首页 小企业管理基础教学大纲



小企业管理基础教学大纲小企业管理基础教学大纲 第一部分 大纲说明 一、课程的性质和任务 “小企业管理基础”是中央电大为“一村一名大学生计划”的学生所开设的一门专业课。 本课程具有较强的操作性和实践性,通过本课程的学习,使学员掌握小企业管理方面的基础知识,比如创造小企业的竞争优势,小企业的经营战略和市场营销,小企业的财务报表与筹资需求,小企业的电子商务与客户关系管理,小企业的人才管理以及小企业的创新。为学习者管理和运行小企业打下一定的理论基础。 二、与相关课程的衔接 先修课程:创建小企业、实用管理基础、市场营销原理与实务等。 ...

小企业管理基础教学大纲 第一部分 大纲说明 一、课程的性质和任务 “小企业管理基础”是中央电大为“一村一名大学生计划”的学生所开设的一门专业课。 本课程具有较强的操作性和实践性,通过本课程的学习,使学员掌握小企业管理方面的基础知识,比如创造小企业的竞争优势,小企业的经营战略和市场营销,小企业的财务报表与筹资需求,小企业的电子商务与客户关系管理,小企业的人才管理以及小企业的创新。为学习者管理和运行小企业打下一定的理论基础。 二、与相关课程的衔接 先修课程:创建小企业、实用管理基础、市场营销原理与实务等。 三、课程教学的基本要求 (正确认识课程的性质、任务及其研究对象,全面了解课程的体系、结构,对小企业 1 管理有一个总体的认识。 2(掌握小企业管理的基本思路、基本原理和基本方法,了解学科发展的新理论与新思想。 3(紧密联系实际,学会分析案例,解决实际问题,把学科理论的学习融入对经济活动实践的研究和认识之中,切实提高分析问题、解决问题的能力。真正掌握课程的核心内容,为企业经济效益的提高服务,为社会主义市场经济体制的建立和完善做出贡献。 四、教学环节 1(自学:自学是以学生个别化学习为主的电大教育的显著特点,是学生系统获取学科的知识的重要方式之一。因此,各级电大在教学各个环节中应注意培养与提高学员自学能力。《小企业管理基础》一书的工艺设计和教学设计非常适合学习者的自学。 2(录像课:拟录制2节复习课并制成光碟,作为印刷媒体的重要补充。其内容以本教学大纲为依据、以文字教材为基础,对教材的结构体系进行总括介绍,对重点内容进行讲解,以帮助学员了解和掌握本课程的基本教学内容。 3(面授辅导:这是广播电视大学学员接触教师、解决疑难问题的重要途径,是弥补电大教学缺少双向交流的有效途径。面授辅导应以教学大纲为指南,结合音像教材,通过讲解、讨论、座谈、答疑等方式培养学生独立思考、解决问题的能力。 are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site 辅导教师要认真钻研教学大纲和教材,熟练掌握本课程的基本原理,了解和熟悉远程教育规律,研究成人学生的心理特点,为学生提供优质服务。 4(其他教学手段:主要是期刊辅导,以帮助学生自学为目的,指出学习要求和重点内容,适当阐释难点问题,提供必要的练习思考题,如需要可以不定期地发布教学信息、作业等。 5(实践教学:实践教学是实现培养目标的重要手段。在教学过程中,各地电大要结合教学进度,依据教学内容安排社会调查并进行交流,撰写调查分析报告等。本课程将布置4次记分作业,作业的主要形式就是社会调查,要求学员对自己身边的一个小企业进行调查,写出调查分析报告。 6(考核:考核是检查教与学效果的重要形式,是教学环节不可缺少的组成部分,是保证教学质量、培养合格人才的重要手段,必须予以高度重视。 本课程采用形成性考核和终结性考试两种方式进行。形成性考核主要采用论文式题目或社会调查报告的方式进行,要求学员完成4次形成性考核任务,其成绩占课程考核总成绩的40%;终结性考试(期末考试)采用闭卷考试的方式进行,由中央电大统一命题,统一评分 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 、统一考试时间,其成绩占课程考核总成绩的60%。 五、课程教学要求的层次 学习过程中,有关基本知识、基本理论的学习要求分为“了解、掌握”两个层次。有关基本技能和能力的学习要求分为“理解、描述、综合分析” 三个层次,是要求学生对特定的现象或问题能够应用掌握的知识和理论加以理解、分析和综合。 了解:要求学生对这部分内容知道; 掌握:要求学生对这部分内容不仅要知道,而且要能够应用; 理解:要求学生能够知道特定的现象或问题的知识范围和理论基点; 描述:要求学生能够知道特定的现象或问题的知识范围和理论基点,在理解的基础上,能够用自己的语言表述其基本的涵义。 综合分析:要求学生能够应用多方面知识和理论对特定的现象或问题加以分析和综合。 第二部分 多媒体教材一体化总体设计 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 一、课程的基本结构 导言 第一章创造竞争优势 are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site 第二章小企业经营战略 第三章财务报表与筹资需求 第四章小企业市场营销 第五章小企业的电子商务与客户关系管理 第六章小企业人才战略 第七章小企业创新 二、多媒体教材 1(文字教材 包括主教材和辅助教材。 主教材是教学的基本依据,其内容是教学大纲所规定的教学基本内容。要求教材体系完整,文字简洁,概念准确,论证清楚,案例应用恰当,适合以自学为主的成人教育,体现电大教学的规律和特点。 辅助教材包括学习指导书和学习参考资料,它有三个主要功能:一是学习主教材的向导;二是连接主教材和录像教材的媒介;三是自学和复习的必要补充,它包括作业、案例分析、复习指导等。 教材形式可以采用合一型(即主教材和辅导教材合在一起编写)。 2(录像教材 拟制作完成2讲复习指导课,以后视具体教学情况再作补充。 3(其他教学手段 主要是期刊辅导,以帮助学生自学为目的,指出学习要求和重点内容,适当阐释难点问题,提供必要的练习思考题,如需要可以不定期地发布教学信息、作业等。 第三部分 教学内容和教学要求 导言 教学内容: 一(小型企业的基本特点 are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site 二(小型企业的地位和作用 三(小企业管理的主要内容 (一)按照管理的职能进行划分 (二)按照小企业管理的专业性质进行划分 (三)按照小企业现代化管理的要求进行划分 教学要求: 1(掌握小型企业的基本特点。 2(掌握小企业管理的含义。 3(了解小企业管理的职能。 第一章创造竞争优势 教学内容: 第一节竞争优势 一(小企业竞争优势的含义 二(小企业竞争优势的类型 三(小企业竞争优势认识的误区 第二节小企业的外部环境分析 一(小企业的外部环境 二(小企业的外部环境分析方法 第三节建立竞争优势的战略选择 一(小企业的竞争战略 二(低成本战略 三(差异化战略 第四节市场细分战略及其相关战略 一(目标市场营销 are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site 二(小企业市场细分战略 三(小企业细分市场战略的相关战略 第五节利基市场营销 一(利基市场营销的相关概念 二(小企业如何开展利基市场营销 三(保持独特的差别优势 第六节保持竞争优势 一(保持竞争优势的重要性 二(小企业如何保持竞争优势 教学要求: 1(了解竞争优势的核心概念及相关的内容; 2(分析影响小企业获取竞争优势的外部环境; 3(讨论小企业建立竞争优势的战略选择; 4(识别小企业建立竞争优势的市场细分战略及其相关战略; 5(阐述小企业的利基市场营销战略; 6(探讨小企业家如何保持已获得的竞争优势。 第二章小企业经营战略 教学内容: 第一节小企业的经营者 一(小企业经营者 二(小企业经营者的类型 三(小企业经营者的特点 四(小企业经营者的能力与开发 are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site 第二节小企业经营的基础 一(小企业的经营理念 二(小企业的经营方式 三(小企业的经营现代化 四(小企业经营成功的环境条件 第三节小企业经营战略 一(小企业经营战略的概念与作用 二(小企业经营战略的特征 三(小企业经营战略的选择 四(小企业经营战略的开发 五(小企业的人才开发战略 第四节行业类型与经营方向 一(小企业行业选择的理论分析 二(小企业行业类型和经营方向的选择 教学要求: 1(了解小企业经营者的含义,以及小企业经营者的类型与特点; 2(阐述小企业的经营基础; 3(识别小企业的经营战略; 4(描述小企业可选择的行业类型与经营方向。 第三章财务报表与筹资需求 教学内容: 第一节主要财务报表 一(资产负债表 are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site 二(利润表 三(现金流量表 四(主要财务报表之间的区别 第二节企业获利能力的预测 一(影响企业获利水平的因素 二(预测企业利润的一个例子 第三节预计新办企业所需资产和筹资需求 一(预测新办企业的资产需求 二(资产构成的流动性 第四节筹资前的技术准备------内部财务分析 一(小企业偿债能力分析 二(小企业获利能力分析 三(小企业资产管理分析 第五节负债筹资和权益筹资 一(潜在获利能力 二(筹资风险 三(表决控制权 第六节银行贷款、供应商、政府 一(银行贷款 二(供应商 三(政府 第七节筹资中注意的事项 一(负债融资和权益融资的特点 二(小企业筹集资金的原则 are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site 教学要求: 1(了解与小企业经营相关的主要财务报表; 2(阐述预测企业获利能力的方法; 3(探讨预计新办企业所需资产和资金需求的方法; 4(熟悉小企业筹资的技术准备——内部财务分析的指标; 5(识别不同筹资方式的优劣与影响因素; 6(描述三个重要的筹资渠道:银行贷款、信用融资和政府资助; 7(讨论小企业筹资中应该注意的事项。 第四章小企业市场营销 教学内容: 第一节小企业市场营销的特点 一(小企业营销主体的界定 二(小企业市场营销的特点 第二节顾客忠诚度和产品策略 一(让顾客满意是建立顾客忠诚度的关键 二(了解顾客的购买决策过程 三(产品发展策略 四(新产品开发策略 第三节小企业的定价与信用策略 一(定价的基本依据 二(定价的方法与技巧 三(定价与信用策略 第四节分销渠道策略 are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site 一(分销渠道的作用与类型 二(渠道设计决策 第五节管理品牌、广告和促销 一(管理品牌决策 二(管理广告传播 教学要求: 1(理解小企业市场营销有哪些特点; 2(理解为什么要重视对顾客忠诚的培育,培育顾客忠诚与产品策略有怎样的联系; 3(掌握小企业怎样选择适合自己的定价策略和信用策略; 4(掌握如何设计管理企业分销渠道; 5(理解与掌握如何使企业管理品牌、广告和促销的活动更有效率。 第五章小企业的电子商务与客户关系管理 教学内容: 第一节电子商务的基本框架与应用 一(电子商务的概念及基本框架 二(电子商务的基本过程 三(电子商务的基础结构 四(小企业如何实施电子商务与网络营销 第二节小企业与网络营销 一(网络营销的本质与特征 二(网络营销策略 第三节电子商务应用------企业资源计划与供应链管理 一(企业资源计划(ERP)的特点和功能 二(ERP应用效益 are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site 三(供应链管理的基本内容 四(供应链管理的应用效益 第四节小企业的客户关系管理(CRM) 一(客户关系管理是市场深度竞争的产物 二(客户关系管理系统的基本结构和功能 三(客户关系管理与ERP和SCM的整合 教学要求: 1(什么是电子商务,小企业为什么要关注和参与电子商务, 2(引入企业资源计划(ERP)和供应链管理(SCM)能给小企业带来哪些机会和利益, 3(网络营销的本质和特征是什么,与传统营销相比,网络营销策略有哪些变化, 4(客户关系管理(CRM)给企业营销带来了哪些机遇和挑战, 第六章小企业人才战略 教学内容: 第一节以人为本的管理思想 一(人力资源及其特点 二(人本管理思想 第二节人才的开发与引进 一(小企业的人才开发 二(小企业的人才引进 第三节人才的选聘与培训 一(小企业的人才选聘 二(小企业的人才培训 第四节人才的使用与激励 are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site 一(小企业的人才使用 二(小企业的人才激励 第五节与人力资源管理相关的问题 一(小企业的人力资源规划 二(劳动关系 三(员工租赁 教学要求: 1(了解以人为本的管理思想; 2(阐述小企业的人才开发与引进; 3( 概括 简爱每回概括100字简爱每回概括200字简爱盖茨黑德府概括简爱的概括水浒传回目概括 小企业人才的选聘与培训; 4(描述小企业人才的使用与激励; 5(讨论与小企业人力资源管理相关的几个问题。 第七章小企业创新 教学内容: 第一节小企业创新的理论与实践 一(小企业的创新能力 二(小企业创新的基本内容 第二节小企业的技术创新 一(技术创新战略的选择 二(小企业的产品创新 三(小企业的工艺创新 四(小企业的服务创新 第三节小企业的管理创新 are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site 一(小企业管理创新的内容 二(小企业管理创新的基本思路 三(小企业管理思想和模式的创新 四(小企业管理组织创新 五( 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 创新 教学要求: 1(了解企业创新的一般特点,理解小企业创新的优势和制约因素; 2(理解企业创新的理念; 3(掌握小企业技术创新的含义、类型,理解企业生命周期不同阶段的技术创新战略选择; 4(掌握小企业产品创新的内容、类型和产品创新策略; 5(掌握小企业服务创新的内容、类型,理解服务创新的方法; 6(掌握小企业工艺创新的含义和内容; 7(掌握小企业管理创新的含义、内容和基本思路,理解管理思想创新、管理模式创新、管理组织创新和管理 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 创新的含义和思路。 2004.11.1 are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site
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