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服装库存信息管理系统—计算机毕业设计(论文)服装库存信息管理系统—计算机毕业设计(论文) 毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 服装库存信息管理系统 学 院: 专业班级: 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 年 月 日 摘 要 服装库存信息管理系统是一种管理商业企业中各种数据的软件,利用本系统用户可以很方便地对企业仓库进行有效的管理。本文首先简要介绍了我国商业企业的现状以及服装专卖店数据管理系统的特点、功能和使用对象,使读者对服装库存信息管理系统有了初步的认识。接着详细介绍了数据库和VB的相关知识;在编程工具方面,主要介绍了VB的特点和怎样用VB操作数据库...

服装库存信息管理系统—计算机毕业设计(论文) 毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 服装库存信息管理系统 学 院: 专业班级: 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 年 月 日 摘 要 服装库存信息管理系统是一种管理商业企业中各种数据的软件,利用本系统用户可以很方便地对企业仓库进行有效的管理。本文首先简要介绍了我国商业企业的现状以及服装专卖店数据管理系统的特点、功能和使用对象,使读者对服装库存信息管理系统有了初步的认识。接着详细介绍了数据库和VB的相关知识;在编程工具方面,主要介绍了VB的特点和怎样用VB操作数据库。最后,笔者给出了所完成的服装专卖店数据管理系统说明书,主要内容包括软件的功能、设计框图、数据库结构和各模块的操作说明。 关键词:服装库存信息管理系统,数据库编程,VB Abstract Enters sells saves the management system management system is in one kind of management commercial department each kind of data software, uses this system user to be allowed very conveniently to carry on the effective management to the enterprise warehouse. This article first briefly introduced our country commercial department's present situation as well as enters sells the balance according to the management system management system characteristic, The function and the user, caused the reader to enter sells saves the management system management system to have the preliminary understanding. After that in detail was introducing the database and the VB related knowledge; In the programming tool aspect, mainly introduced how the VB characteristic and does use VB to operate the database. Finally, the author produced has entered sells the balance which completed according to the management system management system instruction booklet, main content including software function, design diagram, database structure and various modules operation explanation. Key word: Enters sells saves the management system management system, the database programming, VB 目 录 摘 要.................................................................................. 2 ABSTRACT............................................................................... 3 设计概况............................................................................... 6 前 言................................................................................. 7 第一章 VB语言概述 ................................................................... 9 1.1 VB简介 ......................................................................... 9 1.2 VB语言的基本特点及VB应用程序的基本持点 ......................................... 9 1.2.1 可视化设计 ................................................................... 9 1.2.2 事件驱动编程 ................................................................. 9 1.2.3 提供了易学易用的应用程序集成开发环境 ........................................ 10 1.2.4 结构化的程序设计语言 ........................................................ 10 1.2.5 支持多种数据库的访问 ........................................................ 10 1.2.6 支持动态数据交换(DDE)、动态连接库(DLL)和对象的链接与嵌入(OLE)技术 ................................................................................. 10 第二章 实现关系型数据库 ............................................................. 12 2.1 数据库的概念 .................................................................... 12 2.2 新建一个数据库 .................................................................. 12 2.3 修改已建的数据库 ................................................................ 12 2.4 实现数据库之间的联系 ............................................................ 12 2.5数据库系统 ...................................................................... 13 2.6 ACCESS和VISUAL BASIC 结合的优点 ................................................... 13 第三章 服装库存信息管理系统简介 ..................................................... 14 3.1 服装专卖店基础知识 .............................................................. 14 3.2本服装库存信息管理系统的主要模块设计 ............................................ 15 3.3服装库存信息管理系统流程图: .................................................... 16 3.4数据库设计 ...................................................................... 17 第四章 系统设置模块详细设计 .......................................................... 22 4.1系统登陆表单 .................................................................... 22 4.2用户申请表单 .................................................................... 25 4.3修改密码表单 .................................................................... 27 第五章 详细设计 ...................................................................... 29 5.1销售单基本操作 .................................................................. 30 5.1.1、销售单具体操作 ............................................................. 30 5.1.2、销售单查询 ................................................................. 33 5.1.3、销售单一览 ................................................................. 34 5.2 销售退货 ...................................................... 错误~未定义书签。25 第六章 设计总结 ...................................................................... 35 6.1 设计结果及设计讨论 ............................................................. 35 6.1.1 设计结果 .................................................................... 35 6.1.2 设计讨论 .................................................................... 35 6.2 设计心得 ........................................................................ 36 6.3本系统尚存的问题 ................................................................ 36 致 谢................................................................................. 37 参考文献.............................................................................. 38 设计概况 目前,无论公司还是企业对于货物都实行了信息化管理,以提高管理水平和工作效率,同时也可以最大限度地减少手工操作带来的错误。于是,服装库存信息管理系统应运而生。在专卖店中,服装的进存销涉及服装原料的采购、库存、投入生产、报损,甚至有时涉及到销售,同时,对于服装也有相应的生产、库存、销售和报损等类似环节。在其他非生产性的单位,如超市、商店等,则主要涉及到进货、库存、销售和报损4个方面。 前 言 当前, 我国商业正处在一个高速发展的时期, 也是我国商业由传统商业向现代化商业转变的重要时期,正在经历由经验决策到信息决策转变的时期,如何及时准确地获得市场信息、服装信息,了解市场的发展趋势,来预测、指导经营活动;如何及时准确地掌握企业内部服装的购销动态、服装的品类结构、服装的价格结构、库存状况、资金状况等信息,已成为竞争的对象。只有把全面完整的信息作为决策的基础和依据,使整个商业活动信息化,才能运筹帷幄,掌握未来。从几时起,“商战”已成为信息战,“商战”已从商场之外打响。经营者已经不只仅仅关心所经营服装的销售额、库存量,经营者更关心的是哪一些服装带来了更多的利润,哪一些服装“只吃米不下蛋”。今天哪些服装热销,明天哪些服装走俏,进什么样的货、从何处进、进多少等等问题。如何适时地了解顾客的”胃口”已成为经营的关键,如果准备得太多或者太少都不会达到最佳的效果。要想达到上述目的,需要各种各样的信息作为依据:畅销、滞销服装的信息、供应商及其供应服装的信息、顾客的信息、市场的信息等等。而且,当今商业经营中服装品种日益丰富,周转期越来越短,信息量日益增多,原始的管理手段已不能适应现代管理对信息的需求,对有些信息地统计,依靠手工已经不可能实现,即使有了结果,也不能避免信息的滞后、不准确、不全面等弊端。 商业经营者对信息的需求越来越迫切和苛刻,商场之间的竞争的白热化使利用计算机对信息进行管理已成为经营活动中不可缺少的手段。计算机管理信息系统已成为进行现代商业管理的有利工具。 随着通讯技术、网络技术、计算机技术、软件技术的发展,利用计算机系统通过对经营活动中用到的信息进行收集、整理、加工参与管理并辅助决策已成为可能。通讯技术的发展缩短了世界的距离、缩短了人们与信息的距离,人们可以足不出户便可以将全世界的信息成为自己的囊中之物。网络的发展已彻底消除了异构网络间的鸿沟,计算机技术和软件技术的发展已大大提高了其性价比,使其应用大放异彩。充分利用以上各种技术,可以实现对包括电子订货(EOS)系统;网上商店、电子购物系统等在内的整个商业活动的全方位管理。如何对商场实施 计算机管理和如何让计算机系统更好地辅助管理和决策已成为关键。 第一章 VB语言概述 1.1 VB简介 VB是微软公司出品的一个快速可视化程序开发工具软件,借助微软在操作系统和办公软件的垄断地位,VB在短短的几年内风靡全球。VB是极有和功能强大的软件,主要表现在:所见即所得的界面设计,基于对象的设计 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 ,极短的软件开发周期,较易维护的生成代码。 美国微软公司在1991年推出VB1.0至今已经经历了6个版本,VB6.0运行在win9x或winme,win2000,winxp,windowsNT等操作系统下,是一个32位的应用程序开发工具。 1.2 VB语言的基本特点及VB应用程序的基本持点 VB程序语言具有许多优秀的特性,用其设计应用程序时有两个基本特点:可视化设计和事件驱动编程. 1.2.1 可视化设计 VB为用户提供大量的界面元素(在VB中称为控件对象),这些控件对象对于熟悉Windows应用程序的用户而言是一点也不陌生,如"窗体"、"菜单"、"命令按钮"、"工具按钮"、"检查框"等等,用户只需要利用鼠标、键盘把这些控件对象拖动到适当的位置,设置它们的大小、形状、属性等,就可以设计出所需的应用程序界面。 1.2.2 事件驱动编程 Windows操作系统出现以来,图形化的用户界面和多任务多进程的应用程序要求程序设计不能是单一性的,在使用VB设计应用程序时,必须首先确定应用程序如何同用户进行交互.例如发生鼠标单击、键盘输入等事件时,由用户编写的代码控制这些事件的响应,这就是所谓的事件驱动编程。 1.2.3 提供了易学易用的应用程序集成开发环境 在VB集成开发环境中,用户可设计界面、编写代码、调试程序,直至把应用程序编译成可执行文件在Windows中运行,是用户在友好的开发环境中工作。 1.2.4 结构化的程序设计语言 VB具有丰富的数据类型和结构化程序结构,而且简单易学。此外,作为一种程序设计语言,VB还有许多独到之处: , 强大的数值和字符处理功能。 , 丰富的图形指令,可方便的绘制各种图形。 , 提供静态和动态数组,有利于简化内存管理。 , 过程可递归调用,使程序更为简练。 , 支持随机文件访问和顺序文件访问。 , 提供了一个可供应用程序调用的包含多种类型的图表库。 , 具有完善的运行出错处理。 1.2.5 支持多种数据库的访问 利用数据控件可访问的数据库系统有:Microsoft Access、Btrieve、dBASE、Microsoft FoxPro和Paradox等,也可以访问Microsoft Excel,Lotsl2-3等多种电子表格。 1.2.6 支持动态数据交换(DDE)、动态连接库(DLL)和对象的链接与嵌入(OLE)技术 动态数据交换(DDE)的编程技术,使VB开发应用程序能与其他Windows应用程序之间建立数据通信。 通过VB的动态链接库(DLL)技术,在VB程序中可方便的调用用C语言或汇编语言编写的函数,也可调用Windows应用程序接口(API)函数,以实现SDK所能实现的功能。 VB的核心是其对对象的链接与嵌入(OLE)的支持,它是访问所有对象的一种方法。利用OLE技术,VB将其他应用软件视为一个对象嵌入到VB应用程序中, 进行各种操作,也可将各种基于Windows的应用程序嵌入到VB应用程序,实现 声音、图像、动画等多媒 第二章 实现关系型数据库 2.1 数据库的概念 数据库是一种存储数据并对数据进行操作的工具。数据库的作用在于组织和表达信息,简而言之,数据库就是信息的集合。计算机的数据库可以分为两类:非关系数据库(flat-file)和关系数据库(relational)。关系数据库中包含了 多个数据表的信息,数据库含有各个不同部分的术语,象记录、域等。 2.2 新建一个数据库 创建任何一个数据库的第一步是仔细的规划数据库,设计必须是灵活的、有逻辑的。创建一个数据库结构的过程被认为是数据模型设计。 , 标识需要的数据; , 收集被标识的字段到表中; , 标识主关键字字段; , 绘制一个简单的数据图表; , 规范数据; , 标识指定字段的信息; , 创建物理表。 2.3 修改已建的数据库 数据库的修改分为:添加、编辑和删除记录。这三种操作均可由Visual Basic 创建的程序来完成,下面的章节将详细描述实现的具体方法。 2.4 实现数据库之间的联系 数据库之间的关系指明两个库之间共享一个共同的关键字值。一个连接是指一种虚拟的表,这种表是在当用户要求从相互关联的各个不同的表中获取信息时建立的,关键字段用于在相互连接的不同表中查找匹配的记录。一个更高级的连 接形式称为自连接。这种连接是指一个表被连接到它自己的一个字段,或在不同的记录中由重复数据的组合字段。数据库中有三种不同类型的关键字:主关键字、组合关键字和外关键字。在表中使用的关键字类型用于描述库表示什么以及在数据库中如何与其它的库建立关系。 2.5数据库系统 数据库系统本质上是一个用计算机存储记录的系统。数据库本身可被看作为一种电子文件柜:也就是说,它是收集计算机数据文件的仓库或容器。系统用户可以对这些文件执行插入数据、检索数据、更改数据、删除数据等一系列操作。 总之,数据库系统是一个计算机存储记录的系统,即,它是一个计算机系统,该系统的目标存储信息并支持用户检索和更新所需要的信息。 2.6 Access和Visual Basic 结合的优点 除了Access和Visual Basic各自的特点之外,将两者结合起来使用,最主要的优点就是两者使用相同的数据库引擎,即Microsoft Jet。 Microsoft Jet是Microsoft Access数据库系统的数据库系统的数据库引擎组件。在1992年Access 1.0 发布的时候,Jet首次问世。1993年Visual Basic 3.0发布的时候,Jet 1。1内置于其中。此后,只要发布新版本的Access,就会有相应版本的Jet数据库问世。当一个新版本的Visual Basic准备发布的时候,它一定会内置进行了一些修改的最新版本Jet数据库。 由于Access和Visual Basic使用的相同数据库引擎,因此可以建立既包括Access组件又包括Visual Basic组件的应用程序,这样就提高了程序的稳定性,充分发挥了两者各自的优点。 第三章 服装库存信息管理系统简介 3.1 服装专卖店基础知识 日常生活中,人们最经常打交道的行业可能就是零售业,小到街头杂货铺,大到超市、大卖场之类的连锁机构。在零售业中,最重要的信息主要是3类:服装信息进货信息以及销售信息。 在传统的零售业工作中,往往是用人工清点的方式来掌握仓库中现有的服装、使用手工记账的方式来掌握服装的进货和销售情况。这种方式在服装数量较少、服装库存变换少的情况下,不失为一种较好的方法。但是,在目前的大中型零售业中,往往需要处理的服装种类数以千计,而且每天所发生的进货和销售情况纷繁复杂。如果要借助人工来实现这一系列数据的记录和管理,工作量将极为巨大,而且容易出现错误,造成管理上的混乱;更何况还需要对服装的数据进行统计和分析。 具体而言,服装销售管理系统需要实现以下需求: 1、够对企业所拥有的各种服装的基础信息进行维护和管理。服装的基 础信息包括:服装的顺序号、服装名称、服装规格、计量单位、备 注信息、库存数量等。系统需要能够对服装的信息进行添加、修改 和删除,也可以按照一定的条件来进行查询,而且还需要随时掌握 库存服装的数量。 2、时对服装进货以补充库存量的不足。服装的进货信息包括顺序号、 单据编号、服装名称、进货数量、进货价格、进货日期、总金额、 规格、仓库、备注等。系统需要能够对进货信息进行添加、修改、 删除,也可以按照一定条件来进行查询。 3、跟踪各种服装的销售信息。服装的销售信息包括顺序号、服装名称、 客户名称、购买数量、售出价格、销售日期、规格、总金额等。系 统要求能够对销售信息进行添加、修改、和删除,也可以按照一定 的条件来进行查询。 4、并且能够对服装的库存量进行报警,以防仓库的服装数量不足影响 服装的销售。可以根据库存的大小和销售的情况,来对库存上限和 库存下限进行设置,然后根据库存上限和库存下限进行库存的服装 数量调整。库存表包括顺序号、服装名称、服装规格、服装单价、 总金额、库存上限、库存下限、仓库号、报警信息。还能够按照一 定的条件对库存进行查询、而且还能对库存上限和库存下限进行设 置。然后能根据库存的上限和库存下限进行库存的报警查询。 3.2本服装库存信息管理系统的主要模块设计 根据需求分析的结果,本系统的主要划分为以5个子模块:系统管理、基本资料、进货管理、销售管理和库存管理。 服装服装库存信息管理系统是一个基于管理员的系统,它只有管理员才能对他进行操作。 以下分别介绍系统中的5个子模块: 1系统管理模块 管理员可以对系统进行一切操作包括:管理员添加、管理员申请和密码修改。 2(基本资料模块 基本资料模块用来对企业所拥有的各种服装的基本信息进行维护和管理。在该系统中,需要对服装的基本信息进行添加、修改和删除,包括仓库资料、服装资料、计量单位、服装规格、生产厂商、客户资料、供应商资料。也可以按照一定的条件查询。 3(进货管理模块 进货模块用来对企业所需要的各种服装的添加,以保证仓库的服装的稳定。该模块能够根据基本资料来进行服装的进货,然后还能根据添加的每次进货信息进行修改和删除,也可以按照一定的条件来进行查询。按照服装名称、仓库号和服装规格对所进服装的库存数量上自动增加所进的数量,保证仓库中实物和数据的一致性。 4销售管理模块 销售信息管理模块用来跟踪服装的每一次销售的信息。该模块需要能够添加每次的销售信息,也可以对销售信息进行修改和删除,也可以按照一定的条件查 询。当添加销售信息时,需要在所售服装的库存量上自动减去所销售的数量。 3.3服装库存信息管理系统流程图: 服装专卖店管理 系统 系 统 设 置 基 本 资 料 进货管理 销售管理 报 表 系销销各用退销密仓商计规生客供销退进进进 统售售业户出售码库品量格 产户应售货货货货 登单 退务申系单修资资单 厂资商单一单 一查 陆 货 报请 统 一改 料 料 位 商 料 资查览 询 览 表 览 料 询 3.4数据库设计 根据进存销的业务情况,本系统采用了小型的access数据库,数据库名称为 jcx.mdb, 数据库包括以下10个表:采购记录表、仓库信息表、供应商信息表、客户信息表、库存信息表、商品信息表、系统用户表、销售记录表、员工信息表、字典信息。 1、采购记录表 真实名称 数据类型 字段大小 字段是否固定 允许零长度 必要字段 采购编号 文本 50 可变 是 否 仓库编号 文本 50 可变 是 否 采购日期 文本 50 可变 是 否 员工编号 文本 50 可变 是 否 商品编号 文本 50 可变 是 否 数量 数字 长整型 可变 是 否 采购价格 货币 2 可变 是 否 供应商编号 文本 50 可变 是 否 2. 仓库信息表 真实名称 数据类型 字段大小 字段是否固定 允许零长度 必要字段 顺序号 自动编号 否 仓库编号 文本 50 可变 是 是 仓库地址 文本 50 可变 否 是 备注 文本 50 可变 是 是 3.供应商信息表 真实名称 数据类型 字段大小 字段是否固定 允许零长度 必要字段 顺序号 自动编号 是 供应商编号 文本 50 可变 是 是 供应商名称 文本 50 可变 是 是 联系电话 文本 50 可变 是 是 传真 文本 50 可变 是 是 邮箱 文本 50 可变 是 是 4. 客户信息表 真实名称 数据类型 字段大小 字段是否固定 允许零长度 必要字段 客户编号 文本 50 可变 是 是 客户地址 文本 50 可变 是 是 家庭地址 文本 50 可变 是 是 邮政编码 文本 50 可变 是 是 联系电话 文本 50 可变 是 是 顾客级别 文本 50 可变 是 是 购买货品文本 50 可变 是 是 总数 5. 库存信息表 真实名称 数据类型 字段大小 字段是否固定 允许零长度 必要字段 仓库编号 文本 50 可变 是 否 商品编号 文本 50 可变 是 是 当前库存数字 长整型 可变 否 是 量 6商品信息表 真实名称 数据类型 字段大小 字段是否固定 允许零长度 必要字段 商品编号 文本 50 可变 是 是 商品名称 文本 50 可变 是 是 商品说明 文本 50 可变 是 是 标称价格 货币 2 可变 是 是 7.系统用户表: 真实名称 数据类型 字段大小 字段是否固定 允许零长度 必要字段 用户名 文本 50 可变 是 是 密码码 文本 50 可变 是 是 身份 文本 50 可变 是 是 8.销售记录表 必要字段 真实名称 数据类型 字段大小 字段是否固定 允许零长 销售编号 数字 50 可变 是 是 仓库编号 文本 50 可变 是 是 员工编号 文本 50 可变 是 是 商品编号 文本 50 可变 是 是 数量 数字 长整型 固定 否 客户编号 文本 50 可变 是 是 销售价格 货币 固定 否 是 9.员工信息表 数据类型 字段大小 字段是否固定 允许零长度 必要字段 真实名称 员工编号 文本 50 可变 是 是 仓库编号 文本 50 可变 是 是 姓名 文本 50 可变 是 是 性别 数字 长整型 可变 是 是 出生日期 备注 50 住址 文本 50 可变 是 是 电话 数字 长整型 可变 是 是 电子邮件 文本 50 可变 是 是 QQ 文本 50 可变 是 是 备注 文本 50 可变 是 是 在职年龄 数字 长整型 可变 是 是 10、字典信息表: 真实名称 数据类型 字段大小 字段是否固定 允许零长度 必要字段 表名 文本 50 可变 是 是 字段 文本 50 可变 是 是 字典表名 文本 50 可变 是 是 字典字段 文本 50 可变 是 是 第四章 系统设置模块详细设计 服装专卖店系统中的系统设置模块包括系统登录功能、用户申请功能、修改密码功能和退出系统功能,主要由” 系统登录(frmlogin)”表单、“用户申请(userappend)” 表单“修改密码(modifycode)”表单。 4.1系统登陆表单 并不是每个人都可以访问该系统,必须是合法的用户才可以使用该系统的各项功能,在用户登陆前 各项菜单是不可用的,登陆后各菜单就变成可用。 “系统登录”表单可以检测用户是否有正确的用户与密码,用来防止非法用户进入系统,为系统安全提供一层防护作用。 其中用户名:admin;对应密码:admin。 登陆表单界面如下: 登陆按钮的click的代码如下: Private Sub cmdOK_Click() ''进入..确定 On Error GoTo Err Dim txtSql As String UserName = "" If Trim(txtUserName.Text) = "" Then ''判断用户名是否为空 MsgBox "请输入帐号~", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "警告" txtUserName.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Trim(txtPassword.Text) = "" Then '判断密码是否为空 MsgBox "请输入密码~", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "警告" txtPassword.SetFocus Exit Sub End If ''判断是否有这个用户 txtSql = "select * from 系统用户 where 用户名 = '" & txtUserName.Text & "'" If rs.State Then rs.Close rs.Open txtSql, CN, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic If rs.EOF = True Then ''如果没有这个用户 MsgBox "没有这个帐号,请重新输入帐号!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "警告" txtUserName.Text = "" txtPassword.Text = "" txtUserName.SetFocus Else ''如果有用户 If Trim(rs.Fields(1)) = Trim(txtPassword.Text) Then ''判断权限 UserPrivs = "" If Trim(rs.Fields(2)) = "管理员" Then ''管理员权限 IsUserMode = 1 ElseIf Trim(rs.Fields(2)) = "普通用户" Then ''普通用户权限 IsUserMode = 2 Else ''无权 IsUserMode = 0 MsgBox "你没有权限!", vbExclamation, "警告" End End If UserPrivs = Trim(rs.Fields(2)) UserName = Trim(txtUserName.Text) Unload Me Mainfrm.Show Exit Sub Else MsgBox "输入密码不正确,请重新输入~", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "警告" txtPassword.SetFocus txtPassword.Text = "" End If End If rs.Close miCount = miCount + 1 If miCount = 3 Then ''三次错误,自动退出程序 End End If Exit Sub Err: MsgBox "登录出错,请找管理员!", vbExclamation Ok = False End End SubIf Trim(txtusername.Text = "") Then MsgBox "没有这个用户,请重新输入用户名~", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "警告" txtusername.SetFocus Else txtSQL = "select * from user1 where username = '" & txtusername.Text & "'" adors.Open txtSQL, conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic If adors.EOF = True Then MsgBox "没有这个用户,请重新输入用户名!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "警告" txtusername.SetFocus Else If Trim(adors("Password")) = Trim(txtpassword.Text) Then '判断密码输入正确性 MsgBox "正确登录", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "" main.jiben.Enabled = True main.jinhuo.Enabled = True main.xiaoshou.Enabled = True main.kucun.Enabled = True adors.Close Me.Hide Load main main.Show Else MsgBox "输入密码不正确,请重新输入~", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "警告" txtpassword.SetFocus txtpassword.Text = "" End If End If End If miCount = miCount + 1 If miCount = 3 Then '记录密码输入的次数,累计到3此则自动结束程序 Me.Hide End If 4.2系统管理表单 “系统管理表单”可以增加用户,使更多的人可以访问该系统。但是并不是每个用户都可以申请的。 用户可以管理数据库表中不存在的任何的用户名和密码。如果你申请的用户名未被使用,则申请成功,否则,申请失败~ 用户申请表单界面如下: 其中申请的代码实现: Private Sub cmdExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() ''添加用户 On Error GoTo Err If Trim(Text8.Text) <> "" And Trim(Text9.Text) <> "" And Trim(Combo1.Text) <> "" Then Dim rs1 As New ADODB.Recordset If rs1.State Then rs1.Close rs1.Open "select count(*) from 系统用户 where 用户名='" & Trim(Text8.Text) & "'", CN, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic If rs1.Fields(0) > 0 Then MsgBox "用户已经存在! 请改用户名称!", , "系统提示" Text8.Text = "" Exit Sub End If If rs1.State Then rs1.Close ", CN, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic rs1.Open "select * from 系统用户 rs1.AddNew rs1.Fields(0).Value = Trim(Text8.Text) rs1.Fields(1).Value = Trim(Text9.Text) rs1.Fields(2).Value = Trim(Combo1.Text) rs1.Update Combo5.AddItem Trim(Text8.Text) MsgBox "用户添加成功!,初始密码为" & Text9.Text, , "系统提示" Text8.Text = "" End If Exit Sub Err: MsgBox Err.Description End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() ''删除用户代码 If Trim(Combo5.Text) = UserName Then MsgBox "不能删除正在操作的用户!" Exit Sub End If CN.Execute "delete from 系统用户 where 用户名='" & Trim(Combo5.Text) & "'" Combo5.RemoveItem (Combo5.ListIndex) MsgBox "操作已成功!", , "提示" End Sub Private Sub Command5_Click() ''管理员密码修改 On Error GoTo Err If Trim(Text10.Text) <> "" And Trim(Text11.Text) <> "" And Trim(Text12.Text) <> "" Then If Trim(Text11.Text) <> Trim(Text12.Text) Then MsgBox "新密码不对!" Exit Sub Else Dim rs1 As New ADODB.Recordset rs1.Open "select * from 系统用户 where 用户名='" & UserName & "'", CN, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic If Not rs1.EOF Then If Not IsNull(rs1.Fields(1)) Then If Trim(Text10.Text) <> Trim(rs1.Fields(1)) Then MsgBox "管理员旧密码不对!" Exit Sub Else rs1.Fields(1).Value = Trim(Text11.Text) rs1.Update MsgBox "操作已成功!", , "提示" End If End If End If End If End If Exit Sub Err: MsgBox Err.Description End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() ''初始化代码 On Error GoTo Err Text8.Text = "" Text10.Text = "" Text11.Text = "" Text12.Text = "" Dim rs1 As New ADODB.Recordset rs1.Open "select * from 系统用户", CN, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic Combo5.Clear While Not rs1.EOF If Not IsNull(rs1.Fields(0)) Then Combo5.AddItem Trim(rs1.Fields(0)) rs1.MoveNext Wend Err: End Sub 4.3修改密码表单 使用此功能的用户,必须是具有访问该系统的权限,即是能登陆到该系统的用户,如果不能访问该系统的用户不能使用该功能。 修改密码表单,主要是进入系统的用户修改自己的密码的基本信息。不进入系统的用户不能使用该功能。 修改密码表单界面如下: 其中修改的代码实现: Private Sub cmdExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() '''密码修改 On Error GoTo Err If Trim(Text13.Text) <> "" And Trim(Text14.Text) <> "" And Trim(Text15.Text) <> "" Then If Trim(Text14.Text) <> Trim(Text15.Text) Then MsgBox "新密码不对!", , "提示" Exit Sub Else Dim rs1 As New ADODB.Recordset If rs1.State Then rs1.Close rs1.Open "select * from 系统用户 where 用户名='" & UserName & "'", CN, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic If Not rs1.EOF Then If Not IsNull(rs1.Fields(1)) Then If Trim(Text13.Text) <> Trim(rs1.Fields(1)) Then MsgBox "用户旧密码不对!", , "提示" Exit Sub Else rs1.Fields(1).Value = Trim(Text14.Text) rs1.Update MsgBox "操作已成功!", , "提示" Text13.Text = "" Text14.Text = "" Text15.Text = "" End If End If End If End If End If Exit Sub Err: MsgBox Err.Description End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Text13.Text = "" Text14.Text = "" Text15.Text = "" End SubDim sql As String If txtnewpwd.Text <> txtnewpwdagain.Text Then MsgBox "两次输入的密码不同~请重新输入", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "" txtnewpwd.SetFocus Exit Sub End If sql = "select * from user1 where username = '" & txtusername.Text & "' and " & " password= '" & txtpwd.Text & "'" rs.Open sql, conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic If rs.EOF = True Then MsgBox "用户名或密码错误", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "" txtusername.Text = "" txtusername.SetFocus txtpwd.Text = "" rs.Close Exit Sub Else rs.Fields("password") = Trim(txtnewpwd.Text) rs.Update rs.Close MsgBox "修改密码成功~", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "修改成功~" End If 第五章 详细设计 销售信息管理模块用来跟踪服装的每一次销售的信息。该模块需要能够添加每次的销售信息,也可以对销售信息进行修改和删除,也可以按照一定的条件查询。当添加销售信息时,需要在所售服装的库存量上自动减去所销售的数量。 5.1销售单基本操作 销售单查询 添加销售单 销 售 修改销售单 单 基销售单操作 本删除记录 操 作 退出操作 销售单一览 5.1.1、销售单具体操作 是指对于销售这个业务的基本的操作,例如:添加和修改的基本操作。 在销售单基本操作中有四部分組成: 1、添加销售单:点击添加按钮则弹出“添加销售单”的窗体。 2、修改销售单:点击修改按钮则弹出“修改销售单”的窗体。 3、在表格上删除销售单中的记录。 4、退出销售单的基本操作。 销售单基本操作的界面如下: 点击修改按钮则弹出“修改销售单”的窗体的流程图: 有 修改保存 查 询 销 售 没有 直接退出过程 其中,修改中有一个查询框,可以对已有的编号进行查询,如果存在该记录则把它们赋给相应的文本框和组合框。用户可以对这些值做任何合法的修改,修改完后点击修改后则修改成功。如果不存在该记录则系统提示,则系统提示不存在该记录。其中修改的按钮同密码的修改代码,其查询按钮代码如下: 其“查询按钮“的代码实现如下: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim sql As String sql1 = "select * from xiaoshou where danjuid='" & txtid.Text & "' " rs.Open sql1, conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If rs.EOF = True Then MsgBox ("无此编号,请重新输入") rs.Close Exit Sub Else Comboname.Text = rs.Fields("name") Combouser1.Text = rs.Fields("jingbanren") txtPrice.Text = rs.Fields("shoujia") txtQuantity.Text = rs.Fields("shuliang") Combofc.Text = rs.Fields("shengchanshang") Comboguige.Text = rs.Fields("guige") DTPicker1.Value = rs.Fields("data") txtmoney.Text = rs.Fields("jine") txtbeizhu.Text = rs.Fields("beizhu") rs.Close ok = True Set rs = Nothing End If End Sub 5.1.2、销售单查询 其中有两个查询组成: ?全部的服装 ?按条件查询某些满足条件的服装: 其中的下拉框中不可以输入东西,只可以从中选择相关的服装名称和生产商。其中查询结果在表格中显示。 销售单查询流程图如下: 查询销售商品 查询全部 查询部分 销售单查询界面如下: 5.1.3、销售单一览 其中销售单一览是用数据窗体向导做成,达到了效果美观,实现了一览方便的效果。 其效果图如下: 第六章 设计总结 6.1 设计结果及设计讨论 6.1.1 设计结果 通过本次毕业设计基本达到了预期的设计结果,但有些方面还不太完善,对某些功能的实现还有一欠缺。 我们设计的进存销系统,在整体上实现了进存销功能,在设计时有时为了一个小问题要花费大量的时间和耗费很大的精力,在设计一些模块时,遇到了很大的困难,但通过各方面的努力和与其他同学在一起进行的讨论,最终还是找到了错误并进行了改正,并使结果更加完善 6.1.2 设计讨论 能够完成本次设计,首先要感谢指导老师吴潮老师对我所做的毕业设计所进 行的指导和 建议 关于小区增设电动车充电建议给教师的建议PDF智慧城市建议书pdf给教师的36条建议下载税则修订调整建议表下载 ,没有老师的指导和建议,我的毕业设计不可能顺利的完成。还有其他老师和同学的热心帮助。其次,这些天对毕业设计所做的工作,使我更加认识到了基本知识的重要,没有良好的基本知识,就不可能的到预期的结果,所以,我必须更加注重基本的学习和应用。踏实的基本功是做任何事的前提。 同时,由于我们的毕业设计是三个人共同合作的结果,由于在设计中的时间和技术上的协商使我们的毕业设计顺利完成,虽然功能不够强大,但这是我们劳动成果的结晶~ 让我更进一步的认识到,合作的重要性。 6.2 设计心得 经过长时间的设计和开发,《服装进存销系统》基本开发完毕。其功能基本符合一个小企业基本业务要求,系统界面大方、统一。 但是由于毕业设计时间较短,所以该系统还有许多不尽如人意的地方例如:功能不够完善等多方面问题。这些都有待进一步改善。 但是由于合作不够,故系统的整体性能没有得到很好的发挥。 6.3本系统尚存的问题 由于本系统设计的时间急迫 ,而且有些准备不足,所以再设计过程中出现了一些不必要的错误,为了这些错误我耽误了不少时间,更浪费了很多的精力,所以,使以后的设计工作显得时间仓促。有一些功能还很不完善,需要有进一步的时间和精力去完善他,可惜到目前为止,已没更长的时间让我来完善这个企业工资管理系统,可以说留下了一个小的遗憾 本系统的销售模块中的销售退货本应和销售的基本操作一样,但是由于功能是一样的,为了使系统的涵盖的知识多一点,所以只用销售单的基本操作来实现。 致 谢 在本次毕业设计中,我从指导老师身上学到了很多东西。朱老师认真负责的工作态度,严谨的治学精神深厚的理论水平都使我收益匪浅。他无论在理论上还是实践中,都给与我很大帮助,使得到不少的提高,这对于我以后的工作和学习都有一种巨大的帮助,感谢他耐心的辅导。另外,同组的同学同样给与我不少帮助,这里一并表示感谢。 参考文献 [1]赵军锁,龚波,李志.Visual Basic 6数据库访问技术,机械工业出版社,2000.6 [2]李勇平.Visual Basic 6.0案例教程,电子出版物数据中心《Computer DIY》杂志社,2001.6 [3]张炜.Visual Basic 6.0数据库开发应用教程,航空工业出版社,2000.6 [4]冯硕,贾志博.Visual Basic数据库编程宝典,电子工业出版社,2001.5 [5]刘韬,骆娟,何旭洪.Visual Basic 6.0数据库系统开发实例导航,人民邮电出版社,2002.4 [6]温贤发.Visual Basic 6数据库程序设计高手,科学出版社,2001.2 [7]京辉热点工作室.Visual Basic 6.0中文版编程指南,人民邮电出版社,1999.9 [8]李振亭.Visual Basic程序设计教程,北方交通大学出版社,2001.9 [9]刘圣才,李春葆.Visual Basic 6程序设计导学,清华大学出版社,2002.1 [10]龚沛曾,陆慰民,杨志强.Visual Basic程序设计教程,高等教育出版社,2000.7 d the whale communicate over hundreds of miles? How did it use echoes to find its prey in the ocean gloom, to stun fish, diagnose illness in another whale? Questions--to which the answers could prove invaluable. But instead of learning, men threatened to wipe the species out. Aboard the catcher boat no such thoughts crossed the gunner's mind. He was busy trying to solve a sixty-foot, sixty-ton problem: a sperm whale that refused to give up. The harpoon had not found the vital spot--the gunner blamed the choppy sea for spoiling his aim--and now the whale was towing the 110 ton boat behind it. Even with the engine reversed, the craft kept moving forward. The gunner got ready to fire a second harpoon. In the blood-stained water the mammoth beast continued its agonising struggle. He was a mature male, a bull. His slate-blue body bore scars, souvenirs of epic battles with giant squid he had hunted in the dark depths. The biggest of these pink monsters, whose human-like eyes were more than fifteen inches across, weighed 42 tons and measured 66 feet. But even their powerful beaks and ten suckered tentacles were no match for the whale's eight-inch teeth. ted on the shore. Someone set it ablaze. Sparks crackled amid whirling smoke. Excited, cherry-cheeked children ringed the bonfire; only the older ones understood that this was no celebration. For several nights to come there would be plenty of bodies to feed the flames. Ninety miles inland, nothing broke the forest hush. A full moon silvered the treetops and light leaked down to the snow-covered floor beneath. Scraps of mist seemed caught on prickly branches. From the shadows, a ghostly shape glided into a clearing. Two amber eyes searched the dappled darkness. Stealthily the wolf advanced. Hunger had driven him from his snug den. He knew where to find a good meal. Not the mice and birds he had lived on lately, but a hare he had killed and buried in the frozen ground to keep it fresh and safe from crows and ravens. As the dog-wolf wound through the trees at an effortless lope, which could carry him as far as 120 miles in a single day, his thick brown-grey-yellow fur gleamed in the moonlight. He was a fine big dog:owdered horn cured colds, measles, nosebleeds, vomiting, heart weakness. The Japanese claimed it fought fever. Certain people even swore by it as a love potion. "Most poachers are poor. So the temptation to earn money by any means, however risky, is very strong. They may work as farmers for ?00 a year - less than they'd be paid for a single horn. A merchant will sell it to consumers for ?5,000 and upwards." More slides followed. A chimpanzee. Valued at ?,300 on the black market. Much in demand for bio-medical research, travelling acts, photography, tourist attractions and the television and film industries. A hyacinth macaw. Going price ?,500 to an avid collector. A peregrine falcon. Bought by Arab falconers for ?,000 each. Seeing the peregrine, Gary forgot everything else. His favourite bird! It could swoop at over two hundred miles an hour, spot its prey more than five miles away. Peregrines had once nearly died out in Britain through eating pigeons which had fed on grain sprayed with pesticides ... Bellingham's voice broke into the boy's reverie. He was talking about Amazon dolphins. These gentle creatures, already threatened by pollution and river-damming schemes, were being killed--their eyeballs sold as ornaments and lucky charms in cities such as Rio de Janeiro. Gary grunted disgustedly, and Susan's face showed her feelings. The naturalist then mentioned another "charming practice": eating bear paws. Considered a delicacy in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore, the paws of hunted bears are imported from China. "The wildlife trade is a worldwide business, worth billions of pounds. There are strict rules to control that trade. However, some countries don't agree to them. Others say they do, but allow crooks and cheats to get away with murder--animal murder. That's just one of the reasons why The Eden Mission is a top priority ..." Bellingham glanced quickly at his watch. "I see time is running out. A few final words. Sea Shepherd's programme includes trying to save grey whales and sea otters from oil pollution off California; manatees from being chopped up by speedboat propellers in Florida's waterways; Amazon dolphins from extermination. We have other tasks too, which I can't go into now. The six youngsters sailing with Sea Shepherd, all keen conservationists, will make a valuable contribution. But they'll also have to continue their school studies ..." Someone in the audience groaned. Ben grinned broadly. "Thank you for listening, ladies and gentlemen. Wish us luck!" Loud applause. Then he answered last-minute questions from journalists. The audience--clad once more in raincoats, and clutching umbrellas--began to file out. Parents hugged their children, whom they wouldn't see again for twelve months, and gave good advice that would probably be forgotten or ignored. There were some tears. Neither Gary's nor Susan's parents were present. They had already said their goodbyes at home and were glad to be spared emotional partings aboard Sea Shepherd. By now the lecture hall was empty - except for six young people, eyeing each other somewhat warily, and the three teachers responsible for daily lessons. Bellingham greeted them. "Welcome to the team. I know we're going to get along fine ..." His next words were drowned by a sudden blast from Sea Shepherd's horn. Almost imperceptibly the ship started to move. Ben's steady gaze rested on the group. "Well ... this is it." 2. Shipmates After the lecture, a tall, ferret-faced man had pushed people aside to be first down the gangway. He didn't look like someone much concerned with conservation. He wasn't. Sploshing through puddles, he hurried to a phone box on the quay. He dialled a number. His boss would find the report very interesting. Waving parents watched Sea Shepherd glide away between lines of moored vessels, like a guard of honour. Her bright white hull shone luminously against sea and sky, both the same shade of grey. The teeming rain had stopped. Leaning on the ship'sr pupil. But Vanessa did well too. When the English lesson came it was Susan's turn to shine. She warmed a little to Miss Mimpriss after her praise. Peter Stokes, a dominoes fanatic, taught maths. Norman proved brilliant at the subject. A real genius, Gary thought admiringly. Then geography and history master Geoffrey Baggalley took over. He had once been a physical training instructor--and it showed. As he talked, he walked up and down and waved his arms as if doing exercises. Mr. Baggalley caught Susan giggling, but Gary put him in a good mood again by answering all the geography questions correctly. At lunch the unsupervised teenagers were rather noisy, cracking jokes about their teachers. It was harmless fun among new-found friends. Only Darren remained remote, cut off from the lively talk. Now and then Susan glanced in his direction. He seemed unhappy rather than disgruntled, and she felt sorry for him. Once, their eyes met. Susan couldn't be sure, but she thought she saw a slight response before he looked down. A quick breath of fresh air, then the youngsters returned to the lecture hall. Ben Bellingham was waiting for them. "Please take your seats in the front row. OK, who cares about conservation? Hands up." Everybody reacted. Bellingham pointed to Vanessa. "Why?" he demanded. Vanessa opened her mouth in surprise. "Er ..." The naturalist repeated his question, more gently. "Why, Vanessa? Why should you care what happens in Africa, the Amazon, the Antarctic or anywhere else that isn't your home? What's it got to do with you?" He nodded encouragingly. "Well?" Vanessa stuck out her chin. "Animals have as much right to be on earth as we have. More--they were here first. And if we're the most intelligent creatures, the only ones that are moral, it's our duty to look after the environment. Besides, nobody owns the world. All living things are part of nature. So in a way nature owns us ..." Blushing, Vanessa tailed off. Without thinking, Susan started to clap. Bellingham: "Bravo! You convinced me--and at least one other person." Now Susan went pink. Walking along the row, Bellingham added: "Anybody else want to speak up for conservation? Yes, Gary." "Well, Mr. Bellingham, I was just wondering about the Amazon. The way the trees are being cut down--fifty thousand acres a day. Don't half of all plant and animal species live there?" The naturalist leaned towards him. "Quite right. Oh, and call me Ben." Gary went on: "I've read that a lot of industry, agriculture and medicine is based on jungle products--rubber, coffee, bananas, quinine and so on. Also that the Amazon is a botanical treasure-house we've barely begun to explore. It needs to be protected for everyone's sake. Another thing--people are upsetting the world climate by felling those trees ..." Bellingham chipped in. "Right again, Gary. But the situation is even worse than that, I'm afraid, as you'll see for yourselves on this trip." Norman put his hand up. "No one has mentioned the gene pool. If the number of species keeps falling, the planet may not be able to evolve to meet changing conditions--and life could die out." Ben rubbed his chin. "Certainly done your natural history homework, haven't you?" He strode to the table behind him, on which stood a glass jar. Turning, he said: "I think you and I agree conservation is worthwhile." There was a loud murmur of assent. Bellingham picked up the jar, full of cloudy liquid. Something was floating in it. "Know what this is?" He unscrewed the lid and, taking a pair of tweezers from his shirt pocket, fished out the mysterious object. "Open your hand," he said to Susan. She squealed as he dropped what he was holding into her palm. Slimy and spotted ... frog's legs! "Won't hurt you," he reassured her. "Just the legs of some unlucky Indian bullfrog which didn't hop off in time to save itself." er suit was bulky and tight. it murmured at her while the radio hissed quietly. it smelled comfortably like herself, and like hospital plastic and fresh oxygen. Ringmaster was an elongated structure consisting of two main sections joined by a hollow tube three meters in diameter and a hundred meters long. Structural strength for the tube was provided by three composite girders on the outside, each of which transmitted the thrust of one engine to the life system balanced on top of the tube. At the far end were the engines and a cluster of detachable fuel tanks, hidden from sight by the broad plate of the radiation shield which ringed the central tube like the rat guard on the mooring line of an ocean-going freighter. The other side of that shield was an unhealthy place to be. On the other end of the tube was the life system, consisting of the science module, the control module, and the carousel. Control was at the extreme front end, a cone-shaped protuberance rising from the big coffee can that was SCIMOD. It had the only windows on the ship, more for tradition than practicality. The Science Module was almost hidden behind a thicket of instrumentation. The high-gain antenna rose above it all, perched on the end of a long stalk and trained on Earth. There were two radar dishes and five telescopes, including Gaby's 120-centimeter Newtonian. Just behind it was the carousel: a fat, white flywheel. It rotated slowly around the rest of the ship, with four spokes leading up from the rim. Strapped to the central stem were other items, including the hydroponics cylinders and the several components of the lander: life system, tug engine, two descent stages and the ascent engine. The lander had been intended for exploring the Saturn moons, in particular Iapetus and Rhea. After Titan-which had an atmosphere and was therefore unsuited for exploration this trip-Iapetus was the most interesting body in the neighborhood. Until the 1980's, it had been significantly brighter in one hemisphere, but it had changed over a twenty-year period until its albedo was nearly uniform. Two troughs in the graph of luminosity now occurred at opposite points on its orbit. The lander had been designed to discover what caused it. Now that trip had been scrapped in the face of the much more compelling object called Themis. Ringmaster resembled another spaceship: the fictional Discovery, the Jupiter probe from the classic movie 2001.. A Space Odyssey. It was not surprising that it should. Both ships had been designed from similar parameters, though one sailed only on celluloid. Cirocco was EVA to remove the last of the solar reflection panels which wrapped the life system of Ringmaster. The problem in a space vehicle is usually one of disposing of excess heat, but they were now far enough from the sun that it paid to soak up what they could get. She hooked a safety line around a pipe that went from the carousel hub to the airlock, and faced one of the last panels. It was silver, a meter square, made of two sheets of thin foil sandwiched together. She touched the screwdriver to one corner and the device clucked as it found the slot. The counterweight rotated. It gulped the loose screw before it could drift away. Three more times and the panel floated away from the layer of anti-meteorite foam beneath. Cirocco held it and turned to face the sun, conducting her own informal puncture survey. Three tiny, bright lights marked where the sheet had been hit by grains of meteoritic dust. The panel was held rigid by wires along the edges. She bent two of these in the middle. After the fifth fold it was small enough to fit in the thigh pocket of her suit. She fastened the flap, then moved to the next panel. Time was at a premium. Whenever possible they combined two chores, so the end of the ship's day found Cirocco reclining on her bunk while Calvin gave her a weekly physical and Gaby showed her the latest picture of Themis. The room was crowded. "It's not a photo.," Gaby was saying. "It's, a computer- enhanced theoretical image. And it's in in Cirocco again looked at the picture. "The hub," she began, then bit her lip. That camera was still running, and she didn't want to say anything too hastily. "What about it?" "Well, it's the only place you could dock with the thing. The only part that's motionless." "Not the way it is now. That hole in the middle is pretty big. The first time you reach anything solid, it's moving at a pretty good clip. 1 can calculate-" "Never mind. It's not important right now. The point is, only at the very dead center of rotation could you dock with Themis without a great deal of trouble. 1 sure wouldn't want to try it." "So? " "So there must be a compelling reason why there's no docking facilities visible there. Something important enough to sacrifice that location, some reason for leaving a big hole in the center." "Engins of her room shaking. "I wish 1 knew when he was serious, " Gaby said. "You want serious?" Calvin asked. "Here's something you might never have thought of. Elective surgery. You folks have one of the best surgeons around-" He paused to allow the rude noises to die away. "One of the best surgeons there is. Does any- one take advantage of it? Not hardly. A nose job, now that's going to cost you seven, eight thousand back home. Here you got it on the Blue Cross." Cirocco drew herself up and gave him an icy glare. "You couldn't he talking about me, could you?" Calvin held out a thumb and sighted along it to Cirocco's face, squinting. "Of course, there's other types of elective surgery. I'm pretty good at all of them. It was my hobby." He moved his thumb lower. Cirocco aimed a kick at him and he ducked out the door. She was smiling when she sat down. Gaby was still there, the picture tucked under her arm. She perched on the tiny folding stool beside the cot. Cirocco raised one eyebrow. "Was there something else?" Gaby looked away. She opened her mouth to say something, didn't manage to make a sound, then slapped her bare thigh with her palm. "No, I guess there wasn't." She started to get up, but didn't. Cirocco looked at her thoughtfully, then reached up and turned the television sound off. "Does that help any?" Gaby shrugged. "Maybe. I would have asked you to turn it off anyway, if I could ever have started talking. I guess I figure it's none of my business." "But you felt you ought to say something." Cirocco waited. "Yeah, okay. It's your business how you run this ship. I want you to know I realize that." "Go on. I can take criticism." "You've been sleeping with Bill." Cirocco laughed quietly. " I don't ever sleep with him. The bed's too small. But I get the idea." Cirocco had hoped to put Gaby, at case, but apparently it hadn't worked. Gaby stood and paced slowly, even though she could only go four steps before she reached the wall. "Captain, sex is no big thing to me." She shrugged. "I don't hate sex, but I'm not all that crazy about it, either. If I don't have sex for a day or a year, I don't even notice it. But most people aren't like that. Especially men." "I'm not like that, either." "I know. That's why I wondered how you.... just what your feelings are toward Bill." it was Cirocco's turn to pace. It was even less satisfactory to her, since she was bigger than Gaby and could only take three steps. "Gaby, human interactions in confined environments is a well-researched field. They've tried all-male ships. Even all- female once. They've tried it with all-married crews, and with all singles. They've had rules forbidding sex, and they've had no rules at all. None of them worked well People will get on each other's nerves, and they're going to have sex. That's why I don't tell anybody what to do in private." "I'm not trying to say that you -" "Just a minute. I said all that so you'd know I'm not unaware of potential problems. I should bear about specific ones." She waited. "It's Gene," Gaby said. "I've been making it with both Gene and Calvin. Like 1 say, it's no big thing for me. I know Calvin's got this thing for me. I'm used to that. At home, Id just cool him off. Here, I fuck with him to keep him happy. It makes very little difference to me either way. "But I'm fucking Gene because he.... he has this.... this pressure. You know?" She had bailed her hands into fists. Now she opened them and looked to Cirocco for understanding. "I've had some experience with it, yes." Cirocco kept her voice even. "All right, he doesn't satisfy you. He told me that. It bothered him. That kind of intensity scares me, maybe because I don't understand it. I've been seeing him to try to ease his tension." Cirocco pursed her lips. "Let me get this straight. Are you asking me to take him off your hands?" "No, no, I'm not asking you anything. I told you, I'm just making you aware of the problem, if you weren't already. What you do about it is up to you." Cirocco nodded. "All right. I'm glad you told me. But he's going to have to live with this. He's stable, well-adjusted, a bit of a dominating personality, but he's got it well under control or he wouldn't he here." Gaby nodded. "Whatever you think best." "One more thing. It's no part of your duty to keep anyone fully satisfied. Any burden you feel in that direction is self- assumed." "I understand that." "Just so you do. I'd hate to think you thought I expected it of you. Or that you expected it of me." She searched the other woman's eyes until Gaby looked away, then reached over and patted her knee. "Besides, it'll take care of itself. We're all going to be too busy to think much about screwing." From a ballistic standpoint, Themis was a nightmare. No one had ever tried to orbit a toroidal body. Themis was 1300 kilometers across and only 250 kilometers wide. The torus was flat along the outside, and 175 kilometers from top to bottom. The density of the torus varied radically, supporting the view that it was composed of a thick floor along the outside, an atmosphere about that, and a thin canopy arching overhead holding the air inside. Then there were the six spokes, 420 kiloineters tall. They were elliptical in cross-section, with major and minor axes of .100 kilometers and 50 kilemeters, respectively, except near the base where they flared out to join the torus. in the center was the hub, more massive than the spokes, 160 kilometers in diameter, with a 100-kilometer hole in the center. Trying to cope with a body like that was tantamount to a nervous breakdown for the ship's computer, and for Bill, who had to make a model the computer would believe in. The easiest orbit would have been in the equatorial plane of Saturn, enabling them to use the velocity they already had. But that was not possible. Themis was oriented with its axis of rotation parallel to the equatorial plane. Since the axis passed through the hole at the center of Themis, any Saturn-equatorial orbit Cirocco might assume would have Ringmaster passing through areas of wildly fluctuating gravitational attraction. The only viable possibility was an orbit in the equatorial plane of Themis. Such an orbit would be expensive in terms of angular momentum. it had the single advantage of being stable, once achieved. The maneuvering began before they reached Saturn. During the last day of approach their course was re-calculated. Cirocco and Bill relied on Earth-based computers and navigational aids as far away as Mars and Jupiter. They lived in CONMOD and watched Saturn grow larger in the aft television screens. Then the long burn was initiated. During a lull in her work, Cirocco turned on the camera in SCIMOD. Gaby looked up with a harried expression. "Rocky, can't you do something about that vibration?" "Gaby, the engine function is, as they say, nominal. They're just going to shake, that's all." He retrieved the exhibit, passed it round, then put it back in the jar. "The reason I have shown you this is to illustrate a story. A horror story." In Asia, each year, 250 million frogs are killed. For their legs. To make delicate snacks, eaten by spoilt customers in Europe and America. Hunted at night with lamps, the frogs are collected from ponds and rice fields and taken away to be "processed". This involves immersing the frogs in salt water to numb them. Next they are sliced in two, the top halves thrown aside. The maimed frogs crawl off to die, many minutes later. "Not very pleasant, is it? But that's not all. "Frogs feed on insects, whi
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