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欧洲入门文化试题及答案欧洲入门文化试题及答案 A myth is ___. 选项: A、an accepted narrative B、 an oral literary work traditionally accepted C、 a tradition D、 a retelling 学员答案: B 题号:2 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Common types of myths exclude___. 选项: A、cosmic myths B、 myths of the gods C、 myths ...

欧洲入门文化试题及答案 A myth is ___. 选项: A、an accepted narrative B、 an oral literary work traditionally accepted C、 a tradition D、 a retelling 学员答案: B 题号:2 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Common types of myths exclude___. 选项: A、cosmic myths B、 myths of the gods C、 myths of heroes D、 myths of mortals 学员答案: D 题号:3 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Myths____. 选项: A、are all religious B、 all explain the interaction of divine and human worlds C、explain the origin of man and nature D、 are all ture 学员答案: C 题号:4 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: The ancient Greeks___. 选项: A、learned myths from Rome B、 firmly believed myths to be true C、 wrote many myths D、 learned myths from China 学员答案: B 题号:5 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: The early Hebrews___. 选项: A、concentrated on the role of a supreme god B、 believed in only one god C、 worshipped all the divine characters D、 followed the practice of the Greeks 学员答案: A 题号:6 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: The early Christians were against ___. 选项: A、Greek culture B、 Roman culture C、 Hebrew culure D、 pagan culture 学员答案: D 题号:7 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: In the Middle Ages, the ancient myths___. 选项: A、predominated B、 were dominant C、 were interpreted allegorically D、 were even more popular 学员答案: C 题号:8 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: In the Renaissance, the ancient myths___. 选项: A、served as sources of inspiration for artistic creation B、 enjoyed new colors C、 were more poetic D、 became more imaginative 学员答案: A 题号:9 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: In the Age of Enlightenment, there was emphasis on____. 选项: A、new religions B、 rationality C、 allegorical interpretation of myths D、 the study of myths 学员答案: B 题号:10 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: The 19th-century interpretation of myths became more___. 选项: A、geographical B、 historical C、 scientific D、 practical 学员答案: C 题号:11 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: The 20th-century scholars on myths pay closer attention to___. 选项: A、life and death B、 nature and culture C、 self and society D、 the content of the narratives 学员答案: D 题号:12 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Mythology has exerted a great influence on the arts in___. 选项: A、all parts of the world B、 Asia C、 the Americas D、 Africa 学员答案: A 题号:13 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Greek mythology reflects the following except_____ . 选项: A、how the Greeks perceived natural forces B、how the Greeks idealized human powers C、 how the Greeks understood Nature as being powerful D、 how the Greeks interpreted the world as being orderly 学员答案: D 题号:14 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: According to Greek mythology ___, which goes well with the idea of Daoism in China. 选项: A、something can be produced from nothing B、 ancient Greece was a matriarchal society C、 communal marriage was prevalent in Ancient Greece D、 farming was the mode of production in Ancient Greece 学员答案: A 题号:15 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: The images of Cronus and Rhea reflect ___________. 选项: A、the matriarchal social system in Ancient Greece B、 the patriarchal social system in Ancient Greece C、 the communal marriage in the primitive society D、 the communal structure in the primitive society 学员答案: C 题号:16 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: The Greeks’ sense of gods is shared by __. 选项: A、the Romans B、 the Jews C、 the Christians D、 the Muslims 学员答案: A 题号:17 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: The images of gods in Greek mythology impress us as _________. 选项: A、beings with human emotions who lived above us B、 beings with human emotions who lived among us C、 dominating figures with super-physical powers D、 dominating figures with super-natural influence 学员答案: B 题号:18 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: ___ is not included in Greek mythology as one of the three principal types of figures. 选项: A、the gods B、 the devils C、 the mortals D、 the heroes 学员答案: B 题号:19 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: The images of gods in Greek mythology are_________. 选项: A、as dominating as that of Christian God B、 as emotional as that of the Christian God C、 as emotional as those of humans D、 as horrible as those of monsters 学员答案: C 题号:20 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: According to Greek myths about creation, ____was the foundation of all things. 选项: A、Zeus B、 Jupiter C、 Cronus D、 Chaos 学员答案: D 题号:21 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Which is not true in the following about Zeus? 选项: A、He established a new regime of gods B、 He made war on his father C、 He ruled the sea D、 He made war on the Titans 学员答案: C 题号:22 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Which is not true in the following about the Titans? 选项: A、They were the Children of Zeus B、 They were strong and large C、 They personified nature D、 Cronus was among them 学员答案: A 题号:23 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: On Mount Olympus were ___ major gods and goddesses known as the Olympians 选项: A、ten B、 twelve C、 fifteen D、 twenty 学员答案: B 题号:24 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Which is not true in the following about the disruptive deities? 选项: A、They were in fact monsters B、 They were powerful C、 They were in fact mortals D、 They looked part human and part animal 学员答案: C 题号:25 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: According to Greek mythology, Paris,___, which resulted in the Trojan war. 选项: A、son of King of Troy, abducted Helen, a Greek beauty B、 King of Troy, abducted Helen, a Greek beauty C、 son of Greek king, abducted Helen, a Trojan beauty D、 King of Greek, abducted Helen, a Trojan beauty 学员答案: A 题号:26 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: In the search for the Golden Fleece to regain his throne, Jason ____ 选项: A、fought against the magic goddess B、 married the daughter of the ruler C、 fought against a dragon that never slept D、 fell in love with the daughter of the ruler 学员答案: C 题号:27 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Odysseus___ returned to his faithful wife after the ten-year Trojan War. 选项: A、was a Greek prince who B、 was a Trojan prince who C、 was a Greek hero who D、 was a Trojan hero who 学员答案: C 题号:28 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: The deeds of the heroes Heracles and Theseus embody the conflict between___. 选项: A、life and death B、 love and hatred C、 man and nature D、 civilization and wild savagery 学员答案: D 题号:29 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: No hero of Greek mythology has proved more fascinating than Oedipus for __. 选项: A、he fulfilled the prophecy of killing his father and marrying his mother B、 he was abandoned by his parents C、 he was reared by a shepherd D、 he survived 学员答案: A 题号:30 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: The Greeks imagined their gods to have human shape, which was__. 选项: A、somewhat realistic B、 somewhat idealized C、 strongly realistic D、 strongly idealized 学员答案: D 题号:31 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: The Greeks modeled relationships between ___. 选项: A、men and women on those between immortals B、 men on those between gods C、 man and nature on those between gods D、 gods on those between mortals 学员答案: D 题号:32 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Which is not true about the heroes in Greek mythology? 选项: A、They represented a kind of bridge between gods and mortals B、 They never die C、 They got gods' favor D、 They had some defect to balance out their power 学员答案: B 题号:33 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Greek mythology relates the development of the order of the universe to_____ . 选项: A、Pandora B、 Zeus C、 Chaos D、 Cronus 学员答案: C 题号:34 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: By a complex process of violence, struggle, and sexual attraction,__built up the power. 选项: A、Pandora B、 Zeus C、 Chaos D、 Cronus 学员答案: B 题号:35 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: According to Greek mythology, ___ opened a forbidden jar and happened to release the plagues into the world. 选项: A、Pandora B、 Zeus C、 Chaos D、 Cronus 学员答案: A 题号:36 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Which of the following is not shared by Eve in Bible and Pandora in Greek myths? 选项: A、Being the first woman B、 Being curious C、 Being put at the root of all evil D、 Being turned from immortal to mortal 学员答案: D 题号:37 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Greek myths reflect Greeks' exploration of the followings except___. 选项: A、social questions B、 the limits of honor C、 the mysterious outer space D、 mental contradictions and ambiguities 学员答案: C 题号:38 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: By myths the Greeks could do the following except____. 选项: A、justifying their actions B、 acquiring more power C、 acquiring extra authority D、 replacing the roles of gods 学员答案: D 题号:39 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Scholars believe that Greek mythology__. 选项: A、influenced cultures in the Middle East B、 was influenced by cultures in the Middle East C、 affected African cultures D、 was affected by African cultures 学员答案: B 题号:40 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Which of the following does not contribute to our knowledge of Greek mythology? 选项: A、Written texts B、 Sculpture C、 Painted ceramics D、 Guesswork 学员答案: D 题号:41 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Greek mythology influenced Western culture in the following aspects except_. 选项: A、literature B、 architecture C、 music D、 art 学员答案: B 题号:42 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Many works of painting and sculpture have taken myths as their ___. 选项: A、origin B、 source C、 subject D、 example 学员答案: C 题号:43 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Which of the following is not true about the Greeks? 选项: A、They produced their sacred written text like the Bible B、 They recognized no single truth C、 They believed no single code D、 They had various beliefs 学员答案: A 题号:44 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Which of the following is not true about the Greek culture? 选项: A、A city-state devoted itself to a particular god B、 A god's characteristics may vary from one city to another C、 The Greeks honored the city's gods every day D、 Temples were built in honor of gods 学员答案: C 题号:45 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Greek gods resembled human beings in the following aspects except ___. 选项: A、form B、 emotions C、 authority D、 being immortal 学员答案: D 题号:46 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Which of the following is not true about the Greeks' belief in heroes? 选项: A、They were immortal B、 They retain power after death to influence the lives of the living C、 They were also mortal D、 They had exceptional power 学员答案: A 题号:47 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Early Romans regarded their gods as__. 选项: A、persons B、 powers as well as persons C、 powers D、 powerful persons 学员答案: C 题号:48 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Roman mythology is actually___. 选项: A、of Greek culture B、 not purely Roman C、 from African culture D、 of Asian nature 学员答案: B 题号:49 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: The Romans began to represent their gods in human form ___. 选项: A、before the 6th century BC B、 before coming into contact with Greek culture C、 after conquering Greece D、 after coming into contact with foreign culture 学员答案: D 题号:50 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Roman writers like Virgil and Ovid were famous as they ___. 选项: A、lived about three centuries before Christ was born B、 created an inspiring Greco-Roman mythology C、 introduced the names of Greek gods into Roman culture D、 introduced the functions of Greek gods into Roman culture 学员答案: B 题号:51 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Our knowledge about Roman mythology comes mostly from the following except__. 选项: A、the works of Greek writers B、 the works of Roman writers C、 the surviving works of ancient art D、 the study of ancient ruins 学员答案: A 题号:52 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Which of the following is not true about the ancient Romans? 选项: A、They believed gods made their success B、 They sought the favor of the right god for a certain important matter C、 They believed a god is almighty D、 They held many public festivals to honor their gods 学员答案: C 题号:53 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Roman mythology involved____. 选项: A、the founding of all cities B、 the founding of Rome C、 the creation of the world D、 one story of the founding of Rome 学员答案: B 题号:54 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: In the story of the founding of Rome,the twins Romulus and Remus were____. 选项: A、the sons of a god and a woman B、 the sons of a god and a goddess C、 set floating on the river to die by their uncle D、 to be drowned by their uncle 学员答案: A 题号:55 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: The twins Romulus and Remus were lucky enough to ___. 选项: A、be found first by a shepherd B、 survive a female wolf C、 be saved by a shepherd from the mouth of a wolf D、 be saved and cared for by a she-wolf 学员答案: D 题号:56 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Romulus and Remus decided to found a city of their own when___. 选项: A、they came to the throne B、 their father returned to his throne C、 their grandfather returned to his throne D、 their father passed away 学员答案: C 题号:57 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: In the tale of Aeneas concerning Rome's founding, Aeneas ____. 选项: A、was the son of a god and a goddess B、 came from the city of Troy C、 was the son of the Trojan prince and a woman D、 came from Greece 学员答案: B 题号:58 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Which of the following is not true about the experience of Aeneas? 选项: A、He was the leader of Trojan soldiers B、 Dido, Queen of Carthage fell in love with him C、 He surrived the Trojan war D、 He arrived in Italy with Dido 学员答案: D 题号:59 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: According to Roman mythology, the Romans originated from___. 选项: A、Asia Minor B、 North Africa C、 Turkey D、 Persia 学员答案: A 题号:60 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: In Virgil's Aeneid, Aeneas married the princess of a kingdom that occupied the future land of Rome, which made him__. 选项: A、the father of Romulus and Remus B、 the grandfather of Romulus and Remus C、 a direct ancestor of the Romans D、 a native Roman 学员答案: C 题号:61 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: In Virgil's Aeneid, the image of Jupiter was __. 选项: A、as important as Zeus B、 amazing and slightly frightening C、 as amazing and slightly frightening as Zeus D、 frightening and unsatisfied 学员答案: B 题号:62 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: In Virgil's Aeneid,Juno was described as ___. 选项: A、the wife of Zeus in Greek mythology B、 the wife of Jupiter in Greek mythology C、 Jupiter's mortal wife D、 being vividly angry 学员答案: D 题号:63 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: The Birth of Venus, created in the Renaissance,was a painting ____. 选项: A、inspired by Virgil's vivid descriptions B、 inspiring to Greek writers C、 inspired by Ovid's vivid descriptions D、 inspiring to Roman writers 学员答案: C 题号:64 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Which of the following is true about early Romans' understanding of gods? 选项: A、Gods were powerful but formless B、 Gods may take human form C、 Gods may take animal form D、 Gods would be powerful when being formless 学员答案: A 题号:65 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: To the early Romans, gods were__ . 选项: A、human forces B、 holy forces C、 mental forces D、 animal forces 学员答案: B 题号:66 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Early Romans began to build temples for their gods as__. 选项: A、170 years before the city was founded B、 170 years after the city was founded C、 in the 6th century BC D、 before they represented them in human form 学员答案: C 题号:67 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Early Romans associated their gods with_. 选项: A、animals B、 humans C、 plants D、 particular places 学员答案: D 题号:68 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Which of the following is not true about the religious practices of the early Romans? 选项: A、They cared about the human characters of gods B、 Gods controlled their life C、 They cared about the functions of gods D、 Their devoted their routines to gods 学员答案: A 题号:69 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: ___was named after the god of beginning. 选项: A、December B、 January C、 February D、 March 学员答案: B 题号:70 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: The Greek equivalent of Jupiter was __. 选项: A、Cronus B、 Apollo C、 Zeus D、 Titan 学员答案: C 题号:71 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Jupiter was not the god of __. 选项: A、rain B、 thunder C、 lightning D、 fire 学员答案: D 题号:72 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Which of the following is true about the function of Jupiter? 选项: A、the protector of the Roman state B、 the protector of agriculture C、 the protector of life and property D、 the protector of farmers' fields 学员答案: A 题号:73 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Romans adopted Jupiter___ as the focus of state religious practice. 选项: A、who was a native god B、 in the 6th century BC C、 from Greek culture D、 from the culture of Asia Minor 学员答案: B 题号:74 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Major changes in Roman religious life were due to___. 选项: A、Greek cultural invasion B、 cultural invasion from the eastern Mediterranean Sea region C、 expansion of Roman influence D、 the founding of the Roman Republic 学员答案: C 题号:75 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Which of the following does not cause foreign gods to find their way into Rome? 选项: A、Roman expanded B、 Rome became the international commercial centre C、 Rome was the political centre D、 Roman used to be the religious centre 学员答案: D 题号:76 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Which of the following is not true about the Roman ruler, Julius Caesar? 选项: A、He had republic ideals B、 He treated himself as of holy position C、 He declared himself ruler for life D、 He was killed by citizens who were unhappy with his rule 学员答案: A 题号:77 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Which of the following was not true about the early Christians? 选项: A、They defied the Roman political authorities B、 They disliked emperors with holy honors C、 They banned paganism D、 They suffered religious persecution 学员答案: C 题号:78 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Roman religious practices reflected__ among the Roman people. 选项: A、the needs of a commercial society B、 the needs of a farming society C、 the concerns of cultural expansion D、 the concerns of territorial expansion 学员答案: B 题号:79 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Which of the following statements is true with Jupiter? 选项: A、He was a go-between B、 He was a matchmaker C、 He was the god of love D、 He was the ruler of gods 学员答案: D 题号:80 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Which of the following is true with the early Romans' understanding of their gods? 选项: A、Gods were in human forms B、 Gods were in animal forms C、 Gods were associated more with particular places D、 Gods were associated with any animated objects 学员答案: C 题号:81 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Until the 6th century BC with the influence of the Greeks, Roman gods were _______. 选项: A、groundless B、 formless C、 senseless D、 meaningless 学员答案: B 题号:82 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: January, the first month of the year, was named for ______. 选项: A、the Roman god of beginnings B、 the Roman god of protection C、 the Roman god of private life D、 the Roman god of public life 学员答案: A 题号:83 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: More and more foreign gods found their way into the Roman culture with Roman expansion because ________. 选项: A、Rome became an international cultural center B、 Rome became an international religious center C、 Rome became an international political center D、 Rome became an international trading center 学员答案: D 题号:84 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Which of the following is not true about Emperor Constantine the Great? 选项: A、He supported Christianity B、 He officially banned the practice of paganism C、 He was converted to Christianity D、 He was the first emperor who believed in Christianity 学员答案: B 题号:85 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: The idea of regarding emperors as gods __ in the first century of the Roman Empire. 选项: A、began B、 became popular C、 was laughed at D、 ended 学员答案: C 题号:86 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: By the end of the 4th century, __. 选项: A、Christianity became the only official religion B、 Roman gods were forgotten C、 Jupiter gave way to Zeus D、 Jupiter disappeared from Roman mythology 学员答案: A 题号:87 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Which one of the following serves as the cause of the other facts? 选项: A、Sacrifice to the emperor was required B、 There was a symbol of devotion C、 Emperors enjoyed almost unlimited power D、 Emperors accepted holy honors eventually 学员答案: C 题号:88 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Which of the following is true about the domestic gods in Roman mythology? 选项: A、Each house had a god B、 Each part of a house had a god associated with it C、 Every family had a god D、 Every house had a god associated with it 学员答案: B 题号:89 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: The Romans worshipped domestic gods__. 选项: A、in festivals B、 on holidays C、 daily D、 weekly 学员答案: C 题号:90 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: The Romans were_____their gods. 选项: A、confident of B、 proud of C、 charmed by D、 devoted to 学员答案: D 题号:91 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Which of the following is not true about the Romans' religious practice? 选项: A、They sacrificed any animal available to the god B、 They sacrificed a pig to the god C、 They sacrificed a sheep to the god D、 They sacrificed a bull to the god 学员答案: A 题号:92 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Which of the following is not true about the Romans in their religious practice? 选项: A、They cared about the health of the family B、 They cared about their harvest C、 They cared about the afterlife D、 They cared about the health of the cattle 学员答案: C 题号:93 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: At the birth of a child, the Romans made efforts to ___. 选项: A、invite gods to drive away wild beasts B、 keep away ghosts of the fields C、 drive away wild beasts D、 keep away monsters from the fields 学员答案: B 题号:94 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Which of the following is not true about the practice of a Roman boy at puberty? 选项: A、He developed secondary sex characteristics B、 He put aside the protective jewelry of childhood C、 He took off his boyhood garment D、 He put on the manhood garment 学员答案: A 题号:95 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: Face covering worn by a Roman bride suggests that__. 选项: A、She would leave her father's home B、 She would go to her husband's home C、 She needed protection D、 She was too shy to be exposed to the public 学员答案: C 题号:96 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: A Roman dead body was to be removed out of the house feet-first ___. 选项: A、for comfort B、 to scare the ghost of the dead away C、 for convenience D、 to discourage wilder spirits of the fields from entering the house 学员答案: B 题号:97 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: The history of Ancient Greece dates ___. 选项: A、back to 3000 BC B、 back to 753 BC C、 back to 509 BC D、 back to 27BC 学员答案: A 题号:98 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: The history of Ancient Rome dates ____. 选项: A、back to 3000 BC B、 back to 753 BC C、 back to 509 BC D、 back to 27BC 学员答案: B 题号:99 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: The history of Roman Republic dates__. 选项: A、back to 3000 BC B、 back to 753 BC C、 back to 509 BC D、 back to 27BC 学员答案: C 题号:100 题型:单选题 本题分数:1 内容: The history of Roman Empire dates__. 选项: A、back to 3000 BC B、 back to 753 BC C、 back to 509 BC D、 back to 27BC 学员答案: D
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