首页 邓铜山在中华慈善总会2005 年宣传工作会议上的讲话

邓铜山在中华慈善总会2005 年宣传工作会议上的讲话


邓铜山在中华慈善总会2005 年宣传工作会议上的讲话邓铜山在中华慈善总会2005 年宣传工作会议上的讲话 邓铜山在中华慈善总会2005 年宣传工作会议上的 讲话 (2005 年 4 月 22 日 ) 同志们、朋友们 : 我受中华慈善总会范会长的委托,就慈善宣传工作讲几点意见,不当之处请范会长和与会同志们指正。 一、慈善事业的地位和作用不容忽视 慈善事业是神圣的事业,光荣的事业,全人类的事业。凡有人群的地方,都有慈善事业。中国的慈善事业,源远流长,中华民族自古以来就有好善乐施的美德和优良传统。改革开放给神州大地带来蓬勃生机,使社会结构、利益分配、人们的价值...

邓铜山在中华慈善总会2005 年宣传工作会议上的讲话
邓铜山在中华慈善总会2005 年宣传工作会议上的讲话 邓铜山在中华慈善总会2005 年宣传工作会议上的 讲话 (2005 年 4 月 22 日 ) 同志们、朋友们 : 我受中华慈善总会范会长的委托,就慈善宣传工作讲几点意见,不当之处请范会长和与会同志们指正。 一、慈善事业的地位和作用不容忽视 慈善事业是神圣的事业,光荣的事业,全人类的事业。凡有人群的地方,都有慈善事业。中国的慈善事业,源远流长,中华民族自古以来就有好善乐施的美德和优良传统。改革开放给神州大地带来蓬勃生机,使社会结构、利益分配、人们的价值观念、道德观念带来了深刻的变化,慈善事业面临着许多新情况、新问题。时代赋予了她新的不可忽视的地位和作用。 首先,慈善事业是净化人们心灵的事业。无论是国外的宗教还是 统治中国人千年的儒家思想,还是近代经典作者的理论,都是要向人们灌输某种理念,净化人们的心灵,使人们在精神上有所寄托,为某种理想奋斗。其内容是很广泛的,但一个基本的东西是劝人为善,教人做个好人。“人之初,性本善 ”,每个人都有他善良的一面,只要劝人为善,总是容易consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 被人接受的。以雷锋为代表的英模人物,他们崇高思想的核心,就是“燃烧自己,温暖他人”。雷锋精神的精粹,就是:自己活着要使他人更幸福!他短暂的一生,做了那么多助人为乐的好事,用慈善的话说,就是善举。他的一生,就是“慈心为人,善举济世”的一生。他的慈心善举,开创了一代新风,纯洁了人们的心灵,为世人所敬仰。实践证明,如果用很高境界的思想进行全民教育,往往效果不好。例如:为考产主义事业奋斗终生,这是共产党对占人口少数的先进分子共产党员提出的最高要求,现在连一些共产党员都不信了,不照着做了。台湾在国民教育时搞了个“五心”教育:忠心献国家、孝心献父母、热心献集体、爱心献朋友、信心留自己,反而能为各层次的人接受。在市场经济条件下的今天,有些人道德水准下滑,价值观念扭曲,号召全民发慈心,行善举 ,献爱心,进行慈善宣传教育,对净化人们的心灵是大有好处的。在人们更加重视物质利益的时候,能把自己劳动所得无偿地奉献给他人,这是需要觉悟、胸怀和境界的。其实,慈善事业不仅仅对困难群体是一种帮助,而且对行善救助的人来说,在精神上也是一种升华和净化。 其次,慈善事业是构建和谐社会的事业。改革开放使我国的经济 获得了持续、高速、稳定的增长,绝大多数的社会成员生活水平得到了提高。在市场经济条件下,我国正处于consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 社会结构转型中,尽管社会保障体系基本确立,但仍在不断的完善中。如何更加有效地调动、整合社会资源,最大限度地为困难群体提供帮助,从而更好地体现社会公正,缓解社会矛盾,维护社会稳定,已经成为全社会日益关注的焦点。我国目前多种经济体制并存,不少地区私有化程度在不断扩大,东西部发展很不平衡,老百姓贫富差距客观存在,贫弱者和富有者在社会上得到的利益是不一样的,少数人占有多数人的财富客观存在。慈善事业对于调和二者之间的关系,形成人和人之间互助、平等的社会氛围来说,会起到重要作用。我国历史上不少仁人志士,为解决这个问题,产生过不少思想和有效的举措:陈胜、吴广发动起义的旗帜就是“均贫富”;宋江打着“替天行道,杀富济贫”的旗号“造反”;孙中山提出博爱、均富的思想,搞民主革命;我党土地革命时期提出打土豪分田地,动员农民参加革命战争;建国后,毛主席提出“组织起来,走共同富裕的道路”,搞互助合作化运动;改革开放,提倡部份人先富,最终实现共同富裕。都是为了寻求解决这个社会问题的办法。这些年来,我国检会总体稳定,但社会深层次的矛盾仍然突出,局部地区仍不稳定,群体事件居高不下,并有发展趋势。因此~今天慈善事业的地位不仅仅是单纯满足一些社会救助的需求~同时也是构建和谐社会和社会主义精神文明的重要方面。事实是~随着社会的发展~consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 很多现在需要救助的人群在得到救助度过难关后~很可能再去帮助别人~从而形成人帮人的良好社会氛围~构建和谐的社会基础。 再其次,慈善事业是提高党的执政能力的事业。何为执政?执政者,坐江山也。要坐稳江山,必须是经济繁荣,人心向善,社会稳定。水能载舟,也能覆舟如果把慈善事业搞好了,让更多的富有者慷慨解囊~让更多的贫弱者得到救济帮助,让社会矛盾进一步缓和,使更多的人真心实意拥护共产党,那么我们的国家将长治久安,我们党将长期执政。只要国家不乱,任何强大的外部势力都不能把我们打败。不久前~党的十六届四中全会上,把慈善事业作为提高党的执政能力的一个内容,写进了决议中;党和国家领导人曾庆红亲自听取慈善工作汇报;温家宝总理在政府工作报告中专门讲慈善工作;民政部决定今年召开全国慈善大会,不久将会出现政府推动,慈善机构作为政府搭台,慈善机构唱戏的新局面。这是前所未有,意义十分深远的。我相信,在中国共产党的领导下,我们一定会迎来慈善事业的春天,一定会实现民族复兴的太平盛世。 慈善事业离不开钱和物,但钱和物再多,惠及的也只是少数人。我们不能把捐钱和捐物的多少作为慈善工作做得好与差的唯一标准,我们要从全局出发,从战略的高度,树立大consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 慈善观,把慈善作为提高民族素质,促进经济繁荣,维护社会稳定,永保国家长治久安的事业来做~那么她的政治效益、社会效益、经济效益将是无可估量的。 二、要做好慈善 , 先要搞好宣传 中国现代慈善事业,虽然起步比较晚,但发展迅速,成绩很大。但总体而言,我们与发达国家相比,还有很大的差距。美国是世界上慈善事业发达的国家,如今美国共有160万非盈利组织,总支出6700亿美元,占GDP的9%;非盈利部门的雇员近1100万,占全美支薪雇员的7%,约每12 个美国人中有1人在非盈利部门就业。有志愿者630万人,占支薪雇员和志愿者雇员总数的11%。2003 年美国人捐赠2410亿美元给慈善公益机构,人均善款460美元(合人民币约3818元),占当年人均GDP的2.17%。而中国在1988年以前仅有基金会5家,在《基金会管理办法》实施后的10年中,基金会数量才超过1000家,目前非盈利组织约28万。每年的善款占GDP不到0.1%。2002年每个人均善款0.92元人民币,占当年人均GDP的0.012%这个差距说明了两个问题:一是与发达国家相比,我国的慈善工作还比较落后。二是我们做慈善工作还有很大的空间。常听人说我国的慈善资源有限,一些组织接收捐献多了,另一些组织接收捐赠就少了。按我国的经济状况,我们的慈善资源远远没有挖掘出来。造成这么大的差距,原因是consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 多方面的。除了与法律 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 、财富水平和税收激励政策有关外,与宣传工作不够有力也是有关系的。目前我国社会对慈善事业的关注程度不是很高,全国有1/3的地县级甚至还有4个省一级的慈善机构没有成立,大约有1/3的慈善机构发挥作用不好,不少老百姓对慈善事业不是很了解,慈善工作还有不少误区。中国的富人对慈善事业作出了许多贡献,按理他们应该做得更好,但他们在认识上有不少差距,还有不少顾虑。许多老百姓不知道慈善是何物,不知道为什么做慈善,怎么做慈善,不少人还担心捐助的钱物到不了受捐者手中。我曾经到过南方的一个经济发达的开放城市,在美丽的海滨,一座现代化的大学因缺少资金,几年完不了工,可是离它不远处,新建的寺庙金碧辉煌,香火很旺,耗资巨大。据说这些钱大多是海内外善男信女捐赠的。我的家乡非常富裕,但不少人宁可出钱修庙堂、塑佛像,而不愿出钱铺道路、架桥梁。这次印度洋赈灾,不少老百姓都不知道钱往哪里捐,许多老百姓都不知道有慈善组织,等等。这不能不与我们平时宣传不够有关系。 慈善事业的发展需要社会氛围,需要有公民的慈善意识和社会慈善价值观的支撑,这种氛围和支撑的形成就需要慈善宣传的引导和社会各界的参与和推动。在过去的这些年中,我们的四块宣传阵地:慈善年鉴、慈善周刊、慈善杂志、中consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 华慈善网,在宣传慈善方面,做了大量卓有成效的工作,造成了很好的社会影响,但还是远远不够的。总体上说,不少地区的领导,没有把慈善宣传工作摆上位置,给予应有的重视和支持,不少做慈善宣传工作的同志,因难而退,无所作为。同时关心慈善事业的媒体太少了,许多媒体对慈善事业的动态发展,大多只是一些零散的新闻报道和介绍,力作佳作很少,还没有形成一种氛围,这与蓬勃发展的慈善事业是不相称的。 要充分发挥媒体的作用,我们衷心希望媒体应给予慈善事业更多的关注,通过新闻报道加强对慈善事业的宣传,反映慈善事业的呼声、意志、愿望、建议,提高公众和社会各界对慈善事业的认知和了解,营造全社会关心参与慈善事业的社会氛围,让更多的人关注和参与到慈善事业中来,推动我国慈善事业健康快速地发展。我认为,这既是媒体的光荣使命,又是义不容辞的社会责任。 三、大力抓好 “心灵工程”的实施 慈善宣传工作是净化人们心灵的工作,是做好慈善工作的关键,是慈善工作的一项长期的、经常性的任务。她主要是宣传党和政府对慈善事业的关心和支持;宣传慈善机构的性质、宗旨、运作方式和经费使用情况;宣传慈善工作者的无私奉献精神品质;宣传慈善人物慈心为人、善举济世的高consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 风亮节;宣传被救助者的呼声和对政府、社会的感激之情;宣传慈善法律法规和慈善知识等等,为了使这些宣传内容落到实处,就要给慈善宣传工作一个载体或者叫做平台,以便号召、组织、协调各方面的人力物力做好这项工作,以期收到最佳的效果。我们打算实施一项专项工程,暂定名为“心灵工程”。 (一)“心灵工程”的宗旨 通过慈善宣传,提高公众慈善意识,弘扬“慈心为人,善举济世”的慈善精神,引导广大人民群众参与、支持慈善事业,为社会稳定、经济发展和提高党的执政能力做贡献。 (二)“心灵工程”的主要内容和运作方式 1.出版系列读物 编辑出版以慈善机构、慈善项目、慈善人物、慈善事件、慈善史实等基本知识和慈善理论、慈善法规、发展历程、现代慈善理念等基础理论方面的文字和音像出版物,并通过大众传媒以及群众喜闻乐见的方式,向慈善工作者,大、中学生和社区居民等发放、宣讲。 2.登陆大众传媒 继续发挥“慈善周刊”、“慈善杂志”、“中华慈善网”和“慈善年鉴”的作用,并逐步做到: (l)电视里有影:制作专题片、公益广告、重大慈善演出consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 录相带在电视台播放。组织“爱心知识竞赛”,开辟专栏,介绍慈善知识和慈善项目等。 (2)电台中有声:开辟爱心专栏,搞慈善知识讲座连播,可以做成广播剧以增强播出效果。搞“每周慈善一歌”,把脸炙人口的慈善歌曲,如:《好人好梦》、《凝聚每一分爱》、《世界最要热心肠》等等汇编成集,在电台经常播放。 (3)报纸上有文。在一些主流媒体、都市报、各大城市晚报上开辟专栏、编发专版、组织专稿刊登慈善知识、故事、动态等,必要时还可以围绕一些焦点、热点话题、组织访谈和专题论坛。 (4)到处可见:与公交、地铁等广告公司联系,在机场、车站、码头阅报栏甚至垃圾桶上张贴有慈善内容的宣传品,还可以在社区、学校张贴宣传画、对联、海报等,扩大慈善的影响。 3.经常组织活动 每年组织几次在国内有影响的活动,一方面宣传慈善,另一方面筹集资金。 (l)组织慈善演出。抓住重大灾害,突发事件和重要活动等时机,组织大型公益演出,或定期组织义演。我们要把" 凝聚每份爱"作为慈善演出的品牌,要像春节联欢晚会一样,在全国造成影响,年复一年地坚持下去。 consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of (2)倡导“中华慈善一日捐”。立即着手论证,待条件成熟,大力宣传在全国推开,使日常的募捐活动更加规范化、制度化。 (3)开展“慈善进社区”活动,采用各种方法与社区文化和精神文明活动结合起来,把慈善工作渗透到寻常百姓家。 (4)举办全国慈善知识竞赛。我们已与北京电视台协商,打算在全国分几个赛区先由各地初赛,复赛,下半年在北京决赛、颁奖。 (5)落实“慈善宣传年”的各项活动。主要有“中华慈善万里行”、“我们与爱同行百名慈善人物评选”、“阳光下的事业征文”、“组织慈善项目”、“设立慈善专项奖金”、“开办爱心小学”等。 以上的工作和做法,各地都可以效仿,上下互动,把宣传工作做深做实。 四、抓好慈善宣传必须重视的几个问题 (一)必须加大对慈善宣传的投入 要做好一项工作,就必须要有投入,宣传需要投入,慈善的宣传工作也不例外。 我们以前的观念总觉得只有把募捐的善款全部投入到救灾救济中才是做善事,然而事实的发展证明,慈善宣传也是善举。我们要充分利用慈善宣传的教化功能,让慈善宣传consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 深入人心,潜移默化中让人们的慈善意识越来越觉醒越来越浓厚,进而营造起全社会热衷慈善、积极行善的良好氛围。因此,我们必须树立慈善宣传也要投入的观念。 中华慈善总会目前已经决定建立专门的宣传基金。为总会各个宣传阵地和各项宣传工作安排专项经费。为慈善宣传工作能够建立雄厚 的基础保障,以确保各项慈善宣传工作能够充分有序地按照预期的目的开展和进行。 中华慈善总会各会员单位在进行慈善宣传工作的进程中,也应该 树立相应经费的投入必须、必要也是必不可少的观念。各会员单位要在每年的经费中开辟和设立慈善宣传的专门经费,要保证慈善宣传工作的经费投入充足、充裕。要充分加强慈善宣传工作的投入,要实现慈善宣传从单一媒体宣传到多种方式并举宣传的转变。 (二)必须建立健全机构人员的配备 任何一项工作的实施和进展,都离不开相关人员的配备。中华慈 善总会对此事很重视,专门成立了宣传委员会,范会长亲自任主任,两名领导任副主任,各部门一把手为委员,下设办公室,配备了主任、两名副主任,今后还将配备若干工作人员。为了更好地开展慈善宣工作, 中华慈善总会各会员单位,有条件的要成立专门负责宣传事务的机构,没有条件的,要并配备专人搞宣传工作。各会员单位专门负责宣consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 传事务的机构应该在媒体宣传、编辑出版慈善相关读物以及各种社会宣传活动等方面切实做好各项工作。这些部门应该保证相应的人员编制和设备的投入,并保证相关工作人员的待遇问题,使其能高效、有序地运转,开展各项慈善宣传工作。 (三)必须建立宣传考核机制 在慈善宣传工作中,相应地激励考核机制的建立是必不可少的。考核机制的建立,对慈善宣传工作优秀突出者给予奖励,能调动大家在慈善宣传工作中的积极性,能鼓励大家充分发挥能动性和创造力。 1.从今年开始,中华慈善总会宣传委员会将对各地会员单位开展慈善宣传工作中的表现和投入以及创新等方面予以考核,考核每年进行一次。 2.考核的标准主要以中华慈善总会各会员单位在《慈善周刊》、《慈善》杂志、冈站和年鉴的支持力度、以及相关慈善活动的支持力度进行衡量。 3.经考核,对各地在慈善宣传工作中投入和力度显著者进行奖励。慈善宣传考核连续三年不合格者,将取消中华慈善总会会员单位资格。 4.中华慈善总会宣传委员会将设立宣传成就奖,每年评比一次,对在《慈善周刊》、《慈善》杂志上发表的各种形式consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 的新闻作品进行评比,中华慈善总会宣传委员会将设立专门奖项予以奖励。 5.中华慈善总会将与有关部门联系协商,设立全国性的慈善公 益新闻奖,每年进行评比,力争使全国的新闻媒体都把慈善宣传当成重点报道来做,形成慈善宣传工作的新高潮。 同志们、朋友们:慈善宣传工作岗位光荣,任务艰巨、责任重大。摆在我们面前的困难很多,主要是:认识不足,人手不够,资金短缺,手段落后。我相信,只要我们有一颗善心,一股激情~一种百折不挠的精神,困难再大也能克服,工作就一定能搞好!要做好中华慈善宣传工作,离不开各地的支持,我借这个机会代表中华慈善总会宣传委员会,对你们长期以来给予我们的宝贵支持、帮助,表示衷心的感谢! 同时~希望我们携起手来,共同投身到慈善宣传这项教化人心的宏伟工程中,为推进中国现代慈善事业作出应有的贡献! 谢谢大家! consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of
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