首页 水稻高产栽培技术



水稻高产栽培技术水稻高产栽培技术 一、选用良种、合理布局 按照地域类型,选用经过省级以上审定或办理引进种植手续的优质、高产、抗病水稻良种,种子质量达到国颁二级以上标准。因地制宜,合理品种布局,严禁越界种植。平川主推丰优香占、隆优305、内香8518、泰香8号、宜香19、宜香725、内5优H25、内5优5399、内香18等优质高产品种;浅山丘陵推广D优2362、K优877、特优801;糯稻品种可选用糯优1号、汉中雪糯等;机械化插秧品种主推黄华占。 二、适期播种、培育多蘖壮秧 壮秧标准:秧龄40-50天,叶龄6-8叶,苗高35...

水稻高产栽培技术 一、选用良种、合理布局 按照地域类型,选用经过省级以上审定或办理引进种植手续的优质、高产、抗病水稻良种,种子质量达到国颁二级以上 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 。因地制宜,合理品种布局,严禁越界种植。平川主推丰优香占、隆优305、内香8518、泰香8号、宜香19、宜香725、内5优H25、内5优5399、内香18等优质高产品种;浅山丘陵推广D优2362、K优877、特优801;糯稻品种可选用糯优1号、汉中雪糯等;机械化插秧品种主推黄华占。 二、适期播种、培育多蘖壮秧 壮秧标准:秧龄40-50天,叶龄6-8叶,苗高35-40cm,单株带蘖3-5个,白根10条以上,叶片老健清秀无病虫害。 1、选好秧田,施足底肥,精耕细整。秧田应选择地势平坦、排灌方便、阳光充足、土质肥沃的田块,按1分秧田插0.8-1亩大田的比例留足秧母田;施肥要掌握“腐熟、速效、适量、浅施”的原则,以农家肥为主,亩施腐熟圈粪1000-1500公斤,碳酸氢氨20-25公斤,过磷酸钙30公斤或亩施磷酸二铵10公斤作底肥,充分混匀;精细整地,做好秧田通气,关键是干耕干整,把田耕耙整细,拣净残茬杂物,起沟做畦,用底肥把畦面泥块打碎,初步耙平,然后放水浸泡,再进一步把畦面整平抹光、畦宽、沟宽以适宜田间操作为宜,沟深0.25米,达到“上糊下松、沟深面平、肥足草净”。 2、选择适宜的育秧方式。坚持两段育秧或薄膜育秧方式,长生育期品种坚持两段育秧,以保证安全齐穗,增温早熟夺高产;生育期较短的品joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding 种或劳力紧缺的可采用薄膜育秧或旱育秧,杜绝露地秧。 3、播前准备。每亩大田备种1公斤,播种前晒种1-2天,使其发芽快而整齐。然后用清水预浸1天,期间打捞出秕谷及杂物;再用“500倍”的强氯精或抗菌剂“402”药液浸种1天,预防种子带病菌;最后再用清水浸1-2天,待种子吸足水分后再进行催芽。催芽重点掌握三个环节:一是高温破胸(将浸种消毒后的种子用45?左右的温水淘洗3-4分钟,然后趁热上堆,以后适当浇洒热水,以增温保湿,使谷堆内温度保持在35?左右,促使破胸露白);二是适温催芽(在谷种露白后,经常翻动谷堆,使温度保持在25-30?,必要时淋温水保温保湿,达到壮芽标准);三是低温炼芽(根芽出齐后,摊开晾种1-2天,可喷淋冷水炼芽,以增强芽谷抗寒能力)。催芽好的谷种才可进池或播种。 4、适期播种。温室两段育秧及薄膜育秧平川晚熟组合要保证在4月5日前播种(芽谷落泥),地池两段秧在4月1日左右播种,旱育秧可适当提早到3月底。 5、秧田管理:(1)水层管理:无论是两段秧、旱育秧和薄膜秧都要培育好根系,坚持寄插后5-7天畦面不上水,保持畦面湿润即可,促进根系下扎,3叶期以前干湿交替灌溉,3叶期后保持浅水层。遇寒流降温天气,立即放深水护苗,寒流时间较长时,应加盖薄膜保温,寒潮过后喷施多菌灵或敌克松等杀菌剂预防立枯病发生,防止烂秧死苗。在插秧前1-2天,加深水以利拔秧洗泥。(2)及时追肥:在秧苗2叶1心期,亩泼浇淡尿水1000公斤或追施尿素3-5公斤做“断奶肥”; 3-4叶期亩喷15%多效唑30-40克,矮化秧苗,促进分蘖发生;4-6叶期追施尿素7-8公斤促分蘖发生;插秧前4-5天追尿素5-6公斤作“送嫁肥”。(3)病虫草防治: ? ? face concrete mixing-and acceptance-kstation, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formworin 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing -plug n no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached typetype iators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface not over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibra, cang, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xiinterval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixinjoint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time ctory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double weldingin fa ings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check waterype type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawr of trm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check watee mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials figrad re rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strengthdefects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressu other to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting orongitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, ttom let closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bon into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the markte conservatio21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concre-ervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14he supd strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by t, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the require? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing-acceptance-2 待畦面水层自然落干,亩用稻农乐或秧田净40g兑水喷进行化学除草,两天后覆薄水。每亩用三环唑80-100g防苗稻瘟,每亩用乐果乳油80g防稻蓟马。插秧前2-3天进行一次病虫普防,可选敌白虫、杀虫双、Bt?杀虫单、三环唑混合稻瘟灵等防治二化螟、稻蝗、苗稻瘟,防止病虫带入大田。 三、抢时早插、合理密植 我地水稻高产插秧期为5月20日—6月5日之间,因此要严把插秧高产期,坚持早腾茬,早整田,力争6月5日前完成抢时早插。提倡拉绳定距,双株寄插,采用大小行,即宽窄行(10+6)×6寸方式插植或9×5寸的均等行插植方式,亩插1.3-1.5万穴,穴插6-8苗,亩基本苗保证在8-10万。通过适度稀植,提高田间通风透光性,有利于植株健壮生长,改善田间小气候,增强植株抗病虫能力,减少病虫害发生。 四、测土配方、平衡施肥。 水稻高产施肥应做到有机肥与无机肥结合,氮、磷、钾配合平衡施肥 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 ,大力推广测土配方施肥技术,节省成本,提高肥效,避免浪费。根据水稻需肥规律和我县土壤养状况,一般中等肥力水平田块,亩产500-600公斤,需亩施纯氮10-12公斤、纯磷5-6公斤、纯钾5-6公斤(在亩施农家肥1500-2000公斤的基础上,再施水稻专用复合能40公斤做底肥即可;或亩施碳铵40-50公斤、普通过磷酸钙40-50公斤、硫酸钾或氯化钾8-10公斤、硫酸锌1-2kg)。磷肥、钾肥和硫酸锌全部作基肥随犁田整地时施入,氮肥的60-70%做基肥,其余30-40%作追肥(分别是移栽前一周追施尿素6-8公斤做送嫁肥;移栽后7-10天追施尿素8-10公斤做分蘖肥,同时用除草剂;拔节孕穗期亩施尿素3-5公斤做穗粒肥攻大穗;有条件的可在灌浆期喷施磷酸二氢钾,防早衰、增粒重,夺高产)。 and acceptance-onstruction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formworkstation, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete cin 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing -el intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plugin steis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 s maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axallow ce and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer ofthickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performan72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less thaned double weldingte, uslean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction sis specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and crietiend laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of vaoth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and smo, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect athe damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surfacer of lular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repaiadopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cel d alsoer cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but shoulorizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer aftte conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for h21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concre-or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14 bags 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw e, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after theand maintenanc ? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal-acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-3 五、科学灌水、合理促控 大田应做到浅水插秧,深水“换衣”,寸水促蘖,苗够或时间到时及时晒田。按照“苗够不等时,时到不等苗”的原则,一般在6月20日左右或总茎数达到18万以上时,及时退水晒田,控上促下,控制无效分蘖的发生,促进根系生长发育(对于够苗早的田块、烂泥田、山区冷浸田要早晒、重晒)。7月10日前及时复水(田面起裂纹,形如鸡爪,脚踩不下陷,叶片颜色由黑变黄退色,顺挺举),孕穗期及抽穗扬花期田间保持浅水层,勾头散籽后采取干干湿湿间歇灌水,前水不见后水,湿润为主,以增加土壤通透性,提高根系活力,有利于灌浆结实和抗衰老、倒伏。一般于收获前7-10天左右排水落干,既要防止断水过早,避免发生青枯降低粒重,又要防止灌水过深,引起早衰。 六、综合防治病虫草害。 坚持“预防为主,综合防治”的病虫害防治原则,优先采用农业防治、物理防治、生物防治,合理使用化学防治。通过选用抗病品种,实施健身栽培等措施,形成合理的群体结构和通风透光的生长环境,减少病虫害的发生。积极推广应用稻鸭共育技术,利用鸭子吃虫除草,生产绿色无公害大米。在主要病虫害的发生期,适时选用低毒、低残留、安全、高效农药进行病虫草害防治,突出抓好稻瘟病、纹枯病、稻曲病、稻蝗、二化螟、稻苞虫等病虫害的发生与防治,对“稻管蓟马”和“稻水象甲”实行“五统一”的防治策略,提高防效。水稻齐穗后一般不再用药。 1、秧母田防治:秧田防一亩,等于大田防十亩,具有防治面积小,用药量少,虫龄低,效果好、省工省时的特点,要高度重视,重点防治,特别是稻水象甲发生疫区,尤其要抓好秧母田统防统治,防治次数要达到 ? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing-acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-and acceptance-kstation, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formworin 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing -plug n no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached typetype iators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface not over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibra, cang, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xiinterval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixinjoint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time ctory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double weldingin fa ings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check waterype type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawr of trm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check watee mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials figrad re rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strengthdefects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressu other to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting orongitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, ttom let closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bon into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the markte conservatio21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concre-ervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14he supd strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by t, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the require4 3-4次。一般于插秧前2-3天进行,选用敌白虫、杀虫双、三唑磷等混合稻瘟灵喷雾,可防治二化螟、稻蝗、稻水象甲、稻蓟马及苗稻瘟,防止病虫带入大田,减轻大田防治压力。 2、大田防治:在插秧后7-10天结合追肥可撒施3.6%的杀虫双大粒剂1.5-2公斤、或用20%的三唑磷乳油100ml或5%锐劲特悬浮液30-40毫升兑水50kg喷雾防“钻心虫”。水稻分蘖盛期用5%的井岗霉素水剂150-200ml兑水50公斤,对植株中下部喷雾,防治纹枯病;再加入40%的稻瘟灵100克,同时预防叶稻瘟。水稻破口抽穗前5-7天,用16%井酮三环唑可湿性(商品名:仙耙稻丰收)每亩100克兑水50公斤对穗部喷雾,连防两次,防治稻曲病可兼治穗颈稻瘟病。另外在水稻破口抽穗前搞好“两防一喷”,方法是:将90%的晶体敌百虫、20%的三环唑、磷酸二氢钾各100g对水50公斤叶面喷雾,还可有效防治稻苞虫(兼防二代螟虫)、预防穗颈稻瘟病。 水稻田除草采用人工除草与化学除草相结合,针对田间杂草种类和数量选择适宜的除草剂进行化除。一般插秧返青后,结合追肥,防二化螟一并进行,选用高效低毒除草剂25%除草醚粉剂50-75克或50%丁草胺颗粒剂100,120g,拌细土均匀撒施;也可用10%苄嘧磺隆(草克星)可湿性粉剂15,20g克或50%扑草净100-150克兑水喷雾。水稻出穗前对田间的稗草进行人工拔除,防止草籽回落田间,减少来年田间的杂草量。 七、适时收获、安全储存。当90%以上稻谷籽粒黄熟时,及时抢晴收获,进行晾晒,含水量达到13.5%以下时入仓储存。实行优质稻谷与普通稻谷分收,分晒,禁止在公路、沥青路面上脱粒、晒谷。扩大机收面积,降低收获成本,加快收获进度。 and acceptance-onstruction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formworkstation, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete cin 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing -el intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plugin steis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 s maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axallow ce and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer ofthickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performan72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less thaned double weldingte, uslean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction sis specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and crietiend laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of vaoth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and smo, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect athe damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surfacer of lular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repaiadopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cel d alsoer cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but shoulorizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer aftte conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for h21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concre-or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14 bags 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw e, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after theand maintenanc ? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal-acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-5
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