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禁毒防艾知识宣传资料禁毒防艾知识宣传资料 禁毒防艾宣传材料 1、什么是艾滋病, 艾滋病是英文AIDS的音译,它的医学全称是“获得性免疫缺陷综合征”。中文根据英文全称(Acquired lmmune Deficiency Syndrome)的字头缩写“AIDS”,音译为“艾滋病”。 这个命名表达了艾滋病的完整概念,从中可以了解艾滋病三个明确定义,第一,获得性,表示在病因方面是后天获得而不是先天具有的,是由艾滋病病毒引起的传染病。第二,免疫缺陷,表示在发病机理方面,主要是造成人体免疫系统的损伤而导致免疫系统的防护功能减低、丧失。...

禁毒防艾知识宣传资料 禁毒防艾宣传材料 1、什么是艾滋病, 艾滋病是英文AIDS的音译,它的医学全称是“获得性免疫缺陷综合征”。中文根据英文全称(Acquired lmmune Deficiency Syndrome)的字头缩写“AIDS”,音译为“艾滋病”。 这个命名 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达了艾滋病的完整概念,从中可以了解艾滋病三个明确定义,第一,获得性,表示在病因方面是后天获得而不是先天具有的,是由艾滋病病毒引起的传染病。第二,免疫缺陷,表示在发病机理方面,主要是造成人体免疫系统的损伤而导致免疫系统的防护功能减低、丧失。第三,综合征,表示在临床症状方面,由于免疫缺陷导致的各种系统的机会性感染、肿瘤而出现的复杂症状群。 2、艾滋病病毒感染者与艾滋病患者有何不同, 从艾滋病病毒进入人体内起,人体就开始了同它的斗争。病毒在人体内的 繁殖需要一定的时间。在开始阶段,感染者的免疫功能还没有受到严重破坏,因而没有明显的症状,我们把这样的人称为艾滋病病毒感染者。 当感染者的免疫功能被破坏到一定程度后,其他病菌就会乘虚而入,使人发生多种疾病,一般被称为机会性感染,如严重的腹泻、肺炎或某些癌症等,这时感染者就成为艾滋病患者了。 从艾滋病病毒感染者发展到艾滋病患者可由数月至数年,一般为8,10年,最长可达19年以上。 3、健康人是怎样感染艾滋病病毒的, 艾滋病主要通过性接触、血液和母婴三种途径传播。 of the work is not high, struggling to cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (lead leader: Luo Mingjun, Rectification time: September 25th, 1), long-term adherence to strictly abide by the party's political discipline. Strictly abide by the constitution, the principle of Party organization and party political life standards, do not spread against the party's theory and policy advice, not published against the central and provincial decision not to divulge the speech, party and state secrets, not not to participate in a variety of illegal manufacturing organizations and activities, dissemination of political rumors and false information, not to publish lossy unity remarks does not undermine the unity of things. 2, consciously accept the supervision of the organization. The Party firmly and consciously ideologically, politically, highly consistent with the Central Committee to keep the action, and resolutely safeguard the authority Kennedy. Must safeguard the centralism. Take the lead in compliance with the constitution, strict party life, strengthen the political party, the principle of life, fighting. To further strengthen the organization and procedure of ideas, adhere to the major issues and report according to the regulations. Party members take the lead to a common Party member to participate in branch organizational life, accept the supervision of the organization. (seven) safety supervision grassroots cadres is not enough. A few leading cadres style floating love when peace officer in the office, to the grassroots, not willing to mining enterprises to conduct field research in the specific work not burden, dare not touch, in the work of "Dragonfly" phenomenon, keen on Formalism, do not further, not specious writing, seek practical results, sense of responsibility is not strong. Such as production safety supervision and management work, the strict requirements, heavy task, individual leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, "urged not do" or "knock on the ring"Lack 当健康人的皮肤和黏膜出现了伤口,而这些伤口又恰好接触到含有艾滋病病毒的血液、精液、阴道分泌液、乳汁和伤口渗出液等,就有可能感染艾滋病病毒。 4、艾滋病可以治疗吗, 自1981年在美国首先发现艾滋病以来,艾滋病已在全世界蔓延。虽然人类同艾滋病的斗争已有20多年,但到目前为止,仍未发明有效的疫苗和治愈该疾病的方法。 5、感染了艾滋病病毒会有哪些表现, 艾滋病的潜伏期,指从感染艾滋病病毒到出现艾滋病症状和体征的时间,一般为6个月,5年,亦有长达10余年者,艾滋病的窗口期,指从感染艾滋病病毒到形成抗体所需时间,一般为5周左右。 从感染艾滋病病毒到出现症状,可分为四个时期, (1)急性感染期。有发热、乏力、咽痛、全身不适等上呼吸道感染症状。个别有头痛、皮疹、脑膜炎或急性多发性神经炎。 (2)无症状感染期。常无任何症状及体征。但艾滋病病毒抗体阳性检出率几乎达100,。 (3)全身性持续性淋巴结肿大期。持续原因不明的全身淋巴结肿大,全身有两处以上部位淋巴结肿大,一般1厘米大小,不疼痛。 (4)艾滋病期。原因不明的免疫功能低下。持续不规则低热超过一个月。慢性腹泻超过 4,5次,日,3个月内体重下降,10%。患者有突发的咳嗽、气短、血氧分压下降等肺功能衰竭症状,常合并有口腔念珠菌感染,巨细胞病毒,CMV,感染,弓体虫病,隐球菌脑膜炎,以及进展迅速的活动性肺结核,皮肤粘膜的Kaposi肉瘤,淋巴瘤等。 enterprises to conduct field research in the specific work not burden, dare not touch, in the work of "Dragonfly" phenomenon, t enough. A few leading cadres style floating love when peace officer in the office, to the grassroots, not willing to miningis no ipate in branch organizational life, accept the supervision of the organization. (seven) safety supervision grassroots cadrese to the major issues and report according to the regulations. Party members take the lead to a common Party member to particadher rengthen the political party, the principle of life, fighting. To further strengthen the organization and procedure of ideas,he authority Kennedy. Must safeguard the centralism. Take the lead in compliance with the constitution, strict party life, stuard tconsciously ideologically, politically, highly consistent with the Central Committee to keep the action, and resolutely safegarks does not undermine the unity of things. 2, consciously accept the supervision of the organization. The Party firmly and ty remmanufacturing organizations and activities, dissemination of political rumors and false information, not to publish lossy unil and provincial decision not to divulge the speech, party and state secrets, not not to participate in a variety of illegal entran and party political life standards, do not spread against the party's theory and policy advice, not published against the cto strictly abide by the party's political discipline. Strictly abide by the constitution, the principle of Party organizatio term adherence-time: September 25th, 1), longof the work is not high, struggling to cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (lead leader: Luo Mingjun, Rectification busy as an excuse, "urged not do" or "knock on the ring"Lack hingsoduction safety supervision and management work, the strict requirements, heavy task, individual leading cadres to everyday ton Formalism, do not further, not specious writing, seek practical results, sense of responsibility is not strong. Such as pr keen2 6、艾滋病传播的主要途径, 艾滋病的传播途径主要有三个, ?同艾滋病病毒感染者发生无保护的性行为 ?接受了被艾滋病病毒污染的血液 ?被艾滋病病毒感染的母亲传染给未出生的婴儿 7、吸毒是怎样感染艾滋病病毒的, 吸毒者常常共用针管、针头,如果其中有一人感染了艾滋病病毒,注射器就会被污染,那么艾滋病病毒就会通过针具传染给其他吸毒者。 8、输血时怎样预防艾滋病, 如果输入了带艾滋病病毒的血液,接受血液的人几乎无一幸免,都会感染艾滋病病毒。所以,保证输血和血液制品的安全是预防艾滋病病毒经过血液传播的重要屏障。个人安全用血要做到, (1)尽量避免不必要的输血。 (2)如果必须输血,有权利了解血液是否经过艾滋病病毒抗体检测。 (3)不要为了所谓“增加抵抗力”盲目使用血液制品。 9、怎样预防母婴传播艾滋病病毒, 首先是要保护妇女不受艾滋病病毒的感染,这样孕妇就不会将病毒传染给孩子。如果感染了艾滋病病毒的妇女,仍想要生育孩子,那么应该定期到医院接受医生的产前指导。生孩子时,可采用腹剖产。孩子出生后,要避免母乳喂养。 10、 一般的日常生活接触会感染艾滋病病毒吗, 一般的生活接触是不会感染艾滋病的。下面这些行为,都不会传播艾滋病病毒, nch organizational life, accept the supervision of the organization. (seven) safety supervision grassroots cadres is not enouor issues and report according to the regulations. Party members take the lead to a common Party member to participate in brae majpolitical party, the principle of life, fighting. To further strengthen the organization and procedure of ideas, adhere to thKennedy. Must safeguard the centralism. Take the lead in compliance with the constitution, strict party life, strengthen the horityideologically, politically, highly consistent with the Central Committee to keep the action, and resolutely safeguard the autt undermine the unity of things. 2, consciously accept the supervision of the organization. The Party firmly and consciously oes nog organizations and activities, dissemination of political rumors and false information, not to publish lossy unity remarks dcial decision not to divulge the speech, party and state secrets, not not to participate in a variety of illegal manufacturinrovinpolitical life standards, do not spread against the party's theory and policy advice, not published against the central and pabide by the party's political discipline. Strictly abide by the constitution, the principle of Party organization and party term adherence to strictly-time: September 25th, 1), longof the work is not high, struggling to cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (lead leader: Luo Mingjun, Rectification excuse, "urged not do" or "knock on the ring"Lackas an fety supervision and management work, the strict requirements, heavy task, individual leading cadres to everyday things busy m, do not further, not specious writing, seek practical results, sense of responsibility is not strong. Such as production samalisto conduct field research in the specific work not burden, dare not touch, in the work of "Dragonfly" phenomenon, keen on For few leading cadres style floating love when peace officer in the office, to the grassroots, not willing to mining enterprisesgh. A 3 (1)与艾滋病病毒感染者握手、拥抱、抚摸, (2)与艾滋病病毒感染者共同进餐, (3)与艾滋病病毒感染者一起使用公共设施,如厕所、游泳池、公共浴池、电话机、公共汽车, (4)与艾滋病病毒感染者一起居住、咳嗽、打喷嚏、谈话。 11、怎样对待艾滋病病毒感染者, 如果身边发现了艾滋病病毒感染者,不用害怕,更不能看不起、排斥他们。对待艾滋病病毒感染者的正确态度是,同情、关心并尽力帮助他们,使他们能够正常生活和工作,不扩散他们的病情。 12、为什么说艾滋病是能够预防的, 首先艾滋病病毒的传播途径非常明确,通过血液传播、性传播和母婴传播,其次,艾滋病病毒在体外环境下很脆弱,很容易被杀死,因此艾滋病病毒不通过空气、食物、水等一般性日常生活接触传播。另外,艾滋病病毒不能在蚊虫体内生存,不能通过蚊虫叮咬传播。因此,艾滋病的传播主要与人类的社会行为有关,完全可以通过规范人们的社会行为而被阻断,是能够预防的。 13、1988年以来历年世界艾滋病日,每年12月1日,的主题是什么? 1988年 全球共讨,征服有期 1989年 我们的生活,我们的世界--让我们相互关照 1990年 妇女和艾滋病 1991年 共同迎接艾滋病的挑战 1992年 预防艾滋病,全社会的责任 1993年 时不我待,行动起来 on Formalism, do not further, not specious writing, seek practical results, sense of responsibility is not strong. Such as pr keen enterprises to conduct field research in the specific work not burden, dare not touch, in the work of "Dragonfly" phenomenon, t enough. A few leading cadres style floating love when peace officer in the office, to the grassroots, not willing to miningis no ipate in branch organizational life, accept the supervision of the organization. (seven) safety supervision grassroots cadrese to the major issues and report according to the regulations. Party members take the lead to a common Party member to particadher rengthen the political party, the principle of life, fighting. To further strengthen the organization and procedure of ideas,he authority Kennedy. Must safeguard the centralism. Take the lead in compliance with the constitution, strict party life, stuard tconsciously ideologically, politically, highly consistent with the Central Committee to keep the action, and resolutely safegarks does not undermine the unity of things. 2, consciously accept the supervision of the organization. The Party firmly and ty remmanufacturing organizations and activities, dissemination of political rumors and false information, not to publish lossy unil and provincial decision not to divulge the speech, party and state secrets, not not to participate in a variety of illegal entran and party political life standards, do not spread against the party's theory and policy advice, not published against the cto strictly abide by the party's political discipline. Strictly abide by the constitution, the principle of Party organizatio term adherence-time: September 25th, 1), longof the work is not high, struggling to cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (lead leader: Luo Mingjun, Rectification busy as an excuse, "urged not do" or "knock on the ring"Lack hingsoduction safety supervision and management work, the strict requirements, heavy task, individual leading cadres to everyday t4 1994年 艾滋病和家庭 1995年 共享权益,共担责任 1996年 同一世界,同一希望 1997年 生活在有艾滋病世界中的儿童 1998年 青少年--迎战艾滋病的生力军 1999年 关注青少年、预防艾滋病--倾听、学习、尊重 2000年 预防艾滋病,男士责无旁贷 2001年 预防艾滋病,你我同参与 2002年 相互关爱,共享生命 2003年 相互关爱,共享生命 2004年 关注妇女,抗击艾滋 2005年 遏制艾滋,履行承诺 2006年 遏制艾滋,履行承诺 2007年 遏制艾滋,履行承诺 2008年 遏制艾滋,履行承诺 2009年 普遍可及和人权 2010年 正视艾滋,重视权益,点亮反歧视之光。 2011年 行动起来,向‘零’艾滋迈进”。 珍惜生命,远离毒品 禁毒是我国的一项基本国策。多年来,我国政府以 “禁绝毒品 ”为根本目标,制定并实施了一系列方针、政策,对防范毒品危害、遏制毒品蔓延起到了重要作用。 《中华人民共和国禁毒法》对禁毒工作涉及的禁毒宣传教育、毒品管制、戒毒措施、禁毒国际合作等方面进行了规 e majpolitical party, the principle of life, fighting. To further strengthen the organization and procedure of ideas, adhere to thKennedy. Must safeguard the centralism. Take the lead in compliance with the constitution, strict party life, strengthen the horityideologically, politically, highly consistent with the Central Committee to keep the action, and resolutely safeguard the autt undermine the unity of things. 2, consciously accept the supervision of the organization. The Party firmly and consciously oes nog organizations and activities, dissemination of political rumors and false information, not to publish lossy unity remarks dcial decision not to divulge the speech, party and state secrets, not not to participate in a variety of illegal manufacturinrovinpolitical life standards, do not spread against the party's theory and policy advice, not published against the central and pabide by the party's political discipline. Strictly abide by the constitution, the principle of Party organization and party term adherence to strictly-time: September 25th, 1), longof the work is not high, struggling to cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (lead leader: Luo Mingjun, Rectification excuse, "urged not do" or "knock on the ring"Lackas an fety supervision and management work, the strict requirements, heavy task, individual leading cadres to everyday things busy m, do not further, not specious writing, seek practical results, sense of responsibility is not strong. Such as production samalisto conduct field research in the specific work not burden, dare not touch, in the work of "Dragonfly" phenomenon, keen on For few leading cadres style floating love when peace officer in the office, to the grassroots, not willing to mining enterprisesgh. A nch organizational life, accept the supervision of the organization. (seven) safety supervision grassroots cadres is not enouor issues and report according to the regulations. Party members take the lead to a common Party member to participate in bra5 范,彰显了我国政府的禁毒决心。2007年12月29日,《中华人民共和国禁毒法》在十届全国人大常委会第三十一次会议上表决通过,并于2008年6月1日起施行。 1、什么是毒品, 《刑法》规定,毒品是指鸦片、海洛因、甲基苯丙胺,冰毒,、吗啡、大麻、可卡因以及国家规定管制的其它能够使人形成瘾癖的麻醉药品和精神药品。 2、毒品的基本特征, ,1,具有依赖性,,2,具有非法性,,3,具有危害性。 3、毒品的危害, 毁灭自己,祸及家庭,危害社会 4、吸毒者易染上哪些疾病, ,1,、营养不良和体重下降。 ,2,、呼吸道疾病。 ,3,、各种传染性肝炎。 ,4,、爱滋病与性病。 ,5,、感染性疾病。 ,6,、血管损害。 ,7,、神经系统损害、性功能障碍。 ,8,、精神病症状。 ,9,、肾脏疾患、 皮肤损害。此外,吸毒还可以引起骨、关节、肌肉的炎症和疟疾、破伤风等。 5、联合国禁毒宣传主题是,珍爱生命,远离毒品 6、发现吸毒、贩毒要怎样做, 报告学校或拨打110报警。 7、我国的禁毒方针是什么, 禁吸、禁种、禁贩、禁制四禁并举、堵源截流、严格执 adher rengthen the political party, the principle of life, fighting. To further strengthen the organization and procedure of ideas,he authority Kennedy. Must safeguard the centralism. Take the lead in compliance with the constitution, strict party life, stuard tconsciously ideologically, politically, highly consistent with the Central Committee to keep the action, and resolutely safegarks does not undermine the unity of things. 2, consciously accept the supervision of the organization. The Party firmly and ty remmanufacturing organizations and activities, dissemination of political rumors and false information, not to publish lossy unil and provincial decision not to divulge the speech, party and state secrets, not not to participate in a variety of illegal entran and party political life standards, do not spread against the party's theory and policy advice, not published against the cto strictly abide by the party's political discipline. Strictly abide by the constitution, the principle of Party organizatio term adherence-time: September 25th, 1), longof the work is not high, struggling to cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (lead leader: Luo Mingjun, Rectification busy as an excuse, "urged not do" or "knock on the ring"Lack hingsoduction safety supervision and management work, the strict requirements, heavy task, individual leading cadres to everyday ton Formalism, do not further, not specious writing, seek practical results, sense of responsibility is not strong. Such as pr keen enterprises to conduct field research in the specific work not burden, dare not touch, in the work of "Dragonfly" phenomenon, t enough. A few leading cadres style floating love when peace officer in the office, to the grassroots, not willing to miningis no ipate in branch organizational life, accept the supervision of the organization. (seven) safety supervision grassroots cadrese to the major issues and report according to the regulations. Party members take the lead to a common Party member to partic6 法,标本兼治。 8、青少年在日常生活中防毒要做到哪四点, 一是不要听人蛊惑,受人引诱, 二是不要与吸毒者,贩毒者为伍, 三是不要接受有吸毒劣迹的人送的香烟, 四是远离毒品。 9、国际禁毒日,每年的6月26日。 10、要真正实现“学生不吸毒,校园无毒品”,学校应该让学生树立哪“四个意识”,构筑哪“三道防线”, 一是帮助学生树立“珍爱生命,远离毒品”的意识。二是帮助学生牢固树立“吸毒极易成瘾,很难戒断”的意识。三是帮助学生树立“吸毒违法,贩毒犯罪”的意识。四是帮助学生树立“责任意识和自我保护意识。“三道防线”,一是心里防线,二是行为防线,三是思想防线。 Kennedy. Must safeguard the centralism. Take the lead in compliance with the constitution, strict party life, strengthen the horityideologically, politically, highly consistent with the Central Committee to keep the action, and resolutely safeguard the autt undermine the unity of things. 2, consciously accept the supervision of the organization. The Party firmly and consciously oes nog organizations and activities, dissemination of political rumors and false information, not to publish lossy unity remarks dcial decision not to divulge the speech, party and state secrets, not not to participate in a variety of illegal manufacturinrovinpolitical life standards, do not spread against the party's theory and policy advice, not published against the central and pabide by the party's political discipline. Strictly abide by the constitution, the principle of Party organization and party term adherence to strictly-time: September 25th, 1), longof the work is not high, struggling to cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (lead leader: Luo Mingjun, Rectification excuse, "urged not do" or "knock on the ring"Lackas an fety supervision and management work, the strict requirements, heavy task, individual leading cadres to everyday things busy m, do not further, not specious writing, seek practical results, sense of responsibility is not strong. Such as production samalisto conduct field research in the specific work not burden, dare not touch, in the work of "Dragonfly" phenomenon, keen on For few leading cadres style floating love when peace officer in the office, to the grassroots, not willing to mining enterprisesgh. A nch organizational life, accept the supervision of the organization. (seven) safety supervision grassroots cadres is not enouor issues and report according to the regulations. Party members take the lead to a common Party member to participate in brae majpolitical party, the principle of life, fighting. To further strengthen the organization and procedure of ideas, adhere to th7
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