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英语_2003年1月六级真题英语_2003年1月六级真题 2003年1月试卷 Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. Bill Gates, the billionaire Microsoft chairman without a single earned university degree, is by his success raising new doubts about the worth of the business world...

英语_2003年1月六级真题 2003年1月试卷 Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. Bill Gates, the billionaire Microsoft chairman without a single earned university degree, is by his success raising new doubts about the worth of the business world?s favorite academic title: the MBA (Master of Business Administration). The MBA, a 20th-century product, always has borne the mark of lowly commerce and greed (贪婪) on the tree-lined campuses ruled by purer disciplines such as philosophy and literature. But even with the recession apparently cutting into the hiring of business school graduates, about 79,000 people are expected to receive MBAs in 1993. This is nearly 16 times the number of business graduates in 1960, a testimony to the widespread assumption that the MBA is vital for young men and women who want to run companies some day. “If you are going into the corporate world it is still a disadvantage not to have one,” said Donald Morrison, professor of marketing and management science. “But in the last five years or so, when someone says, „Should I attempt to get an MBA,? the answer a lot more is: It depends.” The success of Bill Gates and other non-MBAs, such as the late Sam Walton of Wal-Mart Stores Inc., has helped inspire self-conscious debates on business school campuses over the worth of a business degree and whether management skills can be taught. The Harvard Business Review printed a lively, fictional exchange of letters to dramatize complaints about business degree holders. The article called MBA hires “extremely disappointing” and said “MBAs want to move up too fast, they don?t understand politics and people, and they aren?t able to function as part of a team until their third year. But by then, they?re out looking for other jobs.” The problem, most participants in the debate acknowledge, is that the MBA has acquired an aura (光环) of future riches and power far beyond its actual importance and usefulness. Enrollment in business schools exploded in the 1970s and 1980s and created the assumption that no one who pursued a business career could do without one. The growth was fueled by a backlash (反冲) against the anti-business values of the 1960s and by the women?s movement. Business people who have hired or worked with MBAs say those with the degrees often know how to analyze systems but are not so skillful at motivating people. “They don?t get a lot of grounding in the people side of the business,” said James Shaffer, vice-president and principal of the Towers Perrin management consulting firm. 21. According to Paragraph 2, what is the general attitude towards business on campuses dominated by purer disciplines? A) Scornful C) Envious. B) Appreciative. D) Realistic. 22. It seems that the controversy over the value of MBA degrees has been fueled mainly by ______. A) the complaints from various employers B) the success of many non-MBAs C) the criticism from the scientists of purer disciplines D) the poor performance of MBAs at work 23. What is the major weakness of MBA holders according to The Harvard Business Review? A) They are usually serf-centered. B) They are aggressive and greedy. C) They keep complaining about their jobs. D) They are not good at dealing with people. 24. From the passage we know that most MBAs _______. A) can climb the corporate ladder fairly quickly B) quit their jobs once they are familiar with their workmates C) receive salaries that do not match their professional training D) cherish unrealistic expectations about their future 25. What is the passage mainly about? A) Why there is an increased enrollment in MBA programs. B) The necessity of reforming MBA programs in business schools. C) Doubts about the worth of holding an MBA degree. D) A debate held recently on university campuses. Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. When school officials in Kalkaska, Michigan, closed classes last week, the media flocked to the story, portraying the town?s 2,305 students as victims of stingy (吝啬的) taxpayers. There is some truth to that; the property-tax rate here is one-third lower than the state average. But shutting their schools also allowed Kalkaska?s educators and the state?s largest teachers? union, the Michigan Education Association, to make a political point. Their aim was to spur passage of legislation Michigan lawmakers are debating to increase the state?s share of school funding. It was no coincidence that Kalkaska shut its schools two weeks after residents rejected a 28 percent property-tax increase. The school board argued that without the increase it lacked the $1.5 million needed to keep schools open. But the school system had not done all it could to keep the schools open. Officials declined to borrow against next year?s state aid, they refused to trim extracurricular activities and they did not consider seeking a smaller—perhaps more acceptable—tax increase. In fact, closing early is costing Kalkaska a significant amount, including $600,000 in unemployment payments to teachers and staff and $250,000 in lost state aid. In February, the school system promised teachers and staff two months of retirement payments in case schools closed early, a deal that will cost the district $275,000 more. Other signs suggest school authorities were at least as eager to make a political statement as to keep schools open. The Michigan Education Association hired a public relations firm to stage a rally marking the school closings, which attracted 14 local and national television stations and networks. The president of the National Education Association, the MEA?s parent organization, flew from Washington, D. C., for the event. And the union tutored school officials in the art of television interviews. School supervisor Doyle Disbrow acknowledges the district could have kept schools open by cutting programs but denies the moves were politically motivated. Michigan lawmakers have reacted angrily to the closings. The state Senate has already voted to put the system into receivership (破产管理) and reopen schools immediately; the Michigan House plans to consider the bill this week. 26. We learn from the passage that schools in Kalkaska, Michigan, are funded ______. A) by both the local and state governments B) exclusively by the local government C) mainly by the state government D) by the National Education Association 27. One of the purposes for which school officials closed classes was _______. A) to avoid paying retirement benefits to teachers and staff B) to draw the attention of local taxpayers to political issues C) to make the financial difficulties of their teachers and staff known to the public D) to pressure Michigan lawmakers into increasing state funds for local schools 28. The author seems to disapprove of _______. A) the Michigan lawmakers? endless debating B) the shutting of schools in Kalkaska C) the involvement of the mass media D) delaying the passage of the school funding legislation 29. We learn from the passage that school authorities in Kalkaska are more concerned about _______. A) a raise in the property-tax rate in Michigan B) reopening the schools there immediately C) the attitude of the MEA?s parent organization D) making a political issue of the closing of the schools 30. According to the passage, the closing of the schools developed into a crisis because of ______. A) the complexity of the problem B) the political motives on the part of the educators C) the weak response of the state officials D) the strong protest on the part of the students? parents Passage Three Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage. German Chancellor (首相) Otto Von Bismarck may be most famous for his military and diplomatic talent, but his legacy (遗产) includes many of today?s social insurance programs. During the middle of the 19th century, Germany, along with other European nations, experienced an unprecedented rash of workplace deaths and accidents as a result of growing industrialization. Motivated in part by Christian compassion (怜 悯) for the helpless as well as a practical political impulse to undercut the support of the socialist labor movement, Chancellor Bismarck created the world?s first workers? compensation law in 1884. By 1908, the United States was the only industrial nation in the world that lacked workers? compensation insurance. America?s injured workers could sue for damages in a court of law, but they still faced a number of tough legal barriers. For example, employees had to prove that their injuries directly resulted from employer negligence and that they themselves were ignorant about potential hazards in the workplace. The first state workers? compensation law in this country passed in 1911, and the program soon spread throughout the nation. After World War II, benefit payments to American workers did not keep up with the cost of living. In fact, real benefit levels were lower in the 1970s than they were in the 1940s, and in most states the maximum benefit was below the poverty level for a family of four. In 1970, President Richard Nixon set up a national commission to study the problems of workers? compensation. Two years later, the commission issued 19 key recommendations, including one that called for increasing compensation benefit levels to 100 percent of the states? average weekly wages. In fact, the average compensation benefit in America has climbed from 55 percent of the states? average weekly wages in 1972 to 97 percent today. But, as most studies show, every 10 percent increase in compensation benefits results in a 5 percent increase in the numbers of workers who file for claims. And with so much more money floating in the workers? compensation system, it?s not surprising that doctors and lawyers have helped themselves to a large slice of the growing pie. 31. The world?s first workers? compensation law was introduced by Bismarck _______. A) to make industrial production safer B) to speed up the pace of industrialization C) out of religious and political considerations D) for fear of losing the support of the socialist labor movement 32. We learn from the passage that the process of industrialization in Europe _______. A) was accompanied by an increased number of workshop accidents B) resulted in the development of popular social insurance programs C) required workers to be aware of the potential dangers at the workplace D) met growing resistance from laborers working at machines 33. One of the problems the American injured workers faced in getting compensation in the early 19th century was that ______. A) they had to have the courage to sue for damages in a court of law B) different sums in the U.S. had totally different compensation programs C) America?s average compensation benefit was much lower than the cost of living D) they had to produce evidence that their employers were responsible for the accident 34. After 1972 workers? compensation insurance in the U.S. became more favorable to workers so that _______. A) the poverty level for a family of four went up drastically B) there were fewer legal barriers when they filed for claims C) the number of workers suing for damages increased D) more money was allocated to their compensation system 35. The author ends the passage with the implication that ______. A) compensation benefits in America are soaring to new heights B) the workers are not the only ones to benefit from the compensation system C) people from all walks of life can benefit from the compensation system D) money floating in the compensation system is a huge drain on the U.S. economy Passage Four Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage. Early in the age of affluence (富裕) that followed World War II, an American retailing analyst named Victor Lebow proclaimed, “Our enormously productive economy ... demands that we make consumption our way of life, that we convert the buying and use of goods into rituals, that we seek our spiritual satisfaction, our ego satisfaction, in consumption. ... We need things consumed, burned up, worn out, replaced and discarded at an ever increasing rate.” Americans have responded to Lebow?s call, and much of the world has followed. Consumption has become a central pillar of life in industrial lands and is even embedded in social values. Opinion surveys in the world?s two largest economies—Japan and the United Sates—show consumerist definitions of success becoming ever more prevalent. Overconsumption by the world?s fortunate is an environmental problem unmatched in severity by anything but perhaps population growth. Their surging exploitation of resources threatens to exhaust or unalterably spoil forests, soils, water, air and climate. Ironically, high consumption may be a mixed blessing in human terms, too. The time-honored values of integrity of character, good work, friendship, family and community have often been sacrificed in the rush to riches. Thus many in the industrial lands have a sense that their world of plenty is somehow hollow—that, misled by a consumerist culture, they have been fruitlessly attempting to satisfy what are essentially social, psychological and spiritual needs with material things. Of course, the opposite of overconsumption—poverty—is no solution to either environmental or human problems. It is infinitely worse for people and bad for the natural world too. Dispossessed (被剥夺得一无所 有的) peasants slash-and-burn their way into the rain forests of Latin America, and hungry nomads (游牧民族) turn their herds out onto fragile African grassland, reducing it to desert. If environmental destruction results when people have either too little or too much, we are left to wonder how much is enough. What level of consumption can the earth support? When does having more cease to add noticeably to human satisfaction? 36. The emergence of the affluent society after World War II ________. A) gave birth to a new generation of upper class consumers B) gave rise to the dominance of the new egoism C) led to the reform of the retailing system D) resulted in the worship of consumerism 37. Apart from enormous productivity, another important impetus to high consumption is _______. A) the conversion of the sale of goods into rituals B) the people?s desire for a rise in their living standards C) the imbalance that has existed between production and consumption D) the concept that one’s success is measured by how much they consume 38. Why does the author say high consumption is a mixed blessing? A) Because poverty still exists in an affluent society. B) Because moral values are sacrificed in pursuit of material satisfaction. C) Because overconsumption won?t last long due to unrestricted population growth. D) Because traditional rituals are often neglected in the process of modernization. 39. According to the passage, consumerist culture ________. A) cannot thrive on a fragile economy B) will not aggravate environmental problems C) cannot satisfy human spiritual needs D) will not alleviate poverty in wealthy countries 40. It can be inferred from the passage that _______. A) human spiritual needs should match material affluence B) there is never an end to satisfying people?s material needs C) whether high consumption should be encouraged is still an issue D) how to keep consumption at a reasonable level remains a problem 21. A 22. B 23. D 24. D 25. C 26. A 27. D 28. B 29. D 30. B 31. C 32. A 33. D 34. C 35. B 36. D 37. D 38. B 39. C 40. D 爷要听什么?随便你唱什么。吟霜侧著头,深思了一会几,再掉头看向云鹏 暗中布置著什么,云鹏发现她在装修吟霜那几间卧室了,他怀疑的问: 从此,葛府中失去了吟霜的影子。云鹏魂牵梦萦,实在无法忘怀吟霜。朝朝井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈暮暮,这片 似悲似乐的情绪把他给击倒了。他俯视著她,不由自主的揽住了她的头,喃喃的说: 要为他物色人选的念头仍然未消,感于井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈她那片好意,他也就无可奈何了。于是,这天,云鹏 吟霜,他低唤井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈,点了点头,慨然的说:薄命怜卿甘作妾!薄命吗?吟霜低 啊呀,我的天!云鹏感到一阵头晕目眩,用手拍著额,他一叠连声的叫葛升备井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈马, 在哪儿?我让她待在吟霜的那间屋子里呢,你去看看好吗? 怎井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈 井上可奈么可以让她住吟霜的房间!云鹏十分不乐,却不好发作。看到弄玉一片喜孜孜的样 双眉暗锁,心事谁知我?旧恨而今较可,新愁去后如何?白狐6/井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈46 呢? 内容,因井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈此,垂著眼睑,低俯著头,她不敢仰视云鹏。 祝完,他再看看那密井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈上可奈密深深的荒林,重重的跺了一下脚,带著满怀井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈的无可奈何与怆恻之 有些诧异,也有些不耐。但是,屋里已响起一阵叮叮咚咚的琴声,好熟悉!接著,一个圆润 变吧! 霜。怕弄玉寒心,他不敢形于色,而弄玉呢?她已把吟霜的井上可奈_爽到饥井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈渴妇人流_井上可奈房间弄得焕然一新,云鹏知道她 她说,等你回来,就不会放她走了! 福的笑容。 弄玉,弄玉,你实在是个好太太!你别给我弄人,我一定从明天起振作 起来,如 吟霜凝视著她,泪珠沿颊滚落,但是,她在井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈微笑著,在她唇边,浮现著一个好井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈美丽好井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈幸 然的站在房门口,对云鹏深深一福说:夫人叫井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈我来,她说爷有话要交代。 是,爷,我的期限已经到了,我必须离去。吟霜温柔而井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈哀恳的说:请你井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈看在我这几年的 了,就来不及了。井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈现在,你愿意出去,让姐姐进来吗?我有话要和姐姐说。云鹏心神皆 是,那琴声叮叮咚咚的持续了一阵之后,却戛然而止了。云鹏低低叹息,一阵落寞的感觉, 知否?知否?多少恨才下心头,却上眉头! 他要赶到那森林里去看个究竟。 子,他又不忍过拂其意,只得走到那门口来。才到门口,弄玉又止住了他。 自己,那么,救救你自己吧!吟霜!为了我,救救你自己吧!吟霜含泪看著云鹏。你真 只怕……吟霜低叹了一声,把头转向里面。我是没有这个福气了,爷。云鹏一 终于,他们来到了那丛林里,葛升勒住马说:就在这儿!云鹏停住马,举目四顾, 还有比这件井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈事更大的喜悦吗?知县府中,整日整夜鞭炮不断,老百姓们,齐聚在县衙门 的手,担忧的望著她,恳挚的说:吟霜,你一定要快些好起来,看不到你活活泼泼的在屋 来: 能比生活在爷和夫人身边更快乐的呢? 霜,你必须好好的活著!为了我,吟霜,你不是什么都为了我吗?你必须为我好好的活著! 弄玉走了,云鹏坐在那儿,呆呆的看著竹帘子发愣。忽然间,他听到一阵琴声,和著歌 畏羞的直视著他,一层热烈的光彩笼罩在她井上可奈_爽井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈那清丽的脸庞上,使她井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈看来无比的美丽,无比的 知否?知否?一片心事难出口,谁怜我镇日消瘦? 的,不是吗? 野的跳动著。她又叹息了,轻声的,她像许诺般的说:爷,你放心,我不会死的。 云鹏猛的一震,这可能吗?他再也按捺不住,大踏步的跨上前去,井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈上可奈他一掀帘子,直冲进 听说你最近不大舒服,云鹏说,仔细的打量她,是的,那面颊是消瘦了,那腰身也 不知道到底哪一家最好。事情关系你的终身,所以井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈,也不能不问问你自己的意见。 住了他。知道吗?爷,我是属于山林和原野的,自来你家,虽然井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈我也很幸福,但是,到底 云鹏恍然若梦,轻触著吟霜的头发面颊,她丰泽依旧,比卧病前还好看得多。他喃喃 看的!原来葛升也是同谋。 你知道,我们井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈在给你作媒呢井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈!云鹏开门见山的说,紧紧的注视著吟霜。吟霜微微的 爷井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈,吟霜安慰的拍拍他的手。我不会死,我没有说我要死呀!我只是要告诉你一 云鹏走井上可奈井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈进了吟霜房里,房角的小药炉上,在熬著药,一屋子的药香。桌上,一灯如豆。 弄玉,你不会吃吟霜的醋,井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈因为你和我一样喜欢吟霜呢!一句话说得弄玉心酸,她 我不管你是人是狐,云鹏烦恼的说:我只井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈要你在我身边,好好的活著。可 爷允许我告退了! 啊呀,云鹏,你可别冤枉人井上可奈_爽到饥井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈渴妇人流_井上可奈家吟霜,你要是真关心她啊,你就该看出她现在精井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈神大不 匆匆挽个抛家髻,这春愁怎替?那新词且寄! 起身来,茫然四顾,森林绵密,树影重重,暮色惨淡,烟雾迷离,秋风瑟瑟,落木萧井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈萧。那 吟霜似乎也一阵惨然,泪珠就如断线珍珠般滚滚而下,握紧了云鹏的手,她凄然说: 走,何苦来这一趟? 望著云鹏,叹口气说: 怎么?这是怎么回事?云鹏更加糊涂了。 井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈 到那白影子的旁边,一把抓住,却是吟霜的衣裳和鞋子,衣裳之中,什么都没有。吟 是吗?是吗?她真是化为白狐井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈,回归山野了吗?云鹏仰首问天,天亦无言,俯首问地, 原来井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈如此!云鹏有些不高兴,井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈皱著眉问: 云鹏从墙上摘下一把琴来。 晚上,云鹏坐在书房中,正在看著书,喜儿在一边服侍著。忽然,门帘一掀,吟霜盈盈井上可奈_爽到饥渴井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈妇人流_井上可奈 这是你的工作井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈奈,你该去问问她。或者,她自己心里有数,愿意去怎样的人家。我 白狐,山林辽阔,请好生珍重,一要远离猎人网罟,二要远离猛兽爪牙。你一点灵心,若不 门口舞狮井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈舞龙。弄玉吩咐井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈流_井上可奈 扎起一个戏台子,唱了好几个通宵的戏。葛府中上上下下,全穿上 哦,这个弄玉!这种关于婚事的话,她们井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈女人家彼此谈起来不是简单得多,偏要他来 谈。但是,也罢,既然来了,不妨问个清楚。他点点头,摒退了喜儿,对吟霜说: 你关好门,过来坐下吧,我们谈谈。 了。云鹏十分焦急,延井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈医诊治,都说血气亏损,要好好井上可奈_爽井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈调理休养。但,尽管参汤燕窝的调 不出的雅致与飘逸,他不自禁的看呆了。吟霜轻轻的站起身来,垂著头,她幽幽的说:请 爷,如你疼我,好好待那个孩子吧。我在林中,还是会过得快快乐乐的,你尽可以放 我知道,吟霜说:我很清醒,我讲的都是真话。爷,你想想看吧,我来你家的整 吟霜躺在白色井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈的纱帐里,面色在昏黄的灯光映照下,更显得井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈憔悴而消瘦。但她那对乌黑的井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈眼 声,从花园中袅袅传来。他知道,这又是吟霜在抚琴而歌了。下意识的,他用手支住颚,开 珠,却比往日更加清亮,更加有神。云鹏走过去,坐在床沿上,轻轻的握住吟霜放在被外的 的、不解的、困惑的说: 井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈 一眼看到在那林中的草地上,有一团白色的影子。云鹏喊了一声,滚鞍下马,连跑带跌的冲 著我,她委婉的说:你何不出去走走。 非常漂亮,眉毛眼睛,都酷似吟霜。他常抱著孩子,低低的说: 宁可废礼,逼著吟霜和她姐妹相呼。她宠她,爱她,怜惜她,更胜过一井上可奈_爽井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈个亲姐姐。而吟霜 知否?知否?恨个人心意如铁,我终身休配井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈鸾俦! 吟霜请你去,云鹏,她有话要告诉你! 休井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈休,似这般不解风情,辜负我一番琴奏! 如前了! 呢? 了最华丽的衣服,戴上喜花,人人都是笑吟吟的。老家人葛升,更津津乐道于述说白狐报恩 吟霜关上了门,走过来,顺从的在云鹏脚边的一张矮凳上坐下了。她似乎已预知谈话的 叨天之幸,经过一年的调养,我真的好了。 怎么呢?云鹏更加不安的问。她呀,我也不知道怎么,弄玉又悄悄的看看井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈云 把琴平井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈放在膝上,她轻抚了井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈几个音,抬起眼睛,她看著云鹏。 云鹏怔怔的看著吟霜,她神色哀怨,语音凄楚,那眉目之间,一片哀愁和委屈。怎么, 云鹏,你这样想念吟霜,不怕我吃醋吗? 云鹏不相信的看著她,伸手摸摸她的额,她没有发烧,她的井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈_井上可奈神志是井上可奈井井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈上可奈井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈清醒的。你知道你自己 决不许离开我!吟霜,冷汗在他额头沁了出来,他仆向她:再也不许说,你知道吗?吟 哦,爷。她说:我想一个流离失所的卖唱女子,能得到爷这样推心置腹的恩宠, 调子,她又唱: 面对著他。这不是吟霜,更是何人! 乎谈了许多井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈知心的话。到晚上,弄玉含泪来到云鹏面前。 朝思暮想之苦。就这样,一年的时间过去了。孩子已牙牙学语,而且能摇摇摆摆的走路了。 嫁,我井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈还不如井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈一死!井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈云鹏心动神驰,狂喜中杂著心酸,怜惜中杂著欢乐,那份乍惊乍喜, 那么……云井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈鹏脑子里乱成了一团。 你真愿意这样?你知道你美好得像一朵含井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈苞待放的白梅,你知道我多怕糟蹋了你?你 护过深,我深怕让爷目睹我的死亡,会过份伤心,所以,我和姐姐串通好,想出这个办法 明月夜,短松冈。 房。霎时间,他愣住了。在一张椅子上,井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈一个女子白衣白裳白飘带,正抱琴而坐,笑盈盈的 五真的,第二年的夏天,吟霜生了一个男孩子。 泪进了吟霜的房间,整夜,她都逗留在里面,没有出来。 现在吗?吟霜问井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈。是的,现在。吟霜顺从的接过了琴,在一张井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈凳子上坐下了, 什么救命恩人,我不过帮她葬了父亲,也算不得救命!井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈_井上可奈 但是,这井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈一次生产却严重的损伤了井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈吟霜的健康,她显得非常消瘦而苍白。满月的时候, 听到了,爷。她低声说。 又热烈的俯向井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈她。吟霜,记得那年你曾救了冬儿一命,你既然能救冬儿,你当然也井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈可以救 自己问问她呢?你到底是她的救命恩人,她可能愿意告诉你。 也永不井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈会知道这谜底了。如果我竟然好了,那时,我再回到你身边来,把一切真相告诉你。 知道忍痛提婚,我需要多大的定井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈力?啊,吟霜,你真愿井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈意?你真愿意? 暗,山影幢幢,树影参差,几点寒星,闪烁在高而远的天边。老仆葛升再一次跪井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈禀: 是一只狐狸吗?荒谬!岂不荒谬吗?但,她真是只狐狸吗?你说吧,井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈吟霜。白井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈狐7/46 云鹏开始强颜欢笑,也开始参加应酬宴会,去歌台舞榭,但,在心底,他还是想念著吟 第二天一大早,云鹏就必须出门,因为知府来县中巡视,他要去陪侍。他无暇再去探视 卖身给爷了,爷要怎么安井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈人流_井上可奈 排就怎么安排,奴才不井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈敢说话。 用背对著云鹏,不住的用袖子擦著眼泪,她的双肩耸动,喉中哽噎。用手拉著帘子,她颤声 云鹏,请原谅我们。她说。 吗? 人,病重而不愿皇帝亲睹,怕憔悴之状,使皇帝不乐。我当时也有同样的想法,而且,爷爱 地亦无语。云鹏心碎神伤,不禁井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈凄然泪下井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈。抚摸著那些衣井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈衫,衣香依旧,而芳踪已杳。他不 愿意! 语,声井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈奈音轻柔如梦。我属于薄命的时期已经过去了。以后该是幸福而欢乐的,还有什么事 音清晰的说:自从踏进葛府的大门,井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈我从没有离去井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈的打算,如今,既然不堪驱使,必要遣 吟霜仍然仰视著他,井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈她那光明如星的眸子坦白的对著他,似乎在狂喊著:愿意!愿意! 吟霜!他沙嗄的喊,不信任的瞪井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈视著她。 鹏,弄玉追了进来,含泪说:吟霜已经井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈离去了。 云鹏深深的注视著她。 井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈当然不,吟霜,你知道我一向不相信鬼狐之说。 鹏。只是,从春天起,她就神情恹恹井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈的。我说,爷,你给人家选婆家,也该征求她本人的 井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈爷。吟霜脸上仍然带著那楚楚动人的微笑。我请你来,是必须告诉你一件事情。 小径,那岩石,那原野,都已模糊难辨了。云鹏怆然的想起前人的词:料得年年肠断处, 你在弄些什么?把这几间屋子收拾好,给你再物色一个井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈人井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈。弄玉井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈笑嘻嘻的说。 鹏,我总算给你物色到一个人了! 髻。这春愁怎替?那新词且寄! 她虽然也挣扎著下了床,提起精神,应付一连几天井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈的酒宴。可是,不到半个月,她就又睡倒 依稀听到了一些句子,却正是:香梦回,才褪红鸳被,重点檀唇胭脂腻,匆匆挽个抛家 忍遽去,伫立久之,家人们也都垂手而立,默默无言。山风呼啸,夜枭哀啼,天色逐渐黑 我还有什井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈么不满足的呢?我是死而无井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈憾了。不许提死字,吟霜!云鹏含著泪喊,忽然 窥探,我会重化为狐,回归山林。如果你不井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈依井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈我,我会死去的。 您别先进去,云鹏。这女孩也会唱曲子,你先听她唱一曲,看看比吟霜如何?云鹏 可是,你错了,爷。吟霜叹口气,坦率而恳挚的井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈看著他。我要告诉你的就是井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈这 快马加鞭,直向丛林冲去。 且,再也不走了! 原野起伏绵延,无边无际。吟霜在哪里呢?他紧抱著吟霜的衣物,呆呆 的伫立著,山风起 吟霜还是不说话。吟霜,你听到吗?吟霜受惊的抬起眼睛来,对云鹏匆匆一瞥,那 那么,你希望嫁一个怎样的人呢?现在,有张家来求亲,北城张百万家,知道吗? 喜儿鬼鬼祟祟,丫头们闪闪躲躲。井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈他奇怪的走进去,弄玉已笑著迎了井上可奈_爽到饥井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈渴妇人流_井上可奈出来,满脸井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈喜气:云 风瑟瑟,四野一片凄凉景象。想到吟霜被孤零零的丢在这山野里,他就觉得心如刀绞,不禁 情,他说: 候,吟霜更是瘦骨支离了,她已无法下床,也懒于饮食井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈了。弄玉完全不顾妻妾的名分,井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈整日 弄井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈玉从屋外跑进来,带著笑,她也对云鹏跪下了。白狐8/46 云鹏迎视著她的目光,听了这几句,已陡觉心里颊,她目光如酒,双颊如酡,换了一个 个经过,不是太巧了吗?我告诉您,我确实是那只白狐! 五内俱伤,心惊胆战,一把捂住了吟霜的嘴,井上井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈他嚷著说: 吟霜。黄昏时分,他回到府中,来不及换去官服,就一直冲进吟霜的卧房,才跨进房间,他 也这样想,弄玉抿著嘴角,轻轻井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈一笑。井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈但是,她一个字也不肯说,我也没办法,你何不 她,而尊重她了! 不管弄玉的劝阻,他终于带著家人,井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈扑奔城西的丛林而去。出了城,郊外山路崎岖,秋 愿意唱一曲给我听吗?他问,心里忽然涌上一股恻然的情绪,等她嫁后,再想听她 弄玉不语,她知道他已是曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云了。她嘴里不说,却在 就大吃了一惊,呆呆的井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈愣住了。吟霜房中,一切依旧,只是那张床上,已一无所有。云 随爷作主。吟霜仍然是那句话,但,眼泪却溢出了眼井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井井上井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈上可奈眶,沿著面颊滚落下去了。她 治,吟霜仍然日益憔悴。 在说些什么吗? 子里转,我什么事都做不下去。 不能失去你。他紧攥住井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈她。呵,吟霜,我真的不能失去你!井上可奈_爽到饥渴井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈妇人流_井上可奈 们,保重你自己呵。我看井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈,从明天起,你多出去走走,各处去散散心,好吗? 吟霜又站住了,垂手而立。 真的吗?吟霜?真的。她对他微笑。他看著她,于是,忽然间,他觉得她那许 震动了一下,一句话也不说,头俯得更低了,脸色也更苍白了。你不必害羞,吟霜。云 为了免得弄玉悬井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈心,他只井上可奈_爽到井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈饥渴妇人流_井上可奈得应著。但是,尽管名山胜水,或花园名胜,都无法排遣那份 那么,或者你会喜欢刘秀才家? 吟霜!云鹏惊喊,猛烈的摇头。不!不!不!你根本神志不清,不行,在那森林 井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈爷,你就让她安安静静的去吧!弄玉劝著:天已经暗了,路又不好走,您何苦 去的?放在什么位置了?有没有留下人来照应?是葛升他们抬去的,我们遵照她的意 云鹏揽过弄玉,注视著她,温柔的说: 的没有一个人,他注意到,吟霜已经摒退了丫头们。 手,那手已枯瘦无力,一对白玉镯子,在手腕上好沉重井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈的坠著。云鹏四面望望,屋内静悄悄 始静静的倾听。因为隔得远,歌词听不太清楚。他定定神,用心的去捉住那声浪,于是,他 更加重要了,弄玉命令下人们,谁也不许称吟霜姨娘,而要称二夫人。私下里,她 何? 思,把她放在草地上,就都走开了,不敢留在那儿看她。 爷,你希望我死吗?哦,吟霜,我要怎么办?吟霜?云鹏凄楚的叫:井上可奈_爽到井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈饥渴妇人流_井上可奈你既然必定要 吟霜咬了咬嘴唇。怎么不说话呢?云鹏蹙眉问。 对他井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈慢慢的包围了过来。 说:奴才告退了!云鹏的心脏猛然的跳动著,他的呼吸急井上可奈_井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈促,他的头脑昏眩,向前急急 处,落叶纷飞。葛升井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈走了过来,含泪跪井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈下说:爷,白姑娘是回她的家乡去了,请爷节哀顺 的眉,那亮晶晶的眼睛,那挺挺的鼻子,那小小的嘴,那细腻的皮肤,那玲珑的手脚……这井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈 来。只因为大家都传说我是白狐,我就假托为狐,要归诸山野。事实上,姐姐把我抬往另一 里,你会冻死! 别再说了!吟霜,你知道你在我心里的地位!你一定要放宽心思,好好调养自己,我 皱著眉说。 的跨了一井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇 人流_井上可奈大步,他忘形的把手压在吟霜的肩上,沙嗄的喊了一声:吟霜!吟霜猛的回过 狐。 碎,五内俱伤。他掩泪退出了吟霜的房间,痛心之余,真不知神之所之,魂之所井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈在。井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈弄玉含 他根本就不允许这预感存在。如今,他被刺痛了,紧张了井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈,也心惊肉跳了! 这种忘形的怀念,这种刻骨的相思,使他忧思忡忡,而形容憔井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈悴。弄玉看在眼里,急在 你的母亲呢?孩子?你的母亲呢?井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈 起了那只白狐,是的,这是那只白狐的眼睛!他有些神思恍惚而额汗涔涔了。吟霜紧紧的抓 于是,云鹏不再挣扎,不再困惑,不再痛苦,不再自欺,他把她拉了井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈起来,轻轻的揽在 霜!云鹏惨叫,举起衣裳,衣物都完整如新,只是伊人,已不知归向何处。他昏昏然的站 鹏困难的说:你知道,男大当婚,女大当嫁,这是做人必然的过程。 怀里,他的面颊轻触著她鬓边的发丝,和她那垂在耳际的小珠饰。他低 低的叹息了。 等一下,吟霜。云鹏本能的喊井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈。 了。 今天下午,我听到你在唱歌。他说,顿了一下,又说:我很多天没听到你唱歌 吟霜。他心痛的喊著。 意思啊,别人到底不是咱们家的人呀! 因为,没有你,我的生活就再也没有意义了!哦,爷。吟霜低呼著,眼里蕴满了泪, 唱曲,就难如登天了。 我们遵照她的意思,把她送到城外西边的森林里去了。弄玉说:她逼著我做的, 清脆的歌喉,就袅袅柔柔的唱了起来:香梦回,才褪红鸳被,重点檀唇胭脂腻, 闺阁女子,失去了我,还有更好的,何况,有姐姐陪著你……这话简直像在诀别了,云鹏 栋住宅,买了丫头老妈子侍候著,同时延医诊治。如果我死了,就井上 可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈让姐井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈姐把我私下井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈埋了,你 你别动吟霜的房间,也井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈别白费工夫,你即使弄了人来,我也不要!云鹏没好气的说。 一个秘密?什么秘密?云鹏困惑的问。 吟霜抛下了手里的琴,对著云鹏跪下了,含著泪,她低低的井上可奈井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈叫:爷,我回来了。而 她不满意吗?她不愿嫁张家吗?她也嫌他们不是书香门第吗? 思念之情,丝毫不减。走进吟霜住过的房子,他低呼吟霜。看到吟霜穿过的衣物,他低呼吟 给你物色一个比吟霜更漂亮的,好吗?弄玉祈求的看著云鹏:你不要管,等我找 诺是真会实现的,她不会死!他似乎放下了一重重担,她不会死。可是,到了夏末秋初的时 因为,我的期限到了,我必须走了。 守在吟霜的房里,和云鹏一样,她也求她救救你自己。但,吟霜显然无法救她自己,她 动人。 不全呵! 从外面回到家井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈里来,才一进门,井井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈就觉得家里充满了井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈一股特殊的气氛,井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈老家人葛升笑得怪异, 爷,我是只狐狸呀!吟霜说,那乌黑晶亮的眼睛深深的盯著云鹏,云鹏不自禁的想 云鹏慨然长叹,抚摸著弄玉那窄窄的肩,和鬓边的细发,他心中浮起了一股感动和歉然 霜。抚弄吟霜弹过的琴,他低呼吟霜。抱起吟霜留下的儿子,他更是呼唤著吟霜。孩子长得 知否?知否?身如飘萍难寄,心事尽付东流! 是这样,爷。吟霜接口:那时候我病得很重,自以为不保。当年汉武帝之妃李夫 爷!她热烈的低喊,忽然身子一矮,就跪倒在他的脚前,仰著头,她瞪视著他,语 知否?知否?看它春色年年,我的芳心依旧! 那么怕我死?她幽幽的问。 个,我确实是那只在山中被你救下来的白狐,为报当日之恩,化身为人,设计来到你家。我 大眼睛里,竟闪耀著泪光,满脸的凄惶和无助。 这样才好。弄玉笑著,眼里盈著泪。 吟霜,他喊著:不许这样想!你还那样年轻,你还要跟我共度一大段的岁月,你 呢?丝毫没有恃宠而骄,她更加谦和,更加有礼,更加温柔,难怪井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈人人都要称扬她,喜欢 是一只白狐吗? 爷?吟霜询问的看了他一眼。 悄悄的举起袖子,拭了拭泪。云鹏望著她,依然是白衣白裳,腰间井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈系著一根白缎的腰带,说 的故事了。这真是天大的喜事,尤其云鹏已经三十几岁了,这才是第一个儿子!吟霜的地位 了一口,无情无绪的站起身来,他走到靠花园的窗边,挑起帘子,他想仔细的听一听。可 曾立誓要帮你生个儿子,这段恩情就算报了,现在,我已经给你生了儿子了!吟霜? 可是……可是……云鹏愣愣的说:在那山野里,我曾经目睹你蜕下的衣衫呢! 她用手轻轻地抚摸云鹏的手,劝慰的说:你不该说这话的,爷。您是个男人,我不过是个 真是你吗?吟霜?真是你吗?你从那山林里又回来了吗?你不会再变井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈为狐,一去不回 等你好了,我带著你和你姐姐,一起出去玩玩。 我要去把她带回来,云鹏嚷著:你知道山里有狼有虎吗?她就是井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈死,也不该尸骨 我们走吧!执辔回鞍,一片凄凉,再回首相望,夜雾迷离,山影井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈依稀。那树木,那 心,不要挂念,如果有缘,说不定我以后还会来见你。别了,爷。请照我的话办,一旦我死 的情绪,再叹口气,他低声说: 云鹏,天下佳人不少,与其天天想吟霜,不如再娶一个进来。你别瞎操心了!云鹏 哈,我说的可不是这个。弄玉掀起帘子,准备退出,又回眸一笑说:你心
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