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雅思阅读长难句雅思阅读长难句 1. Even assuming that the WZCS`s 1,000 core zoos are all of a high standard—complete with scientific staff and research facilities, trained and dedicated keepers ,accommodation that permits normal or natural behavior ,and a policy of cooperating ful...

雅思阅读长难句 1. Even assuming that the WZCS`s 1,000 core zoos are all of a high standard—complete with scientific staff and research facilities, trained and dedicated keepers ,accommodation that permits normal or natural behavior ,and a policy of cooperating fully with one another , what might be the potential for conversation? 即使世界动物园保护策略的1000个核心动物园都是高水准的,科技人员和研究设备齐 全,拥有训练有素、工作敬业的管理员和允许动物正常或自然活动的场所,以及各动物 园之间彼此充分合作的政策,那么保护动物的潜力会如何呢, 2. While newspapers and TV stations may aim to report world events accurately ,be they natural or human disasters, political events or the horror of war, it is also true that their main objectives is to sell newspapers and attract listeners and viewers to their stations. 尽管报纸和电视台可能追求准确地报导世界事件,不论是自然灾难还是人为灾难,也不 论是政治事件还是战争的恐怖。但是,他们的主要目标还是出售报纸,吸引听众和观众 关注他们的电视台。 3. Even in cases where foreign customers can speak English quite well, it`s often forgotten that they may not be able to understand it to the required level ―bearing in mind the regional and social variation which permeates speech and which can cause major problems of listening comprehension. 即使在国外顾客能够把英语说得很好的情况下,人们却经常忘记他们理解英语的能力可 能达不到要求的水平------考虑到渗透到语言中,会造成听力理解重大问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 的地区和社会 差异。 4. In the mid-1980s, the idea gained currency within the scientific world that the techniques which were successfully deciphering disorder-related genes could be applied to a larger project :if science can learn the genetic spelling of cystic fibrosis ,why not attempt to find out how to spell “human”? 在20世纪80年代中期,这样一个想法在科学领域流传开来:正在成功地破译乱序基因 的技术可以用于一个更大的工程:如果科学能够了解囊肿性纤维化的基因拼写,为什么 不去尝试找出拼写“人”的方法呢, 5. What would be the implications if humanity were to understand ,with precision, the genetic constitution which, given the same environment ,will predispose one person towards a higher intelligence than another individual whose genes were differently shuffled? 假如人类可以准确的知道,在同样的环境下,基因的构成会使一个人比另一个基因排列 颠序不同的人更聪明,会有什么结果呢, 6. It wasn`t until the discovery of the reaction principle, which was the key to space travel and so represents one of the great milestones in the history of scientific thoughts , that rocket technology was able to develop. 直到反作用原理-------宇宙航行的关键理论,代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 科学思想史上的伟大里程碑之一-------- 发现之后,火箭技术才得以发展。 7. The British rocket differed from the Indian version in that it was completely encased in a stout ,iron cylinder ,terminating in a conical head ,measuring one meter in diameter and having a stick almost five meters long and constructed in such a way that it could be firmly attached to the body of the rocket. 英式火箭和印度火箭的区别在于,前者是完全封闭在一个直径为一米,坚固的铁质圆柱 体内,终端为圆锥形,还配置了一根五米长的杆,专门用来与箭身牢牢捆绑在一起。 8. Leaving aside the philosophical question of whether anyone should have to breathe someone else`s cigarette smoke ,the report suggests that the smoke experienced by many people in their daily lives is enough to produce substantial adverse effects on a person`s heart and lungs. 至于人们是否应该吸入别人吐出的烟雾,这是个哲学问题,姑且搁置不论,这份研究报 告指出,许多人在日常生活中所接触到的烟雾已足以对他们的心脏和肺部产生严重的负 面影响。 9. The researchers criticize the practice of some scientific consultants who work with the tobacco industry as assuming that cigarette smoke has the same impact on smokers as it does on non-smokers. 有些为香烟工业服务的科学顾问做出这样的假设:香烟烟雾对于吸烟者或非吸烟者来 说,其影响都是一样的。他们的这种假设受到研究人员的批评。 10. They argue that those scientists are underestimating the damage done by passive smoking and , in support of their recent findings, cite some previous research which points to passive smoking as the cause for between 30,000 and 60,000 deaths from heart attacks each year in the United States . 他们认为,那些科学家低估了被动吸烟所造成的损失,同时还引用了一些先前的研究成 果以支持他们最近的调查结果,所引资料表明,美国每年都有三至六万人因为被动吸烟 而死于心脏病发作。 11. It is essential that you ,as an intending researcher , understand the difference between these two interpretations of the research process so that you do not become discouraged or begin to suffer from a feeling of “cheating” or not going about it the right way. 作为一位即将从事研究的人员,极为重要的是必须懂得对研究过程的两种诠释之间的区 别,以免变得气馁,或为由此产生一种“欺骗”的感觉而倍感痛苦,或不能正确进行研 究。 12. It is in the light of an expectation that some observations are held to be relevant and some irrelevant ,that one methodology is chosen and others discarded, that some experiments are conducted and others are not. 正是根据一种期待的心理有些观察被认为是相关而中肯的,而有些是无关紧要的;一种 方法被选用,而他方法被舍弃;有些实验项目得以付诸实施,而别的项目则被取消。 13. Once you arrived your hypothesis ,which is a product of your imagination ,you then proceed to a strictly logical and rigorous process ,based upon deductive argument ----- hence the term “hypothetico-deductive”. 一旦你得出假设,即使你想象的产物,你接着就进入以演绎的论据为基础的严格而缜密 的逻辑程序,“假设-演绎”之名由此而来。 14. If it were not for the dung beetle, chemical fertilizer and dung would be washed by rain into streams and rivers before it could be absorbed into the hard earth ,polluting water courses and causing blooms of blue-green algae. 如果没有金龟子的存在,那么化肥和畜粪在未能够被坚硬的土地吸收之前,就会被雨水 冲刷而流入溪流江河之中,从而污染水道并致使蓝绿藻开花。 15. A number of species are available from the CSIRO or through a small number of private breeders ,most of whom were entomologists with the CSIRO `s dung beetle unit who have taken their specialized knowledge of the insect and opened small business in direct competition with their former employer. 一些种群可以从联邦科学与工业研究组织或者私人养殖户那里得到,后者中的大多数原 来都是联邦科学与工业研究组织属下的金龟子研究机构的昆虫学家,他们利用自己有关 昆虫方面的专业知识,开设了小规模的企业,直接与他们昔日的老板竞争。 16. If it is not clear, through role signs of one sort or another , which role is currently the operational one, the other party may not react in the appropriate way ------we may , in fact, hear quite another message if the focal person speaks to us ,for example, as a teacher and we hear her as an executive. 如果通过这样、那样的角色标记,还不清楚哪一个角色目前正在起作用,那么另一方就 不会做出适当的反应-----举个例子,如果焦点人物以教师身份通我们讲话而我们把她当 作经理来听,我们实际上听到的可能是另一类信息。 17(Particularly interesting are a series of collections which continue to document the evolution of ceremony and of material forms for which the Department already possesses early (if not the earliest ) collection formed after the first contact with European. 特别有趣的是,一系列的收藏品继续要以实证来说明礼节仪式和物质形态的演变过程, 为此目的,该馆原有的早期(如果还算不上是最早的话)馆藏展品可与佐证,这些馆藏 展品形成于和欧洲人初次接触之后。 18. The belief that rain and murky weather make people more unhappy is borne out by a study in Belgium, which showed that a telephone counseling service gets more telephone calls from people with suicidal feelings when it rains. 相信阴沉的雨天会让人们更不开心的观点被比利时的一项研究证实,这项研究显示:一 项电话心理咨询服务在雨天接到更多的带有自杀情绪的人打来的电话。 19. In 1992, the United Nations Environmental Program and the World Health Organisation concluded that all of a sample of twenty megacities ----places likely to have more than ten million inhabitants in the year 2000--- already exceeded the level the WHO deems healthy in at least one major pollutant. 1992年,联合国环境署和世界卫生组织得出结论:抽样调查的20个大城市,即在2000 年常住人口可能超过1000万的城市,至少都有一种主要污染物超过了世界卫生组织认 定的健康 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 。 20. Since mining activities represent only a temporary use of the land ,extensive rehabilitation measures are adopted to ensure that land capability after mining meets agreed and appropriate standards which, in some cases, are superior to the land`s pre-mining condition. 由于采矿只是暂时使用土地,因此,大量土地修复措施被采用以保证采矿结束后土地生 产能力达到适当的、大众满意的标准,这种标准在一些情况下要高于采矿前土地的自身 条件。 21. The last 30 years, however, have seen an increasing emphasis on their role in projecting the image of an organization and in uniting the workforce into a homogenous unit---particularly in “customer facing” industries ,and especially in financial services and retailing. 但是,在过去的30年里,它们(制服)在表现公司形象和团结员工两方面的作用增强 了,特别在“面向客户”的行业里,尤其是金融服务业和零售业。 22. Increasingly, the big supplies are becoming “managing agents “, which means they offer a total service to put together the whole complex operation of a company `s corporate clothing package ---which includes reliable sourcing, managing the inventory ,budget control and distribution to either central locations or to each staff member individually. 大型供应商正逐渐成为“管理型的代理机构”,这意味着他们会把有关公司制服的整个复 杂流程打包处理,提供一整套的服务----包括提供可靠信息、管理存货、控制预算、向 总部或每个职员配送服装。 23. These misconceptions do not remain isolated but become incorporated into a multifaceted, but organized, conceptual framework, making it and the component ideas ,some of which are erroneous ,more robust but also accessible to modification. 这些错误想法并非一直孤立,而是混合在一个复杂却有序的概念体系之中,从而使这个 概念体系以及构成这个体系的思想----其中一部分是错误的------更加健全,同时也更加 容易得到修正。 24. These observations are generally consistent with our previous studies of pupil`s views about the use and conservation of rainforests , in which girls were shown to be more sympathetic to animals and expressed views which seem to place an intrinsic value on non-human animal life. 这些观察数据与我们以往研究的基本一致,关于对热带雨林的使用和保护问题,女孩显 得对动物更有同情心,她们表达的观点显示出对非人类动物生命似乎有一种固有的重 视。 25. While two fifths of the students provided the information that the rainforests provided oxygen, in some cases this response also embraced the misconception that rainforest destruction would reduce atmospheric oxygen, making the atmosphere incompatible with human life on earth. 尽管五分之二的学生认为热带雨林提供氧气,在某些情况下,这种回答也包含了一种错 误的想法,那就是,对热带雨林的破坏会减少空气中的氧气,使空气不适合地球上的人 类生活。 26. In other words, they gave no indication of an appreciation of the either the range of the ways in which the rainforests are important or the complex social , economic and political factors which drive the activities which are destroying the rainforests. 换句话说,他们既没有显示出对热带雨林各方面的重要性的理解,也没有显示出对那些 复杂社会、经济和政治因素的理解,这些因素促使人们从事一些破坏热带雨林的活动。 27. Baleen species studied at close quarters underwater——specially a grey whale calf in captivity for a year , and free-ranging right whales and humpback whales studied and filmed off Argentina and Hawaii——have obviously tracked objects with vision underwater , and they can apparently see moderately well both in water and in air. 在水下受到近距离研究的长须鲸——尤其是一只捕获了一年的灰鲸仔以及在离阿根廷和 夏威夷海面上研究和拍摄到的自由放养的露脊鲸和座头鲸——明显用水下视力跟踪过 物体,很显然,它们无论在水下还是在空中都具有一定视力。 28. Although preliminary experimental evidence suggests that their in-air vision is poor, the accuracy with which dolphins leap high to take small fish out of a trainer`s hand provides anecdotal evidence to the contrary. 尽管初步的实验证据显示海豚的空中视力较差,但它们能跳起来准确地从训练师傅手里 取走小鱼,这为相反的结论提供了有趣的证据。 29. Some of the more complicated sounds are clearly communicate, although what role they may play in the social life and “culture” of cetaceans has been more the subject of wild speculation than of solid science. 有些明显更复杂的声音明显具有交际性,尽管它们在鲸目动物的社会生活和“文化”中 可能会起什么作用,这与其说是一个具体的科学问题,还不如说是一个大胆的推测。 30. An increasing exodus from their clinics, coupled with this and a number of other relevant surveys carried out in Australia, all pointing to orthodox doctors` inadequacies, have led mainstream doctors themselves to begin to admit they could learn from the personal style of alternative therapists. 越来越多的病人离开他们的诊所,加上这次和其他许多次在澳大利亚进行的相关调查, 所有这些都指向传统医生的严重失职,使得主流医生们自己也开始承认,他们能从另类 治疗的人性化风格中学到一些东西。 31. If you plot the amount of the time a juvenile devotes to play each day over the course of its development, you discover a pattern typically associated with a “sensitive period”——a brief development window during which the brain can actually be modified in ways that are not possible earlier or later in life. 如果你在小动物的发育过程中每天安排一段时间让它玩,你会发现一个典型的与一段 “敏感时期”有关系的模式——一个短暂的发育期,在此期间,大脑实际上是可以改 变的,而这种改变在此之前或者之后都是不可能的。 32. An important principle is that all corpora, whatever their size, are inevitably limited in their Coverage, and always need to be supplemented by data derived from the intuitions of native speakers of the language, through either introspection or experimentation. 一个重要的原则是:所有的语料库,无论大小,其覆盖范围必然都是有限的,总是需 要补充一些资料,这些资料来自土生土长说这种语言的人的直觉,获取途径要么铜鼓 这些内省,要么通过实验。 33. Anthropologists also use the term “culture” in a more restricted sense when they refer to the “culture” of a particular society, meaning the non-biological characteristics unique to that society, which distinguish it from other societies. 人类学家也会从狭义上使用“文化”这个词来指某个特定社会的“文化”,指的是这个 社会区别于其他社会的、独特的非生物特征。 34. Whereas cultural anthropologists will often base their conclusions on the experience of living within contemporary communities ,archaeologists study past societies primarily through their material remains——the buildings, the tools, and other artifacts that constitute what is known as the material cultural left over from former societies. 文化人类学家通常把他们的结论建立在当代社区的生活体验上,而考古学家则主要通 过残存的物质研究过去的社会——房屋,工具和其他人工制品,它们构成了我们所知 的过去社会遗留的物质文明。 35. Archaeologists in recent decades have developed “ethnoarchaeology” ,where, like ethnographers, they live among contemporary communities, but with the specific purpose of learning how such societies use material culture-----hoe they make their tools and weapons , why they build their settlements where they do ,and so on. 最近几十年,考古学家发展了“种族文化考古学”,他们像民族志研究者一样住在当 代社区里,但他们有一个明确的目的,那就是了解这些社会如何使用物质文明——他 们如何制造工具和武器,为什么在现在的地点建造村落等等。 36. To archaeology, which studies all cultures and periods whether with or without writing, the distinction between history and pre-history is a convenient dividing line that recognizes the importance of the written word , but in no way lessens the importance of the useful information contained in oral histories. 对研究所有文明和时期的考古学家来说,无论有没有文字记录,历史和史前史的区别 都是一条便利的分界线,它承认 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 面文字的重要性,但一点也不降低口述历史中包含 的有用信息的重要性。 37. In this respect ,the practice of the archaeologist is rather like that of the scientist, who collects data, conducts experiments, formulates a hypothesis, tests the hypothesis against more data, and then, in conclusion, devises a model that seems best to summarize the pattern observed in the data. 从这个方面讲,考古学家所做的工作很像科学家的工作,他们搜集资料、进行实验、 提出假设、用更多的资料来检验假设,最后得出一个似乎最能从资料中观察到的模式 的模型。 38. What is new is that, from the 1950s onwards, there have been certain general changes in outlook about the finitude of resources as a whole and of health-care resources in particular, as well as more specific changes regarding the clientele of health-care resources and the cost to the community of those resources. 新鲜之处在于,从20世纪50年代起,关于保健资源的享用者和这些资源的社会成本, 人们的看法不仅发生了一些具体的改变,同时,对总体资源的有限性、尤其是保健资 源的有限性,人们的看法也发生了某些普遍的变化。 39. Looking back , it now seems quite incredible that in the national health systems that emerged in many countries in the years immediately after the 1939-1945 World War, it was assumed without question that all the basic health needs of any community could be satisfied, at least in principle; the “invisible hand” of economic progress would provide. 回顾过去,现在想想似乎更不可思议,在1935-1945年世界大战结束不久出现,在很 多国家的国家保健系统里,人们毫不怀疑的认为,任何社会所有基本保健需要都能得 到满足,至少从理论上来说是这样的,经济发展的“无形之手”会提供这个条件。 40. At exactly the same time as this new realization of the finite character of health-care resources was sinking in, an awareness of a contrary kind was developing in Western societies: that people have a basic right to health-care as a necessary condition of a proper human life. 几乎就在保健资源是有限的这个新认识刚刚被理解的同时,一种相反的观点也在西方社 会逐渐形成:保健室人们的基本权利,是人类正常生活的一个必要条件。 41. The second set of more specific changes that have led to the present concern about the distribution of health-care resources stems from the dramatic rise in health costs in most OECD countries, accompanied by large-scale demographic and social changes which have meant, to take one example, that elderly people are now major( and relatively very expensive)consumers of health-care resources. 导致人们如今关注保健资源分配问题的第二组更加具体的变化是因为经济合作与发展组 织的大多数成员国健康消费的急剧上升造成的,此外还有大规模的人口和社会变化, 这些变化意味着,举例说,老年人是现在保健资源的主要(而且相对而言非常昂贵的) 消费者。 42. And finally, most forms of environmental pollution either appear to have been exaggerated, or are transient——associated with the early phases of industrialization and therefore best cured not by restricting economic growth, but by accelerating it. 最后,被夸大其词的或者转瞬即逝的环境污染的大多数形式都与工业化的初期有关, 因此最好的解决方法不是限制而是促进经济增长。 43. Yet opinion polls suggests that many people nurture the belief that environmental standards are declining and four factors seem to cause this disjunction between perception and reality. 然而,民意测验表明,许多人相信环境质量正在下降,有四个因素导致感觉与现实之 间这种的偏差。 44. Even if America`s trash output continues to rise sa it has done in the past, and even if the American population doubles by 2100, all the rubbish America produces through the stthentire 21 century will still take up only one-12,000 of the aera of the entire United States. 即使美国和以前一样持续增加垃圾的输出量,即使美国人口在2100年翻一番,美国在 整个21世纪所生产的垃圾也只会占整个美国领土面积的12000分之一。 45. A modern hard-core sociologist might even go so far as to claim that this aggressive instinct evolved as an advantageous trait, having been of survival value to our ancestors in their struggle against the hardships of life on the plains and in the caves, ultimately finding its way into our genetic make-up as a remnant of our ancient animal ways. 现代一位重要的生物学家甚至走得更远,他声称这种攻击性本能是作为一种有利的特性而发 展的,它来自我们祖先在平原上和山洞中生活时与艰难困苦斗争的生存理念,并最终成为我 们从远古动物进化到现在保留在基因中的生物遗存。 46. Thus, in this explanation the subject merges his unique personality and personal and moral code with that of larger institutional structures, surrendering individual properties like loyalty, self-sacrifice and discipline to the service of malevolent systems of authority. 因此,在该解释中,对象将自己独特的人格以及个人和道德编码融入更大的制度结构之中, 放弃了个性特点,比如忠诚、忘我和纪律,来服务于恶意的权威系统。 47. In purely scientific terms, Baekeland’s major contribution to the field is not so much the actual discovery of the material to which he gave his name, but rather the method by which a reaction between phenol and formaldehyde could be controlled, thus making possible its preparation on a commercial basis. 如果用纯粹的科学语言描述,贝克兰对该领域的主要贡献实际上并不是发现了由他命名的 材料,而是发现了控制苯酚和甲醛之间化学反应的方法,因此使此配制品的商业化成为可能。 48. Recently, however, it has been experiencing something of a renaissance, with renewed demand for original Bakelite objects in the collectors` marketplace, and museums, societies and dedicated individuals once again appreciating the style and originality of this innovative material. 然而,最近它又经历了一次“复兴”,在收藏品市场再次出现了对最初的酚醛塑料制品的需 求,而博物馆、研究协会和一些爱好者又重新开始欣赏这种新型材料的风格和原创性。 49. But most modern humor theorists have settled on some version of Aristotle`s belief that jokes are based on a reaction to or resolution of incongruity, when the punchline is either a nonsense or, though appearing silly, has a clever second meaning. 但是,大多数现代幽默理论家承袭了亚里士多德的观点,认为笑话是当妙语是一句胡闹的话, 或者看起来很愚笨却有另外一层聪明意思的时候,人们对不协调氛围的一种反应或解决。 50. The orbital cortex, the region that becomes active in Goel`s experiment, seems the best candidate for the site that feeds such feelings into higher-level thought process, with its close connections to the brain`s sub-cortical arousal apparatus and centers of metabolic control. 在Goel的实验中变得活跃起来的与眼睛有关的皮层似乎是把这些情感传感送给更高层次的 思维程序的最佳选择,因为它与大脑亚皮层的觉醒装置和控制新陈代谢的中枢都有非常密切 的联系。 51. All warm-blooded animals make constant tiny adjustments in arousal in response to external events, but humans, who have developed a much more complicated internal life as a result of language, respond emotionally not only to their surroundings, but to their own thoughts. 所有暖血动物都会经常根据外界的变化对自己的觉醒度做出调整,但是人类由于拥有语言而 发展出了一套更加复杂的内部活动机制,从而不但对他们的环境,也对他们自己的思想做出 情绪反应。 th52. When the Aswan dams were constructed in the 26 century to provide electricity and irrigation, and to protect the huge population center of Cairo and surrounding areas from annual flooding and drought, most of the sediment with its natural fertilizer accumulated up above the dam in the southern, upstream half of Lake Nasser, instead of passing down to the delta. 为了提供电力和灌溉,同时也为了使开罗这个人口稠密中心以及周边地区免受洪灾和干旱之 苦,在20世纪建成阿斯旺大坝。当大坝建成之后,大量蕴含天然肥料的沉积物在位于纳塞 尔人工湖南部的大坝里往上聚积,不再顺流而下,流至三角洲。 53. When hill-farmers, for example, can make more money in a few weeks working as porters for foreign trekkers than they can in a year working in their fields, it is not surprising that many of them give up their farm-work, which is thus left to other members of the family. 比如,山民为外国徒步旅行的人当几个星期的挑夫,赚的钱就比他在田地里干一年活赚的还 要多,所以就不难理解他们中有许多人放弃了农田,将其留给家里的其他成员照管。 54. Much attention has focused on erosion along major trails, but perhaps more important are the deforestation and impacts on water supplies arising from the need to provide tourists with cooked food and hot showers. 主要道路上的侵蚀吸引了很多关注,但是或许更重要的是为了满足旅行者生火做饭和洗热水 澡的需要而带来的森林砍伐和用水供应的影响。 55. Careful consideration of our system of numeration leads to the conviction that, rather than being a facility that comes naturally to a person, it is one of the great and remarkable achievements of the human race. 对我们的计算体系进行仔细考虑之后,我们坚信,它属于人类一项伟大而卓越的成就,而不 是一个人与生俱来的技能。 56. Almost unbelievably, it is a mere 100years since that train arrived and the audience screamed and fled, convinced by the dangerous reality of what they saw, and, perhaps, suddenly aware that the world could never be same again ---that, maybe, it could be better, brighter, more astonishing, more real than reality. 那么火车驶过来,观众惊声尖叫,四散奔逃,对他们所看到的危险现实信以为真,或许突然 意识到,世界将为之改变,可能会变得比现实更美好、更光明、更令人吃惊、更真实,这一 情景仅仅发生在一百年以前,几乎令人难以置信。 57. Eliminating the secrecy surrounding pay by openly communicating everyone`s remuneration, publicizing performance bonuses and allocating annual salary increases in a lump sum rather than spreading them out over an entire year are examples of actions that will make rewards more visible and potentially more motivating. 通过公开告知每个人的酬劳从而消除有关薪水的秘密,公开业绩奖金,一次性地增加年薪, 而不是分摊到全年,这些都是使报酬更明朗、更具有潜在激励性的例子。 58. Another hypothesis suggests that decreased processing of glucose could indicate to cells that food is scarce (even if it isn`t) and induce them to shift into an anti-aging mode that emphasizes preservation of the organism over such “luxuries” as growth and reproduction. 另外一个假说提出,葡萄糖的加工减少可以向细胞表明食物短缺(即使情况并非如此),诱 使细胞转向抗衰老模式,该模式注重有机体的保护,而不是注重像成长和繁殖这样的“奢侈 行为”。 59. They are working with the same group of 3,000 women, to try to find out whether reading mothers make better use of hospitals and clinics, opt smaller families, exert more control at home, learn modern childcare techniques more quickly, or whether they merely have more respect for themselves and their children. 他们正在以同一组的3000名妇女为研究对象,试图发现是否会读书的母亲会更好地利用医 院和诊所,选择更小的家庭,在家里的控制权更多,学习现代育儿技术更快,或者是否她们 仅仅对自己和子女更加尊重。 60. Evidence suggests that a key step is to develop a policy on bullying, saying clearly what is meant by bullying, and giving explicit guidelines on what will be done if it occurs, what records will be kept, who will be informed, what sanctions will be employed. 有证据表明,一个关键的步骤是就欺负他人的问题制定一项政策,清楚地界定欺负同学的概 念,明确 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 发生欺负同学事件之后采取什么措施,给予什么处分,通知什么,实施什么惩 罚。
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