首页 大班科学好吃的馒头说课稿



大班科学好吃的馒头说课稿大班科学好吃的馒头说课稿 大班科学《好吃的馒头》说课稿 说课人:赵妮娜 一、教材分析: 馒头和朋友的生活紧密相连,它的形状、颜色、制作材料对于大班幼儿来说耳熟能详,而大班孩子已具备了一定的认知能力、观察能力、操作能力,所以做馒头这个内容完全符合幼儿的生活经验和学习经验,通过此课的学习,定会让孩子在原有经验的基础上有新的提升。正如《纲要》中所说:既符合幼儿的现实需要,又有利于其长远发展;既贴近幼儿的生活,选择感兴趣的事物或问题,又有利于拓展幼儿的经验和视野。 说目标: 根据纲要的目标、教材本身的特点以及大...

大班科学好吃的馒头说课稿 大班科学《好吃的馒头》说课稿 说课人:赵妮娜 一、教材分析: 馒头和朋友的生活紧密相连,它的形状、颜色、制作材料对于大班幼儿来说耳熟能详,而大班孩子已具备了一定的认知能力、观察能力、操作能力,所以做馒头这个内容完全符合幼儿的生活经验和学习经验,通过此课的学习,定会让孩子在原有经验的基础上有新的提升。正如《纲要》中所说:既符合幼儿的现实需要,又有利于其长远发展;既贴近幼儿的生活,选择感兴趣的事物或问题,又有利于拓展幼儿的经验和视野。 说目标: 根据纲要的目标、教材本身的特点以及大班孩子的特点,我将目标设置如下: 1、知识目标:了解馒头的制作过程,知道做馒头要加入酵母。 2、.技能目标:学习和面和揉馒头的基本方法 3、.情感目标:积极参与制作馒头,有探索周围生活事物的愿望 根据孩子已有的经验水平,我将目标1设定为重点,目标2设定为难点。 说准备: (一)经验准备:幼儿有和面的经验和看大人蒸馒头的经验。 (二)物质准备:酵母、面粉、水、面盆、案板、《黑猩猩的馒头店》的 ppt 关于艾滋病ppt课件精益管理ppt下载地图下载ppt可编辑假如ppt教学课件下载triz基础知识ppt 、蒸馒头全过程的视频、蒸馒头全过程的卡片两份、记录表等。 说教学法: 《纲要》里提出:创设宽松的环境,让每一幼儿都能参与实际探究活动,感受尝试的乐趣,感受发现的喜悦。我提供了制作馒头的一系列工具,让幼儿在制作中自主的发现问题、提出问题,从而解决问题,而我始终只是幼儿的支持者、合作者和引导者。结合自主探索法、观察法、讨论法等进行教学。克服传统的说教形式,幼儿始终是活动的主体,在具体的操作中学习知识和技能,引导幼儿运用多种感官参与法、讨论法、观察法等等进行学习。 the construction site, and coordinated the implementation of protective measures. 7.10 the main control requirements of 7.10.1 site acceptance of equipment and materials equipment and material comes into play, construction unit should, in conjunction with the relevant units (equipment manufacturers, construction unit, supervisor or management units, etc)recorded on the maintenance tab. 7.8.3 products protective duties with the conversion and transfer of responsibility for construction, maintenance work of the product should be handed over. 7.8.4 for commissioning of power plant equipment and systems should be run or are under construction in the equipment or system to make the necessary isolation, not to operate the valve, switch hanging sign, ensure that the test devices are not mistakes. 7.8.5 products during the transfer of product maintenance cards should save the transfer of project management. 7.9 product after the change of protection sought after product by project Department according to customer requirements and the specific circumstances of 说活动过程: (一)以黑猩猩的馒头店的 故事 滥竽充数故事班主任管理故事5分钟二年级语文看图讲故事传统美德小故事50字120个国学经典故事ppt 情节导入,让幼儿发现黑猩猩和小熊的馒头的不同,从而引发问题, (幼儿的思维是直观形象的,由于受思维的限制,幼儿是通过自身的感知、积累一定的感性经验,才能进行科学活动,因此我选择的内容都是围绕在幼儿周围,符合幼儿的生活经验,是幼儿熟悉的、感兴趣的,所以幼儿很快就进入了课题,激发了幼儿的学习兴趣,为以下的重难点的突破奠定了基础。) (二)通过观察、品尝、谈话知道做馒头是要加入酵母 (这个环节主要目的是落实重点,为难点的突破奠定基础) 1、你觉得谁的馒头好吃,我们平常吃到是那种馒头,你知道是怎么做出了的吗,(提问具有针对性,目的非常明确) 2.幼儿每说一种材料,教师就出示相应的图片,引导幼儿说一说。 3.、引发讨论:有的幼儿认为蒸馒头要加入酵母,有的认为不需要,我这里留了一个悬念,让幼儿根据自己的想法去验证。 (幼儿动手和面做馒头在这个过程中,我鼓励大胆尝试,大胆地与同伴交流经验,分享快乐,分享彼此的经验,在说中学,听中学,以幼儿为主体,幼儿才是学习的真正的主人,落实了目标1即活动的重点。) (三)验证幼儿的想法 我们的馒头上锅了,请小朋友说说你刚才是怎么蒸馒头的,那我们来看看你蒸出来的馒头是什么样子的,做馒头到底加不加入酵母。 (幼儿是通过观察自己亲手蒸出来的馒头,知道了加入酵母的馒头又白又松软,很好吃,不加酵母的馒头是硬的,吃起来不好吃,紧接着让幼儿观看食堂师傅蒸馒头的视频,加深了幼儿对蒸馒头整个过程的印象幼儿通过自身与物质世界的相互作用建构知识,学习科学的,体现了《纲要》中的精神:尽可能创造条件,让每一幼儿都有机会参与探究的机会,感受参与的过程和结果,体验发现的乐趣。) the construction site, and coordinated the implementation of protective measures. 7.10 the main control requirements of 7.10.1 site acceptance of equipment and materials equipment and material comes into play, construction unit should, in conjunction with the relevant units (equipment manufacturers, construction unit, supervisor or management units, etc)recorded on the maintenance tab. 7.8.3 products protective duties with the conversion and transfer of responsibility for construction, maintenance work of the product should be handed over. 7.8.4 for commissioning of power plant equipment and systems should be run or are under construction in the equipment or system to make the necessary isolation, not to operate the valve, switch hanging sign, ensure that the test devices are not mistakes. 7.8.5 products during the transfer of product maintenance cards should save the transfer of project management. 7.9 product after the change of protection sought after product by project Department according to customer requirements and the specific circumstances of (四)回到故事中,帮助小熊解决问题, 现在我们知道小熊的馒头为什么卖不出去了吗,我们去教教他蒸馒头的正确方法好吗, 以上的活动设计环环想扣,循序渐进,即关注了幼儿原有的生活经验,又在原有经验的基础上关注新经验的获得,整个设计体现了以下几个特色: 1、幼儿园的课程是全面的、启蒙的,各领域的内容要相互渗透相互融合,在孩子的心里是没有学科的界限,因此在整个活动中,我融入了语言,如让孩子用完整的句子讲述,在讲述的过程中提高了倾听能力等,又融入了比较等内容,全面的促进孩子的发展。 2.利用了现代化的工具及媒体的介入,给予孩子更直观、更科学的经验,即验证了幼儿操作的结果,又能给孩子科学的知识。 3.教师引导的关键是提出有质量的问题,所有问题的提出,我都是根据孩子已有的生活经验和重难点的突破而展开。教师只是支持者、合作者、引导者,孩子才是学习的真正的主人。 2011-10 the construction site, and coordinated the implementation of protective measures. 7.10 the main control requirements of 7.10.1 site acceptance of equipment and materials equipment and material comes into play, construction unit should, in conjunction with the relevant units (equipment manufacturers, construction unit, supervisor or management units, etc)recorded on the maintenance tab. 7.8.3 products protective duties with the conversion and transfer of responsibility for construction, maintenance work of the product should be handed over. 7.8.4 for commissioning of power plant equipment and systems should be run or are under construction in the equipment or system to make the necessary isolation, not to operate the valve, switch hanging sign, ensure that the test devices are not mistakes. 7.8.5 products during the transfer of product maintenance cards should save the transfer of project management. 7.9 product after the change of protection sought after product by project Department according to customer requirements and the specific circumstances of
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