首页 微型电机及其胪陈[整理版]



微型电机及其胪陈[整理版]微型电机及其胪陈[整理版] New Scale是美国专业超小型运动制造商,创造出了世界上最小的直线电机-SQUIGLE超声波压电陶瓷电机以及TRACKER (TM)定位传感器。 超声波压电式电机的产品特点: 1. 超微型尺寸 2. 低能耗,低电压驱动 3. 具有断电位置保护功能 4. 驱动力:>5N 5. 行程可达50mm 6. 速度从1um/s到10mm可调 7. 精度最高20nm 8. 无磁性,有真空型和低温型产品 New Scalede TRACKER (TM)定位传感器世界上尺寸最小、分辨...

微型电机及其胪陈[整理版] New Scale是美国专业超小型运动制造商,创造出了世界上最小的直线电机-SQUIGLE超声波压电陶瓷电机以及TRACKER (TM)定位传感器。 超声波压电式电机的产品特点: 1. 超微型尺寸 2. 低能耗,低电压驱动 3. 具有断电位置保护功能 4. 驱动力:>5N 5. 行程可达50mm 6. 速度从1um/s到10mm可调 7. 精度最高20nm 8. 无磁性,有真空型和低温型产品 New Scalede TRACKER (TM)定位传感器世界上尺寸最小、分辨率最高的定位传感器,内部整合了一个磁感探测器及op-chip位置编码器。 产品特点:1.最小的体积:芯片尺寸:3.9*2.5mm 2.精密的非接触感应:0.5um精度,<2um重复度 3.传感器和编码器集成在一个封装中 4.直接数字输出(I2C总线),不需要脉冲计数器 5.对光、粒子、震动不敏感,没有安装限制 6.绝对一流的性能:零基准,自动增益,自动偏置 一.SQL-RV-1.8 SQUIGGLE 降压直线驱动系统 特点: 1.小, 2.8 x 2.8 x 6 mm, 高性能电机 提高 45% 速度 减少 40% 功耗 推力几乎是 SQL-1.8 电机的 2 倍 亚微米的定位精度 2.工业上最小的压电驱动 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 比同类产品小 5 倍 1.8 x 1.8 mm 驱动 IC 3.工业上第一个 2.3V 直流供电的直接 IC 输出 智能专用控制 IC 无需升压 应用:电池供电的手持设备 手机摄像头 数码相机和数码摄像机 微型医疗制动器 机器人,无人机和安防 运动稳定系统 微型光学模块 微型电子锁 精密工业和科研仪器 世界上最小的线性电控系统 SQUIGGLE 降压微型电机和NSD2101驱动ASIC(专用集成电路)组合在一起成为世界上最小的直线压电运动控制系统,性能可与更大的系统相媲美。最先进的多层压 电技术,结合先进的智能集成电路 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 和正在申请专利的控制算法,创造了具有无 与伦比性能的直线运动控制系统。 新RV系列具有专利技术的超声波压电电机和驱动器,创造了多个行业第一, 包括: 1.2.3V直流电池输入驱动芯片,无需外加升压电路。 2.比电机还要小得多的完整驱动方案,比同类系统小5倍 3.比同类电磁解决方案减少40%的功耗。 SQL-RV-1.8-6-12 SQUIGGLE 电机规格 无与伦比的尺寸和性能 SQL-RV-1.8和NSD2101驱动在一定范围的电压条件下提供大范围的性能。下面的图 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示 NSD-2101 IC不同输入电压条件下,电机的推力和速度性能;不同电压下达到一系列直线运动速 度的功耗。功率曲线是在对电机施加15g轴向负载时产生的。 SQL-RV-1.8-6-12 SQUIGGLE 电机规格 SQL-RV-1.8 电机控制器 MC-3300-RV是全功能控制器。母板包含一个处理器,模拟位置反馈的12位A/D 转换器,数字微分积分反馈,TRACKER I2C 反馈,连接到计算机的USB接口,通过 New Scale Pathway软件通信 MC-33DB-RV子板包含两个NSD-2101驱动IC,电容和电机接头。子板和IC可单 独集成到OEM系统中 SQL-RV SQUIGGLE 电机开发套件 全功能系统开发平台 SQL-RV 电机开发套件为通过样机集成初步开发RV运动系统提供了方便的平 台。基本的开发套件包含一个SQL-RV电机,New Scale Pathway 计算机软件 和MC-3300-RV电机控制器包含两个NSD-2101 芯片。系统可以控制两个SQL- RV电机,当装配New Scale TRACKER位置传感器或其他编码器时,可以实现 一个精密,多轴的闭环系统。 电机和控制器可以方便地拆除或集成到样机上。 开环和闭环运行 SQL-1.8-RV SQUIGGLE是具有0.5 m分辨率的开环电机,重复步长时, 我们推荐使用直线传感器,例如New Scale的TRACKER NSE-5310编码器进行 闭环操作,绝对位置和精确速度控制。 开发套件有开环和闭环两个版本。闭环开发套件包含一个SQL-RV-1.8电 机和一个TRK-1T02 TRACKE NSE-5310. 订购信息 二.SQL-3.4压电电机和MC-1100控制器 性能:1.小于7nm的直径 2.方便用于高真空、低成本的制造中 3.没有齿轮和摇杆,减少了OME产品里的零配件 4.只有在运行时才会发电 5.坚固的结构可以承受高冲击的负载 6.千分尺的分辨率 7.超静音操作 8.操作温度范围宽 应用:1. 手持设备 2. 手机摄像头 3. 数码相机和摄像机 4.电子锁和紧固件 5. 微流体芯片实验室在单芯片 6.医疗设备 7.国防和安全控制手持设备 8. 机器人,无人机,文 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 或者更多 1.SQL-3.4-10 SQUIGGLE motor 2. MC-1100 Controller(MC-100控制器) The MC-1100 motor controller generates ultrasonic signals to drive SQL-3.4 Series SQUIGGLE motors. The credit-card sized controller is designed for easy integration into OEM instruments. It can be used for open-loop or closed-loop systems. 1.电机控制参数 2.驱动电机: Driving the motor An MC-1100 motor controller sends drive signals to a SQUIGGLE motor based on the input from a computer, analog input, or manual handset. 1.Computer control (电脑控制)– connect the MC-1100 to a PC through a USB or RS-232 port. The ActiveX command library makes operation easy, from either the New Scale Pathway? software or third-party software such as Visual Basic. You can also build custom scripts using the intuitive scripting interface. 2.Analog control(模拟控制) – provide a 0 volt to 3.3 volt input command, which corresponds to +/- the maximum velocity. Each MC-1100 drive card operates a single SQUIGGLE motor. You can control multiple drive cards simultaneously from a single computer screen using the software provided. 订货信息: 三(SQ-100系列电机 (包含真空和无磁选项)用于科研、测试和制造业 性能: 1. 高精度(nm) 2. 大行程(to 50mm) 3. 快速、安静并且平滑 4. 断电位置保持 5. 可替代手动千分尺位移台 -76. 真空版型号真空度可达(10Torr) 7. 可定制五磁型号 应用: 1. 激光准直 2. 光学显微镜 3. 扫描电子显微镜 4. 聚焦离子束谱 5. 扫描离子质谱 6. 高能粒子加速器,同步加速器,光束线 7. 医疗仪器及药物发现 8. 晶圆检查和纳米光刻 真空和无磁选项 Vacuum-compatible SQUIGGLE motors operate to 10-7 Torr, automating in-vacuum alignment without mechanical feed-throughs. They provide high resolution with ultra-low outgassing and heating. We also offer custom non-magnetic SQUIGGLE motors constructed entirely of non-ferrous materials. Because SQUIGGLE ultrasonic motors generate no magnetic fields in operation, these non-magnetic motors are MRI safe and image compatible for medical applications. 1.MC-2300控制器和电脑软件 New Scale motor controllers generate ultrasonic signals to vibrate the motor’s piezoelectric element. You control the SQUIGGLE motor motion via PC interface using the intuitive New Scale Pathway software, included. Use the GUI or call ActiveX commands from the Pathwayapplication or third-party software such as LabVIEW. Build custom scripts using the intuitive scriptinginterface. Alternatively you can provide an analog input or use the optional manual handset. The controller accepts input from position sensors for closed-loop motion control. 2. SQ-100, SQ-100NM, and SQ-100V Series SQUIGGLE Motor (SQ-100系列电机) (1) SQ-100系列电机参数 产品型号: 四(Developer’s Kits for SQUIGGLE? RV Reduced Voltage Micro Motor, NSD-2101 Driver and TRACKER? Position Sensors TM(NSE-5310)(SQUIGGLE RV降压微电机,NSD-2101驱动和TRACKER定位传感器 (NSE-5310)的开发套件) 性能: 1( 简单按动按钮,即可实现向前和向后的运动 2( 通过PC接口和软件开发,可进行详细评估和系统开发 3( 机械和电子的参考设计,便于系统集成 4( 可拆移的部件为您的集成设计提供更多便利 包含的部件: 1. SQL-RV-1.8-6-12 SQUIGGLE RV电机 2. TRACKER NSE-5310定位传感器,(只限闭环系统) 3. MC-3300-RV电机控制器,包含智能NSD-2101D电机驱动芯片 TM4. New Scale Pathway软件 5. 连接线缆和使用指导 世界上最小线性电机和位置编码器的简易评估 New Scale developer’s kits allow fast evaluation of SQUIGGLE RV reduced voltage micro motors and TRACKER position sensors. The kits demonstrate the performance of these tiny components – the smallest of their kind – and serve as both mechanical and electrical reference designs for integration into your product. The developer’s kits include the following components. See the individual motor, sensor and controller data sheets for specifications. 1. SQL-RV-1.8-6-12 SQUIGGLE?RV reduced voltage motor The world’s smallest linear motor at 2.8 x 2.8 x 6 mm features 6 mm travel, 50 gram force stall force and 0.5 µm resolution. 2. TRACKER? NSD- 5310 position sensor Magnetic sensor array with on-chip digital encoding has 0.5 µm resolution and size as small as 3.9 x 2.5 mm. Kit includes 11mm magnet. (TSSOP20 version included in closed-loop kits only) 3. MC-3300-RV motor controller A development platform and reference design integrating two NSD-2101 motor driver ASIC, this controller generates ultrasonic signals to drive the SQUIGGLE motor and accepts feedback from the TRACKER or other position sensor. It connects to your PC using the USB interface. 4. Mechanical reference design The SQUIGGLE RV motor and NSE-5310 TRACKER sensor (if applicable) are integrated into a slide assembly demonstrating proper mounting, loading and alignment. 5.New Scale Pathway? Software New Scale’s PC Windows interface and ActiveX command library make it simple to operate and evaluate the motor and sensor. You can also build custom programs using the intuitive scripting interface. These scripts and ActiveX commands can be ported to your embedded hardware. Developer’s Kit System Components Design assistance and custom product development(设计和定制产品的开 发援助) Contact New Scale if you need assistance with a developer’s kit or have questions about integrating SQUIGGLE RV motors or TRACKER position sensors into your application. We are pleased to review your OEM designs to ensure your success. Contact us regarding volume pricing, customized micro motors, and custom chip-scale packaging for position sensors. We also work with OEMs to design application-specific modules to fit your requirements. 订购产品: Order online at or find your nearest distributor at 五(SQ-2115 Closed-Loop Nanopositioning Stage(闭环纳米位移台) 性能: 1( 高轴荷(5N) 2( 发热小 3( 超低台面厚度 4( 20nm分辨率 应用: 1. 光学显微镜 2. 自适应光学 3. 生物成像 4. 激光维直 5. 波导对齐和装配 6. 晶圆检查和纳米光刻 Closed-loop SQUIGGLE motor stages and multi-axis systems provide unmatched precision in an extremely compact design. They support vertical loads up to 0.5 kilograms with high stiffness and negligible heating. They are ideal where space is at a premium, such as microscope stages. The SQ-2115 stage integrates a patented piezoelectric SQUIGGLE motor with crossed roller bearings and glass scale encoder. This tiny linear stage delivers automated, “set and hold” nanopositioning for research and industrial instruments. The stages are easily assembled to create X-Y and X-Y-Z systems. 驱动电子设备 We offer both benchtop controllers for laboratory use, and credit-card sized PCB drive cards for easy closed-loop integration into OEM systems and instruments. Controllers accept analog input, an optional manual handset, or computer interface. We provide New Scale Pathways? software, along with an ActiveX control that you can integrate into your own applications written in languages such as C++ or Visual Basic. SQ-2115闭环阶段参数 SQ-2115闭环阶段 产品型号:
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