的睡眠,当行车中感到疲劳、打哈欠、手足无力等疲劳征兆时,应立即停车休息,或用冷水淋洗头面,活动四肢,待精力恢复、头脑清醒后再行车。 (二)防中暑 夏季日照强、气温高,驾驶员流汗多,精力消耗大,易发生中暑。为预防中暑可以采取以下 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 :一是驾驶员在出车前和行车途中to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non-dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant anti-rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritis 应避免食用辛辣油腻食物,多食用新鲜蔬菜,注意补充盐分;二是出车前要随车携带水壶和毛巾,备一些应急用的防暑药品;三是保持空调设施性能良好;四是适当设置遮阳装置,避免阳光直晒;五是增加途中休息次数和时间。 (三)勿酒后驾车 血液中的酒精时刻对大脑产生麻醉作用,行车中严重影响驾驶员判断和处理紧急情况的反应时间,形成视觉误差,表现为比平时迟钝片刻,但就是这零点几秒的反应时间,往往能决定一些道路交通事故的发生与否。 (四)防错觉 夏季行车,驾驶员容易疲劳、困倦,再加上受环境等诸多因素的影响,容易产生距离、速度、弯度、颜色、光线等方面的错觉,导致错误操作而造成险情。因此,出车前要保证充足的睡眠和良好的精神状态,并且驾驶员不宜戴颜色过深的墨镜。据研究,当汽车以80公里的时速前进时,过深的墨镜会把司机对情况的反应延长100毫秒,结果增加了2.2米的急刹车距离。 (五)不宜暴食冷饮 夏季天热,司机出汗较多,常感到心烦口渴,往往暴食冷饮。这样对身体是没有好处的。因为司机驾车时,大部分血液会流到紧张活动的肌肉里去,以供应足够的养料和运走废物,使胃肠道血液供应暂时减少。此时,如果大量摄入冷饮,就会造成胃肠道血管的突然收缩,使血流减少,常常引起生理功能紊乱,影响人体to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non-dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant anti-rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritis 对食物的消化,造成肚痛、腹泻等消化道疾病。因此,有关专家指出,夏季喝冷饮不如喝热茶。因为喝热茶可使毛细血管扩张,汗孔洞开,汗腺舒张,排汗畅快,有益于散发体内热量,而且茶叶中的茶碱还具有利尿作用,排尿时尿液排出增多,也可带走一部分热量。 (六)正确使用空调 夏日开车防止“空调病”要注意几个方面:当车内开着空调时,最好不要在车内抽烟。行驶时遇到交通堵塞,不要为提高空调效能而使发动机以较高转速运转,这样做,对发动机和空调压缩机的使用寿命都不好。停在烈日中车内温度很高的车不要马上使用空调,你可以先把所有车窗都打开,让热气排出去,等车厢内温度下降后,再关闭车窗,开启空调。同时,不要把温度调得太低,温度调得过低,会影响身体健康。一般车厢内外温差在10度以内为宜。 (七)不宜使用气体打火机 盛夏热浪滚滚,有些司机有抽烟解乏的习惯,点燃香烟后,便把气体打火机顺手放在仪表台上。其实,这样做是非常危险的。一次性气体打火机,其盛装液态气体的塑料容器,在40度以上时,气体会受热膨胀,塑料壳体会因受热而发生爆炸。虽然气体打火机的爆炸威力不大,一旦引起火灾,其后果是不堪设想的。所以,在炎热的夏季,司机不宜使用气体打火机,再说,行车时抽烟也是不允许的。 to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non-dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant anti-rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritis (八)防途中遇险: 在炎热的天气里,沥青路面在太阳曝晒下变软,制动时,因路面上的灰尘较多,附着系数下降,降低制动性能,驾驶员应注意。夜间驾驶还应注意路边、桥头乘凉露宿的人员,防止撞压。通过铺有农作物的路面时,应降低车速,不要轻易使用制动,以防侧滑。 (九)防火灾 油管破裂、接口松动、电路连接不可靠都可能发生火灾。因此,应经常检查油料是否有跑、冒、漏现象;线路连接是否牢靠,有无破损、老化;随车灭火器性能保持良好。 (十)防恶劣天气 出车前应了解到达地和途径地的道路和天气情况,尽量避免险情的发生,驾驶人应掌握大风、暴雨、冰雹以及突发事件的应急处理能力,降低风险,决不开冒险车。 二、高温下车辆的维护与保养 (一)防机体过热: 夏季环境温度高,发动机容易过热。因此,夏季应加强对发动机冷却系统的检查、保养,及时清除水箱、水套中的水垢和散热器芯片间嵌入的杂物;认真检查节温器、水泵、风扇的工作性能,损坏的应及时修复,同时注意调整好风扇皮带的张紧度;及时加注冷却水。当水箱开锅时,应在荫凉处停车降温,让发动机怠速to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non-dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant anti-rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritis 运转,切勿将发动机熄火,并掀开发动机罩以利散热,也不可向发动机泼冷水,以防机体炸裂。 (二)防燃油气阻: 温度越高,燃油(特别是汽油)蒸发越快,越容易在油路中形成气阻。因此,夏季应及时清洗燃油滤清器,保证油路畅通。一旦燃油系产生气阻时,应立即停车降温。 (三)防电瓶亏水: 夏季气温高,蓄电池电解液中的水分蒸发快,造成蓄电池亏水而早期损坏。因此,夏季应经常检查蓄电池内液面高度,及时添加蒸馏水,保持正常的液面高度,保证蓄电池处于良好的工作状态。 (四)防制动失灵: 制动液在高温环境中易蒸发汽化,在制动管路中形成气阻,制动蹄片也容易烧蚀,造成制动失灵。因此,夏季应及时检查调整制动系统,及时添加或更换制动液,彻底排净液压制动系统中的空气,并保证制动皮碗、制动软管和制动蹄片完好,行车中如发现制动踏板变软,应及时排气。 (五)防轮胎爆裂: 夏季轮胎内的气压会随着温度的升高而升高,容易产生爆胎事故。因此,夏季应适当降低轮胎气压。若行车中胎温过高时,应及时将车停于荫凉处休息降温,切勿采用泼冷水的办法降温,更不得采用放气的方法降温降压。 to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non-dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant anti-rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritis (六)防润滑不良: 温度高时,机油粘度下降,抗氧化性变差,造成润滑不良。因此,夏季应经常检查油量、油质,及时添加或更换;定期清洗保养机油滤清器、机油散热器,保证机油畅通、散热良好,并避免发动机超负荷工作。 总经理工作部车队安全组技术组 2011.7.5 to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non-dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant anti-rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritis
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