首页 信访维稳应急预案



信访维稳应急预案信访维稳应急预案 环境集团热线中心信访维稳应急预案(试行) 为进一步做好信访维稳工作,化解矛盾纠纷,解决突出问题,维护群众合法权益,促进社会和谐稳定。结合信访热线中心实际情况,制定本应急预案。 一、 指导思想 把维护社会稳定和信访工作作为当前工作的重中之重,本着以人为本,构建和谐社会的理念,坚持分级负责、责权一致、统一协调、快速反应的原则,采取得力措施,及时控制,避免事态的扩大,做到依法合理、兼顾灵活,积极化解矛盾,维护和谐稳定。 二、工作原则 处置维稳、信访事件总的要求是:早发现、早报告、早控制、早解决...

信访维稳 应急预案 办公室装修施工应急预案 下载公司关于消防应急预案火灾的应急预案防汛防洪应急预案施工生产安全应急预案 环境集团热线中心信访维稳应急预案(试行) 为进一步做好信访维稳工作,化解矛盾纠纷,解决突出问题,维护群众合法权益,促进社会和谐稳定。结合信访热线中心实际情况,制定本应急预案。 一、 指导思想 把维护社会稳定和信访工作作为当前工作的重中之重,本着以人为本,构建和谐社会的理念,坚持分级负责、责权一致、统一协调、快速反应的原则,采取得力措施,及时控制,避免事态的扩大,做到依法合理、兼顾灵活,积极化解矛盾,维护和谐稳定。 二、工作原则 处置维稳、信访事件总的要求是:早发现、早报告、早控制、早解决,做到事前预防与事后应急相结合。遵循以下基本原则: 1、坚持统一领导,分级负责原则。按“谁主管、谁负责”的原则,落实岗位责任制。 2、坚持预防为主,防患未然原则。坚持预防为主的方针,正确处理各种关系,在充分考虑群众利益的基础上,制定和出台各项政策措施;加强并规范信访工作,从源头上防止涉及群众切身利益的群体性突发事件发生;建立健全社会稳定预警机制,做到“四早”,将事件控制在萌芽阶段,及时消除诱发大规模信访事件的各种因素。 the intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development concept-driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the "system stable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of features and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, weak system construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the system, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smooth 3、坚持依法处置,阻止激化原则。严格按照《信访条例》的有关规定,对突发事件的预警、控制进行管理和处置,最大限度地控制事态的发展。 4、坚持快速反应,科学应对原则。建立预警和处置突发事件的快速反应机制,一旦出现突发事件,确保发现、报告、指挥、处置等环节的紧密衔接,及时应对。 ?杭州市市区范围的信访(电话)投诉件(包括12345市长热线及市公司转交催办单),责任部门相关人员应在2小时内内到达现场了解情况,4小时内处置完成。 市域范围的应在3小时内到达现场了解情况,5小时内处置完成。 ?对可能存在引发群体性案件信访(电话)投诉件,必须由分管部门领导(或热线中心主管)带队在2小时内到达指定地点了解情况;同时报告集团公司分管领导应急处置情况的进展。 ?己引发群体性案件信访(电话)投诉件,必须由主要领导(应急工作小组组长)带队在1小时内到达指定地点了解情况。同时报告集团公司主要领导应急处置情况的进展。 5、坚持内紧外松、内外有别的原则。对内要及时做好正面教育疏导工作,尽最大努力化解矛盾;对外要严格控制宣传报道范围,统一宣传口径,以免事态的进一步扩大。 6、对突发性群体上访事件,坚持宜散不宜聚、宜解不宜结、宜快不宜慢、宜缓不宜激的原则,要讲究策略,注意方式,要妥善处理。 stem, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smoothstem construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the syeak syeatures and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, wonal rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of ffunctitable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, cusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the "system sdriven, fo-ricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development conceptk electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electon and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weathe intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovati2 7、坚持加强教育,正确引导原则。预防和处置群体性事件,要求将法制宣传、教育疏导工作贯穿事件处置的整个过程。教育员工遵守法律法规,依法维护自身合法权益,通过合法、正当渠道和方式反映问题。 8、坚持连续性和阶段性相结合原则。事前要信息反应灵敏,事中要依法、及时、稳妥,事后要追踪掌控。做到三个确保:确保不发生越级集体非正常上访,确保不发生重大群体事件,确保不发生有损城投系统形象,有损杭州形象的事件。 三、组织机构与职责 成立信访热线中心应急工作小组,组成人员如下: 组 长:张海华 副组长:潘伟铭 郑学娟 裘丽 胡利华 成 员:陈燕锋 潘振华 寿黎明 杨晓天 潘海丰 钱伟娟 丽达 沈明华 黄耆馨 鲁 俊 徐月恩 柯海鹏 莫云峰 主要职责: 1、统一领导、指挥、协调信访稳定突发事件的应急处置工作,针对突发事件的性质、规模、事态、地域等,采取相应的处置措施; 2、开展调研工作,对改进、加强预防和处置群体性突发事件工作提出意见和建议,不断完善应急制度; 3、发生突发事件时,收集、整理信息,提供预案,保证正常运转;负责应急现场通信联络、对外联系、突发事件的统一协调; 4、加强对单位内重点人员的监管工作; e with system of development support smoothselection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the system, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarante g, asve practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, weak system construction project will from actual startinsystem. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of features and requirements, in technology advanced, and sa ationific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabilitation centre for applied weak applicand related technical management regulations, adhere to the "system stable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scient driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres-eption of scientific development and security development conceptst building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the concor (Eaase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system construction and the 1th flogration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phthe intelligent inte3 5、对因工作不力而引发事件的责任人,予以追究责任; 6、处理市维稳办、市信访局、市建设局交办的信访维稳事项。 四、善后工作 信访事件现场事态平息后,对已经承诺解决的问题,必须尽快解决到位,不得搞虚假承诺或者拖延。对法律法规和政策有明确规定而没有落实到位的,要督促有关科室(单位)加以落实;对群众因不了解有关规定而存在误解的,要说明真相,做好深入细致的思想工作和法制教育工作;对有关规定不够完善的,及时修改完善。坚决避免违背承诺、失信于民、引起新的群体性事件的发生。 五、工作要求 1、加强对领导干部的教育,提高对做好信访工作重要性的认识。凡是涉及信访的工作,必须在第一时间作出反应,贯彻执行局信访工作领导小组的各项指令和工作安排。 2、坚持信访、维稳工作领导责任制。主要领导是第一责任人,对信访、维稳工作负总责,分管领导具体抓,一级抓一级,层层抓落实,建立“谁作为、谁接待,谁负责、谁处理,”的信访、维稳工作机制。认真研究群众来信来访反映的新情况、新问题及合理化建议,过问疑难信访案件的处理情况;不断完善领导干部接待群众来访,阅批群众来信,亲自处理重大信访、维稳问题的制度。 3、做好排查走访工作。定期开展不稳定因素的排查、调处、化解,加强信息情况收集,及时发现和掌握可能引发群体性事件的苗头性、倾向性问题。研究处置对策,制定有针对性的处置预案,做到预防在 stem, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smoothstem construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the syeak syeatures and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, wonal rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of ffunctitable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, cusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the "system sdriven, fo-ricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development conceptk electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electon and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weathe intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovati4 先,特别是要做好特殊人员、群体的跟踪调查,及时掌握情况,高度警觉,早发现、早渗透、早报告、早化解,把问题消灭在萌芽中。 4、要严格落实责任制,全力及时化解,将不稳定因素解决在基层、解决在萌芽状态。高度重视群众反映强烈的热点、难点问题,认真听取群众的意见,并依法按政策研究解决群众反映的问题。 5、对存在不稳定因素的方面或苗头要落实责任人,提出及时化解、消除隐患的工作要求,并加以督促,实行责任追究制。对因工作不负责任、失职、处置不当而引发大规模群众集体上访造成严重后果的,必须追究有关责任人的责任。按照处有关考核办法对环境集团内各科室(单位)进行考核并纳入年终考核。 6、始终坚持正确的舆论导向。对群众中出现的一些不利于信访的话和事,要及时进行正确引导,引导群众把主要精力放在生产、生活和发展上来。 7、做实、做细群众的思想工作。关心群众生活,重视群众的利益问题,特别是要关心弱势群体的生活,在力所能及的范围内,帮助他们解决实际问题。要及时做好宣传、引导工作,化解矛盾,扎实有效地做好信访工作。 六、本预案自印发之日起施行。 e with system of development support smoothselection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the system, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarante g, asve practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, weak system construction project will from actual startinsystem. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of features and requirements, in technology advanced, and sa ationific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabilitation centre for applied weak applicand related technical management regulations, adhere to the "system stable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scient driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres-eption of scientific development and security development conceptst building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the concor (Eaase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system construction and the 1th flogration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phthe intelligent inte5 信访维稳应急预案 为切实做好宁波市“重大活动”期间信访维稳工作~确保市“重大活动”顺利进行~特制定本应急预案。 一、组织体系 “重大活动”是指以市人大、政协“两会”为主的重要的政治活动。“重大活动”期间的信访维稳工作~由市信访局、市维稳办会同有关区信访局、区维稳办组成信访维稳处置小组~负责处理“重大活动”期间的群众信访维稳工作。由市信访局长任组长~市维稳办副主任、市信访局副局长为副组长。 二、工作程序 “重大活动”期间的信访维稳工作必须遵循一切为了“重大活动”的顺利进行为原则~在市委、市政府领导下~在市公安局和有关部门的密切配合下~依照《信访条例》和有关法律法规开展工作~坚持依法及时疏导、教育相结合~采取切实有效措施~及时处置可能影响“重大活动”的各类群众信访事件。 (一)在“重大活动”场所~应设立信访维稳值勤岗位~ stem, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smoothstem construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the syeak syeatures and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, wonal rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of ffunctitable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, cusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the "system sdriven, fo-ricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development conceptk electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electon and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weathe intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovati6 由市信访局、市维稳办和区信访局、区维稳办派出人员值班。原则上不接待群众来访。如发生群众来访~应迅速引导来访人到市信访局或到相关职能部门反映。 ,二,对群众反映的一般信访问题~应依照有关法律法规~给予认真的解释或解答,对情绪不稳的来访人员~应采用疏导、劝阻的方法平息事态~防止矛盾激化。 (三)在劝导群众来访的过程中~遇到纠缠、吵闹等影响活动开展的来访人员时~信访工作人员应迅速报告情况~会同有关部门及时处置。经引导、劝阻和教育无效时~应采取相应措施~强制带离活动场所。 三、工作要求 (一)“重大活动”期间~值班同志应严守工作岗位~各县( 市 )区信访局、市维稳办和市级有关部门应加强值班工作。 (二)“重大活动”期间的信访信息实行零报告制度~各地和市有关部门的信访信息情况要求于当天下午5时前报市信访局接访处,对有可能发生集体上访或其他重要紧急情况彼时,应随时上报。 市信访维稳处置小组 2007年7月6日 selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the system, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarante g, asve practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, weak system construction project will from actual startinsystem. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of features and requirements, in technology advanced, and sa ationific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabilitation centre for applied weak applicand related technical management regulations, adhere to the "system stable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scient driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres-eption of scientific development and security development conceptst building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the concor (Eaase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system construction and the 1th flogration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phthe intelligent intee with system of development support smooth7 2010年“两会”期间信访维稳应急预案 为保证园林所在发生重大信访事件时能够及时、高效、有序地开展工作,提高信访工作的应急反应能力和处理突发事件的水平,妥善处理突出问题和群体性事件,制定本预案。 本应急预案的工作原则是:在区委、区政府,区信访局和区环保局的统一领导和指挥下,重点稳控,紧急处置,协调一致,服从全局。 一、组织保障 实行领导负责制和分级负责制。由赵健任信访应急领导小组组长,余琳、金剑川任副组长。领导组下设办公室,负责受理日常工作。徐志英兼任办公室主任。 二、职责分工 领导组组长主持召开领导组成员紧急会议,通报信访情况,听取情况汇报,研究决定是否启动信访紧急预案,安排部署、指导协调和检查督促园林所信访应急工作;及时上 stem, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smoothstem construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the syeak syeatures and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, wonal rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of ffunctitable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, cusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the "system sdriven, fo-ricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development conceptk electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electon and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weathe intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovati8 报信访信息,视情请求有关部门支持与配合;及时赴上访现场,做好政策解释和劝阻工作;处理日常的来信来访工作;对集体上访人员进行思想教育、政策解释和劝返工作。 三、制度保障 认真研究群众来信来访反映的新情况、新问题及合理化建议,过问疑难信访案件的处理情况;坚持信访领导责任制,谁主管谁负责;坚持信息通报、预测排查制度,发现群众集体上访苗头,要及时就地化解。 四、应急措施 发现重大信访苗头或事件发生后,启动本预案,并开展以下工作:立即召开信访领导小组会议,通报上访情况和接访情况, 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 研究可能出现的重大问题及对策;立即将上访情况和接访情况向区信访局、区环保局报告,请求有关部门给予帮助和支持;对已发生的群众集体上访,一定认真对待,做到有访必接,防止矛盾激化,稳定上访人员情绪。 五、通信保障 在接到信访通报后,应急小组成员移动电话要保证24小时畅通;值班电话要坚持24小时值班,随时掌握各方面信息并上传下达。 e with system of development support smoothselection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the system, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarante g, asve practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, weak system construction project will from actual startinsystem. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of features and requirements, in technology advanced, and sa ationific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabilitation centre for applied weak applicand related technical management regulations, adhere to the "system stable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scient driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres-eption of scientific development and security development conceptst building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the concor (Eaase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system construction and the 1th flogration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phthe intelligent inte9 stem, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smoothstem construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the syeak syeatures and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, wonal rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of ffunctitable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, cusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the "system sdriven, fo-ricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development conceptk electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electon and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weathe intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovati10
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