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英文文集投稿须知英文文集投稿须知 第五届国际炼铁科技大会 (ICSTI’09) 英文文集投稿须知 一 内容要求 全文应控制在4页(A4纸)以内(含图、表)。双栏排版,栏间距7mm。格式详见排版要求及样张。 请按照以下顺序组织您的论文结构: ?英文题名(实词的首字母大写~其余小写,;?作者姓名的汉语拼音(中国作者姓名的汉语拼音应姓在前名在后~中间空一格。姓氏的全部字母均大写~复姓应连写,名字的首字母大写~双名中间加连字符。姓与名均不能缩写);?作者单位、所在省市、邮政编码及国名的英文译名(单位至二级~如××研究院××室或...

英文文集投稿须知 第五届国际炼铁科技大会 (ICSTI’09) 英文文集投稿须知 一 内容要求 全文应控制在4页(A4纸)以内(含图、表)。双栏排版,栏间距7mm。格式详见排版要求及样张。 请按照以下顺序组织您的 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 结构: ?英文题名(实词的首字母大写~其余小写,;?作者姓名的汉语拼音(中国作者姓名的汉语拼音应姓在前名在后~中间空一格。姓氏的全部字母均大写~复姓应连写,名字的首字母大写~双名中间加连字符。姓与名均不能缩写);?作者单位、所在省市、邮政编码及国名的英文译名(单位至二级~如××研究院××室或××大学××系);?英文摘要(一般不超过250个实词);?英文关键词(3,5个~全部小写);?正文,?参考文献。 二 图表 插图和表格应按其在正文中出现的先后次序分别编号。表格应采用三线表。图表中的横纵坐标、栏目名称、单位符号、数据等应清楚、齐全。图表题用小五号黑体,图表内文字及符号用六号字。同一插图的分图用(a)(b)(c)„区别,分图注用六号字。单栏图表尺寸65,75 mm,双栏图表尺寸130,155 mm 。 三 符号 论文中所用量名称、单位和符号应符合国家 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 。物理量的符号一般为单个拉丁字母或希腊字母,并一律采用斜体。物理量符号上、下角标的字母、数码等应位置明显、正确。在角标中,以量符号和代表变动性数字的字母作角标时用斜体,其他角标(包括数字)用正体。 四 参考文献 凡是引用前人(包括作者自己过去)已经发表的文献中的观点、数据和材料等,都要在文章首次出现的地方予以标明,并在文末列出参考文献表。参考文献应按照其在正文中出现的先后次序统一排序。 正文后的参考文献表请按以下格式书写: ? 期刊 [序号] 主要责任者.文献题名[J].刊名,年,卷(期):起止页码. ? 专著、论文集、学位论文、报告 [序号] 主要责任者.文献题名[文献类型标识].版本.其他责任者.出 版地:出版者,出版年. ? 论文集中的析出文献 [序号] 析出文献的主要责任者.析出文献题名[A].原文献主要责任者.原文献 题名[C].出版地:出版者,出版年.析出文献的起止页码. ? 专利 [序号] 专利申请人.专利题名[P].专利国别:专利号,出版日期. ? 标准 [序号] 标准编号,标准名称[S]. 备注:上述格式中的[J]、[C]、[P]、[S]是“文献类型标识”~它们分别代表期刊、论文集、专利 和标准。除此之外~还有[M] —专著、[N]—报纸、[D]—学位论文、[R]—报告 第五届国际炼铁科技大会 (ICSTI’09) 五 排版要求 ? 设置版心和行距 步骤1:文件?页面设置?页边距(上2.8 cm,下3.0 cm,左2.0 cm,右2.0 cm)?版式?页眉和 页脚?距边界(页眉2.0 cm ,页脚 2.2 cm)?文档网格仅指定行网格,每页44行。 步骤2:crtl+A全选正文,格式?段落?行距(选择“单倍行距”以及“如果定义了文档网格,则对 齐网格”)。 ? 添加页眉 视图?页眉页脚?输入页眉文字。 ? 其他排版要求 ?“Abstract”和“Key words”加粗。 ?正文每个段落开头空4个英文字符。 ?英文图题、表题的题名以及参考文献中的论文题名一律采用句首字母大写。 ?“References”加粗,后加冒号,转行后直接排内容(左右对齐,不缩进),不空行。序号用方 括号,如[6]。 ? 排版格式 英文字体用新罗马(Times New Roman), 其它要求见下表。 名称 分栏 字号 加粗 段落间距 左右缩进 排列方式 段前 段后 左 右 文题 通栏 小二 是 0 1行 2字符 2字符 居中 一级标题 双栏 小四 是 0 0 0 0 左齐 二级标题 双栏 五号 是 0 0 0 0 左齐 三级标题 双栏 五号 是 0 0 0 0 左齐 作者 通栏 小四 否 0 0 2字符 2字符 居中 作者单位 通栏 小五 否 0 1行 2字符 2字符 居中 摘要 通栏 小五 否 0 0 2字符 2字符 两端对齐 关键词 通栏 小五 否 0 1行 2字符 2字符 两端对齐 图表题 小五 是 0 1行 0 0 居中 表格 小五 是 0 0 0 0 居中 正文 双栏 五号 否 0 0 0 0 两端对齐 参考文献 双栏 小五 否 0 0 0 0 两端对齐 第五届国际炼铁科技大会 (ICSTI’09) 第五届国际炼铁科技大会 (ICSTI’09) 英文文集样张 Transient Analysis for Magnetic Circuit of a Novel Synchronous Motor Basing on Controllable Flux 112 ZHU Chang-qing, WANG Xiu-he, LENG Xue-mei (1. School of Electrical Engineering. Shandong University, Jinan 250061, China; 2. Rushan Trade Technical Secondary School, Rushan 264500, China) Abstract: The paper refers to a novel permanent magnet motor with composite-rotor, to solve the difficulties of extend speed by “flux weakening”. The rotor is composed of two rotor segments: one is made of AlNiCo magnet and the other of NdFeB. Relying on high coercive force and high remnant magnetic flux density quality of NdFeB, permanent magnet motor could get enough air gap magnetic fields. On the other way, by making using of low coercive force characteristics of AlNiCo magnet, the permanent motor could be changed the orientation and strength of magnetization when applying a pulse of magnetizing (demagnetizing) current, thus magnetic flux in air gap could be varied over wide range. To achieve the aim, the paper analyzes magnetization process of permanent magnet and transient magnetic circuit in the motor, and then computes the distribution of air gap magnetic field in different magnetization by using finite element method. The numeral results show the validity of the scheme. Key words: hysteretic magnetization model; flux weakening; composite-rotor; finite element method The cross-sectional view of a four-pole memory 1 Introduction Permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) motor is shown in Fig.1. The rotor is built as a are now widely used in various industrial fields because sandwich of permanent magnet, soft iron and triangular of their high reliability and simple structure. It also has nonmagnetic material, all of them being mechanically other advantages such as high efficiency and power fixed to a nonmagnetic shaft. After applying a pulse of [1,2]factor. But if PMSM operates at high speed, the in opposite direction, the magnets are partially id output power is always decreasing sharply with speed demagnetized. One of the distinguish advantage is that increasing. This shortcoming influences the spread and the air-gap flux can be continuously varied within a application of the PMSM. fraction of period of stator current of the memory motor Obviously, if a conventional PMSM operates in with dissipating negligible losses, the other is that the [3]wide speed,vector control strategy is always adopted. load current i cannot demagnetize the magnet because q By controlling d-axis demagnetizing motive force i cannot go through magnet. q[4,5]excited by i, air-gap PM-flux can be weakened. To d maintain the balance of terminal voltage and adjust speed in the flux-weakening operation, d-axis inductance is always expected to be large enough. But d-axis large reluctance and small inductance of PMSMs limit the capability of flux-weakening and the range of speed. In the flux-weakening operation, total stator current is limited, so i reduces when i increases, and qd Fig. 1 Cross-sectional view of a variable-flux electromagnetic torque decreases much. At the same memory motor time, the i creates large stator copper loss. d 第五届国际炼铁科技大会 (ICSTI’09) The magnetization direction should be large enough in In order to improve mechanical strength and easy order to gain sufficient air-gap flux, and that is difficult for machining, the two rotor segments are both in tangential rotor magnetic circuit. Moreover, the designed as interior type. mechanical performance of the memory motor will not 2.2 Magnetization analysis of AlNiCo magnet be satisfied, while the structure of AlNiCo is high 2.2.1 Fundamental equations for magnetic field in comparatively. In addition, the PMSM needs usually motor high enough air- gap flux in the area of constant torque In this paper, the fundamental equations for with low speed while low much air-gap flux in the area magnetic field are represented in two-dimensional [9] of constant power with high speed. So it is unnecessary rectangular coordinates as ,,to weaken the air-gap flux to zero or negative value. ,,A,,A,, (1) ,,,,,,,J,J,J,,0em,,,x,x,y,yAccording to above views, the paper proposes a novel ,,,, permanent magnet motor with composite-rotor that the ,A (2) J,,,eair-gap flux could be controlled. ,t 2.2.2 Hysteretic magnetization model This paper uses the functional model for the B-H 2 Magnetization Process Analysis of Novel [10]hysteretic loop given by Potter and Schmulian to Synchronous Motor With Composite-rotor take magnetic hysteresis into account. 2.1 Principle of novel synchronous motor with composite-rotor The principle of the novel PMSM is basing on the 3 Conclusions The FEM software has been used to analyze and different magnetization performance of permanent [8]magnets. Due to distinct difference of magnetization calculate the leakage flux coefficient with different character between AlNiCo and NdFeB, their responds shapes and different sizes of the stator pole boot of the (a) to the demagnetizing current are also different. The demagnetization curve of the two materials is shown in Fig.2 (a), (b), respectively. In Fig.2 (a), the remnant magnetic flux density of AlNiCo is much high, but the coercive force is very low. While in the Fig.2 (b), the remnant magnetic flux density and coercive force of NdFeB are both very high. More fortunately, the demagnetization curve is line that is identical to recoil curve. These characters make the magnetization (b) performance of NdFeB steady. In other words, if the demagnetizing magnetic field strength supplying to NdFeB is not larger than coercive force, the NdFeB material will not be demagnetized. So NdFeB could provide high enough air-gap flux in the low speed area, while AlNiCo could be used to adjust the air-gap flux through supplying i pulse to AlNiCo. Thus in the paper d the two permanent magnet materials form two rotor segments whose axial structure is shown in Fig.3, (a) De-magnetization curve of AlNiCo magnet; where 1-shaft, 2-bearing, 3-end shield, 4-stator (b) De-magnetization curve of NdFeB magnet winding, 5-frame, 6-stator iron core, 7-rotor iron core, 8-AlNiCo, 9-rotor iron core, 10-NdFeB. Fig. 2 De-magnetization curves of permanent magnets 第五届国际炼铁科技大会 (ICSTI’09) Table 1 Magnetic performances of high grade References: [1] TANG Ren-yuan. Modern Permanent Magnet Machines― sintered Nd-Fe-B rare earth magnet Theory and Design. Beijing: Machine Press, 1997. No Grade Temp Density B H BH rcjm 3[2] CHEN Shi-kun. Machine Design (Second Edition). ? kGs kOe MGOe g/cm Beijing: Machine Press, 1997. 1 N44SH 20 13.24 21.58 42.63 7.60 [3] LI Ya-xu. Analysis to Topology of the Transverse Flux 2 N44SH 120 11.63 12.01 31.26 7.60 Motor. Ship and Electric Technology, 2003(1): 8-12. 3 N40UH 20 12.56 25.66 38.58 7.65 [4] RANG Yu-qi, GU Cheng-lin, LI Huai-shu. Analytical 4 N40UH 150 10.88 8.46 27.42 7.65 Design and Modeling of a Transverse Flux Permanent Magnet Machine. International Conference on Power TFM. And the FEM analysis has been done to prove System Technology, 2002. Proceedings. Power Con 2002. theoptimal shape In a word, the following conclusions 2164-2167. are made in the paper. [5] A J Mitcham. Transverse Flux Motors for Electric Propul- (1) The leakage flux coefficient with concentric sion of Ships. IEE Colloquium on New Topologies for Per- arc hemline of the pole boot is minimal, while that with manent Magnet Machines (Digest No: 1997/090), 310-312 straight hemline of the pole boot is maximal. Because [6] Y H Jeong, D H Kang, J M Kim, et al. A Design of the shapes of the up trapezoid hemline and the Transverse Flux Motor with Permanent Shield, Proceedings. concentric arc hemline of the pole boot are alike, two ISIE 2001. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial leakage flux coefficients are lower than that with down Electronic, .995-999. trapezoid hemline of the pole boot. Moreover, the [7] I Potter, J Schmulian. Self-consistently Computed straight hemline of the pole boot is the easiest to make. Magnetization Patterns in Thin Magnetic Recording So taking the leakage flux coefficient and the technics Media. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 1971,7(4): into account, the optimum design can be decided. 873-880. (2) For definite winding volume, when the ratio [8] Yoshihiro Kawase, Trdashi Yamaguchi. (b/a) of the length from 1.25 to 1.4, the maximal Analysis of Magnetizing Process Using Discharge Current magnetic flux density of the TFM is achieved. of Capacitor by 3-D Finite-Element Method, IEEE The paper describes the four shapes of the stator Transactions on Magnetics, March 2002, 38(2): 1145-1148.pole boot and a stator slot structure, while other shapes and other structures will be discussed in future. 第五届国际炼铁科技大会 (ICSTI’09)
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