首页 群峦经营所班组建设竞赛活动方案(1)



群峦经营所班组建设竞赛活动方案(1)群峦经营所班组建设竞赛活动方案(1) 群峦经营所班组建设竞赛活动方案 群峦经营所为贯彻全国班组建设工作会议精神~进一步推动班组工作制度化、规范化、科学化和民主化~不断提高班组执行力、创新力和凝聚力~努力把班组建设成为能够出色完成生产,工作,任务、具有较强创新能力~管理科学~纪律严明~团结和谐的坚强集体~根据实际情况特制定本方案。 一、指导思想 坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导~以科学发展观为统领~按照全总提出的“当好主力军~建功“十二五”竞赛活动要求~围绕实现我市“生态立市、产业兴市”的工作目标...

群峦经营所班组建设竞赛活动 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 (1) 群峦经营所班组建设竞赛 活动方案 关于团建活动方案关于感恩节活动方案关于团建活动方案歌咏比赛活动方案革命传统教育主题班会活动方案 群峦经营所为贯彻全国班组建设工作会议精神~进一步推动班组工作制度化、 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 化、科学化和民主化~不断提高班组执行力、创新力和凝聚力~努力把班组建设成为能够出色完成生产,工作,任务、具有较强创新能力~管理科学~纪律严明~团结和谐的坚强集体~根据实际情况特制定本方案。 一、指导思想 坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导~以科学发展观为统领~按照全总提出的“当好主力军~建功“十二五”竞赛活动 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 ~围绕实现我市“生态立市、产业兴市”的工作目标~充分发挥工人阶级主力军作用~以“提素质、保安全、创和谐、降能耗、求创新”为目标~以开展“五型”班组创建、培养选树优秀班组长竞赛活动为载体~最大限度地组织职工立足本职、学习知识、提高技能、团结进取、不断创新~为实现我区经济社会更好更快发展建功立业。 二、参赛范围 群峦经营所班组和班组长。 三、竞赛内容 “五型”班组 “五型”班组是学习型、创新型、节约型、安全型、和谐型班组的简称。 “学习型”班组。牢固树立“终身学习”的理念~以提高职工综working group, further rationalize the leadership mechanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively play the role of lead department grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties with due diligence, lead to undertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation of normalization, long-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-term management of change, and promote the Ming to create a standardized, scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results. Quickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and requirements of everyone is familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month to organize to carry out the assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the county of the special working group, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the rectification rectification action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play a role, according to create task requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at least a month to convene a on-site supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role 合素质~培养技能人才为目标~以“创建学习型班组、争当知识型员工”活动为载体~不断完善班组学习环境~努力营造学习氛围,建立健全学习制度与激励机制~促进和激发机制~促进和激发员工学习热情,广泛开展岗位练兵和技术比武活动~提高岗位竞争能力和员工操作技能~努力把班组建设成为员工刻苦学习~增强素质的“人才摇篮”。 “安全型”班组。牢固树立“安全第一、环保优先、以人为本”的理念~按照安全管理体系的要求~以实现“零事故”为目标~认真落实班组岗位责任制~严格遵守劳动纪律~强“三基”~反“三违”,严格执行技术标准、工作程序和操作规程~强化班组执行力,切实加强风险管理~全员参与危害识别、风险评估~制定和采取控制措施~提高应急反应和处置能力,开展全员安全教育 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 ~提高安全操作技能和安全意识~实现安全生产~努力把班组建设成为人人有专责、事事有人管、班班保安全的“受控细胞”。 “创新型”班组。牢固树立“创新发展”理念。精心组织~搭好平台~创新载体~以提高职工自主创新能力为目标~发动班组职工深入开展合理化建议、技术攻关、技术创新和小发明、小创造、小革新、小设计、小建议“五小”活动~开发推广新技术、新工艺、新材料和新设备“四新”活动等~进一步普及科技知识、弘扬创新精神~提高职工创新水平~激发各类人才的创造活力和创新热情~推动优秀技术创新成果转化~创新人才辈出~努力把班组建成勇于攻关、发明创造、超越目标的创新型班组。 “节约型”班组。牢固树立“开发与节约并重、节约优先”的理working group, further rationalize the leadership mechanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively play the role of lead department grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties with due diligence, lead to undertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation of normalization, long-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-term management of change, and promote the Ming to create a standardized, scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results. Quickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and requirements of everyone is familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month to organize to carry out the assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the county of the special working group, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the rectification rectification action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play a role, according to create task requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at least a month to convene a on-site supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role 念~以创建“资源节约型”企业~实现节约发展为目标~提高班组长和职工整体素质~夯实班组基础管理~培育全员节约和成本领先意识,努力推进班组核算体系建设,积极开展“我为节约减排做贡献”活动~认真贯彻执行有关节能法规、政策~结合实际制定有关节能降耗的具体办法和措施~通过开展有针对性的成本分析~切实提高资源利用率真~要鼓励职工自觉做节约资源的宣传者和实践者~积极组织开展“六个一”活动同~在“节约一度电、一两油、一滴水、一斤煤。一张纸、一块布”等节能降耗。降废减损方面出成果。要分解节能减排任务目标~落实指标责任~加强班组定额考核,强化全员节约意识~积极开展劳动竞赛、合理化建设、增产节约、增收节支等活动~做好厉行节约和资源综合利用。 “和谐型”班组。牢固树立“和谐发展”的理念~以实现班组和谐发展为目标~坚持以人为本~努力形成员工关系和谐、互助互爱的良好氛围,深入开展大庆精神、铁人精神教育活动~增强员工自觉遵守职业道德和行为规范的意识~增强员工责任心,积极培育团队精神~形成自学维护企业形象~珍惜集体荣誉~讲团结顾大局~遵纪守卫法的良好氛围,加强民主管理~落实班务分开~增强员工民主参与意识,积极开展企业文化建设~创建特色班组文化~通过丰富多彩的文化活动~发挥企业文化凝心聚力作用~创造一流业绩的团队。努力把班组建设成为员工爱岗敬业、奋发向上、团结互助的“温馨小家”。 优秀班组长 能认真负责地带领全班人员长期致力于企,事,业发展~积极开working group, further rationalize the leadership mechanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively play the role of lead department grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties with due diligence, lead to undertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation of normalization, long-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-term management of change, and promote the Ming to create a standardized, scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results. Quickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and requirements of everyone is familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month to organize to carry out the assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the county of the special working group, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the rectification rectification action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play a role, according to create task requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at least a month to convene a on-site supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role 展双增双节、节能减排、合理化建议和“五小,小发明、小创造、小 革新、小设计、小建设,”活动~在建设学习型、安全型、创新型、 节约型、和谐型班组方面取得突出成绩~所带领班组曾获得过本地区、 本行业或同级别以上奖励的。 群峦经所工会 2011-4-24 working group, further rationalize the leadership mechanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively play the role of lead department grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties with due diligence, lead to undertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation of normalization, long-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-term management of change, and promote the Ming to create a standardized, scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results. Quickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and requirements of everyone is familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month to organize to carry out the assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the county of the special working group, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the rectification rectification action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play a role, according to create task requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at least a month to convene a on-site supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role 群峦经营所2011—2015年劳动竞赛规划 群峦经营所按照市、区总工会2011-2015年劳动竞赛规划要求~充分发挥全所广大职工在实施“十二五”规划中主力军作用~为确保此项活动规划有序的开展~结合我所实际~特制定2011-2015年劳动竞赛规划。 一、指导思想 以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导~深入贯彻党的十七届五中全会精神~紧紧围绕坚持科学发展~加快转变经济发展方式、深入实施“生态立区、产业强区”发展方略~充分发挥工会组织优势~广泛开展“当好主力军、建功十二五、振兴美溪”主题竞赛活动~努力开创全区经济社会科学发展~创新发展~团结动员广大职工为全面实现“十二五”规划目标任务创先争优建功立业。 二、总体要求 ,一,坚持以人为本~把开展劳动竞赛提高职工素质保障职工各项权益统一起来~要在组织动员职工开展劳动竞赛~促进经济发展的同时~统一思想提高认识~明确目标~大力提高职工队伍整体素质~切实维护职工各项权益。 ,二,激发职工创造活力、教育引导全所职工在经济社会发展是建功立业。当前~保护生态加快发展依然是全区中心工作和大局~也是工会组织选准定位~发挥作用的最主要最紧迫的工作任务~工会组织一定要站在时代的高度~肩负起历史使命~带领广大职工为美溪的working group, further rationalize the leadership mechanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively play the role of lead department grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties with due diligence, lead to undertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation of normalization, long-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-term management of change, and promote the Ming to create a standardized, scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results. Quickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and requirements of everyone is familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month to organize to carry out the assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the county of the special working group, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the rectification rectification action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play a role, according to create task requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at least a month to convene a on-site supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role 发展~为“十二五”建功立业。积极研究新思路、探索新举措~不断增强劳动竞赛的针对性和实效性~使之适应新形式、新任务要求。 ,三,坚持把弘扬工人阶级伟大品格和劳模精神贯穿于劳动竞赛全过程~推动竞赛深入开展~充分发挥劳动模范引领作用~进一步增强工会和全体职工“创先争优”意识~培养熟练的技术工人和专业能手~要发挥劳动模范的模范带头作用~激发广大职工的参赛热情~努力营造崇尚劳模~学赶先进~争创一流的良好氛围~推动竞赛活动广泛、深入的开展。 三、目标和任务 目标:“十二五”期间的劳动竞赛要团结全省“八在经济区”“十大工程”建设~深入实施“生态立区、产业强区”发展方略~在充分调动职工积极主动性、创造性~激发职工创新潜能和创造活力~促进经济社会发展上发挥作用~使劳动竞赛对经济发展的推动作用不断增强。职工技术、技术水平和创新能力显著提升~节能减排成效更加明显~安全生产形式进一步好转。深入开展“安康杯”竞赛活动。开展健康知识教育~使职工安全意识和自我保护能力明显增强~在全所要落实安全第一、预防为主、综合治理的方针~使安全生产事故降低为零。 任务1、大力开展职工技术创新活动~加快推进创新型企业和创新型林区建设。科技进步和创新是加快转变发展方式的重要支撑。劳动竞赛要把推动企业技术创新作为重要内容~积极引导职工参加技术创新实践~进一步激发职工的创造活力。2、广泛开展职工素质提升working group, further rationalize the leadership mechanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively play the role of lead department grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties with due diligence, lead to undertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation of normalization, long-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-term management of change, and promote the Ming to create a standardized, scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results. Quickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and requirements of everyone is familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month to organize to carry out the assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the county of the special working group, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the rectification rectification action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play a role, according to create task requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at least a month to convene a on-site supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role 活动~为加快转变经济发展方式提供人力资源支持。认真贯彻科教兴国战略和人才强国战略~充分发挥工会“大学校”作用~深入开展“创建学习型组织、争做知识型职工”活动~不断提高职工队伍整体素质。3、继续开展“我为节能减排做贡献”活动~积极推动资源节约型、环境友好型社会建设。4、深化“安康杯”竞赛活动~维护职工生命和健康权益。“安康杯”竞赛是做好安全检查生产工作、维护职工安全健康权益的有效载体~也是劳动竞赛的重要内容。要把这项竞赛一开展起来~积极促进安全生产。 四、保障措施 ,一,进一步统一思想认识。实现“十二五”规划目标任务~离不开广大职工的共同努力和奋斗。团结动员职工为实现“十二五”规划目标创先争优建功立业是工会重要任务。要从贯彻党全心全意依靠工人阶级指导方针和发挥工人阶级产力军作用的高度~充分做好这项工作的责任感和使命感~以改革创新的精神~努力推动转变经济发展方式中切实发挥作用。 ,二,夯实竞赛基础~扩大竞赛覆盖面。班组建设竞赛是劳动竞赛的得要基础。在通过开展以创建“工人先锋号”为载体的班组竞赛~把更多的职工吸引到竞赛活动中来~不断夯实竞赛基础~使劳动竞赛充满活力、蓬勃开展。 ,三,不断加强工会经济技术干部队伍建设~工会经济技术干部是劳动竞赛的组织者~要不断提高工会经济技术干部的政治理论素养和思想政策水平,加强业务能力建设~不断学习新知识~注重经济政working group, further rationalize the leadership mechanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively play the role of lead department grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties with due diligence, lead to undertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation of normalization, long-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-term management of change, and promote the Ming to create a standardized, scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results. Quickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and requirements of everyone is familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month to organize to carry out the assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the county of the special working group, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the rectification rectification action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play a role, according to create task requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at least a month to convene a on-site supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role 策和劳动理论研究~进一步提高工作效率和工作水平。 ,四,切实加强劳动竞赛的组织领导。加强组织领导是推动劳动竞赛健康发展的关键。要把组织开展劳动竞赛与创先争优活动紧密结合~作为一项长期战略任务来抓~列入重要议事日程~定期研究竞赛工作~及时解决存在问题。制定竞赛规划~提出竞赛方案~选好竞赛载体~确定竞赛目标~抓好工作落实。 群峦经营所工会 2011年4月24日 working group, further rationalize the leadership mechanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively play the role of lead department grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties with due diligence, lead to undertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation of normalization, long-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-term management of change, and promote the Ming to create a standardized, scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results. Quickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and requirements of everyone is familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month to organize to carry out the assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the county of the special working group, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the rectification rectification action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play a role, according to create task requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at least a month to convene a on-site supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role
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