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乐phone技巧(乐电话技巧)乐phone技巧(乐电话技巧) 乐phone技巧(乐电话技巧) Happy Phone Lenovo music Phone use skills to edit this section back directory novice ten practical skills First, try to make the phone mobile phone connect to the computer. "Phone mobile phone assistant" Le phone own file, ...

乐phone技巧(乐电话技巧) 乐phone技巧(乐电话技巧) Happy Phone Lenovo music Phone use skills to edit this section back directory novice ten practical skills First, try to make the phone mobile phone connect to the computer. "Phone mobile phone assistant" Le phone own file, first install and then connected with the data line will automatically install the driver connection, here only need to pay attention to complete the software installation is connected with the data line, will automatically complete the process of driver installation and equipment identification. Advanced operation: if you want to use WIFI to wirelessly connect, there are also many ways. You can use websharing to access your music phone directly through WIFI; of course, you can also use ESexplorer to map the way the network drives, and use phone to access your computer's shared documents. Two, import contacts. You can use the 91 mobile assistant import, which is almost unanimously recommended by all. If you are the original system blckberries, Saipan, or WindowsMobile, can be the first to use Outlook as media synchronization, and 91 mobile phone assistant and Outlook synchronization is good; but if you use the original GoogleApp, there will be little trouble, is native music phone firmware does not support Gmail contacts, more exasperating is that from the Gmail contacts the exported VCF file in the import of 91 mobile phone assistant, will appear garbled. Le phone contacts into the simplest way is: no matter what the mobile phone contacts, trying to export VCF file, copy directly to the Le phone storage card, use Le phone directly open, select the import of OK, I think this is the most simple solution. Three. Learn to gesture. This is a simple question, but this gesture almost makes music phone the Andriod system to exclude native, but in the design of innovative design, not a button is very eye-catching, but once mastered is very handy. Four, good use of Hanvon input method. The gesture area Hanvon Le phone comes with the input method is divided into two parts, the left English, right figures on both sides is very good; and Chinese characters, Sogou input method for mobile phone usability and reputation is very good. I turned from BlackBerry keyboard phone, and the input method was a challenge to me, but now I'm doing well. The speed needs to be improved. Five, start experimenting with music phone built-in various applications. Sina and micro-blog blog friends login to tell you what you bought Le phone; self a to stick to happy net and renren.com and good news; is built for the grand literature now is not need to pay the cost, I ordered the recharge, prompting function has not yet opened, quickly pick favorite book to download it. Six, the use of mail push. "PushMail" is a very attractive, simple explanation is that the mail as received messages, of course, the BlackBerry is the mail and SMS and together with the back of the line directly in the information list, this also is the magic weapon RIM. Le phone also has a weapon, that is, Widget, Le phone has been prepared for you. After testing, the Lenovo push server is satisfied, delayed 5 minutes to receive, or even faster. Seven, built-in GPS navigation software is very good. I have used several GPS navigation module, including built-in external, first search star is very slow, because of the reason of the antenna. Le phone search star is not fast, but you can accept, second times after the good. Lingtu is an excellent navigation software, more importantly, do not download the map all over the world, as long as the software update, Lenovo's firmware has been updated. Eight, delete those unnecessary applications. Le phone built dozens of applications, is not all we need, after some early adopters is not needed, some even try to try, how to delete them? This is where Le phone is commendable. It's very simple. Le phone built-in built-in uninstall program, run directly, select unnecessary programs and applications, Just uninstall it. Nine, understand the software store. Le phone software store has more than 500 software, some of them are still very good. Here you need to register a Lenovo account, and then login to choose your favorite installation just fine. Also through the Android market, a large number of software, a lot of music phone is available, but need to slowly test. Ten. Listen to the music and relax. This article recommends "touch music" in the music software store phone, which can not only listen online, lyrics and other functions, but also automatically download to the music phone mobile phone, no need to download the copy from the computer. Also, this small software and timing automatic stop function, when sleeping in the evening will be automatically canceled. There are more tips for the FAQ below Music phone MMS Internet settings such as edit this section back directory, Unicom 3G Internet settings Settings - wireless network settings - Mobile Network -GSM/UMTS options - manual network configuration switch (open) - access point - new access point (menu key underline) The name 3gnet: (3gnet) - access point (3gnet) - agent (air) - port (80) - (empty) - username password (empty) server (empty) -MMSC (empty) - (empty) - MMS MMS proxy port (empty) -MCC (460) -MNC (01) - the type of access point (3gnet) - automatic DNS server (open) The name uninet: (UniNet) - access point (UniNet) - agent (air) - port (80) - (empty) - username password (empty) server (empty) -MMSC (empty) - (empty) - MMS MMS proxy port (empty) -MCC (460) -MNC (01) - the type of access point (UniNet) - automatic DNS server (open) The name 3gwap: (3gwap) - access point (3gwap) - agent ( - port (80) - (empty) - username password (empty) server (empty) -MMSC () - ( - MMS MMS proxy port (80) -MCC (460) -MNC (01) - the type of access point (3gwap) - automatic DNS server (open) The name uniwap: (uniwap) - access point (uniwap) - agent ( - port (80) - (empty) - username password (empty) server (empty) -MMSC () - ( - MMS MMS proxy port (80) -MCC (460) -MNC (01) - the type of access point (uniwap) - automatic DNS server (open) Use mobile card to set up Internet System settings - wireless network settings - Mobile Network -GSM/UMTS options - manual network configuration switches - access points - edit access points. Specific parameters: 1.GPRS settings, set the parameters of GPRS Internet access, the specific parameters include: setting an access point name: GPRS: cmwap: access gateway IP address port number: 9201 (WAP1.X), 80 (WAP2.X) home page: 2. MMS settings, parameter settings and receive MMS, the specific parameters include: setting the access point name: MMS settings: cmwap gateway IP address: access port number: 9201 (WAP1.X), 80 (WAP2.X) message center: 3.'Monternet' Monternet set bookmarks, bookmarks, the specific parameters include: bookmark name: 'Monternet' bookmark address: 4.GPRS and MMS settings, set GPRS access to the Internet and send and receive MMS parameters, including GPRS Internet and MMS settings two parts Other methods 1 system settings - wireless network settings - Mobile Network Data Services - check and move network -GSM/UMTS options - check - manual network configuration switch - access point CMWAP or CMNET; 2 system settings - wireless network settings - Mobile Network Data Services - tick and mobile network -GSM/UMTS options - network operators - China Mobile; You can access the Internet, but you can't accept MMS. Set it in the same way as the MMS settings Le Phone mail settings tutorial This article comes from: . com / content / 2010 / 06 / 21 / 20100621003634129, 1.shtml 进入联想乐phone的电子邮件功能界面, 我们可以看到网易、新浪、搜狐等主流邮箱, 其中也包括联通的手机邮箱.今 天笔者将以网易163邮箱为例教大家怎样在乐phone上设置自己常用的邮箱. 在邮箱面板中选项网易163邮箱, 然后就弹出了上图中的界面, 用户需要在这里输入自己的邮箱账号和密码, 然后点击下 一步.弹出的界面会提醒大家要在电脑端修改邮箱自身的参数, 即开启邮箱的imap电子邮件服务. 用户在进入自己的163邮箱后, 点击邮箱页面左上角的设置按钮.在接下来的页面中, 找出邮件收发设置中的客户端设 置, 点击并打开.这里我们会看到imap服务的设置, 勾选后即为开启.到此pc端的设置就结束了. 在手机界面上点击确定以便继续设置.账户名称是显示在手机上的邮箱代号, 用户可以任意输入, 为了便于记忆, 我们在这 里输入的是 "163邮箱".在应用个性签名中输入自己的姓名.页面中的最后一项设置时 "绑定推送服务, 选中之后手机会自动检测新邮件, 当邮箱有新邮件到 达时, 主动推送一个有新邮件的提醒.所以笔者比较推荐这项特色服务. 到此邮箱基本设置完毕, 我们可以打开邮箱查收邮件了.不过当第一 次打开收件箱时, 页面是空白的.需要用户点击屏幕左 下角的刷新按钮进行手动收取邮件. 任意点击一封邮件进入, 乐phone电邮不仅支持字体同时也支持图片的显示.另外在屏幕的下方还可以找到转发、回复、删除、新邮件按 钮. 除了这些功能之外, 乐phone邮箱支持对邮件进行删除、标记已读的编辑, 便于用户管理自 己的邮箱. 基本账号设置 如果你对之前的邮箱设置, 还可以在主界面的账号设置中进行修改, 通用设置可修改内容包括自动清理频率、自动清理范 围、显示数量、默认账号等.对于特定账号还可以对账号名称、签名进行修改. 由于主流邮箱的收发邮件服务器是提前设置好的, 并不需要用户去手动修改.在重要操作里, 用户可以选择清空附件缓存、 清空账号数据以及删除账号.本文以待机界面作为开头, 同样也以待机界面作为收尾, 而两者所不同的是由于已经开启了邮件推送服务, 当有新邮件时, 手机将会提 醒用户及时查看. 结束语: 电子邮件已经成为了it白领必不可少的一项通讯手段, 而由于手机网络的发展, 用户对于移动电子邮箱也提出了更高的要求.联想乐phone在各项设置上都彰显人性化理念, 相信能够带给大家更多便捷. 乐phone常见问题及解决方法编辑本段回目录1、如何下载第三方程序? 通过内置的 "应用商店" 功能即可实现第三方程序下载. 2、如何管理第三方程序? 通过 "应用卸载" 功能就可以对软件进行删除操作. 3、乐phone能否安装联想应用商店以外的程序? 可以, 选择安装 "安卓市场" 软件就可以下载安装海量android程 序, 不过由于乐phone无按键的设计, 部分程序无法完美运行. 4、如何完全关闭第三方程序? 手势区向右滑动进入任务管理器界面, 找到需要关闭的程序点右上 角 "红x" 关闭即可. 5、程序如何实现备份和恢复? Through the 91 mobile assistant program management, you can achieve third party software backup to the PC end, can also be restored through the PC side. 6, the program has been paid again download, installation charges? No charge, and accounts associated with the purchase record after the installation is free. basic operation 1, Le Phone a total of several interfaces? There are four interfaces: menu, standby, Windget, task manager. Lenovo music Phone side image 2, how to enter menu options? Click the drop icon in the upper right corner of the standby desktop to enter the menu interface, and then click this icon to return to the upper interface. 3, how to enter the Windget interface? Click on the round button below the standby desktop to enter the Windget interface. 4, how to access the task manager interface? The gesture area slides right to the task manager interface. 5. What can be done by gesture area? Slide to the left, you can achieve the function of retreat, sliding up, you can enter the settings interface, double-click the touchpad can return to the standby interface 6, how to quickly set up WIFI, Bluetooth, brightness and so on? You can directly control the WIFI, brightness, Bluetooth and other functions when you enter the Widget first screen. 7, how to quickly enter the flight mode? Long press the power button, you can enter the mute, shutdown, flight and other functional control interface. 8. What's the function of the mirror key? Take photos shortcuts, GPS navigation and maps, browse web acceleration, slide, brush subsidies. 9, mobile phones sometimes can not charge? The Le Phone charging port but also shoulder the responsibility outside the keyboard access, mobile phone data line and the metal contact points of the mobile phone may be dirty, and lead to poor contact appears to be unable to charge, recommend the use of alcohol to clean the data line interface. 10, how to make music Phone more power saving? When not in use, in the wireless network settings option, choose "only use 2G network", and can close the data service, so as to save mobile phone power. 11, Tonghua sometimes after the screen is not bright, how to deal with? Press the volume adjustment button so that the screen lights up. 12, Le Phone charging what is better? With the line charge or charger can sometimes fill the data line. Communication skills 1. Does music Phone support video calls? Because of the limitations of the Android system, music Phone does not support video calls 2, music Phone how to switch input method? Le Phone built Android, Lenovo, Hanvon handwriting, a total of four Sogou input method, press the edit area can enter input options. 3, Sogou input method how to set keyboard display mode? Long press Sogou input method interface right tool symbols can enter the input method settings interface, you can choose 9 keys or full keyboard display two ways. 4, how to decline calls when calling? Press the volume to reduce the key, or directly turn the fuselage can (need to open the "flip mute" function) 5, how to backup phone records and SMS messages and contacts? These functions can be implemented through the built-in backup and recovery software of the mobile phone. 6, how to quickly find the key contact? Long press Phone key to bring up the music clover center contact, sliding around can be selected at the same time, around the swipe circular icon is located in the center of the contact region can be selected, then click next to the four leaf can achieve the corresponding functions. 7. how to quickly add address book? In the dial to enter the number of the other party, click on the left bottom of the screen with the + sign of the villain can be directly added to the address book. 8, how to change a contact into a key contact? Click on the heart symbol on the right side of the contact. 9, how to selectively delete call records, contacts? Click the call record and edit button on the top right of the contact to selectively delete the corresponding call record and contact information. 10, how to synchronize the OUTLOOK address book? Install Phone music card tool folder under the 91 mobile assistant, you can achieve synchronous address book function. 11. How to convert the address book between SIM and mobile phone? Enter the system settings "SD card and mobile phone storage settings" can realize address book in the SIM card and mobile phone conversion. Program application skills 1, how to download the third party program? Through the built-in "application store" function, you can download the third party program. 2, how to manage the third party program? Through the application uninstall function, you can delete the software operation. 3, can music Phone install Lenovo apps outside the program? Yes, choose to install Android market software, you can download and install massive Android program, but because music Phone without buttons design, part of the program can not run perfectly. 4, how to completely close the third party program? The gesture area slide into task manager interface, find the need to close the program at the upper right corner of the "red" can be closed. 5, how to achieve backup and recovery program? Through the 91 mobile assistant program management, you can achieve third party software backup to the PC end, can also be restored through the PC side. 6, the program has been paid again download, installation charges? No charge, and accounts associated with the purchase record after the installation is free. Tips for entertainment 1, how to use the front camera to take pictures, camera? Enter the "music media" function item for self photographing and self photographing. Self is very beautiful, the scale should pay attention to. 2. Does Le Phone have photo shortcuts? The mirror key on the right side of the fuselage is the shortcut key for Le Phone. 3, music media menu resolution is the largest number? Why? You can only set 640*480 or 160*120, because the capacity of MMS is limited, and the photos in the music media are sent in the form of color E 4, from where to find sources of Phone music? Le Phone supports 720P MP4 and RMVB format video, the general network download video files can be played, but also from potatoes, Youku and other video sites download FLV stored in the mobile phone playback. 5, how to let the music player display lyrics? Click on the icon in the lower right corner of the player interface. 6, music Phone reading how to choose? With Shanda literature can read online, read books with panda reading TXT format books such as mobile phone storage 7, Le Phone can use Tencent micro-blog? In addition to Sina micro-blog, you can download Tencent micro-blog software through the Android Market Push function small skills 1, does not need information push can be closed? Access to the system settings - information push settings can push the service to open / close operations 2, how to carry out selective push? You can set the push time, push frequency, push content and so on in the system settings information push setting. 3, push push is not all Widget will push? Only the function displayed on the Widget interface will be pushed 4, video, news and other Widget functions can be deleted? Yes, long click the function interface, and then drag to the trash can area below the screen to delete. 5, can you add other Widget? Yes, the gesture area slides upward and adds "add" item to realize the addition of Widget. 6, the weather update frequency is? The entry menu will be automatically updated (with new data), and the usual weather update will be done 3 times a day (early, middle and late). 7, how to make Renren reply message automatic tips? Enter the Renren program, bring up the setup menu, set up the start reminder, after receiving the letter reply or message, the system will automatically pop-up prompts. 8. What does the icon sometimes appear next to the weather icon? Weather warning information in collaboration with Le Phone and weather network.
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