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高速铁路隧道施工要点_secret高速铁路隧道施工要点_secret 监控量测作业要点卡片 卡片编号:隧211 上道工序:洞身开挖 序号 工序 作业控制要点 量 测人员培训,测量仪器准备。根据隧道地质情况、施工方法、1 设 计 断面情况制定监控量测实施法案 测点在开挖面施工后及时安设,并尽快取得初读数,测点布 置牢固可靠、易于识别、并注意保护。拱顶下沉和地表下沉测 点2 量测基点应与洞内或洞外水准基点联测,每15,20d应校核埋 设 一次 每次测量都要认真做好原始数据记录,并记录开挖里程、支 数 据护施工情况以及环境温度等,保持原始记录...

高速铁路隧道施工要点_secret 监控量测作业要点卡片 卡片编号:隧211 上道工序:洞身开挖 序号 工序 作业控制要点 量 测人员培训,测量仪器准备。根据隧道地质情况、施工方法、1 设 计 断面情况制定监控量测实施法案 测点在开挖面施工后及时安设,并尽快取得初读数,测点布 置牢固可靠、易于识别、并注意保护。拱顶下沉和地表下沉测 点2 量测基点应与洞内或洞外水准基点联测,每15,20d应校核埋 设 一次 每次测量都要认真做好原始数据记录,并记录开挖里程、支 数 据护施工情况以及环境温度等,保持原始记录的准确性 3 采 集 监测结果分析采用散点图(时态曲线)和回归分析法,依据 数 据时态曲线的形态对围岩稳定性、支护结构的工作状态做安全4 性评价,并提出实施 意见 文理分科指导河道管理范围浙江建筑工程概算定额教材专家评审意见党员教师互相批评意见 指导施工 分 析 施 工为施工中调整围岩级别,修改支护系统和设计变更提供依据 5 建 议 预测变性发展趋向,评估围岩和隧道结构的安全状况,并将 监 测结果反馈给设计、监理,从而实现动态设计、信息化施工 6 总 结 下道工序:衬砌 require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to check on the job. 15.3.3 temporary power and lighting circuits (1) substations, power distribution rooms fortified Thunder, earth leakage protection, use zero system, but shall not be co-located on the same power supply system ground connection and zero connection; (2) the erection of lighting lines suspended height shall be in accordance with local requirements in the electricity sector; (3) construction site lighting line short-circuit protection, fixed and joint loads shall be according to the regulations of the local power sector; (4) portable power equipment, cables and other vehicles rolled leakage-proof; (5) electric drive wheel, wheel, flywheels and other exposed parts of protective devices. (6) construction organization design of temporary electricity in construction site shall be prepared, no private lines. 15.3.4 safety assurance measures (1) traffic should be smooth, clean and smooth drainage system. Slope, turning radius, the wrong lanes, road ... 15.4.1 organització de resposta d'emergència i deures (1) Departament de treball resposta d'emergència de seguretat grup líder d'un director de projecte d'establir l'organització. Presideix el director del projecte, cap adjunt projecte director adjunt, directors de 必测项目量测断面间距和每断面测点数量 断面间距 每断面测点数量 围岩级别 (m) 净空变化 拱顶下沉 ?,? 5,10 1,2条基线 1,3点 ? 10,30 1条基线 1点 ? 30,50 1条基线 1点 注:1洞口及浅埋地段断面间距取小值。 2各选测项目量测断面的数量,宜在每级围岩内选有代表性的1,2个。 量测频率(按位移速度) 位移速度(mm/d) 量测频率 ?5 2次/d 1,5 1次/d 0.5,1 1次/2,3d 0.2,0.5 1次/3d ,0.2 1次/7d 量测频率(按距开挖面距离) 测量断面距开挖面距离(m) 量测频率 (0,1)b 2次/d require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to check on the job. 15.3.3 temporary power and lighting circuits (1) substations, power distribution rooms fortified Thunder, earth leakage protection, use zero system, but shall not be co-located on the same power supply system ground connection and zero connection; (2) the erection of lighting lines suspended height shall be in accordance with local requirements in the electricity sector; (3) construction site lighting line short-circuit protection, fixed and joint loads shall be according to the regulations of the local power sector; (4) portable power equipment, cables and other vehicles rolled leakage-proof; (5) electric drive wheel, wheel, flywheels and other exposed parts of protective devices. (6) construction organization design of temporary electricity in construction site shall be prepared, no private lines. 15.3.4 safety assurance measures (1) traffic should be smooth, clean and smooth drainage system. Slope, turning radius, the wrong lanes, road ... 15.4.1 organització de resposta d'emergència i deures (1) Departament de treball resposta d'emergència de seguretat grup líder d'un director de projecte d'establir l'organització. Presideix el director del projecte, cap adjunt projecte director adjunt, directors de (1,2)b 1次/d (2,5)b 1次2,3d ,5 b 1次/7d 注:b—隧道开挖宽度。 喷射混泥土作业要点卡片 卡片编码:隧301 上道工序:洞身开挖 序号 工序 作业控制要点 施 工原 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 检测合格,机具设备满足施工要求。 1 准 备 清理受喷面,每2m布设控制混泥土厚度标志 搅 拌强制式搅拌机拌制,拌和时间不小于3min。拌和料的停放 及 运时间不得大于30min。液体速凝剂在喷头处汇合 2 输 喷射人员佩戴防护用具。初喷混泥土厚度4cm,分段、分片、 分层、由下而上进行,分段长度不大于6m。喷射时喷嘴与初 喷 3 受喷面保持1.5,2.0m的距离,喷射角度尽可能接近90度 在前一层混凝土终凝后进行,若终凝1h后进行喷射,用风复 喷 4 水清洗喷层表面后复喷至设计厚度 require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to check on the job. 15.3.3 temporary power and lighting circuits (1) substations, power distribution rooms fortified Thunder, earth leakage protection, use zero system, but shall not be co-located on the same power supply system ground connection and zero connection; (2) the erection of lighting lines suspended height shall be in accordance with local requirements in the electricity sector; (3) construction site lighting line short-circuit protection, fixed and joint loads shall be according to the regulations of the local power sector; (4) portable power equipment, cables and other vehicles rolled leakage-proof; (5) electric drive wheel, wheel, flywheels and other exposed parts of protective devices. (6) construction organization design of temporary electricity in construction site shall be prepared, no private lines. 15.3.4 safety assurance measures (1) traffic should be smooth, clean and smooth drainage system. Slope, turning radius, the wrong lanes, road ... 15.4.1 organització de resposta d'emergència i deures (1) Departament de treball resposta d'emergència de seguretat grup líder d'un director de projecte d'establir l'organització. Presideix el director del projecte, cap adjunt projecte director adjunt, directors de 喷射混凝土终凝后3h内不得进行爆破作业。混凝土表面应 平整,无空鼓、裂缝,用2m靠尺检查,表面平整度允许 偏差为100mm。喷射混凝土的回弹率:边墙布应大于15%,质 量5 拱部部应大于25%。厚度检查点数的80%及以上大于设计控 制 厚度。强度符合设计要求 喷射混凝土终凝2h后,应进行养护。石质隧道采用喷雾养 养护 护,土质隧道采用养护液养护。养护时间不小于14d。当6 气温低于+5?时,不得洒水养护 下道工序:衬砌 喷射混凝土搅拌作业要点卡片 卡片编号:隧302 上道工序:洞身开挖 序号 工序 作业控制要点 施工前对搅拌机械进行检查,确保其状态正常安全。操作 人员必须专人负责,持证上岗。对搅拌机电器部位进行检 查,确保不漏电,并实行“一机一闸,一箱一保护”。人1 施工准 员进入搅拌机检修时,必须有人值班,不得违章作业。作备 业人员穿戴好防护用品 材料按照配合比通过计量后,将粗骨料和钢纤维或合成纤2 投料 维送入拌和机干拌,再加入水泥、细骨料和水 require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to check on the job. 15.3.3 temporary power and lighting circuits (1) substations, power distribution rooms fortified Thunder, earth leakage protection, use zero system, but shall not be co-located on the same power supply system ground connection and zero connection; (2) the erection of lighting lines suspended height shall be in accordance with local requirements in the electricity sector; (3) construction site lighting line short-circuit protection, fixed and joint loads shall be according to the regulations of the local power sector; (4) portable power equipment, cables and other vehicles rolled leakage-proof; (5) electric drive wheel, wheel, flywheels and other exposed parts of protective devices. (6) construction organization design of temporary electricity in construction site shall be prepared, no private lines. 15.3.4 safety assurance measures (1) traffic should be smooth, clean and smooth drainage system. Slope, turning radius, the wrong lanes, road ... 15.4.1 organització de resposta d'emergència i deures (1) Departament de treball resposta d'emergència de seguretat grup líder d'un director de projecte d'establir l'organització. Presideix el director del projecte, cap adjunt projecte director adjunt, directors de 采用全自动计量强制式搅拌机,搅拌机设置于洞外或洞内 安全地段。钢纤维混凝土搅拌要保证拌和物分散均匀,不 产生接团,干拌时间不小于1.5min,加水搅拌时间不小于3 搅拌 3min,惨有合成纤维混凝土的搅拌时间为4,5min。坍落 度一般为8,13cm。搅拌中手或其他工具不得进入搅拌桶 内 钢纤维宜用普通碳素钢制成,长度为20,35cm,并不大于 喷嘴内径的0.7倍。钢纤维喷射混凝土中,石子最大粒径质量控4 不大于10mm,砂率不小于50%。搅拌机一次搅拌量不大于制 额定搅拌量的80% 下道工序:喷射混凝土喷射 喷射混凝土喷射作业要点卡片 卡片编码:隧303 上道工序:喷射混凝土拌制 序号 工序 作业控制要点 对设备、风、电和管线路检查,并试运行。脚手架应牢固 施工准 可靠,清理危石,布设厚度标志。施工人员佩戴好个人防1 备 护用品 require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to check on the job. 15.3.3 temporary power and lighting circuits (1) substations, power distribution rooms fortified Thunder, earth leakage protection, use zero system, but shall not be co-located on the same power supply system ground connection and zero connection; (2) the erection of lighting lines suspended height shall be in accordance with local requirements in the electricity sector; (3) construction site lighting line short-circuit protection, fixed and joint loads shall be according to the regulations of the local power sector; (4) portable power equipment, cables and other vehicles rolled leakage-proof; (5) electric drive wheel, wheel, flywheels and other exposed parts of protective devices. (6) construction organization design of temporary electricity in construction site shall be prepared, no private lines. 15.3.4 safety assurance measures (1) traffic should be smooth, clean and smooth drainage system. Slope, turning radius, the wrong lanes, road ... 15.4.1 organització de resposta d'emergència i deures (1) Departament de treball resposta d'emergència de seguretat grup líder d'un director de projecte d'establir l'organització. Presideix el director del projecte, cap adjunt projecte director adjunt, directors de 喷射机一定要放在围岩稳定或已衬砌地段。开始时,先送2 开 机 风、再开机、再供料,结束时,先停料、再关机、最后停 风 喷锚作业必须实行定机、定人、定岗,认真做到安全操作, 保养和交班 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 。喷射自下而上,先将低洼处大致喷平, 再顺序分层、往复喷射。有钢架时,先喷钢架与围岩间混 凝土,再喷两钢架之间混凝土。边墙应从墙脚开始向上喷 射,一次喷射厚度7,10cm,拱部5,6cm.喷射时喷头与3 喷 射 受喷面保持1.5,2.0m的适当距离,喷射角度尽可能接近 90?。喷射速度要适当,有利于混凝土的压实。风压过大, 回弹增加,风压过小,喷射速度过小,压实力小,影响混 凝土强度。喷嘴严禁对人放置 按照埋设标志控制喷射混凝土的厚度。分层喷射时,后一 质 量4 层要在前一层混凝土凝固后进行,如果凝固1h后再喷射 控 制 时,要先用高压风和水清洗喷层表面 下道工序:衬砌 锚杆作业要点卡片 卡片编码:隧304 上道工序:洞身开挖 序号 工序 作业控制要点 require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to check on the job. 15.3.3 temporary power and lighting circuits (1) substations, power distribution rooms fortified Thunder, earth leakage protection, use zero system, but shall not be co-located on the same power supply system ground connection and zero connection; (2) the erection of lighting lines suspended height shall be in accordance with local requirements in the electricity sector; (3) construction site lighting line short-circuit protection, fixed and joint loads shall be according to the regulations of the local power sector; (4) portable power equipment, cables and other vehicles rolled leakage-proof; (5) electric drive wheel, wheel, flywheels and other exposed parts of protective devices. (6) construction organization design of temporary electricity in construction site shall be prepared, no private lines. 15.3.4 safety assurance measures (1) traffic should be smooth, clean and smooth drainage system. Slope, turning radius, the wrong lanes, road ... 15.4.1 organització de resposta d'emergència i deures (1) Departament de treball resposta d'emergència de seguretat grup líder d'un director de projecte d'establir l'organització. Presideix el director del projecte, cap adjunt projecte director adjunt, directors de 锚杆类型、长度等参数根据设计要求、围岩性质和锚固特锚杆选1 性进行选择。杆体直径均匀、无严重锈蚀、弯折现象 择 测量放按设计要求定出孔位位置,孔位允许偏差为?150mm 2 样 钻孔机具根据锚杆类型、规格选择,成孔与围岩面或所在 3 部位岩层的主要结构面垂直,深度及直径宜于杆体相匹钻孔 配。钻孔前检查工作面稳定情况 用高压风吹洗清孔,并对锚杆孔间距、深度、角度检查。4 验孔 杆孔的深度大于锚杆设计长度10cm直径大于杆体直径 15mm,孔位允许偏差?150mm 砂浆锚杆是先将注浆管插至孔眼底,用高压风将砂浆压入 眼孔,然后立即把锚杆插入孔眼,用木锲堵塞眼口。药包 锚杆是把药包装入锚杆孔后,在药包水泥初凝前,将锚杆5 安装 送人。锚杆在送进过程中与浸水后的药包充分搅拌,使锚 杆获得良好的锚固性。自钻式锚杆直接安装就位注浆。锚 杆安装后禁止敲击、悬挂重物。作业人员做好人身防护 锚杆孔内砂浆、药包饱满密实,杆体插入孔内长度不应小6 验收 于设计规定的95%,锚杆位置和数量符合要求。锚杆垫板 与喷射混凝土面密贴 下道工序:衬砌 require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to check on the job. 15.3.3 temporary power and lighting circuits (1) substations, power distribution rooms fortified Thunder, earth leakage protection, use zero system, but shall not be co-located on the same power supply system ground connection and zero connection; (2) the erection of lighting lines suspended height shall be in accordance with local requirements in the electricity sector; (3) construction site lighting line short-circuit protection, fixed and joint loads shall be according to the regulations of the local power sector; (4) portable power equipment, cables and other vehicles rolled leakage-proof; (5) electric drive wheel, wheel, flywheels and other exposed parts of protective devices. (6) construction organization design of temporary electricity in construction site shall be prepared, no private lines. 15.3.4 safety assurance measures (1) traffic should be smooth, clean and smooth drainage system. Slope, turning radius, the wrong lanes, road ... 15.4.1 organització de resposta d'emergència i deures (1) Departament de treball resposta d'emergència de seguretat grup líder d'un director de projecte d'establir l'organització. Presideix el director del projecte, cap adjunt projecte director adjunt, directors de 中空注浆锚杆作业要点卡片 卡片编码:隧305 上道工序:洞身开挖 序号 工序 作业控制要点 对风水、电、设备管线进行检查,并试运行,确保其处于 施工准安全状态。现场锚杆符合要求。作业人员配戴好个人防护1 备 用品。施工前对现场围岩进行检查,确保安全。 测量定按设计要求定出锚杆孔位,并做好标记,孔位允许偏差为2 位 ?150mm。 检查锚杆体钻头的水孔是否畅通,若有异物堵塞,及时清钻进安3 理。锚杆对准布设的孔位慢慢钻进,直至设计深度。保持装 锚杆外露长度为10,15 锚杆钻入设计深度后,用水、高压机洗孔。检查锚杆间距、清理检4 长度、角度是否符合要求,发现不符合废弃重钻。 查 配制浆液时,操作工人戴胶手套、护目镜、穿长筒胶鞋。 注浆料由杆体中孔灌入,上仰孔应按要求设置止浆塞和排锚杆注5 气孔,根据技术交底要求控制注浆压力。注浆采取交错、浆 间隔进行,注浆结束后检查其效果,不合格者补浆。注浆 时,作业工人不准站在注浆口附近。 安装数量符合要求,锚杆打入长度不小于设计的95%。水6 验收 泥浆体强度达10.0MPa后方可上紧垫板螺母,锚杆垫板与 喷混凝土面密贴。 下道工序:钢筋网 require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to check on the job. 15.3.3 temporary power and lighting circuits (1) substations, power distribution rooms fortified Thunder, earth leakage protection, use zero system, but shall not be co-located on the same power supply system ground connection and zero connection; (2) the erection of lighting lines suspended height shall be in accordance with local requirements in the electricity sector; (3) construction site lighting line short-circuit protection, fixed and joint loads shall be according to the regulations of the local power sector; (4) portable power equipment, cables and other vehicles rolled leakage-proof; (5) electric drive wheel, wheel, flywheels and other exposed parts of protective devices. (6) construction organization design of temporary electricity in construction site shall be prepared, no private lines. 15.3.4 safety assurance measures (1) traffic should be smooth, clean and smooth drainage system. Slope, turning radius, the wrong lanes, road ... 15.4.1 organització de resposta d'emergència i deures (1) Departament de treball resposta d'emergència de seguretat grup líder d'un director de projecte d'establir l'organització. Presideix el director del projecte, cap adjunt projecte director adjunt, directors de 砂浆锚杆作业要点卡片 卡片编码:隧306 上道工序:洞身开挖 序号 工序 作业控制要点 锚杆制原材料合格,加工后的锚杆符合要求。杆体直径均匀、无1 作 严重锈蚀、弯折现象。 2 定位 定出锚杆开孔位置,孔位允许偏差为?150mm。 钻孔前对围岩进行检查,看有无掉快、开裂现象,确保安 锚杆钻全。钻孔与围岩面或所在部位岩层的主要结构面垂直。钻3 孔 孔的深度误差不大于?50mm。钻孔圆而直,直径大于杆 体直径15mm。 成孔后采用高压风吹洗清孔,检查锚杆孔位间距、深度、清孔检4 角度是否符合要求,深度误差不大于?50mm。发现不合查 格钻孔废弃重钻。 砂浆强度不低于M20。将注浆管插至距孔底5,10cm,利 用高压风将砂浆不断压入眼底,注浆管跟着缓缓退出眼 注浆安孔,并始终保持注浆管口埋在砂浆内。注浆管全部抽出后,5 装 立即把锚杆插入眼孔,然后用木锲堵塞眼口,防止砂浆流 失。安装好的锚杆不得敲打或悬挂重物。注浆嘴不得对人 放置。 require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to check on the job. 15.3.3 temporary power and lighting circuits (1) substations, power distribution rooms fortified Thunder, earth leakage protection, use zero system, but shall not be co-located on the same power supply system ground connection and zero connection; (2) the erection of lighting lines suspended height shall be in accordance with local requirements in the electricity sector; (3) construction site lighting line short-circuit protection, fixed and joint loads shall be according to the regulations of the local power sector; (4) portable power equipment, cables and other vehicles rolled leakage-proof; (5) electric drive wheel, wheel, flywheels and other exposed parts of protective devices. (6) construction organization design of temporary electricity in construction site shall be prepared, no private lines. 15.3.4 safety assurance measures (1) traffic should be smooth, clean and smooth drainage system. Slope, turning radius, the wrong lanes, road ... 15.4.1 organització de resposta d'emergència i deures (1) Departament de treball resposta d'emergència de seguretat grup líder d'un director de projecte d'establir l'organització. Presideix el director del projecte, cap adjunt projecte director adjunt, directors de 锚杆入孔到底时孔口无水泥浆流出,须拔出锚杆重新注浆锚杆验6 安装。杆体插入孔内长度不大于设计规定95%,安装数量收 符合设计要求。锚杆垫板与喷混凝土面密贴。 下道工序:钢筋网 钢筋网作业要点卡片 卡片编码:隧307 上道工序:洞身开挖 序号 工序 作业控制要点 采用?级钢筋在钢筋加工场内集中制做。用钢筋调直机把 钢筋调直,再截成钢筋条,钢筋网片尺寸根据拱架间距和网片加1 网片之间搭接长度综合考虑确定。钢筋焊接前先将钢筋表工 面清除干净。加工后的钢筋网片应平整,钢筋表面无削弱 钢筋截面的伤痕。 制作成的钢筋网片必须轻抬轻放,避免摔地产生变形。钢 筋网片成品远离加工场地,堆放在指定的成品堆放场地存放运2 上。存放和运输过程中要避免潮湿的环境,防止锈蚀、污输 染和变形。 require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to check on the job. 15.3.3 temporary power and lighting circuits (1) substations, power distribution rooms fortified Thunder, earth leakage protection, use zero system, but shall not be co-located on the same power supply system ground connection and zero connection; (2) the erection of lighting lines suspended height shall be in accordance with local requirements in the electricity sector; (3) construction site lighting line short-circuit protection, fixed and joint loads shall be according to the regulations of the local power sector; (4) portable power equipment, cables and other vehicles rolled leakage-proof; (5) electric drive wheel, wheel, flywheels and other exposed parts of protective devices. (6) construction organization design of temporary electricity in construction site shall be prepared, no private lines. 15.3.4 safety assurance measures (1) traffic should be smooth, clean and smooth drainage system. Slope, turning radius, the wrong lanes, road ... 15.4.1 organització de resposta d'emergència i deures (1) Departament de treball resposta d'emergència de seguretat grup líder d'un director de projecte d'establir l'organització. Presideix el director del projecte, cap adjunt projecte director adjunt, directors de 安装网片在初喷后进行,第二层在第一层钢筋网被混凝土 覆盖及混凝土终凝后挂设。钢筋网片随初喷面的起伏铺 网片安设,与受喷面的间隙一般不小于4cm。焊接固定于先期施3 装 工的系统锚杆之上,再把钢筋片焊接成网,网片搭接长度 为1,2个网格。施工人员经培训合格后上岗,高处作业 要做好安全防护,焊工特证上岗。 钢筋网格尺寸允许偏差为?10mm;钢筋网的搭接长度允 检查验许偏差为?50mm,钢筋网的保护层厚度不得小于30mm。 4 收 下道工序:衬砌 钢筋网安装作业要点卡片 卡片编码:隧308 上道工序:锚杆 作业控制要点 序号 工序 加工好的钢筋网网幅大小适宜现场使用。钢筋网的网格间安装准1 距符合要求,网格尺寸允许偏差为?10mm。网片变形严备 重的不准使用。 require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to check on the job. 15.3.3 temporary power and lighting circuits (1) substations, power distribution rooms fortified Thunder, earth leakage protection, use zero system, but shall not be co-located on the same power supply system ground connection and zero connection; (2) the erection of lighting lines suspended height shall be in accordance with local requirements in the electricity sector; (3) construction site lighting line short-circuit protection, fixed and joint loads shall be according to the regulations of the local power sector; (4) portable power equipment, cables and other vehicles rolled leakage-proof; (5) electric drive wheel, wheel, flywheels and other exposed parts of protective devices. (6) construction organization design of temporary electricity in construction site shall be prepared, no private lines. 15.3.4 safety assurance measures (1) traffic should be smooth, clean and smooth drainage system. Slope, turning radius, the wrong lanes, road ... 15.4.1 organització de resposta d'emergència i deures (1) Departament de treball resposta d'emergència de seguretat grup líder d'un director de projecte d'establir l'organització. Presideix el director del projecte, cap adjunt projecte director adjunt, directors de 按技术交底要求的范围安装。底层喷射混凝土厚度不得小 于4cm。挂双层钢筋网时,第二层钢筋网要在第一层钢筋 网被混凝土覆盖终凝后铺设。钢筋网片随初喷面的起伏铺 设,与受喷面的间隙不小于3cm,并与锚杆或其他固定装 网片铺置联接牢固。钢筋网片搭接长度为1,2个网孔,采用焊2 设 接,允许误差?50mm。挂网时有脱落的石块或混凝土块被 钢筋网卡住时,要及时清除。焊工焊接时必须穿戴防护衣 具,站在木板或其它绝缘物上。电焊机线路和设备符合“一 机一闸,一箱一保护。”施工中密切注意观察围岩或喷射 混凝土的剥落和坍塌,注意支架或渣堆稳定情况。 保护层厚度不能小于30mm. 检查验3 网片形成一个整体,焊接的地方要牢固。 收 下道工序:喷射混凝土 衬砌工程作业要点卡片 卡片编码:隧401 上道工序:支护 序号 工序 作业控制要点 require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to check on the job. 15.3.3 temporary power and lighting circuits (1) substations, power distribution rooms fortified Thunder, earth leakage protection, use zero system, but shall not be co-located on the same power supply system ground connection and zero connection; (2) the erection of lighting lines suspended height shall be in accordance with local requirements in the electricity sector; (3) construction site lighting line short-circuit protection, fixed and joint loads shall be according to the regulations of the local power sector; (4) portable power equipment, cables and other vehicles rolled leakage-proof; (5) electric drive wheel, wheel, flywheels and other exposed parts of protective devices. (6) construction organization design of temporary electricity in construction site shall be prepared, no private lines. 15.3.4 safety assurance measures (1) traffic should be smooth, clean and smooth drainage system. Slope, turning radius, the wrong lanes, road ... 15.4.1 organització de resposta d'emergència i deures (1) Departament de treball resposta d'emergència de seguretat grup líder d'un director de projecte d'establir l'organització. Presideix el director del projecte, cap adjunt projecte director adjunt, directors de 初期支护轮廓检查处理。原材料检测和机具准备。与开 挖面安全距离:衬砌:?、?级,200m,?级,120m,施工准备 1 ?级以上,90m。仰供:?级,90m,?级,50m,?级以 上,40m。 盲管和防采用专用台车,盲管按设计布设,防水板搭接用双焊缝,2 水板施工 宽度不小于10cm,并充气检查。 按照规范和设计要求控制钢筋的保护层厚度、间距,绑钢筋安装 3 扎焊接牢固,注意保护防水板。 注浆管埋每衬砌段拱顶部位埋设2,4个注浆孔。 4 设 台车定位 模板台车走行轨道的中线和轨面标高误差不大于10mm. 5 当头板安模板台车采用带有气囊的端模(堵头板),按设计要求安6 装 装止水条(带) 混凝土浇混凝土两侧对称、分层浇筑,分层捣固。捣固用插入式7 筑 振动器。 在初期支护变形稳定后施工的混凝土强度达到8MPa以脱模 上脱模。初期支护未稳定前施做的混凝土强度须达到设8 计强度的100%以上允许脱模。 浇筑完毕后12h以内对混凝土进行养护,养护时间不少混凝土 于14d。仰拱混凝土强度达到5MPa后可行人,达到设9 计强度100%后方可过车 下道工序:隧道验收 require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to check on the job. 15.3.3 temporary power and lighting circuits (1) substations, power distribution rooms fortified Thunder, earth leakage protection, use zero system, but shall not be co-located on the same power supply system ground connection and zero connection; (2) the erection of lighting lines suspended height shall be in accordance with local requirements in the electricity sector; (3) construction site lighting line short-circuit protection, fixed and joint loads shall be according to the regulations of the local power sector; (4) portable power equipment, cables and other vehicles rolled leakage-proof; (5) electric drive wheel, wheel, flywheels and other exposed parts of protective devices. (6) construction organization design of temporary electricity in construction site shall be prepared, no private lines. 15.3.4 safety assurance measures (1) traffic should be smooth, clean and smooth drainage system. Slope, turning radius, the wrong lanes, road ... 15.4.1 organització de resposta d'emergència i deures (1) Departament de treball resposta d'emergència de seguretat grup líder d'un director de projecte d'establir l'organització. Presideix el director del projecte, cap adjunt projecte director adjunt, directors de 衬砌模板台车作业要点卡片 卡片编码:隧402 上道工序:衬砌钢筋 作业控制要点 序号 工序 根据设计要求和隧道断面确定台车的轮廓尺寸,其门架净 空高度和宽度保证运输车辆通行。整机走行和操作系统方 衬砌台便合理。在台车架上部和模板之间留有空间供安装隧道通1 车设计 风管道用,两侧工作窗口布局便于作业。拱部设置安全施 工平台。台车强度、刚度和稳定性满足施工荷载各种组合 要求。 台车严格按照设计图纸进行加工制造,加工质量符合钢构2 制造 件加工质量要求 对台车的高度、宽度、净空等进行验收,检查台车伸缩活 动的张伸角度大小。模板轮廓符合衬砌断面要求,模板安3 验收 装光滑平整,接缝严密,相邻模板无错台。走行系统和液 压系统正常。 require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to check on the job. 15.3.3 temporary power and lighting circuits (1) substations, power distribution rooms fortified Thunder, earth leakage protection, use zero system, but shall not be co-located on the same power supply system ground connection and zero connection; (2) the erection of lighting lines suspended height shall be in accordance with local requirements in the electricity sector; (3) construction site lighting line short-circuit protection, fixed and joint loads shall be according to the regulations of the local power sector; (4) portable power equipment, cables and other vehicles rolled leakage-proof; (5) electric drive wheel, wheel, flywheels and other exposed parts of protective devices. (6) construction organization design of temporary electricity in construction site shall be prepared, no private lines. 15.3.4 safety assurance measures (1) traffic should be smooth, clean and smooth drainage system. Slope, turning radius, the wrong lanes, road ... 15.4.1 organització de resposta d'emergència i deures (1) Departament de treball resposta d'emergència de seguretat grup líder d'un director de projecte d'establir l'organització. Presideix el director del projecte, cap adjunt projecte director adjunt, directors de 台车沿轨道通过自行设备移动至待浇仓位,与上板衬砌搭接5,10cm,顶模、侧模由油缸调整到位,并用千斤顶及撑杆加固,底脚模板采用丝杆加以固定,丝杆间距1m。混凝土施工前,在模板表面涂脱模剂,便于脱模。防溜车装4 使用 置到位,液压系统锁定。台车脱模后,通过铺设好的轨道移至下一工作面。 下道工序:衬砌混凝土 require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to check on the job. 15.3.3 temporary power and lighting circuits (1) substations, power distribution rooms fortified Thunder, earth leakage protection, use zero system, but shall not be co-located on the same power supply system ground connection and zero connection; (2) the erection of lighting lines suspended height shall be in accordance with local requirements in the electricity sector; (3) construction site lighting line short-circuit protection, fixed and joint loads shall be according to the regulations of the local power sector; (4) portable power equipment, cables and other vehicles rolled leakage-proof; (5) electric drive wheel, wheel, flywheels and other exposed parts of protective devices. (6) construction organization design of temporary electricity in construction site shall be prepared, no private lines. 15.3.4 safety assurance measures (1) traffic should be smooth, clean and smooth drainage system. Slope, turning radius, the wrong lanes, road ... 15.4.1 organització de resposta d'emergència i deures (1) Departament de treball resposta d'emergència de seguretat grup líder d'un director de projecte d'establir l'organització. Presideix el director del projecte, cap adjunt projecte director adjunt, directors de 台车正面图 台车纵断面图 require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to check on the job. 15.3.3 temporary power and lighting circuits (1) substations, power distribution rooms fortified Thunder, earth leakage protection, use zero system, but shall not be co-located on the same power supply system ground connection and zero connection; (2) the erection of lighting lines suspended height shall be in accordance with local requirements in the electricity sector; (3) construction site lighting line short-circuit protection, fixed and joint loads shall be according to the regulations of the local power sector; (4) portable power equipment, cables and other vehicles rolled leakage-proof; (5) electric drive wheel, wheel, flywheels and other exposed parts of protective devices. (6) construction organization design of temporary electricity in construction site shall be prepared, no private lines. 15.3.4 safety assurance measures (1) traffic should be smooth, clean and smooth drainage system. Slope, turning radius, the wrong lanes, road ... 15.4.1 organització de resposta d'emergència i deures (1) Departament de treball resposta d'emergència de seguretat grup líder d'un director de projecte d'establir l'organització. Presideix el director del projecte, cap adjunt projecte director adjunt, directors de 衬砌混凝土作业要点卡片 卡片编码:隧403 上道工序:衬砌模板台车 序号 工序 作业控制要点 施工准原材料检验合格。施工机具运转正常。计量器具标定合格。 1 备 参照理论配合比,根据现场材料和试验确定施工配合比。 2 配合比 强制式搅拌机按施工配合比拌制,搅拌时间不小于3min。第 一盘料必须做坍落度试验,坍落度满足配合比要求。混凝土3 搅拌 全部拌制完工后,料斗落坑,将混凝土搅拌装置清洗干净, 并排尽积水。搅拌机操作严格按安全操作规程进行。 混凝土由运输车运送,运输中搅拌筒保持3,6r/mun,运输4 运输 中保持混凝土匀质性,做到不分层、不离析、不漏浆。 输送泵灌注,混凝土灌筑作业必须连续进行,间隔时间必须 小于2h。捣固中每一振点的捣固延续时间宜为15,30s,使5 灌筑 混凝土表面呈现浮浆和不再沉落。振捣时不得碰撞防水板、 钢筋和模板,灌注中加强模板检查。 require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to check on the job. 15.3.3 temporary power and lighting circuits (1) substations, power distribution rooms fortified Thunder, earth leakage protection, use zero system, but shall not be co-located on the same power supply system ground connection and zero connection; (2) the erection of lighting lines suspended height shall be in accordance with local requirements in the electricity sector; (3) construction site lighting line short-circuit protection, fixed and joint loads shall be according to the regulations of the local power sector; (4) portable power equipment, cables and other vehicles rolled leakage-proof; (5) electric drive wheel, wheel, flywheels and other exposed parts of protective devices. (6) construction organization design of temporary electricity in construction site shall be prepared, no private lines. 15.3.4 safety assurance measures (1) traffic should be smooth, clean and smooth drainage system. Slope, turning radius, the wrong lanes, road ... 15.4.1 organització de resposta d'emergència i deures (1) Departament de treball resposta d'emergència de seguretat grup líder d'un director de projecte d'establir l'organització. Presideix el director del projecte, cap adjunt projecte director adjunt, directors de 在浇筑完毕后12h以内对混凝土进行保湿养护,养护时间大6 养护 于7d。 下道工序:隧道验收 衬砌混凝土拌制作业要点卡片 卡片号码:隧404 上道工序:衬砌模板台车 序号 工序 作业控制要点 对强制搅拌机及上料设备、计量器具进行检查并试运转。操施工准1 作人员经过专门的技术安全培训,并持证上岗,不得随意离备 岗。 采用电子计量设备。计量设备维修后要重新标定。配合比数 2 计量 据输入与修改由试验员负责。微机出现故障时由专业人员修 理。 骨料由配料经计量后汇集在上料斗中,经上料进入搅拌筒。 水泥、粉煤灰、水、液态外加剂由储存罐经计量后,直接进3 上料 入搅拌筒。入料顺序符合混凝土施工工艺要求。料斗升起时, 严禁在其下方工作或穿行。 require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to check on the job. 15.3.3 temporary power and lighting circuits (1) substations, power distribution rooms fortified Thunder, earth leakage protection, use zero system, but shall not be co-located on the same power supply system ground connection and zero connection; (2) the erection of lighting lines suspended height shall be in accordance with local requirements in the electricity sector; (3) construction site lighting line short-circuit protection, fixed and joint loads shall be according to the regulations of the local power sector; (4) portable power equipment, cables and other vehicles rolled leakage-proof; (5) electric drive wheel, wheel, flywheels and other exposed parts of protective devices. (6) construction organization design of temporary electricity in construction site shall be prepared, no private lines. 15.3.4 safety assurance measures (1) traffic should be smooth, clean and smooth drainage system. Slope, turning radius, the wrong lanes, road ... 15.4.1 organització de resposta d'emergència i deures (1) Departament de treball resposta d'emergència de seguretat grup líder d'un director de projecte d'establir l'organització. Presideix el director del projecte, cap adjunt projecte director adjunt, directors de 拌制第一盘混凝土时,考虑砂浆粘筒壁而损失,石子的用量 按配合比减半。从第二盘按正常配合比投料。自最后一种材 料进入筒起,搅拌时间不小于90s。进料时严禁将头或手伸入4 拌制 料斗与机架之间,运转中不得用手或工具伸入搅拌筒内。作 业结束后将料斗落至料斗坑内。搅拌机发生故障时,立即切 断电源。 质量检拌制过程中,试验员对混凝土塌落度、水胶比等测定,满足5 查 配合比要求。 下道工序:混凝土浇筑 衬砌混凝土捣固作业要点卡片 卡片编码:隧405 上道工序:混凝土拌制 序号 工序 作业控制要点 下料入仓后,用插入式振捣棒采用单一的行列形式,从一侧振捣顺1 到另一侧按顺序振捣,以免漏振。振捣中移动振捣器时注意序 电力线绞缠和磨损,防止漏电 每一振点的捣固延续时间,宜为15,30s,隔20,30min后振捣时2 进行第二次复振,使混凝土表面呈现浮浆和不再沉落 间 require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to check on the job. 15.3.3 temporary power and lighting circuits (1) substations, power distribution rooms fortified Thunder, earth leakage protection, use zero system, but shall not be co-located on the same power supply system ground connection and zero connection; (2) the erection of lighting lines suspended height shall be in accordance with local requirements in the electricity sector; (3) construction site lighting line short-circuit protection, fixed and joint loads shall be according to the regulations of the local power sector; (4) portable power equipment, cables and other vehicles rolled leakage-proof; (5) electric drive wheel, wheel, flywheels and other exposed parts of protective devices. (6) construction organization design of temporary electricity in construction site shall be prepared, no private lines. 15.3.4 safety assurance measures (1) traffic should be smooth, clean and smooth drainage system. Slope, turning radius, the wrong lanes, road ... 15.4.1 organització de resposta d'emergència i deures (1) Departament de treball resposta d'emergència de seguretat grup líder d'un director de projecte d'establir l'organització. Presideix el director del projecte, cap adjunt projecte director adjunt, directors de 振捣时的移动间距不大于振捣器作用半径的1.5倍。振捣器振捣间3 与模板的距离不大于其作用半径的0.5倍,避免碰撞钢筋、距 模板等 在浇筑过程中正确控制间隙时间,上层混凝土在下层混凝土振捣深4 初凝之前浇筑完毕,在振捣上层混凝土时,振捣棒插入下层度 混凝土5cm,使上下层混凝土之间更好的结合 操作过程中,做到快插慢拔。在振捣过程中,振捣棒略上下操作方5 抽动,使混凝土振捣密实,插点要均匀,插点之间距离控制式 在50cm 安全要使用时理顺电线,不得压折、纽压电线,移动时不得硬拉电6 点 线,暂停或收工时切断电源 下道工序:衬砌模板台车 衬砌混凝土(客专)作业要点卡片 卡片编码:隧406 上道工序:衬砌模板台车 序号 工序 作业控制要点 require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to check on the job. 15.3.3 temporary power and lighting circuits (1) substations, power distribution rooms fortified Thunder, earth leakage protection, use zero system, but shall not be co-located on the same power supply system ground connection and zero connection; (2) the erection of lighting lines suspended height shall be in accordance with local requirements in the electricity sector; (3) construction site lighting line short-circuit protection, fixed and joint loads shall be according to the regulations of the local power sector; (4) portable power equipment, cables and other vehicles rolled leakage-proof; (5) electric drive wheel, wheel, flywheels and other exposed parts of protective devices. (6) construction organization design of temporary electricity in construction site shall be prepared, no private lines. 15.3.4 safety assurance measures (1) traffic should be smooth, clean and smooth drainage system. Slope, turning radius, the wrong lanes, road ... 15.4.1 organització de resposta d'emergència i deures (1) Departament de treball resposta d'emergència de seguretat grup líder d'un director de projecte d'establir l'organització. Presideix el director del projecte, cap adjunt projecte director adjunt, directors de 1 原材料水泥质量符合国家现行标准。细骨料采用质地均匀坚固、级 控制 配和粒径良好的洁净中粗河砂。粗骨料采用级配合理、质地 均匀坚固的洁净碎石;骨料粒径<25mm,压碎指标<7%,针 片状颗粒<5%。各类矿物掺和料的掺量及技术要求都要符合 设计规范。拌合水符合规定 2 配合比混凝土配合比通过计算、试配、调整后确定。配制成的混凝 设计 土拌和物满足施工要求,同时满足设计强度、耐久性等质量 要求 3 搅拌运强制式搅拌机搅拌,搅拌时间不小于3min。拌制中,对拌和 输 物的坍落度进行测定,测定值要符合理论配合比。由运输车 运送,运输中保持混凝土匀质性,做到不分层、不离析、不 漏浆 4 混凝浇混凝土灌筑作业间隔时间必须<2h;捣固中每一振点的捣固延 筑 续时间为15,30s,且隔20,30min后进行第二次复振,使 混凝土表面呈现浮浆和不再沉落,其入模温度应控制在25? C。施工中控制混凝土的坍落、和易性,防止离析和赌管 5 养护 浇筑完毕后12h以内对混凝土进行保湿养护,养护时间>14d; 环境温度低于5?C时不得浇水养护 下道工序:隧道验收 require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to check on the job. 15.3.3 temporary power and lighting circuits (1) substations, power distribution rooms fortified Thunder, earth leakage protection, use zero system, but shall not be co-located on the same power supply system ground connection and zero connection; (2) the erection of lighting lines suspended height shall be in accordance with local requirements in the electricity sector; (3) construction site lighting line short-circuit protection, fixed and joint loads shall be according to the regulations of the local power sector; (4) portable power equipment, cables and other vehicles rolled leakage-proof; (5) electric drive wheel, wheel, flywheels and other exposed parts of protective devices. (6) construction organization design of temporary electricity in construction site shall be prepared, no private lines. 15.3.4 safety assurance measures (1) traffic should be smooth, clean and smooth drainage system. Slope, turning radius, the wrong lanes, road ... 15.4.1 organització de resposta d'emergència i deures (1) Departament de treball resposta d'emergència de seguretat grup líder d'un director de projecte d'establir l'organització. Presideix el director del projecte, cap adjunt projecte director adjunt, directors de 衬砌钢筋作业要点卡片 卡片编号:隧407 上道工序:防水板 序号 工序 作业控制要点 钢筋规格、品种符合设计要求。钢筋进场时,抽取试件做力1 原材料 学性能和工艺性能试验,质量符合规范和设计要去 钢筋调直、弯制,并将表面油渍、水泥浆和浮皮铁锈等清除 干净;加工允许偏差;受力钢筋顺长度方向的全长:?10mm;2 钢筋加 弯起钢筋的弯折位置:20mm;箍筋内净尺寸:?3mm 工 钢筋连接通常采用绑扎或焊接。绑扎和焊接长度符合验标要 求,焊接的焊缝必须饱满、平实,不能有蜂窝状。单面搭接3 钢筋连焊,其搭接长度不得小于5d,焊缝宽度不小于0.8d且不小于 接 10mm,焊缝高度不小于0.3d且不小于4mm。同意截面内, 同一钢筋不超过一个接头。 钢筋接头应设在承载应力较小处,并分散布置。钢筋安装及 保护层厚度允许偏差必须符合以下规定:双排钢筋,上排钢 钢筋筋与下排钢筋间距:?5mm,同一排中受力钢筋水平间距:4 安装 ?20mm,箍筋间距:?20mm钢筋保护层厚度:+10mm、— 5mm.钢筋安装中要做好防水板保护和人员安全防护 下道工序:衬砌模板台车 require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to check on the job. 15.3.3 temporary power and lighting circuits (1) substations, power distribution rooms fortified Thunder, earth leakage protection, use zero system, but shall not be co-located on the same power supply system ground connection and zero connection; (2) the erection of lighting lines suspended height shall be in accordance with local requirements in the electricity sector; (3) construction site lighting line short-circuit protection, fixed and joint loads shall be according to the regulations of the local power sector; (4) portable power equipment, cables and other vehicles rolled leakage-proof; (5) electric drive wheel, wheel, flywheels and other exposed parts of protective devices. (6) construction organization design of temporary electricity in construction site shall be prepared, no private lines. 15.3.4 safety assurance measures (1) traffic should be smooth, clean and smooth drainage system. Slope, turning radius, the wrong lanes, road ... 15.4.1 organització de resposta d'emergència i deures (1) Departament de treball resposta d'emergència de seguretat grup líder d'un director de projecte d'establir l'organització. Presideix el director del projecte, cap adjunt projecte director adjunt, directors de 衬砌钢筋加工作业要点卡片 卡片编码:隧408 上道工序:防水板 序号 工序 作业控制要点 操作时钢筋放平,手握紧,斜身送料。由两人配合操作,互1 除锈 相呼应,除锈机正面不得站人 钢筋调直使用卷扬机拉直和用调直机调直。调直后的钢筋平2 调直 直、无局部曲折,冷拔低碳钢筋表面不得有明显擦伤。冷拉 时,专人值守,钢筋两侧3m内及冷拉线两端严禁站人 切断时,要摆直,紧握钢筋,手与刀口的距离不小于15cm,3 切割 螺纹钢一次只能切断一根。钢筋断口不得有马蹄形或起弯现 象 用弯曲机进行,其弯曲半径不小于钢筋直径的10倍(光圆钢 筋)或12倍(带肋钢筋)。成型后的钢筋形状正确,平面上 弯曲成无凹曲,弯点处无裂缝。弯曲尺寸允许偏差为:全长?10mm,4 型 弯起钢筋的弯折位置20mm,弯起钢筋的起弯高度?5mm, 箍筋内净尺寸?3mm 采用电弧焊,焊缝饱满、平实,无蜂窝状。单面搭接焊,焊 缝长度不小于10d,双面搭接焊,焊缝长度不小于5d,焊缝宽5 焊接 度不小于0.8d且不小于10mm,焊缝高度不小于0.3d且不小 于4mm require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to check on the job. 15.3.3 temporary power and lighting circuits (1) substations, power distribution rooms fortified Thunder, earth leakage protection, use zero system, but shall not be co-located on the same power supply system ground connection and zero connection; (2) the erection of lighting lines suspended height shall be in accordance with local requirements in the electricity sector; (3) construction site lighting line short-circuit protection, fixed and joint loads shall be according to the regulations of the local power sector; (4) portable power equipment, cables and other vehicles rolled leakage-proof; (5) electric drive wheel, wheel, flywheels and other exposed parts of protective devices. (6) construction organization design of temporary electricity in construction site shall be prepared, no private lines. 15.3.4 safety assurance measures (1) traffic should be smooth, clean and smooth drainage system. Slope, turning radius, the wrong lanes, road ... 15.4.1 organització de resposta d'emergència i deures (1) Departament de treball resposta d'emergència de seguretat grup líder d'un director de projecte d'establir l'organització. Presideix el director del projecte, cap adjunt projecte director adjunt, directors de 成型钢筋堆放整齐,高度,1m,防止压弯变形。成型钢筋不成品保6 准踩踏。运输过程注意轻装轻卸,不能随意抛掷。成型钢筋护 上盖下垫,防止锈蚀 下道工序:衬砌钢筋安装 衬砌钢筋安装作业要点卡片 卡片编码:隧409 上道工序:衬砌钢筋加工 序号 工序 作业控制要点 按交底图纸,核对半成品钢筋的级别、直径、尺寸和数量、半成品1 是否受污染、有无弯曲变形 检验 下料前,箍筋的加工必须的达到规范要求,仰拱底部必须清 洁干净、没有积水和杂物。绑扎时,以隧道中线为准,在仰位置间2 拱底部划出钢筋安装位置线,用钢尺测量来控制钢筋的间距,距控制 确保间距不大于设计值 每相隔1~2m在钢筋与防水板间,设置混凝土垫块,垫块强保护层3 度不低于衬砌混凝土强度,垫块厚度满足钢筋保护层厚度要控制 求 require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to check on the job. 15.3.3 temporary power and lighting circuits (1) substations, power distribution rooms fortified Thunder, earth leakage protection, use zero system, but shall not be co-located on the same power supply system ground connection and zero connection; (2) the erection of lighting lines suspended height shall be in accordance with local requirements in the electricity sector; (3) construction site lighting line short-circuit protection, fixed and joint loads shall be according to the regulations of the local power sector; (4) portable power equipment, cables and other vehicles rolled leakage-proof; (5) electric drive wheel, wheel, flywheels and other exposed parts of protective devices. (6) construction organization design of temporary electricity in construction site shall be prepared, no private lines. 15.3.4 safety assurance measures (1) traffic should be smooth, clean and smooth drainage system. Slope, turning radius, the wrong lanes, road ... 15.4.1 organització de resposta d'emergència i deures (1) Departament de treball resposta d'emergència de seguretat grup líder d'un director de projecte d'establir l'organització. Presideix el director del projecte, cap adjunt projecte director adjunt, directors de 进入施工现场,配带必要的个人劳动保护用品。安装绑扎钢 筋时,钢筋不得碰撞电线,使用移动式行灯照明时,电压不安装固4 得超过36V。绑扎钢筋时,不得站在钢筋骨架上或攀登骨架定 上下,安装时下方不得站人。暂停绑扎时确认连接牢固后方 可离开 钢筋安装及保护层厚度允许偏差符合以下规定:双排钢筋, 安装检上下排钢筋间距:?5mm;同一排中受力钢筋水平间距:?5 查 20mm;分布钢筋间距:?20mm;箍筋间距:?20mm;钢 筋保护层厚度:+10 —5mm 下道工序:衬砌模板台车 防排水作业要点卡片 卡片编码:隧501 上道工序:支护 序号 工序 作业控制要点 洞顶、洞口部位修筑載、排水沟,形成通畅的排水系统,防洞口防1 止地表水下渗和冲刷 排水 排水沟的布置、结构形式、沟底高程、纵向坡度符合设计要 求。经常清理排水设施,确保水路畅通。当初支表面有大面洞内排2 积的渗漏水时,将水集中汇流引入排水沟内 水沟 require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to check on the job. 15.3.3 temporary power and lighting circuits (1) substations, power distribution rooms fortified Thunder, earth leakage protection, use zero system, but shall not be co-located on the same power supply system ground connection and zero connection; (2) the erection of lighting lines suspended height shall be in accordance with local requirements in the electricity sector; (3) construction site lighting line short-circuit protection, fixed and joint loads shall be according to the regulations of the local power sector; (4) portable power equipment, cables and other vehicles rolled leakage-proof; (5) electric drive wheel, wheel, flywheels and other exposed parts of protective devices. (6) construction organization design of temporary electricity in construction site shall be prepared, no private lines. 15.3.4 safety assurance measures (1) traffic should be smooth, clean and smooth drainage system. Slope, turning radius, the wrong lanes, road ... 15.4.1 organització de resposta d'emergència i deures (1) Departament de treball resposta d'emergència de seguretat grup líder d'un director de projecte d'establir l'organització. Presideix el director del projecte, cap adjunt projecte director adjunt, directors de 各种防水材料符合设计和质量要求。按设计要求铺设盲管和 洞身防防水板。在衬砌的施工缝和变形缝处,采用止水带和止水条3 排水 进行防水处理;对于个别变形缝的细部和转角处,采用涂料 防水层防水。对于衬砌背后的渗水。采用注浆防水 洞口段排水流畅,没有水流下渗和冲刷的痕迹,尤其雨季水 防排水能睡了顺利排走。洞内水流顺畅,地面没有积水。衬砌无渗 4 效果检水和漏水痕迹 测 下道工序:衬砌 防水板作业要点卡片 卡片编码:隧502 上道工序:支护 序号 工序 作业控制要点 检验防水板质量。将防水板按每循环设计长度加预留松弛两施工准1 截取,对称卷起备用。铺设防水板台架就位 备 require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to check on the job. 15.3.3 temporary power and lighting circuits (1) substations, power distribution rooms fortified Thunder, earth leakage protection, use zero system, but shall not be co-located on the same power supply system ground connection and zero connection; (2) the erection of lighting lines suspended height shall be in accordance with local requirements in the electricity sector; (3) construction site lighting line short-circuit protection, fixed and joint loads shall be according to the regulations of the local power sector; (4) portable power equipment, cables and other vehicles rolled leakage-proof; (5) electric drive wheel, wheel, flywheels and other exposed parts of protective devices. (6) construction organization design of temporary electricity in construction site shall be prepared, no private lines. 15.3.4 safety assurance measures (1) traffic should be smooth, clean and smooth drainage system. Slope, turning radius, the wrong lanes, road ... 15.4.1 organització de resposta d'emergència i deures (1) Departament de treball resposta d'emergència de seguretat grup líder d'un director de projecte d'establir l'organització. Presideix el director del projecte, cap adjunt projecte director adjunt, directors de 对个别欠挖部位进行处理。局部漏水处采用注浆堵水或埋设基面处2 排水管。彻底清除各种异物和尖锐突出物体,凹处复喷至平 理 两幅防水板的搭接宽度?100mm;环向铺设时,下部防水板防水板3 应压住上部防水板。三层以上塑料防水板的搭接形式必须是搭接 “T”型接头 采用双焊缝热熔焊接,焊缝宽度不小于2cm,焊接温度应控 防水板制在200?~270?为宜,焊接严密,不得焊焦、焊穿、漏焊4 焊接 和假焊。焊接完后的卷材表面留有空气通道,用以检测焊接 质量 采用无钉铺设工艺,铺设要表面平顺、无褶皱、有一定松弛 防水板量。分段铺设的防水板,其边缘部位预留至少60cm的搭接5 铺设 余量,并且对预留部分边缘部位进行有效的保护 焊接牢固,人力无法撕开。焊缝检测用5号注射针与压力表安装质6 相接,用打气筒进行充气,在0.25MPa压力作用下,保持15min量 压力下降在10%以内,说明焊缝合格,否则补焊至合格为止 下道工序:衬砌 require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to check on the job. 15.3.3 temporary power and lighting circuits (1) substations, power distribution rooms fortified Thunder, earth leakage protection, use zero system, but shall not be co-located on the same power supply system ground connection and zero connection; (2) the erection of lighting lines suspended height shall be in accordance with local requirements in the electricity sector; (3) construction site lighting line short-circuit protection, fixed and joint loads shall be according to the regulations of the local power sector; (4) portable power equipment, cables and other vehicles rolled leakage-proof; (5) electric drive wheel, wheel, flywheels and other exposed parts of protective devices. (6) construction organization design of temporary electricity in construction site shall be prepared, no private lines. 15.3.4 safety assurance measures (1) traffic should be smooth, clean and smooth drainage system. Slope, turning radius, the wrong lanes, road ... 15.4.1 organització de resposta d'emergència i deures (1) Departament de treball resposta d'emergència de seguretat grup líder d'un director de projecte d'establir l'organització. Presideix el director del projecte, cap adjunt projecte director adjunt, directors de
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