首页 古代著名诗人作家的名人字号



古代著名诗人作家的名人字号古代著名诗人作家的名人字号 我国古代著名诗人作家的名人字号 为《孟子》7篇,各篇取开头几字为篇名,该书记载了孟子的思想和政1.《诗经》,又名“诗三百”,我国第一部诗歌总集,收录了从西周到春秋时治言论,为“四书”之一。《得道多助,失道寡助》《生于忧患,死于安乐》期的诗歌305篇,分为“风”、“雅”、“颂”三部分,被列为“五经”,《诗经》《尚《鱼我所欲也》即出自《孟子》。 书》《礼记》《周易》《春秋》,之首。著名篇目有《关雎》《蒹葭》《氓》5.墨子,名翟,战国时期墨家学派的创始人。《墨子》一般认为是墨子的《硕鼠》《...

古代著名诗人作家的名人字号 我国古代著名诗人作家的名人字号 为《孟子》7篇,各篇取开头几字为篇名,该书记载了孟子的思想和政1.《诗经》,又名“诗三百”,我国第一部诗歌总集,收录了从西周到春秋时治言论,为“四书”之一。《得道多助,失道寡助》《生于忧患,死于安乐》期的诗歌305篇,分为“风”、“雅”、“颂”三部分,被列为“五经”,《诗经》《尚《鱼我所欲也》即出自《孟子》。 书》《礼记》《周易》《春秋》,之首。著名篇目有《关雎》《蒹葭》《氓》5.墨子,名翟,战国时期墨家学派的创始人。《墨子》一般认为是墨子的《硕鼠》《七月》等。 弟子及其再传弟子对墨子言行的辑录,其中《兼爱》《非攻》等代表了墨2.屈原,名平,字原,号灵均,战国末期楚国人。我国第一位伟大的爱子的主要思想。《公输》即选自《墨子》。 国诗人,世界四大文化名人之一,另有波兰的哥白尼、英国的莎士比亚、6.庄子,名周,战国时期哲学家,道家代表人物。主要作品为《庄子》,意大利的但丁,。他用楚辞形式写成了我国第一首长篇政治抒情诗《离道家经典之一,具有浓厚的浪漫色彩。代表作《逍遥游》。 骚》,其中的名句“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”千古传诵。中国的7.韩非子,战国末期韩国人,荀子的弟子,先秦法家思想的集大成者。传统节日端午节就是纪念屈原的。 著有《韩非子》一书。《扁鹊见蔡桓公》《五蠹》《智子疑邻》等均出自此3.孔子,名丘,字仲尼,世称“圣人”,春秋时期鲁国人。我国古代伟大的书。 思想家、教育家、儒家学派创始人,私学创办人。孔子及其弟子的主要8.司马迁,西汉史学家,字子长,别称太史公。主要作品为《史记》,又言行思想由孔子的弟子及再传弟子记录在《论语》20篇中。《论语》各名《太史公书》,是我国第一部纪传体史书,记载了从传说中的黄帝到汉取篇中开头二字为篇名,是儒家经典“四书”,《论语》《孟子》《大学》《中武帝长达3000年的历史,全书130篇,分为“本纪、世家、列传、表、庸》,之一。 书”五种体裁。鲁迅称之为“史家之绝唱,无韵之《离骚》”。《陈涉世家》即4.孟子,名轲,字子舆,战国时期儒家代表人物,世称“亚圣”。主要作品选自《史记》。 34 70.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from survey of data view, I school young teachers in the, female teachers 34 people, male teachers 14 people, high out 20 people; from by accounted for proportion view, female teachers accounted for than 70.83%, male teachers 29. 17%, ratio of female teachers account for 41.66 percent. Young teacher in our school can be seen in the serious imbalance in the sex ratio, obviously there with the current outlooks a greater relationship. This requires the attention of our Administrative Department of education high allocations in education issues. 2nd questions how old you are () [form] option is subtotal a. under 25 18 37.5% b. 26-27 16 8 16.67% d 33.33% C.28-29 years. 30 years old 6 12.5% beside effective fill out the passengers, 48 from survey data, our highest percentage under 25 years of age the young teachers, followed by 26-27, 28-29, and 30 years of age. Description: young teacher in our school in the highest percentage of new teachers, young average age of the teachers is also relatively low. It can be seen that young teachers in our school is not stable, relatively high mobility. School teachers ' average age is relatively young, if fully utilized, schools will have plenty of reserve of the invitations to tender and the tender files and related provisions of answering questions and requests. 1.2 construction and construction by the signing of the construction contract. 1.3 architectural design Institute, Hunan province designs complete design documents. 1.4 the construction unit of the tender. 1.5 the detailed rules for the implementation of project supervision. 1.6 main technical specification: code for 9.曹操,字孟德,东汉末年的政治家、军事家、诗人,“三曹”,曹操、曹丕、甫、白居易,之一。主要诗作有《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》《渡荆门曹植,之首。代表作有《观沧海》《龟虽寿》《短歌行》等,属乐府歌辞。送别》《峨眉山月歌》《行路难》《宣州谢眺楼饯别校书叔云》等,结为《李开创“建安风骨”新风。鲁迅称他是“一个改造文章的祖师”。 太白集》。其诗属浪漫豪放派,是古典浪漫主义艺术的高峰。韩愈称赞说,10.陶渊明,又名潜,字元亮,自号五柳先生,谥靖节,东晋著名诗人,“李杜文章在,光焰万丈长。” 我国第一位杰出的田园诗人。代表作有《桃花源记》《五柳先生传》《归15.杜甫,字子美,自称少陵野老,曾任左拾遗、检校工部员外郎,世称园田居》《饮酒》等。 杜工部。与李白齐名,人称“诗圣”,唐代三大诗人之一。主要作品有《望11.王勃,字子安,“初唐四杰”,王勃、杨炯、卢照邻、骆宾王,之一。主岳》《春望》《茅屋为秋风所破歌》《闻官军收河南河北》《登楼》《江南逢要作品为《王子安集》。其中《送杜少府之任蜀州》《滕王阁序》最有名。李龟年》及“三吏”,《新安吏》《石壕吏》《潼关吏》, “三别”,《新婚别》《垂是“初唐四杰”中成就最高的诗人。 老别》《无家别》,等,结为《杜工部集》。其诗为现实主义诗歌艺术的高12.孟浩然,唐代第一个大量写山水诗的人,与王维齐名,世称“王孟”。峰,被称为“诗史”。 主要作品为《过故人庄》《春晓》《望洞庭湖赠张丞相》等。 16.岑参,唐朝边塞诗派的重要代表人物。主要作品有《白雪歌送武判官13.王维,字摩诘,官至尚书右丞,故称王右丞,唐朝诗人兼画家。与孟归京》《逢入京使》《走马川行奉送封大夫出师西征》等。 浩然同为盛唐田园山水派代表。主要作品为《使至塞上》《送元二使安西》17.韩愈,字退之,官至吏部侍郎,谥号文,世称韩吏部、韩文公,郡望《竹里馆》《九月九日忆山东兄弟》等。苏轼称赞王维“诗中有画”“画中有昌黎,又称韩昌黎。唐代古文运动倡导者,“唐宋八大家”,韩愈、柳宗元、诗”。 欧阳修、苏洵、苏轼、苏辙、王安石、曾巩,之首。与柳宗元并称“韩柳”。14.李白,字太白,号青莲居士,人称“诗仙”。唐代三大诗人,李白、杜主要作品为《马说》《师说》《进学解》《祭十二郎文》《早春呈水部张十34 70.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from survey of data view, I school young teachers in the, female teachers 34 people, male teachers 14 people, high out 20 people; from by accounted for proportion view, female teachers accounted for than 70.83%, male teachers 29. 17%, ratio of female teachers account for 41.66 percent. Young teacher in our school can be seen in the serious imbalance in the sex ratio, obviously there with the current outlooks a greater relationship. This requires the attention of our Administrative Department of education high allocations in education issues. 2nd questions how old you are () [form] option is subtotal a. under 25 18 37.5% b. 26-27 16 8 16.67% d 33.33% C.28-29 years. 30 years old 6 12.5% beside effective fill out the passengers, 48 from survey data, our highest percentage under 25 years of age the young teachers, followed by 26-27, 28-29, and 30 years of age. Description: young teacher in our school in the highest percentage of new teachers, young average age of the teachers is also relatively low. It can be seen that young teachers in our school is not stable, relatively high mobility. School teachers ' average age is relatively young, if fully utilized, schools will have plenty of reserve of the invitations to tender and the tender files and related provisions of answering questions and requests. 1.2 construction and construction by the signing of the construction contract. 1.3 architectural design Institute, Hunan province designs complete design documents. 1.4 the construction unit of the tender. 1.5 the detailed rules for the implementation of project supervision. 1.6 main technical specification: code for 八员外》《左迁至蓝关示侄孙湘》等,结为《昌黎先生集》。 22.李商隐,字义山,晚唐著名诗人。主要作品有《夜雨寄北》《乐游原》18.刘禹锡,字梦得,唐代文学家,与柳宗元合称“刘柳”,与白居易合称“刘《锦瑟》《无题》等。《无题》组诗开创了朦胧诗的先河,其中有“春蚕到白”。主要作品有《陋室铭》《乌衣巷》《秋词》《竹枝词》《酬乐天扬州初死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干”的名句。 逢席上见赠》等。 23.李煜,五代时南唐国主,世称李后主。主要作品有《虞美人》《相见19.白居易,字乐天,号香山居士,中唐新乐府运动的主要倡导者,唐代欢》等。 三大诗人之一,与元稹合称“元白”。主要作品有《钱塘湖春行》《观刈麦》24.范仲淹,字希文,北宋政治家、文学家。主要作品有《岳阳楼记》《渔《卖炭翁》《长恨歌》《琵琶行》等,自编为《白氏长庆集》。他是现实主家傲?秋思》等。兼工诗词散文,属豪放派。 义诗歌传统的继承者,主张“文章合为时而著,歌诗合为事而作”,是通俗25.欧阳修,字永叔,号醉翁、六一居士,谥号文忠。北宋文坛领袖,“唐诗派的代表,相传其诗老妪可懂。 宋八大家”之一。主要作品有《醉翁亭记》《秋声赋》《六一词》等,结为20.柳宗元,字子厚,河东人,人称柳河东,曾任柳州刺史,又称柳柳州。《欧阳文忠集》《六一诗话》,我国第一部诗话,。 与韩愈并称“韩柳”,“唐宋八大家”之一。主要作品有《捕蛇者说》《三戒》(包26.王安石,字介甫,号半山,封荆国公,世称王荆公,北宋政治家、文括《黔之驴》)、“永州八记”(包括《小石潭记》)等散文,《渔翁》《江雪》学家,“唐宋八大家”之一。作品有《元日》《泊船瓜州》《登飞来峰》《伤仲等诗。他是中国第一个把寓言正式写成独立的文学作品的作家。 永》《游褒禅山记》等。 21.杜牧,字牧之,别称小杜,与李商隐齐名,并称“小李杜”。主要作品27.苏轼,字子瞻,号东坡居士,北宋大文学家和书画家,“唐宋八大家”有《江南春绝句》《清明》《泊秦淮》《秋夕》《赤壁》《阿房宫赋》等。尤之一。主要作品有《题西林壁》《水调歌头》《江城子?密州出猎》《浣溪擅七律七绝。 沙》《赤壁赋》《石钟山记》等。其诗文与黄庭坚并称“苏黄”,其词开豪放 34 70.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from survey of data view, I school young teachers in the, female teachers 34 people, male teachers 14 people, high out 20 people; from by accounted for proportion view, female teachers accounted for than 70.83%, male teachers 29. 17%, ratio of female teachers account for 41.66 percent. Young teacher in our school can be seen in the serious imbalance in the sex ratio, obviously there with the current outlooks a greater relationship. This requires the attention of our Administrative Department of education high allocations in education issues. 2nd questions how old you are () [form] option is subtotal a. under 25 18 37.5% b. 26-27 16 8 16.67% d 33.33% C.28-29 years. 30 years old 6 12.5% beside effective fill out the passengers, 48 from survey data, our highest percentage under 25 years of age the young teachers, followed by 26-27, 28-29, and 30 years of age. Description: young teacher in our school in the highest percentage of new teachers, young average age of the teachers is also relatively low. It can be seen that young teachers in our school is not stable, relatively high mobility. School teachers ' average age is relatively young, if fully utilized, schools will have plenty of reserve 3of the invitations to tender and the tender files and related provisions of answering questions and requests. 1.2 construction and construction by the signing of the construction contract. 1.3 architectural design Institute, Hunan province designs complete design documents. 1.4 the construction unit of the tender. 1.5 the detailed rules for the implementation of project supervision. 1.6 main technical specification: code for 一派,其书法自创“苏体”。 沙?秋思》等,元散曲作者中成就最高者之一。 28.李清照,号易安居士,宋代著名女词人。主要作品有《如梦令》《武34.施耐庵,元末明初小说家。主要作品为《忠义水浒传》,简称《水浒》,陵春》《声声慢》等,结为《漱玉词》。她是宋代婉约词派中成就最高者。 是我国第一部反映农民起义的白话长篇章回体小说。《智取生辰纲》即选29.陆游,字务观,号放翁,南宋著名爱国诗人、词人。主要作品有《书于此。 愤》《示儿》《游山西村》《十一月四日风雨大作》《卜算子?咏梅》等,结35.罗贯中,元末明初小说家。主要作品为《三国志通俗演义》(简称《三为《剑南诗稿》。他是中国古代最高产的诗人(有诗万余首)。 国演义》),是我国第一部长篇章回体历史小说。《杨修之死》即出于此。 30.辛弃疾,字幼安,号稼轩,与苏轼并称“苏辛”。主要作品为《稼轩长36.吴承恩,明代小说家。主要作品为《西游记》,是著名长篇章回体神短句》,名篇有《西江月》《破阵子》《清平乐?村居》等。其词继承并发魔小说,是古典文学中最辉煌的神话作品。 展了苏轼的豪放词风。 37.蒲松龄,字留仙,号柳泉居士,世称聊斋先生,清代文学家。主要作31.文天祥,南宋民族英雄、爱国诗人。主要作品有《正气歌》《过零丁品《聊斋志异》是我国古代著名的文言短篇小说集,以谈鬼说狐的方式洋》《〈指南录〉后序》等。 反映现实。《山市》《狼》即出于此。 32.关汉卿,号已斋叟,元代杂剧,戏曲,作家,我国戏剧史上最伟大的38.吴敬梓,清代小说家。主要作品《儒林外史》是一部长篇讽刺小说,戏剧家,元杂剧的奠基人,“元曲四大家”之一,关汉卿、马致远、郑光祖、主要描写封建社会后期知识分子及官绅的活动和精神面貌。《范进中举》白朴,。所作杂剧以《窦娥冤》《救风尘》《望江亭》《单刀会》最为著名,即选于此。 有《关汉卿戏曲集》。《窦娥冤》是我国戏曲史上典型悲剧之一。 39.曹雪芹,名霑,字梦阮,号雪芹,清代著名小说家。其代表作《红楼33.马致远,元曲“四大家”之一。主要作品有杂剧《汉宫秋》、散曲《天净梦》是他“披阅十载,增删五次”的血泪智慧结晶,是我国古代小说的巅峰34 70.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from survey of data view, I school young teachers in the, female teachers 34 people, male teachers 14 people, high out 20 people; from by accounted for proportion view, female teachers accounted for than 70.83%, male teachers 29. 17%, ratio of female teachers account for 41.66 percent. Young teacher in our school can be seen in the serious imbalance in the sex ratio, obviously there with the current outlooks a greater relationship. This requires the attention of our Administrative Department of education high allocations in education issues. 2nd questions how old you are () [form] option is subtotal a. under 25 18 37.5% b. 26-27 16 8 16.67% d 33.33% C.28-29 years. 30 years old 6 12.5% beside effective fill out the passengers, 48 from survey data, our highest percentage under 25 years of age the young teachers, followed by 26-27, 28-29, and 30 years of age. Description: young teacher in our school in the highest percentage of new teachers, young average age of the teachers is also relatively low. It can be seen that young teachers in our school is not stable, relatively high mobility. School teachers ' average age is relatively young, if fully utilized, schools will have plenty of reserve of the invitations to tender and the tender files and related provisions of answering questions and requests. 1.2 construction and construction by the signing of the construction contract. 1.3 architectural design Institute, Hunan province designs complete design documents. 1.4 the construction unit of the tender. 1.5 the detailed rules for the implementation of project supervision. 1.6 main technical specification: code for 之作。 40.龚自珍,清代思想家、文学家,其诗集《已亥杂诗》共有诗作315首。 34 70.83% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 from survey of data view, I school young teachers in the, female teachers 34 people, male teachers 14 people, high out 20 people; from by accounted for proportion view, female teachers accounted for than 70.83%, male teachers 29. 17%, ratio of female teachers account for 41.66 percent. Young teacher in our school can be seen in the serious imbalance in the sex ratio, obviously there with the current outlooks a greater relationship. This requires the attention of our Administrative Department of education high allocations in education issues. 2nd questions how old you are () [form] option is subtotal a. under 25 18 37.5% b. 26-27 16 8 16.67% d 33.33% C.28-29 years. 30 years old 6 12.5% beside effective fill out the passengers, 48 from survey data, our highest percentage under 25 years of age the young teachers, followed by 26-27, 28-29, and 30 years of age. Description: young teacher in our school in the highest percentage of new teachers, young average age of the teachers is also relatively low. It can be seen that young teachers in our school is not stable, relatively high mobility. School teachers ' average age is relatively young, if fully utilized, schools will have plenty of reserve 5of the invitations to tender and the tender files and related provisions of answering questions and requests. 1.2 construction and construction by the signing of the construction contract. 1.3 architectural design Institute, Hunan province designs complete design documents. 1.4 the construction unit of the tender. 1.5 the detailed rules for the implementation of project supervision. 1.6 main technical specification: code for
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