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大刘镇中校园文化建设汇报材料大刘镇中校园文化建设汇报材料 增强校园文化内涵 促进学生健康发展 --------校园文化建设总结 大 刘 镇 中 2014.2 position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always became has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine pa...

大刘镇中校园文化建设汇报材料 增强校园文化内涵 促进学生健康发展 --------校园文化建设总结 大 刘 镇 中 2014.2 position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always became has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in-depth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set force, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grass-roots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's follow-up. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major political task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, and 增强校园文化内涵 促进学生健康发展 ——大刘镇中校园文化建设总结 校园文化是学校精神、学校秩序、学校环境和学校形象的集中体现,具有重要的育人功能。建校以来,我校始终紧扣“建设优美高雅的物质环境,创设健康和谐文化氛围,充实师生校园生活内涵,提高学校的办学品位,推进素质教育深入发展”的校园文化建设理念,以“依法治校”为前提,以增强校园文化内涵为抓手,以促进学生健康发展为目标,全力推进校园文化建设。现就学校校园文化建设情况汇报如下: 一、加强规划,重金投入,全力建设“花园式学校” 我校高度重视校园文化建设,认真谋划,集思广益,大力推进校园文化建设,为师生提供良好的育人环境。 在基础设施建设和校园绿化、美化、亮化方面,学校按照“总体规划,逐步投入,逐步建设”的思路,遵循“道路整洁化,绿化园林化,环境教育化,装饰艺术化”的原则,对学校的每一寸土地,每一块墙壁,每一棵花草,每一处空间都做了精心的“雕琢”。切实实现“校园建设营造整体美、绿色植物营造环境美、人文景观营造艺术美、师生和谐营造文明美”的校园文化建设目标。 在绿化工作上,我们坚持春有花、夏有荫、秋有果、冬有绿的绿化原则,认真选择花草树木,合理种植。到目前为止,校园四周,操场周围、甬路两旁种植各类树木数百株。平面绿化与垂直绿化相交,树木与花卉并存,大片绿化与小景布置结合,使校园充满勃勃活力和position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always became has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in-depth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set force, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grass-roots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's follow-up. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major political task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, and 盎然生机。在亮化工作上,我们坚持一要漂亮,路灯的造型要与校园美化建设相结合;二要明亮,教室、楼道、甬道、厕所要保证充分的照明,夜晚学生活动的公共场所和必经之路要保证明亮。在美化工作上,除注重大型基础设施的建设的美观、大方外,特别注重局部装饰的艺术化。如宣传栏的位置,宣传标语的书写,学校设备设施的安排、放置等都以美得 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 来执行。 现在,整个校园布局独特、美观大方,打造出了镇中特有的韵味。步入校园,给人的感觉是:整齐、清洁、生动、充满活力,整个校园呈现一种朝气蓬勃、清新雅致的校园文化氛围。 二、开展丰富多彩的活动,努力提升校园文化育人魅力 高尚的道德情操的形成源于水滴石穿的不懈,源于润物无声的细致。为此,我们着眼于学生的实际需要,积极开展面向全体学生并为他们所喜闻乐见的各种课内外(校内外)活动,努力寻找教育契机, 深化校园文化的内涵建设,引导学生树立正确的价值取向,着重培养其良好的行为,最大限度地激发学生的潜能。 (1)养成教育 初中生正处在人生的转折阶段,处在道德形成的重要养成期。引导学生走好人生这一步,是每一个教育工作者的天职。我们致力于从学生的实际出发,从养成教育入手,培养学生健全人格。 ?扎实抓好开头、抓好细节,促进养成教育。 养成教育与贯彻落实《中学生守则》、《中学生日常行为规范》结合起来,对学生一言一行进行引导。每年新生入学后,都要进行军训position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always became has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in-depth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set force, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grass-roots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's follow-up. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major political task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, and 和各种形式的入学教育。抓好开头,抓好起步,使学生从步入学校的第一天开始接受养成教育。初一第一周的思想教育、行为习惯教育,既培养了学生的组织性、纪律性和集体荣誉感,又增强了学生的国防意识,激发了学生的爱国情怀。为今后养成良好的学习和生活习惯打下了坚实的基础。初二、初三每学期都要举行汇操比赛,以此促进班风建设。各班级每学期都要根据不同阶段的要求,召开主题班会,对学生进行理想与信念教育等,各任课教师也注重激发学生的学习兴趣和培养良好的学习习惯。坚持从日常的言行、习惯、道德、公德、纪律等常规入手,促进了学生思想品德素质和文化素质的不断提高。这些习惯的养成,对学生今后一生的发展将起到关键作用。 ?2014年学校在学生养成教育方面继续坚持前一阶段的成功做法的基础上,加大了对“文明礼仪教育”的力度。抓住“老师好”问候语活动的良好契机,又启动了“树礼仪新风,做文明使者”活动,制定了师生文明礼仪条例,并张贴上墙。号召师生 “从我做起,从身边做起,从小事做起”,养成良好的行为习惯。 ?班级管理继续施行“学生自治管理”模式,让学生在自治自律中养成美德、展示美德、传递美德。 通过全面、系统的教育,同学们在教师的提醒、引导下,同学的相互监督下,提高了道德认识水平和行为规范的要求。从而培植了良好的校风、学风,得到社会各界的一致好评。 (2)感恩教育 为了继承和发扬“孝敬父母”、“尊长爱幼”、“尊师重道”、“爱国position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always became has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in-depth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set force, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grass-roots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's follow-up. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major political task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, and 怀乡”等中华民族的传统美德,学校深入挖掘“孝道”内涵,开展感恩教育主题教育活动。 ?感恩教育在学校 新学期开学,学校要以“感恩”为主题对学生进行感谢老师教育,营造“尊师重教”的良好氛围。 ?感恩教育在家庭 “百善孝为先”,学校利用不同的节日,像母亲节、父亲节、劳动节,让学生帮妈妈做做饭,为父母洗洗脚,给父母写封信等,通过这些活动的开展,同学们懂得了他们的成长离不开父母的关心,教育和培养。学生从生活小事中知道了父母的不易,从思想上懂得了感谢父母,从行动上学会了孝敬父母。 ?感恩教育在社会 围绕主题开展系列活动,如知识竞赛,系列读书活动,美术作品大赛,演讲比赛等,培养学生热爱祖国、热爱家乡的情感。为弘扬团结友善,扶贫济困,助人为乐的中华民族传统美德,培养学生们的同情心责任感,组织开展向灾区“献爱心捐助活动”。 随着学校感恩教育的深入开展,学生逐步认识到在自己的成长道路上,得到的帮助太多了,需要感激的人和事也太多了,必须努力学习,用优异的学习成绩报答父母的恩德,报答老师的培育,报答所有关心自己的人,将来要积极为他人做好事,为社会做贡献。由此,学生的思想境界开阔了,道德素养提升了,精神面貌积极了,学习态度端正了,学习劲头更大了。 3、以学科建设为依托,加强课余文化建设 丰富多彩的课余文化建设是校园文化的重要载体之一,我校十分重视师生课余文化的建设。 position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always became has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in-depth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set force, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grass-roots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's follow-up. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major political task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, and (1)严格课余文化建设的管理。 我校的师生课余文化建设遵循自主性、实践性、发展性和教育性的原则,每一种每一次活动都要求做到有 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 、有记录、有成果、有总结,并且要定人员、定时间、定地点、定内容。 (2)丰富课余文化建设的内容。 ?师生共同参与,兼顾教育与情趣、知识与娱乐,学校每学期都要举办形式多样的课外活动。如:经典诵读、校园歌曲比赛、演讲比赛等活动。 ?围绕重大节日和主题活动开展系列活动。 借学习《弟子规》的良好契机开展的系列中华传统美德活动(传统美德读书活动、传统美德演讲会、传统美德征文活动、《弟子规》诵读等等) ?充分发挥“广播站”的作用,积极营造宽松高雅的育人氛围,创设出一种温馨的校园文化环境。清晨,欢快校园歌曲告诉孩子们新的一天开始了,晚上,嘹亮的军号提醒孩子们该就寝了。集会、做操、下课、放学都会听到不同风格的优美乐曲,在优美乐曲的提示与感染下,师生身心得以愉悦。课外活动校园广播站还及时报到时政要闻、校园大事、学生来稿,把校园文化建设活动中涌现出来的好人好事及时报道,通过广泛宣传引导师生追求高尚的道德情操、健康的审美情趣。 ?因地、因时制宜,创造性的校园美化。 “人创造环境,同样环境也创造人”。事实上也是这样,人创造position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always became has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in-depth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set force, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grass-roots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's follow-up. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major political task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, and 环境的同时,环境也反作用于人,潜移默化的改造着人。冬季的校园因失去自然绿色,而显得有些单调。因此,学校因地、因时制宜,创造性的开展了冬季校园美化工作。用废旧饮料瓶“绿化、美化”冬季校园花坛,让师生人人参与义务活动,人人分享劳动成果,人人从劳动中受到教育,人人都不忍破坏自己亲手创造的环境,人人都不允许别人践踏自己的劳动成果。维护环境卫生,创设优美环境,成为自己的事。 三、增强特色促进发展,增添校园文化风采 近年来,我校在积极探索与创建符合本校实际的学校特色过程中,进一步感受到了建设学校特色对校园文化建设来说,具有特别重要的意义。它既是深入贯彻和落实素质教育的需要,同时又是丰富学校的文化内涵,形成办学优势,实现学校可持续发展的重要举措。 在创建学校特色过程中我们遵循“立足本校实际、面向全体师生、突出特色效应”的原则,开展“学校主导型”的经典诵读和“学生主导型”的学生社团两大类活动,全力打造“书香?阳光”学校特色。 “书香”指我们以传承中华文化和民族传统为使命,提高师生综合素质,特别是如演讲、朗诵等口语 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达能力为旨归,以经典诵读为载体,打造书香校园。诵读经典,收获成功,让镇中每一个学子进入社会,都能大方、自信的表达交流,是我们的不懈追求。 “阳光”指通过丰富多彩的学生社团活动,让学生学会交往、学会信任、学会尊重、学会合作。学校现已成立了田径队、篮球队等业余队伍和音乐、书法、绘画、学科兴趣小组10余个,各类活动参加position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always became has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in-depth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set force, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grass-roots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's follow-up. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major political task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, and 人数每周达600人次。 通过开展特色教育,学生综合素质得到了提高,在常规课堂上开发不足的机能得到了发展,各项活动中展示出了学生的聪明才智。 总之,通过校园文化建设,环境优美了,学生懂事了,行为规范了,举止文明了„„我们体会到了环境育人的作用,更加认识到校园文化建设的重要性。校园文化建设是一项长期的系统工程,不可能一蹴而就,在今后的工作中我们将不断加大投入进行硬件建设,在学校前进的道路上我们将不断丰富我校的精神内涵,不断提高我校的办学特色。我们相信,在上级领导的大力支持下,在我们师生的共同努力下,我们一定会做得更好。 position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always became has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in-depth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set force, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grass-roots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's follow-up. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major political task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, and
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