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《高级英语英语阅读教程》课文中重要的翻译《高级英语英语阅读教程》课文中重要的翻译 Lesson 1 Text A 1、Fixed subjects and curricula are likely to go into the melting pot and school themselves, if not as physical locations then at least as places exclusively for children, are threatened with extinction. 固定的学科和课程可能会融为一体,学...

《高级英语英语阅读教程》课文中重要的翻译 Lesson 1 Text A 1、Fixed subjects and curricula are likely to go into the melting pot and school themselves, if not as physical locations then at least as places exclusively for children, are threatened with extinction. 固定的学科和课程可能会融为一体,学校自身若不是因为实际位置,那么至少会因为只招收儿童而面临灭绝的威胁。 2. Because the tradition they were established to pass on became a dead weight, because school became an institution instead of an approach to life, because there was too much emphasis on the written words, too much subject-division, too much authoritarianism----in a word, too much school and not enough learning. 因为他们所建立并延续的传统已成为沉重的负担,因为学校已成为一个机构而非一种生活方式,因为有太多的教条、太细的 科目划分、太注重权威,,总而言之,太多的正规教育而缺乏足够的自我学习。 3. The move towards democracy in schooling has several causes, including the general demand for qualified labor to meet the demands of stepped-up technology. In some countries ideology is behind the move, in others, the consequences of decolonization. 推动教育民主化的原因有多个,要符合快速发展的科学技术就需要大 量合格的劳动力。在某些国家,推动教育民主化进程的动力是意识形态;而在另一些国家,教育民主化是非殖民地化的结果。 4. But the report points out that there is a wide gap between a decision of principle to provide universal education and the democratization of systems, for, as they are currently structured, inequality is built into them. ―The universal right to education, in which contemporary civilization takes such premature pride,‖ says the commission ―is often refused to the most underprivileged. 但是 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 指出,在原则上决定推进大众化教育与实行教育体系的民主 化之间,存在着一条难以逾越的鸿沟。因为在当前的教育体制结构中本身就存在着不平等的现象。委员会认为,?无权无势 的阶层并未享有全民接受教育的权利,而对此当代文明却过早地引以为豪‘。 5. Merely multiplying schools is not the answer. What is needed is not equal treatment for everybody, but provision for each individual of a suitable education at a suitable pace for his particular needs. 单纯地增加学校的数量并 非解决问题之道。我们所需要的不是千篇一律地对待每个人,而是根据个人需要以合适的速度为他们提供合适的教育。 6. Schools, insofar as they continue to exist as we have known them, cease, under this system, to be reserved to children and become places of learning for future and present adults. 在此体系下,那些为人熟知的学校,便不再专为儿童所设,而是成为现在及将来成人的求知场所。 1、Become acquainted with words and their meanings. Learn how to make use of a wide variety of words and how to use a dictionary to help you understand words. Make it a practice to write down words you do not know. Try to work out their meaning from their context in the sentence. If this does not help your understanding, check the meaning later in the dictionary.熟悉 单词 英语单词 下载七年级上册英语单词表下载英语单词表下载深圳小学英语单词表 下载高中英语单词 下载 ,理解词义。学会如何使用字典和丰富多样的词汇以帮助理解词义。养成做生词笔记的习惯,并且尝试 着联系句子内容来理解词义。如果还是不懂,再去查字典。 2、Keep your concentration fixed o the words you are reading and the author‘s meaning. Do not explore your own interpretation of the subject as you read. Keep that for later and explore your own ideas when you have finished the reading.阅读时要专心致志,把注意力集中到文字的表达和作者的意思上,而不是边读边揣摩自己的理解。你可以保留自己 的理解,在读完文章后进行个人的思考。 3、It is important to recall enough of the details to talk about the subject accurately and intelligently. Our ability to recall what you read will be helped by making a Paragraph Key and a summary. Make it a practice to check what you recall of the importance things you read.有一点很重要的是,我们要回忆尽量多的细节,以便在讨论主题的时候能切中要害,富有见 地。而想要提高回忆细节的能力,我们可以从 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 段落大纲,归纳段落重点入手。之后,逐步养成这习惯,对自己回忆的这 些重点进行检验。 Lesson 2 Text A 1. I knew about jim-crow but I had never experienced it. I went to the same self-service restaurant three times and stood with all the Princeton boys before the counter, waiting for a hamburger and coffee; it was always an extraordinarily long time before anything was set before me;but it was not until the fourth visit that I learn that , in fact, nothing had ever been set before me: I had simply picked something up. 我知道白人歧视黑人,但是没亲身经历过。我曾经三次光顾同一家自 助式饭店,和那里所有的普林斯顿大学学生一起站在柜台前,等着汉堡和咖啡。但是在等所有东西准备好、端上来的这段时 间总是格外漫长。直到第四次去那里的时候我才意识到,事实上,从来都没有任何东西摆在我面前。我只是随便拿些东西吃。 2. My reputation in town naturally enhanced my reputation at work and my working day became one long series of 1 acrobatics designed to keep me out of trouble. I cannot say that these acrobatics succeeded. It began to seem that the machinery of the organization I worked for was turning over, day and night, with but one aim: to eject me. 我在镇上的名声自然而然地提升了我在工作上的名声。我的日常工作犹如一连串杂技动作以使我远离麻烦。我不能说这些伎 俩是否成功,工厂里的机器似乎也开始日日夜夜不停运转,唯一的目的就是想把我轰走。 3. That year in New Jersey lives in my mind as though it were the year during which, having an unsuspected predilection for it, I first contracted some dread, chronic disease, the unfailing symptom of which is a kind of blind fever, a pounding in the skull and fire in the bowels. Once this disease is contracted, one can never be really carefree again, for the fever, without an instant‘s warning, can recur at any moment. 住在新泽西的一年一直让我记忆犹新,仿佛我对那一年有着说不出的偏爱。那一年,我第一次染上了一种可怕的慢性疾病, 其一成不变的症状是:莫名其妙的发高烧,头颅里面好像一直有东西在撞击,肚子像火烧一样。人一旦染上这样的病,那么 这辈子就别想再无忧无虑,因为发烧在没有任何丝毫预兆的情况下,随时都可能复发。 4. As it turned out, he also saved me from, at the very least, a violent whipping. Almost every detail of that night stands out very clearly in my memory. I even remember the name of the movie we saw because its title impressed me as being so patly ironical. 结果他至少让我免于一顿鞭打。那晚的几乎每一个细节都清晰地浮现在我的脑海 里。我甚至记得我们看的那部电影的名字,因为其极具讽刺意味,给我留下了深刻的印象。 5. I certainly had no conscious plan. I wanted to do something to crush these white faces, which were crushing me. I walked for perhaps a block or two until I came to an enormous, glittering, and fashionable restaurant in which I knew not even the intercession of the Virgin would cause me to be served. 我的确没有刻意的计划。我只是想做点什么,去粉碎那一张张白人的脸孔,因为那些白脸正在把我压碎。我大概走了一两个 街区,来到一家金碧辉煌又豪华时尚的大饭店。我知道就算圣母玛利亚为我求情,也不可能让我享受到服务。 6. Somehow, with the repetition of phrase, which was already ringing in my head like a thousand bells of a nightmare, I realized that she would never come any closer and that I would have to strike from a distance. There was nothing on the table but an ordinary water-mug half full of water, and I picked this up and hurled it with all my strength at her. 不知道为什么,听到那句一再重复的话,我感觉就像噩梦中无数遍响起的钟声。我知道她再也不会向我靠近半步,这样的话 我就不得远距离发起攻击了。桌上除了一只盛有半杯水的普通水杯,什么也没有,我便拿起杯子用尽我全身的力气向她扔去。 1(So the natural person to hate would be the black person. He‘s beginning to come up, he‘s beginning to…start voting and run for political office. Here are white people who are superior to them, and we are shut out….因此,自然而然黑人就 成了憎恨的对象。他们开始走狗屎运了,开始参加选举,竞选政府官员了。白人本该高他们一等,可我们却被挡在门外。 2(Most of them are merchants or may be an attorney, an insurance agent, people like that. As long as they kept low-income whites and low-income blacks fighting, they are going to maintain control. I began to get the feeling after I was ignored in public.他们中的大多数都是商人、律师、保险代理人、或诸如此类的人。只要他们能使穷白人和穷黑人不停地作 对,他们就能掌控一切。当我走在路上被他们视而不见后,我才开始明白这点。 3(There are two things management wants to keep: all the money and all the say-so. They don‘t want none of these poor working folks to have none of that. I began to see management fighting me with everything they had. Hire anti-union law firms, badmouth unions. The people were making $1.95 an hour, barely able to get through weekends….有两样东西是掌 权者不可或缺的:钱和权。他们不会给我们这些穷哥们其中的任何一样。我开始明白,掌权者在用他们的一切跟我作对:聘 请反工会的律师,雇佣造谣生事的帮会。这些人每个小时才赚1.95美元,这些钱还不够他们熬过周末的。 Lesson 3 Text A 1(Yet the communities of physicians, and of public and corporate researchers, seem unable to organize the process. Why is the nation unwilling or unable to expend the effort and money to launch an applied biology and bioengineering effort to develop ad test a vaccine? 然而医学界,公众,企业研发人员好象不能组织起来推动这个过程。为什么 国家不愿或不能花费精力和资金应用生物学和生物工程学的研究成果来开发和测试疫苗, 2(Two scientific reasons are given for the reluctance to begin a national effort to develop a vaccine. One is that AIDS might be caused by a family of closely related variants of the same virus and that therefore no vaccine could be effective. The other is that there are no animals suitable for initial testing of a vaccine and thus no way to be sure a vaccine is safe for testing in people. 不愿举全国之力开发疫苗在科学上有两种原因。其一是爱滋病可能是由与同一病毒亲密关系的病毒家族引起的,因此,没有 2 什么疫苗是具有特效的。其二是没有合适的动物来为疫苗进行原始测验,因此没有办法确保疫苗对人体进行测试时的安全性。 3(The population at risk and ready to volunteer for testing is largely homosexual. Our political leaders apparently do not wish to be involved with this minority. As a result, the clock runs out on thousands of victims without even the beginning of an effort to develop the vaccine that might prevent new cases from occurring. 受爱滋病威胁并且愿意接受测验的大部分人是同性恋者。我们的政界领袖显然不希望与这一小撮人有牵扯。结果导致我们甚 至没有开始做阻止新病例产生的努力时,成千上万的受害者已经时日无多。 4(All physicians have taken an oath to do no harm. But in fact they do harm by sitting quietly by, or referring AIDS victims to another physician or hoping the disease will quietly go away after it destroys a few thousand homosexual men and narcotics addicts. It is not enough to offer succor and solace. Physicians and scientists should lobby actively for a nationwide effort to develop an AIDS vaccine. 所有的医生都发誓不能对病人造成伤害。然而事实上,当他们袖手旁 观,将爱滋病受害者推给其他医生,或者希望这个病在伤害了成千上万的同性恋和吸毒者的性命之后会悄悄离去,他们已经 对病人造成了伤害。仅仅提供援助和安慰是远远不够的。医生和科学家们应该积极游说,使全民共同努力来开发爱滋疫苗。 1.With the gaining of our political freedom you will remember that there came a conflict between the point of view of Alexander Hamilton, sincerely believing in the superiority of Government by a small group of public-spirited and usually wealthy citizens, and, on the other hand, the point of view of Thomas Jefferson, an advocate of Government by representatives chosen by all the people, an advocate of the universal right of free thought, free personal living, free religion, free expression of opinion and, above all, the right of free universal suffrage. 我们不会忘记当我们获得政治上的独立时,亚历山大?汉密尔顿和托马斯?杰弗逊之间曾产生的分歧和冲突。汉密尔顿坚信该 由富有的,有为公众服务意识的少数人来掌权;杰弗逊则拥护由民众选举产生的代表组成的政府,倡导人人都有思想自由、 言论自由、生活自由和宗教信仰自由等权利,其中最重要的是普选权。 2. Many Americans of those days were willing to concede that if Government could be guaranteed to be kept always on the high level of unselfish service suggested by the Hamiltonians there would be nothing to fear. For the very basis of the Hamiltonian philosophy was that through a system of elections every four years, limited to the votes of the most highly educated and the most successful citizens, the best of those qualified to govern could always be selected.那时期的许多美 国人都愿意承认,如果政府能够保证始终遵守汉密尔顿学派所提出的高度为民服务的准则,那就没什么可担心的了。汉密尔 顿主义的基础是通过四年一次的系统选举,仅由受过高等教育或是最成功的公民来选出其中最合格的人来掌控政府。 3. For he recognized that it was our system of free unhampered elections which was the surest guaranty of popular Government .Just so long as the voters of the Nation, regardless of higher education or property possessions, were free to exercise their choice in the polling place without hindrance, the country would have no cause to fear the head of tyranny. 因为他意识到了,我们自由无障碍的选举制度才是民众政府最可靠的保障。正如,只要一个国家的选民,无论学历高低、财 产多寡,能够在投票点不受任何障碍,自由地行使他们的选择权,那么,这个国家的人民就没有理由去惧怕会产生出一个独 裁政府了。 4. I must admit that I agree with him thoroughly in his estimate of the superior ability of the whole of the votes to pass upon political and social issues in free and unhampered elections, as against the exclusive ability of a smaller group of individuals at the top of the social structure. 我得承认我完全赞同他关于以下观点的评价:全体公民完全有能力在 自由不受任何障碍的情况下,行使他们解决社会和政治问题的选择权,而不是把投票权让比例很小的社会高层人士独占。 5. It is the function of education, the function of all of the great institutions of learning in the United Sates, to provide for our to transmit to youth the best of our culture that has been tested in the fire of history. It is equally the national life— obligation of education to train the minds and the talents of our youth: to improve, through creative citizenship, our American institutions in accordance with the requirements of the future. 教育的作用,美国所有伟大的教育机构的作用就是,把经过历史锤炼的经典文化传输给青少年,为国民的生活提供条件。教 育的作用还在于培养青少年的思维能力和才干,并通过国民的创造能力,按照未来的要求,不断的改进美国的教育机构。 Lesson 4 Text A 1. To slow such ―racehorses‖ down to the pace of a turtle would be as stressful as trying to make the turtle keep up with the horse. Yet others crumble when the crunch is on or the overload light flashes. Some take life‘s large and small obstacles in stride, regarding them as a challenge to succeed in spite of everything. Others are thwarted by every unexpected turn of events, from a traffic delay to a serious illness in the family. 3 让这样的赛马型人物以乌龟的速度前行就好比让乌龟追上马奔跑的速度那么困难。然而另一些人在面对困境或者负担太重时 却崩溃了。一些人对于生活中大大小小的障碍能泰然处之,将它们看成是克服一切困难,通向成功的挑战。另一些人却被生 活中出现的小到交通堵塞,大到家人得了重病等种种无法预料的突变阻止了前进的步伐。 2. Over the next several weeks I realized that whenever I was concentrating hard on something (even opening a stubborn package or chopping an onion) or feeling tense or anxious, I clenched my teeth. After a while the strain on the supporting muscles would result a headache. 在接下去的几个星期,我意识到无论何时,只要我把注意力高度集中在某一件事上(甚至仅仅是在打开一个坚硬的包装,或 者切洋葱)或者感到紧张和忧虑,我就会咬紧牙关。过一会儿,让牙齿咬紧的肌肉产生的压力就会导致头痛。 3. ―There are millions of ?want to‘s‘ and ?have to‘s‘ in life,‖ he notes. ―Ultimately, these pressures create stress only when your time-and-energy spending decisions aren‘t consistent with your goals,beliefs, and values.‖ 他写道,―生活中有上百万个?想要‘和 ?不得不‘做的事。 最后,只有当你的时间与精力的安排与你的目标,信念以及价值取 向不能相一致时,压力才会随之产生。 4. Learn to say no when you‘re asked to do something that overloads your time or stress budget or diverts you from what you really consider most important. Be satisfied with a less than perfect job if the alternative is not getting a job done at all. Identify the activities you find satisfying in and of themselves, and focus on enjoying them, rather than on your performance or what rewards the activities might bring. 当你被要求去完成一些时间或体力无法应对,或把你的注意力从你认为是真正重要的事情中转移出来的任务时,你要学会说 不~比起你根本无法做完一份工作而言,你该满足于不能尽善尽美地完成这项工作。明确找到一些可以让你从中收获满足感 的事情,并专注于享受它们,而不要去在意你自己的表现或者计算着它们会带来些什么报酬。 5. These include deep breathing exercises, transcendental mediation, the relaxation response, yoga, progressive relaxation of muscle groups, imagery, biofeedback, and behavior modification. The last four may require professional help. On a tightly scheduled day, take a minute or two between appointments or activities for a relaxation break – stretching, breathing, walking around. 这些放松技巧包括做深呼吸、静思冥想、放松反应、瑜伽、肌肉群的 逐渐放松、意念幻想、生物反馈和行为修正。最后四种可能需要专业人士的协助。在日程安排密集的一天中,从约会和活动 之间抽出一两分钟来伸展筋骨,呼吸新鲜空气,到周围散散步,以此来放松休息。 1. There are a number of reasons why these commonplace errors are worth a closer study. In the first place, because they are so common and occur quite literally under our noses and secondly because an error can have disastrous consequences. For this reason there is a tendency to expect that the blunder itself must have been equally monumental, but a close examination of the reports of aircraft or train accidents shows that this is not necessarily the case. 至于为什么这些常见错误值得进一步研究,原因不少:首先是因为它们如此普通并且就在我们眼皮底下发生,其次是因为一 个错误可能会酿成大祸。因此,我们可能认为一定是错误本身大得惊人,但是在仔细研究过一系列飞机和火车事故的报道后, 我们发现事实并非如此。 2. Logically, we can fail to achieve a desired outcome in at least two ways: when the actions go as planned, but the plan is inadequate; or when the plan is satisfactory, but the actions do not go as planned. It is the latter category that concerns me here. 逻辑上来说,我们未能取得所希望结果的情况至少有二:行动完全符合计划,而计划本身不够严密;或者计划是 周详的,而行动却没有按照计划进行。我所关注的是后一种情况。 3 The lapses of memory that were reported ranged from common cases of absent-mindedness that most people will experience from time to time to others which some may consider unusual, or even bizarre. Forgetting to post a letter on a shopping expedition, or opening a drawer only to forget what was wanted, exemplifying, respectively, the forgetting of items in a plan and the forgetting of the whole plan or intention, are trivial but common occurrences, but less usual may be noted going to dress for dinner but ending up in bed, and using a box of matches to light an electric fire. 据报道,健忘的例子各有不同,从大多数人不时因心不在焉而出错的普通例子到一些被认为稀奇古怪的事情:购物途中忘了 寄信或是开了抽屉却忘了想拿什么。这两个例子分别 说明 关于失联党员情况说明岗位说明总经理岗位说明书会计岗位说明书行政主管岗位说明书 :人们会忘记计划中的某个项目,或者把整个计划或打算给忘记了。 还有更少见的:有人原本要盛装出席晚宴结果居然去睡觉了,还有人用火柴去点电炉。 4(To achieve an error-free performance, we need to strike a very delicate balance between attending too much and too little to the job in hand. What is remarkable is not that we make errors, but that we make them so comparatively rarely.. 要想把手中的工作做的完美无缺,我们就必须得在投入过多或过少的精力之间找准一个微妙的平衡点。我们真正需要关注的 4 不是我们会犯错误,而是要相对少犯错误。 Text A Lesson 5 1.Modern philosophers have long noted from their armchairs that what today are called UFOs were once called visions, that what are seen today as weird spacecraft were once seen as gods or saints or long-dead prophets . But Graeber, a self-educated, determined man, took the low road to this insight, slogging through late-night rainstorms to measure so-called flight paths, probing hundreds of wide-eyed witnesses for shreds of hard detail about their sightings. 现代学者一直以来都只是坐而论道,声称如今所谓的不明飞行物就是从前所说的幻觉,如今看到的奇怪的宇宙飞船就是从前 所说的神仙、圣人或者远古的先知。但是格蕾伯是一个自学成材,意志坚定的人。他脚踏实地,日以继夜,风雨无阻地测量 所谓的飞行轨迹,询问上百名目瞪口呆的目击者以获取些许有力细节。 2. He was drawn, almost against his will, into the world of UFOs, a flourishing American subculture consumed with the idea that we are being visited by creatures from another planet. It is a world heavily populated with kooks—a hundred hoaxsters and oddballs for every one serious man. 他涉足不明飞行物研究领域其实并非本意。这是一个蓬勃发展的美国亚文化,有关外星生物正不断造访地球的观点在这里大 行其道,其中更不乏一些插科打诨的乌合之众——有一个正经研究的人便有一百个只想搞恶作剧的怪人。 3. Graeber chalked the incident up as a hoax, but was amazed to learn that other UFO groups, ones he had considered more serious , were still taking the Carbondale case seriously. One investigator, the one with the fallen-angel leaflets, alleged that the U.S. military had actually retrieved something from the lake secretly (without attracting the attention of any of the thousand watching), and was ―covering up ‖ what really happened. Graeber认为这起事件纯属闹剧,而他却惊讶地得知一些他曾认为作风严谨的不明飞行物研究小组仍然把此事当真。那位散 发传单宣称不明飞行物是掉落凡间的天使的调查员则断言,美国军方实际已经从湖里取走了一些东西(在没有引起在场围观 的数千人注意的情况下),并且试图掩盖真相。 4. Graeber gradually learned how to strip imagination from fact in telephone reports, and developed clever techniques for checking and double checking the stories of UFO witnesses. Over the years he became a competent investigator and amateur psychologist. But he was still stumped by extremely sincere, well—meaning people who insisted they had seen something strange in the sky. Graeber逐渐学会如何从电话报告中的事实与臆想区分开来,并找到 巧妙的方法检测和复查不明飞行物目击者的叙述。经年累月,他已经成了一名称职的调查员和业余的心理学家。但当有人坚 持认为自己在空中看见奇异物体时,他们的真诚和善意还是让他十分为难。 5. Graeber knows that what he saw was real. It‘s just that his definition of reality, even the plain old earthly variety , has horizons as wide as the stars . Graeber认为他所看见的东西是真的。这和他对真实所下的 定义有关,因为自古以来人们对究竟什么才是真实的说法,真可谓是五花八门,浩如烟海。 1. Looking further, I visualize the globe as a small speck circling around a bright star which is the sun, in the company if many other specks, the planets. Looking still further, I see our star the sun as a member of millions of others in the Galaxy. Looking still further, I visualize the Galaxy as one of millions upon millions of others in the universe. 看得远一些,我 看到地球像是绕着一颗明亮的星球(即太阳)旋转的微粒,伴随着她的是无数其他的微粒(即行星)。再往远处延伸,我看 到我们的星球太阳是银河系中不计其数的星球中的一颗。再远一些,我看到银河系是宇宙中亿万星系中的一个。 2. I am not only located in space and in time and in personal relationships. I am also located in the world of nature, in a world of how things operate. I know that when I get into my car there are some things I must do to start it: some things I must do to back out of the parking lot: something I must do to drive home. 我不仅位于空间、时间和人际关系中。同时我也身处自然世界中,一个万事万物以各自方式运行的世界。我知道当我上车时, 我必须开始某些 步骤 新产品开发流程的步骤课题研究的五个步骤成本核算步骤微型课题研究步骤数控铣床操作步骤 来启动汽车;也同时需要某些动作将车退出停车位;并需要继续操作将车开回家。 3. I know that if I lean too far backward in my chair as I sit here at my desk. I will probably fall over. I live, in other words, in a world of reasonably stable relationships, a world of ―ifs‖ and ―thens‖ of ―if I do this, then that will happen.‖ 我知道如果我坐在办公桌前,椅子往后靠得太多,很有可能会摔倒。换言之,我生活在一个万物之间具有相对稳定关系的世 界中,这个世界中充满了?如果‘和?那么‘,?如果我这么做,那么会发生那样的事。‘ 4. What I have been talking about is knowledge. Knowledge, perhaps, is not a good word for this. Perhaps one word would rather say my IMAGE of the world. Knowledge has an implication of validity, of truth. What I am talking about is what I believe to be true; my subjective knowledge. It is this image that largely governs my behavior. 5 我所谈论的是知识。也许知识并不是一个恰当的词。也许可以用一个更恰当的词比如说我对世界的影像。知识暗示着正确性、 真实性。而我正在谈论的是我认为真实的东西,我的主观知识。正是这种影像很大程度上掌控着我的行为。 Lesson 6 1. Almost every college graduate can spin at least a few tales about a boisterous night of carousing that culminated in slugging shots of tequila at sunrise or tossing drained kegs into the president‘s pool. Even Thomas Jefferson had to contend with a group of drunken rowdies who caused a near riot at the school that he founded in 1819, the University of Virginia. Ever since then, periodic efforts to crack down on excessive alcohol consumption among young scholars have been largely futile.几乎每一个大学毕业生都能够说出几个关于狂欢喧闹之夜的故事。聚会的高潮是:大家一杯接一杯地狂 饮龙舌兰酒或者把空的小酒桶扔进校长的游泳池里。托马斯?杰弗逊当年也不得不跟一群滋事的酒鬼作斗争,这帮人在他于 1819年创立的弗吉尼亚大学造成了近乎暴动的骚乱。从那以后,对学生酗酒现象一直进行了周期性打压,但大多无功而返。 2. Not just freshmen, prodded by over-anxious parents, but upperclassmen as well are demanding alcohol-and drug-free living and study environments. Even at party-hearty Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, the students in an entire dormitory have pledged to stay sober during their four years of school. Repentant drinkers, meanwhile, are helping organize Alcoholics Anonymous groups on campus.不仅仅是那些被过度紧张的父母催促的新生,还有那些高年级学生同样 希望有一个无酗酒无嗑药的生活和学习环境。就算是在美国新罕布什尔州达德摩士学院这样一个热衷于开派对的学校,也有 整个寝室的学生都起誓要在四年的大学生活里远离酒精,保持清醒。同时,那些悔改的酗酒者也帮助在校园里组织戒酒协会。 3.Still small and somewhat timid, the campus temperance movement has taken its cue from anti-smoking campaigns. Restrictions on public smoking gained momentum after non-smokers learned about the dangers of secondhand smoke. Once those in the smokeless majority realized that their own health and quality of life were directly affected, they stood up and demanded their right to a tobacco-free airspace.尽管校园禁酒运动的规模很小,胆气不足,但已经从禁烟运动中得到 启示。自从非吸烟者了解到二手烟的危害以后,抵制在公共场合吸烟的运动也渐成气候。一旦大多数没有吸烟的人们知道他 们的健康和生活质量会直接受到影响时,他们就会站出来要求捍卫他们拥有无烟空间的权利。 4. But the findings suggest that among the many students who like to binge, there is a more relentless, desperate quality to the pursuit of intoxication. The drinkers also seem more blase than ever about the consequences.但是调查结果表明, 很多喜欢饮酒作乐的学生都有一个特点,即变本加厉、不顾一切、不醉不休,这些酒鬼对可能产生的后果毫不在意。 5. A particularly pernicious sign of the times is a phenomenon called frontloading, in which students drink alcohol, usually hard liquor, in private before attending a social event. 学生酗酒行为的最鲜明的现象是―垫底‖,即学生通常在参加社会活动前,会私下喝一些高浓度的酒。 6. To those who are fed up with binge drinking, the experts offer this advice: don‘t get even, get mad. ―They must speak up for their rights,‖ 对那些已经厌倦了酗酒现象的人,专家的建议是:不要忍气吞声,要奋起反抗。―他们必须敢于维护自己的权利,‖ 1. Enforced school absence in childhood is sometimes used by adults to justify their own career failure. It is difficult for a child to play truant regularly if his parents are keen for him to attend school. Much truancy is openly condoned; as for the rest, not knowing that your children play truant is equivalent to not ensuring that they are at school. It shows lack of interest in their whereabouts, apathy about their education, or inability to control them---i.e.,ineffective parents… 成年人有时会把现在的事业无成归咎于自己儿时的逃学行为。如果父母强烈要求孩子要去上学,那么对这个孩子来说,要想 逃学就很困难了。大多数父母都会公开原谅孩子的旷课行为,而对其他家长而言,对自己的孩子逃课毫不知情就等同于不确 定自己的孩子是否在校。这表明,其对子女的行踪和教育都漠不关心,或是在管教子女方面力不从心。—— 即,他们是不 合格的父母。 2. The characteristics which lead families to reject regular schooling are likely to have other detrimental effects on the children besides educational failure. For what could make parents decide that the most widely agreed route to secure employment, social acceptance and personal satisfaction is not for them? The first reason is a general difficulty in dealing with family responsibilities, particularly in the stressful environment of modern cities. 导致家庭拒绝接受正常学业的这些特征,除了教育上的失败以外,很可能对孩子产生其他不利的影响。是什么让这些父母认 定被大多数人广泛认同的通往就业保障、社会认可和自我满足的道路就不适合自己孩子的,第一个原因是,尤其在这个充满 压力的城市环境中,承担家庭责任并非易事。 3. Habitual non-attendance can accustom children very early in their lives to rejecting the values and legal requirements of 6 society. It is a training in deviance and anti-social behaviour which can lay the foundation for a generally deviant career. The common progression from truancy or parentally-condoned absence to juvenile crime has been reliably established. 习惯性的逃学让孩子在很小的年纪就习惯于摈弃社会的价值观和法律规约。这是在―训练‖他们离经叛道,与社会背离,为其 将来走上斜路种下了祸根。从旷课到父母纵容的逃学再到少年犯罪这一普遍的演变过程已经得到了有力的证实。 4. This is because the seriousness with which they regard non-attendance is an issue on which social workers and workers in education differ. Social workers tend to regard it as merely one symptom of social failure which, particularly if homelessness, physical neglect, marital problems and illness are present, does not justify more attention than the rest. 这是由于社会工作者和教育工作者在看待逃学问题的严重性上发生了分歧。社会工作者倾向于认为逃学仅仅是其在社会失败 者的特征之一。尤其当无家可归、缺衣少食、婚姻变故和家人生病等问题也一并存在时,逃学问题并没有理由要获得更多的 关注。 5. Non-attendance can so injure a child‘s life chances that it deserves to be tackled by a more single-minded attack than this. A concerted policy should focus on the following areas: first, the school‘s own capacity for holding the interest of pupils; second, its efficiency in registering unexplained, absences; third, school-oriented social work; fourth, boarding schools; and fifth, public attitude.逃学会极大地影响一个孩子的人生,所以必须采取一个更强有力的措施来解决这个问题。 我们需要一个多方合作的策略,包括以下几方面:第一,学校要有能力保持学生的学习兴趣;第二,校方要提高调查无故旷 课现象的效率;第三,由学校来主导社会工作;第四,让学生住校;第五,公众对待学生旷课的态度。 6. The man in the street, even when knocked sideways by a diminutive footballer during school hours, merely curses and walks on. Would absence rates be any different if the public occasionally ―had a go‖ at obvious non-attenders and encourages them to give their teacher another chance to make school worthwhile for them? 在该是学校上课时间里,一个行人在街上被一个玩橄榄球的小孩撞了一下腰,他只是骂了两句,接着就继续往前走了。如果 公众能尝试着帮一把这些明显是旷课逃学的学生,并鼓励他们再给老师一个机会,相信老师会让他们觉得读书是件有意义的 事情,那么旷课率是否就会有所下降呢, Lesson7 1、In a chapter on cancer, for instance, his description of how the cells operate contains this starling analogy: ―In the community of living tissues, the uncontrolled mob of misfits that is cancer behaves like a gang of perpetually wilding adolescents. They are the juvenile delinquents of cellular society. ‖ 例如,在介绍癌症的章节里,他在描述癌细胞如何运行时,做了一个让人耳目一新的类比:癌细胞是活细胞社区里一群格格 不入的失控暴徒,就像是一伙永远恣意妄为的青少年。他们是细胞社会里的少年犯。 2. The rescue effort was for naught. Venting a death rattle, the patient ― threw back his head once more and, staring upward at the ceiling with the glassy, unseeing gaze of open dead eyes, roared out to the distant heavens a dreadful rasping whoop that sounded like the hounds of hell were barking. ‖ the intern on duty assured Nuland he had done all that could be done. Conscious only of his failure, the doctor-to-be wept uncontrollably. 所有的努力抢救都无功而返。病 人发出临死的叫声,头再次向后倒去,用死人那种空洞、呆滞的眼光凝视着天花板,向着老天爷大声嚎叫,如同地狱之犬的 嘶吼那样吓人。值班的实习医生安慰努兰说,他已经尽力了。而实习医生努兰却认为是自己抢救失败而抽泣不已。 3. Nonetheless, in several chapters he excoriates the arrogance and hubris of medical specialists, who so frequently in America take charge of patients with a terminal disease. Forgetting that most people in extremis want a peaceful and painless end, these experts see cancer or heart disease or whatever primarily as riddles to be deciphered. 尽管如此,在书中几个章节里他严厉斥责了一些傲慢狂妄的医学专家,在美国,他们经常去为那些身患不治之症的病患看诊。 可这些医学专家们忽视了大多数垂死的病人渴望能平静地,没有痛苦地死去,而首先把癌症,心脏疾病和其他一些疑难杂症 看成是一个待解之谜,竭力想要破解它。 4. What of the Hippocratic oath — the doctor‘s imperative to save lives whenever possible? Nuland argues that patients have the right to determine the proper for them to go. He has no use for specialists in assisted suicides — ―accoucheurs to the grave, ‖ he scornfully calls them — but considers it permissible for doctors to abet the process of dying in cases of unendurable pain. 你们难道忘了新开业医生所立的誓言,即作为一名医生的准则是竭尽全力、救死扶伤,努兰 认为,病人有权决定自己什么时候离开人世。他对帮助病人自杀的医学专家不屑一顾——他讥讽地称之为帮人走向坟墓的助 手——但他认为医生可以帮助那些无法忍受病痛的人加快死亡的进程。 5. ―The greatest dignity to be found in death is the dignity of the life that preceded it,‖ he writes. ―Hope resides in the 7 meaning of what our lives have been.‖ And death is meaningful for another reason, he insists. Humankind belong to an ecosystem that is based on rebirth and renewal, with old lives passing away to make room for new ones. ―死亡时最大的尊严在于活着时的尊严‖他写道,―希望的意义在于我们活着时过得怎样。‖他坚持认为死亡还有另一个意义。 人类属于不断更新、生死轮回的生态系统,即年老的生命必须为新生命腾出空间。 1. It would be helpful if we could rear our children with the awareness of death and of their own finiteness. Even in a death-denying society, this can be and has been done.如果我们能培养孩子们意识到死亡之存在,生命之有限,这将很有 意义的。甚至在这个对死亡视而不见的社会里,这一点也能够并且已经做到了。 2. When such a sibling actually dies, they feel responsible for the death, just as they do when they lose a parent during the preschool years. If these children receive no help prior to, and especially immediately after, the death of a parent or a sibling, they are likely to grow up with abnormal fears of death and a lot of unresolved conflicts that often result in emotional illness later on in life.一旦这样的兄弟姐妹真的死了,他们觉得是他们造成了死亡,如同他们在学龄前就失去父母 时想的一样。如果这些孩子在父母或兄弟姐妹去世前,尤其是之后没有立即得到帮助,他们的成长很可能会伴随着对死亡超 乎寻常的恐惧以及一系列未解决的冲突,而这些常常会导致日后心理方面的疾病。 3. We hope that teachers are aware of the needs of these children and can make themselves available to them in order to elicit expression of their fears, their fantasies, their needs. If they‘re allowed to express their anger for being neglected and their shame for having ―committed a crime,‖ then these children can be helped before they develop permanent emotional conflict.我们希望老师能重视学生的需要,随时帮助他们以便表达自己的恐惧,幻想和需求。如果允许学生表达他们被忽视 的愤怒以及―犯罪‖后的羞耻感,那么他们就能在产生永久心理障碍前得到帮助。 4. May I commend you and your colleagues who took part in the Conference on ―death…‖ I‘m a production-line brewery worker here in Milwaukee who feels strongly on this subject. Because of your efforts, maybe one day we can all look death in eye… In reading and rereading the enclosed account of your meeting, I found myself with the urge to relate to you a personal experience of my own. 我对参加关于―死亡 ...‖研讨会的您和您的同事表示由衷的敬意。我是密尔沃基一个啤酒厂流水线上的一名工人,对这个主题 感触颇深。因为你们的努力,可能有天我们能直面死亡。通过反复阅读所附的会议报道,我迫切希望与您分享我个人的经历。 5. What I am trying to convey is that everything depends on the way we rear our children. If we help them to face fear and show them that through strength and sharing we can overcome even the fear of dying, then we will be better prepared to face any kind of crisis that might confront them, including the ultimate reality of death. 我想说的是,养育孩子的方式决定一切.如果我们引导他们面对恐惧,并让他们知道只要意志坚强,互相分忧,就算死神将至,我 们也不会惊恐不安。这样一来,当他们再面临任何危机,包括人固有一死这一现实时,我们都不用手忙脚乱了。 Lesson 8 Text A 1、There is clear evidence of an overall decrease in parental vigilance about every aspect of children's lives, from the trivial to the life-threatening. Indeed, so universal is children's earlier freedom in today's society that what was once seen as care and nurture is now often regarded as overprotectiveness. 有明显的证据表明,父母对孩子生活的各个方面,无论是日常琐事还是性命攸关的大事,所给予的监督力度全面下降。的确, 在当今社会,孩子过早获得自由的现象十分普遍,从前那种父母对孩子的照顾和培养现在则被认为是一种过分呵护。 2. It took a combination of unsupervised children and a permissive, highly charged sexual atmosphere and an influx of easily acquired drugs and the wherewithal to buy them to bring about precocious experimentation by younger and younger children. 没有父母的监管,社会环境对性问题的态度宽容、津津乐道,毒品大量涌入,有的是买毒品 的钱,这些因素的综合,造成青少年越来越小的孩子过早地去尝试这些东西 3. To believe that a nation of eight- or nine- or ten-year-olds could have lost their definition as children and achieved a new integration into adult life mainly as a result of watching General Hospital or Dallas or sexy commercials or even Midnight Blue is to see but the thin layer of powerful agent of change. 综合医院”、―达拉斯(朱门恩怨)‖或带有性暗示的商业广告,甚至―午夜深如果认为这群八、九、十岁的孩子仅仅因为看了― ”,便丧失了对儿童这一概念的正确理解,并开始融入成人世界,未免只是看到这一导致巨变媒介的表面部分。 蓝 4. Child experts agreed that even scary or sexual programs do not deeply affect children who grow up in normal, reasonably happy families. It is when other things go haywire in a child's life- when his parents divorce, for instance - that television's actual images may have a deeper and more negative influence. 8 儿童专家大多认同一个观点,即带有恐怖或色情内容的节目对于在和谐安详的家庭里成长的孩子的影响十分有限。只有在孩 子的生活出现混乱,如父母离异时,电视中出现的那些情节才会产生深层次的消极影响。 5. Instead of having to establish rules and limits, an arduous and often frustrating job, instead of having to work at socializing children in order to make them more agreeable to live with, parents could solve all these problems by resorting to the television set. 父母们可以不再为制订规矩而大伤脑筋,唉声叹气,也不用费心尽力调教自己的孩子,让他们容 易相处,这些问题可以统统交给电视去解决。 1、I ask what earthly good can come out of discussions about French or ancient history or what not when these subjects don‘t matter a jot compared to the larger question of life‘s natural fulfillment—of man‘s inner happiness. 我想问,讨论法国或者古代历史到底给我们带来了些什么益处和害处,而且这些话题与人生天然的成就感---获得人们内心的 幸福相比,根本就不值得一提。 2. Parents are slow in realizing how unimportant the learning side of school is. Children, like adults, learn what they want to learn. All prize-giving and marks and exams sidetrack proper personality development. Only pedants claim that learning from books is education.父母亲们还没意识到在学校里的学习是无关紧要的。孩子就像大人一样,也喜欢学习自己感兴趣的 东西。所有的奖励、分数和考试只会使孩子忽略了人格的正常发展。只有书呆子才说埋头读书就是受教育。 3. When I lecture to the students at teacher training college and universities, I am often shocked at the ungrownupness of these lads and lasses stuffed with useless knowledge, they know a lot; they shine in dialectics; the can quote the classics—but in their outlook on life many of then are infants. For they have been taught to know, but have not been allowed to feel. 在师范院校为学生授课时,我经常惊讶于这些少男少女们的不成熟,他们的头脑里充斥着无用的知识,他们学识渊博、熟知辩证 法、善于引经据典,但他们的人生观,世界观却还停留在孩提时代,因为他们的知识都是别人教的,却从没有亲身体验过. 4. Indifferent scholars who, under discipline, scrape through college or university and become unimaginative teachers, mediocre doctors, and incompetent lawyers would possibly be good mechanics or excellent bricklayers or first-rate policemen.漫不经心的学生们,在纪律的约束下,勉强地读完大学,成为了死板的教师、平庸的医生或不称职的律师,其实 他们可能成为技艺精湛的机械工、优秀的砖瓦匠、或是一流的警察。 5、It was a fascinating book, full of good things, yet I think it was only a new way of bolstering the theory that learning is of the utmost importance. Cook held that learning was so important that the pill should be sugared with play. This notion that unless a child is learning something the child is wasting his time is nothing less than a curse—a curse that blinds thousands of teachers and most school inspectors. 这是一本很引人入胜的书,内容相当不错,然而我认为它只 是支持读书是最重要的这一理念的一种新说法。库克认为读书太重要了,因此要用玩耍的方式来进行引导,就像要用糖衣来 裹着药丸一样。认为孩子不读书就是在浪费时间这一观点简直是一个诅咒,它误导了成千上万的老师和督学。 第9课Text A 1、One day something happened which in a roundabout way was enlightening .It was a tiny incident in itself, but it gave me a better glimpse than I had before of the real nature of imperialism---the real motives for which despotic governments act. 有一天发生的事以间接的方式发人深省。这本身是一件微不足道的小事,却让我比任何时候都更加清楚地看到帝国主义的本 质----即独裁政府运行的真正目的. 2. It had already destroyed somebody‘s bamboo hut, killed a cow and raided some fruit stalls and devoured the stock; also it had met the municipal rubbish van and, when the driver jumped out and took to his heels, had turned the van over and inflicted violence upon it. 它已经捣毁了一家人的竹蓬, 杀死了一头牛, 袭击了几个水果摊, 把摊上水果一 扫而空.它还碰上了市政垃圾车,司机跳出车外,落荒而逃,它就把车掀翻在地,大加摧残. 3. The people said that the elephant had come suddenly upon him round the corner of the hut, caught him with its trunk, put its foot on his back and ground him into the earth… .As soon as I saw the dead man I sent an orderly to a friend‘s house nearby to borrow an elephant rifle. 村民说,大象从棚子的角落突然窜了出来,用鼻子卷住他,使劲踩他的背, 直到他陷进泥地里去.一看到这个死人,我就派传令兵到附近的朋友家去借用来射杀大象的来复枪. 4、And it was at this moment, as I stood there with the rifle in my hands, that I first grasped the hollowness, the futility of the white man‘s dominion in the East. Here was I, the white man with his gun, standing in front of the unarmed native crowd ---seemingly the leading actor of the piece; but in reality I was only an absurd puppet pushed to and from by the will of those yellow faces behind. 9 就在那个时候,当我站在那里,手里握着来复枪,我第一次感受到了白人在东方的统治根本就是毫无意义的.我,这个握着枪的白 人,站在一群手无寸铁的当地人面前,似乎是这部戏的主角,但实际我只不过是个可笑的木偶,被身后这群黄种人的意愿左右着. 5、For it is the condition of his rule that he shall spend his life in trying to impress the ―natives,‖ and so in every crisis he has got to do what the ―natives‖ expect of him .He wears a mask, and his face grows to fit it. 正是因为他所处的统治地位,使他必须竭尽全力给―原住民‖留下个印象。每当危机来临,他就必须按照百姓的期望去做事。他 戴着面具,然后让脸长成面具的模样。 1、Whenever I saw my mother reading to him ---his head thrust forward like a dog waiting for a bone—I would walk out of the kitchen and sit on the back porch, my stomach churning with a swelling anger that could easily have turned to hatred. 每当我看到母亲念书给他听时,他都会伸长着头,像极了一条狗在等着吃肉骨头。此时我会走出厨房,坐到后门廊上去,怒 火在肚子里翻滚着,很容易就变成仇恨。 2. And when she said it was probably too late to teach him ---that it might hurt his pride---I stomped out of the house and ran furiously down the back alley, finally staggering behind a trash can to vomit everything I‘d eaten for supper. 她说现在教他读书写字也许已经为时太过晚了——这可能会伤他的自尊——我一跺脚冲出家门,怒气冲冲地穿过后巷,最后 摇摇晃晃走到垃圾箱后面,将吃的晚饭吐个精光。 3、It was a slow, painstaking process that usually required two or three minutes as he drew each separate letter with solemn tight-lipped determination, pausing now and then as if to make sure they were in the proper sequence,. Then he would carefully connect the letters with short hyphenlike lines, sometimes failing to close the gaps or overlapping letters. 这是个缓慢而又艰辛的过程,总要花上两、三分钟。只见他神情严肃、双唇紧闭、下定决心地画出每个字母,他会时不时地 停顿一下,以确保字母是否顺序正确。之后他会小心翼翼地用连字符般的短线将每个字母连接起来,但有时候字母分得太开, 有时候字母又重叠在一起。 4、He was trying to say something, his face blurred by my angry tears, but I couldn‘t hear him, for I was now backing and stumbling out of the store, my temples throbbing with the most awful humiliation I had ever felt. 他想说些什么,我却听进去。气愤的泪水使他的脸在我眼前变得模糊。我跌跌撞撞地离开小店,太阳穴猛烈地跳动着,我感 到了前所未有的耻辱 5. Somehow, the multi-syllabic words he had always known and accurately used seemed confusing and totally beyond his grasp when they appeared in print or in my mother‘s handwriting. So after a while, he quit trying. 不知何故,这些他熟悉并能准确运用的多音节字,只要是出现在印刷读物和母亲的书写中,他就不知所措了,无法掌握。一 段时间后,他便放弃了努力。 Lesson 10Text A 1(The early electronic computer did not have much going for it except a prodigious memory and some good math skills, but today the best models can be wired up to learn by experience, follow an argument, ask pertinent questions and write pleasing poetry and music. They can also carry on somewhat distracted conversations so convincingly that their human partners do not know they are talking to a machine. 早期的电子计算机除了拥有非凡的记忆能力和出色的计算技巧 外,并未有太大的能耐。但是将当今最好的计算机型接上电源,它们就能积累经验、参与辩论、提出相关的问题,并且还能 够写诗作曲。另外,它们可以进行一些随意的对话,其逼真程度竟让他们的人类搭档也不知道自己是在跟机器说话。 2. Computers match people in some roles, and when fast decisions are needed in a crisis, they often outclass them. The human brain has a wiring defect that prevents it from absorbing several streams of information simultaneously and acting on then quickly. 在某些功能上计算机可与人类匹敌,然而在危急关头需要迅速做出决定的时候,计算机却胜人一筹。 人脑的神经反应是有缺陷的,它无法同时接受几种不同渠道的传来的信息并迅速做出相应的反应。 3. The computer -- a new form of life dedicated to pure thought -- will be taken care of by its human partners, who will minister to its bodily needs with electricity and spare parts. Man will also provide for computer reproduction, as he does today. In return, the computer will minister to our social and economic needs. Child of man's brain rather than his loins, it will become his salvation in a world of crushing complexity. 计算机——一种致力于纯粹思维的生命新形式——将由它的人类伙伴加以细心照料,用电能和零件来帮助其满足身体上的需 要。人类也会像现在一样帮助计算机进行复制再生产。作为回报,计算机会服务于我们在社会和经济发展方面的需求。计算 机作为人类大脑而非生理上的结晶,将会成为人类在这个复杂纷繁世界上的救星。 4. Judging by the record of the past, we can expect that a new species will arise out of man, surpassing his achievements 10 as he has surpassed those of his predecessor, Homo erectus. Only a carbon-chemistry chauvinist would assume that the new species must be man's flesh-and-blood descendants, with brains housed in fragile shells of bone. 根据历史记录,我们可以预见,将来会出现一种新的物种:它起源于人类,但会超越人类的成就,就如同人类超越他的祖先 ——直立人的成就一样。只有那些碳-化学沙文主义者(坚持碳化物是生命基础的拥护者)才会认为,凡是新物种必定会是 人类的后代,拥有血肉之躯和包着易碎骨质外壳的大脑。 5. The intelligent life in these other, older solar systems must be as different from us as we are from creatures wriggling in the ooze. Those super intelligent beings surely will not be housed in the more or less human shapes portrayed in Star Wars and Close Encounters of the Third Kind. 生活在另一些更古老的太阳系中的智能生命与我们的差异,就像我们同那些在淤泥里蠕动的生物那样大相径庭。那些超智能 生命必定不会像在电影《星球大战》以及《第三类接触》中描述的那样,有着相似人类的外形。 1、It is almost a truism that no new communications medium turns out the way its inventors imagined. The developers of the Bell System conceived of the telephone as a business tool; they were both surprised and appalled when their customers diverted it to the ―trivial‖ purpose of social conversation. The radio was meant to be a wireless telegraph, a medium of two-way messaging; none of its creators anticipated broadcasting and mass programming. 任何新型通讯媒介的作用都与其发明者的初衷南辕北辙,这已是司空见惯了。贝尔系统的发明者把电话设想成为商务工具, 所以他们怎么也想不到用户们竟然把电话用于―家长里短‖的社交聊天。无线电当初的目的是用作无线电报,即用来接收双向 的电文,其发明者根本没有想到无线电会成为广播和大众节目的媒介。 2、The Web is awash in information, much of it created by small start-up companies, and the competition has made it difficult for traditional media companies to charge for access to their Web sites. Besides, many of the early Internet users were devout believers in the proposition that all information should be free, and that attitude still lingers. 网络上的信息汗牛充栋,大部分是由新创办的小公司提供的。竞争使传统的媒体公司很难向使用其网站的客户收费。另外, 许多早期的网络用户都坚定地认为所有的信息都该是免费的,这一观点今天依然大行其道。 3、The dealers pay for service and return get qualified leads that would cost them far more to acquire through conventional means. In the case of small consumer goods that customers don‘t feel they need to inspect before purchase, the software can actually complete the sale for home delivery. The amazon.com Web site has created a successful market niche by selling books. The model is essentially mail order retailing. 商家为服务买单,作为回报,他们获得优质的导购信 息,比使用传统的方法划算得多。碰到一些小商品,顾客觉得没有必要看样定货,软件就会完成实际的销售,送货上门。亚 马逊.com 网站就为售书找到了成功的市场定位,其模式基本上还是邮购零售。 4、The latest adaption of Web technology is for business-to-business marketing. This is done though ―extranets,‖ extensions of a company‘s private, internal network (or intranet) to corporate customers and suppliers. Extranets are a hot subject for companies like Netscape, the creator of the most widely used Web browser, and America Online, the country‘s largest commercial online service. 网络技术的最新应用是B2B营销,其途径是通过延伸公司的私有内部网而形成的―局域网‖与客户和供货商连接。像创建了 目前使用最广的浏览服务器的―网景‖公司和全国最大的在线商业服务公司―美国在线‖都热衷于开发局域网。 5、Advertising has always underwritten the largest share of most media companies‘ costs. The question is whether Web will ever reach a volume that support large investments in reporting news, building deep information databases and creating new entertainment. 大部分媒体公司的绝大部分收入都来自广告费,但问题是网络能不能发展到一定的程度来大规模地投资新闻报道、兴建深度 信息数据库和开发新型娱乐。 11
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