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通海县古城小学2013-2014少先队工作计划通海县古城小学2013-2014少先队工作计划 一、指导思想: 认真贯彻“以人为本,以德为先”的宗旨,培养少年儿童创新精神和实践能力,全面推进素质教育。认真贯彻 “勤奋学习、快乐生活、全面发展”的要求,以学校德育计划为核心,以培养创新精神和实践能力为重点,以体验教育为基本途径,围绕“抓落实、促规范、创特色”改进作风,创新观念,以习惯养成教育为主线,以少先队活动为载体,全面开展丰富多彩的少先队活动,继续把我校的少先队工作推上一个新的台阶。 二、基本工作思路: 求真——抓好班队和少先队活动课的主渠道育人途径,强...

通海县古城小学2013-2014少先队 工作计划 幼儿园家访工作计划关于小学学校工作计划班级工作计划中职财务部门工作计划下载关于学校后勤工作计划 一、指导思想: 认真贯彻“以人为本,以德为先”的宗旨,培养少年儿童创新精神和实践能力,全面推进素质教育。认真贯彻 “勤奋学习、快乐生活、全面发展”的要求,以学校德育计划为核心,以培养创新精神和实践能力为重点,以体验教育为基本途径,围绕“抓落实、促 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 、创特色”改进作风,创新观念,以习惯养成教育为主线,以少先队活动为载体,全面开展丰富多彩的少先队活动,继续把我校的少先队工作推上一个新的台阶。 二、基本工作思路: 求真——抓好班队和少先队活动课的主渠道育人途径,强化学科的德育功能,注重德育的连续性、系统性。 求实——抓好日常行为习惯的养成教育,从小事入手,从一点一滴做起,培养良好的行为习惯,注重个性化。人格化的教育。 求新——在以往的基础上开展丰富多彩的教育活动,让少先队员在活动中亲自参加实践,从活动中受到潜移默化的教育,学会与他人交往、合作能力。 三、工作重点: (一)深化思想教育,加强行为规范的养成教育。 以《中小学生守则》、《小学生日常行为规范》、《学校量化管理细则》作为日常行为规范准则,发挥少先队的育人职能,加强少先队员reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshell-borne pathogen-free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide 日常行为规范的养成教育,狠抓少先队文明礼仪规范,强化行为习惯的培养,加强礼仪教育与训练。以中队为核心,以争创“卫生健康示范班级”、“行为规范示范班级”、“优胜班级”为载体,通过“养成教育训练月”活动,学习《规范》,加大检查、评比的力度,引导队员在日常学习生活中养成良好的文明礼仪行为习惯,人人争做讲文明、有礼貌、守纪律的好学生。通过国旗下演讲、班队会、校园广播站、黑板报、手抄报、评比等形式,继续开展好本学期的“养成教育、礼仪教育”活动。 (二)加强少先队组织建设。 1、加强少先队阵地建设。建立好以大队辅导员-中队辅导员-大队委员-中小队干部-班级小社团为主的少先队组织网络,明确分工和职责。间周召开辅导员例会,及时改进和反馈工作。切实办好周一升旗仪式的“国旗下讲话”、“红领巾广播站”、小记者团、“红领巾”宣传橱窗、黑板报、手抄报工作,发挥它们的育人职能。 2、加强班队建设。各中队班队工作要落实四个有,即:学期初有计划,周周有安排,月月有重点,期末有总结。本学期继续深入开展特色中队和“班班有特色”的建设工作。 3、进一步规范班级德育工作和少先队工作管理,丰富少先队内容,拓宽少先队渠道,活跃少先队员的组织生活,本学期各中队积极组织上好少先队活动课,增强班队集体的凝聚力、战斗力,促进文明班风的形成。 4、进一步加强少先队基层组织建设,进行大队部的换届选举工reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshell-borne pathogen-free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide 作,健全大队部机构,实行“大队委”竞选 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ;设立中队委每周例会制度,加强对队干部的教育和培训。继续招募校园“小啄木鸟“志愿者,维护校园卫生、对校园不文明行为进行监督、制止。 5、进一步规范和完善升旗制度,开展“人人争当光荣升旗手”活动,各班要认真做好旗手和主持人的选拔、训练工作,从而锻炼和提高学生的综合素质。通过开展“光荣旗手,我来当”活动及“光荣旗手”事迹介绍展评活动,树立榜样,激励更多的学生。国旗下讲话,实行班级轮流制,尽量挖掘新人演讲,充分利用这个小舞台让更多的学生得到学习、得到锻炼。 6、进一步规范和完善班级导护制度。对上学期各班导护情况进行总结,找出不足和存在的问题,在原有基础上进行整改,制定切实可行,科学合理的导护制度。 7、制定学校艺术教育课程规划。加强艺术教师培训,深入开展富有特色的艺术教育,3——6年级每周三下午第三节课继续开展“班班有特色,人人有特长”活动,提高全体学生的艺术修养,形成活泼向上的教育氛围。舞蹈队、合唱队、器乐团、美术小组继续加强日常训练。继续进行课间“露一手”擂台赛,给学生展示自我的大舞台。完善艺术教育档案。 (三)、开展丰富多彩的少先队活动。 1、在队员中广泛开展多种形式的体验教育活动,通过活动全面提高队员的素质。利用校内的各种资源,积极开展有益于学生健康成长的科技、文艺和体育等校园文化活动。 reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshell-borne pathogen-free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide 2、以重大节日为契机,丰富少先队活动。 (1)、在全校营造“尊师重教”的氛围,弘扬尊师重教的良好风尚,举办“感谢您老师”活动:1——3年级组织开展“画笔绘真情”绘画作品展示活动,让学生画出最喜爱的教师,并写上对教师的感谢和祝福。4——6年级开展“真情瞬间”摄影活动。 (2)、国庆之际开展“沙小梦之声”歌颂祖国等爱国主义教育系列活动。 (3)、结合建队日,做好队员队知识宣传教育工作,开展少先队活动课示范课,通过少先队活动课引导队员进一步学习队章,队史知识,掌握少先队的基本礼仪。 (4)、继续组织开展第二届“争当生活小达人”生活技能大赛,从而提高学生的生活及劳动技能。 3、拓宽科普教育的途径,以“走进世园会、争当文明东道主”为主题,举办科技节为契机,继续开展家庭实验室、航海模型、建筑模型、科技创新等活动,增强学生的科普、环保意识,争取在各级比赛中获得优异成绩。 (四)、加强安全、卫生、法制教育,提高安全意识。 1、安全教育工作是我校的主要任务之一,少先队大队部将配合学校各有关部门,牢固树立“安全第一、预防为主”的思想,做好集体活动的安全防范措施,增强学生的安全自我防范意识。 2、加强秋冬季传染病宣传预防工作。特别对师生突发事件做好妥善处理,如有需要及时送医院治疗。 reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshell-borne pathogen-free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide 3、认真贯彻落实教育部等四部委《关于加强青少年学生法制教育工作的若干 意见 文理分科指导河道管理范围浙江建筑工程概算定额教材专家评审意见党员教师互相批评意见 》,加大宣传《未成年人犯罪法》和《学生人身伤害事故处理办法》;通过板报、主题班队会,展示专栏、讲座等途径,积极开展健康行为和卫生知识的教育,重视法制、国防、禁毒、反邪教教育,增强学生的法律意识。 四、具体活动安排: 9月份:尊师长,懂礼仪 1、健全中队组织,制订少先队活动计划。 2、开展“行为规范养成教育训练月”活动,召开主题班会。 3、庆祝第29个教师节活动:1——3年级组织开展“画笔绘真情”绘画作品展示活动;4——6年级开展“真情瞬间”摄影活动 4、大队委竞选活动。 5、国庆系列活动:“沙小梦之声”歌颂祖国主题活动 6、节庆日纪念活动:9月18日九一八事变、9月20日全国爱牙日 10月份:爱祖国、扬美德 1、开展国庆爱国主义教育系列活动。 2、做好建队日宣传教育活动,开展少先队活动课示范课活动。 3、结合重阳节,开展“孝长辈,敬他人”实践活动, 4、节庆日纪念活动:10月10日辛亥革命纪念日、10月31日世界勤俭日 11月份:爱科技,勤实践 reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshell-borne pathogen-free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide 1、“学科学、爱科学、用科学”第四届科技节教育活动。 2、开展“低碳生活,从我做起”活动,家庭实验室成果展示。 3、开展“走进世园会,当好东道主“等实践活动。 4、组织消防逃生演练活动。 5、节庆日纪念活动:11月9日中国消防宣传日、世界电视日 12月份:迎新年,重安全 1、开展安全周教育活动。 2、庆祝元旦活动,展示艺术教育成果。 3、开展第二届“争当生活小达人“学生生活及劳动技能竞赛活动。 4、节庆日纪念活动:12月3日世界残疾人日、12月4日中国法制宣传日、12月13日南京大屠杀纪念日、12月20日澳门回归纪念日 2014年1月份:我努力、我成长 1、开展学生评优活动。 2、大队部、各中队本学期 工作总结 关于社区教育工作总结关于年中工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于意识形态工作总结 。 3、寒假生活安排。 4、做好学期资料积累、整理归档工作。 reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshell-borne pathogen-free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide
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