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吉林大学课程描述(部分)吉林大学课程描述(部分) 吉林大学课程描述 Description of Courses (Year2007-2008) 学号:21070729 姓名:步冠男 学院:经济学院 Student No.21070729 Name: Bu Guannan Department: Economic 年级:二年级 专业:金融 学制:四年 Grade: sophomore Major: Finance Length of schooling: 4 Years 1.军事理论 学分:1 该课程主要包括对有关军队和战...

吉林大学课程描述(部分) 吉林大学课程描述 Description of Courses (Year2007-2008) 学号:21070729 姓名:步冠男 学院:经济学院 Student No.21070729 Name: Bu Guannan Department: Economic 年级:二年级 专业:金融 学制:四年 Grade: sophomore Major: Finance Length of schooling: 4 Years 1.军事理论 学分:1 该课程主要包括对有关军队和战争的该概念,范畴,原理,原则等的体系的学习 和研究。使学生明白科学的军事理论是军事活动的本质及客观规律的正确反映。 Title: Military Theory credits: 2 This subject mainly includes the definition, category and principle of army and war, to make students aware that the scientific military theory is the essential of military activities and the correct reaction of object principle. 2.军事训练 学分:3 该课程主要包括军事方面的基本日常训练,主要内容包括:队列训练、军事体育、 战术基础、防护训练、野营拉练等。 Title: Military Training credits: 3 The course includes the daily training of military affairs, such as queue, military sports, and the basic of tactics, defense, and camping. 3(政治经济学I&II 学分:6 它主要讲述了马克思主义政治经济学的基本原理,包括资本主义部分和社会主义 部分。该课程具有很强的理论性和逻辑性,其目的在于培养学生运用科学的抽象 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 和研究问题,依靠抽象思维能力,透过现象去认识经济事物发展的规律 性。政治经济学是经济学科中最古老的一门基础学科,是其他各个经济学分类学 科以至于整个经济学学科体系的理论基础,它科学地说明了当今世界两种社会经 济制度的经济运动规律,并为其他学科提供方法论指导。通过本课程的学习,培 养学生用马克思主义观点、方法认识经济制度、经济运行机制的演变规律的能力, 提高学生对现实世界的认识能力和水平,为其它经济理论课的学习打下良好的理 论基础. 4(西方经济学原理I(微观经济学原理) 学分:3 该课程讲述了微观经济学的基本原理和关注的话题。我们讨论微观经济学中重要 的问题,例如:(1)为什么人们会从交易中受益,(2)企业怎么形成利润最大 化, (3)在一个给定的市场,交易的结果是好还是坏,(4 )如果交易的结果 是坏的,怎么做可以使它变好,通过该课程的学习,我们将涵盖的主题如下的方 面如机会成本,效用最大化,需求,利润最大化,供给,均衡,效率,税收/补 贴金,完全竞争,垄断,寡头垄断,公共物品,外部性,收入分配等等。 Title: Principles of Economics II (Microeconomics) credits: 3 This course is an introduction to the basic structure and specific topic of microeconomics. We answer important question such as:(1)Why may people benefit for exchange? (2)How do firms maximize profit? (3) Given a market, is the result of exchange “good” or not? (4) If the result is not “good”, what can be done to correct it? Along this course, we will cover topics including opportunity cost, utility maximization, demand, profit maximization, supply, equilibrium, efficiency, tax/subsidy, perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly, public goods, externality, income distribution, etc. 5.西方经济学原理II(宏观经济学原理) 学分:3 本课程主要讲述了宏观经济学的有关原理。并介绍了分析各种宏观经济现象所需 要的基本工具,包括通货膨胀,国内生产总值,以及失业问题。此外,这些工具 还用来分析政府对于整体经济的行为与决策。最后,这门课程教会我们分析各种 不同的金融机构在经济中的作用,如银行、股票和债券市场等。课程目标是:( 1 ) 向学生介绍基本经济指标,如国内生产总值,个人收入,失业和居民消费价格指 数;和( 2 )学习目前主要的宏观经济学理论,如国家收入和就业,通货膨胀, 汇率和贸易平衡,以及各种政策等,并学会分析实际问题。 Title: Principles of Economics II (Macroeconomics) credits: 3 It is an introductory course which develops the basic tools needed to analyze the behavior of various macroeconomic phenomena including inflation, gross domestic product, and unemployment. In addition, these tools are used to study how and whether the government can impact the behavior of the overall economy. Finally, the course looks at the role various institutions such as banks and the stock and bond markets play in affecting the economic environment. Course objectives are: (1) to introduce students to basic measures of aggregate-level economic performance such as gross domestic product, personal income, unemployment, and the consumer price index; and (2) to present the major (competing) theories of national income and employment, inflation, exchange rates and the balance of trade, as well as the policy. 6.思想道德修养与法律基础 学分:3 本课程是教育部规定的思想品德教育课,是大学本、专科的公共必修课。主要内 容:绪论、大学是人生历程的新阶段、审势度势——认清时代责、刻苦读书、立 志成才、保持健康的心理状态、树立远大理想、追求崇高的人生价值、正确处理 交往、友谊和爱情的关系、培养崇高的道德情操。中国特色社会主义法的基本理 论(法的本质历史发展和作用,我国社会主义法的本质特征作用,制定与实施) 邓小平明珠法制理论三个代表重要思想与我国民主法制建设。宪法,行政法,民 法,经济法,刑法,诉讼法,国际法。 Title:Moral Education&Fundamentals of Law credits:3 This is a public required course that contains moral principles, self-disciplines, merits origination. Students are encourages to work hard and keep healthy and active aspiration toward future. Students are aware of the current social and economic situation by adapting individuals to the society. It also introduces the basic regulations related with legal issues that cover constitutional law, civil law, economic law, penalty law and international law. 7.高等数学I &II 学分:9.5 该课程主要包括函数、极限、连续、导数、微分、中值定理、导数的应用、微分 学在经济学中的应用、不定积分、定积分及在经济学中的应用、无穷级数、多元 函数微积分(偏导、全微分、复合函数与隐函数的微分法、极值应用、二重积分、 多元函数极值)、微分方程(一、二阶微分方程及高阶线性微积分方程等),差分 方程简介,及在几何、经济等方面的应用。通过本课程的学习,使学生获得必要 的微积分知识,学习从数量的角度观察问题,分析问题,培养抽象思维和逻辑推 理能力。 Title: Advanced Mathematics credits: 9.5 This subject introduces mainly function, limit, sequence, derivative, differential, theorem of mean, application of derivate, application of differential in the economics, indefinite integration, definite integration and its application in Economics, infinite series, multi-variables function calculus(partial derivative, total differential, composite function and differential method of implicit function, application of extreme, double integral, extreme value of multi-variable function), differential equation(first and second order differential equation and higher order linear equation), brief introduction to difference equation and its application in geometry and economy. By learning this subject, students could understand essential knowledge of Calculus, observe and analyze questions from quantity. 8(线性代数 学分:3 本课程主要内容有:行列式;矩阵;向量与向量空间;线性方程组;特征值和特 征向量以及矩阵的相似对角化;二次型;线性空间和线性变换等基本理论和方法。 通过本课程的教学,重点培养学生熟练的矩阵运算能力以及运用矩阵方法解决线 性问题的能力。为进一步学习后续课程打下基础。 9(管理学 学分:2 该课程系统地讲述了管理学的基本理论、管理思想的演变和全球的管理实践活动。它引 导学员对与管理相关的文化、社会责任、道德以及全球化等问题进行探讨,使学员了解管理 学的历史和发展,对 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 、组织、领导和控制等管理职能有一个清晰的认识,从而真正领悟 管理的真谛。通过本课程的教学,学员应具备一个现代管理者应有的理论素质,并为工商管 理专业其它相关课程的学习和将来的实践活动打下坚实的基础。教学的基本要求为:掌握管 理基本概念和特点;了解管理学基本内容;掌握管理思想发展的主要过程、理论和代表人物; 理解企业伦理和企业文化在现代管理的地位和作用;掌握决策的基本过程,了解决策方法; 掌握组织 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 基本概念和原则,理解各种组织结构的特点、适应范围;掌握领导影响力的概 念,理解领导理论对管理的启发意义;理解各种激励理论在管理中的应用;理解控制的基本 概念;掌握控制的基本过程。 10(会计学 学分:3 通过本门课的学习,使学生能系统地掌握会计学的基本理论和会计核算的基本方 法,了解企业会计核算的具体内容和方法,并能较为熟练地运用借贷记账法对企 业的会计核算对象进行确认、计量与报告。教学基本要求为:1、掌握财务会计 学的基本理论和体系,对会计学的理论体系有全面认识。2、全面了解财务会计 学的内容体系和会计核算的全过程及其相互关系。3、全面了解企业会计核算的 内容和程序。4、熟练掌握借贷记账法,并能运用借贷记账法对企业的经济活动 进行账务处理。5、注重理论和实践的结合以及实际动手能力的培养和提高,做 到学以致用。 Title: Financial Accounting credits: 3 Helps students become informed users of firms' external financial reports. The basic structure and contents of such reports and the process by which they are prepared will be studied. Discussion topics will include what items are included in the reports, how such items are measured, and how various economic events affect them. An understanding of what can be inferred from the reports about past performance, present position, and future prospects of the firm will be developed. 11.大学英语I 学分:4 本课程是学生学习专业知识的基本课程。它主要通过讲解英语的基本语法与用 法,训练学生的初级英语听、说、读、写、译的综合运用能力。本课程的目的在 于初步训练学生的英语阅读能力与基本的听、说、读、写、译能力,为培养学生 具有较强的阅读能力和一定的听、说、读、译能力奠定最初的语音、语法、语感 的坚实基础。课程任务精读为只要详解内容,通过对基础语法的介绍、联系,辅 以初级英语听、说训练,来帮助学生打好英语学习的基础。 Title: College English I credits: 4 It is a basic course to teach students the professional knowledge. By explaining the English grammar and usage of English, it trains student’s ability in listening, speaking, composing and translating of elementary English. The purpose of this subject is to nurture students’ ability in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating, laying a solid foundation in pronounce, grammar and speech feeling for their higher abilities. Taking intensive reading as the main content, introducing basic grammar, practicing students’ listening and speaking, this subject lays a foundation for future English studies. 12.大学英语II 学分:4 本课程是一门训练学生综合英语技能尤其是阅读理解、语法修辞与写作能力的课程。该 课程通过阅读和分析内容广泛的 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 ,扩大学生的知识面,培养学生对名篇的分析和欣赏 能力、逻辑思维能力和独立思考的能力。巩固和提高学生英语语言技能。讲授内容:教材 教学及教材规定的各项训练;运用课堂小组讨论等多种形式,实现读中有说;结合各类英 语语言运用能力测试,进行各类英语运用能力的专项训练。 Title: Comprehensive English II credits:4 This is a subject to train students’ comprehensive ability, especially reading, grammar and writing. Through reading and analyzing various materials, students could widen their knowledge, and cultivate their appreciation in famous works, logic thought and independent thinking, to solidify and enhance students’ English techniques. Content: teaching and practicing, group discussing professionally practicing various abilities in English. 13(马克思主义基本原理 学分:3 本课程是一门经济学理论课,他的研究对象是“资本主义生产方式下的生产关系 交换关系”。 着重介绍可马克思的《资本论》的主要内容与理论体系,并在此基础上分析了垄 断资本主义的发展现状。他的设置为提高高大学生的经济学素质和学习其他经济 学课程奠定了坚实的基础,同时,也为高大学生今后从事社会实践活动提供了理 论上的指导。 Title: The Principles of Marxist Philosophy credits: 3 This is a theoretic subject in economics. Its researching object is producing and exchanging relation under the capitalism producing model, focusing on introducing main content and theory system of Marx’s Capitalism, and on the basis of this, analyzing situation of monopoly capitalism. This course lays a solid foundation for student to enhance their qualities in economics and learn other courses in economy. Meantime, it provides theory instruction for student to do social work. 14.国际商务英语 学分:2 这个课程的目的是侧重于英语在国际业务有关的情况下,帮助学生通过剑桥商务 英语的考试 ,这是一个国际商务英语考试,提供了一个语言学习者资格谁使用, 或将需要使用,英文为他们的工作在国际商务领域。主要强调的是发展语言技能 的工作:阅读,写作,听力和口语。 Title: International Business English credits: 2 This course is designed to focus on English in the international business-related situations, helping the students to pass the Exam of Cambridge Business English Certificate (BEC), which is an international business English examination that offers a language qualification for learners who use, or will need to use, English for their work in the international business field. The major emphasis is on the development of language skills for work: reading, writing, listening and speaking. 15(大学生计算机基础 学分:4 Title: The basic of computer credit: 4 This course is a broad introduction to the use of computers as tools for creativity, communications and organizing information. It’s a systematic study of the concepts abstract data types, stacks, queues, lists, trees, searching, sorting and recursion. Additional subjects covered are hashing, priority queues, search trees. Problem trees, text searches, sets, simple syntax analysis, and algorithm analysis. 16.环境学概论 学分:2 Title: Introduction to Environment credits:2 This course features an introduction to environmental sciences and management of the environment. Topics include: Historical perspectives on current conditions; how values influence problem definition; the use of natural/social sciences in integrated problem solving; public/private factors; and ethical professionalism within integrated environmental teams. This course examines the processes that influence the formation, circulation and modification of water at or near Earth’s surface. The course begins with a detailed analysis of the physical aspects of the hydrologic cycle and the chemical and physical nature of water. Students will investigate the sensitivity and vulnerability of these systems to change, emphasizing the effects of agricultural, industrial, and other land-use practices on the compositions and use of water resources. The of politics and ethics in developing environmental policy will also role be considered. 17.广告创意与欣赏 学分:2 本课程是让学生通过欣赏和分析优秀著名的广告作品去学习广告创作的有关 知识,提高欣赏和分析能力。让大家对广告进行初步了解。 Title: Advertisement Creative & Appreciate credits: 2This course enables students to learn the relevant knowledge about advertisement by appreciate and analyze the best-known ads. Teaching students how to create and enjoy the ads. In addition, help them improve their appreciation and analysis level. 18.大学生就业指导 学分:1 该课程讲述了当前的就业形势和未来趋势,让大学生学会如何选择就业方向。给 学生提供就业指导。 Title: The Guide of Employment credits: 1 This course describes the current employment situation and the future trend. Let students know how to choose their employment direction in the future. 19.
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