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邵武一中高考邵武一中高考 篇一:福建省邵武一中2012届高三理综试题 福建省邵武一中2012届高三理综试题 相对原子质量(原子量):H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 S 32 K 39 Cu 64Ca 40 第?卷(选择题,共18题,共108分) 一、选择题(本题共18小题。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项符合题目要求)本卷共18小题,每小题6分,共108分。 1(下列有关实验的描述正确的是( ) 2是 () A(呼吸作用、光合作用、激素调控 B(有丝分裂、细胞分化、组织器官的形成 C(DNA的复制...

邵武一中高考 篇一:福建省邵武一中2012届高三理综试题 福建省邵武一中2012届高三理综试题 相对原子质量(原子量):H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 S 32 K 39 Cu 64Ca 40 第?卷(选择题,共18题,共108分) 一、选择题(本题共18小题。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项符合题目要求)本卷共18小题,每小题6分,共108分。 1(下列有关实验的描述正确的是( ) 2是 () A(呼吸作用、光合作用、激素调控 B(有丝分裂、细胞分化、组织器官的形成 C(DNA的复制、转录,蛋白质的合成 D(等位基因的分离、非等位基因的自由组合 3(下图是测定植物某一生命活动过程的装置,从左侧泵入空气后,会产生某些实验现象,下列几种说法中不正确的是() A(该实验的目的是测定植物呼吸作用能产生CO2 B(本实验装置中B 瓶的作用是减少实验误差 1 C(把不透光的玻璃罩换作透光的玻璃罩仍能得到同样的实验结果 D(如果将C瓶中的植物换成萌发的种子,则出现相同的实验现象 4(右图为反射弧模式图,则( ) A(神经冲动在B和E上以局部电流的形式传导 B(兴奋传导方向是F?E?D?B?A C(B受损时,刺激E仍能引起反射活动 D(D具有语言、学习、思维、记忆等方面的高级功能 5(遗传学上,把遗传信息沿一定方向的流动叫信息流,如下图所示。则正确的叙述是 ( ) A(a和b过程需要的酶相同 B(进行d和e过程的生物不含有DNAC(a过程若出现差错,一定会发生基因突变 D(除c过程外,都发生碱基对的互补配对 6. 2011年是国际化学年,中国的宣传口号是“化学——我们的生活,我们的未来”。下列有关叙述不正确的是() A(在家用燃煤中加入适量的生石灰能有效减少二氧化硫的排放量B(利用太阳能、潮汐能、风力发电,以获取清洁能源C(大量排放SO2或CO2都会导致酸雨的形成 D(采用纳米二氧化钛光触媒技术,将汽车尾气中的NO和CO转化为无害气体 7(下列关于有机物的说法正确的是( ) A(乙酸乙酯和食用植物油均可水解生成乙醇 B(甲烷、乙烯和苯都能与溴水反应 2 C(蛋白质、淀粉、纤维素、油脂等都能在人体内水解并提供能量 D(蛋白质、棉花、PVC、淀粉都是由高分子组成的物质 8(在给定条件的水溶液中可能大量共存的离子组是() A(c(H+ ):c(OH-)=1:2的溶液:K+ 、Al3+ 、HCO-- 3、ClO B(与Al反应生成H+ 2+ -、Cl- 2的溶液:Na、Ba、NO3C(中性溶液中:SO2-3+ - 3、S2-、Fe、Cl D(能使红色酚酞变无色的溶液:K+、Ca 2+、Cl-、HCO- 3 9(下列相关家庭实验能达到预期目的的是( ) 10(A是一种常见的单质,B、C为中学常见的化合物,A、B、C均含有元素X,它们有如图所示的转化关系(部分产物及反应条件已略去)。下列推断正确的是 ( ) A(X元素为铝 B(反应?和?互为可逆反应 C(X元素可能是金属,也可能是非金属 D(反应?和? 3 一定为氧化还原反应 11(化学中常用图像直观地描述化学反应的进程或结果。下列图像描述正确的是 ( ) A(根据图?可判断可逆反应“A2(g)+3B2(g)2AB3(g)”的ΔH,0 B(图?表示压强对可逆反应2A(g)+2B(g) 3C(g)+D(s)的影响,乙的压强大 C(图?可表示乙酸溶液中通入氨气至过量过程中溶液导电性的变化 D(根据图?,若除去CuSO4溶液中的Fe3+可向溶液中加入适量CuO至pH在4左右 12(有一种瓦斯 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 仪(下图甲)能够在煤矿巷道中的甲烷达到一定浓度时,通过传感器显 示出来。该瓦斯分析仪工作原理类似燃料电池的工作原理,其装置如下图乙所示,其中的固 体电解质是Y2O3,Na2O,O2-可以在其中自由移动。下列有关叙述正确的的是( ) A(瓦斯分析仪工作时,电池内电路中电子由电极b流向电极a 甲乙 B(电极b是正极,O2- 由电极a流向电极b C(电极a的反应式为:CH4+5O2-―8e-,CO32- +2H2O D(当固体电解质中有1 mol O2-通过时,电子转移4 mol 4 13、介质中有一列简谐机械波传播,对于其中某个振动质点,( ) A(它的振动速度等于波的传播速度B(它的振动方向一定垂直于波的传播方向 C(它在一个周期内走过的路程等于一个波长 D(它的振动频率等于波源的振动频率 14、雨后太阳光入射到水滴中发生色散而形成彩虹。设水滴是球形的,图中的圆代表水滴过球心的截面,入射光线在过此截面的平面内,a、b、c、d代表四条不同颜色的出射光线,则它们可能依次是( ) A.紫光、黄光、蓝光和红光 B.紫光、蓝光、黄光和红光 C.红光、蓝光、黄光和紫光 D.红光、黄光、蓝光和紫光 15、“嫦娥一号”月球探测器在环绕月球运行过程中,设探测器运行的轨道半 径为r,运行速率为v,当探测器在飞越月球上一些环形山中的质量密集区上空时 () A. r、v都将略为减小 B. r、v都将保持不变 C. r将略为减小,v将略为增大D. r将略为增大,v将略为减小 16、如图所示,在铁芯上、下分别绕有匝数n1=800和m2=200的两个线圈,上线圈两端与u=51sin314tV的交流电源相连,将下线圈两端接交流电压 表,则交流电压表的读数可能是 A. 2.0V B. 9.0V C. 12.7VD. 144.0V 17、如右图所示,固定斜面倾角为θ,整个斜面分为AB、BC两段,且2AB=BC(小 5 物块P(可视为质点)与AB、BC两段斜面之间的动摩擦因数分别为μ1、μ2(已知P由静止开始从A点释放,恰好能滑动到C点而停下,那么θ、μ1、μ2间应满足的关系是 ( ) A(tanθ=μ+2μ2μ+μ3B(tanθ=3 C ( tan θ=2μ1,μ2 D(tanθ=2μ2,μ1 18、如图,EOF和E?O?F?为空间一匀强磁场的边界,其中EO?E?O?,FO?F?O?,且EO?OF;OO?为?EOF的角平分线,OO?间的距离为l;磁场方向垂直于纸面向里。一边长为l的正方形导线框沿OO?方向匀速通过磁场,t=0时刻恰好位于图示位置。规定导线框中感应电流沿逆时针方向时为正,则感应电流i与实践t的关系图线可能正确的是 ( ) 第II卷 (非选择题 共192分) 必考部分 第II卷必考部分共9题,共157分 19、(18分)?、(8分)利用图甲所示的电路测量电流表的内阻RA;图中R1、R2为电阻, K1、K2为电键,B是电源(内阻可忽略). (1)根据图甲所给出的电路原理图,在图乙的实物图上连线 . (2)已知R1=140 Ω,R2=60 Ω.当电键K1闭合、K2断 6 开时,电流表读数为6.4 mA;当K1、K2均闭 合时,电流表读数为8.5 mA.由此可以求出RA=___________Ω.(保留两位有效数字) ?. (10分)(1).某同学在做“利用单摆测定重力加速度”的实验中,如果已知摆球直径为2.00 cm, 让刻度尺的零点对准摆线的悬点,摆线竖直下垂,如图32甲所示,那么 (1)单摆摆长是__________cm.如果测定了40次全振动的时间如图32乙中秒表所示,那么秒表读数是__________s,单摆的摆动周期是__________s. (2)如果他测得的g值偏大,可能的原因是( ) A.测摆线长时摆线拉得过紧 B.摆线上端未牢固地系于悬点,振动中出现松动,摆线长度增加了 C.开始计时时,秒表过迟按下 D.实验中误将49次全振动计为50次 (3)为了提高实验精度,在实验中可改变几次摆长l,并测出相应的周期T,从而得出一组对应 的l与T的数据,再以l为横坐标、T2为纵坐标将所得数据连成直线,如图33,并求得该直线的斜率为k,则重力加速度g=____________.(用k表示) 20((14分)一辆轿车违章超车,以108 km/h的速度驶入左侧逆行道时,猛然发现正前方80 m 7 处一辆卡车正以72 km/h的速度迎面驶来,两车司机同时刹车,刹车加速度大小都是10 m/s2,两司机的反应时间(即司机发现险情到实施刹车所经历的时间)都是Δt.试问Δt是何数值,才能保证两车不相撞? 21((18分)一个水平方向足够长的传送带以恒定的速度3m/s沿顺时针方向转动,传送带右端固定着一个光滑曲面,并且与曲面相切,如图所示。小物块从曲面上高为h的P点由静止滑下,滑到传送带上继续向左运动,物块没有从左边滑离传送带。已知传送带与物体之间的动摩擦因数μ=0.2,不计物块滑过曲面与传送带交接处的能量损失,g取10 m/s2。 (1)若h1=1.25 m,求物块返回曲面时上升的最大高度; (2)若h1=0.2 m,求物块返回曲面时上升的最大高度。 22((22分)如图所示,左侧为两块长为L=10cm,间距d? 1033cm的平行金属板,加U,1 3 ?104V的电压,上板电势高;现从左端沿中心轴线方向入射一个重力不计的带电微粒,微粒质量m,10 ,10 kg,带电量q,+10,4C,初速度v5 0,10m/s;中间用虚线框表示的正三角形内存在垂直纸面向 8 里的匀强磁场B1,三角形的上顶点A与上金属板平齐,BC边与金属板平行,AB边的中点P1恰好在下金属板的右端点;三角形区域的右侧也存在垂直纸面向里,范围足够大的匀强磁场B2,且B2,4B1;求; (1)带电微粒从电场中射出时的速度大小和方向; (2)带电微粒进入中间三角形区域后,要垂直打在AC边上,则该区域的磁感应强度B1是多少, (3)画出粒子在磁场中运动的轨迹,确定微粒最后出磁场区域的位置。 23((14分)?(A、J是日常生活中常见的两种金属,J氧化物具有磁性。这两种金属和NaOH溶液组成原电池,A作负极;D和F常温下是单质气体,F是空气的主要成分;A、C、E和H都含A元素。各物质有以下的转化关系(部分产物及条件略去)。 请回答以下问题: (1)写出原电池?的负极反应方程式 ______________________________________。 (2)常温时pH=12的C溶液中,溶质的阳离子与溶质的阴离子浓度之差为_________________ (写出数字计算式)。 (3)M的化学式为________,写出?的化学方程式______________________________。 ?(已知:在25时 H2O 9 H++OH-KW=10-14 CH3COOH H++CH, 3COO Ka=1.8×10-5 (4)醋酸钠水解的平衡常数Kh与KW、、Ka的关系是Kh= 当升高温度时,Kh将 (填 “增大”“减小”“不变”); (5)0(9mol?L-1醋酸钠溶液中的氢氧根离子浓度为2.2×10, 5mol?L-1,在某溶液中含Mg2+、Cd2+、 Zn2+三种离子的浓度均为0.01mol?L-1。向其中加入固体醋酸钠,使其浓度为0.9mol?L-1,以上三种金属离子中 不( 能生成沉淀。 (KSP,Mg(OH)2,=1.8×10-11、KSP,Zn(OH)2,=1.2×10-17、KSP,Cd(OH)2,=2.5×10-14) 24((15分)某铜矿石含氧化铜、氧化亚铜、三氧化二铁和脉石(SiO2) ,现采用酸浸法从矿石中提取铜,其 工艺 钢结构制作工艺流程车尿素生产工艺流程自动玻璃钢生产工艺2工艺纪律检查制度q345焊接工艺规程 流程图如下。其中铜的萃取(铜从水层进入有机层的过程)和反萃取(铜从有机层进入水层的过程)是现代湿法炼铜的重要工艺手段。 已知:?Cu2O+2H+ ,Cu2+ +Cu + H2O;?当矿石中三氧化二铁含量太低时,可用硫酸和硫酸铁的混 10 合液浸出铜; ?反萃取后的水层2是硫酸铜溶液。 回答下列问题: (1)矿石用稀硫酸处理过程中发生反应的离子方程式为:Cu2O+2H+,Cu2++Cu + H2O (写其中2个) (2)将有机层和水层分离的操作方法叫,实验室完成此操作所用到的一种主要仪器((((((是 。 (3)“循环I”经多次循环后的水层1不能继续循环使用,但可分离出一种重要的硫酸盐晶体,该晶(体( 的化学式是 。 (4)写出电解过程中(两电极都是惰性电极)阴极发生反应的电极反应式 (5)“循环?”中反萃取剂的主要成分是 25((16分)某化学兴趣小组欲 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 使用如下装置验证:铜和一定量的浓硝酸反应有一氧化氮产生。(假设气体体积均为 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 状况,导气管中气体体积忽略不计,且忽略反应中的溶液体积变化 ) 试回答下列问题: (1)将铜粉分散在石棉绒中的原因是 ________________________________________; (2)在铜和浓硝酸反应前,挤压打气球,经A、B、C反应后,进入D中的气体是 (填化学式),通入该气体的目的是_____________________; ;进行此步操作时应关闭 11 _______,打开______ (填k1、k2或k3); (3)若C装置的硬质玻璃管中出现堵塞,则B中可能出现的现象是________________; (4)关闭k1、k2,打开k3,由分液漏斗向D中滴加浓硝酸。待Cu和浓硝酸反应结束后,再通过分液漏斗向D中加入CCl4至满。则D中一定发生反应的离子方程式为: ; (5)若E中出现倒吸,可采取的应急操作是___________________________________; (6)从E装置所得溶液中取出25.00mL,加两滴酚酞,用0.1000 mol/L的NaOH溶液滴定,当滴定完成后消耗NaOH溶液18.00mL,若实验测得F装置所收集到的气体体积为139.00 mL,则铜和一定量的浓硝酸反应______(填“有”或“无”)NO生成。 26.?(18分)20世纪50年代,卡尔文及其同事因在光合作用方面的研究成果,获得了1961年的诺贝尔化学奖。卡尔文将小球藻装在一个密闭容器中,通过一个通气管向玻璃容器中通入CO2,通气管上有一个开关,可控制CO2的供应,容器周围有光源,通过控制电源开关来控制光照的有无。 (1)实验 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 小球藻属于 ( 填“原核”或“真核” )生物,其与光合作用有关的色素有 。 (2)卡尔文通过停止 来探究光反应和暗反应的联系,他得到的实验结果是下图中的。 (3)卡尔文通过停止来探究光合作用过程中固定CO2 12 的化合物,这时他发现C5的含量快速升高,由此得出固定 CO2的物质是C5。 (4)卡尔文等向密闭容器中通入14CO2,当反应进行到 5s时,14C出现在一种五碳化合物(C5)和一种六碳糖(C6) 中;将反应时间缩短到0.5s时,14C出现在一种三碳化合物 (C3)中。上述实验中卡尔文是通过控制来探究CO2中碳 原子转移路径的,采用了 等技术方法。 (5)实验中卡尔文将不同反应条件下的小球藻放入70? 的酒精中,从而使细胞中 失活,细 胞中的化合物就保持在热处理之前的反应状态。采用纸 层析法,分离出各种化合物。纸层析法的 篇二:邵武一中07-08上期中高三英语 高三英语第三次月考试卷 第一卷(共115分) 一 听力(共20题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) 第一节: 听下面5段对话,选出正确答案。 ( )1 Why did the woman call the man ? A She didn’t know how to use the new refrigerator . B She wanted her washing machine to be fixed . C There was something wrong with the refrigerator . ( )2 What kind of place are the speakers probably talking about ? 13 A A football field . B An office building . C A concert hall . ( )3 What does the man suggest the woman do ? A Put ice on her hand .B See a doctor in a few days . C Not use her hand for a while . ( )4 What time is Jack supposed to arrive ? A At 7:50 . B At 8:00C By 8:15 ( )5 What did the woman mean ? A She fell asleep before the program ended .B She missed the beginning of the program . C She wished she had gone to sleep earlier . 第二节:听第6段材料,回答6 -8题。 ( )6 What causes the conversation ? A An advertisement . B A TV program . C An article . ( )7 Who will shop quickly ? A Those who know what they want to buy . B Those who have little money to spend . C Those who shop at the cheapest stores . ( )8 What can we conclude about the conversation ? A People spend more time looking than shopping . B People enjoy shopping when they are free . C People buy things easily if time is limited . 听第7段材料,回答第 9-11题。 14 ( )9 What does Susan have to do on Saturday morning ? A Walk the dog .B Clean the house .C Go to the doctor . ( )10 What time is Susan going to meet Julie ? A 12:00 PM .B 1:00 PM . C 2:00 PM . ( )11 Why can’t they watch a video at Susan’s house ? A They can’t decide on a video . B Susan’s mother is going to use it . C The machine doesn’t work .听第8段材 料,回答12-14题。 ( )12 What’s the matter with Steve ? A He has a cold .B He has the flu . C He has a stomachache . ( )13 What does Carla suggest he do ? A Take Chinese medicine . B See another doctor . C Take a good rest . ( )14 What does Steve decide to do ? A Talk to another friend .B Listen to Carla’s suggestion .C See the same doctor again . 听第9段材料,回 答15-17题。 ( )15 Where did Sue spend the nights in the country ? A In a farm house . B In the open air . C At a hotel . ( ) 16 What was the weather like in the country ? A It snowed a lot . B It rained nearly every day . C There was a lot of sunshine . ( )17 What did Sue think of the people in the country ? A They were tall . B They were strange . C They were 15 friendly . 听第10段材料,回答18-20题。 ( )18 Why did Harry ask the man what time it was ? A He had forgotten to put on his watch . B His watch was wrong . C He was late . ( )19 Why didn’t the man tell Harry the time ? A He did not know it . B He did not have a watch . C He did not want to speak to Harry . ( )20 What is the story really about ? A Being impolite to people .B Not speaking to strangers .C One thing leading to another . 二 单项选择题 (共15题,每小题一分,满分15分) ( )21 I ______in London for many years , but I’ve never regretted my final decision to move back to China . A lived B have lived C was living D had lived ( )22The board of the company has decided to _____its operations to include all aspects of the clothing business .A widen B spread C strengthen D expand ( )23 I lost my way in complete darkness and , _______matters worse , it began to rain . A made B making C having madeD to make ( )24 _____I’m thinking of the test tomorrow , I am afraid I can’ 16 t pass this time ._____ _______~I’m sure you will make it . A Go aheadB Good luck C No problem D Cheer up ( )25 Tom’s interests include basketball , bowling and surfing the web ________studying his favorite subjects .A as well asB instead of C rather thanD less than ( )26 It was ______that caused him to serve dinner an hour later than usual . A we were late B our being late C because we were late D we being late ( )27 ____ Do you think that man will come to your help ? _____ I really don’t know ________ a person like him can help me with . A how B what C if D why ( )28 The students were standing by the West Lake , _______ swimming suits . A each of them wore B each was wearing C each of whom wearing D each wearing ( )29____ You look so upset . What’s wrong with you ? ____ The door ________ . Can you help me ? A won’t open B won’t be opened C can’t open D can’t be opened ( )30 What would have happened ________ , as far as the riverbank ? 17 A if Bob has walked farther B if Bob should walk fartherC had Bob walked farther D should Bob walk farther ( )31 We’ll start off as we planned _________ . A no matter he will come or not B no matter whether he will come or notC whether is he coming or not D whether he comes or not ( )32 The beach is so beautiful that it is worthwhile , I think , ________ for a short holiday . A of going B to be going C your going D you to go ( )33 My father may have to go into hospital , in ________ case he won’t be going on holiday . A this B that C whichD whose ( )34 _____ Really ? Who will give ________ lecture ? What is it about ? _____ Professor Chen , _________President of Peking University , about pollution . A the , a B a , the C the , 不填 D a , 不填 ( )35 ______ How about joining us in the game ? ______ I’m sorry . I have an urgent matter to ________ . A relate to B appeal to C attend to D refer to 三 完形填空(共20题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) As a teenager , I felt I was always letting people down . I 18 was rebellious(反叛)on the outside, 36on the inside , I wanted people to Once I left home to hitchhike(搭便车) to California with my friend Penelope .The trip wasn’t 38 , and there were many times I didn’t feel safe . One situation in particular 39me grateful to still be alive . When I returned home , I was different , not so outwardly sure of myself . I was happy to be home . But then I noticed that Penelope , who was my clothes . And my seemed to like her better than me . I wondered if I would be if I weren’t there . I told my mom , and she explained that Penelope was a lovely girl , no one could 44 me . I pointed out , “She is more patient and is neater than I have ever been .” My mom said these were wonderful that even with my and there were many—I was a loved member of the family who couldn’t be replaced . I became a searcher , wanting to who I was and what made me unique . My of myself was changing . I wanted a solid base to start from . I started to resist pressure to 50 in ways that I didn’t like any more , and I was that no one can ever take my place . Each of us 53 a unique place in the world , You are special , 19 no matter what others say or what you may think .So about being replaced . You ( ) 36 A And B butC as D for ( ) 37 A leave B respect C admire D like ( ) 38 A easy B hard C fun D long ( ) 39 A succeededB kept C managed D remained ( ) 40 A playing B eatingC stayingD running ( ) 41 A family B friends C relativesD class ( ) 42 A lovedB mentioned C cared D missed ( ) 43 A beforeB after C thoughD unless ( ) 44 A scold B compareC replace D match ( ) 45 A qualities B girls C people D times ( ) 46 A character B role C task D job ( ) 47 A faultsB advantagesC mannersD pities ( ) 48 A look for B look backC find out D give up ( ) 49 A pictureB viewC sense D drawing ( ) 50 A thinkB learn C change D act ( ) 51 A thankfulB delightedC disappointed D hopeful ( ) 52 A sure B doubtfulC happy D lonely ( ) 53A carriesB catchesC seizesD holds ( ) 54 A talk B forget 20 C care D argue ( ) 55 A mustn’tB shouldn’t C can’t D needn’t 四 阅读理解(共20题,每小题2分,满分40分) A Speakers of different languages not only describe the world differently but think about it differently too , according to a new study . Researchers used a cartoon cat Sylvester to study how language was reflected in the gestures people made . Dr. Sotaro Kita of the University of Bristol’s Department of Experimental Psychology , showed the cartoon to a group of native English , Japanese and Turkish speakers and then watched their gestures as they described the actions they had seen . He found speakers of the three different languages used different gestures to describe the same event , which appeared to reflect the way the structure of their languages expressed that event . For example , when describing a scene where the cat swings on a rope , the English speakers used gestures showing an arc trajectory (弧形轨 迹)and the Japanese and Turkish speakers tended to use 21 straight gestures showing the motion but not the arc . Dr. Kita suggests this is because Japanese and Turkish have no proper verb to express the English meaning “ to swing ” . While English speakers use the arc gesture as their language and can the change of location and the arc-shaped trajectory , Japanese and Turkish speakers cannot easily express the idea of movement with an arc trajectory so they use the straight gesture . Dr. Kita said , “My research suggests that speakers of different languages cause different spatial (空间的)images of the same event in a way that matches the expressive possibilities of their own languages . In other words , language influences spatial thinking at the moment of speaking .” ( )56 Researchers watched the gestures the people made because they wanted to know_________. A how language was reflected B whether they could express the same idea C whether they could describe what they had seenD how the structure of language changed ( )57 After watching the gestures of speakers of the three different languages , Dr. Kita concluded 22 that________. A Japanese and Turkish people couldn’t express the meaning of “swing ” B English was obviously better than Japanese and Turkish C no word in Japanese and Turkish could express some ideas of English D every language had its own special way to describe things ( )58The underlined word “readily”( in paragraph 3) most probably means “__________” . A willingly B without difficulty C with interest D specially ( )59 What is mainly discussed in the text ? A Differences between languages . B Differences between gestures . C How people use different gestures to express the same event . D That language influences the way people think . B International Studies (BA) Key features ? Recognizes the “global community” ? Has close connections with practical research ? Much of the teaching is done in small discussion groups About the course The course gives you chances to know great power politics between nation states . It will provide more space to study particular issues such as relationship among countries in the 23 European Union , third world debt , local and international disagreement , and the work of such international bodies as the United Nations, the European Union , NATO, and the World Bank . The course puts theories into the working of the international system with close attention to particular countries . You will also have a better knowledge of method of solving the international problems . Related courses BA(Hons) Community Management BA(Hons) Public Policy and Management Employment possibilities International organizations International Business Earth Science(BSc) Key features ? Based on key course and the latest research findings ? Pays much attention to practical skills ? Offers chances for fieldwork About the course The demand for natural resources is becoming an increasingly serious problem for the future of mankind .Graduates in Earth Science will play an important role in meeting this demand , and in knowing the meaning of using the natural resources . The course covers geography and geology . You will carry out fieldwork in the UK and possibly overseas, and a research in an area of interest to you in the final year . 24 Related courses BSc (Hons) Geography BSc(Hons) Geology Employment possibilities Mineral , oil , water or other related engineering industries ( ) 60 International Studies is a course in_________. A international politics B international business C international systems D international bodies ( ) 61 After taking the course of International Studies , the students will_________. A become practical and open-minded B have greater ability to discuss theoriesC know how to settle international problems D have good jobs in any international organizations ( ) 62 Earth Science , as described in the second text ,_________. A is attractive because of the chances for fieldwork B pays more attention to practical skills than theories C is built on important courses and the results of recent studies D encourages students to play a role in using natural resources ( )63 It can be inferred that the above two texts are written for the students who_________. 25 A enjoy research work B plan to choose courses C study in the UK D are interested in overseas fieldworkC There were once two men , both seriously ill , in the same small room of a great hospital . Quite a small room , It had one window looking out on the world . One of the men , as part of his treatment , was allowed to sit up in bed for an hour in the afternoon . His bed was next to the window . But the other man had to spend all his time lying flat on his back . Every afternoon when the man next to the window was propped(支撑)up for his hour , he would pass the time by describing what he could see outside . The window overlooked a park where there was a lake . There were ducks and swans in the lake , and children came to throw them bread and sail model boats . Young lovers walked hand in hand beneath the trees , and there were flowers , stretches of grass and games of softball . And at the back , behind the trees , was a fine view of the city skyline . The man on his back would listen to the other man describe all of this , enjoying every minute . His friend’s descriptions eventually made him feel he could almost see what was happening outside . Then one fine afternoon , the 26 thought struck him : Why should the man next to the window have all the pleasure of seeing what was going on ? Why shouldn’t he get the chance ? He started to feel ashamed of not having the chance . One night as he stared at the ceiling , the other man suddenly woke up , coughing and choking , his hands reaching for the button that would bring the nurse running . But the man watched without moving even when the sound of breathing stopped . In the morning , the nurse found the other man dead and quietly took his body away . ,the man asked if he could be switched to the bed next to the window . So they moved him as he asked and made him quite comfortable . The minute they left , he propped himself up on one arm , painfully and laboriously , and looked out of the window . It faced a blank wall . ( )64 What did the man next to the window do each time he was allowed to sit up in bed for an hour ? A He would talk about his life and family . B He would describe what he could see in the park . C He would look at what was happening outside . D He would imagine what could be happening outside . 27 ( )65 What could the man on his back have done to help the other man when he was choking ? A He could have told the nurse to come .B He could have given the other man some water . C He could have pressed the button for the nurse . D He could have got a coughing pill for the other man . ( )66 What do you understand by the underlined phrase “as soon as it seemed decent ” ? A It was when the bed was clean enough . B It was when the nurses were free . C It was when enough time had passed .D It was when the man was properly dressed . ( )67 Which is the best title for the above passage ? A The Window . B Hospital Scenery . C The Patients’ Imagination D Two Dying People D The art of pleasing is a very necessary one to possess , but a very difficult one to get . It can hardly be reduced to rules , and your own good sense and observation will teach you more of it than I can . Do as you would be done by , is the surest method that I know of pleasing . Observe carefully what pleases you in others , and probably the same things in 28 you will please others . If you are pleased with the friendliness and attention of others to your humors , your tastes , or your weaknesses , depend upon it . The same friendliness and attention , on your part , to theirs will equally please them . Take the tone of the company that you are in , and do not pretend to give it ; be serious , gay , as you find the present humor of the company . Do not tell stories in company ; there is nothing more boring and unpleasant ; if by any chance you know a very short story , and suitable to the present subject of conversation , tell it in as few words as possible ; and even then , show that you do not love to tell stories , but that the shortness of it attracted you . Of all things , dismiss the egotism(自大)from your conversation , and never think of entertaining people with your own personal concerns , or private affairs ; though they are interesting to you , they are impolite and uninteresting to everybody else ; besides that , one cannot keep one’s own private affairs too secret . Whatever you think your own excellencies may be , do not show them in company , nor take the trouble , as many people do , to give that to the conversation . If they are real , they will surely be discovered some day , without your pointing them out yourself , and 29 with much more advantage . Never continue an argument with heat and shout , though you think or know yourself to be in the right ; but give your opinion modestly and coolly , which is the only way to persuade ; and , if that does not do , try to change the conversation , by saying with good humor , “ We shall hardly persuade one another , nor is it necessary that we should , so let us talk of something else .” ( )68 According to this passage , what does the author suggest to us to please people ? A Trying to make others pleased with your friendliness . B Remembering what you are pleased with may be the same thing you could do to please others . C Forgetting who you are and do everything other people like . D Speaking in a pleasing tone in company while you feel unhappy . ( )69 What is the author’s opinion of private affairs ? A One shouldn’t keep his own private affairs secret . B One’s private affairs can surely entertain others . C One can talk with other people about his interesting private affairs . D One should keep his private affairs as secret as possible . ( )70 What is the author’s suggestion about what to do with argument ? 30 A If one knows that he is in the right , he may continue the argument with heat . B Do not change the conversation unless you persuade the others . C If you are not quite confident in yourself , give your opinion modestly . D Talk something else when you can’t persuade the others . E More surprising , perhaps , than the current difficulties of traditional marriage is the fact that marriage itself is alive and increasing . As Skolnick notes , Americans are a marrying people : relative to Europeans , more of us marry at younger age . Moreover , after falling in the early 1970s , the rate of marriage in the United States is now increasing . Even the divorce(离婚)rates need to be taken in this pro-marriage context : some 80 percent of divorced individuals remarry . Thus , marriage remains , by far , the preferred way of life for the vast majority of people in our society . What has changed more than marriage is the nuclear family . Twenty-five years ago , the typical American family consisted of a husband , a wife , and two or three children . Now , there are many marriages in which couples have decided not to have any children . And there are many 31 marriages where at least some of the children are from the wife’s previous marriage , or the husband’s , or both , sometimes these children spend all of their time with one parent from the former marriage ; sometimes they are shared between two former spouses(配偶). Thus , one can find every type of family arrangement . There are marriages without children ; marriages with children for only the present marriage ; marriages with “ full-time” children from both the present and former marriages ; marriages with “full-time” children from the present marriage and “part-time” children from former marriages . There are stepfathers , stepmothers , half-brothers , and half-sisters . It is not all that unusual for a child to have four parents and eight grandparents:These are huge changes from the traditional But even so , even in the midst(中间)of all this , there remains one constant : most Americans spend most of their adult lives married . ( )71 By calling Americans marrying people the author means that___________. A Americans are more traditional than Europeans B Americans expect more out of marriage than Europeans C there are more married couples in the USA than in Europe 32 D more of Americans as compared with Europeans , prefer marriage and they accept it at a younger age ( )72 Divorced Americans__________. A will most likely remarry B prefer the way they live C have lost faith in marriageD are the vast majority of people in the society ( )73 Which of the following can be presented as the picture of today’s American families ? A A typical American family consists of only a husband and a wife . B Many types of family arrangements have become socially acceptable . C Americans prefer to have kids than before . D There are no nuclear families any more . ( )74 The “nuclear family” now refers to ___________. A families formed up by men or women working for nuclear power stations B families with small number of members C families consisting of married couples . D married couples who are closely matched ( )75 “part-time” children ____________. A spend some of their time with their half-brothers and 33 some of their time with their half-sisters B spend all of their time with one parent from the previous marriage C are shared between the two former spouses D cannot stay with “full-time” children 第二卷(非选择题,共35分) 一 单词拼写 (每小题1分,满分10分) 1 Please c_______ the dictionary , if you come across a new word . 1 ______________ 2 We suggest ______(用家具 布置) our own house according to our own taste .2 ______________ 3 S______ is a rather modern branch of mathematics . 3 ______________ 4 I guess he was satisfied with the o_______of his efforts . 4 ______________ 5 What ______(尺度) do you use to choose friends ? 5 ______________ 6 They say apples clean your teeth , but I’m s______(怀疑) of that myself . 6 ______________ 7 I invited her to join us , but she d________(拒绝) . 7 ______________ 8 Education is c_______ for all children in Britain . 8 ______________ 9 The party will be i________ , so you needn’t dress up . 34 9 ______________ 10 The bad news a_______ (震惊) everyone present at the meeting . 10 _____________ 二 短文改错 (每小题1分,满分10分) Allow me , the first of all , for my teachers1________________ and classmates , give a warm welcome to all of you 2________________ from London . It gave us much pleasure to have you 3________________ in our school for brief visit . You will be glad to 4________________ see how nice we Chinese students are getting along 5________________ with our English learning . However , you know , there 6________________ are still some students , most of them are boys of science , 7________________ learned English with much trouble . So we hope you can 8________________ give us some more advice on the language study . Let me 9________________ hope you a pleasant stay here . May your visit go successfully . 10_______________ 三 书面表达 (满分15分) 35 Man : Happy Earth Day ~ Earth : Thank you , but only on April 22nd may people think of me ~ 上面是人类和地球的一个简短的对白。请根据对白,结合实际,以Making Every Day Earth Day 为题写一篇短文。词数:100左右 提示:1 地球的现状和存在的问题。 2 人们在“地球日”这天用什么行动关爱地球。 3 号召人们把每一天都当作地球日,天天关爱地球。 篇三:福建省邵武一中2010-2011学年(上)高三(理科数学)期末考试试题 2010-2011学年(上)邵武一中高三(理科)期末考试 数学试题 一、选择题:(每题5分,共50分) 1(命题p:若a,b?R,则a?b?1是a?b?1的充分而不必要条件; 命题q:函数y? x?1?2的定义域是(??,?1]?[3,??).则 ( ) A(“p或q”为假 B(“p且q”为真 C(p真q假 D(p假q真 2. 设{an}是有正数组成的等比数列,Sn为其前n项和。已知a2a4?1,S3?7, 则S5?( ) A( 152 314 36 334 17 B( C( D( 侧视图 3. 有一个几何体的三视图及其尺寸如下(单位cm),则该 几何体的表面积及体积为: ( ) 2323 A(24?cm,12?cm B(15?cm,12?cm 23 C(24?cm,36?cm D(以上都不正确 ?1 ?24. 二项式??x ? x?的展开式中,常数项是 ( )? 6 正视图 A( 20 B(?160 C(160 D(?20 5(在?ABC中,内角A,B,C的对边分别是a,b,c,若a?b? 22 ,sinC?B, 则A =( ) A.30B.60 C.120 D.150 6(用数字2,3,5,6,7组成没有重复数字的五位数,使得每 37 个五位数中的相邻的两个数都互质,则得到这样的五位数的 概率为( ) A( 25 B( xa 22 720 C( 310 D( 14 7(已知双曲线? yb 22 ?1(a?0,b?0)的焦点为F1、F2,M为双曲线上一点,以F1F2 12 为直径的圆与双曲线的一个交点为M,且tan?MF1F2? ,则双曲线的离心率为 ( )A(2 B(3 C(2 D(5 8. 定义在R上的函数f(x)满足f(x)?f(x?2), 当x??1,3?时, f(x)?2?x?2, 则 下列不等式一定成立的是 38 ?? A(f(sin)?f(cos 62? ( ) 62? )?f(sin C(f(cos33 B(f(sin1)?f(cos1) D(f(cos2)?f(sin2) 9. 有一矩形纸片ABCD,按图所示方法进行任意折叠,使每次折 叠后点B都落在边AD上,将B的落点记为B?,其中EF 为折痕,点F也可落在边CD上,过B?作B?H//CD交EF 于点H,则点H的轨迹为 ( ) A(圆的一部分 B(椭圆的一部分 C(双曲线的一部分 D(抛物线的一部分 10. 已知函数f(x)?lgx?()有两个零点x1,x2,则有 21 x ( ) D( 0?x1x2?1 A(x1x2?0 B(x1x2?1 C(x1x2?1 第 1 页 共 11 页 二、填空题:(每题4分,共20分) 11(设复数满足i?z?2?i,则z? 12(设?~N?0,1?,且 39 P???b??a?0?a?1,b?0?, 则P???b?的值是 (用a表示)( 13. 某少数民族的刺绣有着悠久的历史,下图(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)为她们刺绣最简 单的四个图案,这些图案都是由小正方形构成,小正方形数越多刺绣越漂亮;现按同样的规律刺绣(小正方形的摆放规律相同),设第n个图形包含f(n)个小正方形(则f(n)的表达式为_______。(1)(2)(3)(4) 14. 设曲线y?x n?1 (n?N)在点(1,1)处的切线与x轴的交点的横坐标为xn, * 令an?lgxn,则a1?a2???a99的值为 ( 15(给出下列四个命题: ?若|x?lgx|?x?|lgx|成立,则x?1; 1x2?2 (a?2),q?()(x?R), 则p?q; a?22 ????????aba?已知|a|?|b|?2,与的夹角为,则a?b在上的投影为3; (转载于:www.XltkWJ.Com 小 龙文档 网:邵武一中高考)3 ?若p?a? 40 1 ?已知f(x)?asinx?bcosx,(a,b?R)在x? f(3?2 ?x)??f(x); ? 4 处取得最小值,则 其中正确命题的序号是_________________((把你认为正确的命题的序号都填上) 三、解答题:(16-19题每题13分,20、21每题14分,共80分) 16(已知向量 (1)当x?[ ?9? 2, 8 ??π (2)设f(x)?2a?b?1,将函数y?f(x)的图象向右平移个单位后,再将得到的图象 6 上各点的横坐标伸长到原来的4倍,纵坐标不变,得到函数y?g(x)的图象,求y?g(x) ?? 时,求函数f(x)?2a?b?1的最大值。 41 的单调递减区间 1* 17. 在数列{an}中,a1n?N,且n1时,都有an?an,1,an,1,an成立, 3 1an* 令bn,n?N)((1)求数列{bn}的通项公式;(2)求数列{}的前n项和Tn, ann 第 2 页 共 11 页 31 并证明Tn< . 4n,218. 设椭圆C: xa 22 ? yb 22 ?1(a?b?0)的左、右焦点分别为F1、F2,上顶点为A,在x轴 负半轴上有一点B,满足BF1?F1F2,且AB?AF2.(1)求椭圆C的离心率; (2)若过A、B、F2三点的圆恰好与 42 直线l:x? 3y?3?0相切,求椭圆C的方程; (3)在(2)的条件下,过右焦点F2作斜率为k的直线l与椭圆C交于M、N两点,在x轴上是否存在点P(m,0)使得以PM,PN为邻边的平行四边形是菱形,如果存在,求出m的取值范围,如果不存在,说明理由。 19. 如图,三棱柱ABC?A1B1C1的底面是边长为2的正三角形且侧棱垂直于底面,侧棱长 是3,D是AC的中点。(1)求证:B1C//平面A1BD;(2)求二面角A1?BD?A的大小;(3)求直线AB1与平面A1BD所成的角的正弦值( 20((14分)设函数f?x?? 12 x?ax?2lnx,a?R ?1?,e??e? 4 2 ,已知f?x?在x?1处有极值。 (1)求实数a的值;(2)当x?? 证明:e ?e?x??e?x?6??4 (其中e是自然对数的底数)时, 43 ?x; ,不等式ln 2 n (3)证明:对任意的n?1,n?N* n! ? 112 n? 3 58 n? 2 3124 n 恒成立。 1? x?s??s(s为参数)相交于21. (1)过点P(?3,0)且倾斜角 为300的直线l和曲线C:? 1 ?y?s? s? 44 A,B两点,求线段AB的长。 (2)(本小题满分7分)若不等式a?1?x?2y?2z,对满足x?y?z?1的一切实数x,y,z恒成立,求实数a的取值范围。 第 3 页 共 11 页 222 2010-2011学年(上)邵武一中高三(理科)期末考试 数学试题解答 四、选择题:(每题5分,共50分) 1(命题p:若a,b?R,则a?b?1是a?b?1的充分而不必要条件; 命题q:函数y? x?1?2的定义域是(??,?1]?[3,??).则 ( D ) A(“p或q”为假 B(“p且q”为真 C(p真q假 D(p假q真 2. 设{an}是有正数组成的等比数列,Sn为其前n项和。已知a2a4?1,S3?7, 则S5?( B ) A( 152 314 334 17 B( C( D( 侧视图 3. 有一个几何体的三视图及其尺寸如下(单位cm),则该 几何体的表面积及体积为: ( A ) 45 2323 A(24?cm,12?cm B(15?cm,12?cm 23 C(24?cm,36?cm D(以上都不正确 ?1 ?24. 二项式??x ? x?的展开式中,常数项是 ( B ? 6 正视图 A(20 B(?160 C(160 5(在?ABC中,内角A,B,C的对边分别是a,b,c,若a?b? 22 ,sinC?B, 则A =( A ) A.30B.60 C.120 D.150 6(用数字2,3,5,6,7组成没有重复数字的五位数,使得每个五位数中的相邻的两个数都互质,则得到这样的五位数的概率为( C ) A( 25 B( xa 46 22 720 C( 310 D( 14 7(已知双曲线? yb 22 ?1(a?0,b?0)的焦点为F1、F2,M为双曲线上一点,以F1F2 12 为直径的圆与双曲线的一个交点为M,且tan?MF1F2? ,则双曲线的离心率为 ( D )A(2 B(3 C(2 D(5 8. 定义在R上的函数f(x)满足f(x)?f(x?2), 当x??1,3?时, f(x)?2?x?2, 则 下列不等式一定成立的是 ?? A(f(sin)?f(cos 62? ( ) 62? 47 )?f(sin C(f(cos33 sin1?cos1所以f(sin1)?f(cos1) B(f(sin1)?f(cos1) D(f(cos2)?f(sin2) f(x)的图象为:由图可知f(x)为偶函数且f(x)在[0,1]单减, 9. 有一矩形纸片ABCD,按图所示方法进行任意折叠,使每次折 叠后点B都落在边AD上,将B的落点记为B?,其中EF 为折痕,点F也可落在边CD上,过B?作B? H//CD交EF 于点H,则点H的轨迹为 ( D ) A(圆的一部分 B(椭圆的一部分 C(双曲线的一部分 D(抛物线的一部分 第 4 页 共 11 页 10. 已知函数f(x)?lgx?()有两个零点x1,x2,则有 2 1 x ( ) D( 0?x1x2?1 A(x1x2?0 B(x1x2?1 1 x C(x1x2?1 解:函数f(x)?lgx?)的两个零点x1,x2,即方程f(x)?0的两 48 根,也就是函数 2 1x y?|lgx|与y?()的图象交点的横坐标,如图易得交点的横坐 标分别为 x1,x2,显然 2 x1??0,1?,x2??1,???,则 ??1?x1 ?????lgx1??2??x2??1? ??2??lgx2??? 1? ?lgx1x2???? ?2? x2 ?1?????2? x1 ?0,?0?x1x2?1 , 五、填空题:(每题4分,共20分) 11(设复数满足i?z?2?i,则z?12(设?~N?0,1?,且 P???b??a?0?a?1,b?0?,则P???b?的值是 1?a2 (用a表示)( 49 13. 某少数民族的刺绣有着悠久的历史,下图(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)为她们刺绣最简 单的四个图案,这些图案都是由小正方形构成,小正方形数越多刺绣越漂亮;现按同样的规律刺绣(小正方形的摆放规律相同),设第n个图形包含f(n)个小正方形(则f(n) 的表达式为___f?n??2n?2n?1____。 2 (1) n?1 (2) * (3)(4) 14. 设曲线y?x (n?N)在点(1,1)处的切线与x轴的交点的横坐标为xn, 令an?lgxn,则a1?a2???a99的值为 ( n?1 ?n?1 ?y?x在点(?1,1)处的切线方程为y?(n?1)(x?1)?1令y?0 解:?y?x?1 得xn? nn?1 ?an?lnn?ln(n?1) ?a1?a2???a99?ln1?ln100??2 15(给出下列四个命题: 50 ?若|x?lgx|?x?|lgx|成立,则x?1; 1x2?2 (a?2),q?()(x?R), 则p?q; a?22 ???????? ?已知|a|?|b|?2,a与b的夹角为,则a?b在a上的投影为3; 3 ?若p?a? 1 ?已知f(x)?asinx?bcosx,(a,b?R)在x? f(3?2 ?x)??f(x); ? 4 处取得最小值,则 其中正确命题的序号是_________________((把你认为正 确的命题的序号都填上) 第 5 页 共 11 页 51
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