首页 变电所应急预案



变电所应急预案变电所应急预案 在制定应急预案前首先应对企业生产现状进行危险辩识与风险评价。危险因素是指:能够对人造成伤亡对物造成损失的因素。有害因素是指:能够影响人的身体健康,导致疾病或对物造成损害的因素。通常两者不做严格区分。危险有害因素的辩识,是企业编制应急救援预案的前提和基础。通过辩识确认危害的存在及其特性,找出引发事故后果的材料、系统、过程和特征,评估可能发生的事故后果。 一、 危险有害因素分类 (一)按导致事故原因分为六类: 1、物理性危害因素(设备缺陷、电危害、噪声、振动、电磁辐射、明火、高温、抛物线、粉尘、...

变电所应急预案 在制定应急预案前首先应对企业生产现状进行危险辩识与风险评价。危险因素是指:能够对人造成伤亡对物造成损失的因素。有害因素是指:能够影响人的身体健康,导致疾病或对物造成损害的因素。通常两者不做严格区分。危险有害因素的辩识,是企业编制应急救援预案的前提和基础。通过辩识确认危害的存在及其特性,找出引发事故后果的 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 、系统、过程和特征,评估可能发生的事故后果。 一、 危险有害因素分类 (一)按导致事故原因分为六类: 1、物理性危害因素(设备缺陷、电危害、噪声、振动、电磁辐射、明火、高温、抛物线、粉尘、作业环境等) 2、化学性危害因素(易燃易爆物品、自燃、有毒、腐蚀品) 3、生物性危害因素:(致病微生物、防害动物、致害植物、传染病) 4、生理、心理性危害因素(心理异常、健康异常、负荷超限、功能缺陷、禁异作业) 5、行为性危害因素(指挥、操作、监护错误) 6、其它危险有害因素。 (二)按引起事故的诱导性、致害物、伤害方式进行分类: 1、物体打击2、车辆伤害3、机械伤害4、起重伤害5、触电6、淹溺7、灼烫8、火灾9、高处坠落10、坍塌11、冒顶12、透水 reinforced rate over 1% of reinforced concrete 7~9 7.3.3 steel engineering (1) steel processing steel of surface should clean no injury, paint pollution and rust, should in using Qian elimination clean, with particles-like or old rust of steel shall not using. Steel machining dimension shall conform to the construction drawings, processed steel's size should be within the tolerance value. Steel processing (2) steel steel installation program installed (3) welding of reinforcing steel, lashing straps welded: reinforcement in strict accordance with the relevant guidelines, horizontal even vertical banding, solid. Steel bar connection by soldering or lap, two-sided weld seam length 5d; single-sided weld seam length 10d. Lap length and not less than 35d. 7.3.4 formwork (1) selection of templates from the project due to the face, large amount of formwork. According to the structural arrangement and construction plan, using the following template types: 1) combined steel formwork is used for floor, wall and other parts, trucks delivered to the construction site, assembling manual. 2) arc arc segment of sluice and dam template the template still using steel formwork, produced according to Pier Arc size specifications. (2) template-1) combined steel formwork using conventional construction methods, part measuring wire clasp with the press at the site structure templates, and vertical shaft, and temporary reinforcement, transverse band on the formwork, on the screw, and final welding rod, by bus, correcting templates, and template and support reinforcement. 2) template and scaffold the quality of existing national standards or trade standards, wood quality standards II and above material should be. Brittle wood decay, serious distortions or prohibited. Mold flatness of the Panel should meet the standard requirements, should be as smooth as possible, pits are not allowed, wrinkles or other surface defects. Templates produce should meet the requirements of construction drawings of the buildings structural profile, its production tolerances up to SDJ 207-82 2.4. provisions of article 1. Slip, a mobile template, allowable deviation of a permanent special templates, template design documents approved by the supervisor of the regulations. Templates according to drawings 13、爆破14、爆炸(锅炉、瓦斯、容器、危化品)15、中毒16、其他。 二、风险评价 (一)企业基本情况 厂址、地质、地形、气象条件、周围环境、建筑总平面布局、功能区分、道路、危险有害物质设施、动力设备分布情况; 生产工艺过程,高温、高压、腐蚀、振动等关键部位,控制、操作、检修和故障,失误时的异常情况;电气设备,高处作业设备,特种单体设备,压力容器情况; 作业环境,毒物、噪声、振动、高温、低温、辐射、粉尘及其它有害因素和作业部位情况; 企业安全管理组织机构,安全生产 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ,安全操作 规程 煤矿测量规程下载煤矿测量规程下载配电网检修规程下载地籍调查规程pdf稳定性研究规程下载 ,特种作业人员培训,日常安全管理情况。 (二)危险化学品泄漏扩散后果分析 1、了解主要泄漏设备及泄漏情况。2、分析造成泄漏的原因。如:设计原因,设备原因,管理原因,人为失误;3、分析预产生的后果。可燃气体泄漏,有毒气体泄漏,液体泄漏,泄漏后的扩散及范围。 (三)危险化学品火灾后果 1、燃烧财产、建筑损失2、爆炸3、死、伤人4、气体中毒 三、脆弱性分析 脆弱性分析是要确定,一旦发生危险事故,企业哪些地方能受到 reinforced rate over 1% of reinforced concrete 7~9 7.3.3 steel engineering (1) steel processing steel of surface should clean no injury, paint pollution and rust, should in using Qian elimination clean, with particles-like or old rust of steel shall not using. Steel machining dimension shall conform to the construction drawings, processed steel's size should be within the tolerance value. Steel processing (2) steel steel installation program installed (3) welding of reinforcing steel, lashing straps welded: reinforcement in strict accordance with the relevant guidelines, horizontal even vertical banding, solid. Steel bar connection by soldering or lap, two-sided weld seam length 5d; single-sided weld seam length 10d. Lap length and not less than 35d. 7.3.4 formwork (1) selection of templates from the project due to the face, large amount of formwork. According to the structural arrangement and construction plan, using the following template types: 1) combined steel formwork is used for floor, wall and other parts, trucks delivered to the construction site, assembling manual. 2) arc arc segment of sluice and dam template the template still using steel formwork, produced according to Pier Arc size specifications. (2) template-1) combined steel formwork using conventional construction methods, part measuring wire clasp with the press at the site structure templates, and vertical shaft, and temporary reinforcement, transverse band on the formwork, on the screw, and final welding rod, by bus, correcting templates, and template and support reinforcement. 2) template and scaffold the quality of existing national standards or trade standards, wood quality standards II and above material should be. Brittle wood decay, serious distortions or prohibited. Mold flatness of the Panel should meet the standard requirements, should be as smooth as possible, pits are not allowed, wrinkles or other surface defects. Templates produce should meet the requirements of construction drawings of the buildings structural profile, its production tolerances up to SDJ 207-82 2.4. provisions of article 1. Slip, a mobile template, allowable deviation of a permanent special templates, template design documents approved by the supervisor of the regulations. Templates according to drawings 破坏 (一)受事故灾害严重影响的工艺和设备及重大危险源。 (二)预计位于脆弱带中的人口数量和类型。主要有居民区、学校、医院、办公楼、商场等。 (三)可能遭受的财产破坏。主要有基础设施、变配电站、建筑物。 (四)可能造成的环境影响。企业所在地理条件、气象条件、四周环境等。 四、应急资源分析和应急能力评估 应急资源主要指:城市应急救援的力量,如公安、部队、消防、医疗救护、劳动、环保、安监、救援专家,水、电、气、热管理部门及通讯、车辆装备设施和企业应配备的必须设备和物资以及个人防护设备,监测、检测设备、,应急电力设备,重型起重设备等。 应急能力评估,主要用于评估资源的准备状况和从事应急活动所具备的能力,确保应急救援的有效性,提高企业应急水平。企业应急评估可与应急资源准备情况结合起来。 五、应急预案编制 编制应急预案必须考虑企业的现状和需求,在事故风险分析的结果上,大量收集和参阅已有的应急资料,以尽可能的减少工作环节。完整的应急预案应包括以下六项内容: (一)方针与原则 无论是何级何类的应急救援体系,首先必须有明确的方针与原则, reinforced rate over 1% of reinforced concrete 7~9 7.3.3 steel engineering (1) steel processing steel of surface should clean no injury, paint pollution and rust, should in using Qian elimination clean, with particles-like or old rust of steel shall not using. Steel machining dimension shall conform to the construction drawings, processed steel's size should be within the tolerance value. Steel processing (2) steel steel installation program installed (3) welding of reinforcing steel, lashing straps welded: reinforcement in strict accordance with the relevant guidelines, horizontal even vertical banding, solid. Steel bar connection by soldering or lap, two-sided weld seam length 5d; single-sided weld seam length 10d. Lap length and not less than 35d. 7.3.4 formwork (1) selection of templates from the project due to the face, large amount of formwork. According to the structural arrangement and construction plan, using the following template types: 1) combined steel formwork is used for floor, wall and other parts, trucks delivered to the construction site, assembling manual. 2) arc arc segment of sluice and dam template the template still using steel formwork, produced according to Pier Arc size specifications. (2) template-1) combined steel formwork using conventional construction methods, part measuring wire clasp with the press at the site structure templates, and vertical shaft, and temporary reinforcement, transverse band on the formwork, on the screw, and final welding rod, by bus, correcting templates, and template and support reinforcement. 2) template and scaffold the quality of existing national standards or trade standards, wood quality standards II and above material should be. Brittle wood decay, serious distortions or prohibited. Mold flatness of the Panel should meet the standard requirements, should be as smooth as possible, pits are not allowed, wrinkles or other surface defects. Templates produce should meet the requirements of construction drawings of the buildings structural profile, its production tolerances up to SDJ 207-82 2.4. provisions of article 1. Slip, a mobile template, allowable deviation of a permanent special templates, template design documents approved by the supervisor of the regulations. Templates according to drawings 作为开展应急工作的纲领。方针与原则反映应急救援工作的优先方向、政策、范围和总体目标,应急的策划和准备、应急策略的制订和现场应急救援及恢复,都应围绕方针和原则开展。 应急救援工作是在预防为主的前提下,贯彻统一指挥,分级负责区域为主,单位自救和社会救援相结合的原则。应急救援也是预防事故的重要组成部分,主动落实好救援工作的各项准备措施,做好预先有备,一旦发生事故就能及时实施补救,最大限度的减少人员伤亡和财产损失。 (二)应急策划 应急预案最重要的特点是针对性和可操作性。因此,应急策划必须明确预案的对象和可用的应急资源情况,深刻分析评价潜在事故类型及其性质、区域、分布、事故后果。根据分析评价的结果,评估企业中应急救援的力量和资源情况,为应急准备提供建设性意见。应急策划时,还应列出国家、地方相关的法律法规,作为制定预案的依据。因此,应急策划包括危险分析,应急能力、评估和法律法规三个要素。 (三)应急准备 应急准备是应急策划的结果,要明确所需要应急组织及其职责权限,应急队伍建设和人员培训,应急物资的准备、预案的演习、公众应急知识培训和签订必要的互助 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 等。 (四)应急响应 企业应急响应能力的体现,是在应急救援过程中的核心功能 reinforced rate over 1% of reinforced concrete 7~9 7.3.3 steel engineering (1) steel processing steel of surface should clean no injury, paint pollution and rust, should in using Qian elimination clean, with particles-like or old rust of steel shall not using. Steel machining dimension shall conform to the construction drawings, processed steel's size should be within the tolerance value. Steel processing (2) steel steel installation program installed (3) welding of reinforcing steel, lashing straps welded: reinforcement in strict accordance with the relevant guidelines, horizontal even vertical banding, solid. Steel bar connection by soldering or lap, two-sided weld seam length 5d; single-sided weld seam length 10d. Lap length and not less than 35d. 7.3.4 formwork (1) selection of templates from the project due to the face, large amount of formwork. According to the structural arrangement and construction plan, using the following template types: 1) combined steel formwork is used for floor, wall and other parts, trucks delivered to the construction site, assembling manual. 2) arc arc segment of sluice and dam template the template still using steel formwork, produced according to Pier Arc size specifications. (2) template-1) combined steel formwork using conventional construction methods, part measuring wire clasp with the press at the site structure templates, and vertical shaft, and temporary reinforcement, transverse band on the formwork, on the screw, and final welding rod, by bus, correcting templates, and template and support reinforcement. 2) template and scaffold the quality of existing national standards or trade standards, wood quality standards II and above material should be. Brittle wood decay, serious distortions or prohibited. Mold flatness of the Panel should meet the standard requirements, should be as smooth as possible, pits are not allowed, wrinkles or other surface defects. Templates produce should meet the requirements of construction drawings of the buildings structural profile, its production tolerances up to SDJ 207-82 2.4. provisions of article 1. Slip, a mobile template, allowable deviation of a permanent special templates, template design documents approved by the supervisor of the regulations. Templates according to drawings 和任务。这些核心功能具有一定的独立性、关联性,构成应急响应的整体,共同完成应急救援的目的。应急响应的核心和任务包括:接警与通知、指挥与控制、警报与紧急公告、通信、事态监测与评估、警戒与治安、人群疏散与安置、医疗与卫生、公共关系、应急人员安全、消防和抢险、泄漏物控制等。 (五)应急现场恢复 现场恢复是事故发生后期的处理,包括泄漏物的污染处理、伤员救助、保险索赔、死者抚恤、生产程序恢复等一系列问题。 (六)预案管理与评审改进 在事故后或污染后,对预案不适宜的部分进行不断的修改和完善,适应企业应急工作的需要。 总之,编写应急预案,应成立编制小组,对企业工艺、设备、作业场所环境、危化品、防护品、医疗救护条件、消防与治安 等多方面进行危害辩识与风险评估,充分考虑各种应急救援的人力、物力、财力和社会应急处置的能力,确定方针目标和编写 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,明确工作职责,工作任务,不断的提高和改进应急预案的时效性、适应性、实用性。 reinforced rate over 1% of reinforced concrete 7~9 7.3.3 steel engineering (1) steel processing steel of surface should clean no injury, paint pollution and rust, should in using Qian elimination clean, with particles-like or old rust of steel shall not using. Steel machining dimension shall conform to the construction drawings, processed steel's size should be within the tolerance value. Steel processing (2) steel steel installation program installed (3) welding of reinforcing steel, lashing straps welded: reinforcement in strict accordance with the relevant guidelines, horizontal even vertical banding, solid. Steel bar connection by soldering or lap, two-sided weld seam length 5d; single-sided weld seam length 10d. Lap length and not less than 35d. 7.3.4 formwork (1) selection of templates from the project due to the face, large amount of formwork. According to the structural arrangement and construction plan, using the following template types: 1) combined steel formwork is used for floor, wall and other parts, trucks delivered to the construction site, assembling manual. 2) arc arc segment of sluice and dam template the template still using steel formwork, produced according to Pier Arc size specifications. (2) template-1) combined steel formwork using conventional construction methods, part measuring wire clasp with the press at the site structure templates, and vertical shaft, and temporary reinforcement, transverse band on the formwork, on the screw, and final welding rod, by bus, correcting templates, and template and support reinforcement. 2) template and scaffold the quality of existing national standards or trade standards, wood quality standards II and above material should be. Brittle wood decay, serious distortions or prohibited. Mold flatness of the Panel should meet the standard requirements, should be as smooth as possible, pits are not allowed, wrinkles or other surface defects. Templates produce should meet the requirements of construction drawings of the buildings structural profile, its production tolerances up to SDJ 207-82 2.4. provisions of article 1. Slip, a mobile template, allowable deviation of a permanent special templates, template design documents approved by the supervisor of the regulations. Templates according to drawings
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