首页 湖北省建设工程楚天杯评审办法2016



湖北省建设工程楚天杯评审办法2016湖北省建设工程楚天杯评审办法2016 附件1:省优质工程评审工作流程及资料要求 一、工作流程 登录网站评优窗口填报相关信 息及上传文件 是否符合申报系统中驳回申报要市州推荐单位初审否评审范围求,并通知相关单位 是 下载打印申报表 市州单位推荐盖章 报送省评审办申报系统中驳回申报要否资料是否符合评审条件评审办网上审查求,并通知相关单位 是 现场专家组核查 是 申报系统中驳回申报要质量是否现场核查专家否求,并通知相关单位符合要求意见汇总整理 是 申报系统中驳回申报要是否否评审办专家复审求,并通知相关...

湖北省建设工程楚天杯评审办法2016 附件1:省优质工程评审 工作流程 财务工作流程表财务工作流程怎么写财务工作流程图财务工作流程及制度公司财务工作流程 及资料要求 一、工作流程 登录网站评优窗口填报相关信 息及上传文件 是否符合申报系统中驳回申报要市州推荐单位初审否评审范围求,并 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 相关单位 是 下载打印申报表 市州单位推荐盖章 报送省评审办申报系统中驳回申报要否资料是否符合评审条件评审办网上审查求,并通知相关单位 是 现场专家组核查 是 申报系统中驳回申报要质量是否现场核查专家否求,并通知相关单位符合要求意见汇总整理 是 申报系统中驳回申报要是否否评审办专家复审求,并通知相关单位推荐评审会 是 申报系统中驳回申报要否评审会评审会讨论求,并通知相关单位 是 评审结果公示 various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once 二、资料要求 ,一,网上申报上传资料 从评优窗口登陆,对照填写申报信息或按要求上传电子文件,文件格式为jpg格式。(所有扫描文档必须采用原件彩色扫描,扫描应设置高品质,工程质量细部照片分辨率不低于1920×1440。单个上传文档大小应小于5M)。 1、湖北省建设工程楚天杯申报信息; 2、有关工程概况和工程质量情况; 3、市、州优质工程证书; 4、工程竣工验收备案证; 5、能反映工程外形、主要部位并附文字说明的彩照8,10张。 6、拟申报国优、鲁班奖的工程应附10分钟左右的工程情况介绍光盘1张; 7、申报项目的建设工程质量监督报告(由申报项目质量监督机构审核申报资料时上传)。 ,二,纸质资料 在管理系统内下载打印,签字盖章后交评审办:湖北省建设工程 楚天杯申报表(附件2)一式二份。 ,三,申报材料的要求 1、凡需有关单位签署意见的各栏内,必须签署对工程质量的具体评价意见,不能仅仅写上“同意申报”; 2、申报资料必须齐全。涉及建设地点、投资规模、建筑面积、结various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once 构类型、工程性质及用途等方面的数据和文字必须与实际工程一致。 如有差异,必须有相应的变更手续和证明文件; 3、上传的申报资料中提供的文件、印章等必须真实、清晰,容易 辨认。 various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party constru3 ction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once 附件2: 编号: 湖北省建设工程楚天杯申报表 工程项目: 申报单位: 申报时间: 推荐单位: 湖北省建设工程质量安全协会 various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once 工程属地 施工许可证编号 工程名称 工程地址 结构 地基基础 地下层数 建筑 工程类别 总高度 类型 面积 主体结构 地上层数 总造价 最大跨度 实际开工时间 竣工时间 备案时间 主体结构验收时间 基础验收时间 备案证编号 项目经理 联系方式 建造师证编号 建设单位 联系人及电话 监理单位 施工总承包单位 主分包单位 主分包单位 建设(使用)单位对竣工验收质量评价: 设计单位对竣工验收质量评价: 签名: 签名: 年 月 日 年 月 日 监理单位对竣工验收质量评价: 质量监督机构对竣工验收质量评价: 签名: 签名: 年 月 日 年 月 日 建设单位推荐意见: 监理单位推荐意见: 建设单位(章) 监理单位(章) 年 月 日 年 月 日 企业申报联系人 联系电话 邮 箱 various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party constru5 ction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once 工程项目简况及施工创新质量特色:(含地基基础、主体结构、装饰装修、屋面、给排水及 采暖、电气及设备、通风与空调等主要做法和特点、新工艺新材料新设备使用情况、绿色施工、 节能降耗、科技示范工程、企业创新工法、推广应用住建部10项新技术等) various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once 所属 市州 评审 机构 意见 推荐单位:(章) 年 月 日 1、质量资料核查评分 分 现场 2、综合质量核查评分 分 核查 结果 3、微观质量核查评分 分 综合评分 分 核查时间: 年 月 日 经对该项目工程质量综合评价,同意 不同意 推荐。 专家 核查 意见 核查人员:(签名) 年 月 日 various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party constru7 ction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once 省优质工程评审办推荐意见: 经专家组对该申报项目工程质量管理资料及工程整体实物质量现场核查,该项目符合 不符合 省建设工程楚天杯评审条件,现予以推荐 取消 参加评审。 评审工作办公室 年 月 日 省优质工程评审委员会评审意见: 该项目经 年 月 日省优质工程评审委员会综合评审和网上公示,已经 不能 确定该项目为省建设工程楚天杯。 省优质工程评审委员会 年 月 日 various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once 附件3: 湖北省建设工程楚天杯 核查评分 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 1、总则 1(l为统一和规范湖北省优质工程核查工作,促进该项工作健康有序地发展,根据国家有关建设工程质量的法律、法规及工程建设强制性标准和《湖北省建设工程楚天杯评审办法》,结合我省实际,制定本评分标准。 1(2评委会可根据本省工程总体质量水平状况的情况,在认真执行国家标准的前提下,适当调整评审标准。 2、评分 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 2(1省优质工程核查时,核查组对申报工程的资料情况、综合质量、实体质量共3项进行核查。 2(2评分表包括资料情况(附表2.2)、综合质量(附表2.3)、实体质量(附表2.4)3个部分核查评分表和一张核查评分汇总表(附表2.1)。 2(3分项核查评分表中各核查项目得分应为对照核查标准所得分数之和,每分项表得分应为表内各检查项目实得分数之和。 2(4核查评分表不得采用负值,各核查项目所扣分数之和不得超过该项目应得分数。 2(5汇总表满分为 100分,各分项核查表在汇总表中所占满 various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party constru9 ction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once 分的分值分别为:综合质量20分、资料情况20分、实体质量60分。汇总表总得分应为各分项核查评分表实得分值之和。 各分项核查评分表实得分值之和有缺项时汇总表总得分= ×100 各分项核查评分表应得分值之和 2(6 具备参评资格的工程汇总表总得分值应在85分以上(含)。 3 核查表 3.0.1 省优质工程核查评分汇总表 3.0.2 省优质工程质量资料核查评分表 3.0.3 省优质工程综合质量核查评分表 3.0.4 省优质工程实体质量核查评分表 various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once 表3.0.1 省优质工程核查评分汇总表 工程名称: 施工单位: 申报单位 项目经理 监理单位 项目总监 建筑面积 结构类型 项目名称及分值 质量资料核查评分(20分) 综合质量核查评分(20分) 实体质量核查评分(60分) 总计100分 综合得分 核查评语: 核查组组长: 年 月 日 various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party constru11 ction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once 表3.0.2 省优质工程质量资料核查评分表 工程名称: 施工单位: 资料目录 主 要 内 容 分值 实得分 备注 地基验槽 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 地基、基础验收记录 主体结构验收记录 幕墙验收记录 水电验收记录 通风空调验收记录 主要 电梯验收记录 7 验收资料 人防验收记录 消防验收记录 档案验收记录 环保验收记录 竣工验收记录 其它验收记录 桩基检测报告 结构实体检测报告 预制构件进场检测报告 电梯检测报告 主要 幕墙检测报告 7 检测资料 接地、绝缘电阻测试记录 沉降观测记录 建筑节能检测资料 其它检测资料 图纸会审、设计变更记录 钢材进场台帐、合格证及复检报告 焊接接头试焊记录及复检报告 水泥进场台帐、合格证及复检报告 砖、砌体进场台帐、合格证及复检报告 质量 混凝土试块试验台帐 6 控制资料 砂浆试块试验台帐 混凝土施工记录 防水材料进场台帐、合格证及复检报告 灌水、防水效果试验记录 回填土密实度检验报告 小计 20 核 查 人: 核查时间: various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once 表3.0.3 省优质工程综合质量核查评分表 工程名称: 施工单位: 住宅和公共工业交通水实得备建筑 利和市政园项目 主要评价内容 分值 注 评价分值 林评价分值 省(部)级及以上科 获科技奖或技术技进步奖或省(部) 技术进3 3 创新 级及以上工法,发明 步与创 专利、实用新型专利 新 省级以上QC成活或建 推广应用新技术 筑业10项新技术中62 2 项以上 四节 四节措施与效果 1 1 节能 环保 环保等专项验收合格 1 1 环保 文明(绿色)施工 国家级AAA文明工地 3 3 质量安全保证体 制度、体系健全 1 1 系 工程项目管理方法先工程 管理方法 进、规范、科学,有2 2 管理 优秀成果 工程规模 建筑面积5万?以上 2 / 工程投资规模 投资规模3亿元以上 / 2 工程产能、功能均达经济效益好 2 2 到设计要求 综合 居全省同行业同类型工艺技术指标 / 2 效益 工程领先水平 社会效益好 赢得社会好评 3 1 小计 20 核 查 人: 核查时间: various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party constru13 ction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once 3.0.4 省优质工程实体质量核查评分表 工程名称: 施工单位: 分 得 备序号 检查项目 值 分 注 对工程主体进行较细致的查看,观察有无因地基基础质量问题引起主体地基基础与 工程出现裂缝、倾斜或变形;有无因主体结构中某一部位的设计或施工5 主体结构 质量问题引起该构件出现开裂等现象。 查看地基基础周围回填土是否有沉陷,是否造成散水破坏情况。 查看散水的分仓缝留设是否合理,分仓缝油膏灌注质量,散水是否与外 室外工程 3 墙体断开。 室外排水管道安装是否牢固、顺直,伸缩节安装是否合理,落水口高度是否符合要求。 大角顺直、大面平整,腰线或外挂线顺直,窗台、窗楣线口顺直,基本 滴水做法规范、美观,不同材料交接处处理细腻,变形缝处理保要求 证使用功能和墙面的完整。 涂料 大面基本无空鼓、开裂,粘结牢固,分隔线交圈合理,涂饰均匀、外墙 无漏涂、透底、起皮和掉粉,无泛碱、咬色等。 饰面大面平整、洁净、色泽一致,无裂痕和缺损,阴阳角搭接合理,砖外非整砖使用符合要求,饰面砖接缝平直、光滑,填嵌连续、密实、 墙 深度和宽度一致。 石材幕墙。表面平整、洁净,无污染、缺损和裂痕,颜色和花纹 外墙 协调一致,无明显色差、修痕,接缝平直、宽窄均匀,板边合缝5 顺直,密封胶缝横平竖直、深浅一致、宽窄均匀、光滑顺直。 幕墙 玻璃幕墙。表面平整、洁净,色泽均匀一致,无污染和镀膜损坏, 外墙 密封胶缝应横平坚直、深浅一致、宽窄均匀、光滑顺直,且打胶 饱满、密实、连续、无气泡。 金属幕墙。表面平整、洁净、色泽一致,密封胶缝应横平竖直、 深浅一致、宽窄均匀、光滑顺直。 水刷表面平整、色泽均匀一致,密实无气孔、开裂、空鼓,石子分布石外均匀,级配合理,无掉粒、喷石和接搓痕迹,分格条(缝)的设墙 置符合要求,宽度深度均匀,棱角整齐。 基本表面平整,阴阳角顺直,基本无空鼓、开裂,不同材料交接处合要求 理、美观。 涂饰均匀、粘结牢固,无漏涂、透底、脱皮和掉粉,无爆灰、刷涂料痕、流附,孔洞、槽、窗周围的抹灰整齐、光滑,管道后面的抹内墙 灰表面应平整。 表面平整、洁净、色泽一致,无裂痕和缺损,阴阳角处搭接方式、 内墙 面砖3 非整砖使用符合要求,突出物周围的饰面砖应整砖套割吻合、边 墙面 缘整齐,墙裙、贴脸突出墙面的厚度一致。 表面平整、洁净,无污染、缺损和裂痕,颜色和花纹协调一致、石材无明显色差、明显修痕,石材接缝横平竖直、宽窄均匀,阴阳角墙面 石板压向应正确,板边合缝顺直,凸凹线出墙厚度一致,上下口 应平直,石材面板上洞口、槽边套割吻合、边缘整齐。 various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once 踢脚线与基层结合牢固,出墙厚度一致,度高一致,楼梯踏步高基本差不大于10mm ,两端宽度差不大于10mm,踏步齿角整齐,防滑要求 条顺直。 水泥 砂浆表面洁净,无裂纹、脱皮、麻面、起砂等缺陷,无空鼓、裂纹。 面层 水磨梯间、楼地面 表面光滑,无明显裂纹、砂眼和磨纹,石粒密实,显露均匀,分5 石面 格条牢固、顺直、清晰。 层 饰面表面洁净,图案清晰,色泽一致,接缝平整,深浅一致,周边顺砖面直,无裂纹、掉角和缺楞等缺陷。 层 石材表面洁净、平整、无磨痕,图案清晰、色泽一致,接缝平整、均面层 匀,周边顺直,镶嵌正确。 饰面材料表面洁净、色泽一致,无翘曲、裂缝及缺损,压条平直、宽窄 吊顶 一致,饰面板上的灯具、烟感器、淋喷头、风口篦子等设备的位置合理、5 美观,与饰面板的交接应吻合、严密。 基本开关灵活、关闭严密、无倒翘。 要求 表面洁净,无创痕、锤印,木门窗的割角、拼缝严密平整,门窗木门框、扇裁口应顺直,刨面应平整、木门窗上的槽、孔应边缘整齐、窗 无毛刺。 门窗 5 表面洁净、平整、光滑、色泽一致、无锈蚀,大面无划痕、碰伤, 金属窗框与墙体之间的缝隙填嵌饱满,密封胶表面光滑、顺直、无裂 门窗 纹。 表面洁净、平整、光滑,大面无划痕、碰伤,门窗框与墙体间缝塑料隙采用闭孔弹性材料填嵌饱满,密封胶粘结牢固,表面光滑、顺门窗 直、无裂纹。 防水层与突出屋面结构交接处应做柔性密封处理,天沟、檐沟、基本檐口、泛水、水落口、变形缝、伸出屋面管道等防水构造符合有要求 关要求。 刚性细石混凝土防水层表面平整、压实抹光,无`裂缝、起壳、起砂,防水分格缝的位置和间距符合要求。 屋面 挂瓦条分档均匀,扑钉平整、牢固,瓦面平整,行列整齐,搭接 屋面 5 瓦屋严密,檐口平直,脊瓦搭盖正确,间距均匀,封固严密,屋脊和 面 斜脊顺直、无起伏,泛水做法符合要求,整齐、顺直,结合严密, 无渗漏。 隔热 屋面架空隔热制品铺设平整、稳固,缝隙勾缝密实,隔热高度及变形(架缝作法符合要求。 空屋 面) 查看屋面、厕浴间、地下室、外墙是否有渗漏情况或迹象,屋面是否有防水 4 积水、防水层起鼓等现象。 various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party constru15 ction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once 查看水、暖、燃气管道及器具安装质量情况,管道是否横平竖直,固定水、暖、燃气牢固,器具安装细腻,通风口与顶棚是否结合紧密,消防喷头是否排列 5 工程 整齐,查看管道及管道与接口有无渗漏,查看运行中有无显露的不安全 隐患,PVC管道的配件是否配套和符合标准要求。 电气线路敷设及器具安装质量状况,电气线路敷设是否有不清、混用及电气安装工不接地的质量问题,防雷设施的质量是否符合规范要求,配电箱的安装5 程 是否符合规范要求。 查看设备安装质量状况,查看管道保湿隔热敷设情况(含耐腐),通风通风工程 5 运行中的噪音是否低于设计值,有无滴漏情况。 电梯运行是否达到设计要求,能否保持正常运行;安装电梯的单位是否电梯工程 5 具有相应的资质;有关部门是否检验同意使用运行。 小计 60 核 查 人: 核查时间: various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia, strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance "two a responsibility" implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade "independent Commission against corruption fire" construction level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning, self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and supervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once
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